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Chuchu Zhou TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Chuchu Zhou Works 7 ,And Romance 3 ,Urban drama 2 ,Youth drama 2 ,Contemporary 2 ,创业1 ,涉案1 ,Revolution 1 ,War 1 ,Action 1 ,Comedy 1 ,Campus drama 1 ,Love 1 ,Motivational film 1 。

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Chuchu Zhou Filmography(7)


我在北京等你 (TV)[2020]


海外贫民区长大的华裔青年 Xu Tian ,自小就有一个梦想:成为顶级大律师,帮助更多弱势人群。 Sheng Xia 则是一个赴洋留学的北京女孩,她对服装设计怀抱赤诚之心,渴望有朝一日能够成为中国设计界的骄傲。 Sheng Xia 在一次赶往时装秀途中,误伤 Xu Tian ,两人的命运从此交织。 Xu Tian 和 Sheng Xia 一个勇于挑战,一个坚守原则,处事方式天差地别,可内在却有着极其相似的坚韧和不屈。在共同追寻梦想的日子里,他们都曾面临竞争的残酷、利益的诱惑以及情感的纠结,但 Xu Tian 和 Sheng Xia 始终坚持初心、不惧挑战,在各自事业领域里收获成果的同时,也在北京找到了自己的未来和人生的希望 。


最好的我们 (Movie)[2019]


每个人的心里大概都藏着一个念念不忘的人。一个偶然被提及的名字,让女摄影师耿耿(何蓝逗 饰)内心掀起万千波澜,触动了回忆的开关,那个撩人心动的少年余淮(陈飞宇 饰)再度闯进她的思绪。那是记忆里最好的时光,“学渣”耿耿和“学霸”余淮成了同桌,还结识了简单(王初伊 饰)、贝塔(周楚濋 饰)、徐延亮(陈帅 饰)。校园里充盈着专属少男少女们的懵懂、青涩、怦然心动和勇敢,耿耿余淮也拥有了他们的约定。高考后,当耿耿满怀期待憧憬约定兑现之时,余淮却忽然消失不见了。七年后两人重逢,余淮当年未说出口的那句话、他不辞而别的秘密,耿耿能否得到解答?这段耿耿于怀的过往,让两人再度面临情感的抉择……


遇见你真好 (Movie)[2018]


一群正值青春性格迥异的复读男女,在火爆教头和冷面宿管的高压管理下,上演了三重爱情趣事:呆萌男 Zhang WenSheng 与鬼马女珊妮就差一层窗户纸等待戳破的“纯”,闪电男 A Hu 为保护“哑”校花 Ling CaiCai 敢同校霸决斗的“躁”,痴情男 Xie Lun 奋不顾身治愈爱作女 Zhou XiaoMi 的“作”。他们共同诠释了最美好的青春——在人生的旅程中,遇见你真好。


Do not go to Las Vegas (TV)[2017]

Feature: "Farewell to Las Vegas" tells the story of a "Dinosaur Egg" in Las Vegas, the "World's First Las Vegas," where transnational dreamers triggered a series of stories about humor, absurdity and legend. The protagonists Olive (Nicky Wu) and Feng Er (Wang Ziwen) met each other and started their acquaintance with Dao Le (Xiaodong Guo), a fellow beloved compatriot, who started their future Unexpected trip to Las Vegas. In the end, after experiencing the birth of love, the test of friendship, the swing of marriage and the pros and cons of money, it is not a gamble that fate is entertained. It is the broad road to realizing the dream, Escape from the gambling city has become the common choice of all people. Farewell to Las Vegas is a contemporary urban drama directed by Yang Yazhou, starring Nicky Wu, Wang Ziwen, Xiaodong Guo, Heidi Wong, Michelle Keegan, Sarah Yan Li, Zhixin Gu, Weiyu Cao and Jiang Shi Meng . Produced by Beijing Chiayi Times Culture Media Co., Ltd., Bonaventure Brilliant Culture Media, Fengshan Gradual Culture Communication (Beijing) Co., Ltd. and Haining Wenjiu Television Media.

Best of us (TV)[2016]

Feature: Geng Geng, an ordinary student, was admitted to Zhenhua High School while he was in high school. He met with Yu Huai on occasional chances. During the military training, Geng Geng met girlfriends Jian Dan and Jiang NianNian, then became the same table with Yu Huai. The life after entering Zhenhua was just as crisp as Geng Geng had expected, a heavy blow to thoroughly examinations, unable to understand in class and so on. At the time of her return home, she suddenly became unacceptable for her new mother and new brother. However, all this became different because Yu Huai at the same table, accompanied by a group of good friends, gave my friend Geng Geng's high school life no longer alone. During the three years at the same table, Geng Geng and Yu Huai grew up from ordinary trivial matters. They farewell with their youthful sensibilities and youthfulness. After the college entrance examination, Geng Geng's most special boy actually disappeared. After a few years of hardship and reunion, I still remember that Geng Geng, which was agreed at the time, was stimulated and had to make a choice between Yu Huai, who had always kept in his memory, and Lu XingHe, who pursued her own fierce pursuit.

Special case (TV)[2015]


The TV series, case quest is introduced: plot tells the story of jiang city criminal investigation team leader Tong Fan through further advanced courses crime scene investigation, criminal psychology, hope to work for forensic carved out a new ambit, out of a science and technology strong police forensic science new road, also recommended the introduction of psychological counseling mechanism at the same time, the long-term in a high pressure working environment in Paris, the criminal policemen psychological intervention. At this time, a series of malignant cases occurred in jiangshi city, special investigation team into the overall investigation, but found hidden behind the murder of a large conspiracy against social security. In the investigation of in-depth cases, Tong Fan put up with the unbearable pressure of ordinary people and led the members of the special investigation team to follow up with The Times through scientific and technological means such as the perfect restoration of criminal psychology and crime scene, and through the difficulties and obstacles, finally beat up the criminals. The special investigative team ultimately protected the safety of the people and state property.


Heros mission (TV)[2013]

Feature: The "Heroes Mission" tells the story of the 1941 Anti-Japanese War. The Japanese special operations team led by the Japanese aggressor army chief Liu ShengMeiZi repeatedly infiltrated into the rear of the KMT-controlled area behind me and made innocent people suffer. CCP member Liu Cheng broke into the military command of the Kuomintang government and cleverly used the resources of the Kuomintang to form a tit-for-tat resistance against Japan by the Japanese aggressors and contest the enemy. Xue Min, a CCP underground member who was out of touch with the organization, became the captain of the CCP and continuously disrupted the Japanese conspiracy. Liu Cheng and Xue Min led the contingent in the test of blood and fire continue to grow, and ultimately completed the heroic mission of resistance.

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