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Allen TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Allen Works 11 ,And Costume Drama 7 ,Suspense 4 ,Romance 4 ,legend 2 ,Adventure 1 ,Action 1 ,Xian xia 1 ,Fantasy film 1 ,Palace 1 ,Feature 1 ,Crime 1 ,Settle a lawsuit 1 ,Historical play 1 ,Modern 1 ,Fantasy 1 ,Martial Arts 1 ,Myth play 1 。

Works Index

Allen Filmography(11)


秋蝉 (TV)[2020]


电视剧《秋蝉》剧情介绍:讲述了 Ye Chong 是一名有共产主义信仰的爱国青年,他来到香港协助 Zuo TengDaZang 组建香港的宪兵及情报机构。但 Ye Chong 早已选择为国报效,在新京时就以秋蝉为代号,为我党提供日军重要情报。 Ye Chong 来到香港与 Gong BenCangYe 和 Zuo TengDaZang 、 Qing QuanShangYe 等老牌日本间谍斗智斗勇,他陷入重围一路披荆斩棘,一次次地化解了身边的危机。但 Ye Chong 最终还是身份暴漏,被送回日本受审,在 He Ying 的帮助下逃离了虎穴,回到香港继续为共产党进行地下工作,在好友的帮助下,击败了 Gong BenCangYe 和 Qing QuanShangYe ,为抗战胜利作着不懈努力。受降仪式上, Zuo TengDaZang 向千万香港人民低下了头。抗站胜利了, Ye Chong 、 He Ying 等人圆满的完成了自己的任务,携手奔赴新的战场 。


锦衣之下 (TV)[2019]


电视剧《锦衣之下》剧情介绍:讲述了天赋异禀的六扇门女捕快 Yuan JinXia ( Tan Songyun 饰)因为一桩案件和性情狠辣的锦衣卫 Lu Yi ( Jia Lun Ren 饰)结下梁子,今夏本以为此生与他再无交集,奈何冤家路窄。朝廷十万两修河款不翼而飞,今夏奉命协助 Lu Yi 一起下扬州查案,替朝廷找回丢失的官银。本是道不同不相为谋,却因惊天密案联手。两人从势同水火到刮目相看再到情难自已,命运的齿轮从此旋转在一起。然而事与愿违,今夏竟是当年夏言案的遗孤,背负家族血仇的她与 Lu Yi 之间横生了无法跨越的鸿沟。最后,两个有情人历经苦难,为救百姓、抗倭寇、锄奸佞,放下家族仇怨,联手对敌,冲破世俗枷锁,勇敢地走到了一起 。

怒海潜沙&秦岭神树 (TV)[2019]


Wu Xie 从机关重重的战国墓“七星鲁王宫”九死一生逃出生天后,又重新出发与 Zhang QiLing 、 Wang PangZi 一起探寻深埋海底、掩藏无数秘密的明代沉船葬海底墓,寻找“三叔” Wu SanXing 。从西礁海底遗迹归来、在家赋闲没有几日的“铁三角” Wu Xie 、 Zhang QiLing 、 Wang PangZi 因一个惊人的消息:诡异的六角铃铛,古老的厍族,巨大的青铜树,遥远的秦岭腹地……再次踏上了探秘之路 。


During the day the legend of white snake (TV)[2018]

Feature: "The Legend of the White Snake of Heavenly Tail" tells the story of the pharmacist Gu Xuanzhu Xu Xuan and his sister Leng Ning who rescued their lives and met at Peach Blossom Festival and Bai YaoYao. But Bai YaoYao saved Xu Xuan in order to steal immortality, violated the stripe, recovered Xu Xuan memories of the past, alone to save back. Shimeng Leng Ning jealous of Bai YaoYao, drew Dragon was born, as a calamity. For self-salvation, being suppressed by Qi Xiao under Leifeng Pagoda, Xu Xuan is distraught, does not love red dust, and retreats to Buddhism. After 20 years, Bai YaoYao is returning to the sky, and Xu Xuan has solved his causal relationship with Qi Xiao.

Datang Glory (TV)[2017]

Feature: Shen ZhenZhu was born, was chosen as Princess Guang Ping Wang Li Chu, gave birth to the eldest son of Tang Dezong Li, Li was chased after the Rui Regent. She just introduced a southern woman, good heart, surviving Sajik and goodwill, in Anshun chaos only willing to stay in Changan and common people advance and retreat, as Changan people respect. Though dispersed among the generals, Mo Yan Chuhu, pursued it, he still held his love for Li Chu. After the Tang Dynasty recuperates to Changan, the diaspora can not enter the palace, but Li Chu is determined to pick up the pearl back. The pearl takes the prince Li Chu as its priority and returns to the folk. After Li Chu looks for many places, the pearl is always reluctant to enter the palace. Wish to fulfill Li Chu. She won Li Chu's life unforgettable by her knowledge of Darjeeling's knowledge and the excellent quality of having both ability and political integrity. And she is not a luxury to coordinate the harem with a word to know the sufferings of the common people. Shen ZhenZhu, a generation of talented women, made certain historic contributions to the development of the mid-Tang Dynasty.

Datang Glory 2 (TV)[2017]

Feature: Emperor Su-tsung during the royal family internal and external problems. The prince Li Tan was framed by the Queen to die, and the eldest son Li Chu grieved. Chaotang above, Zhang Huang and Shi Siming slander Li Chu, led to Li Chu military power was seized. In order to cheer Li Chu, Du GuJingYao proposed to marry into the palace to assist Li Chu. In the face of Du GuJingYao kindness and love of his wife Pearl, Li Chu into a dilemma. For the future of Li Chu and Datang dynasty, Pearl Chu Li volunteered to marry Du GuJingYao voluntarily, after which Li Chu was established as a prince. The wiles of Zhang Queen and Shi Siming became ruthless as Li Chu stepped forward to the throne. Shi Shiming torn the mask of conspiracy. Chaotang, Zhang Empress Prince another set of tricks has also been loyal leader Li Ying see through, Prince Edward's place was Paul. The emptiness of Queen Zhang desperately struggled trying to kidnap pearl Li Xu Li Chu, exposing the Emperor in front of the emperor Zhang Zhang's trick, the Queen's final food. With the help of all loyal admirals and Du GuJingYao, Li Chu successfully defended himself. Datang Jiangshan finally solid, experienced ups and downs ups and downs of the Li Chu, boarded the throne, the continuation of Datang glory.

Tong Ren Di RenJie (TV)[2017]

Feature: "Di RenJie" tells the story of Yan LiBen (Jingrong Li) encountering Di RenJie (Jia Lun Ren) for wrongdoing in the Tang Emperor Gaozong years. After helping his self-help, he found him a broken-line Wizards. Coincides with the emperor sent him to the Yewu Temple investigation, then decided to take Di RenJie together. In the temple of sensation, Di RenJie detected a strange case, defused a Buddhism robbery and became attached to Wu MeiNiang (Jiao Junyan). Di RenJie blockbuster, was sent to the emperor and the state during this period, he repeatedly broke the odd cases, known as the Divine sentence. At the time, there was a former ghost troop killings. Di RenJie went to see and was found to be related to the excesses of the former treasures and Pu WangLiTai's intentional rebellion but was destroyed and could not be continued. At this time, Wu MeiNiang killed her relatives and women and wronged Wang HuangHou. The Emperor called Di RenJie back to Chang'an for investigation. According to the clues provided by Wu MeiNiang, Di RenJie cracked the case and found the former treasures in the residence of Li Tai, which proved to be evidence of the rebellion of Pu Wang. And Di RenJie also know that in the process of solving the case in the process of bottleneck when confused every one actually was Wu MeiNiang, Wu MeiNiang feel unpredictable, ambitious even more than their own imagination. Sure enough, shortly afterwards, Tang Gaozong was attacked by wind disease and allowed Wu MeiNiang to go to the DPRK together.

Dragon Ball Legend of Infernal Affairs (TV)[2017]

Feature: Li YiHuan (Zi Yang), the last child of Yong Ming, formerly known as Ming Li Li, grew up in Ming Zhu Valley, a group of former Ming dynasties, who joined Zhu CiXuan (nicknamed Li Jianqing) (Zijun Mao), Shu Chang (actress )), Ye MoSheng (Han Cheng Yu ornaments), Fan QianYing (Sun Wei ornaments) and other siblings along with the masters martial arts learning. When he grew up, Yi Huan and his entourage left Ming Zhu Valley, trying to get closer to Kang Xi (Qin Junjie) at the behest of Master, in an attempt to find an opportunity to report hatred of the family. Yi Huan and juvenile Kang Xi From happy lovers to mutual feelings and then to the last had to turn their heads against enemies, sincere feelings and family hatred became the biggest contradiction between them, the rest of the boys and girls are also responsible for the teachers Duty at the same time also experienced their own love and hate. And Kang Xi eventually led Yi Huan with the idea of ​​"ruling the country by virtue," and she gave up her hatred and tried to persuade her friends to stop fighting for selfish hatred and endangering people. Huan eventually decided to marry Kang Xi. Kang Xi promised to be a generation of Mingjun and eventually lead the people of the world and created a healthy and prosperous history of Kang & Qian.

Qingyun Zhi (TV)[2016]

Feature: Grass Temple Village Shao NianZhangXiaoFan, after experiencing the massacre of the tragedy in the village, was Albatron door to the door. In return for teacher grace, Zhang Xiaofan diligently study, but because of their blunt, nothing achieved. Into confusion and loneliness in his life, fortunately Gui Wang's daughter Bi Yao and friend Lin JingYu comfort accompanied, through the most ignorant phase of life. Zhang Xiaofan and Lin JingYu, Lu XueQi, Ceng ShuShu and other good and passionate teenagers to help good, demon evil. Zhang Xiaofan again and again in the ups and downs of suffering gradually grow, and the feelings with Bi Yao, but also in the affair with the growing depth. However, Gui Wang set up a chain plot to revive the Beast God and overturn it. Zhang Xiaofan brazenly meet the enemy, on the moment hanging life, Bi Yao demeanor as he stormed the deadly sword, seriously injured Coma, Xiaowan sleeping Sleeping world. Gui Wang gave up and made a comeback. In the end, Zhang Xiaofan defeated Gui Wang with great courage and conviction. He eliminated the festivals and years of struggle between the pros and cons and completed the agreement with a group of Bi Yao and Lin Jing Yu colleagues. Under the joint efforts of the young people, the mountains and rivers are finally replaced by beautiful picturesque stretches of fertile land.

Beauty is stuffing (TV)[2016]

Feature: "Beauty is stuffing" is produced by Beijing AiQiYi Science and Technology Co., Ltd., and is a crime suspense network drama under the supervision of Li Yuchao and Liang Xinquan. Yang Rong (actress), Yu Bai, Geng Li, Merxat, Tropical Storm Cindy, Starring Ji Qi and other stars, Chen Hao special starring, Zheng Guolin friendship starred. Based on the novel of the same name, the play is based on the adaptation of Ding Mo's novel of the same name, recounting the relationship between police officer Jin Jin and former boyfriend Han Chen, who met again in the past few years. The two men, shaken by horrifying conspiracies, uncovered various pending cases and finally reached a high IQ Crime suspense love story. The play is divided into three seasons. The first season on October 24, 2016 IK IK to premiere. The second and third quarters were on Ikea on November 14, 2016 and December 12, 2016, respectively. In the first quarter of a task mistakenly hit, so that the policewoman Bai Jinxi and the mysterious man Han Chen do not know each other. Later, when investigating a rape case, the two met again, and Han Chen turned out to be a senior criminal police officer. The two men together to solve the case, Han Chen on the application of traditional means of criminal investigation so that Bai Jinxi its admiration. In the process, the two lifted their misunderstandings and gradually gained a good impression of each other. Han Chen lost some memories because of an accident five years ago. He always remembered having a very important fiancee for himself. In search of the woman, he searched everywhere and at the same time refused to open the channel of emotion to others. When Han Chen and Bai Jinxi met and had a good impression on her, this obsession allowed Han Chen to constantly evade feelings with Bai Jinxi. Later, Bai Jinxi was transferred to the provincial team, joined the "Black Shield Group" work with Han Chen. In a bizarre CS case investigation, the two men finally sacrificed their lives to protect each other. This move finally broke the barrier, and Han Chen promised to give an account of Bai Jinxi after ascertaining the truth before the amnesiac. In the second quarter, he pursued Han Chen with perseverance and found that Bai Jinxi was actually the fiancée, Hsun Meng, whom he had always been looking for. The accidental memory loss involved a case committed by a serial killer five years ago. The members of this serial killer organization are all letters of the alphabet codenamed, they act treacherously, enjoy the fun of murder, when the police banned the creation of an explosion, so abducting Sue and faking her identity so that she survived. And then the two experienced by the case, even with the letter killer organization has inextricably linked. As Han Chen and Sue Mian recalled their memories little by little, going hand in hand with the letter killer, they found that the alphabetic perverted killers had infiltrated them. The mysterious third quarter of the killer organization gradually surfaced in the Han Chen and Su sleeplessly tracked under the letters of the group unexpected surprise attack, issued a letter of declaration, a time of crisis in the city, Square bomb vest case, the chemical plant System out of control casualties, Botanical Garden poisoning humanoid sculpture, a variety of cases one after another. The letter killer organization seems to be preparing a large network, quietly Han Chen and Sue will lead to the trap. Han Chen and Sue Mian join forces to fight the alphabet killer organization, at the same time a little bit of memory is recovered, and finally one by one to identify the identities of the letter killers.Unexpectedly, the leader of the killer organization S actually was Xu SiBai, a friend who has always been around in Su-ming. It turned out that the father of Xu Mian was killed by Xu SiBai's father. Xu SiBai secretly peeked at Sue for years, Root deep species. Five years ago, the letter killer planned a grandstanding case in which Sui Mian, a cousin similar in appearance to Su Chun, replaced Su Jin, while Su Mian became Bai Jin Xi and planned to have Han Chen, Ssu Mian, and Xu Si Bai together for amnesia, Only to allow Xu SiBai to stay with her as a new identity in the vicinity of the Soviet Union, the police officially began to arrest the letter killer organization, the two sides experienced a war, and ultimately won the victory, the Black Shield group all had a happy ending. After the case was over, the Black Shields were gathered in similar gatherings. Someone not far away left a portrait.

Qingyun Chi 2 (TV)[2016]

Feature: Albatron Battle, Opposition Devil, Queen's daughter Bi Yao sacrifice Albatron disciple Zhang Xiaofan, was punctured Sword Shattered soul, leaving only a ray of soul locked into Jin Ling sleepless. Zhang Xiaofan extremely hurt because of the matter of Bi Yao, Albatron doorway reversed Wang Zongwang, become Wang Wang deputy. For more than a decade, Xiaofan bent on awakening Bi Yao, exhausted all kinds of ways but invalid. In the meantime, Emperor Wang attempted to awaken the animal beings without the knowledge of Zhang Xiaofan, and used the strength of the beast gods to help hegemony. Under the King's use, save the bored Cheung Zhang Xiaofang Bi Yao, went to the death swamp, explore the world treasure, brave incense Valley, explore the southern Xinjiang hundred thousand mountains, look for the beast to awaken the beast. The decent school to stop the devil conspiracy also resolutely sent his disciples and devotees to deal with. Zhang Xiaofan and former friends Lin JingYu, Ceng ShuShu, Lu XueQi and others met one after another and worked together to jointly confront the problems they encountered along the way. Once again, the tribulation witnessed the strength of friendship and solidarity. Zhang Doufan gradually realized the true meaning of righteousness, evil and life in his repeated choices. In his second choice, he followed the principle of choosing guardian justice and protecting all beings.

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