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Bai YiCong TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Bai YiCong Works 29 ,And Suspense 11 ,Costume Drama 7 ,Romance 6 ,Martial Arts 6 ,Action 5 ,Urban drama 5 ,Comedy 4 ,Feature 3 ,Love 3 ,Adventure 2 ,Crime 2 ,Romantic drama 2 ,Adventure film 2 ,Contemporary film 1 ,Idol Play 1 ,Romance drama 1 ,Suspense drama 1 ,Science fiction drama 1 ,Idol drama 1 ,Sci-Fi 1 ,话题1 ,Historical play 1 ,Youth drama 1 ,Motivational film 1 ,足球1 ,美剧形式拍摄1 ,季播1 ,破案1 ,Magic 1 。

Works Index

Bai YiCong Filmography(29)


山月不知心底事 (TV)[2019]


《山月不知心底事》讲述了20世纪90年代, Xiang Yuan ( Victoria Song 饰)接受叶家资助,从婺源考入上海读大学,聪明的 Xiang Yuan 从学校到职场不断成长,经济终于独立。 Xiang Yuan 爱叶家大儿子 Ye QianZe ( Oho Ou 饰),二儿子 Ye Yun 却喜欢 Xiang Yuan 。 Ye QianZe 和叶家收养的女孩林灵有情愫,但最终叶、向二人结婚。婚后两人因价值观产生冲突,而林灵的去世更是让 Ye QianZe 受折磨,为了 Ye QianZe 精神稳定, Xiang Yuan 接受离婚。后 Ye QianZe 被绑架,和绑匪都在沉船事故中身亡。四年后, Xiang Yuan 带领江源成为上海最好的地产公司, Xiang Yuan 成为知名女企业家, Ye Yun 敞开对 Xiang Yuan 的爱,但 Xiang Yuan 心理上没有办法接受他。 Xiang Yuan 当年和绑匪的对话录音落到人手, Xiang Yuan 愤怒中说出来话,对 Xiang Yuan 和江源的名誉有毁灭性打击, Ye Yun 用生命保护 Xiang Yuan ,勒索犯落网, Xiang Yuan 在病床边,用爱等待 Ye Yun 醒来。

听雪楼 (TV)[2019]



拜月教荼毒众生、为祸江湖, Wu Lin 三大高手 Bai Di 、 Xue Gu 、血魔携手听雪楼楼主 Xiao ShiShui 对战拜月。拜月教主 Hua Lian 与大祭司联手,用圣物护花铃,侵入血魔心神,令其杀妻自刎。血魔女儿 Shu JingRong 被 Bai Di 收入门下,与师兄青岚青羽、 Xue Gu 爱徒 Xiao ShiShui 之子 Xiao YiQing 一起长大。师兄青岚和师父 Bai Di 的相继离世,令 Shu JingRong 发现自己是不详之身的预言,自责不已。 Shu JingRong 拿走父亲血魔留下的血薇剑加入听雪楼,与少楼主 Xiao YiQing 携手剿灭霹雳堂,对抗不断作恶的拜月楼,维护百姓平安。拜月教护法 Gu Guang 被策反,帮助 Xiao YiQing 解开 Xiao ShiShui 留下的无字之书,获知当年父母死因的 Xiao YiQing ,立誓要为父母报仇。 Xiao YiQing 和 Shu JingRong 联手,铲除了拜月教,还世人以太平江湖。萧舒二人终不离不弃,生死相许。

qi yue 与 an sheng (TV)[2019]


电视剧《 Qi Yue 与 An Sheng 》剧情介绍:讲述两个从小一起长大的闺蜜,在命运的作弄下,爱上了同一个男人,因为对世界、对自己、对爱情完全相悖的价值观,最终得到了各自的命运安排,阴阳相隔。讲述 Qi Yue 与 An Sheng 是如此不同的女孩, An Sheng 桀骜, Qi Yue 轻柔。从高中第一次见面开始,二人就成为最好的朋友。她们共同的梦想是成为演员。虽然演员的路并不好走,但姐妹俩一路扶持,克服困难,最终大放异彩。命运般的,她们爱上了同一个男孩家明。但相较爱情,两人更珍惜彼此的友情。她们都选择放手,情愿和家明保持亲人般的关系。 An Sheng 为成全 Qi Yue 和家明的幸福,她选择了另一条感情出路,接受了影帝章宏远。但章宏远无法理解 An Sheng 跟 Qi Yue 和家明的关系,因为前女友不忠的阴影令他诸般猜疑,最终跟 An Sheng 关系破裂,远走国外。 An Sheng 失去了爱情,但 Qi Yue 仍在她身边。最后, An Sheng 难产生下章宏远的女儿。她把女儿托付给 Qi Yue ,以这种方式,她又和 Qi Yue 永远在一起了。

怒海潜沙&秦岭神树 (TV)[2019]


Wu Xie 从机关重重的战国墓“七星鲁王宫”九死一生逃出生天后,又重新出发与 Zhang QiLing 、 Wang PangZi 一起探寻深埋海底、掩藏无数秘密的明代沉船葬海底墓,寻找“三叔” Wu SanXing 。从西礁海底遗迹归来、在家赋闲没有几日的“铁三角” Wu Xie 、 Zhang QiLing 、 Wang PangZi 因一个惊人的消息:诡异的六角铃铛,古老的厍族,巨大的青铜树,遥远的秦岭腹地……再次踏上了探秘之路 。


黄金瞳 (TV)[2018]


电视剧《黄金瞳》剧情介绍:讲述原本平凡无奇的典当行职员 Zhuang Rui 在一个午夜突遇劫案,在与劫匪的周旋之中被一块碎玉击伤,伤愈后却发现自己已然来到了人生的分水岭。被命运选中的 Zhuang Rui 自此走上了一段传奇的冒险之旅。在探究宿命真相的道路上, Zhuang Rui 持续努力,几乎攀上了人生巅峰,在经历了公盘赌石、丛林冒险、圣彼得堡游历期间,结交了 Huang FuYun 、 Peng Fei 等一干生死之交,与女警 Miao FeiFei 、香港珠宝设计师 Qin XuanBing 之间产生了若有似无的情愫。随着一桩四十年前的考古秘闻逐渐被揭开, Zhuang Rui 等人也遭遇了敌对势力的打压和追击,生死抉择之间, Zhuang Rui 不忘初心,在弘扬传统文化的同时,坚定信念,不向厄运低头,最终打破宿命的诅咒,收获了至亲挚爱,将暗黑势力一网打尽,真正完成了人生的逆袭。

Sand (TV)[2018]


Introduction to the plot of the TV series "shahai" : about ordinary high school studentsLi Cu(Lei Wu) gets caught up in a massive project aimed at the state of the world, and then gets to know the person behind it all, coming as a travel photographer named guan genWu Xie(Qin Hao).Wu Xiehas scaled back his naivete and, with his unusual intelligence, has begun to declare war on the destiny that was set thousands of years ago. .

Shahai is a modern adventure TV series co-produced by penguin TV, nan pai pan yu and ciwen media, starring Lei Wu, Qin Hao, Yang Rong (actress-actress), Alina Zhang, Mingen Zhang, Petrinovich Pugh & Co LLP: Zhu Jie CPA.

Concession juvenile blood file (TV)[2018]

Feature: "Concession juvenile blood file" tells the story of a small bullshit Xiong Tian's growth and counter-strike. At first, Xiong Tian was just a nameless steampunk genius in the alley. Later, after going through a series of struggles, Xiong Tian became a peerless boxing champion who overcame the Western masters at the Wushu Fighting Conference. During the Xiong Tian experienced a tragic death of her brother, first married marry, confidante anti-head, loved, respectively, until finally found the lead Boreal actually caused its dark death behind the black hand! In the face of a huge conspiracy, but fortunately Xiong Tian wit and brave, the anti-revulsion, incarnation of the god of chaos, but also from the beach gang flock to become a rising star in a chaotic world to uphold moral idol. After a series of events have subsided, Xiong Tian brings a fraternal delegation to the French Concession, reforming the gold knife club, saving the beach and smashing Japan's Transtech Corps invaders. This is a section of condolences to describe the enemy of the East dungeon legend!

When we love in New York (TV)[2018]


TV series "When We Love in New York" Plot: Tells the story about the 80- year-old girl Chen QunFei who graduated from New York and worked in a Fortune 500 company. On a trip, she met Wang Rich, a rich second-generation boyfriend. In the next three years, the two gathered less. Chen QunFei suddenly lost his job. At the same time, Wangjing hopes to break up peacefully. To this end, Wang Jing has asked Li An of a private consulting company to help plan the separation plan. Li An got to know Chen QunFei in the trough of life because she misunderstood Chen QunFei and committed suicide. Li An deeply blamed herself and decided to help Chen QunFei return to life. The two get along, Li An helps Chen QunFei to open his own clothing studio. At first, the studio faced many problems such as funds and customers, but Li An used his experience and contacts in New York to collaborate with Chen QunFei to put the studio's business on the right track. While the two men's feelings were gradually heating up, they found that there was an unknown grudge between the two families, which became a gap between the two. But when they faced the ups and downs of life together, the two finally faced their feelings for each other and came together.


Ten thousand years of love (TV)[2017]

Feature: Hundreds of years ago, five hundred years ago, Zixia descended to find Z.TAO, a Zijin (Z.TAO ornaments) with a purple-green sword, but destroyed the purple-green sword. Zixia in order to repair the sword, use the moonlight box through. Five hundred years later, the Supreme Treasure lost the memory of past lives, reincarnated as an ax to help the Lord, and the good Bai JingJing mutual benefit in day and night. However, Bai JingJing was tricked by the Spring of 30 Mother (Ruoxi Du ornaments) sword, in order to save Bai JingJing, the Supreme Treasure use Moonlight Box, actually crossed back five hundred years ago. Pan-hole hole two meet, Zixia shocked in front of her is five hundred years ago, the most precious treasure, but found he has fallen in love with others. Niu MoWang (Yang Juncheng ornaments) covet beauty to the extreme treasure of life threatening, to marry Zixia. In confusion, the Supreme Treasure delivered to the modern and the future by the moonlight treasure box, through the journey to see the treasure of his own heart. Extreme treasure to save Zixia and Niu MoWang war. Crucial moment, Zixia forbidden treasure blocked Niu MoWang's fatal blow. At this point, the young girlfriend Qingwan (Swan), who agreed with Liu ErMiHou, agreed on a schedule of days to change the fate of Zixia and Supreme Treasure. Chaos eventually all belong to you, Zixia and the ultimate treasure also finally has a happy ending. Westward Journey Love you ten thousand years

Rule the World (TV)[2017]

Feature: As a writer of the novel, Step by Step (Yi Xin Tang) was deeply attracted by the story of the true princess, the first beauty of the East Brother, after which she searched the ancient books and collected some bits and pieces of patchwork, Legendary love story gradually started under her pen. At the end of the Wanli calendar, the goddess Yi Xin Tang, who is a member of Yehbu's ministry, ". Because of her beauty and reputation has become the Jurchen tribes compete for the target, East Columbia had no choice but to struggle vortex, only strong in the desperate effort to survive. Brother Dong was sent to Nurhachi (Gangshan Jing) by his brother as a political tool, as well as predatory feelings by Wang Kai Yi, gentleness and consideration by Ray Shan, Raymond Lam An irreplaceable love, uninhibited by Chu Xiao Qu. East Columbia take care of Huang Taiji, which lovers in getting along gradually understand, trust each other, love life. Yin and Yang errant, the two separated, but after all, end with Wong Tai Chi reunion, self-recovery, accompanied by its left and right, witnessed the establishment of the great Taiji Qing, shoulder to shoulder with the vision of peace and prosperity, the achievement of a moving soul legend .

Tracing the Master (TV)[2017]

Feature: Lin YuanSu, who was alone in the market, got acquainted with four people of different abilities, including Qiu Chi, Xia GuDuo and Zhou Qi, after a lucky coincidence that they participated in the "Looking for Dogs Program" launched online. Through this cooperation, , They got together to set up a caring charity tracing organization to help people in need free of charge in spare time. At the beginning, everyone looked at each other's eyes, but time and time again with their counterparts so that they gradually establish a profound friendship, amazement in the twists and turns in the recovery of helping others move - to help veterans find their comrades wife and son's movement, looking for school first love bring Sentimental throbbing. They are also in the process of tracing the healing of their own scars, face their own heart, to find the true self, to understand the true meaning of tracing. After seeing too many loved ones together, Lin YuanSu finally admitted what he was longing for and bravely offered it to all people, hoping to find a father who had disappeared for 22 years in his own life and decided to work together to help him find Father, find his own consummate & nbsp ;.

Tornado eleven people (TV)[2016]

Feature: Mu Qi (Hugh) By chance, becoming a middle school football coach, the result actually spread out a secondary school team can not win the secondary school waste wood football team. Suddenly, Mu Qi was overwhelmed by airfare, but Mu Qi, who led the team with his first strategic win and wonders with his incredible skills, not only made the group nasty Boy convinced, but also let the teacher Pei Duo (Jiang Shuying ornaments) have changed for him. Mu Qi gradually began to build deep friendship with team members. Once-troubling students not only experienced more confidence in their active training, but also made progress in their studies. While everything was in a state of great development, big and small troubles came one after another, Lu Jie deliberately found fault and hoped one day he could kick out Mu Qi out of school; Zhong Yan frequently showed Mu Qi and Mu Qi took team training as an excuse Zhong Yan to avoid the hints and clear, Zhong Yan actually more frustrating and courageous. It is such a "strange" coach, actually so obscure 17 school team set foot on the provincial tournament dream journey, Mu Qi became the team deserved "ruffian hero." In the meantime, Mu Qi one after another in trouble, the coach qualification was questioned by the organizing committee, then "kick the black ball", "gambling" the past has gradually been dug out: the original Mu Qi formerly known as Xie Yu, is known as China The next generation of international footballers, retired as a result of injuries and scandals early at the age of 28, and easily approached with Pei Duo on the other side with Pei DuoMuQin's fierce opposition; the team also entered the final knockout, No coach awkward situation. Finally, coach Mu Qi led everyone to realize the "impossible" miracle, reaped the good love, and also recovered the initial obsession with his dreams in his career.

Ghost Blow the lamp is absolutely ancient city (TV)[2016]

Feature: Hu BaYi (Dong Jin ornaments) went to the Gangguo border Ganggang Gangzi, with the only remaining a book - "Sixteen words Yin and Yang Feng Shui," nothing to book Chinese The word back pass melon. After joining the army to Tibet, Avava collapse encountered a huge trench which, Hu BaYi use their own tomb mystery escaped undead. After the demobilization, Hu BaYi and her buddy Wang Fat (Da Zhao) joined an archeological team that went to archeology in Xinjiang. A pedestrian traveled to the fine ancient city ruins in the Taklamakan Desert after experiencing 10,000 dangers and entered the underground "ghost hole." The organs of the cave are numerous and the pitfalls are constant. This mysterious ghost hole seems to be under the control of a prophet.

Old Nine (TV)[2016]

Feature: "Old Nine" tells the story of the Republic of China, the nine families guarding Changsha, known as the "nine disciples." The nine forces are huge, no one knows the outside world, nobody knows, almost all of the shambles, out of Changsha is bound to go through one of them. In the autumn of 1933, a mysterious ghost car drove slowly to Changsha Railway Station. Zhang QiShan, the head of the nine-door "Zhang DaShan Buddha," was deployed as an armistice and was ordered to investigate. Zhang QiShan and Qi Ye Qi TieZui all the way to visit and found that there is a doubtful mine outside Changsha, has been the Japanese peeping. In order to solve the mystery of the mine, Zhang QiShan sought assistance from Er YueHong (Lay (entertainer)), a dramatist of the Shang Men San Men Men, but unfortunately Er YueHong, though an isolated aristocratic family, lamented Ya Tou, a seriously ill wife, . Zhang QiShan For national righteousness and brotherhood, go north to Crescent Hotel for Er YueHong wife seeking medicine. In Peking, Zhang QiShan met Miss Yin XinYue (Liying Zhao) at the Crescent Hotel and co-starred three Skylamps with Yin XinYue to make up for the family wealth. Yin XinYue helped Zhang QiShan et al to return to Changsha successfully. Er YueHong wife died of illnesses, no improvement after taking the medication, the final result. Er YueHong sadness but accidentally discovered that the family ancestors and mines also have a significant relationship, so cheer up, decided to join hands with Zhang QiShan, to solve the mystery of the mine.

Ring record (TV)[2016]

Feature: There are psychic Ji Tang Tang a series of special wind chimes, unjustly dead people grievances for a long time, it will hit the strings of bells, but also give her dreams. As a result, Ji TangTang had to go through the clues to solve the grievances grievances, their ability to resolve grievances again and again will also be improved. The love between her and Yue Feng who loves freedom, and the hundred years of grudges and grievances of the Shijiazhuang Qin family, have been exaggerated as the story unfolds & nbsp ;.

Second year of reading division (TV)[2016]

Feature: In the endless stream of history, any single minor mistake may trigger the demise of mankind. In the future there is a union of repairmen composed of practicing teachers, who are invisible in history and walk in space and time to create the brightest future for mankind. Liu Xin (Tong Bing Yu), a diatonic practitioner who can read his mind, met Qu XiaoWan (Xiaoqi Ai) in the accident as an obsessed person. The two were friends with Wang DaSuo (David Liang) and "RuoZhi" Ming Tian (Shunyao Xiao), both in the prison and from the Alliance. Mysterious empire (Xiu Ze Wang ornaments) I do not know enemy or friend, led Liu Xin and Qu XiaoWan understand the future of the planet, knowing the past of the league. After further contact with other practitioners, Liu Xin found that the world in which they stayed was not the only one, but there was a dedicated instructor who deliberately did so. What is the purpose of the alliance? Who is empty space? With questions, Liu Xin touches the future through memories of other ministers - a dilapidated and decadent ugly world. Redemptoric abyss, the sacrifice of Zhi Zhe, leader of the constant figure has gradually become clear. For the future of mankind, when Liu Xin, Qu XiaoWan, and Wang DaSuo are about to make their decisions, the constant appears abruptly and overthrows the alliance they have created. The core of their fight, not Liu Xin, is not Qu XiaoWan, but has been accompanied by their side if the Ming Tian. Whether there really is a bright future that allows the teachers to sacrifice for this purpose, everything is not clear & nbsp ;.

Tomb Notes (TV)[2015]

Feature: Wu Xie (Li Yifeng), a sibling of the "Lao Jiumen" family, was killed by pawned tombs as a parent of archeology during a national cultural relic protection campaign. Wu sent him to Germany to protect Wu Xie's safety Therefore, Wu Xie had an innate interest in "archeology". During a treasure hunt, he occasionally got a Warring States silk book containing the secrets of ancient tombs. In order to unlock the secrets of silk book before the unidentified forces were discovered, According to the Silk Guide Wu Xie followed Uncle Wu SanSheng (Ken Chang), Pan Zi (Wei Wei) and mysterious little brother Zhang QiLing (Yang Yang (actor)) to Lu Shang Wang Tomb to explore the secret of the seven-star Lu Royal Palace. In the tombs, Wu Xie met Wang PangZi (Tianzuo Liu) who came to Quest and saved an unidentified A Ning (Tiffany Tang). After a series of thrilling and incredible events, people also found more Unsolved mysteries. Wu Xie et al. Embarked on a journey of new mysteries while fighting unidentified forces.

Brocade Night (TV)[2015]

Feature: The Night of Bridal Veil tells the story of the early Ming Dynasty when Xia Xun, a civilian, blindly replaced the deceased wealthy scholar Yang Xu to become a pawn of Jinyi Wei and decided to protect himself after witnessing the ruthlessness of his supervisor Zhang ShiSan and others And for the people remove the pests. At the same time, he met the future wife Xie YuFei, the two began to get along like joyful enemies. Soon after, Xia Xun was chased by Guardian Wei on his way home and was rescued by Ximen Long and Ji Gang. As soon as the three were killed, they were worshiped by brothers. The latter three inadvertently saved the Yan Wang couple and the county chief, and Xia Xun's ability caused the concern of Bai YiXia and Luo KeDi, leaders of the two armies. Xia Xun has been trained by Bai YiXia and Luo KeDi to become an excellent Guardian. After Zhu YunWen ascended the throne, she started to cut the feudal clan, and Xia Xun, with her family, suffered more suffering for the common people, and decided to help him to set up the throne. He and Ji Gang in the Yan Wang side of the perfect match for the future of King Yan Deng made a significant contribution to & nbsp ;.

Darker 2 (TV)[2015]

Feature: "Diablo 2" tells the former Interpol captain arrested, Longyu Group forces reorganization, many years ago so that the city girl fear murder murderers gradually surfaced, twelve years ago, what is that so full of sense of justice Wizards world, transformed into a grim killer. Twelve years later, what kind of cause and effect, so that a new generation of darker, can not escape their own destiny. Darker's tireless efforts in investigating the truth of the death of his father, the case of the 2003 hostage-hijacking - revealed by the legendary hiding of the legendary legend for many years, and the teacher's failure to make Darker give up killing, He was saved.

Journeyman (TV)[2015]

Feature: Night bus ran unexpectedly out of control when steep mountain road, flying out of the cliff, life hanging moment, weird things happen - the time suddenly stopped, the bus was hanging in mid-air, motionless. In the still world, only Qu XiaoWan and Liu Xin are free to act. Originally, both were activists who were triggered to activate. They had unusual abilities, which are called the concept of force in the league. Liu Xin has a reading ability, while Qu XiaoWan can pause her time. A crisis came one after another, two people were suddenly hunted from the future, they were rescued by the mysterious man claiming to be Kong Yuan, to get future pocket watches that can cross time and space ... strange events hit one after another. The poor wanderer Liu Xin was forced to work alongside the elder Qu XiaoWan, a tall, wealthy, mysterious runaway.

Darker III (Movie)[2014]

Feature: A serial homicide of the exposure caused a huge sensation, one by one signed "Diablo" notice quietly in the face of the blatant provocation of the mysterious murderer, the police immediately set up a task force to compete with it, it is surprising that the team All members of "Dragon and Phoenix" - Luo Fei with high intelligence and low personal character, Mu Jianyun with cold and muggy mouth.

DatingHunter (TV)[2014]

Feature: "Dating experts" tells the story of a group of "dating clients" who love for leftovers and leftovers. Pu Bian was a beautiful public relations leader, sitting beauty charming wife, but after the failure of entrepreneurship not only the company closed down, both of his wife away from him. Pu Bian as the opposite of Ding Yu, known as the walk a flowering plum, soaking up to people, never lost his hand, the beauty around the uninterrupted. But Pu Bian has never won in any other area, he is a war-torn defeat, defeats and defeats, only to surpass Pu Bian. Liu Lin, an innumerable man who has read numerous articles from the International Model, can not even catch up with one event. In addition, he has been planning to join in with the talented housewife Su HangHang, Open a domestic most cattle public relations company, who knows unconsciously business deviation, becoming the most cattle emotional commissioner. The four young people with different personalities have gradually grown up in quarrels and laughter, solving a variety of emotional needs for clients who are attracted to them, and creating one after another "perfect date." While helping others to find their feelings, they also found their own destiny.

Diablo first season (TV)[2014]

Feature: "The Dark Season One" tells the story of a serial homicide of the exposure caused a huge sensation, one by one signed "Diablo" notice quietly in the face of the open challenge of the mysterious murderer, the police immediately set up a task force to contend with , It is surprising that all the members of this team are "People in the Dragon and Phoenix" - Luo Fei (Jingfei Guo) with high IQ, Mu JianYun (Kam Lu decorated), poker face Han Hao (Mincheng Li), "Yin Jian (Jingchao)", "Liang Yin (Li Qian (actress)"), Ceng RiHua (Stay Dan) Xiong Yuan (Wong Jing). Task force team called a group of exotic flowers. After a pile of bizarre crimes ensued, the task force in the constant run-in all the increasingly powerful, make every effort to fight with the mysterious drowsiness, as the case progresses, a surprising secret is about to be opened.

Chinese blind date (TV)[2009]

Feature: "Chinese blind date" tells every parent wants their children to find their own destination as soon as possible. Every struggling young man carries his hopes and dreams to find his true love. The story tells the story of Su Ge (Qiao Zhenyu), a passionate photographer, and Fang Hua (Ming-xiang Guo), a diving instructor, who co-founded a underwater photography studio where they met the cheerful guide An Qi (Xiwen Cao). The story revolves around the positive and progressive life of three people, the contradictions of their own families, and the emotional troubles experienced. Su Ge, who just returned from studying abroad, was bent on making some achievements in photography. Su Ge's mother, however, hoped Su Ge could return to the hotel soon enough to take over the family business and find a well-behaved girl to marry, exerting pressure on Su Ge. The loss of former girlfriend Su Ge shadow, unwilling to accept the arrangement of family members, and mother against. Fang Hua, who has failed many times in his career, has always had a hard time marketing marketing talent. Fang Hua's grandpa always looked forward to exerting tremendous pressure on Fang Hua during his lifetime to see his grandson get married. Due to the poor family environment of Fang Hua, parents rely on the food stalls to do business for their livelihood. The grandpa's serious illness, but also to the poor families worse. Many blind date did not find a Ken and their own business struggle girl. An Qi's father worried that her daughter, like An Qi's aunt, could not find a suitable object for many years and became an old girl, anxious to arrange for blind date for An Qi. However, An Qi has never encountered a man who can make himself. However, these three young men of right marriageable age have finally found their own happiness after encountering blindness arranged for them by various families and having experienced career failures and successful baptisms.

The Death Notice (TV)[2007]

Feature: "Diablo" propaganda photos with a series of serial murders caused a huge sensation, one by one signed "Diablo" notice quietly, in the face of the blatant provocation of the mysterious murderer, the police immediately set up a task force to contend with, so big The eye drop is that all the members of this team, Luo Fei, Gao Jian, Mu JianYun, poker face Han Hao, Yin Jian, "Dark Lolita" Liang Yin, "Online Superman" Ceng RiHua and Xiong Yuan do not speak first and foremost ... ... task force lineup called a group of exotic flowers. After a pile of bizarre crimes ensued, the task force in the constant run-in all the increasingly powerful, make every effort to fight with the mysterious drowsiness, as the case progresses, a surprising secret is about to be opened.

Tian Long Ba Bu (TV)[2003]

Feature: "Tian Long Ba Bu" tells the story of the Northern Song Dynasty, the foreigners have swagger Song territory, the formation of the opposition of Han and Liao. The beggar's gangster Joe Poster (Hu Jun) has been cast aside by Central China's Wulin people for refusing to refer to the love of deputy Kang Kang (Christy Chung) as retaliation for Khitan people. Qiao Feng went down to track down his life after being rehabilitated. During this period, he met Duan Yu (Doshiko Dali) and Xu Zhu (Gao Hu), and sworn into brothers. Qiao Feng traced the tragedy of numerous traitors, innocent Mo Bai and even more mistresses to kill his confidante A Zhu (Tamia Liu), then to save Zhu A Zi (Chen Hao (actress) ornaments) Toray became the king of Liao Guoan hospital, but the relationship with the Central Plains is even worse. Duan Yu is open-minded and optimistic about Wang YuYan (Liu Yifei), who is a seemingly innocent person. Unfortunately, Yu Yan only loved his cousin Mu RongFu (Xiu Qing), causing the three men to plunge into a tangled love affair. Xu Zhu is a pure, good-natured man. Qiao Feng, Duan Yu and Xu Zhu hold important positions in the foreign lands. In the time of the Han-Liao dispute, all kinds of rivers and lakes and emotional grudges are waiting for them to face & nbsp ;.

Fox Volant Of The Snowy Mountain (TV)[1991]

Feature: Legend, the late Ming Li Chu defeated, leaving the 2007 edition of the "Snow Mountain Flying Fox" stills worthless city a huge collection of treasures, the secret of the opening treasure is the king of Hu Men Fan Tian personal guard escort respectively. In order to uncover the secrets of the four surnames, innumerable entanglement between generations of generations of anger, eventually, Hu YiDao Hu family descendants and Miao RenFeng Miao RenFeng two unscrupulous heroes heroic life and death battle, a decisive battle However, Tian GuiNong, Tian's descendants, secretly secretly poisoned and poisoned Hu YiDao when Hu YiDao and Miao RenFeng were decisive. He and Hu Fei were handed over to Hu ZhongDao, . Hu Fei Xuan Miao RenFeng grew up to avenge his father and met Cheng LingSu, Yuan ZiYi and Miao RuoLan, the daughter of Miao RenFeng on the way to embark on a twisting romantic relationship. At the same time, in order to unravel the secrets of the treasure, or for self-serving ambitions, or for the relief of all the victims in the world, rivers and lakes as well as the various forces in the court also launched repeated battles. With the help of Honghua Club, Hu Fei has been given the opportunity to explore the grand heritage and his own origins, and finally to open the mystery of the past and to save the common people. Hu Fei finally met with Miao RenFeng and played a decisive role in the snow-capped mountains.

The Flying Fox Of Snowy Mountain (TV)[1985]

Feature: Ming Wu Sangui cited the Qing soldiers into the pass, Chuang Wang sent three warriors Miao, Fan, Tian sudden rescue efforts, leaving only the fourth Warriors Hu tvb drama "Snow Mountain Flying Fox" stills care. When the three returned to find the Chuang Wang disappeared, while Hu Zecheng Wu Sangui Falcons, by the Hu soldier to kill. In fact, Wu Lvivu Wu Sangui military, just wait for the opportunity to help break through the king again. Since then, the four descendants started a series of vendettas and went to Hu YiDao, the fourth generation of the Hu family. After three attempts to find out the truth, the three descendants fought for the Chamber Treasure, struck an ice cave and failed, Tell them the truth. Only remember the results of the knife recorded in the cave to guard the world, and then with her lover retreat. The fourth generation of Hou Tian family Tian GuiNong layout knife and Miao RenFeng Miao RenFeng battle, and secretly poisoned killing knife couple two, Hu FuRen dying before the birth of Fiji Zhongping Ping, peace with the Philippines to escape and vow Find out the truth. Fei devoted himself to learning martial arts and practiced as a knives in the Hu family. However, Yuan ZiYi, a strange mysterious woman who had lost his way to chase Phoenix, became acquainted with Cheng LingSu, a chef of drug king, for seeking medical treatment for Miao RenFeng. During the Fung girl Miao RuoLan more moved to him the heart of love, which started a winding wound love, and ultimately Fei know that the father Xue Xuefei flying fox died Miao RenFeng knives, and Fung misunderstood its frivolous daughter orchid, two start Life and death duel ......

Fox Volant Of The Snowy Mountain (TV)[1977]

Feature: Legend, the late Ming Li Chu defeated, leaving the 2007 edition of the "Snow Mountain Flying Fox" stills worthless city a huge collection of treasures, the secret of the opening treasure is the king of Hu Men Fan Tian personal guard escort respectively. In order to uncover the secrets of the four surnames, innumerable entanglement between generations of generations of anger, eventually, Hu YiDao Hu family descendants and Miao RenFeng Miao RenFeng two unscrupulous heroes heroic life and death battle, a decisive battle However, Tian GuiNong, Tian's descendants, secretly secretly poisoned and poisoned Hu YiDao when Hu YiDao and Miao RenFeng were decisive. He and Hu Fei were handed over to Hu ZhongDao, . Hu Fei Xuan Miao RenFeng grew up to avenge his father and met Cheng LingSu, Yuan ZiYi and Miao RuoLan, the daughter of Miao RenFeng on the way to embark on a twisting romantic relationship. At the same time, in order to unravel the secrets of the treasure, or for self-serving ambitions, or for the relief of all the victims in the world, rivers and lakes as well as the various forces in the court also launched repeated battles. With the help of Honghua Club, Hu Fei has been given the opportunity to explore the grand heritage and his own origins, and finally to open the mystery of the past and to save the common people. Hu Fei finally met with Miao RenFeng and played a decisive role in the snow-capped mountains.

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