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Hongshan He TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Hongshan He Works 20 ,And Feature 8 ,Romance 6 ,Urban drama 3 ,Contemporary 2 ,Love 2 ,Family drama 2 ,Costume Drama 2 ,Action 2 ,Ancient legend 1 ,Contemporary film 1 ,抗战1 ,Warm blood 1 ,感情1 ,Fantasy 1 ,Idol drama 1 ,Motivational film 1 ,Youth drama 1 ,Ancient mythology 1 ,Struggling Play 1 ,Suspense 1 ,Crime 1 ,Martial Arts 1 。

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Hongshan He Filmography(20)


流金岁月 (TV)[2020]

Feature: 二十世纪九十年代的上海,朱锁锁和蒋南孙家境不同,性格不同,但同样美丽、聪慧。年少时,锁锁家境不好,南孙家收留、帮助过锁锁,因此她们结下了深厚的友谊。步入社会后,朱锁锁在职场中起伏,凭着才智和优秀的条件很快发达起来,蒋南孙则继续追求学业,谈起恋爱,变得更加知性。后来,蒋家落难,朱锁锁帮助南孙走出校园,为其提供住处和工作,蒋南孙亦靠努力和学识,逐渐成为一名出色的白领丽人。朱锁锁结婚,看似风光,婚姻却不被丈夫的家人认可,夫妻关系亮起红灯时,蒋南孙帮助她照顾孩子,料理她的生活,直到朱锁锁有勇气走出困局。人事沧桑,岁月无情,她们遍尝了生活的个中滋味,却互相扶持,同甘共苦,不仅将生活经营出多彩的模样,亦各自成为最成熟的女人,拥有自己的流金岁月。定档海报

凤弈 (TV)[2019]


电视剧《凤弈》剧情介绍:东梁年间,百戏团台柱 Ye NingZhi 随团入宫为 Huang TaiHou 的寿宴演出,不料遭长公主陷害,幸得第一谋士 Wei Guang ( Jones Xu 饰 )出手相救, Ye NingZhi 自此难忘魏大人。两年后 Ye NingZhi 意外再次入宫,成为了皇后( Xiwen Cao 饰 )身边的宫女。见识了种种冤假错案不平事,她凭借智慧和勇气,替底层出头,向权贵亮剑,成为后宫中的一股清流,就连最难以捉摸的皇后也被她感动。同样被 Ye NingZhi 吸引的还有高高在上的皇帝, Ye NingZhi 一时变得四面楚歌、举步维艰。与此同时,一直觊觎皇位的长公主卷土重来, Ye NingZhi 卷入了更为诡谲的权力游戏中,她与 Wei Guang 一同深入险境,粉碎奸人的阴谋,排解国难。 Ye NingZhi 从皇后身边的小宫女,成长为在黑暗中绽放光芒的一代贤妃,最后回归民间,收获了最真挚无悔的爱情。


Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace (TV)[2018]

Feature: "Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace" tells the story of Qianlong (Wallace Huo) ascended the throne in 1735 AD. Since then, the two in the court interpretation of a period of love and acquaintance to lost lost marriage process. New Emperor ascended the throne, such as Yi and Qianlong childhood sweetheart became Xian Fei, which was crowded by the crowd, and Empress Dowager (Vivian Wu ornaments) and the Yi family have feuds, such as Yi crisis. At this time, Qianlong also faced the same problem of Empress Dowager in power and the veteran's domination of the government. In the process of power change, Qianlong and Lu Yi supported each other and jointly tide over the storm until the two cleared out the obstacles. After many years of hard work, Emperor Qianlong also made her wish to push her to Queen's position, sharing the world with him. However, as the queen did Yi found that Qianlong had grown from a young man to a mature emperors, his misgivings and fickleness and self-esteem constantly revealed, the emotional trust between the two gradually shattered. However, such as Yi still stick to good memories, abide by the Queen's duties, until death .

The Liquidator (Movie)[2017]

Feature: A series of homicides set off a city carnival and restlessness. In a number of cases, victims were abused and lethal, full of rituals. All the clues are related to one person. Fang Mu (Deng Chao) ). When investigating a case with her colleague Mi Nan (Liu Shishi), Fang Mu found that Jiang Ya (Ethan Juan), who used to be her high school classmate, seemed to have a lot of secrets. At this time, a user named "City of Lights" appeared on the Internet to launch a vote so that the general public could decide whether the lawyer Ren Chuan (Jingfei Guo) would die. Fang Mu, Mi Nan and other police officers could not stop using all means This dark trial of "violence with violence" has plunged the city into a turmoil of chaos. At a crucial juncture, Fang Mu realized that Jiang Ya's wife Wei Wei (Karena Lam) turned out to be an important witness to unlock the secrets of Jiang Ya's Secret. Suddenly a sudden change came at a critical moment when the truth was coming out.

Anna (TV)[2017]

Feature: During the reign of Shang and Dynasties, Emperor B moved to the dynasty song (now Henan Hebi) and hoped that the city thrived like a brilliant song in the morning. Time flies, the throne passed to Di Xin, he was very happy, four crusade, conquered many countries around, expanding the territory of China, Shang Dynasty reached its heyday. Shang Dynasty expedition parties, confused people not livelihood. Fortunately Xi Ji Ji Chang's son Ji test, the son of Di Xin Yin sub-juvenile hero, hoping to use modest means to save the people in the water and fire. Ji test was framed into the slave camp, Yin suburbs life saved. In the fugitive road Ji Kyu met Jiang Ziya, which 吒, Yang 戬 and other people, and escaped Xiqi with their help. In 1048 BC, Ji Ka changed its name to Ji Fa, collaborating with 800 princes in organizing a mass protest against Di Xin, finally annihilating Shang. Do not want in the process, Yin suburbs mistakenly

The Revolution Of Our Love (TV)[2017]

Feature: Ai RuoMan (Zhang Tianai ornaments), good conditions, struggling self, all the way to the posters before the success of the business, excellent and powerful, have their own life goals and the pursuit of outstanding independent city new women, but always favored by men, Also ex-boyfriend as nobody dares to love. Lu Fei (Zhang Ruoyun), gentle and easy-going, good man, easy-going, just like 60 ordinary people like to cook, clean and flowers of home products, heterosexuality is very good, love history is mysterious blank, Half a step closer to marriage. Both of them are thirty-year-old single men and women struggling in the metropolis. They were unwilling to be judged dead at the age of thirty as golden years and were all trying to evolve better themselves and to open a better life. In the fifteen years they met, they realized their friendship after turning around and realized that they finally gained their own love after evolving a better one.

Burning Shadow (TV)[2017]

Feature: In 1938, the Amnesia Youth Xia who lived in the streets of Shanghai accidentally salvaged Tang Hanqing, the eldest son of Tang Dynasty, and was accepted as a close disciple by Master Tang to learn carving mahogany furniture. When the Japanese invaded Shanghai and witnessed the Xia-Xia of the atrocities of the Japanese army, they gradually restored their memories. He remembered the painful experience of the entire family being killed by the Japanese army during the Nanjing Massacre and started the road to revenge. Kill the devil, reported a hatred, Xia Xia return hidden forest. Unexpectedly, benefactor Tang was so distressed, Xia Xiayi ignored the rescue. Later, under the influence of Tang HanCai, a little daughter of the patriotic student Tang, he gradually came to realize the truth that the country did not exist. Eventually Xiaoxia grew up from an individual avenger into an anti-Japanese heroes who fought for national righteousness under the leadership of the Communist Party & nbsp ;.

EasyLife (Movie)[2016]

Feature: A famine, a 6-year-old orphan fled famously to the small wooden temple with famine. In the clashes, she squeezed into the small wooden temple and was taken up by the small wooden temple. The abbess named her Xi Le and Xi Le became everyone's wish . When Shi Ran saw a grandchildren meeting at the top of the Chang'an City brothel courtroom during his childhood, Shi Ran ended his finale with the headmaster who won the lord and was starved to death on the roof. Changeable rivers and lakes, people since chaos. At the age of eighteen, Shi Fu's Shi Fu had a hunch that Xiao Miao Temple would have a loot and secretly arranged Shi Ran to rename Chang An as he went down to find a Zhu Jian-Lao Ren. Sluggish Shi Ran feel that he has no martial arts in the event of a master how rivers and lakes, Shi Fu said the game is the key speed and strength, and you are gifted, the eyes can slow any fast things, and warned him Can not escape. Has renamed Chang Ran Shi Ran, with Xi Le, carrying a beautiful dream, they know how to get involved in the arena, set foot on inexplicable dangerous journey. Chang'an and Xi Le just went down less than 100 miles, was the first poison village - the mysterious "Yong Zhao Villa" owner Wan Yong sinister sinister poison in the name of toppling, and brought back Villa, and finally inexplicable Chang'an and Xi Le is given. Chang'an and Xi Le through a thief to find Zhu JianLaoRen, get a magical sword, the old man told his arena who bought a lot of weapons in his sword shop, advised him to go back and look. Once upon a time, the small wooden temple suffered the evil of destroying the door. Chang angrily waved the sword donated by Zhu JianLaoRen, hatred and blood to the divinity of the sword opened, become extremely sharp, roundabout Jian Qi, instantaneously ended the lives of many killers. Chang'an was guided by Zhu JianLaoRen, went to Sepang to participate in the competition, and was destined to the throne of the Lord, but in his heart, the lord's seat is far from a Xi Le interesting, all rivers and lakes turmoil, like a chess game, people Such as chess pieces, how can we, worldly things, just a human game, and humans, is a game of God.

Above the clouds (TV)[2016]

Feature: Jian Xi, who lost her parents and grew up by her grandmother, still became an optimistic young girl with high definition and high drama. After her grandmother's death, Jian Xi left her home alone and went to Beijing to look for her biological mother. After being apatheticly rejected by his mother, Zhan Mei, Jian Xi was determined not to be discouraged but to become an outstanding performance artist. With a passion for the show and outstanding talent, Jian Xi has created a distinctive character that has become a popular actress. Tang Fei's performing career has climbed to the top, personality is overbearing and self-righteous; until Jian Xi, he began to re-examine his own life, already forgotten affections and dreams are gradually recovering, the two from vindictive enemy into a pair of people People envy of lovers. Jian Xi and Tang Fei continue to pursue freedom and dignity while pursuing art. They persist in self-actualization, eventually gain happiness and prove the power of life with their courage.

Half demons Allure (TV)[2016]

Feature: The Eight-Power Allied Forces invaded Beijing in the last years of the Qing Dynasty. During a massacre, Nie RuFeng (Wang Maolei) suffered a life-threatening crisis. As life or death matters, Nie RuFeng's wife Ying Die (Ady An) removes Nie RuFeng from her daughter alone. Fifteen years later, Nie RuFeng's eldest daughter, Nie QingCheng (Li Yitong), met the wealthy son Ming Xia (Zhe-han Zhang). Through the twists and turns, they end up in love with each other. Half demon Allure

Fairview edge gorgeous adventure (TV)[2015]

Feature: Gorgeous Edge Adventures takes a shot at Shanghai in the 1930s and talks about the relationship between actress Zuo Zhen (Xiaoming Huang), the protagonist and actress Joe Chan, Misunderstanding and turn around thousands of stories. In the 1930s, Chen Sheng, a noble lady who came from a medical family, was saved by the painter Jin Shengyuan's gorgeous adventure. Jin Hui with Chen Sheng left the gold pocket watch, went to Shanghai to find the enemy. On the steamship bound for Shanghai, Fairview covers the illustrious Zuo Zhen character in the Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai, and they pretend that the couple escaped vendetta. Pocket watch was accidentally taken away by Zuo Zhen, Splendid to find Zuo Zhen into the Paramount Ballroom, actually met the other half sister Pearl. At this point the pearl has become a popular dancer, but also the industrial tycoon Xiang HanChuan's lover. Fairview Park was accidentally injured in the chaos and was sent to the Lion Grove Hotel by Zuo Zhen. It was mistakenly thought that it was rescued by Xiang Ying Dong, brother of Xiang HanChuan, and grateful. Maeda, a Japanese businessman who killed the entire Fairview family, also traced Shanghai. In order to control the entire economy in Shanghai, Maeda resorted to measures to control the pearl. Not only did she let her work between her brothers, but also exert great influence on her. After all kinds of hardships, Fairview and Zuo Zhen also become good friends.

Sisters and sisters (TV)[2015]

Feature: The eldest daughter, Chunya, helped her father carry the important task of Song and Simao tea industry. She became an outstanding family member under the cultivation of her father and served as poster director of Simao Chamber of Commerce. She will be buried in the depths of my heart, Tan Qiyi Tan family who has long been dating the missing many years ago, but with the complex identity of the Burmese Cha ZhaCai into a strong couple; the second daughter Xia Lan was Shou Shouyun Zheng Shao Yi Use and miscarriages, and the original love of Zhou JingHeng pass by; Sanmei Yu thick never get rid of childhood resentment abandoned by his family, at the use of his body to sow the sister's marriage, and deceived hatred Zheng Shaoyi collusion Song family retains property. Until Song HaiJing's paper tells the story of the mystery of the three sisters. At this moment, however, there is no time to accommodate all kinds of sad and happy digestion, the family will be broken, the country will die, and all love and hate are turned into enemies. Under the efforts of the Song sisters, Simao Dasan a green, and all of this, only to defend the original belongs to their own territory.

Marriage time difference (TV)[2015]

Feature: Li Hai and Wu Ting, an enviable middle-aged couple, moved their families to Canada for the education of their daughter Ying Zi. However, Li Hai can not let down its domestic business and remain in Chengdu alone. Years of separation, so that they gradually have a strange feeling. Talented Zhao XiaoFei broke into Li Hai's life. Wenchuan earthquake, the test of life and death, let Li Hai and Xiaofei fell in love. After Wu Ting learns about it, she tries to protect her marriage and separates Li Hai from Xiaofei. Financial crisis, Li Hai's cause is about to collapse, in order to protect his wife and daughter, he chose to divorce. With the help of Xiaofei, Wu Ting turned the tide and paid off her debts with Li Hai to hand out the company to Li Hai. Xiaofei also found their true love & nbsp ;.

DearyBaby (Movie)[2014]

Feature: In 1980 the educated youth returned to the city, afraid of delays husband her husband Wang Piyun promising to do a good job of divorce, voluntarily sent away his lover, accident after a car accident. Jiao anxious Li DongYang learned that the news rushed to the hospital, but must be in time to catch up with her daughter Li Nuan Nuan before the appearance of the father had left, so failed to meet Wang Biyun last side. Hou Dong Yang back to the city after being cynical Qiu TongDa deceived money, coupled with the mother for his marriage, not forgiven, Nuan Nuan's congenital heart disease, have let Sunshine efforts. Since then, the same fatherhood has fairly conscientious attitude and introduced the work to Dongyang, which helped Dongyang to weather the storm with Nuan Nuan's nurse Jiang BiYun. As Nuan Nuan grew older, she regarded Jiang BiYun as her mother. Dongyang did not have the heart to tell her the truth. Jiang BiYun joined him in helping Nuan Nuan guard this beautiful lie. However, the emergence of Wang Biyun, who survived the fortunes, and the truth of Nuan Nuan's biological father were uncovered. Dongyang is facing a new choice. Nuan Nuan posted a novel online about her father's story, and good person Li DongYang touched the society.

Serce, serduszko (Movie)[2014]

Feature: In 1980 the educated youth returned to the city, afraid of delays husband her husband Wang Piyun promising to do a good job of divorce, voluntarily sent away his lover, accident after a car accident. Jiao anxious Li DongYang learned that the news rushed to the hospital, but must be in time to catch up with her daughter Li Nuan Nuan before the appearance of the father had left, so failed to meet Wang Biyun last side. Hou Dong Yang back to the city after being cynical Qiu TongDa deceived money, coupled with the mother for his marriage, not forgiven, Nuan Nuan's congenital heart disease, have let Sunshine efforts. Since then, the same fatherhood has fairly conscientious attitude and introduced the work to Dongyang, which helped Dongyang to weather the storm with Nuan Nuan's nurse Jiang BiYun. As Nuan Nuan grew older, she regarded Jiang BiYun as her mother. Dongyang did not have the heart to tell her the truth. Jiang BiYun joined him in helping Nuan Nuan guard this beautiful lie. However, the emergence of Wang Biyun, who survived the fortunes, and the truth of Nuan Nuan's biological father were uncovered. Dongyang is facing a new choice. Nuan Nuan posted a novel online about her father's story, and good person Li DongYang touched the society.

Hurry that year (TV)[2014]

Feature: Hurried that year describes the emotion and life course of the generation after 80. Fang Hui, Chen Xun, Qiao Ran, Zhao Ye, Lin JiaMo Five people met each other because of a farce. The story takes Fang Hui and Chen Xun's puppy love story as the main thread, intertwined with the feelings and friendship innocence of youth during the five years. As growth changes, where will their feelings be placed? Friendship will go to where? This is the collective memory of the 80s, slowly vague as the yellowing old photos gradually unfold as Chen Xun recalls.

Endless Love (TV)[2014]

Feature: Female lawyer Zou Yu and your son Lin QiZheng met for the first time, in the court on the tip of the tongue against the straw. The second trial, Zou Yu gaunt, and Lin QiZheng like a change of individuals, take the initiative to throw in. It turned out that during this period both had a major accident in their lives. Zou Yu's lover Haoran unexpectedly passed away and his heart was donated. The donor is Lin Qi Zheng, who has had an old heart disease. Lin QiZheng, a glamorous and sentimental giants, can not stop the Cinderella moth from fiery infatuation even with the beautiful and noble fiancé Jiang XinYao. Once a loved one is a fiery sinister, Zou Yu's sister Zou Yue is such a person, she is crazy fascinated by boss Lin QiZheng, even at the expense of death phase, she did not know it is their own paranoid but the fate of the two Tangled together. After a few encounters, a delicate mood spread between the two. The sudden and violent emotion gave Lin QiZheng and Zou Yu a loss. The two said they no longer wanted to meet each other, and they wanted to stay far away from each other but met with fate. At last, under the bright stars of the South China Sea, the impulsive two people owned Short-term sweetness, but there are so many obstacles between the two people: into a crazy Zou Yue becomes more terrible, clever and sensitive Jiang XinYao pressing harder and harder and the heart has become inseparable Knot. Lin QiZheng want to dissolve the contract, but suffered from family pressure, Lin Group faces a major crisis, the urgent need Jiang's help. Hear the news of the marriage between Lin and Jiang, Zou Yu heartbreaker. Zou Yue, who has now gone astray, learned of their relationship with Lin QiZheng after posting their love affair. For a time, the rumors about Lin QiZheng is a city full of rain and wind, Lin LinZheng Lin forcing the father and sister Zou cut off relations. Zou Yu, who has no idea whatsoever, plans to bring his sister back home, and Zou Yue is in a car accident when he runs to see the last side of Lin QiZheng. Zou Yu grudges, is not selfish love selfish, she vowed that as long as Zou Yue woke up, never far with Lin QiZheng together. Zuo Hui, a student who loved Zou Yu and helped take care of her mother, came home from her shoulder. Zou Yu left, she wants to leave the city, her sister relaxed, Lin QiZheng do not have to be so painful.

reunion dinner (TV)[2014]

Feature: "Reunion dinner" tells the story of a pony coat wearing sunglasses, Song YiDa Saobao got out of the train station. The luggage has not got hold, it was his brother, "the thief community Xu Wenqiang" Song YiHe stole a fine. Song six siblings scattered because of their parents passed away End of the World, and now the two brothers across the side do not know each other again to the police station before they recognize each other - the Song eldest brother brothers and sisters to eat reunion dinner simple wish, so doomed in the hardships and joy Debut. Song YiYa, the younger brother of Gao Fu-shuai, is the younger brother of Gao Fu-shuai, the aura of the chief physician of Hope Star, who hesitates to shake between his dream and his family and his adoptive father and his relatives. Homecoming; Simei Xiaomei clever, but was adoptive parents as a nanny, but also take care of steamed buns shop and take care of silly big sister, want to go home also foster parents to ask for a ransom; Fifth brother Song YiWen physical disability, Its sensitive and withdrawn, a little biased and even commit suicide, how to take good care of the body and mind to become the family heartache. Only Yi-mei snow initiative volunteered for the eldest brother, worry about taking on the responsibility of taking care of the whole family, her sister's sacrifice has made a heart can not bear. Brothers and sisters between the waves, and fell in love with many years of fiancee Juan children wave again. Affection of this bowl of "reunion dinner", so that love and marriage bowl "reunion dinner" danger. Gracious Song YiDa, how exactly kick and cheat Meng cheat difficult pass through? How to enlist the siblings so that a family back under the same roof. By that time, hot meals on the table, warm relatives sitting around, the most beautiful reunion dinner & nbsp ;.

DecrepitDream (Movie)[2012]

Feature: During the Republic of China, Yu ChengYe, a rich son of the beach, died of poisoning at a new house during the wedding night. Involved in the case of a pair of biological sisters, Meng XiaoMeng and Meng XiaoLu. Meng XiaoMeng (Ziting Yang ornaments), and Meng XiaoLu (Wen-Ting Sun ornaments) from childhood his parents died, two street Zhu Jiafu to be closed to do business maidservants, but I wish his son with evil intentions, took the opportunity to abuse the Meng XiaoMeng, Meng XiaoMeng Abhorrent to men, began to feel unfriendly sister path. I wish my father and son on the path to start small dream stab wound two, with the path to escape, separated. A few years later a pseudonym Bai Meng Meng XiaoMeng to become a famous singer, then Zai Yu Meng XiaoLu to be married, special feelings for my sister, so that she did not believe her sister's fiance Yu ChengYe, decided to make their own bait let my sister know that the world is no good man , She succeeded, but also failed, Yu ChengYe fall in love, Meng XiaoMeng also fall in love with Yu ChengYe. The two can not be combined, Yu ChengYe and the path of marriage that night, in order to prove love, died of suicide. Three entangled Nie Yuan ending tragedy.

TheDoctors (TV)[2010]

Feature: Wu MingXun, vice president of Renhua Hospital, is about to take over as president. Taking advantage of the Chinese physicians' benevolence merger atlas, they visited Zhong LiXing, a famous American cardiothoracic surgeon who met with old friend Mei Dong and died in a car accident with Zhong LiXing. Zhong LiXing Can not accept the brutal reality and psychological collapse of being a doctor but unable to save her sister. Wu MingXun took the opportunity to bring Zhong LiXing home and asked him to return to Renhua Hospital to establish the reputation of cardiac surgery and increase his weight as president. Unexpectedly, the arrival of Zhong LiXing has caused a series of shocks in the hospital ---- his superb medical skills, professional style and professed piety for doctors, which have attracted Wu MingXun's wife and anesthesiology department Director Jiang YiDan heart ripples. One after another hospital accident, management negligence, technical mistakes, or unable to return to the days of medical limitations? Wu MingXun and Zhong LiXing have serious disagreements. A group of doctors full of ideals and dedication have struggled hard in their dreams and reality and eventually recovered their lofty and responsible pledge from Hippocratic Oath and their professional beliefs of "medical benevolence".

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