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Junfeng Niu TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Junfeng Niu Works 20 ,And Romance 4 ,Urban drama 4 ,Youth drama 4 ,Feature 4 ,Family drama 3 ,Motivational film 3 ,Fantasy film 2 ,Costume Drama 2 ,Comedy 2 ,Contemporary 2 ,Idol drama 2 ,Year 1 ,亲情1 ,怀旧1 ,抗战1 ,Romantic drama 1 ,Love 1 ,Ancient 1 ,legend 1 ,纯爱1 ,足球1 ,近代革命1 ,Music 1 ,Xian xia 1 。

Works Index

Junfeng Niu Filmography(20)


隐秘而伟大 (TV)[2020]


电视剧《隐秘而伟大》剧情介绍:讲述了1946年的上海,百废待兴。东吴大学的高材生 Gu YaoDong ,怀揣着匡扶正义保护百姓的美好理想,成为了国民政府上海警察局的新晋警员。甫进职场,便发现职场与自己的设想相去甚远,警察们不是忙着抓共产党和制造冤假错案,就是在浑噩度日。而他的天真与理想,是那么的不合时宜,使他很快成了警局里站也多余坐也多余的人。就在他迷惘与矛盾的时候,他意外发现了世界的另一面——原来只知道啃鸡腿打麻将的顶头上司是共产党的高级情工人员,原来自己家亭子间住的跑单帮的女财迷其实是共产党的交通员。他从迷惘中找到了自己前行的方向,在一次次和对手的殊死较量中飞快成长,最终,凭借自己的智慧和坚守、勇气与禀赋,成为了中共上海地下警委最优秀的高级情工人员。而在血与火的严峻考验中,他感受到了可以托付生命的战友情深,也收获了别样的爱情与幸福,更守住了自己匡扶正义保护百姓的初心 。

亲爱的麻洋街 (TV)[2020]


1984年,十八岁的 Yi DongDong 跟着父母从湖南转业回广州老家, Yi DongDong 对邻居 Ma XiaoXiao 一见钟情。但谁料 Ma XiaoXiao 早已喜欢上与自己一起长大的 Ou XiaoJian ,平凡的 Yi DongDong 只好压抑住自己的感情,选择在一旁默默守护。但 Ma XiaoXiao 却因 Ou XiaoJian 与社会青年厮混而忧心不已。不久, Ma XiaoXiao 父亲重病,压在 Ma XiaoXiao 身上的压力骤然增大。 Yi DongDong 一直陪在她身边,而此时 Ou XiaoJian 却仍与混混不清不楚。心力交瘁的 Ma XiaoXiao 在与 Ou XiaoJian 经历种种波折后最终选择分道扬镳。大学毕业后的 Ma XiaoXiao 当了律师,逐渐承担起了家庭的重任。 Yi DongDong 也考取了广州当地的公务员,始终守护在 Ma XiaoXiao 身旁,也一直默默在马家做事。 Ma XiaoXiao 将 Yi DongDong 的心意看在眼中。终于,经历了十年暗恋的 Yi DongDong 打动了 Ma XiaoXiao ,二人最终走进了婚姻的殿堂,过上了幸福的生活 。

wu xin 法师ⅲ (TV)[2020]


强盛的大唐帝国已经步入黄昏,煊赫的大氏族日渐没落。权贵与百姓都在不甘的挣扎, 追求着虚妄的永生, 而 Wu Xin ,却一心求死。在此期间,他邂逅了神秘的柳家姐弟,姐姐青鸾英武果决, 弟弟玄鹄孱弱腹黑。 Wu Xin 和青鸾联手解决了一系列离奇事件,彼此惺惺相惜。青鸾爱慕 Wu Xin ,却不敢表白, Wu Xin 欣赏青鸾,却不愿耽误她。一封神秘来信打破了日常生活, Wu Xin 护送姐弟俩返乡。他们本想查明真相,不料却被卷入种种残酷诡谲的事端。几经艰险,幕后黑手终于浮出水面一一竟是和 Wu Xin 结有宿怨的 Bai LiuLi 。而 Bai LiuLi 身后,居然还有着一一个关于长生不老的惊天阴谋。决战中, Wu Xin 意外找到了取死之法,本可以获得梦寐以求的解脱,却在最后关头为了青鸾而毅然放弃。此时的他还不知道,青鸾玄鹄姐弟和千余年后的岳绮罗,有着千丝万缕的联系 。


夜空中最闪亮的星 (TV)[2019]


电视剧《夜空中最闪亮的星》剧情介绍:讲述了“星空娱乐”是中国顶尖的娱乐公司。老板陈天浩与 Du WanQing 曾经是恩爱夫妻,现在却因为对公司经营理念的不同,陷入婚姻危机。热爱音乐的 Yang ZhenZhen ( Wu Qian (actress) 饰)进入“星空娱乐”工作,成为当红歌手 Zheng BaiXu ( Z.TAO 饰)的助理。 Zheng BaiXu 是一名偶像派歌手,性格狂傲不羁,难以驾驭。 Yang ZhenZhen 在与 Zheng BaiXu 的相处中逐渐了解他,帮助他改正缺点,发展特长,最终成为具备真正实力的歌手。 Yang ZhenZhen 自己也从一个职场菜鸟转变为一名成熟的经纪人。 Du WanQing 着手培养新人 Yu ZiRui ( Junfeng Niu 饰), Yu ZiRui 与生俱来的音乐天赋给 Zheng BaiXu 形成了巨大的压力,同时也成为他不断进取的动力。几个热爱音乐的年轻人在青春的道路上互相鼓励、突破极限,寻找着属于自己的人生方向。在经历了重重困难与挑战后,最终都迎来了事业和情感的收获 。


Monitor "His Highness (TV)[2018]

Feature: At one point, she wanted to enter the rank of Tsinghua University in Taipei, where she was Su NianNian. Because of a traffic accident that delayed one test and failed her entrance examination, she went to an ordinary engineering university in a small city where she was totally despised Met a lot of "problem students" who were unacceptable in her heart. She persuaded him to leave temporarily with the idea of ​​transfer, but she met Gu Xin Chen, who delayed her exam. Su NianNian disobedient personality also touched every classmate, those seemingly unruly male classmates just use the appearance to cover up fragile, they quietly study hard, have the team consciousness. Gradually this has gradually changed his prejudice that he held for everyone, and get along well with everyone, and with their positive and optimistic attitude and rich knowledge of the impact and led everyone, and ultimately everyone in the learning led Su NianNian Under the concerted efforts of winning the championship in science and technology competitions, creating a miracle of learning, everyone also started a different life, and Su NianNian himself, not only gained a sincere friendship also harvested pure romantic love.

Leave without saying goodbye (Movie)[2018]


Chen Xiao, President of mountaineering, Xiong Bo, Zhang Hao and Li Shuo, two rich generations, are good brothers of mountaineering clubs. After a party at a mountaineering club, the four of them made the mistake of embarking on a daring, spontaneous journey. Along the way, they traveled across several provinces, "Wolf's mouth out" on the grasslands, struggling in the desert, nervous skydiving, hesitating at the foot of snow-capped mountains. All the way in a mess, full of jokes and quarrels; The brotherly affection that looks like plastic flower, but in the moment that faces "life and death test" clench each other's hand.


Reckless waste Ji (TV)[2017]

Feature: "Mang Huangji" stills Pangu uproar until after the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, the birth of the summer of China Xia Dynasty, in the summer territory, there is an ancient family called Jishi, the daughter of the lord Ji Ning natural skill. Ji's discovery of the veins was called Xuelongshan organized by the snow dragon, in order to protect the family Ji Ning's father died in the war, Ji's almost destroyed. Since then, Ji Ning has gradually tempered his heart and he has to become strong in guarding the family and the people around him. He entered the black and white school to learn, get acquainted with like-minded friends here, but his power also attracted little Ji Nong hate and plot, Ji Ning later learned that behind the family is a bigger plot: a The mysterious force of the door, intended to provoke the war invaded Xia Dynasty. After all kinds of hardships and tribulations, Ji Ning has finally grown into a real powerhouse, and together with other parties, guard the peace of summer.

Chu Chuan Biography (TV)[2017]

Feature: In the westerly years chaos chaos, a large number of civilians in the war reduced to the official stills work according to slaves, life as rushes. The slave girl Liying Zhao was sent to a hunting ground for aristocratic entertainment and was fortunate to have been rescued by Yan Xun Yanchuan. She was then taken into custody in the ruling U-door. Witnessed one after another brother and sister tragic death, vowed to take my sister out of prison. Chouchu, being open-minded by Yu Wenyue, was forced to undergo severe training and at the same time, formed a profound friendship with Yan Xun. In the battle of West Wei Dynasty, Yan Xun's family was exterminated and in despair, Chu Qiu lives with him and helps him escape the dilemma. However, after returning to Xiliang, Yan Xun ambitious expansion at the cost of Manchu people's lives at the expense of domination. Chu Qiao desperately parted ways with Yan Xun, Yan Xun designed to trap Yu WenYue on the frozen lake, Chu Qiao and Yu WenYue fall into the frozen lake - dead or alive & nbsp ;.

Red Door Brothers (TV)[2017]

Feature: Gao DaWei University started its career as a courier at the start of his career. After a gamble at Sun JunZhe, he bet his customer XIA Xue to be forced to become a free employee at Qin Hao. Qin Hao's brother Qin Tian contempt. Gao DaWei specially recruited into the fire brigade, was assigned to the search and rescue dog squadron, and then with Sun JunZhe, Qin Tian together to become the special iron knife of the "Iron Triangle." Gao DaWei misconduct persuade those who gave birth to light, exercise more tactfully to save the trapped children, become the star of the SWAT team. His negligence in the factory rescue almost killed his team-mate, rapid growth after reflection, and began to respect the concept of scientific rescue. Later in the mine rescue lives and deaths rescued in exchange for the return of his comrades trust. Team after a series of dangerous rescue mission, recruits, veterans finally integrated, the team established a friendship, Gao DaWei finally became the fire elite & nbsp ;.

Little lover (TV)[2017]

Feature: Dan ZiFei, 46, runs the largest security company in the city after he leaves the army. The only daughter Dan DanDan admitted to the philosophy department of Hong Kong University with outstanding results. I wanted to surprise her daughter Dan ZiFei, but in Hong Kong, I accidentally discovered that my daughter was expelled from school due to a long period of absenteeism and opened a red house. After scolding his daughter, he decided to bring her daughter back to mainland China. Since then, a single family of 22 rules hanging in the bedroom, just like a cage bird. Nai Nai and Nai Nai united front, three generations staged a series of ridiculous family confrontation. Because of anger, just fall into the trap of professional liar Guan He, was forced to go to the countryside to raise ducks, meet primary school classmate Ming Men, two impotence, breaking through the obstacles of his father, and slowly start self-reliance raising ducks and work hard. In the meantime, Zu BeiLai got acquainted with Xiao YunNan, a loyal spark. In everyone's hard work, the town of Ducks business booming, Ming Men to single marry success, the wedding as scheduled. Nai Nai also found her own other half. After many years of unremitting efforts, Qing Hong finally married Dan ZiFei.

Tornado eleven people (TV)[2016]

Feature: Mu Qi (Hugh) By chance, becoming a middle school football coach, the result actually spread out a secondary school team can not win the secondary school waste wood football team. Suddenly, Mu Qi was overwhelmed by airfare, but Mu Qi, who led the team with his first strategic win and wonders with his incredible skills, not only made the group nasty Boy convinced, but also let the teacher Pei Duo (Jiang Shuying ornaments) have changed for him. Mu Qi gradually began to build deep friendship with team members. Once-troubling students not only experienced more confidence in their active training, but also made progress in their studies. While everything was in a state of great development, big and small troubles came one after another, Lu Jie deliberately found fault and hoped one day he could kick out Mu Qi out of school; Zhong Yan frequently showed Mu Qi and Mu Qi took team training as an excuse Zhong Yan to avoid the hints and clear, Zhong Yan actually more frustrating and courageous. It is such a "strange" coach, actually so obscure 17 school team set foot on the provincial tournament dream journey, Mu Qi became the team deserved "ruffian hero." In the meantime, Mu Qi one after another in trouble, the coach qualification was questioned by the organizing committee, then "kick the black ball", "gambling" the past has gradually been dug out: the original Mu Qi formerly known as Xie Yu, is known as China The next generation of international footballers, retired as a result of injuries and scandals early at the age of 28, and easily approached with Pei Duo on the other side with Pei DuoMuQin's fierce opposition; the team also entered the final knockout, No coach awkward situation. Finally, coach Mu Qi led everyone to realize the "impossible" miracle, reaped the good love, and also recovered the initial obsession with his dreams in his career.

Smiled (TV)[2016]

Feature: Beauty learn Paibeis slightly, determined to become a game engineer, pseudonym "reed slightly" among the online games master, refusing to upload real photos and was trampled by the "real water without incense" mercilessly abandoned, but unexpectedly got the attention of all rivers and lakes as the first master Shawnee. In order to win the "Knight Challenge", slightly pleased to promise to "Shawna" alliance and team competition. The two have been wandering rivers and lakes all the way already connected with the heart, can be a little dreamed did not expect, all the way to death is actually a partner with the school man - brothers Xiao Nai. Regardless of online or offline, Shawna is superior ability of the "god", even more clever is that he turned out to be responsible for the development of the game test. Online is a couple of teammates, line is a working partner, fate is so fantastic. When you find this truth, the two are naturally together.

Spire of Flames youth (TV)[2016]

Feature: 1912 4.12 Incident until 1932 1.28 During the Anti-Japanese War in Shanghai, Gu Xing, a little man on the beach, pushed Xia Ruoing to press into the French Concession. He attempted to succeed Xia RuoNing while unexpectedly curling his heart. In the case of the Shanghai counter-revolutionary forces and Japan's espionage organizations, he opened a new course to break the pending case and protected Communists from Zhu Ha-ru from persecution, when Xia Ruo-ning unexpectedly disappeared. Gu Xing was also kidnapped on the occasion, the original Kuomintang Investigation Division was mistaken for their reconnaissance training, was inserted into the northeast warlords, senior, with the help of Tang BuYu Zhu Xue Confucianism, he occasionally exposed Japan's plot to split, prompting the northeast Warlord flag to ensure national unity. At this time Xia RuoNing unexpectedly appeared, Gu Xing some hard to find, but found astonishing secrets. Finally, under the influence of Zhu Xueru and Tang BuYu, Gu Xing clearly believed and volunteered to join the Communist Party to give full play to the 1.28 Shanghai Battle.

Take the wrong car (TV)[2015]

Feature: In the 1970s, Tong Lin, who had been hitting sticks for his mute flaws, picked up a baby girl in front of the house. Although speechless, he was kind-hearted, he adopted a baby girl and named the girl "A Mei." Because A Mei and Tong Lin were forced to go out for jobs and houses by letting Tong Yan, who runs home to the city and did not work, Meager income raising A Mei alone. One of the most joyful days for both father and daughter is Tong Lin playing old instruments for A Mei. A Mei often danced with excitement, which was the happiest moment for Tong Lin. The teacher persuaded A Mei to attend the middle school entrance examination, but due to the high tuition fee, Mei could not bear to burden her father and rejected the teacher. Tong Lin learned that she was going to report on A Mei's future for A Mei Name, himself secretly hit a few more workers. When A Mei learned something about it, Tong Lin was suffering from cancer because of all his years of work. A Mei, with deep gratitude, sang "Tongji If None" from his father, Tong Lin.

Battle of Changsha (TV)[2014]

Feature: In 1938 October, the Japanese army captured Wuhan all the way south, Changsha at stake. The face of sudden war, the city panic, many people bring their families to take the South to flee the West ran. Xue JunShan, the son of the grandchildren of the tea garden in the city, cooperated with his family to make every effort to arrange a retreat for Xiang family and Xiaoman, the most favored family of Hu family. Xue JunShan Xiangyang first introduced to the returned foreign troops to guard Changsha military personnel Gu Qingming, but regrettably vigorous Xiang Hunan and arrogant Gu Qingming a meeting with the flood of water, Xue JunShan had to choose another family. In the family's efforts, finally to the city of Changsha before the fire burned Xiangxiang set to be considered a piece of heart disease. At this time, Chiang Kai-shek secretly burning Changsha City, due to improper command, Changsha fire burned three days and nights, causing a huge disaster, the thriving Millennium City was destroyed, millions of people in their sleep, the fire, including Xiang Xiang's fiance one. On such a scorched earth, heroes and children came all over the place. They wanted to use flesh and blood to defend this ancient city and work hard with Hunan people to stop the enemies. The Hu family also played a scene in this disaster Behind the scenes joys and sorrows story.

Half way father and son (TV)[2014]

Feature: Luo JianJun went to prison on the occasion of his son's 100th birthday and his wife ran away. When the old mother took his grandson for 16 years and the army was released from prison, the child was big and he was still halfway with his father and son stills. Fortunately, Most of them actually met a woman with his own kindness Jiang Xin, each of them think each other is to make people happy after half of their lives. Against the opposition of both families, they bravely and confidently formed a new family. However, Jiang Xin was detected at the end of the cancer and Luo JianJun decided to get married. From the day they took the marriage certificate, the family was not peaceful: Gao Gao, the son of Jiang Xin, did not like the stepfather and kept breaking the new house To make trouble; After marriage, Gao Mai indirectly inflicted Luo JianJun's son into the juvenile control center. Luo JianJun's mother hated Gao Mai and acted irrevocably. After Jiang Xin's death, out of a man's commitment and commitment, Luo JianJun took on the responsibility of raising children as stepchildren who regard him as enemy. During this period, he was discouraged, disappointed, abandoned and shaken, and eventually melted his love Gao Mai's inner ice. This half way father and son to establish a real father and son feelings.

TheDanceofTheSummer (Movie)[2013]

Feature: Country teacher Ma ZhangLi is young and loves the profession of teachers. After graduating from college, he chose to come to a remote rural high school to teach. Country middle school education is followed by teachers from the beginning to the third year. Ma ZhangLi's goal is to teach at least six years. However, I often face the challenge of teaching for one year: my students are taken out of work by their parents from time to time, and the classes are often under dissatisfaction. He angrily resigned after a student was called by his father on the spot to help "pigs." Meanwhile, Zhang GaiHua, a handyman in a school in the city, had no school willing to accept his son who had cerebral palsy. Instead, he had to "overhear" the remedial classes and return home to help his son Zhou XiangYang. Help her mother to see the shop, because of cerebral palsy, he always run unhappy, the result often alley where children stole things in the store also tease him! Every time I lose something, Zhou XiangYang will remember it in a book. Zhou XiangYang also like to live in the alley of a high school girl. However, he never dared to say a word with her. Zhou XiangYang's smallest wish is to catch the kid who leads the naughty mischief on the alley; the biggest wish is to go to university and prove himself. The deepest wish is to one day be eligible to say to the girl: Ma ZhangLi After resigning, Faced with the pressure from his girlfriend to urge buying a house, he is encountering Zhang GaiHua, who is looking for a teacher for his son, when he is looking for a job in the talent market. Ma ZhangLi, who was "cheated" by Zhang GaiHua, learned that Zhou XiangYang is a young boy with cerebral palsy. Sensitive Zhou XiangYang Ma ZhangLi feel tired, self-esteem, he gave Ma ZhangLi expired milk. After Ma ZhangLi left, Zhang GaiHua reproached his son for being naive. That night, Ma ZhangLi pulled a night's stomach. Zhang GaiHua met Ma ZhangLi again in the talent market, gritted his teeth and kept Ma ZhangLi at a high price, leaving him with the only sunny room in the house. After testing, Ma ZhangLi found that Zhang GaiHua's method of teaching her son Zhou XiangYang after "stealing" was totally wrong, and that the problem-solving was so slow that it could not complete the exam within the stipulated time. In the face of pressure from his girlfriend and this unfulfilled job, Ma ZhangLi resigned again. Zhou XiangYang's self-esteem suffered great harm, he began to commit stubborn, in order to improve writing speed, pinning his hand. His idea is very simple, but also very straightforward, is to make Ma ZhangLi regain the attitude of the light. Zhang GaiHua looked distracted at the son who took full blood. The mother and son decided to give up the college entrance examination, please Ma ZhangLi eat a meal of nonsense. Ma ZhangLi did not want to go and Zhang GaiHua told him that he was the only teacher after Zhou XiangYang was out of school. Ma ZhangLi learned that in the past few years, there was no one willing to teach Zhou XiangYang. When eating, Zhang GaiHua's simple and clumsy mother-child approach made Ma ZhangLi feel ashamed. That night, Ma ZhangLi and university classmates drinking, see everyone achievements, he was very touched. A rainy walk to his alma mater, watching the motto at the door, my thoughts. The next day, he stopped to return home mother and son, he would spend three months with Zhou XiangYang admitted to college. Ma ZhangLi trained Zhou XiangYang in many ways. Under the training of this spicy teacher, Zhou XiangYang's problem solving speed soared and the running speed was also accelerating.Once, Zhou XiangYang finally catch up with the naughty child Alley mouth, and the things that were previously robbed even with the benefits of a one-time all chased back. This is a great victory for Zhou XiangYang! Zhou XiangYang problem solving speed, finally reached the college entrance examination requirements. Both apprentice excitedly running in the rain. In the process, Zhou XiangYang human kindness, tenacity, let Ma ZhangLi slowly matured, the "teacher" of these three characters more deeply. Ma ZhangLi treats Zhou XiangYang's attitude as both a teacher and a brother. Zhou XiangYang great pressure, always sleep is not practical. Mother Zhang GaiHua hard heart, bought his son two movie tickets, asking him and his friends to see. This makes Zhou XiangYang very difficult, he is actually very lonely, without friends, but not good to admit, had to invite Ma ZhangLi red face to see. Ma ZhangLi wants Zhou XiangYang to have her own circle of friends. Zhou XiangYang courage enough to buy tickets to the third year of the girl. Wait until the arena ends in the cinema and the girls do not come. This fight against Zhou XiangYang, confidence in the establishment of learning suddenly collapsed. He started to work so badly that Ma Zhang Li gasped for him. Her mother, Zhang GaiHua, could not find out why, thinking that her son was too tired and she wanted to buy her son imported supplements. The results of a heavy rain, the temporary construction of small shops drenched, although Zhou XiangYang and Ma ZhangLi rescue, some things are still blisters. Zhang GaiHua bit teeth, quietly selling blood, just to the hospital to see classmate Ma ZhangLi saw. Zhang GaiHua seeking Ma ZhangLi do not tell his son. Zhou XiangYang still did not crawl out of his inferiority complex. Ma ZhangLi anxious, to give up this student. Zhang GaiHua knelt Ma ZhangLi and asked him not to walk. Ma Zhangli lifted up the sister-like person, burst into tears, and scolded Zhou XiangYang and told Zhang Xiangaiang about selling blood. Zhou XiangYang tears, ran. That night, Zhang GaiHua found his son in front of a hospital. Mother and son sitting on the bridge, like two adults talked. Mother told his son: your father is not dead, but abandoned us mother and child. If you have a second life, you do not want to be my child again, and the pain of eating in this life is enough. Zhou XiangYang tears, like an adult told her mother, from now on, he wants to be like a man! And similar to the mother, next life, but also the mother's son. In the run-up to Ma ZhangLi, the Education Commission agreed with Zhou XiangYang to apply, but Zhang GaiHua was required to go back to Zhou XiangYang to apply for permission. The first time separated from her mother, Zhou XiangYang, and her mother faintly separated. On the way back, Zhang GaiHua, who had handled the formalities, had a car accident and left without any words. When Ma ZhangLi knew the news, he was afraid of being distracted by Zhou XiangYang and kept telling Zhou XiangYang. Zhou XiangYang finally know the news completely gave up the exam, foolishly, disregarding the order of Ma ZhangLi. Ma ZhangLi anxious, a slap in the face of Zhou XiangYang, to wake him up. Finally, even he himself cried. Ma ZhangLi said: I want you to take the exam to give kids more like yourself a chance to prove themselves! Zhou XiangYang will re-tattered admission ticket to start sprint, he wants to complete the mother's wish. Zhou XiangYang finally got the admission notice. He took the notice to the mother's tomb, one by one word to read, tears fall suddenly.Zhou XiangYang told her mother that she finally got her mother did not abandon herself. Like others, she is the healthiest child in the world! High school girl to the store to buy things, tell Zhou XiangYang missed the movie that time because he fell off the leg downstairs. The girl also said: I also admitted to the school, and told Zhou XiangYang school name. Zhou XiangYang told her that he also got a test of that city. Suddenly, the sun filled the entire shop, two young children, are silent, but like two greenish apples in summer, pure heart, feel the breeze blowing. Ma ZhangLi and his classmates together, his deeds have been spread throughout the city. He finally dared to face the school rules of the school gate, and finally understand the "teacher" the meaning of the word. This moment, he did not know that this summer is the summer of Zhou XiangYang growth, but also their own summer of growth. Ma ZhangLi returned to the original rural school, continue to be a rural teacher, continue to begin from the first year of junior high school, continue to endure the fellow who suddenly broke into to interrupt the class, take the embarrassment of the students, but he has been able to smile face .

You are my brother (TV)[2011]

Feature: "You are my brother" tells the story of the growth of four brothers in the family of ordinary people. Four of the Ma brothers lived with their parents in the alley of the alley of pots and erected a period of poverty and quiet. After her parents died in a car accident, boss Ma XueWu (Jiayi Zhang) resolutely dropped out of school and assumed the "Parents" responsibility. Since then, her brother, four people, are connected by hands and feet, but in the face of "money", "love" and "pursuit" Life direction, the four brothers have different choices have a completely different fate and situation. "You are my brother" is directed by Liu Huining, a TV series starring Deng Chao, Jie Dong and Jiayi Zhang. Ma, who played by Deng Chao, fell in love with her when she first met Jie Dong's "One Flower", and both of them performed a fresh and amazing love story in the play. The play on February 10, 2011 in Beijing, Shenzhen, Heilongjiang, Jilin, the four major satellite broadcast on the star.

WuShuBan (Movie)[2009]

Feature: Wushu Class is a high-definition digital movie based on the Olympic Games. By describing Wu Jie, an ordinary martial arts instructor at an amateur sports school, he devoted himself to training his students to participate in the Olympic Games and showed a real and moving The inner world shows the passionate feeling of generations of martial arts athletes and the warm hope and hard work for martial arts toward the Olympic Games. The film through a small city school martial arts team coach with his unique teaching methods to influence a group of youth in rebellious adolescent, through a new understanding and understanding of martial arts so that they establish a correct outlook on life, world outlook, values. Wu Mi plays a role in the drama and feels that martial arts have their own routines just like other forms of art. And the concept of martial arts should not be Wu Fu, martial arts practitioners also have his connotation, a specific cultural heritage, so that martial arts can be profound. In addition to physical fitness, martial arts can bring what people think martial arts can hone people's will to make people self-esteem, self-discipline and self-reliance. Is the so-called. A martial arts class coach with unique education techniques and their own personality charm so that students understand the simple truth, the children in the process of martial art got some correct guidance. Wu Mi is to tell people through the story of a small person, ordinary people's dreams and the Olympic Games are closely related.

Family car (Movie)[2002]

Feature: In the modern city of high-rise buildings, there is such an ordinary residential compound, living a group of ordinary and simple people, can live in harmony, quiet and peaceful neighborhood but because of the hospital added a car and took place a variety of Disputes. Lao Li is a retired bicycle factory workers, with their own craft in the courtyard of the branch had a garage stall, spring, summer, autumn and winter is nothing else, just want to do more good deeds. Old Lee has a hobby, that is, love to kill two blocks with the old couple killed, while repairing the car while playing chess is a good thing Lao Li. Lao Gao and Lao Li is a factory, before the retirement is vice chairman of the union, life is relaxed. His son Fu high in his early forties, weekdays open "small noodles" and pull some private lives. Short paragraph is a computer engineer, Jingjing engaged in the wholesale of medicinal herbs, married couple a few days live really good. Hands have money, a short period of time thinking about buying a house, Jing Jing not to buy a car, how can a small beat Beauchamps, so bought a Polo sedan. Trouble can also follow. Originally crowded courtyard door already had a blessing van, and now a new car, a parking space for these two cars in any case can not stop. The first day, the conflict began. Jing Jing and Gao Fu to discuss how to stop things: "or we divided single and double numbers, single-day you, double-day return to me ... ..." High blessing is not a sign of weakness: "I have been here, with What have you got to let you? Get a first come on ... & quot; Jing Jing and high bless you a phrase I say, who do not let anyone, talking about the turn of the face ... ... parking alerted the neighbors, also anxious old Lee. Lao Li is not anxious for their parking, but afraid of their own garage occupied. So Lao Li began to ponder how to make Jingjing and Gao Fu eliminate conflicts, he came up with a variety of tricks, also printed "no parking" notice posted on the wall. Surprisingly, the conflicts between Jing Jing and Gao Fu have become deeper and deeper. The rest of the courtyard is busy too ... Aunt Gao stood guarding the parking lot for her son all night long outside the house; Day by day has passed, everyone's heart feels not taste. Lao Gao and Lao Li for the matter at the same time committed a crime, admitted to the hospital, everyone busy with each other after taking care of each other. Lao Li, Jing Jing, Gao Fu also reflect on themselves, misunderstanding and contradictions have been resolved unconsciously. The small courtyard has regained its past laughter, and the neighborhood has become more harmonious than before

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