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Lei Tian TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Lei Tian Works 15 ,And Urban drama 5 ,Comedy 3 ,Contemporary 2 ,Romance 2 ,Feature 2 ,Workplace film 1 ,Costume Drama 1 ,Contemporary film 1 ,轻喜1 ,Youth drama 1 ,Adventure film 1 ,Love 1 ,近代革命1 ,Family drama 1 ,Fantasy 1 。

Works Index

Lei Tian Filmography(15)


安家 (TV)[2020]


房似锦年纪轻轻已经是安家天下中介公司的金字招牌,她在上司翟云霄的授意之下,空降静宜门店担任双店长。门店原生店长徐文昌是个“高贵的人”,他推崇“人性流”管理方式,也不屑对付手段卑鄙的对手。到任后房似锦施展雷霆手段坚壁清野,对外辣手反击,对内冷血整肃。虽然在房似锦的铁血管理下众人苦不堪言,但是业绩的提升的确振奋了门店士气。房似锦的管理方式和处事之道与徐文昌截然相反,而业务员们也在两位“神仙”的较劲中左右为难。身为房产中介的他们不仅要帮助客户买房卖房租房,还时常被裹挟着卷入他们的人生,见证他们生活中的歌舞升平与一地鸡毛 。

大江大河2 (TV)[2020]


宋运辉到东海报到,成为东海化工领导班子最年轻的副职。他将妻女接到东海工作生活,程开颜的懒惰和猜疑让两人有了裂痕,最终以离婚收场。凭借过硬的业务能力,宋运辉不断发挥主心骨的作用,在前期筹备和组建合资厂的过程中不断带领东海项目渡过难关,却因风头太盛招致不满。小雷家改革步伐越迈越大,却因对安全问题的忽视导致铜厂爆炸,雷东宝因行贿遭遇牢狱之灾,出狱后建雷霆公司,给电线找到了销路,韦春红一直是雷东宝背后的支撑。杨巡来到东海发展,把市场做得风生水起,在与外资代表梁思申的合作中,一面仰视着梁思申,一面做着假账,被梁父发现,出手整治,加之寡母离世,杨巡遭受多重打击,小会计任遐迩陪在他身旁。出任中外合资厂外方经理的梁思申在工作中和宋运辉多有接触和交锋,彼此也被对方的能力折服,两人都未明言,但内心已经越走越近 。海报


白发 (TV)[2019]


西启长公主 Rong Le 从昏迷中醒来,记忆全失,种种迹象令她对自己的身份产生怀疑。为结盟北临, Rong Le 奉命嫁给北临王子 Wu You ,却被 Wu You 拒婚。 Rong Le 化名茶楼掌柜 Man Yao ,秘密寻找秦家遗落的治世奇书,和 Wu You 不打不相识。不知其真实身份的 Wu You 对 Man Yao 心生爱慕。当找到奇书之时,王兄 Rong Qi 却要 Rong Le 嫁给北临大将军 Fu Chou 。 Rong Le 与 Fu Chou 达成假结婚协议, Wu You 此时发现 Man Yao 就是 Rong Le 。痛苦中决心掌握自己命运的 Man Yao ,却发现 Fu Chou 原来是 Wu You 的亲兄弟,而她自己则是秦家遗于世的女儿秦漫。 Rong Le 他们意识到,身处乱世,他们连自己和亲人的幸福也护佑不了。最终 Rong Le 、 Wu You 和 Fu Chou 跳出小我,放下恩怨,在 Rong Qi 的舍身相助下,粉碎奸佞的阴谋,安定了朝局,他们也各自走向新的人生 。null


long time no see (TV)[2018]

Feature: "Long time no see" about the summer of 2003 Beijing, SARS period. Current graduate Hua DuoDuo and his son He He want to prove their ability to clash, coincidentally, blossoming into He Jia. Impressed on the children of the returnees blossoming, with the long-term find the surface of He He fun, but in fact want to open the entrepreneurial dream in the field of gaming. Due to family conflicts, He He accidentally fell from the building, losing normal walking ability. Such a blow He He once depressed, but in the most difficult days, blossoming never mind, take care of the left and right, and encourage He He to complete the original dream career game, and ultimately business success. Former two people, can not help each other on the road to becoming entrepreneurs. He He's mother, Ye LinNa, fell ill with He He's gaming company getting on the right track. This time He He took the initiative to take responsibility for the management of the family real estate business. He He, Hua DuoDuo, these 80 young people who entered the real estate industry ten years afterward are the ten years of ups and downs in real estate in China. With the tide of economic growth in China, they have created the proud young people in this field Grade & nbsp ;.

大江大河 (TV)[2018]


《大江大河》讲述了 Song YunHui ( Kai Wang 饰)天资聪颖,却出身不好,一直倍受歧视,但是他把握住了1978年恢复高考的机会,抓住机遇,勤学苦干,当上了国企的技术人员,一步步晋升,奠定了成功人生的基础,但也在新时代的变革中逐渐迷失。与 Song YunHui 不同的是他的姐夫 Lei DongBao ( Yang Shuo 饰)。他出身贫寒、属于苗正根红的“大老粗”,行动力十足。在乡村改革的浪潮中带领村民紧跟政策,一直走在时代的前沿。但由于自身文化水平不高,眼界不够开阔,最终绊倒在新事物脚下。如果说 Song YunHui 和 Lei DongBao 的经历是国营经济和集体经济的缩影。那么个体户 Yang Xun 无疑就是个体经济的典型代表,在翻滚向前的时代中,他手忙脚乱抓住过商机,也踩踏过陷阱,生意场上几经波折,最终拥有了自己的产业,成为了那个时代个体经济的典型代表 。

Xixia dead book (TV)[2018]

Feature: Tang Feng, a top student in the Department of Archeology at Jinling University, encountered an unidentified person in the Extreme Sports Challenge organized by his mentor Liang Yunjie. He thought he was just a contest for fame and fortune. He did not expect a series of events left behind by the Western Xia Dynasty Related to the Treasury In order to save people and to find missing archaeologists - Luo Zhongping, Tang Feng and extreme sports master Han Jiang, Liang Yunjie's granddaughter Diaoyu Miss Liang Yuan, and his rival archaeological schoolmate Song JinYu et al. On the treacherous treasures hunt. During the trip, Tang Feng et al. Experienced various difficulties. At the same time, Tang Feng found his colleague and colleague also seemed to have their own unknown purpose. When they finally battle to victory, they find themselves exploited. Finally, Tang Feng saw the mystery, we finally understand the real secrets of the treasure jade screen. Tang Feng and his teammates made the final move to defend the relics in Xixia, stop the loss of national treasure, make final matches with the black hand behind the scenes, and finally win the victory.

Red rose (TV)[2017]

Feature: In the "Seventy-Five" counter-revolutionary coup of 1927, in order to rescue Ren ZhiYuan from Communists, Xia Henglian died at his death and left her sister, Xia YuZhu, with her girl Frost Jujube. Weak rain bamboo stills to make a living alone, cream crest is in Hengji lover Xiao ChengBi's referral joined the KMT spy organization. A few years later, Yu bamboo accidentally rescued Ren ZhiYuan. After the death of Zhiyuan, Yu Zhu was summoned to become a member of the Chinese Communists under the ground conditions while Frost Juice was reused and promoted within the spy organization. The outbreak of war, rain bamboo and cream Jujube see each other again, but for their respective tasks diametrically opposed. Yu bamboo found Xiao ChengBi's brother Xiao JunHao and their own commitment to a common mission, the two loved each other in battle. After the Kuomintang defeated Taiwan in 1949, Yu Choo decided to go to Taiwan to carry out his duties and was discovered by Frost Chrysanthemum, an officer of the Secrets Bureau. In order to believe, Yu bamboo calmly died in front of creme, creme was shocked. Rain Bamboo in the eve of victory with life compose a song of magnificent faith.

Wished (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Ma FenDou, an insurance salesman, was filled with ambitions and frustration, and his life plummeted to the bottom after his girlfriend's breakup. However, the emergence of a mysterious person has subverted his life trajectory. As one of the most accomplished land maids in history, she has made 19 wishes promised by Ma FenDou one by one. Ma FenDou has gradually taken her life to the peak and triggered one Series Comedy bizarre reversal story.

MadAboutYou (TV)[2016]

Feature: Stills Xie XiaoJun, director of the television station and Wu Yue, a white-collar public relations firm, got married only five months after they met, trying to find the ultimate answer to marriage. The freshness of being in love with Picasso was replaced by the seeds of oil of pomegranate. Xie XiaoJun and Wu Yue found that marriage was not what they imagined: they encountered new problems every day and encountered new tests. In their daily routine, they groped for marriage and solved They are one after another "first time." The life of Xie XiaoJun and Wu Yue is not just a "war" between two people, but they also must be unanimous in their dealings with foreign countries and get the plight of relatives and friends who visit at any time. They include the "chatter" group of ex-boss Wu Yue, present-day girlfriend Su Lai and her husband Ma Ding, Wu Yue's cousin Sha Sha, Xie Xiaojun's Ouyang Chen Di, and sometimes the families Nuclear explosion parents, dogs and even trouble can continue. Eventually, the couple married in this new apartment through a variety of marriages, the tender love into marriage mature marital responsibilities. Friends around Ouyang and Sha Sha also feel the charm of marriage, walked to each other.

Fifteen years waiting for migratory birds (TV)[2016]

Feature: The wedding is just around the corner, and bride Li Li suddenly disappears. The bridesmaid took Li Li's fifteen days and found Pei ShangXuan, a former friend of her, "Devoting her Faith to Assassination." He opened the diary one by one, each one of the first page reads "This year, I do not like Pei ShangXuan anymore." This sentence, let Pei ShangXuan suddenly realized, originally a full fifteen years, Li Li are deeply in love with him, has never changed. Pei ShangXuan speculation Li Li will be falling from the bride, must have her last resort. Looking for Li Li on the way, Pei ShangXuan memories with her past, high school friends, into the pre-university marshals, short-term after graduation sweet, once the scene blowing like a wave of blowing. The combination of two sub-division, the more obsessive heart homesickness. After some twists and turns, Pei ShangXuan finally understand that Li Li suddenly married another person, simply because of serious illness, do not want to drag yourself. As a result, Pei ShangXuan rushed to meet the two birds have seen the wetlands, but a pity to step one step, and Li Li pass by. Li Li left a sketch of migratory birds flies, only Pei ShangXuan believe - migratory birds will eventually return. He waited for Li Li to come back and put into practice the promise of "Pei your life, never give up."

Miss match and Mr. Yummy (TV)[2016]

Feature: Ruan Tang is a superb food with great skills. Not only can crack any secret of food; but also within a radius of ten miles with the nose on the food Dingshouzhao, the most powerful should be installed to sell Meng Meng nirvana. She had been living in a well-to-do house that operated a small restaurant. Because she was involved in a food competition, her taste buds beyond the ordinary people were searched by Internet users and became the target of many food groups. But Ruan Tang just wanted to be quiet Eat goods. Chen MoYu is a face of double business arrears, but in fact the belly black god chef, dormant for many years the Avengers. With the bite it can be copied over the magical cooking, there are comparable Oscars actor God acting nirvana. Ruan Tang Encounter Delicious, Imported, Delicious Mr. Chen MoYu, the collision of eastern and western food culture sparked two people, the ultimate PK of mouth skills and cooking skills to make love, but gay grudges and Ruan Tang Bizarre world let them sweet love unusual bitter, thousands of turns, the final taste of the sweet bitter into the palate, the grudge turned into chicken soup, gummy and Mexican squid also looking for food on the road to encounter a sweet romance Food Affair & nbsp ;.

ThreeDads (TV)[2015]

Feature: The play tells 70, 80, 90 after three dad's growth change. Tao YuTong and Yu Zheng are husband and wife. Tao YuTong, a lawyer, loves and hates Yu Zheng, an honest man. Because of Yu Zheng's unwillingness, the two people's feelings have been slumped and their cause has been in crisis. Yu Zheng When Tao YuTong moved out of the house, she decided to rent her own bedroom, relieve financial pressure and stimulate his wife, Tao YuTong. Xia Feng and Zhang stills came in as tenants, but I did not expect there was an abandoned child. Three men tried all kinds of do not fly the idea, and after eating a lot of losses, decided to work together for the child's milk powder, began to struggle. The advent of children brought about an improvement in the relationship between Yu Zheng and Tao YuTong, and the farther between Xia Feng and his lawyer's girlfriend Zou Nan. Zhang YiNan began to rely on his children to abandon the bad habits of the past. Unexpectedly at this time, the child's life triggered a series of lawsuits, Zou Nan and Tao YuTong stood opposite the court. After a wave of ups and downs, the child actually had a serious illness, in the face of huge medical bills, three dad did not give up. Tao YuTong and Yu Zheng finally came together when the child shouted his father healthily. Xia Feng also found his own love destination.

Female is not powerful (TV)[2015]

Feature: In his middle age, Zheng YuQing, director of the Metropolitan News Agency, concentrated on caring for his daughter over half the day before his retirement. He did not expect the unexpected situation of the newspaper, and she was appointed editor in chief. After Zheng YuQing came to office, she found that there were serious problems in the newspaper industry and there was also great resistance to change. Zheng YuQing, with her own abilities and her passion for blood, has finally turned the newspaper business into a turning point with the softness and tenacity of women. However, a new wave of mobile Internet wave has come in turmoil, so that the impact of traditional paper media, the newspaper is facing a new crisis. In her relationship with her daughter and her 90s, Zheng YuQing gradually realized that she should change her and try to learn something new. Zheng YuQing began his transformation, and eventually out of a new world together with the team & nbsp ;.

Do not let people who love you wait too long (TV)[2015]

Feature: Tanabata in 2013, Beijing, Wang XiJie, who had been forced by his mother to escape from her home, moved into a rented house, and Tang XiaoXiao, a roommate who later returned, was also depressed because of the same situation as him. The two met, remembering a dispute two years ago. Resolve the previous misunderstanding at the same time, they drink while talking to each other, old love revival. Subsequently, the very different personality and habits of life so that they are sympathetic and quickly became rivals, just in the escalating conflict between the two, Tang XiaoXiao found himself pregnant. A completely different attitude towards pregnancy led to a subtle relationship between the two after ups and downs. At the same time, two families who learned about the matter were also involved. As a result, Emotional things, experienced ups and downs of the two gradually wiped out the spark of love, eventually, pregnant belly Tang XiaoXiao Wang XiJie conspiracy in the grand ceremony of marriage has become the Internet users in the eyes of millions of "happiest woman" & nbsp ;.

The new friend year (TV)[2014]

Feature: "New Girlfriend Era" tells the story of Zhou XiaoBei, Wang Yuan, Han WenJing three are college classmates and girlfriends, after graduation with a city work and life. Born in the traditional family Zhou XiaoBei, after years of marriage and fell in love with her boyfriend Fan Bin and found married life is not so satisfactory, the new girlfriends era stills after a series of changes, the two divorced. Eventually she got along with Li Li, who cried for years. Wang Yuan, born of poverty, relies on self-reliance and hard work to eventually become an urban white-collar worker, changing the dilemma of the entire family. After experiencing the ups and downs of emotion, she finally accepted the love of the fat man she paid in silence. Han WenJing, a family-run home, runs a studio. After experiencing the combination of emotional life and separation, she met the doctor Cheng XiaoFeng and tried his best to catch up with countless sharpening and finally get married. Through a series of twists and turns, the three young women encouraged each other and comforted each other. The trio gradually became mature because of their life temperament and their social roles and life direction were also clearer after they lost themselves.

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