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Haoran Liu TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Haoran Liu Works 23 ,And Feature 8 ,Suspense 6 ,Comedy 6 ,Action 3 ,Romance 3 ,Youth drama 2 ,Campus drama 2 ,Love 2 ,Ancient legend 2 ,推理1 ,Contemporary 1 ,Urban drama 1 ,Xian xia 1 ,Ancient 1 ,legend 1 ,Modern city 1 ,Solve crimes 1 ,Fantasy 1 ,Costume Drama 1 。

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Haoran Liu Filmography(23)


唐人街探案3 (Movie)[2021]


继曼谷、纽约之后,东京再出大案。唐人街神探 Tang Ren 、 Qin Feng 受侦探 Ye TianHao 的邀请前往破案。“CRIMASTER世界侦探排行榜”中的侦探们闻讯后也齐聚东京,加入挑战,而排名第一Q的现身,让这个大案更加扑朔迷离,一场亚洲最强神探之间的较量即将爆笑展开。


唐人街探案 (TV)[2020]


光怪陆离的泰国,接连发生多起奇异的案件,“唐人街第一神探” Tang Ren 的徒弟 Lin Mo ,野田昊的弟弟 Ye TianHaoEr ,纷纷陷入探案的谜团之中。死者妻子IVY、酒吧歌手 A Wen 、五大灵童战队成员 Lu JingJing 、初出茅庐的女警 Sa Sha 也悉数登场,错综复杂的线索背后,藏于黑暗的真相正慢慢浮出水面 。


Twins (Movie)[2019]

艺术学校学生李品( Haoran Liu 饰),在一次偶然的机遇下获得了一份为期一个月的兼职工作,工作内容就是为马上迎来自己生日的女孩涛( Duling Chen 饰)画肖像画,为此他来到了一处偏僻的豪宅。素不相识的两位年轻人因此结缘,一段青春的邂逅就此展开,然而在朝夕相处的过程中,李品逐渐发现了这栋房子里似乎还隐藏着一些不为人知的故事,而他与涛之间的关系也逐渐变得微妙起来。

九州缥缈录 (TV)[2019]


《九州缥缈录》这是一部少年英雄成长史,以虚拟的“九州”世界为背景,讲述 Lv GuiChen Ji Ye Yu Ran 等不谙世事的少年历经磨砺与坎坷,执着奋斗,携手互助,成长成熟,并发展出几段撼天动地的友情和爱情故事。北陆青阳部世子 Lv GuiChen 作为质子来到东陆结识了一直不受父亲喜爱的庶子 Ji Ye ,以及跟着爷爷避难而来的羽族公主 Yu Ran 。三个小伙伴在太子学院中因身份原因饱受针对和挑战,在相互帮助和拯救的过程了建立起深厚的友谊,而 Yu Ran 的开朗活泼洒脱个性也得到两个男孩的暗中倾慕,青涩的爱情正在萌芽。离国霸主赢无翳携天子以令诸侯, Lv GuiChen 、 Ji Ye 、 Yu Ran 追随一代名将 Xi Yan 等人发出正义之师,决战殇阳关,不料殇阳关之战的背后另有大阴谋。危难之际,少年们奋死而战,成长为一代领袖 。

Flower blooming summer (TV)[2019]


The TV series "Summer of Blossoming Flowers" introduces the story: it tells the pure love story of Fang Ke and Nan Xuan from "uniform to wedding dress". The male star writers Mo Jun and Jin Haosen cooperated for the first time in cross-border cooperation. They customized the characters in the book, and the half-year network selection campaign was so hot that they finally presented a youthful paper movie. Fang Ke encounters Wei NanXuan, who has been searching for many years, and recalls the memory of youth twelve years ago. Fang Ke came to Xiayi Middle School and sat at the same table with Wei NanXuan. Fang Ke's indifference made Wei NanXuan far away, but Fang Ke didn't hate Wei NanXuan, but he really liked the taste of Wei NanXuan's tail flower. . At this time, Fang Ke's younger brother Fang Qian became the most solid reliance of Wei NanXuan, and Fang Qian also silently regarded Wei NanXuan as the object of confiding. A big fire changed everything. Wei NanXuan was trapped in the fire, Fang Qian gave his life to help Fang Ke save Wei NanXuan, and Fang Ke was also admitted to hospital. After the two left Xiaqi Middle School, Wei NanXuan came to Mingcheng to open a flower shop. Fang Ke was sent to France for treatment and completed his studies due to severe heart and lung damage. After twelve years, fate once again arranged the two together. Wei NanXuan accidentally discovered that his family's misfortune had a direct relationship with the Fang Ke family. Fang Ke vowed to uncover the truth. In the face of the truth, Wei NanXuan can't forgive Fang Jia, Fang Ke is more tormented by love, but Fang Ke is determined not to leave Wei NanXuan again.

我和我的祖国 (Movie)[2019]


七位导演分别取材新中国成立70周年以来,祖国经历的无数个历史性经典瞬间。讲述普通人与国家之间息息相关密不可分的动人故事。聚焦大时代大事件下,普通人和国家之间,看似遥远实则密切的关联,唤醒全球华人共同回忆。为保障开国大典国旗顺利升起, Lin ZhiYuan 争分夺秒排除万难,用一个惊心动魄的未眠之夜确保立国大事“万无一失”;为研制中国第一颗原子弹, Gao Yuan 献身国防科技事业,奉献了自己的青春和爱情;为确保五星红旗分秒不差飘扬在香港上空,升旗手 Zhu Tao 刻苦训练不懈怠、女港警 Lian Jie 兢兢业业守平安、外交官 An WenBin 与英国人谈判16轮分秒不让;喜迎奥运之际,出租车司机将自己视若珍宝的开幕式门票送给了远赴京城的汶川地震孤儿。一个个鲜活生动的普通人的奋斗故事,勾连起一段段难以磨灭的全民记忆。



Feature: Qin Feng received an invitation from Tang Ren to come to New York for her wedding with A Xiang. Tang Ren welcome the welcome of the Qin Feng Qin Feng, swaggering. Unexpectedly, "Wedding" is Tang Ren for a huge bonus to participate in the "World Famous Detective Competition", the content of the game is looking for the grandson of Chinatown Godfather. Deceived Qin Feng desperately sought after, but was attracted by the message sent by NYPD agent Chen Ying. Seven uncle grandson's death bizarre, looking for a person to rise as a formate. "Detectives" who were each "its can", chicken, "Chinatown first detective," the sign at risk. At the same time as everyone investigated, another case took place and the modus operandi was extremely similar. Originally locked murderer unexpectedly had not proved, Qin Feng can not help doubting his reasoning. The third case occurred in a series of cases! Qin and Tang dangled again, get rid of entanglement, downtown New York, a few want to close to the truth. Fourth, with the murderer missed, scheming ready. Relentless volt, motivation is chilling. Seemingly perfect behind the scenes but also hidden another thought-provoking puzzle.

Great future Shuanglonghui (TV)[2018]


The drama “Great Expectations and Ssangyong Association” introduces the story: It tells that Hong Sanyuan took her mother and her friend Qi Lin to Shanghai and went to Yanhua and was involved in the struggle for the rights of the two companies. Yan Hua was a dock worker at this time and he was elected as a worker leader without fear of power. Hong Sanyuan relied on wit many times in the dangerous beaches to save his life. Hong Sanyuan and the loyal and virtuous person Shen Da are brothers and sisters. Lin Yiyi, who came to the poster and enmity with the poster, became a fool in his wits. Lin Yiyi, a woman dressed as a man, fell in love with Hong Sanyuan. Hong Sanyuan is close to the rich girl in Dream Bamboo and Yu Menghong falls in love with Hong Sanyuan. Yan Hua was in distress and was rescued by Communist Party Member Liang Xingyi and joined the Communist Party. Lin Yiyi to take revenge and take risks, Hong Sanyuan run away with the horizon. Lin Yiyi was killed and Hong Sanyuan returned to the beach. Under the inspiration of Yan Hua and Liang Xingyi’s progressive thinking, Hong Sanyuan gave up the hard-won “better life” to escort Liang Xingyi to leave Shanghai and dump all his life. Hong Sanyuan gradually learned that this road led by the Communist Party is the great future he wants to pursue.

Happiness is coming (Movie)[2018]


The film “Happy Comes Right” introduces the story: Ma ShangLai is known locally as “Media Superman,” but at the ceremony of his mediation studio, he encountered the “Music of the media” Mao Xuewang, and they played in the game. Value, intelligence, eloquence, match popularity, two people leading their own mediation days in the process of solving several disputes tricks, the PK battle in the scene of intense feeling staged intensely... Facing Mao XueWang's fancy In the dark strokes, Lama leads apprentices to start hilarious fights, using their unique art of mediation to solve the problems one by one, and tit-for-tat and laughter-inflected people are greeted with laughter. At the same time, the old man who really serves the people also uses his wisdom. And sincerely warm everyone.


Legend Of The Demon Cat (Movie)[2017]

Feature: The film adapted from the masterpiece of Japanese dream of fantasy literature pillow masterpiece "Sand Kong Kong Hai's Big Tang ghost feast." In the novel, Kong Hai, a Japanese monk seeking dharma in Buddhism from the 9th century, takes the protagonist of the Japanese monk Kong Hai as his protagonist. With Bai Juyi's poem "Everlasting Sorrow" as the main pulse, With the monk Kong Hai (Shōta Sometani ornaments) followed by a demon cat who speaks, teamed up to make a truth buried by the deliberate buried surface story. Presents a monster, poet, emperor, royal co-intertwined Datang Spirit map.

Nirvana in fire in langya bang (TV)[2017]


Daliang's reign was stable, but the border war was continuous, and chang Lin who guarded the northern part of daliang achieved military merits Liang Di (Jun Liu) with a weak heart and a young prince, Xun HuangHou (Ting Mei) and his brother Xun BaiShui (Yanjun Bi) afraid that the head of the palace of the king of the state of Lin gong gaoge, the pseudo-infiltration into the palace to the night qin people Pu YangYing (Jingfei Guo) using, frame long Lin wang Xiao TingSheng (Chun Sun) father and son, not only in a northern war cut off supplies, chang Lin shizi Xiao PingZhang (Xiaoming Huang) suffered serious injuries and even created a large-scale epidemic in Beijing. When tracing the process, ping zhang and his brother Xiao PingJing The poison (Haoran Liu) is poisoned. At this time, the north of the country is in danger. Ping jing was on the peaceful border of the country. After Liang Di died, ting sheng assisted the government, Xun BaiShui supported the planting Xiao YuanQi Hao Chen Wu (Hao Chen Wu) holds the military power to resist the imperial palace of changlin. Under their wiles, ping jing wins the accusation of resisting the imperial court for the common people.Yuan-kai secretly and has become the east sea Lord's uncle Mo ZiHou (Chen Taisheng) colludes with the traitors. After years of seclusion, Xiao YuanQi successfully foiled Xiao YuanQi's plot by starting his army in a desperate situation. After the completion of the daliang border rectification, ping jing left jinling and returned to private. .

Great Expectations (TV)[2017]

Feature: Hong SanYuan (Chen Sicheng) takes her mother and friend Qi Lin (Yuan Hong (actor)) to Shanghai to run Yan Hua (Dalong Fu), a struggle involving two major corporate rights. Yan Hua is now a docker, defying power and being promoted to a worker's leader. Hong SanYuan relies on wit many times on the dangerous Shanghai beach. Hong SanYuan and Lin YiYi (Liya Tong), a fellow loyalist and loyal to Shanghai, fell in love with Hong SanYuan during wits. Hong SanYuan approached Yu MengZhu (Amber Kuo), Yu MengZhu fell in love with Hong SanYuan. Yan Hua in distress, rescued by communist Li XinLi, joined the communist party. Lin YiYi to take revenge on his revenge, Hong SanYuan and run around the world. Lin YiYi died, Hong SanYuan back to Shanghai. Inspired by the progress of Yan Hua and Li Xin Li, Hong SanYuan relinquished the hard-won "good life" and escorted Li Xin Li to leave Shanghai for all her life. Hong SanYuan gradually realized that this road led by the Communist Party is the great future he wants to pursue. Great future

Xiuxian morta (TV)[2017]

Feature: An ordinary village poor boy, by chance, into a small sectarian rivers and lakes, became a registered disciple. In this capacity, he has gained a foothold in martial art and how to enter the ranks of immortals with mediocre qualifications, so that he can be among the three disciplines and mediocre qualification to enter the ranks of cultivating immortals and other devils , Immortal immortal division tied for both inside and outside of Shanhaiguan, immortal world intrigues, law of the jungle, the road long, immortal dangerous, to see how ordinary mountain village Han Li difficult cultivation immortality. Although mediocre, but rely on their own efforts and reasonable calculation practice immortality. Cultivation of immortal process is not easy, not only need to overcome its own shortcomings, but also to accept the test of the enemy and heaven and earth, after numerous "trekking" in order to obtain.

Buddies in India (Movie)[2016]

Feature: When Tang Zong, the president of Tang Dynasty Group, suddenly passed away and left his discipleship, his son Tang Sen went to India for a will with his poor boy Wu Kong. Zhu TianPeng, who coquettish and loyal but flirtatious in India, and Wu Jing, a beautiful, sexy but secretive beauty, went all out to become allies, and most of the four people wondered why this is the testament Brigade dangerous, dangerous, and the reason why wills placed in India, it is hidden secret.

The Founding of An Army (Movie)[2016]

Feature: In 1927, on the occasion of the Great Achievements of the Northern Expedition, the "Right" of the Kuomintang launched a frenzied "communist" campaign to seize power and revolt revolution. In just a few months, nearly 310,000 advanced compatriots were brutally killed and the whole country was shocked. China, hopeful, is about to fall into the abyss once again of warlord turmoil and dictatorship. Without its own armed forces, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), set up less than seven years ago, has almost suffered a devastating blow under the crazy attack of the Kuomintang "right". The lessons of blood have made Mao Zedong, Zhou En Lai and other party progressive elements realize the absolute principle of "giving power to the gun." On the occasion of their survival, they died in danger and went to places such as Hunan and Nanchang. They joined forces with a number of patriotic generals such as Zhu De, He Long, Ye Ting and Liu Bo Cheng to launch an uprising and vow to form an army that truly belonged to the people. Cast Juggernaut soul, self-preservation Paul family.

mid night canteen (TV)[2016]

Feature: This is a special canteen open from midnight to seven in the morning. Lao Ban here, not very talkative, but always let people eat tears. Here, the inferiority of the dancers encounter recess retirement for many years dance predecessors, predecessors at their own pains to inspire young people, eventually make it regain confidence; quiet girlfriends must eat their favorite food recalled Friends of the past, returned to good; optimistic patients with terminally ill met the same girl, the two love each other and give each other the strength to accompany each other perfectly through the last mile; success blind pursuit of career white-collar workers, made here Real warmhearted friend, found that the truth is more meaningful than success. The food, the story, the truth, brought together the theme of the show, taught the people to confront the pros and cons and full of hope and enthusiasm for life. Behind every story are full of affection, the plot ups and downs, it is unforgettable forgotten & nbsp ;.

琅琊榜2 (TV)[2016]


大梁朝局安稳,但边境战火不断,守护大梁北境的长林军屡获军功,因 Liang Di ( Jun Liu 饰)心慈体弱而太子年幼, Xun HuangHou ( Ting Mei 饰)与其胞兄 Xun BaiShui ( Yanjun Bi 饰)恐长林王府功高盖主,被伪潜入宫廷来大梁的夜秦人 Pu YangYing ( Jingfei Guo 饰)利用,陷害长林王 Xiao TingSheng ( Chun Sun 饰)父子三人,不仅在一次北境交战中断掉前线补给,致长林世子 Xiao PingZhang ( Xiaoming Huang 饰)身受重伤,更在京城制造大规模疫情。追查过程时,平章与其弟 Xiao PingJing ( Haoran Liu 饰)先后中毒,此时北境急危,平章放弃救治,奔赴前线支援后毒发而亡。平旌为国境安宁,在长兄牺牲后即刻驻守边疆。 Liang Di 死后令庭生辅政, Xun BaiShui 扶植 Xiao YuanQi ( Hao Chen Wu 饰)掌握兵权以对抗长林王府,在他们的诡计之下,平旌为了百姓反落得抗旨的罪名,庭生逝世长林府封府,长林军编制被撤。元启暗地里与已成为东海国主的舅舅 Mo ZiHou ( Chen Taisheng 饰)勾结,卖国谋逆。隐居多年的平旌危急之中起兵勤王,成功挫败 Xiao YuanQi 的阴谋。待到大梁边境整顿完毕,平旌再次离开金陵归隐 。

Best of us (TV)[2016]

Feature: Geng Geng, an ordinary student, was admitted to Zhenhua High School while he was in high school. He met with Yu Huai on occasional chances. During the military training, Geng Geng met girlfriends Jian Dan and Jiang NianNian, then became the same table with Yu Huai. The life after entering Zhenhua was just as crisp as Geng Geng had expected, a heavy blow to thoroughly examinations, unable to understand in class and so on. At the time of her return home, she suddenly became unacceptable for her new mother and new brother. However, all this became different because Yu Huai at the same table, accompanied by a group of good friends, gave my friend Geng Geng's high school life no longer alone. During the three years at the same table, Geng Geng and Yu Huai grew up from ordinary trivial matters. They farewell with their youthful sensibilities and youthfulness. After the college entrance examination, Geng Geng's most special boy actually disappeared. After a few years of hardship and reunion, I still remember that Geng Geng, which was agreed at the time, was stimulated and had to make a choice between Yu Huai, who had always kept in his memory, and Lu XingHe, who pursued her own fierce pursuit.

Meet the best of us (TV)[2016]


Meeting the Best of Us, also known as “The Best of Us”, described Geng Geng, an average student, accidentally entering Zhenhua High School during the entrance exam and met with Yu Huai, who had “accused to learn”, by chance. At the time of military training, Geng Geng met her girlfriend Jian Dan and Jiang NianNian, and later became the same table with Yu Huai. The life after entering Zhenhua was as cruel as Geng Geng expected, and the heavy blow to the exam and the class could not understand. When returning home, the sudden appearance of a new mother and a younger brother also made her unacceptable. However, because Yu Huai at the same table and the company of a group of good friends accompany him, all this has become different. Friends have made Geng Geng’s high school life no longer alone. During the same period of high school three years, Geng Geng and Yu Huai grew up together from ordinary trifles. They said goodbye and youthful farewell. After the college entrance examination, the most special boy in Geng Geng’s heart disappeared. One year after another, when they met again, they also remembered that Geng Geng agreed to be stimulated. It is necessary to choose between Yu Huai, who has always been oblivious, and Lu XingHe, who is fiercely pursuing himself.


ForeverYoung (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Famous schoolchildren of gardenia band Xu Nuo (Li Yifeng) and ballet Yan Qi (Candy Chang) are a happy couple on campus. The two are struggling for their dreams: Yan Qi, a ballerina dream, and three roommates and friends, together applying for further studies in Paris. Xu Nuo and his teammates are also working tirelessly, hoping to get the record company "Dream Night" Favor, debut as a professional band. However, just as Yan Qi thought the Parisian Dream was within reach, she encountered a huge hurdle in reality. Yan Qi is watching the collapse of the edge, Xu Nuo has been with her around. In order to rekindle her hope, Xu Nuo decided to work with the band members to prepare her for an unexpected big surprise. However, this decision made him pay a small price. These young and middle-aged people, what exactly is going on ...

DetectiveChinTang (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Talented dizziness boy "" police school to be the list, was grandmother sent to Thailand to find a distant house uncle - known as "Chinatown first detective", but in fact "wretched" Uncle "" casual. Do not want to spend the night after drinking wine, Tang Ren became a bizarre murderer, and Qin Feng desperate End of the World, the chase after the detective --- "crazy dog" Huang LanDeng; invincible lucky police - "grass bag" Kun Tai; The "gangster trio" is a vicious and vicious "gangster trio"; the enigmatic "godfather of the Chinatown"; "glamorous wife" and so on all debut. For seven days, Tang Ren and Qin Feng must find out about "lost friends" and "natural match" in the course of "seven days" while avoiding the pursuit of police, bandit gangs and gangsters. Gold "to identify" murderers "for their" cleanse charges "of these" Guards "task.

TwoIdiots3 (TV)[2015]

Feature: The story happened a few months after Xu ZhiYi left, and other people in the office also changed a little. Zhang XiaoJiao started the logistics and Duo Duo became a video anchor. Ai Ma still took care of Zhang XiaoJiao and his purchase Business, Lan Fei gave up his career to take care of the remaining Greek Hope business. Just as everyone's life tended to be dull, Xu ZhiYi appeared again in front of people, and what surprised everyone was that he brought back a beautiful girl - Du XiaoLa. The presence of Du Xiao La, a self-proclaimed "Xu ZhiYi girlfriend," disrupted Zhang XiaoJiao's and Xu ZhiYi's life, making Lan Fei a bit overwhelmed. And originally calm "living together" life has also been Du XiaoLa intrusion and set off a wave. Whether Xu ZhiYi can make a choice between "Mystic Girlfriend" and Lan Fei, whether Lan Fei can change his mind, whether Zhang XiaoJiao can take advantage of it, or all of this is Du XiaoLa's well-designed. Or the shared office, or the small apartment that is living together, what the abolition of the Brotherhood of firewood will continue to evolve out of what comedy stories, Hsu Zhang two people can find a real emotional end in this season, the goddess of the final ownership of all this Will be slowly opened this season.

Great Expectations (TV)[2011]

Feature: Hong SanYuan (Chen Sicheng) takes her mother and friend Qi Lin (Yuan Hong (actor)) to Shanghai to run Yan Hua (Dalong Fu), a struggle involving two major corporate rights. Yan Hua is now a docker, defying power and being promoted to a worker's leader. Hong SanYuan relies on wit many times on the dangerous Shanghai beach. Hong SanYuan and Lin YiYi (Liya Tong), a fellow loyalist and loyal to Shanghai, fell in love with Hong SanYuan during wits. Hong SanYuan approached Yu MengZhu (Amber Kuo), Yu MengZhu fell in love with Hong SanYuan. Yan Hua in distress, rescued by communist Li XinLi, joined the communist party. Lin YiYi to take revenge on his revenge, Hong SanYuan and run around the world. Lin YiYi died, Hong SanYuan back to Shanghai. Inspired by the progress of Yan Hua and Li Xin Li, Hong SanYuan relinquished the hard-won "good life" and escorted Li Xin Li to leave Shanghai for all her life. Hong SanYuan gradually realized that this road led by the Communist Party is the great future he wants to pursue. Great future

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