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Jingchun Wang TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Jingchun Wang Works 34 ,And Feature 18 ,Suspense 7 ,Romance 7 ,Comedy 6 ,Crime 5 ,Action 3 ,Thriller 3 ,Biopic 3 ,Fantasy 2 ,Adventure 1 ,时装1 ,Motivational film 1 ,Martial Arts 1 ,Spy war 1 ,Sports 1 ,Historical play 1 ,Short 1 ,Family drama 1 ,Child 1 。

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Jingchun Wang Filmography(34)


攀登者 (Movie)[2019]


1960年,中国登山队向珠峰发起冲刺,完成了世界首次北坡登顶这一不可能的任务。15年后, Fang WuZhou 和 Qu SongLin 在气象学家 Xu Ying 的帮助下,带领 Li GuoLiang 、 Yang Guang 等年轻队员再次挑战世界之巅。迎接他们的将是更加严酷的现实,也是生与死的挑战。


Shadow (Movie)[2018]


The film "Shadow" tells a story about a stand-in. It's called "shadow" since ancient times. If there is an assassination, there is a shadow. The shadow must stand up in a crisis and save his life. The shadow must be one with the real body, making it difficult to distinguish the real from the fake. Where is the shadow without the body? On the origin and development of the shadow, the real body is never taboo, do not want to mention and make the truth confusing. Would you like to be a stand-in or a shadow? Is the bright place to be a person, still the dark place to do ghost, change is you, how choice? .


EXPLOSION (Movie)[2017]

Feature: Zhao Xu Dong (Duan Yihong) is a miner who works with restaurant owner Xiao Hong (Yu Nan) to get married. However, a blast triggered the mine disaster and the surviving Zhao XuDong's suspicion began to be investigated. He immediately plunged into a whirlpool of interest groups such as miners and chambers of commerce and encountered killings and police chase. Deep down, Zhao XuDong's conscience and cowardice ignited his bloodyness while fighting, oppression and anger. Driven by the protection of his family and his justice, Zhao XuDong desperately wanted to survive, his revenge was reported and the hero returned.

Love because of love (TV)[2017]


《将爱之因为爱情》讲述了陈意心主演、朱丹柯(蛋壳)、杜姗、乔晓萱四个女孩临近大学毕业,她们凭借着对红酒的共同爱好,决定一起酿制一批葡萄酒,纪念她们的青春时光。在此期间,她们的命运也悄然发生着转变——身为富商继承人的意心爱上了穷小子黄炼,两人虽一见钟情,却因身份悬殊而不得不面临着离别与放弃;率性狂放的蛋壳与酒庄的青年酿酒师那天是一对欢喜冤家,两人的感情在吵闹中悄然滋生;酒庄女主人杜姗身患重病,却仍笑对人生,为了追寻自认为的美好爱情而屡屡碰壁;乔晓萱出身平凡,她爱慕着另外三个女孩拥有的一切,包括校园里的王子郭艾伦。可随着一个阴险的红酒商人潘肖的出现,女孩们的感情与生活都纷纷遭遇打击,坠入泥潭。但她们最终凭借着智慧与信念,依靠着爱情与友情,重新找到了人生的方向 。

Lost In 1949 (TV)[2017]

Feature: Also known as "Lost In 1949", "Excuse me" tells the story of New Year's Day in 1949. Qiao ZhiCai is being released by the authorities when he plans to implement a prison break plan in prison. He was carrying a suitcase, going to find the framed ginger that year framed him, but did not expect at the train station, accidentally hit Huang LiWen mourning the husband from the liberated areas to return home. When the two left, carry the wrong luggage with each other. Huang LiWen luggage important radio stations, to be handed over to our party underground organizations. To this end, she moved to Zhenning Village, a middle-class neighborhood where she not only reunited with her family accidentally, but also met with Qiao ZhiCai, a kind and honest villager. The two were constantly involved in the dreadful waves of danger, but escaped with cleverness and courage. The two have honed their skills in the struggle with the Security Bureau to sharpen their minds and gradually grow into strong and respectable Communists from the rookie who have no underground work experience. Huang LiWen and Qiao ZhiCai also watch for help during the troubled times and slowly wear Through each other's heart defenses, and ultimately realize the true meaning of love and faith & nbsp ;. "Extricate" is directed by Wang Qi Nan, directed by Lin Ke, starring Chen Kun and Qian Wan, starring Liao Fan and Wang Jingchun, starring David Wang and Winston Chao, starring Thái Văn Tịnh, Tao Haojing and Xiaochen Zhang drama.

Beautiful Accident (Movie)[2017]

Feature: Li YuRan is an outstanding successful lawyer who leads a high-quality white-collar single life and is well-prepared to go abroad to study and recharge, with immense confidence and longing for a bright future. One night, Yu-shan drove home and the car was hit by an unfortunate highway. When she woke up again, she found herself in a strange place waiting for her experience of seven different roles: a full-time wife. Her husband Zhang Tao is a diligent and honest designer, daughter Xing Xing is a rebellious adolescent girl, son Tian Tian is a naive and warm boy. From an outstanding professional woman who suddenly turned her role as a housewife to take care of a family of four, she experienced a hard-line resistance from the very beginning and was not able to adapt to the tender love and care that she later transformed.

Young & Amazing (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Lin HanJie, Cheng Ming, Hao DaYu claimed Dongshan University 'Three Musketeers', known as the "three cheap off." Three different personalities, one is Tricky Funny personality flaunting the rich second generation, one is subtle restrained gentle, and the other is a funny funny humorous rural baby. They often make some eye-popping "unitary moths," of which the opposition "female man" Ke Yun is ultimately stripped. Lin HanJie and Ke Yun are incompatible. Ke Yun and Su Ting Ting are all talked about girlfriends, a vigorous and arrogant, is full; the other is modest and generous courtesy, is a typical wife and mother. During their graduation season, they experienced major changes in their own lives: Lin HanJie from the rich second generation into bankruptcy master, had to go to the crew "run the sleeve", Ke Yun brutally boycott, but also girlfriend Su TingTing took the opportunity to cleverly taken Own work, a calculated. Cheng Ming follow the wishes of the home to test civil servants but in fact, reluctantly, "Lotte sent" rain repeatedly hit the wall in the business journey ... ... this group of live treasure stand at the crossroads of life, do everything in its best, dry one after another Crazy things, deduce their own comedy of life.

The Match (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Loser's dad in the eyes of a daughter, a mysterious "dumb" caddy, four "test" spare tire ball players, a strong laughter club heir, plus a second-for-arms agent in charge. Seems to be life's failure of the five-way man gathered in the glorious incomparable now close to the "miracle badminton club." They have to face the only sponsor who wants to withdraw their capital immediately and the overbearing creder Mafia Big Brother. Only one chance to turn their salted fish into the final feather event will be decided, but the time left for them Running out. Moreover, behind this seemingly auspicious event, it is actually undercurrent. Can the "miracle" be staged again? Only the battle of a battle of life and death!

The Founding of An Army (Movie)[2016]

Feature: In 1927, on the occasion of the Great Achievements of the Northern Expedition, the "Right" of the Kuomintang launched a frenzied "communist" campaign to seize power and revolt revolution. In just a few months, nearly 310,000 advanced compatriots were brutally killed and the whole country was shocked. China, hopeful, is about to fall into the abyss once again of warlord turmoil and dictatorship. Without its own armed forces, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), set up less than seven years ago, has almost suffered a devastating blow under the crazy attack of the Kuomintang "right". The lessons of blood have made Mao Zedong, Zhou En Lai and other party progressive elements realize the absolute principle of "giving power to the gun." On the occasion of their survival, they died in danger and went to places such as Hunan and Nanchang. They joined forces with a number of patriotic generals such as Zhu De, He Long, Ye Ting and Liu Bo Cheng to launch an uprising and vow to form an army that truly belonged to the people. Cast Juggernaut soul, self-preservation Paul family.

Beautiful Accident (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Li YuRan is an outstanding successful lawyer who leads a high-quality white-collar single life and is well-prepared to go abroad to study and recharge, with immense confidence and longing for a bright future. One night, Yu-shan drove home and the car was hit by an unfortunate highway. When she woke up again, she found herself in a strange place waiting for her experience of seven different roles: a full-time wife. Her husband Zhang Tao is a diligent and honest designer, daughter Xing Xing is a rebellious adolescent girl, son Tian Tian is a naive and warm boy. From an outstanding professional woman who suddenly turned her role as a housewife to take care of a family of four, she experienced a hard-line resistance from the very beginning and was not able to adapt to the tender love and care that she later transformed.

AnAccidentalShotofLove (Movie)[2015]

Feature: In a blind date, Lan Tian (Hongjie Ni) was a webcast and was accidentally diagnosed as pregnant by Roy Chiu, an obscure obstetrics and gynecologist. The child's father, Huang Dou (Entai Yu), a young actor, has now parted, with Huang Dou and a girl named Ju Zi (Zhao Wenqi) coming together. Huang Dou, who was born and raised, was determined to take responsibility for the news of Lan Tian's pregnancy. He left Ju Zi and returned to Lan Tian's side. The two men temporarily incapable of raising the child decided to destroy their children, but the accident was over Lan Tian hesitated. When Huang Dou learned that the crystallization of love between two people was still waiting for Lan Tian's belly, he decided to walk down well with Lan Tian. However, at this juncture, accidents and troubles came one after another, Lan Tian disappeared, overwhelmed Huang Dou do not know where to go.

BlindSpot (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Chen BoHan, a real estate agent who used to be a "blind spot detective," broke the otherwise quiet life by the sudden emergence of Liu XinYuan. It turns out that there is a legend circulating in this place that people across the harbor square can see another world at midnight. And because of curiosity, Liu XinYuan and several girlfriends night after exploring Harbor Square, actually at home to see his father died for many years the figure, so find Chen BoHan for help. Chen BoHan no longer intend to be involved in such cases, but happens to be friends Tommy encouragement, began to investigate. Chen BoHan surveyed Harbor Square at midnight and found no clues. But in his life, he often has somehow hallucinations. During the investigation, Chen BoHan learned that the owner of hot pot shop A Cheng often saw the baby's hallucinations after passing midnight through Harbor Square. Chen Wen, a teacher, also often resorts to the illusion of being beaten by unfamiliar men because he has been to the Harbor Square. He also turned to Chen BoHan for help. But only some people have hallucinations. Chen BoHan discovered that actually everyone in the world has a demons. How to solve the demons is the crux of the problem. Chen BoHan's own demons are related to the death of Liu XinYuan's father. In order to help Shin-chan, Chen BoHan had to go to Harbor Square again to face his demons.

我是证人 (Movie)[2015]


Lu XiaoXing ( Mini Yang 饰)是一位初出茅庐的见习女警,她的弟弟死于一场意外,而作为见证人的 Lu XiaoXing 则双目失明。尽管失去了视觉,但 Lu XiaoXing 的其他感官却因此而意外的活跃起来,即便生活在黑暗之中, Lu XiaoXing 却依旧能够敏感的感受到周遭的一举一动。
一场车祸中, Lu XiaoXing 成为了目击者,凭借着自己的特殊能力,她做出了证词, Lu XiaoXing 绝佳的感官和记忆力吸引了老刑警 Lu Li ( Wang Jingchun 饰)的注意。 Lin Chong ( Lu Han 饰)是车祸的另一位目击者,可奇怪的是,他所做出的证词恰恰和 Lu XiaoXing 的证词截然不同。一个是五感健全的普通人,一个是双目失明的盲人,究竟应该相信谁的证词?而又是谁在撒谎呢?

Blind Spot (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Chen BoHan, a real estate agent who used to be a "blind spot detective," broke the otherwise quiet life by the sudden emergence of Liu XinYuan. It turns out that there is a legend circulating in this place that people across the harbor square can see another world at midnight. And because of curiosity, Liu XinYuan and several girlfriends night after exploring Harbor Square, actually at home to see his father died for many years the figure, so find Chen BoHan for help. Chen BoHan no longer intend to be involved in such cases, but happens to be friends Tommy encouragement, began to investigate. Chen BoHan surveyed Harbor Square at midnight and found no clues. But in his life, he often has somehow hallucinations. During the investigation, Chen BoHan learned that the owner of hot pot shop A Cheng often saw the baby's hallucinations after passing midnight through Harbor Square. Chen Wen, a teacher, also often resorts to the illusion of being beaten by unfamiliar men because he has been to the Harbor Square. He also turned to Chen BoHan for help. But only some people have hallucinations. Chen BoHan discovered that actually everyone in the world has a demons. How to solve the demons is the crux of the problem. Chen BoHan's own demons are related to the death of Liu XinYuan's father. In order to help Shin-chan, Chen BoHan had to go to Harbor Square again to face his demons.

MyBestFriends (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Tang MingJun color heart cause trouble, and the gangster woman stole love, the result was trampled revenge revenge gang boss, distress moment, Tang MingJun three brothers come forward, once all-powerful "four kings" once again gather together, but unfortunately youth is no longer, The goddess with good memories is also old. In the mediation with the gang, they realized the sentiment about time, comedy and spoof, experience deep warmth.

GoddnessInTheFlamesOfWar (Movie)[2015]

Feature: The movie "The Women" tells the story of a group of women who happened to be on the banks of the Ho River in Tongzhou, during the War of Resistance against Japan. It recalled the tragic and heroic songs of that magnificent time through memories. A group of women of different identities and different temperaments We bravely took the responsibility of defending our homeland and guarding the country in the face of hostile hatred of our country and confronted the fascism of Japan.

TheGoldenEra (Movie)[2014]

Feature: In the 1930s, the 20-year-old Zhang Weiying (Tang Wei) escaped from marriage and was abandoned. Zhang Nai-ying, who flies to his fiancé Wang EnJia (Wenkang Yuan ornaments), still can not escape the fate of abandonment. Fortunately, he met Xiao Jun (Feng Shaofeng), a progressive youth working for the newspaper, and both loved each other. By Xiao Jun Zhang Naiying met literary writers such as Bai Lang, Feng Zu and Nie GanNu, renamed Xiao Hong, and got Lu Xun (Wang Zhiwen) Xu GuangPing (Ding Jiali), and later met Hu Feng (Lei Feng), Mei Zhi (Quan Yuan), Jiang XiJin (Yi Zhang), Ding Ling (Hao Lei ), Duan Mu Hong Liang (Zhu Yawen ornaments) and others, under the encouragement of contemporary writers, Xiao Hong gradually moved toward the "golden age" of creation despite the constant fighting and displacement.

BlackCoal, ThinIce (Movie)[2014]

Feature: Wu ZhiZhen (Gwei Lun-mei), with its glamorous appearance, exudes the charm of a mature woman, which is a deadly temptation for men. Zhang ZiLi (Liao Fan), a police officer who once had a part with her, That's even more true. Five years ago, Liang ZhiJun (Wang Xuebing), the husband of Wu ZhiZhen, was found dead by a police officer who died in a bizarre massacre. Zhang ZiLi then shot and killed the murderer who shot him. Five years later, a similar series of cases occurred again, and these dead people had fallen in love with Wu ZhiZhen. Zhang ZiLi, who had no heart, approached Wu ZhiZhen but moths fell in love with the woman and two Zhang ZiLi discovered the truth five years ago as more intimate encounters were gradually shared by people who suffered major setbacks in life.

The Golden Era (Movie)[2014]

Feature: In the 1920s and 1940s of last century, China was an era of full of personality and broad-mindedness. A group of young people went through a period of laissez-faire, freely pursuing their dreams and love. Some were carving their loved ones in the midst of displacement and some were fighting Look forward to the future of the home country. Xiao Hong, a maverick woman, exiled all the way from north to south, from Harbin to Hong Kong, and escaped war while experiencing the saddening and painstaking love and life. Struggling against the strong and dead of her life pierced through the pages of her paper, as was her life.

Divorce Lawyers (TV)[2014]

Feature: "Divorce Lawyer" tells the story of Chi HaiDong (Wu Xiubo's posters), a well-articulated lawyer who turns his hands in the lawyers for the rain, has a breeze in his career but has not yet won his wife Jiao YanYan (Alina Zhang) Not wearing a green hat, two of their divorce case one of their own lawyers lost to his wife's attorney Luo Li (Yao Chen ornaments). From the opposite of a divorce two people just "tired do not love," a traumatized, do not believe in love, but they always under the same mistaken identity agent of the same divorce cases and even become neighbors in life. As divorce lawyers, they help both parties to the divorce divorce their spirits and encourage them to start a new life. Sometimes they even advise couples who want to divorce. They also help the family and friends around them to solve various crises. After working together for a long time, the relationship between Luo Li and Chi HaiDong also subtly changed from that of a pure competitor. Both were gradually attracted to each other's talent and character, Believe love divorce lawyer, eventually is still in full swing, slowly come together. The above information source

HoldingLove (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Stewardess Zhou Jing) because her husband Tao Xiaolei do not give birth to his birthday and husband noisy, eventually decided to divorce. Just married, the two have received a call from the bridal salon, the original, the two wedding gown awards - Sanya couple honeymoon. But did not promote the reconciliation of the two, to Sanya, they decided to play a different. In the evening, Tao Xiaolei swim after swimming saved the ex-girlfriend Bao Meng harassment Fang Meng. Zhou Jing back to the hotel, just to see the two close, angry, taxi to the best bar in Sanya. Early in the morning, Tao Xiaolei found himself sleeping with Fang Meng and found Zhou Jing was not there. At this moment, his cell phone suddenly received a picture: Zhou Jing was tied up by a rope and Xiao Lei quickly called his wife A man, originally Zhou Jing was kidnapped, the man to Xiaolei ready 1 million. Zhou Jing woke up, but found herself in a forest. Then she rescued Bao Sanhe, claiming to be a researcher. Bao San was really Ge Bao Ge, whose purpose was to secretly kidnap Zhou Jing. On the other hand, Tao Xiaolei nervously chipped in money, under the urgency, Fang Meng had to play with a magic poker money Xiao Lei, but unexpectedly was found. At Jianfengling, Bao Ge finds her way to Zhou Jing. Zhou Jing and Tao Xiaolei are overwhelmed by memories of past romantic scenes. Finally, Tao Xiaolei had to borrow money to abandon his mother and his father, my father generously agreed. The next morning, Bao Ge pretended to have sprained his back so he would not allow Zhou Jing to walk by himself. Zhou Jing said he wanted to join him in finding the nepenthes, and Bao Ge secretly chuckled. Xiao Lei save enough money to call the kidnappers, the phone was down. In the Peak Ridge, Zhou Jing is looking for nepenthes with Bao Ge, but suddenly appears Savage, shot an arrow Bao Ge.

TheLegendofSunnyland (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Somewhere in the northwest, the landform is brutal and the folk style is plain and simple. Village cadres confused Ma Da rental to expand sources. Ma Da thought it was time to work and was glad to accept that Ma Da, who knew that the renter had used his place to bury his dog, had to find a solution to withdraw it and staged a ridiculous drama for grass-roots people.

ZangKe (Movie)[2011]

Feature: In 1919, as the British colonialist Tibet became more and more independent, the Beijing government decided to appoint Zhu Embassy to Tibet to hold consultations with the 13th Dalai Lama. In July of the same year, the envoys of the first departing delegation, Guo Sheng, came to Tibet in the throat of Danden City. The United Kingdom also sent Fei Er and his party to Danti. He did everything possible to organize a delegation to Tibet to gain time for the British independence campaign. So in the small town of DanTi, several groups of people carried out desperate trials. Eventually, with the help of local Tibetans, Zhu Embroidery and the Living Buddha of Qinghai escaped Fei Er's chase and successfully embarked on a journey into Tibet.

DiYiShuJi (Movie)[2010]

Feature: In the late 1970s, eighteen peasants in Xiaogang Village, Fengyang County, Anhui Province, pressed the red handprint of the land contract responsibility contract at a risk of beheading. The move shocked the country and opened the curtain of China's reform and opening up. Blink of an eye Nearly three decades later, from Xiaogangcun to all parts of the country, have undergone tremendous changes. Who once wanted to press the story of collective fingerprints, once again happen in the village of Xiaogang. In 2004, Xiaogang Village ushered in the first party secretary Shen Hao (Yang Lixin). Shen Hao cheerful open-minded, impartial and selfless, he bent on the job, with practical actions to practice the scientific concept of development. Wu NaiNai (Su Ying Huang) never knew her trust. Yang DeFu (Bing He), a prodigal son, made everything from making trouble to being honest. Despite being initially complained by his wife Wang XiaoQin (Fan Xu) and his daughter Wang Wang (Li Ruosi), Shen Hao, with his integrity, has left him with an indelible and glorious image in the village of Xiaogang Village. Character deeds adapted.

Buxuqiangjie (Movie)[2009]

Feature: The simple and kind farmer Yang Shu-gen (Qiu Lin ornaments) came to the colorful county, the purpose of this trip is with the eldest brother Gomei (Wang Jingchun ornaments) looking for working in the city's wife plum. After entering the city, they temporarily resided in the house where Mei Lai rented them, and then the two separated from one another to find a job. Unexpectedly, Mei met a black agent, and was charged with an intermediary fee for using extreme means. The roots of the tree was blessed by disasters, get to know the construction company manager Yuan Yuan (Yu Xin Tong decorated), get a job, hard-working, won the trust of boss Wang Kui (Tong Jiang ornaments), make it back home recruitment When a cadre of horses worked on the site for six months, Wang Kui was denied the promised wages at that time. However, at this time, the emergency treatment for migrant workers, such as Xiao Shunzi, was waiting for money. Extreme behavior ...

FengKuangDeMeiGui (Movie)[2009]

Feature: "Crazy Rose" is a Chinese movie released on October 27, 2009, directed by Wei Ren and Zhou Wei. Zhao Yang, starring Wang Jingchun. "Crazy Rose" tells the story of a woman dead in the seaside city of Lincheng, the deceased is Xie Lan, a famous television host, and the autopsy result is suicide. Ning WuYuan, captain of the criminal investigation detachment heavily commissioned by the Public Security Bureau of the Public Security Bureau to be relocated to the ministries and agencies, has obvious doubts about the cases. At the same time, the researcher of the China Banking Regulatory Commission on cracking down illegal fund-raising offices, Lu Juan, his girlfriend of Ning WuYuan, City investigation of illegal fund-raising cases, the case is serious, with the investigation, Ning WuYuan found that Lin Lan and Lincheng city taxpayer Rose Bloom chairman Wang Shulin extraordinary relationship, and will soon take over the captain of Ning WuYuan Xu Ke and In deliberately concealing something, a shaking big conspiracy gradually surfaced ... ...

Girl punching (TV)[2009]

Feature: "Girl Rushes" tells the story of Xiao Qiao is the supreme treasure of romantic, Sun Quan is a pure innocent Zixia fairy, Cao Cao turned into a beautiful heart of the righteousness of the 13th mother. Sun Quan and Xiao Qiao started out as kinder lovers from kindergartens. When they had a love affair during their childhood, they met more than a dozen times and met naked on the university campus in the moonlight. The two seem to have similar feelings, has been complicated and confusing, and Cao Cao is intended to win over love, in the relationship between the two often set the fetters, a twists and turns of the strange school love story started ......

BanXinJiaDeNvRen (Movie)[2008]

Feature: The woman who moves to a new home is a Chinese drama film starring Niu Le, Wang Jingchun and Wu Li. It was released in 2008. The film mainly tells of a story of a woman who has had a stain in her life who has escaped from the past and even imprisoned her children at home, eventually regaining her life and socializing with the care and attention of her neighborhood.

WuFaJieJu (Movie)[2008]

Feature: Zhang YuGui is a prime criminal investigator. One day, Niu YuLai, director of the criminal case squad of Seongnam Branch, suddenly sacrificed and there were almost no clues on the scene of the murder. Zhang YuGui and Niu YuLai as brothers, is the best comrades in arms. As captain of the Interpol team, Zhang YuGui was ordered to close the case within a specified period of time to find out the truth about the death of comrade and best friend Niu YuLai and hand over a case report that satisfied the entire police force and relatives and friends. He shoulders the pressure from all sides. On the one hand, he hopes from the bottom of his heart to give Niu YuLai a glorious title. On the one hand, as the suspicion increases, he can not be easily slighted. The colleagues around did not quite understand Zhang YuGui's practice, hoping to immediately close the case to rest in peace. Especially Niu YuLai's fiancee Ning Hong has repeatedly found leadership to reflect Zhang YuGui because Niu YuLai robbed himself captain of criminal penalties, grudgingly refused to deal with this case. The new captain, San Nan, puzzled Zhang YuGui, but she firmly believed that Zhang YuGui, as an old police officer, must have her own ideas. And now the only problem is how to communicate with Zhang YuGui, to obtain his cooperation. In order to find out the truth of the matter, Zhang YuGui please friends for many years ...

Loyal soul (TV)[2008]

Feature: Zhen LiQing (Lanya Shi) is the new director of public security in Xinhai City. With the active cooperation of Yin KunBao (Gonghai Du), deputy director of the Public Security Bureau, the work of building public security teams has been very fruitful. By chance, Zhen LiQing became acquainted with businessman Luo JinHui (Ma Yue), and in the midst of contact, Zhen LiQing's unscrupulous attitude caused Luo JinHui's favor. Luo JinHui was hit by a key investment project in Xinhai City and was caught in a conflict of interest with a local mayor, Gu Qun (Bo Li). As a result, many difficulties have been encountered. Coupled with the fact that investment funds have not been put in place, the project has not been started yet. Zhao TaiSheng (Xu Xiaodong), a man with his brother and sister Luo JinHui, was unlucky to suggest that using a drug business to fill a funding gap was stopped by Luo JinHui. In the meantime, a major drug case surfaced during the investigation as Gu Qun's enterprise involved in the illegal operation was sealed up by the Public Security Bureau. Confronted with the intricacies of the case, Zhen LiQing and Yin KunBao jointly overcome numerous difficulties, calmly analyzed and arranged the crackdown in a big way and also captured the peaceful and tranquil sky in Xinhai City.

QiWangHeTaDeErZi (Movie)[2007]

Feature: Liu YiShou's biggest hobby is Go Go. With superb chess, Liu YiShou in his circle little known, know him, or who played with him called Liu YiShou as "chess king." Liu YiShou, a "chess king", has been laid off for years. Due to lack of other professional skills, Liu YiShou can only teach her children in a small chess club. Watching other men make a lot of money at home, Liu YiShou's wife can no longer tolerate her husband indulging in go games all day, so she filed for divorce. Liu YiShou's wife did not expect her to solicit her son's advice when her son would choose to spend with his father Liu YiShou. The reason for his son is simple: in his young heart, the son thinks it is good to have a mother without a father, but it is inconceivable that the father without a mother lacks the care of life. Mom finally did not persuade his son Liu Xiaochuan, with her husband Liu YiShou "hate iron steel" resentment, went to the end of the marriage. After the divorce, Liu YiShou paid his son Ogawa for tuition fees and took his son under the arrangement of Dong Jia, a younger brother of Chess Club, to secretly make gambling and did not want to be caught by the police. Looking at his son disappointed eyes, Liu YiShou determined to set an example for his son, never gamble. By chance, Liu YiShou discovers his son's talent for playing chess. Liu YiShou overjoyed, Dong LaoBan also encouraged Liu YiShou to send his son Ogawa to go to the formal school Go, the future to be a professional player. Liu YiShou hopefully led his son came to the famous chess academy. Who once thought, expensive tuition fees blocked Liu YiShou and his son from school gates. In order to allow his son to enter the formal education Qiu, Liu YiShou to give up his dignity, but was the master of ridiculed by Go. Looked at his father to endure others insult, son Ogawa sadly wins the door, secretly vowed, be sure to become a champion, we must become a professional chess player. Since then, Liu YiShou has developed a set of "cramming" learning programs for her son, who is the son of Go Go teacher. After a period of training and learning, Ogawa greatly improved Go skills, to participate in a Go competition, the night before the game, Liu Xiaochuan father and mother shouted to a restaurant to eat, take the father on the toilet during the fight with his mother and mother A bet, as Ogawa won the championship, my mother will come back. As Ogawa no paragraph, by the big game investors obstruct it. With the help of Dong Jia, Ogawa entered the finals in three stages and competed for the first runner-up with the winner of the contest, the son of the billionaire CEO. Unexpectedly, Meng SiWen's mother is known as the boss of the billion liters know, in the bathroom, Liu YiShou told Liu Xiaochuan interested, but in the face of extraordinary significance, Ogawa in order to achieve the desire to reunite Mom and Dad to win the game The final victory. At this point, Ogawa sadly quit the scene of the game was go-go Chen JiuDuan fancy. Chen JiuDuan received Ogawa as a believer, decided to bring Ogawa abroad to see the top master, then open the hand of Ogawa Go master.

Bus detective (TV)[2004]

Feature: Poster Police graduated from the three police flowers: clever, beautiful, insecure Fancha always want to go to "heavy case" of Jiang WenWen (Haiqiong Luo ornaments), civilians origin always thought of an officer Chen SiYu (Jinfu Jiang ornaments) Li Le (Xinyi Peng), a cheerful family property, was assigned to the anti-PaGroup at the same time. Three police officers and captains Ai Qun (Wang Jingchun ornaments), police officers Jin TianLan (Fang Bin ornaments) formed a new anti-grumble group, from the start of a series of twists and turns, humorous story. They cracked the "blade party" that endangered the city; severely punished the "cans" fraud gang who touched the children of porcelain; got acquainted with the old thief who had spent years in the gold basin washing hands; "Knife Gang". At the same time that the three police officers and men dutifully completed the anti-patrol work, their emotional life is also exaggerated: Jiang WenWen used to be passionate about "love paranoia"; "rich girl" Li Le was in love with "poor boy "Xu Ang; Chen SiYu officials almost lead to" mortal disaster ";" elder youth "Ai Qun has been searching in the sea of ​​people. With the help of Su JuZhang (Zhaoqi Shi) and captain Ai Qun, three police officers finally trained a pair of "golden eyes" during the growth of "laughter, crying and applause", and finally became a mature anti-pecking team.

Angels are both blame (TV)[2000]

Feature: A beautiful young urban girl, went to the Fifth Hospital in the South, she is about to become an angel is the fault of the angels clothing angel. However, she simply did not expect what awaits her frustration and frustration after she entered the hospital door. Lin XiaoRu lively naughty, but somewhat silly, in nursing school is a very poor achievement of the students, barely graduated from the mother Tuomen Road into the fifth hospital, so she was colleagues ridiculed and trickery in the hospital Encounter the strange things of the wizard, confused her find. As small as desire to become a formal nurse, but unfortunately encountered a strong opponent, her hopes slim. As young graduate student Shao JianBo came in at a glance, "worry", the two noisy sparks of love, but only half way out of a noble, beautiful, outstanding girl - returned surgeon Even worse, she is still the daughter of the fifth hospital president. Small as a strong opponent in the love and career of these two fronts, no matter how the chance of her victory is minimal.

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