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Crystal Yuan TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Crystal Yuan Works 22 ,And Costume Drama 8 ,Romance 5 ,Martial Arts 5 ,Comedy 3 ,Fantasy film 2 ,Myth play 2 ,Xian xia 2 ,青春·时尚·励志2 ,Suspense 2 ,青春偶像1 ,Historical play 1 ,Urban drama 1 ,Love 1 ,Year 1 ,当代其它1 ,Ancient legend 1 ,都市情感励志1 ,Modern legend 1 ,Crime 1 。

Works Index

Crystal Yuan Filmography(22)


琉璃 (TV)[2020]


五大仙门的簪花大会即将在少阳派举行,掌门 Chu Lei 的大女儿 Ling Long 机灵能干。二女儿璇玑懵懂懒散、荒废修行,两人被委以接待各派参赛弟子的重任。期间,璇玑与前来参加大会的离泽宫首徒 Yu SiFeng 一见如故,结下友谊,而因两人误入少阳秘境使得璇玑被 Chu Lei 罚去明霞洞思过。 Ling Long 在簪花大会上与别派弟子 Wu Tong 起了冲突,狠厉的 Wu Tong 实施报复,误伤璇玑,被正派驱逐。重伤醒来的璇玑却因此意识到自己“废柴”行为的不良后果,发誓好好修行,不再连累他人。司凤则因之前被璇玑摘下面具而回离泽宫接受了残酷的惩罚。四年后,璇玑功法精进,获得了下山历练的机会。鹿台镇为民除害中,璇玑偶遇司凤,并在司凤的点拨下学会配合与信任的要义。 Wu Tong 背叛正派,联手魔族天墟堂意图称霸三界,整个天下岌岌可危。此时已经领略人间真情的璇玑,不再是懵懂少女,她坚守正义,联手司凤向恶势力宣战,并成功扭转局势。最终恶人伏诛,三界恢复平静,璇玑和司凤也在历尽种种误会与艰辛后收获了珍贵的爱情 。琉璃海报

将夜2 (TV)[2020]


《将夜2》电视剧是由企鹅影视、猫片、金色传媒、阅文影业出品,杨阳执导, Wang Hedi 、 S.Ireine 、 Yang ChaoYue 、 Crystal Yuan 等主演的古装玄幻剧。

这个世界有个传言,永夜降至,人间浩劫。只有找到传说中的应兆之人,才能化解危机。边城小军卒 Ning Que 凭借坚韧意志,一路过关斩将走上了修行之路,成功为自己冤死的家人平反昭雪,更成为了唐国的守护者。然而在野心家的撺掇下,世人发现与 Ning Que 青梅竹马的 Sang Sang 就是传说中的应兆之人,欲置她于死地。 Ning Que 不愿看到善良的 Sang Sang 受伤害,陪伴着她突破重重阻碍,两人浪迹天涯,相依为命。此时野心家意图一举毁灭唐国,集结各国联军讨伐。 Ning Que 临危受命,放下个人的仇怨,带领唐国军民奋起反抗,成为国家的守护者。 Ning Que 和伙伴们集千万人的力量和誓死守卫家园的决心,重新启动了唐国惊神大阵,战胜了强大的敌人,还世间和平与安宁。 Ning Que 则继续踏上了寻回爱人 Sang Sang 之路。


听雪楼 (TV)[2019]



拜月教荼毒众生、为祸江湖, Wu Lin 三大高手 Bai Di 、 Xue Gu 、血魔携手听雪楼楼主 Xiao ShiShui 对战拜月。拜月教主 Hua Lian 与大祭司联手,用圣物护花铃,侵入血魔心神,令其杀妻自刎。血魔女儿 Shu JingRong 被 Bai Di 收入门下,与师兄青岚青羽、 Xue Gu 爱徒 Xiao ShiShui 之子 Xiao YiQing 一起长大。师兄青岚和师父 Bai Di 的相继离世,令 Shu JingRong 发现自己是不详之身的预言,自责不已。 Shu JingRong 拿走父亲血魔留下的血薇剑加入听雪楼,与少楼主 Xiao YiQing 携手剿灭霹雳堂,对抗不断作恶的拜月楼,维护百姓平安。拜月教护法 Gu Guang 被策反,帮助 Xiao YiQing 解开 Xiao ShiShui 留下的无字之书,获知当年父母死因的 Xiao YiQing ,立誓要为父母报仇。 Xiao YiQing 和 Shu JingRong 联手,铲除了拜月教,还世人以太平江湖。萧舒二人终不离不弃,生死相许。


Ever Night (TV)[2018]

Feature: “Ever Night” told a legendary of Ning Que. An ordinary civilian’s struggle history. Original novel is based on a cultivation world,but more than cultivation stories. There is a prediction in this cultivation world”Ever night comes,human hell arrived”. Fresh soldier Ning Que wanted to find out and revenge the murderer who killed his family. Take his childhood friend Sang Sang to the capital. After his hard working,he became a general and leading the army defeat enemy country’s invasion.Then he found out the black hand kill his family,the boss Hao Tian planed all the stuff and robed Sang Sang away. He told Ning that Sang is the host of Ever Night, the most important part of Ever Night project. Hao Tian wanted to control Sang active Ever Night destroy the world and rebuild it to be new world’s lord. Ning Que had a duel with Hao Tian and beat him save the world. There is no Ever Night anymore, Ning and Sang left together and had a happy end.

Junior Shield (TV)[2017]

Feature: Lu Hao insisted her mother on the police academy, beauty classmates Shen XiaoTong let him a bright spot. Under high pressure, helplessness also produces love. A year later, Lu Hao found herself nowhere near the school. With talent and hard work, Lu Hao is leading academically but is jealous of the wonderful hostess Ling ZhiPeng. During driving class, Ling ZhiPeng was forced to drop out of school in order to surpass Lu Hao for violating regulations. Lu Hao could not deal with all this. He was determined to leave the police academy but was on the way out to get the message of Director Li's sacrifice. At the memorial service, Lu Hao Ling ZhiPeng resolve conflicts and mutual encouragement, since Lu Hao firm conviction. Internship Lu Hao was assigned to a remote village police station, returned to the city attended the ceremony the same day, he and his entourage into the mountains and criminals started life and death confrontation. The graduation ceremony is underway in the police academy auditorium. Lu Hao in the jungle courageously took hold of the fugitive old Liu who trekked through the jungle. He traveled a long way without a road and shouted out loud these days during these most difficult times. In preparation for the people's police oath. At this moment, he eventually became the People's Police who vowed to vow.

Taiji Gurus Taiji Gate (TV)[2017]

Feature: During the period of the Republic of China, Zhu PiaoYi escaped to the Chenjiagou taiji gate in order to fulfill his father's will and destroy the house. Zhu PiaoYi, once a native of China, began to learn Tai Chi in Tai Chi Gate under the guidance of Liang PuFang and Chen QingYuan. Zhu PiaoYi learned Tai Chi after the faucet stick to the revolutionary army, together with friends and relatives to Shanghai. In Shanghai, Zhu PiaoYi promoted Tai Chi while waiting for information from the Revolutionary Army. Under the plot of killing her father Zhang LingHai, Zhu PiaoYi had to explore the secrets of the leader and finally completed his father's wish with the help of the Revolutionary Army. After returning to Shanghai, Zhu PiaoYi smashed Japanese ambitions in order to protect the peaceful liberation of Shanghai and fight against Japan's Black Dragon Society.

Im flying in the stars (TV)[2017]


"My Star Fly" tells the story of a fat girl turning black swan to revenge before her boyfriend relapses with this one and repeats the loss of memory. This gorgeous transformation, several heroes will friendship and love as the eternal melody of youth, have been baptized with time, and several network anchors staged a wonderful process of growth. It reflects that contemporary young people face challenges and go forward bravely, and in the course of career and love, they have been ignorant of burning, but they are still relentless. The pursuit of self-worth is a manifestation of the positive energy of righteous thoughts and righteousness in contemporary society.

Youth in February when the sun (TV)[2017]


The Youth in February, also known as "My Star is Flying," tells the story of a fat girl turning black swan to retaliate before her boyfriend relapses into love with this one. This gorgeous transformation, several heroes will friendship and love as the eternal melody of youth, have been baptized with time, and several network anchors staged a wonderful process of growth. It reflects that contemporary young people face challenges and go forward bravely, and in the course of career and love, they have been ignorant of burning, but they are still relentless. The pursuit of self-worth is a manifestation of the positive energy of righteous thoughts and righteousness in contemporary society.


TheGuest (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Zheng Kai, who was in the midst of a successful career, suddenly suffered a serious blow and was under an unexpected mistake. He became the only responsible person facing joblessness and huge compensation. Zheng Kai drunk when accidentally angry, was accidentally sent by a mysterious black car driver home, because there is no money, the driver left a phone call hope the next day payment, the result of this phone to bring him a nightmare Like life. The next day, the driver frequently called Zheng Kai to be friends with him. Zheng Kai after the hangover, simply forgot what happened, with what the driver said. The driver is starting to assume that both of them are already friends. Then the conflicting boss suddenly killed and various suspects inevitably pointed at him, and the possible compensation made him anxious to flee his present life. However, all this seems to be traced back and kept tangled with him The driver of the black car and the terrible black car caused Zheng Kai to suspect that he was greatly linked to the murder of the boss. However, Zheng Kai faced with persuading his wife to leave Shenzhen, which could get rid of the compensation and the driver's entanglement. However, the driver had completely stopped Understand his situation, and find it.

Im Du LaLa (TV)[2016]

Feature: I am Du LaLa, a 30-year-old working-class elite Du LaLa, who will soon be on the rank of director. And she and Wang Wei's love affair is also ripe, get married and lead a happy life. Unexpectedly, the company suddenly appeared airborne Bingui Kai Xi, the same personnel manager, and Larra competing personnel director. Kai Xi Bilala young, but in no way inferior ability. Two people in the company's personnel recruitment, annual programs and other work in close combat, several times Lara almost defeated. Lala feel pressure, director of the place is also crumbling. However, Lala did not expect that Kai Xi and Wang met for a long time, especially loved by her mother Lu AiHua. Kai Xi deeply influenced by Western culture, taken for granted, and the Royal family to go very close to Lala to bring a lot of trouble. Although Lara is the workplace elite, but it is a family rookie. At first she ran out of work in balance between workplaces and families, which caused a lot of controversy. Atlas had even contradicted Wang Wei. But pulling the bones of good persistence, let her gradually grow. In the end, Lara won my mother-in-law's love of being a good wife and a happy wife with her own efforts and true love of the family.

Old Nine (TV)[2016]

Feature: "Old Nine" tells the story of the Republic of China, the nine families guarding Changsha, known as the "nine disciples." The nine forces are huge, no one knows the outside world, nobody knows, almost all of the shambles, out of Changsha is bound to go through one of them. In the autumn of 1933, a mysterious ghost car drove slowly to Changsha Railway Station. Zhang QiShan, the head of the nine-door "Zhang DaShan Buddha," was deployed as an armistice and was ordered to investigate. Zhang QiShan and Qi Ye Qi TieZui all the way to visit and found that there is a doubtful mine outside Changsha, has been the Japanese peeping. In order to solve the mystery of the mine, Zhang QiShan sought assistance from Er YueHong (Lay (entertainer)), a dramatist of the Shang Men San Men Men, but unfortunately Er YueHong, though an isolated aristocratic family, lamented Ya Tou, a seriously ill wife, . Zhang QiShan For national righteousness and brotherhood, go north to Crescent Hotel for Er YueHong wife seeking medicine. In Peking, Zhang QiShan met Miss Yin XinYue (Liying Zhao) at the Crescent Hotel and co-starred three Skylamps with Yin XinYue to make up for the family wealth. Yin XinYue helped Zhang QiShan et al to return to Changsha successfully. Er YueHong wife died of illnesses, no improvement after taking the medication, the final result. Er YueHong sadness but accidentally discovered that the family ancestors and mines also have a significant relationship, so cheer up, decided to join hands with Zhang QiShan, to solve the mystery of the mine.

Back to the ming dynasty to be the prince of yang ling (TV)[2016]


Back to the Ming dynasty Yang Ling The biography tells the story of the hongzhi years, xiucai Yang Ling (Jiang Jinfu) on the wedding day, suddenly fell to the ground. A few days later, Yang Ling, recovering from a serious illness, looked at his impoverished family and his devoted new wife Han YouNiang (Crystal Yuan), Yang Ling feels ashamed and decides to sell the land to take the test. By way of jimingyi, Yang Ling used her intelligence and knowledge to help her Ma Ang Removed the suspicion of murder, resolved a wrongful case, so Yang Ling was appreciated by the county, has become a jiaming county master. And Ma Ang's sister Ma LianEr (CiCi Xia) is also upset with Yang Ling. After that, Yang Ling became the master of jiaming county, and played a crucial role in the battle of jimingyi. On the battlefield, Yang Ling and his prince zhu houzhao (Ruilin Liu), the prince, became close to death. Because of work into Beijing rose prince presence of Yang Ling, brothers with Zhu Houzhao mood, two people a minister, a king in the surrounding of the imperial power and fought in the plot, ball, Yang Ling eventually help Zhu Hou ZhaoDeng on the throne, clean up a corrupt official firm owns, Yang Ling from an ordinary scholar, also became the Ming dynasty recruited sovereign, achieved its ups and downs and magnificent legend life.

Flying knife See also Flying knife (TV)[2016]

Feature: After Li XunHuan, "Little Li Dao Dao" and the money to help the main Shang GuanJinHong pinnacle, Shang GuanJinHong died, Li XunHuan disappeared. However, Li Huai, a great grandson of Li XunHuan, is an illegitimate child of Shang GuanXian, daughter of Li ManQing and Shang GuanJinHong. Shang GuanXian was killed suddenly because of legendary Shang GuanXian possession of money to help the treasure, so Li Huai identity exposure. Critical juncture, Li Huai won the mysterious woman Xue CaiYue repeatedly rescued. Li ManQing would like to recognize Li Huai, Li Huai not from, but with his brother Li Zheng congenial. Li Huai and Xue CaiYue, Li Zheng, friends Long Yi and childhood sweetheart Fang KeKe, together to look for the murderer. Several people have established profound friendship with each other. Li Huai and Xue CaiYue, both suffering and having an affair with each other, intend to both retreat. However, they unexpectedly find the month of acquisition and their commonplace father-in-law's hatred. Li Zheng also fights with Li Huai for Fang KeKe, while Li ManQing, his father, defends his family's honor by giving Li Huai a duel on behalf of Li's family. Fall apart, a pair of lovers face the tragedy of love and kill. Until all the truth opened, the two resolve misunderstandings, eventually married.

TheLegendofS (TV)[2015]

Feature: Shushan warriors of the legendary Shijia still Shushan school is the arena first decent, has been leading the martial arts for many years. Shushan head Zhu GeYuWo Paul to protect the world, and the attempt to seize the red soul stone Shushan sent off robe Venerable Disciples fight. The son of six-star Ding Hidden This is an ordinary hunter lying village, because of the case of massacre Tu Tu village was saved on Shushan. But in a lucky coincidence of red soul stone refining into the body, Ding Yin, who is different from the talent to worship Shushan under the door to practice sword. Ding Yin found that the memory of the woman in the green robe Yu WuXin turned out to be exactly the same with his passing wife, two fell in love. At this point, Shushan school also undercurrent surging, and the Magic Sect collusion of the "mountain" secretly making waves. Seals Tianxu demons Shushan enchantment array "Nanming from the fire" Excalibur was Yu WuXin away, to reinforce the domain enchantment, head Zhu GeYuWo sent Ding Yin, Dan ChenZi, Zhu GeZiYing, Zhou QingYun and Zhang XianBing down , Looking for the legendary god wood, green cable, Aster three sword. DINGYIN et al. Obtained the Excalibur after hardships and difficulties, but they did not want to fall into a bigger conspiracy, causing the people to fall apart. At the same time, the fierce clan and Shushan faction battle more and more fierce, Green robes Venerable Shushan attacked. In the face of heavy conspiracy betrayals and the immediate final war, Ding Yin and Yu WuXin love and hate two hardships, the concept of good and evil. Eventually they chose to save the world's common people.

head towards happiness (TV)[2015]

Feature: Ren YiFan, a girlfriend Chen Qing, a creative man in Imagination Advertising Company of the century, goes without saying a word. Every night, she goes back to Chen Qing, where they had been dating. Three years did not wait until Chen Qing returned, instead waiting until a looming woman Chen Yang had similarities - Ye Lin. Ren YiFan decided to start a new life, the two saw it. Unexpectedly, Ren YiFan arrived at the company the next day and found Ye Lin a new boss for his company. Even more unimaginable is that Chen Qing, the half-sister of Ye Lin, reappears in the life of Ren YiFan in retaliation for Ye ShuangCheng's father, Ji XuGang reached a tacit understanding. Ren YiFan experienced confusion and growth in this complex emotion, founded his own company and successfully helped Ye Lin defeat Ji XuGang. Along the way, Ren YiFan and Ye Lin finally realized that each other is true love. After Chen Qing lost everything, she realized that love can resolve grievances. There are too many beautiful things in life that are much more important than hatred.

Shushan war Jihan legend (TV)[2015]

Feature: "Shushan War Jiye legend" tells the Shushan school is the first door is decent, has been leading the martial arts for many years. Shushan head Zhu GeYuWo Paul to protect the world, and the attempt to seize the red soul stone Shushan sent off robe Venerable Disciples fight. The son of six-star Ding Hidden This is an ordinary hunter lying village, because of the case of massacre Tu Tu village was saved on Shushan. But in a lucky coincidence of red soul stone refining into the body, Ding Yin, who is different from the talent to worship Shushan under the door to practice sword. Ding Yin found that the memory of the woman in the green robe Yu WuXin turned out to be exactly the same with his passing wife, two fell in love. At this point, Shushan school also undercurrent surging, and the Magic Sect collusion of the "mountain" secretly making waves. Seals Tianxu demons Shushan enchantment array "Nanming from the fire" Excalibur was Yu WuXin away, to reinforce the domain enchantment, head Zhu GeYuWo sent Ding Yin, Dan ChenZi, Zhu GeZiYing, Zhou QingYun and Zhang XianBing down , Looking for the legendary god wood, green cable, Aster three sword. DINGYIN et al. Obtained the Excalibur after hardships and difficulties, but they did not want to fall into a bigger conspiracy, causing the people to fall apart. At the same time, the fierce clan and Shushan faction battle more and more fierce, Green robes Venerable Shushan attacked. In the face of heavy conspiracy betrayals and the immediate final war, Ding Yin and Yu WuXin love and hate two hardships, the concept of good and evil. Eventually they chose to save the world's common people.

Mi Yue Legendary Warring States Hongyan (TV)[2015]

Feature: The Legend of Miu Miu of the Warring States Period begins with Mi Yue, the legendary woman, under the guise of the legendary Queen Mi Yue of the Warring States period. "Legend of the Miu Miu of the Warring States" tells an aristocrat prince of the wealthy and powerful nation of Qin during the Qin Dynasty, who fell in love with the moonlight of an enemy woman under the sun. The moon is a legendary woman who has the capacity to shut the shame on the moon and sinks. This love that is not recognized by the world makes Wei Zhongfu repeatedly caught up in distress. However, the existence of these miseries is only the overture of the road of love between Wei Zhongming and the moon. However, Wei Zhongfu and Mingyue, who have experienced torment, did not know their story was due to a very talented cartoonist Wei Wei-fu. Wei Zifu is living in the modern world two thousand years from the Qin Dynasty, is a legendary animation tycoon industry, at the same time, he is also a very talented cartoonist. And Wei Zhongfu and the moon are the characters of Wei Zifu. In the modern world, Wei Zhongfu was renamed Wei Wei Fu, the moon changed its name to May. Wei Zifu, the month of rice, and his friend Gu XiaoQing, Qu Yi is a participant in an evil game, and in the aftercare, they fall into the trap of the game for a long time unable to extricate themselves ...

iPartment Season 4 (TV)[2014]

Feature: "Love Apartment 4" stills Hu YiFei and Nuo Lan because of a tennis injury sprained foot, Ceng XiaoXian make the trick of losing coins to decide who to save. But this time, his luck did not seem to participate in "who can become a millionaire," so good. On the one hand is the lovely Nuo Lan, while a domineering self-confident Philippine, who will come together with Ceng XiaoXian? Xiao Yin's decision surprised everyone's surprise ... ... Tang YouYou accepted Guan GuShenQi's proposal, but Gu Tan found that long and not pregnant. In a small apartment, who is pregnant? Who is the child's father? Love reasoning of the Valley began clues investigation, but his face before the fog. Long found that there are countless things to do before marriage, such as stubborn Guan GuShenQi and his more stubborn father Guan GuJianCiLang and harmony, such as buying a house, buying a car, engagement ceremony, of course, the final single party ... ... Merry yuppie Lv ZiQiao continue to live an unfriendly happy life, he even created an unprecedented new job. But the rumor that someone in the apartment was pregnant also got him involved in the whirlpool. After a series of turmoil, Zi Joe realized Chen MeiJia's position in the heart, but it was too late, and the new competitor started a crazy pursuit of MEGA ...... Lin Wan Yu's departure made Lu ZhanBo unforgettable. He Occasionally discovered a green organization to save the world, the exhibition in the heart of the dream and ambition be activated again. But his sister Hu YiFei and other small partners do not support him ... ... "Legal pioneer" Zhang Wei also returned to the love apartment. As always, he was unlucky and optimistic. Pretty but frigidity Gossip Girl, super hard beat one after another from the sky, Zhang Wei can Hold live?

Legend of the last emperor (TV)[2014]

Feature: "The Last Emperor Legend" tells the story of the legendary and upheaval of the last emperor Ai Xinjueluo in China. From the Emperor to the Head of State, from the war criminals to the new citizens, after the Forbidden City's last glory, Emperor ", Japan was captured in the defeat of the Soviet Union for five years after its defeat, as an extradition for prisoners of warrant extradite obtained amnesty. The brightest and hopeful days of his life came, working and voting as an ordinary citizen, eventually bathed in the dawn of a new age, with a farewell to a new life & died. & Nbsp ;.

Bu DaiHeShang new biography (TV)[2014]

Feature: Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period, the world chaos, is located in eastern Zhejiang Mingzhou Prefecture of Fenghua, Shan Ling Yuk Sau, Zhang photos heavy days picked up in the stream with a bag of children, which deed, and this child is Maitreya's Incarnation Bu DaiHeShang. With this grown up, the monk as a monk, he was short, fat, happy face, usually with a shoulder bag carrying bags travel around the Quartet to Zen machine point of the world; Bu DaiHeShang Uphilize evil and bring forth goodness and use his wisdom to fight wits and bravely with the evil forces in the world and to save the people in misery and love and respect by the people. An expression of "big belly can tolerate the world can not tolerate things; open laugh, laughing joys of the world" is the true portrayal of Bu DaiHeShang. Adapted from Bu DaiHeShang's many folk tales and myths and legends, the play tells the story of Bu DaiHeShang's legendary story of eliminating violence, helping others and persuasion.

White school flowers and big legs (TV)[2014]

Feature: "White school flowers and big legs," tells a white Su-Su girl into the campus, it caused a sensation. Only because of her pure and quiet, beautiful and stunning appearance and mysterious mysterious smile. She is Ruan QingTian. A pair of deep eyes, a clear look of Lang face, a gas field that can not say without. This is the young and promising commercial giant Ren HaoMing, who every night with a different actress or new movie night. This is a secret all the world knows, no one dares to talk about. Seeming no intersection of the two, but caught in a Nie Yuan - Ren HaoMing's younger brother is Ruan QingTian classmate, he volunteered into Ruan QingTian love, never thought, my brother also loved the same woman. Why Ruan QingTian is always a white, and this white clothes also have untold story, why she wanted to approach the underworld, into the underworld, how not afraid of the bloody, Ren HaoMing all Choose support and waiting, whether it is a serious crisis or hard and fast, as long as there Ren HaoMing, will be saved. However, a revenge of Ruan QingTian actually directed at Ren HaoMing cold sword, this section of Nie Yuan, where to go from & nbsp ;.

Flying knife See also Flying knife (TV)[2003]

Feature: Li Huai is an orphan. His smile on his face never seems to disappear. No one ever knew that he was from a generation of stills and his grandfather was the famous Li XunHuan. With a treasure map hidden in her mother's kit, Li Huai spent seven years alone and practiced as a flying sword in the world to find the treasure of the rich and the enemy. For the sake of love and immortality in the mind, Li Huai returns to the mountain fortress when she was young and looks for sweetheart Fang KeKe. Unfortunately, all she brings to Li Huai is a boundless nightmare. Li Huai was suspected to have been linked to the theft of gold in the palace and for a moment became a thief who was to be punished and soon afterwards. However, it is unpredictable that the death of Li Huai by the imperial family, "Xue CaiYue," actually fell in love with Li Huai. They ruled out all difficulties and had a warm home. Until one day Li Huai woke up to find that he was flirting with his flesh and blood, leaving only a note that says and Li Huai love has done. The original Luna to Li bad father Li ManQing challenge, she wanted to destroy the "Flying Swordsman" myth of rivers and lakes, the deceased father Xue QingBi revenge. However, blood flowing through Li Blood belongs to the blood of "Li Li Dao Dao", and he must not tarnish his family honor. Li Huai and Luna finally stood opposite each other. On the verge of life and death, in the crying of babies, Li Huai and Luna coincide with each other in that distant and beautiful place where there was once a Family.

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