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Xuan Lu TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Xuan Lu Works 20 ,And Suspense 5 ,Costume Drama 4 ,Romance 3 ,Feature 3 ,Thriller 3 ,Urban drama 2 ,抗战2 ,Fantasy 2 ,Martial Arts 2 ,时装2 ,Comedy 2 ,legend 2 ,Love 1 ,Spy war 1 ,权谋1 ,Xian xia 1 ,涉案1 ,Motivational film 1 ,Modern legend 1 ,Idol drama 1 ,Modern 1 ,Ancient legend 1 ,Net play 1 ,Struggling Play 1 。

Works Index

Xuan Lu Filmography(20)


蓬莱间 (TV)[2020]


故事发生在烟雨胡同18号,身份神秘的“灵物”医生 Bai Qi 游历世间,千年来利用神秘植物“桃源乡”的力量治愈“灵物”,使其化解执念回归正常人类生活。阴差阳错之下, Bai Qi 与人类女孩 Lin Xia 相识并意外“同居”,两人生活发生改变的同时,一段尘封千年的神秘往事也随之浮出水面。


The untamed (TV)[2019]


电视剧《陈情令》剧情介绍:讲述了十六年前,天下五分,姑苏蓝氏,云梦江氏,清河聂氏,岐山温氏,兰陵金氏共治天下。温氏一家独大,其余四家均受其苦。众家青年中,江氏故人之子 Wei WuXian 性格开朗,和以雅正闻名的姑苏蓝氏弟子 Lan WangJi 相识并引为知己。一次偶然的机会,二人发现了蓝氏一直以来守护的秘密,二人继承遗志,为苍生消除隐患。但没想到一切的幕后黑手正是温氏家主 Wen RuoHan 。众家不堪其辱,合力讨伐温氏。温氏覆灭后, Wei WuXian 却为保护温氏无辜之人不惜与众家对立,最终被奸人所害酿成大祸,误害师姐 Jiang YanLi ,自己也不知所踪。十六年后,消失已久的 Wei WuXian 出现在莫家庄,偶遇故人 Lan WangJi 。莫家庄一桩桩诡异的凶案显得扑朔迷离。随着真相一步步揭开,身处幕后的 Jin GuangYao 渐渐难以隐藏。最后 Jin GuangYao 身死, Lan WangJi 承担起了匡扶天下的使命,而 Wei WuXian 不忘初心,最终潇洒世间。

彩虹的重力 (TV)[2019]


电视剧《彩虹的重力》剧情介绍:讲述了一心一意要寻找“灵魂伴侣”的 He CaiHong 爱上了志趣相投、博学、浪漫、冷傲的全能青年教授 Ji Huang 。可她的母亲李明珠却坚决反对,认定理想的女婿是彩虹的富二代死党苏东霖。伴随夏丰的失业,闺蜜韩清在彩虹的帮助下阴差阳错地进入了夏丰原先所在的公司,并被老板重用,成为彩虹另一闺蜜莉莉的工作劲敌,三人友情受到挑战。彩虹得知自己养女身世后,在养母的意志与真爱之间艰难行进。当她看到韩清为了爱情的隐忍和努力以及莉莉为了事业而违背自己内心情感的举动,彩虹最终选择了自己的灵魂伴侣 Ji Huang ,并取得了家庭的支持,同时,与韩清和莉莉重拾闺蜜之情。


Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace (TV)[2018]

Feature: "Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace" tells the story of Qianlong (Wallace Huo) ascended the throne in 1735 AD. Since then, the two in the court interpretation of a period of love and acquaintance to lost lost marriage process. New Emperor ascended the throne, such as Yi and Qianlong childhood sweetheart became Xian Fei, which was crowded by the crowd, and Empress Dowager (Vivian Wu ornaments) and the Yi family have feuds, such as Yi crisis. At this time, Qianlong also faced the same problem of Empress Dowager in power and the veteran's domination of the government. In the process of power change, Qianlong and Lu Yi supported each other and jointly tide over the storm until the two cleared out the obstacles. After many years of hard work, Emperor Qianlong also made her wish to push her to Queen's position, sharing the world with him. However, as the queen did Yi found that Qianlong had grown from a young man to a mature emperors, his misgivings and fickleness and self-esteem constantly revealed, the emotional trust between the two gradually shattered. However, such as Yi still stick to good memories, abide by the Queen's duties, until death .

Notes from the south smoke room (TV)[2018]


Introduction to the plot of the TV series "notes of the nanyanzhai" : it tells the story of urban white-collar workersTang ManWhen he returned to his hometown to take a vacation to heal his wounds after suffering heavy losses in both career and love, he found a tattered manuscript named "notes of nanyanzhai". The book describes the late qing dynasty and the early republic of China, patriotic youthYe ShenAnd the owner of the aroma shop zinan smoke roomLu ManShengBecause of the misunderstanding of the end of the predestination, the final breaking down of the difficult dependent on each other.Lu ManShengin the manuscript has a wonderful power and unique mission, which can remove the entanglements of those chi men and bitches who are hurt and trapped by love, so that every sad and beautiful love experience, whether the outcome is happy or not, can fill the heart with regret. Lu ManSheng, on the other hand, not only helps others out of difficulties and difficulties, but also goes through difficulties and misunderstandings with Ye Shen. Finally, with the help of relatives and friends around him,Lu ManShengnot only finds the value of his own life, but also gets the sublimation of the spiritual level. The love story of the republic of China in the novel notes of nanyanzhai is just a novel, but it encourages the reader donman to face life bravely, discover the truth, kindness and beauty, cherish all the people around, and finally find the truth of life.

Asked the young man who recorded days 馗 馗 (TV)[2018]

Feature: When asked about the teenager Zhong Kui (Zhong YunFei) and Fu Qu, a group consisting of three groups of smoke-fu, experienced the hardships and tribulations of punishing evil and promoting good and weaknesses, and eventually overcome the weaknesses and grew up in difficulties Metamorphosis of the story. The story took place in the juvenile age Zhong Tian Zhong, he in the name of Zhong YunFei, Fuqu, smoke composition Fu demon trio, opened a period of extraordinary punishing evil and good trip. On the one hand, such as the lone hero heroic in the chaos of the "Three Brothers" Fu demon road full of difficulties and thrills, on the other hand, cross a few generations of sadomasochism love line straight to the audience heart. In the end, they broke through obstacles with perseverance, continuously overcome their weaknesses, and grew up in difficulties. "Ask the young man Zhong Kui" by the Beijing collar Ji Film and Television Co., Ltd., Qilu electronic audio-visual press, Tianjin Coconut Culture Communication Co., Ltd. jointly produced. Directed by Li Xiaojiang, Xing Zhao Lin, Joyce Hyser, Xuan Lu, Xu Wenhao and other costumes fantasy drama.

Ask heavenly record (TV)[2017]

Feature: "Ask Heaven record" story took place in the juvenile age Zhongshi Zhong Kui, he Zhong YunFei in the name of, and Fuqu, smoke composition Fu demon trio, opened a period of extraordinary punishment of evil. On the one hand, such as the lone hero heroic in the chaos of the "Three Brothers" Fu demon road full of difficulties and thrills, on the other hand, cross a few generations of sadomasochism love line straight to the audience heart. In the end, they broke through obstacles with perseverance, continuously overcome their weaknesses, and grew up in difficulties. Ask the day record

Angels Eye (TV)[2017]

Feature: Angel's Eyes tells the story of An XiaoTong (Xuan Lu), an actress with supernatural power, who has the angel's eyes in the eyes and can see the souls that ordinary people can not see as an opportunity to help identify Police Yi Jiang (Yuzheng Wang ornaments) to detect the case, but in the two men work together to detect the case, but also found a major conspiracy of evil forces & nbsp ;. "Angel's Eyes" is directed by the Zhang ethnic authority, Xuan Lu, Yuzheng Wang criminal detective fantasy net drama.

definitely money (TV)[2017]


The TV series "currency also known as the penang smoke is introduced: plot tells the story of the national government in 1935 to prepare long-term operational logistics and economy, enforce legal tender, stop silver coupon, gold, military currencies such as the use of preparation for resistance to Japanese aggression against China. In response, the Japanese military secretly produced a large number of fake legal COINS in Harbin, disrupting the financial and trade order. The Japanese called it the black cat project. In response to the Japanese military's destruction, song ziwen, the finance minister in charge of the French currency, sent Li DaoRen, deputy chief of the general staff of the tax police under the jurisdiction of the ministry of finance, to Harbin in order to destroy the master edition and manufacturing site of the counterfeit French currency. At the same time, the national party, Song XiaoYan, worked together to complete the task. The Japanese army sent tufei yuan and muhu to defend the black cat project, killing Li DaoRen and others. The enemy and I took advantage of each other's weakness to fight for their lives. Li DaoRen installing a wooden house, to his Japanese wife to master the rule of the action of the wooden door, through the tracking of wooden door, found the anti-counterfeiting printing, eventually destroyed motherboard, thoroughly smash the scheme "" black cat & have spent .


Back to the ming dynasty to be the prince of yang ling (TV)[2016]


Back to the Ming dynasty Yang Ling The biography tells the story of the hongzhi years, xiucai Yang Ling (Jiang Jinfu) on the wedding day, suddenly fell to the ground. A few days later, Yang Ling, recovering from a serious illness, looked at his impoverished family and his devoted new wife Han YouNiang (Crystal Yuan), Yang Ling feels ashamed and decides to sell the land to take the test. By way of jimingyi, Yang Ling used her intelligence and knowledge to help her Ma Ang Removed the suspicion of murder, resolved a wrongful case, so Yang Ling was appreciated by the county, has become a jiaming county master. And Ma Ang's sister Ma LianEr (CiCi Xia) is also upset with Yang Ling. After that, Yang Ling became the master of jiaming county, and played a crucial role in the battle of jimingyi. On the battlefield, Yang Ling and his prince zhu houzhao (Ruilin Liu), the prince, became close to death. Because of work into Beijing rose prince presence of Yang Ling, brothers with Zhu Houzhao mood, two people a minister, a king in the surrounding of the imperial power and fought in the plot, ball, Yang Ling eventually help Zhu Hou ZhaoDeng on the throne, clean up a corrupt official firm owns, Yang Ling from an ordinary scholar, also became the Ming dynasty recruited sovereign, achieved its ups and downs and magnificent legend life.

Soul Ferry 3 (TV)[2016]

Feature: That was a long time ago. At that time, there is no underworld, Tianzhu days and the soul is connected to ferry 3 earth, the sky is not like the sky now, when the sky, hanging in the clouds. In later records, it also has a name, called "Kunlun". Mankind is created by God and everything in the world is God's people. Kunlun Mountain's daughter came to earth. Goddess, God's messenger. However, in humankind, there is a disease that is a loss of mental illness, that is, love. Because of love, between man and God, launched the first war. Xia DongQing, who is able to communicate with the soul, and Zhao Li, the soul ferry, and Jiutiantian Ya meet at convenience store No.444. After a Nian, they meet again at the seaside. Under the sun, Xia DongQing became Zhao Li's deed, destined to help him get rid of 9898 soul. Ya infected with the ancient human diseases, fell in love with Xia DongQing, which is contrary to the mission entrusted to her. As a ghost of the ferry, Zhao Li seems to be omnipotent, but his greatest pain is that he does not have a soul of his own that can not feel the joys and sorrows of Xia DongQing. In the former Nian Xi, they met the ancient sacred animals, Nian and Xi. In the barren mountain village, there stood a mysterious maze, which was said to have blocked the soul of Zhi Nv in the maze. Another Nian wave landed on the beach, Fog climb together on the shore, there are actually more missing Nian woman.

Midnight butterfly (TV)[2015]

Feature: In the late Republic of China, the current situation was turmoil and everyone was at risk. Lin FangFang, Sun XiaoRu, Su MoEr and Liao GuoXiang, who lived in this age, are good sisters who play together since childhood. They have similar childhood but experienced different lives. On their way to life, or because of the changes in the times, or because of the defeat of the family, try the bitterness, experience the ups and downs. However, they eventually completed their dreams step by step through their own efforts. After a great deal of hardship, they gradually realized that the so-called happiness is the pursuit of independence, not expectancy, and can not rely entirely on others. In the great era, various difficulties were set for their choices, but they persevered and bravely welcomed the new society.

Soul Ferryman 2 (TV)[2015]

Feature: Eye of the flesh, dull unknown, see not far from the past, see before the see, see no see darkness. The world seen in the human eye stills is not a conclusive existence. Some people's eyes, can see others can not see. Orphan Xia DongQing has a pair of special eyes, his eyes, can see the ghost, see the beings of another world. With this pair of eyes, he has seen the world's love and sorrow, pursuit and yearning; because of these eyes, he met the "soul ferry man" Zhao Li and beautiful and kind Nv Hai Wang Xiao Ya, Holly almost fell in love with her. However, as they suddenly appeared, Zhao Li and Wang Xiaoya disappeared in the holly life at the same time. A year later, Holly admitted to a graduate student, surrounded by a friend, his face with a smile, he is an ordinary student, no one knows his secret, no one knows his distinctive eyes. Holly could not find the convenience store that used to be the soul inn, it seems as if it had never existed before. No one knew that college girl named Wang Xiao, nor did a ghost met Zhao Li's soul ferry. But Zhao Li's farewell words still in my ears: "When the moon turns red, I will go back to find you stills." On the day the moon turned red, Zhao Li did not come back, but Wang came back. Xiao Ya again appeared in front of holly, identity has become a nine days Xuannv. At this moment, Zhao Li was seriously injured and was lying unconsciously in a mental hospital. Xuannv and Holly rescued Zhao Li, who was detained by evil spirits, and the three met again. Zhao Li bought a villa by the sea, so the strange journey with laughter and tears reopened. They met the mysterious girl with the descendants of the goddess; the laborers who fell into disrepair; the writer who became addicted to writing the best-selling book; the infatuated woman who pursued the marriage of his ancestors; the Nanhai mermaid who had conceived the deceased; and the shadow of evil was on their side When hiding now, Japanese Wraith has been lurking in China, eyeing the earth of China. Where the good and evil are out of place, when the good and the evil are fighting, the only way to cultivate a kindheartedness is to break through all kinds of evil. Why gods of people admire willing to stay in the world, the Kunlun and the underworld and how wearing a mysterious veil, the holly body also hidden what amazing secrets, the story has been opened with the road to explore the mystery of both yin and yang, the universe to pursue the prehistoric Source.

City of smoke (TV)[2015]

Feature: The film depicts a underground party staff led by Li DaoRen destroying the underground secret banknote printing factory established in the Northeast by Japan's extra-high-school class, smashed the Japanese in a vain attempt to occupy China in an economic war. The whole story was soul-stirring, Yong's scene is very good-looking. The story is wonderful and exciting. Through a series of compact stories and bridges, it shows the Communists' fearless patriotic and loving feelings and believes the show will impress the audience.

Yangko (TV)[2015]

Feature: "Yangko" tells about 1936, Shandong Haiyang. Hai Mao, a vagrant who begats for begat and fortune-telling, was caught up with Julong, a girl, along with girl Wu RuoYun. Eighteen years ago, pirate chief Hei Sha's father and mother were harmed by the cloud's father Wu QianKun, and now he is going to take revenge. Hai Mao captivated the caretaker with Mongolian medicine and led Wu RuoYun to escape overnight. On the way, they met Wang Tian Kai, an injured underground party member who was hunted down by the security team. Hai Mao, carrying Wang TianKai, fled into the mountains and rescued it with rice and forest herbs. Hutouwan town Wu, Zhao two generations of hatred, but also because of the calendar year, "Dou Yangko" for "sea power", and can not be perished. The first lunar month thirteen fighting Yangko, Hai Mao to stir up, he was looking for biological parents. Hai Mao's mother, Zhao YuSheng's Zhao YuSheng's sister, Zhao Ming, gave birth to Hai Mao. May Wu, Zhao two ancestors may not be allowed to marry, illegally gave birth to children, but also Shen Hai. In order to leave a living way for Hai Mao, the father and mother both self-proclaimed on the head cliff, while Hai Mao still wants to be Shen Hai. Wu RuoYun went to seek the rescue of Hei Sha, a pirate with the same life experience as Hai Mao, and Zhao XiangYue, who was also entrusted with the project because of her mother Yumei, dived into the water in advance and saved Hai Mao in a crisis. Hei Sha and Hai Mao sworn, let him back with Julong island. But Hai Mao can escape. Hai Mao back to the tiger's head Bay revenge, but mistaken Ruomo cloud boudoir. Wu RuoYun with Hai Mao went to Haiyang County to find a uncle complainant, guard battalion Wu JiangHai is Wu QianKun's half-brother, the tension between the two. Wu JiangHai ransacked Wu QianKun and Zhao HongSheng with Hai Mao's parents' case. After the parents were buried, Mao Mao stayed at Tiger Head Bay. During this period, he and Wu RuoYun and Zhao XiangYue took root in their love affairs, and they also formed deep friendship with two small chiefs, Zhao DaLu and Wu TianWang. Who knows, Wu JiangHai soon back to the Tiger Head Bay, the town to pay a person out. Wu QianKun and Zhao HongSheng colluded with Hai Mao. Wu JiangHai is holding office for promotion and indiscriminate holding Hai Mao to death. He is deeply in love with Wu RuoYun and Zhao XiangYue of Hai Mao and at the same time makes a decision to become widow of Hai Mao's "survived person". Wang Tian Kai, who was sent to Haiyang just by his superiors, also occasionally learned that Hai Mao was convicted of death and about to be executed. He was busy organizing rescue operations. After careful planning, Hai Mao was rescued from the guards' muzzle. Wang TianKai took him to the base and sent him to join the revolutionary ranks. A few years later, investigating platoon leader Hai Mao was sent back to Tiger Head Bay to inquire about the whereabouts of a missing drug ship. Are catching up with Wu RuoYun and Zhao XiangYue at the same time, while the grooms are Wu TianWang and Zhao DaLu respectively. See Hai Mao did not die, the two brides escaped marriage at the same time, but they were all robbed by Hei Sha. In order to retrieve the drug ship, Hai Mao borrowed the island to save the island to re-register Julong Island. After a series of twists and turns, Hai Mao learned that the boat was snatched by the "Snake Island" bandit. Hai Mao led to the marriage of Hei Sha and She Ye Island owner Zhu YeQing, and Zhu YeQing therefore returned the ship. Under the arrangement of Wang TianKai, Hai Mao returned to Tiger Head Bay to build an anti-Japanese base area, coinciding with the Japanese devils who came to town for watching the yangko dance. Hai Mao took the opportunity to tease the Japanese invaders, mobilize the people to resist Japan, but did not want to provoke devils to wash tiger head Bay.Hai Mao mobilized the evacuation of the people and saved the town of Hutouwan by his own strength and led the devils to the Snake Island to use the landmines to wipe out the enemy. Japanese aggressors gathered more troops, to be flattered tiger head Bay. Just worship Wu RuoYun hall, Hai Mao into anti-Japanese. Under the persuasion of Hai Mao, Zhao HongSheng decided to pay redemption for Hai Mao's actions and successfully handed San Mao's offensive plan to Hai Mao. Wu family, Zhao family, pirates, eight road, four teams concerted efforts to kill the tiger head Bay, jointly annihilated the Japanese army. Wu JiangHai That sinful life ends with Wu QianKun's furious home law. The Eighth Route Army liberated Haiyang and set up a recruitment office in Hutouwan. Zhao DaLu became a soldier and touched Zhao XiangYue with his true love. The two were ready to marry. Hai Mao, who wants to marry the two, wanted to take the opportunity to ease the conflict between the two houses and to organize a big Yangko. Just as everyone was immersed in joy, Hai Mao was attacked by San Pu with a knife in his chest. Two years later, San Pu, who discovered Hai Mao's death, planned to take revenge on Tiger Head Bay. In order to break down the defensive forces at Tiger Head, San Pu decided to start with Hei Sha. Letting Liu set a trap and lead Hei Sha, Xiao LaoDao attacked Shesu Island with traitors and Japanese soldiers. In order to protect their sisters from retreating, pregnant Zhu YeQing was grenade blown off. With the loss of the sea barrier in Tiger Head Bay, San Pu started implementing the "Wolf Day" plan, misleading Hai Mao with a troop reconciliation move, making him a real tiger. Before departure, Hai Mao commissioned Yang GeFengZi to send a letter to Wu QianKun, telling Wu QianKun to keep the road where Taoism was, and not to return to Tiger Head Bay. Yang GeFengZi turned over the old pesticide that San Pu had dressed up on the mailing road, and the letter was transferred. After seeing the letter, Wu QianKun brought back to Tiger Head Bay while San Pu's team quietly followed behind and killed him towards Tiger Head Bay. Wu QianKun was mistaken for spies, Wu people want to enter the tiger head Bay, Zhao's people shot. Hong Yue returned to Tiger Head Bay and judged Wu QianKun not a traitor. Both Wu and Zhao stubbornly resisted but suffered heavy casualties. Both Wu QianKun and Zhao DaLu died in a heroic sacrifice. Wu QianKun's death let Wu RuoYun can not be relieved, she listens to the words of Wu TianWang and San Pu, promised to cooperate with them to assassinate Xu Shiyou. At the moment when Wu RuoYun was in the charge of dynamite, Hai Mao took her child and rushed to her, explaining the ins and outs of the incident and preventing a tragedy. When everything was back on track again in Hai Tau Wan, Hai Mao took up his luggage again and headed for the battlefield.

MidnightHair (Movie)[2014]

Feature: The story originated from Chinese folk long-forgotten one of the top ten funeral Daxian hair at night: about a young couple experienced a variety of strange things in a honeymoon villa, the two found in the process of ghosts and ghosts, and gradually discovered A more horrifying and covert truth ... A Mu and Xiao Mei are a couple who have not married for a long time and are waiting for a new life with their whole heart. A Mu grew up in an orphanage, his good friend Armin exclusively to the couple in the deep hinterland of luxury villas, let them have a happy honeymoon holiday. Sophisticated villa decoration, luxurious incomparable, so that the couple dull and indifferent, but did not notice the hidden danger in the corner of the atmosphere. However, soon after, horrible incidents occurred around the spouses one after another. The ghosting in the mirror, the children's songs with flowers and the ghosts in the dreams all made them feel like they were in a nightmare and could not wake up. Horrible experience, evoke A Mu dark memories of the orphanage. The situation is getting worse, is supernatural supernatural phenomena, or devote themselves to the layout of the evil plan ......

Validity of falling in love with you (TV)[2014]

Feature: Qi XiaoYu (Qin Li), who was fortunate enough to fall in love with you, tells the story of an accidental opportunity. Qi XiaoYu (Qin Li), an impoverished family member, was commissioned by Jiang JingHui (Zhang Xianzi) Is to let Li YiTian (No Min-woo ornaments) hate themselves to destroy the marriage of the two families Jiang marriage. Because Qi's father never mentioned the mother of a small fish, a fish mistakenly thought that Li YiTian's mother, Shao Yan, was her mother. With the purpose of finding a mother, the fish entered the Li family to start their own "substitute" work. On the other hand, Jiang JingHui, who is hiding in the ice cream shop, falls in love with Ye ZhengWu, the boss of the avatars angel company. In the process of the fish and Li YiTian get along with each other's emotions, the fish has always been entangled in the two "brother and sister" life experience. When the substitute for the truth, one after another opened the mystery of life experience, the twins and turns of this close lover eventually become dependents. In the meantime, static painting also came to an end with Ye ZhengWu's misunderstanding & nbsp ;.

Mother mind (TV)[2014]

Feature: "Mother heart plan" tells the late Qing Dynasty, Jiangnan Puyuan He Jia is the richest man in Jiangsu and Zhejiang twist industry. The development of Hagar owes its roots to Jin PuHe, the grandmother in charge of the whole family. Elder Mrs. Golden asserted that she was hated by her tribe. In one family, only Bao Qin, the daughter-in-law, absolutely trusted and obeyed her. Bao Qin was deeply bound by enlightenment, educated her daughter with the same ideas, blamed her husband's unfaithfulness and son's filial piety for her own destiny. Bao Wen's husband, He WenDa, is a romantic man and has a son named Chu Sheng Sheng. Run Sheng secret adopted by the housekeeper, clever extraordinary. Uncle He Guiguan has been coveted He family property. He kidnapped his nephew He WenDa in collaboration with the horse thief. Tie Jun did not know robbery head and He WenDa looks exactly the same person. Tie Jun disguised as He WenDa came to the dark mystery of his family history. He is honest. His arrival opened the secret to hide for many years, but also for the light of hope Hejia woman lamp. Finally, to protect the gold woman, Tie Jun assumed the name of kidnapping, so that the conspiracy was lost. Tie Jun's death, let Bao Qin understand that women also have the right to the pursuit of happiness. Ultimately into the happy girls Yu Nong and Run Sheng's happy life.

WuYueChuanQi (TV)[2013]

Feature: AD 801, Datang Zhenyuan 17 years, the king of the country Yong Qiang sent the prince Shu NanTuo led the country orchestra, leaving the Royal Benedictine absurd city, traveled thousands of miles, went to Datang, Shu NanTuo after thousands of miles, finally arrived Datang capital Chang'an, and in AD 802 in the first month in Chang'an City, offer national music, chang temporary vibration, cited as a fairy tale. However, behind this cultural event, but hidden in an unknown and magnificent story. Yong Qiang let Prince Shu NanTuo lead a delegation to Chang'an. In addition to his dedication and cultural exchange, he hopes to take advantage of this opportunity to build mutual support with the eternal life of the Tang Dynasty. Since ancient times, all the small countries around the Central Plains have been deeply influenced by the culture of the Central Plains , Competing to follow the imitation. These small countries voluntarily joined hands with Datang and achieved prosperity in an atmosphere of equal exchange based on culture. At the same time, there are many crises in the country. General Guo Luo is ambitious and wants to send his men to assassinate him, sever the inheritance of the royal family, and then usurp the power and usurp the throne. Ga LuoNa did not think his adopted son Su Jue and prince Shu NanTuo as a brother, Su Jue father plan to tell Shu NanTuo, Shu NanTuo So set under the cover of the sea, let Su Jue pretend to follow the band, and Bai Nan himself Please come out once the Xia YunXian Datang Ranger, and the dignity of the female burglar Ye ShaLuo, accompanied to protect their own soul dancer Lan MaShanDi band, to avoid a few ambush and Ga LuoNa. Looking for the Southwest Silk Road that has been handed down by the Han Dynasty, secretly went to Datang to complete his mission of pursuing peace. However, this line has not completely escaped the tracking of Ga LuoNa. Ga LuoNa found Shu NanTuo another way, so he sent his men to follow him and kill him. Shu NanTuo escaped death by time under the supervision of Xia YunXian and Ye ShaLuo. At the same time, Shu NanTuo also met Guardian members of the Great Tang Hongtang Temple and Lingerie of the young woman. At the same time, she also learned that there were also secret killings in the Datang Nei Wei because of the Kuomintang orchestra, The members of the Internal Security rushed to kill, the purpose is to stop the band after the news to Chang'an. The orchestra behind the team involved so many forces infighting, and this small team internal relations, also complicated and confusing, Tang Yun Xia YunXian loyalist bloodthirsty, but always refused to disclose his own pursuit of Shu NanTuo Changan purpose, the female snitch Ye ShaLuo deceit Cunning, greedy indifference, bones and righteousness with a trace of goodness, this strange female burglar privately without the knowledge of Shu NanTuo secretly contact with some mysterious forces, intelligence transfer, her purpose is unknown. In addition, Lan MaShanDi, the soul dancer of the China National Orchestra, is a beautiful and pure lotus-like woman hidden behind her gentle and tranquil hideaway secrets. More importantly, Shu NanTuo was horrified to find that in addition to Ga LuoNa, there was another eye on the band. Orchestra and his entourage reached after Changan, Shu NanTuo has found more conspiracy this has just begun, and actually someone would like to use the band to assassinate Emperor Tang, the mastermind is to make him unexpected.

Girl punching (TV)[2009]

Feature: "Girl Rushes" tells the story of Xiao Qiao is the supreme treasure of romantic, Sun Quan is a pure innocent Zixia fairy, Cao Cao turned into a beautiful heart of the righteousness of the 13th mother. Sun Quan and Xiao Qiao started out as kinder lovers from kindergartens. When they had a love affair during their childhood, they met more than a dozen times and met naked on the university campus in the moonlight. The two seem to have similar feelings, has been complicated and confusing, and Cao Cao is intended to win over love, in the relationship between the two often set the fetters, a twists and turns of the strange school love story started ......

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