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Ce Wang TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Ce Wang Works 35 ,And Urban drama 12 ,Suspense 7 ,Romance 6 ,Feature 6 ,Costume Drama 4 ,Love 4 ,Family drama 4 ,legend 3 ,Romantic drama 3 ,Action 2 ,Crime 2 ,Spy war 2 ,Musical Drama 2 ,Idol drama 2 ,Comedy 2 ,Thriller 2 ,公路1 ,Contemporary film 1 ,警匪1 ,轻喜1 ,感情1 ,Motivational film 1 ,Modern opera 1 ,Workplace film 1 ,古代宫廷1 ,谋略1 ,Youth drama 1 ,Modern city 1 ,Historical play 1 ,医疗1 ,Terror 1 。

Works Index

Ce Wang Filmography(35)


时间都知道 (TV)[2019]


《时间都知道》讲述了31岁的 Shi Jian 在前去看望丈夫 Ye JiaCheng 的飞机上偶遇易贸集团老板 Yi Pei ,飞行过程中飞机突然陷入剧烈颠簸, Shi Jian 晕厥,在梦中独自一人回到了10年前的大学时代。适应转变后, Shi Jian 开始提早为母亲治病,为闺蜜引路并决心要提前与 Ye JiaCheng 相识相恋。十年之中, Shi Jian 看到了 Ye JiaCheng 在认识未来的她之前的生活和故事。与此同时,这个时空里的 Yi Pei 却爱上了 Shi Jian 并成为了她坚强的后盾。 Shi Jian 与 Ye JiaCheng 经历重重困境之后,终获祝福。但看似幸福的结局却被一场意外打破, Ye JiaCheng 为了救人,死于车祸。心灰意冷的 Shi Jian 最终没能打破时空的界限,她决定在同一时间搭上了同一航班,灾难如期而至。 Shi Jian 在病房苏醒,一梦十年,看到身边的 Ye JiaCheng 感慨万千,所有的回去与归来,都是为了与爱重逢 。

Go go squid! (TV)[2019]

Feature: 剧照深夜, Han ShangYan 推门走入了一家小网吧。此时,计算机“鬼才”,在读研究生 Tong Nian 为表弟家看管着网吧。单纯软萌的 Tong Nian 对 Han ShangYan 一见钟情。她勇敢,却连他十年前的绯闻女友都不敢细看;她淡然,却因害怕打扰他,连坐在身边偷偷瞄一眼都带着不安;她习惯了大场面,却因他在她微博下的留言而觉得呼吸都要停滞;她接受惯了采访,却在给他打电话时,准备了半天的话题,一个字都想不起来;她那么喜欢他,可是因为觉得对不起,却只能流着泪说分手。就是这样的 Tong Nian ,打动了不近女色,早已波澜不惊的 Han ShangYan ,也在 Han ShangYan 的激励下, Tong Nian 重新加入校队,继续国际计算机学会世界编程大赛的比赛。两人各自投入到了夺取冠军的征程,在不同的领域大放异彩 。

一场遇见爱情的旅行 (TV)[2019]


《一场遇见爱情的旅行》讲述了当代都市上海,普通白领 Li XinYue 以千万重金拍下大画家 Chu HongFei 的画作《宝贝》,这个奇怪的行为引起了警方的注意,被卧底警察 Jin XiaoTian 像影子一样追踪。俩人阴错阳差地一起上了 Chu HongFei 之子 Chu ZhiHan 的创业项目直播旅行房车,开往心月想念又害怕的故乡香格里拉。在风景如画的旅途中, Li XinYue 与一直保护她的 Jin XiaoTian 互生好感,但 Jin XiaoTian 碍于卧底的身份一直不能表白。为保护画作《宝贝》的真迹,心月被贩毒集团绑架, Jin XiaoTian 只身营救,在生死的考验下, Jin XiaoTian 终于向心月表明心迹,两人立誓同生共死。当贩毒集团与 Chu HongFei 联合导演的所有丑恶在香格里拉的阳光下曝光后,心月为画家父亲讨回了公道。而小天也圆满完成了任务,成长为一名优秀的人民警察。

吹哨人 (Movie)[2019]


一场意外的空难,一次“普通”的跨国交易,一个竞争对手的离奇死亡,让 Ma Ke 渐渐察觉到其中蹊跷。此时,神秘女人 Zhou Wen 突然出现,在支离破碎的线索中,一桩事关几百万人性命的巨大阴谋渐渐浮出水面。


The Rise of Phoenixes (TV)[2018]


TV drama "The Rise of Phoenixes" also known as "the power of the huang yi world" plot introduction: told the king of chu Ning Yi , seem to be loose and loose when the six princes, but the heart carries the painful past events. He took the world as a chess game, to clear snow grievances, punish crafty sycophants, rectify the court order, in the bloody court battles in step by step. Feng ZhiWei The girl who was banished from the high gate was not willing to yield to the bumpy fate. She disguised herself as a man and went to the qingming academy, becoming a scholar without a pair of rivals. One is the prince of the city, and the other is the first to show the edge of the new officialdom, the two men in the unpredictable court in each other to test, often against each other, mutual exclusion but also forced to attract each other. And when the hearts of each other gradually open to each other, encounter is the fate of the cold. A case of a previous dynasty orphans, completely destroyed her world, also disrupted his usual leisurely pace. The blood of opposites, the sacrifice of relatives and friends, became the Great Wall that separated them.


Emergency Medicine Specialist (TV)[2017]

Feature: Emergency medical doctoral supervisor Jiang XiaoQi returned to the United States, shopping robbery encountered, did not expect to rob her juvenile robbers suddenly collapsed to the ground. Jiang XiaoQi immediately sent him to XX hospital emergency room. At the triage center, she meets He JianYi, the chief academic authority of the emergency department that is directing amputees for injured migrant workers. Both of them dispute over the different concepts of emergency treatment between China and the United States. Also on this day, a schizophrenic knife-wielding knife outside the emergency room led to a tragic death of a doctor. Jiang XiaoQi came to work in the emergency room and soon won the admiration of many young colleagues in the hospital with superb medical skills and care for the patient's humanity. Liu HuiMin, who has always been the deputy director of emergency department director, originally thought that the biggest rival was He JianYi,

The general is up (TV)[2017]

Feature: During Song RenZong years, general Ye Zhao's daughter Ye Zhao, dressed in a man's costume, excelled in martial arts and energetic. General in the stills 16-year-old court was appointed to the task, put on battle, killing numerous enemies on the battlefield, well-known. Because Ye Zhao led Ye Jiajun won the border victory, the emperor sealed the Ye Zhao generals. Ye Zhao is actually playing on the emperor himself is a girl, the ruling and opposition to whom the shock. Liu TaiHou, who drafted the curtain of government, has been worried that Ye Zhao has taken a heavy hand to deter imperial power and that Yi Zhao has given Ye Zhao the right to marry the emperor's nephew to the emperor's nephew Zhao YuJin. One is the battlefield to kill winking living hell, majestic generals, one is a spoiled childhood since childhood Prince Jun, eager to pull the mountains and rivers of men and women, the two opened the couple between the main War.

the Rise of Phoenixes (TV)[2017]

Feature: "Emperor Huang Quan Yi Tian Xia" tells the story of the power struggle between Ning Yi, the imperial court of the Tiansheng Dynasty and Feng ZhiWei, a former royal royalty detachment. Chu Yi Ning, seemingly romantic past six princes, but the heart is carrying a painful past. He used the world as a chess game, washing snow injustice, punishing evil spirits, purging the Asakusa, in the reign of bloody Chaotang at every step. Feng ZhiWei, being a housewife, was unwilling to succumb to the bumpy fate. She was disguised as a man and entered Qingming Academy. One is the deep prince of the city government, one is the first show off the official rookie, both in the fickle Chaodang mutual temptation, frequent strokes, mutual exclusion but can not help but attract each other. And when each other's heart gradually open to each other, the encounter is the fate of Chill Sen cool. A former case of the orphan, completely overthrow her world, but also disrupted his always calm pace. Opposition to the blood, relatives and friends of the sacrifice, as isolated from their lofty cliffs, love and hate right and wrong, from time to time in the road. "Phoenix Right Yi Xia Tian" is a Chinese costume play co-produced by Huateckton Group Syndicate, Dongshen Film, Good Wheat Culture, Chinese Online and New Film Culture. Shen Yan, Liu Haibo Co-directed, Ni Kun Ni Ni Ni Starring Ou Li, Bai Jingting, Xiaochen Zhang, Yitian Hai, People also ask, Xu Hao, starring Harrison Ho and Ce Wang, and Liu Min Tao, Xiu Qing , Lorla, Yin Zhu-Sheng, Ke Hu and Jingjing Li starred.

old boys (TV)[2017]

Feature: "Old Boy" tells the story of Wu Zheng, an old boy who has experienced love and growth in the never-confused age. Wu Zheng, Captain of Civil Aviation, has an enviable career and appearance. He is skilled in flying and responsible for carrying countless passengers. His life unrestrained love freedom, wanton sway, regardless of other people's vision. In his own world, to be an honest old boy. Until one day, a 16-year-old son descends from heaven, followed by a just female teacher Lin XiaoOu, both of whom have completely reversed the existing life of Wu Zheng. Lin XiaoOu, carefree optimist, trendy a bit hard, a little reckless justice, she is a kind student sister, hearty friend and not a good teacher. When he learned that Xiao Han, a mighty student, had become a homeless orphan, she struggled to communicate with her father. When she saw her father, she found out that he was himself a long time ago traveling abroad Nightmare - always against her, very unfriendly Wu Zheng & nbsp ;.

Choice of mind (TV)[2017]

Feature: Too early first year, God stone fall from heaven, scattered around the world. Legend has it God stone inscriptions secret machine. Stone has since become the world's sacred objects, the world so chaotic for a long time. Until Terran United Western Yaozu, the Mozu will be driven to the polar prairie, the beginning of peace. Juvenile Chen ChangSheng (Lu Han) mysterious life experience, in his midst of being Master Ji DaoRen saved from the gold dragon mouth, received as close disciples. Ten years passed three thousand volumes. However, Chen ChangSheng physique-specific, unable to practice, the number of live, but twenty years old. Chen ChangSheng, a teenager, went down the mountain to go to the gods of the Zhou Dynasty to seize the first name of the "dynasty test" in order to view the gods and change their lives. Wind from the tiger, the cloud from the dragon. Due to its interdependence with its own efforts, Chen ChangSheng has resisted the suppression of various forces and has passed through the path of practicing Buddhism. Also met the juvenile genius Tang SanShiLiu, the Yaozu Princess Bai LuoHeng, Yaozu generals Xuan YuanPo these best friends, with their help, in the strong hand of the "DPRK test" come out on top. After entering the goddess Mausoleum, night view of the monument before the tomb, attracted astronomical vibration. However, everything was just the beginning. As the world changed, Chen ChangSheng had to get involved.

Never mind (TV)[2017]

Feature: Jin, Yan, Liang, Prynne four countries endless battle, the most powerful country, Jin Guozhen North Chu BeiJie (Wallace Chung ornaments) heroic and fierce war, extraordinary martial arts strategy, so that the other three courage. Jin Yan war occasion, Yan Guojingan Wang Fu was captured, overnight palace ruin. Maid Bai PingTing (Yang Ying ornaments) and the little prince He Xia (Sun Yizhou ornaments) at the time of separation. Chu BeiJie encounters Bai PingTing, recognizing that she is looking for many years to help him, and they are in love. However, since the camps of different camps are destined to have two ups and downs in their lives, love is strong and obstacles are disrupted. Both the suspicion of the King of Jin Dynasty and the various provocations of He Xia, World of troubled times. Before all these difficulties, Chu BeiJie did not change her initial mind and paid affectionate and silently guardianship in love. On the battlefield, the novelty soldier and Bai PingTing jointly defeated He Xia, successfully preventing a life-blood war and jointly protecting the peace of the world.

Will marriage be in the end (TV)[2017]

Feature: The elder girl Jiang YiFan (Qian Wan) married technology boy Wang YuMing (Zhong Ren), his father Jiang MinKuan and his sister Jiang YiLin finally relieved. Wang will marry in the end the stills Yu Ming career blocked, decided to start their own business, who knows the difficulties, the two living in trouble. Jiang YiFan found that there was a problem with the breast during the physical examination. However, Wang YuMing did not dare to tell Wang YuMing whether she was uncertain whether Wang YuMing would never stop giving up and decided to take on stress and pain alone. At the same time, Wang YuMing ex-girlfriend Xiao 菡 injured hospitalized, unattended around, Wang YuMing take the initiative to take care of the work, this move Jiang YiFan and Wang YuMing's feelings even worse. Jiang YiFan wants to propose a divorce, but found that the divorce will only be more dilemma, decided to return to marriage, self-salvation. With the gradual dissolution of the misunderstanding between Jiang YiFan and Wang YuMing, Wang YuMing's relentless love for justice allowed Jiang YiFan to re-touch the warmth of marriage. "There is no perfect beginning, only perfect persistence", Jiang YiFan abide by the concept of marriage, and successfully he and Wang YuMing these two marriage rookie "half-married" to a warm and bright future & nbsp ;.

Workplace is a technology live (TV)[2017]

Feature: China's cosmetics industry leader Diou Group encountered bottlenecks in development, President Shen ZhiZe hired Xu Nuo senior manager to solve the problem of poor management. Xu Nuo swept through reforms that touched the interests of some of its former employees, and vice president Yu Manii unite with them to crowd out Xu Nuo. Xu Nuo's ability and hard work won some staff support, reversing the unfavorable start, and Shen ZhiZe's relationship also from the tip of the wheat to the mutual affection. Xu Nuo accidentally discovered that her parents introduced her blind date to her colleague Lin Fan. Warm Fan Lin Fan and Shen ZhiZe cold contrast, Xu Nuo difficult choice. A few key projects have been a success. Shen ZhiZe admired and admired Xu Nuo, who has the sunshine and the decisive personality. But he still can not forget his dead girlfriend. Yu Manii, who loves Shen ZhiZe, deliberately laid out the accusation that Xu Nuo was undercover the competitor had sent him out of the company. Mengmei Group intends to annex the Choio, Shen ZhiZe find the whole story, please return to Xu Nuo, turn the tide of the crowd. In the end, Yu ManNi was subdued by Xu Nuo's sincerity and abilities, and Lin Fan married for love, Xu Nuo and Shen ZhiZe & nbsp ;.

Boss is coming (TV)[2016]

Feature: The boss came the stills pineapple company, is a company specializing in daily necessities regional agents. Calm days by the boss Qiao YuSi (Yu Li ornaments) and the boss Guan QiuYue (Alina Zhang ornaments) suddenly put forward plans to separate management to break, get people panic. Stingy Qiao YuSi in order to prove his management ability to his wife, tricks, but the second boss Gao Yin (Jia Fu ornaments) is a particular love of clever people, resulting in the company's business development is not smooth. However, company employees such as Yan LiWei (Shawn), clever sales director and Hu Na (Xinyu Chen), a charming accountant, have found their place in the company. These groups of pineapple companies all day play and slap on business wits, but when the company's interests are violated or a colleague encounters a crisis, each can stand up and support each other. Gradually everyone experienced a variety of experiences, friendship has deepened. On New Year's Eve, colleagues who can not go home and the boss pack the dumplings. Warm images for everyone to find in the workplace there are many things to cherish: humane colleagues, noisy but very warm company, the inner surface of the stingy but very cute boss & nbsp ;.

My father-in-laws martial arts (TV)[2016]

Feature: "My father-in-law's martial arts" tells her that the issue of children's marital affairs has always caused her concern after her retirement from the police station. After his first marriage, Ding ManYi, the son of horsemaster, suddenly found his wife divorced, leaving him alone to support Ding Dang. Five years later, Ding ManYi met Bai Yan, a well-informed man. However, Cheng DaJi, the ex-wife's father, was released after being released from prison and claimed to defended the family for her daughter and her grandson. She gave Ding ManYi and Bai Yan Remarry created a lot of obstacles. In the meantime, Ding RuYi, the daughter of director Ma, was so enraged by Cheng DaJi's nephew Cheng Gong that he was distracted by director Ma. Just as the director of a horse was tossed by Cheng DaJi, Cheng Lu was unexpectedly sent a message of death. Cheng DaJi was greatly stimulated to live in the hospital and was given good care by both Mr. Ma and Bai Yan. After he was healed, Cheng DaJi personally married Ding ManYi and Bai Yan, and Ding RuYi and Cheng Gong were on the right track. At this moment, Cheng Lu came back unexpectedly. She explained that her father forced her to marry him and gave up her love to marry him. She came back this time to pick up Ding Dang and find her happiness. Ding forgave her, and realized the value of love and tolerance & nbsp ;.

Our best ten years (TV)[2016]

Feature: Jiang YiBo and Ma Ya have been childhood children, but Ma Ya doubts whether this is love or affection. Ma Ya met a young Fan Yang who was six years old. During her stormy and rampaging assault, the passion she had been depressing in Ma Ya's heart was inspired. The two men stole the account to register for marriage and were "low-keyed in the dormitory "Married. Fan Yang grew rapidly, and he started to make progress. However, Fan Yang's longing for a better life turned out to be a stubborn one that eventually brought himself to a prison. In the meantime, Jiang YiBo and Cong XiangXiang got involved and eventually got married, but this reluctant marriage is doomed to failure from the very beginning. The fate of the three horses, Fan and Jiang fluctuated, but fortunately everything is moving in a beautiful direction. Ma Ya and Fan Yang compound, and pregnant with twins. Jiang YiBo, who had lost Cong XiangXiang, finally knew what Cong XiangXiang meant to himself, and both returned to good ones. 2013 New Year's Eve, two children, three generations of people waiting for the New Year's bell sounded & nbsp ;.

Mr.Six (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Liu Ye, an old artillery gun that once used to show the city in 1949, was hard to adapt to social changes, dormant in the depths of the alley, and lived a boring life with sloppy birds and negligence. One day, a huge emotional clash between Liu Ye and Xiao Bo, son of "Squadron", led the Squad to run away from home without being subject to any illegality and was illegally detained by newly rising generation Xiao Xiao. In order to save his son, and to repay their guilt of the son of the year, Liu Ye came back. With his own rules, Liu Ye tried to settle down the incident but found it frustratingly that this era, or his own body, has long gone. A parent-child hatred, old and new forces showdown can not be avoided. In the process of resolving the mess, the old gun found itself in problems, really powerless. But at the same time, they also grasped the handle of "Tricyclic Xijiro" in the process of inquiring about the cliches, and they both decided to come forward with a single challenge in the war.

I really want to hear you say I love you (TV)[2015]

Feature: Wang FengFan, president of Wang Zi, who rescues a tea king, has unexpectedly discovered that Ye's tea "Sparrow" is exactly what he was looking for. Ye ZiXuan boyfriend Xia Lie returned from studying with her break up, leaves sad. Wang FengFan's ex-wife eyeing the group of Wang, Wang FengFan want to keep the king and get back "Longtan" tea tree, marry him. Xia Lie left Zixuan to take revenge for the stills of Wang FengFan Ye ZiXuan (played by Huang Shengyi). He pursues Wang FengFan daughter, get the king's appreciation into the king's group. Xia Lie and Wang Feng Fan's ex-wife and commercial rivals joined forces in an attempt to seize the king, Wang FengFan in trouble. In fact, Wang FengFan is not the enemy of Xia Lie, he has been looking for Xia Lie, to return the industry to him. Misunderstanding solved, everyone working together to defeat, finally resolved the king's crisis. Wang FengFan hand over the king to Xia Lie, Ye ZiXuan and Xia Lie rebuild old. All people are profoundly aware that wealth should not only be material, but more importantly, spirituality, human nature and love should be inherited from future generations and should be based on love as the core spiritual wealth.

song of vengeance (Movie)[2014]

Feature: Private Ender is a university with a long tradition of chorus. Each week, the four major colleges hold the Challenge Challenge. Su Yang is a lecturer at Andhra and the other is an unlucky singer. He was taken aback by the Tolstoy Choir at the end of the school line, a group of young people considered by all to be heterogeneous. Su Yang developed this with his unique teaching methods and passion for music The group of young people's unlimited music potential, but also to explore the talented female lead singer Ko, let her outbreak of amazing strength. Tolstoy Choir with outstanding performance to conquer the school had their cold-looking people, and ushered in the school's ultimate PK Championship Championship opportunity. In the meantime, everyone in the choir completed a quest for dreams and renewed self-awareness, as well as gaining love and friendship of their own.

beauty of the contract (TV)[2014]

Feature: Because it is not a locals, children difficult to study hot pot shop owner Hua MeiLi sorrow, her marriage counselor introduced a beautiful contract Shao fitness coach Liu DeYi to know her, can get married to solve the account. Liu DeYi just divorced his wife, he thinks Hua MeiLi can help him get back on the sporting goods business, so the two each have their own plans to start a contractual marriage. Civil Affairs Bureau Niu big sister found abnormalities, then start an investigation. Then, they found that the man must have room to give the child settled. After testing, Hua MeiLi handed over the room to Liu DeYi. Liu DeYi's mother went to Beijing and found her son was out of knot and decided to figure out the situation. Looking for debt collection, Liu DeYi do not want to implicate Hua MeiLi, proposed a divorce, Hua MeiLi helped him with debt. Gao Chuang found her mother doing things for him, hurting her self-esteem and going with her father, and Hua MeiLi and Liu DeYi chose to divorce. Liu DeYi made the request when Liu DeYi received payment from her partner and would like to return it to Hua MeiLi To live together without a contract really married day. The above information source

My son is wonderful. (TV)[2014]

Feature: "My son is a wonderful flower." The stills Jiang Bo, Chu HanMin and He Hua are three good friends. They grew up in the southern town, like all the North drift, like college, graduated from the capital, for the cause, for love, as the face of their parents, for the light of the ancestors, do their best. The three parents are also decades old neighbors. Chu HanMin's mother in order to get married son, grandson, first went to Beijing to force marriage. Han people working in real estate agencies in order to fool parents, borrowed a room, borrowed a car, borrowed a fiancee, I thought my parents lived on a week away, did not expect them not to see the marriage license does not stop. Jiang Bo's mother saw the couple to Beijing, his wife threw himself to Beijing forced marriage. As a result, Chu HanMin's lie helped him to mom the hospital. Jiang Bo mother found his son's girlfriend does not fly, decided to break up. He Hua has the object, but the job is unsatisfactory. At this time, my mom and dad found that the difference between the children's life and their imagination is enormous. The work pressure, life pressure and love pressure are not easy. After all kinds of things, eventually everyone can understand and respect each other and work together for the establishment of a real and harmonious new life.

XingFuQingNiDengDengWo (TV)[2014]

Feature: Publicity According to Wang CaiHong, a capable barber shop owner, she lives thrifty on weekdays, plan carefully. Originally living in accordance with her track orbit design smooth, do not want to, her husband suddenly disappeared into the rainbow into endless panic and confusion. Niu YiYi, a capable company white-collar worker, married Wang CaiHong's brother Wang ChaoHui and resided at the door of Wang CaiHong before divorcing Wang Zhaohui. After the divorce, Wang CaiHong and Niu YiYi continue to live in the door, do not want to deal with are immune, not to mention they also have their own troubles and troubles, involuntarily, two different personality women had to start mutual support and mutual assistance Life, face the difficulties of life together. The experience of the past so that they find that love and marriage how important to them, so they decided to rekindling their heads, starting again, looking for a happy life, a beautiful love and marriage. Those who sincerely treat life must be blessed. After multiple sharpening, Wang CaiHong finally got the return of life, the kind of real life and sincere love. Finally Niu YiYi also increased her experience of this period of life, found her own flaw, she with a new look and body and mind, pack up, set foot on the road to happiness. The above information source

Singing wars (TV)[2014]

Feature: "Sing · Senki" tells the story of Ande Private University is a college with a long tradition of chorus, every week, the four colleges will hold the Challenge Challenge, Su Yang is a lecturer Andrea, while the other is a disgrace Singer He was taken aback by the Tolstoy Choir at the end of the school line, a group of young people considered by all to be heterogeneous. Su Yang developed this with his unique teaching methods and passion for music The group of young people's unlimited music potential, but also to explore the talented female lead singer Ko, let her outbreak of amazing strength. Tolstoy Choir with outstanding performance to conquer the school had their cold-looking people, and ushered in the school's ultimate PK Championship Championship opportunity. In the meantime, everyone in the choir completed a quest for dreams and renewed self-awareness, as well as rewarded their own love and friendship & nbsp ;.

Marriage outside those things (TV)[2014]

Feature: This is the story of three judges and two lawyers, a civil court in a grass-roots court. In the process of marriage disputes, judges led by the headwoman Tian JiaQun, with their unique tenderness and delicacy , Interpretation of how to grasp and judge the feelings of this scale, how to deal with the inner perplexity, pain and torture, to stick to their own emotional beliefs, bravely face life. In order to promote social harmony, when handling marriage cases, the judges exercise their judicial power in accordance with the law and work hard to resolve various conflicts and disputes. In dealing with all kinds of divorce cases, they take the idea of ​​promoting social harmony and family harmony as the basis, the fact as the basis, and the law as the criterion. So that the families of the broken families will be thoroughly reopened. Even if they discriminate, they will resolutely safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of women and children.

lets get married (TV)[2013]

Feature: Let's Get Married tells the story of Hai-Bo Huang Gao Yuanyuan Breakthrough Performance Yang Tao, the manager of a four-star hotel lobby, was still single at the age of thirty-two due to a wounded feeling. Guo Ran, a 36-year-old divorced registration clerk at the marriage registry, has made him a typical victim of marriage. Peaches and Guo Ran reluctantly met with friends. Unexpectedly, both of them actually left a good impression on each other. Heart has just been closed for a long time just opened, peaches found Guo Ran is a fear of marriage, she angrily evacuated. Peach face the reality, resolutely devoted to the blind army. Peach blind date move stimulated Guo Ran, he did her best to successfully peach the blind date again and again, but they still can not get married under the determination. Guo Ran's parents know the reason for their son's fear of marriage, began to reflect on their marriage, Guo Ran also a new understanding of marriage. After a few dealings with Guo Ran, the peaches gained a comprehensive understanding of Guo Ran and regained their confidence in the marriage. Finally, a lover eventually married.

Spy war deep sea (TV)[2012]

Feature: "Spy Deep" tells the story of Haichang, a port city. It is a newly emerging coastal city that is led by marine science and technology. It is not only the forefront position of China towards the ocean, but also the focus of close attention by overseas spy organizations. Missing an investigator from the National Security Agency while performing his duties caused great attention from the ministry and the government. Li TingZhang assigned an experienced Wu Mei rate task force to pursue the truth in Haichang: the battle between the enemy and ourselves took place immediately after the " No. "work boat to start. Soon after, a fishing boat accidentally salvaged a mysterious seafloor "Jellyfish" in the testing area of ​​the "No. 1" working ship. Deep Sea Research Institute immediately formed a research team led by Deputy Chief Engineer Yue Cheng, to crack the device. Peterson, the leader of the overseas espionage group, learned that Wang Jiantao, general manager of Ocean Club, who has been lurking for a long time under the promises of "jellyfish" after losing the jellyfish, reclaimed "jellyfish" chips at all costs. In a series of operations that thwarted the espionage organization, the panel captured Wang Wei Tao, the backbone of Haichang's espionage organization. However, Wu Mei found a more alarming conspiracy behind the incident - the Jellyfish Project. Foreign espionage organizations have put together several "jellyfish "Delivered to the waters of our country, the purpose is to steal China's marine information environment and resource information, and the implementation of" jellyfish plan, "the" angler "identity mystery. Wu Mei snatched patience and patiently scout, finally forcing the "angler" prototype revealed, the two sides immediately launched a contest of life and death. Eventually, Wu Mei led the task force to seize the "jellyfish" secret testing plant, smashed the signal transmission base station, "anglers" arrested, "jellyfish plan" completely bankrupt.

NightMare (Movie)[2011]

Feature: "Midnight Fierce Dream" kicked off by a horrible and strange nightmare. The protagonist is a single woman named Fang Lei. In the daytime, she is a surgeon of professional wisdom. When night falls, she becomes a victim of strange monsters. Over the years, the invasion has never stopped, even more frightening is the dream scene often staged in real life. One day, Fang Lei coincidence when college confidante Angela, along with Angela's husband there Zhou Feng - Fang Lei's first love boyfriend. Zhou Feng suddenly appeared, and promised to be the front edge and Fang Lei, but unexpectedly, the leading edge has not continued, he has no reason to disappear. The following days, the strange things happen one after another in Fang Lei side: home is strange to go home at midnight close track, almost no reason to be hit by a car on the road ... ... Fang Lei's life into a mass of cold and strange fog. Just as the nightmare forced to retreat when inadvertently broke into the royal life of designer Wang Quan, has gradually become a lucky star in her life, not only helped her to expel harassment in life, and even her from death The edge pulled back. In order to help Fang Lei solve the knot, the monarchy started a search for the truth. When the investigation was under way, it discovered a revenge conspiracy hidden behind the nightmare and plotting for a long time.

Golden paper (TV)[2009]

Feature: In 1944, fog Chongqing. Although the previous year Japan has stopped its bombing of Chongqing. However, the nightmare of "Chongqing's bombing" remains in the shadow of people's hearts. Devastating, broken walls, vivid in the eyes. In the seven years of war, it recorded all the things that "capital" had gone through. Wei DuanBen a small civil servants, is crowded in Chongqing, a "river people." Wei DuanBen former Nanjing government a service, after the war broke out evacuated to Chongqing. On the way to meet the same girl is hard Tian PeiZhi. The same is the end of the world, the occurrence of feelings, the formation of afflicted couples. This is already six or seven years ago. Now they have a couple. Family crowded in the backyard of a grocery store. This is peculiar to Chongqing then "Diaojiao" - built by the cliffs, from the top access, for many years not see a trace of sunshine. Tian PeiZhi lively and lively. Although already a mother, but his own child or childish. The pursuit of fashionable women, she can not be immune. In the foreseeable future, the victories in the war of resistance against Japan will be bored. She was hooked on gambling if she did not have the heart to do her housework. The first bet she joined was at the neighbor Tao BoSheng's home. Tao BoSheng is a small businessman, active in his hand. Although his wife gambled many times to discourage him, but can not do his Lord. Tian PeiZhi here is a slapstick, win or lose. However, she got to know her friend Hu TaiTai. Hu TaiTai is a generous, family solid, spacious residential. Often gather some friends to play cards to kill. It is inevitable that one of the three missing, called on the Tian PeiZhi. Her home gamble is out of the ordinary, Wei DuanBen that poor "State Wage" how to afford Tian PeiZhi scene? As a result, noisy has become a routine. Every bickering ends with Wei DuanBen bowing down. Because, Wei DuanBen has a ghost in his heart - he was at home in the fall with a "fallen lady" who was three years older than him. He has been telling Tian PeiZhi about it. Tian PeiZhi got acquainted with Fan BaoHua, a successful man in the betting game. From the beginning of her abnormal life. Fan BaoHua is a guerrilla merchant born, looking at the shortage of goods during the war, buying and selling down, or hoarding, waiting for the price and sell, the past few years already have a decent net worth. Opened the company, rented a room in the office, as well as Li Buxiang and other small businessmen ran the street for him, listen to him drive. He glanced at Tian PeiZhi on the hand and saw her as a flower that could be picked. He took Tian PeiZhi restaurant, shopping, watching movies, it is Tian PeiZhi yearn for aspiring life. He found Tian PeiZhi gambling great addiction, and took her to the "Stud" field. "Stud" this card game was quite popular at that time, faster than the Mahjong winning more and more exciting. Tian PeiZhi suddenly fell in love, can not extricate themselves. The god of gamblers always joke about her - whenever she sees the victory in sight, she'll fall short. The more she tries to turn the pages, the more she will lose the combined album. Finally empty-handed. Leaving only the next revenge hate fishing dreams. Fan BaoHua does not count on the casino as he is getting into a bigger "gamble" - buying gold vouchers. Just this year, the government of Chongqing announced through the Central Bank that it should sell public gold to withdraw its currency. The price is only half of the black market gold.But currently sells only securities. Just six months after the cash real gold. Fools are counted out, this is a good opportunity for profit! Fan BaoHua sent Li Buxiang and others queuing to buy tickets for him, buying a large number of do not say, but also think of a "snowball" wonderful plan. He will hand the vouchers as collateral, and then to the private bank discount loans to buy gold bonds. If the constant return, go round and round. Fan BaoHua former co-living girlfriend, Miss Yuan San reminded him: everyone wants this idea, the government is not a fool, do not be taken aback. But Fan BaoHua where to hear? Wei DuanBen brought back a bag of money, ready to be posted the next day. Tian PeiZhi is losing his hair and claws net, eager to turn the page, regardless of thirty-seven twenty-one, borrowed to say. Unexpectedly, a "Stud", but also lost almost. Tian PeiZhi can not explain to her husband, seeing desperation. Encounter Fan BaoHua invited her to write a small room Syria. She saw a lot of money in Fan BaoHua drawer at a glance, took the opportunity to steal a stroke, her husband perfunctory past. Fan BaoHua found no sound after. He deliberately laid the bait. Tian PeiZhi first invited card, let her lose a light; also lead her to the writing room. Tian PeiZhi I do not know is the plan, really start, fall into the Fan BaoHua network, last resort "with goodwill", be regarded as the debt of this debt. However, as long as the gambling addiction, how can the debt be clear? Tian PeiZhi can not face her husband, no previous righteousness. Fan BaoHua also used Tian PeiZhi to get acquainted with Wei DuanBen, and set up a business relationship with Liu KeZhang of his agency - selling the stocks he had accumulated to the authorities to cash in on the gold bonds. Liu KeZhang collaborates with Fan BaoHua to raise the bidding price and take the opportunity to get a rebate, as well as a small amount of money to Wei DuanBen. Wei DuanBen has always been diligent public service, do not drink pirate spring. These money let him tossing and turning, it is difficult to fall asleep. Finally decided to return to the public. Unexpectedly, the money has gone missing, but also by Tian PeiZhi did gamble, never go back. Wei DuanBen turned his face with his wife. But Tian PeiZhi is even bigger than he is - she has found Wei DuanBen's ex-wife with a verbal abuse of husband as a liar. No matter how Wei DuanBen explains, he and his ex-wife are arranged marriages and have no emotional basis. Not to mention seven years without news, the other dead or not. But Tian PeiZhi is irrelevant. Of course, he did not dare to ask that rebate. Tian PeiZhi followed Hu TaiTai and opened her eyes on the third gamble of her life - Zhu SiNaiNai home. Zhu SiNaiNai lives in a foreign building, which was a symbol of Chongqing's status at that time. She is a daughter-in-law of some elite, and self-reliant. Home is often full, bottles of wine is not empty. Often upstairs licensing, downstairs ball. Another group of young and beautiful, charming and charming girlfriend here, attracted a large number of business tycoons, political officials. Tian PeiZhi is naturally lost again. Since Zhu SiNaiNai borrowed money, there is still no return. Seeing debt, Zhu SiNaiNai just showdown. Ask her to be a member of her "Red Corps", and learn to make money from men by getting her hands on the board and making money. Like everyone in the back of the river are doing "demobilization dream." Until the victory of the war, returned to his hometown, do not say Jin Jinrong owned, there is always the pen money in order to settle down.Tian PeiZhi knows that with Wei DuanBen's income as a small civil servant, she can not support her longing for life. Not to mention his home there is a "Huanglian Po" yet. Wei DuanBen is doing the same dream. His boss handed him a pillow. Director and Liu KeZhang decided to use a sum of money to buy gold bonds. Cash back to the black market after cashing. Remove the public funds quietly under the account, there is a lot of money the difference, can be swallowed. Wei DuanBen is a cashier, also attached to Ji tail. Although, he knew this matter is trivial, trembling, first mouse both ends. But Liu KeZhang could not help but threaten temptations. Not to mention Fan BaoHua that business, he has been under water, had no choice but to drift. At the same time, he also wants to please Tian PeiZhi for several money to arrange the day after the victory. Where did he know that he can no longer meet Tian PeiZhi extravagant hopes. Tian PeiZhi could not help but had to listen to Zhu SiNaiNai arrangement. Zhu SiNaiNai think she had a hand in the Fan BaoHua hand, you must retreat, the other for clever. Tian PeiZhi had to find a stubble and Fan BaoHua must die. Fan BaoHua furious, asking what is going on. Another Red Corps general Oriental Manly just "played." In accordance with her grandmother's arrangements, she won Fan BaoHua, became his cohabiting girlfriend. As for Tian PeiZhi's new assignment, he fell in love with rich family member Xu JingLi. Two go with Chengdu, Shuang places go fly. Win the evidence, to be excused grandmother design. However, Tian PeiZhi conscience found that the presence of a timid, let the grandmother is not disappointed. However, she did not miss Xu JingLi. The use of Xu fear extramarital affairs exposed psychology, or knock him twenty-two gold. Four grandmother cuff, Fan BaoHua also both ways. None of them had an accident, but Wei DuanBen, who had only one shoe wet, got out of trouble. The boss found embezzlement, tracing down. Director and Liu KeZhang decided to sacrifice Wei DuanBen, asked him to accept on behalf of others. Wei DuanBen do nothing, drunk. Looked at a pair of children, asked Tian PeiZhi take care of children, like farewell, desolate miserable. However, Tian PeiZhi did not see the clumsy, but also went to play a night card. Wei DuanBen is in jail. Director and Liu KeZhang fled. Fan BaoHua fiery with the East Manly. Wu Ma hate his servant hate, do not think of the East Mary as hostess, cynical. She got Miss Yuan San, ironically advised the owner. Yuan San told Fan BaoHua: Oriental Manli is female demolished white, is the masters of Zhu SiNaiNai. Fan BaoHua do not believe. Yuan three had to admit: he was close to Fan BaoHua, is also an arrangement of Zhu SiNaiNai. But his feelings with Fan Department, could not bear to start, Fan FanHua saved a catastrophe. Fan BaoHua woke up like a dream, but still skeptical. Unexpectedly, the real collapse came unexpectedly: the first private banking manager He Yu cheat him to buy gold bond funds, as a position, embezzlement. This is a trifle. The event was announced by the Ministry of Finance: Given the crackdown on gold speculation, gold bonds will be halved upon expiration! As a result, Fan BaoHua and all others who make golden dreams will lose. Equal to their white lost six months of high profit, empty-handed! All silly. Whether it is the small door of the small family Li Buxiang, or big out of Fan BaoHua, including the bloody mouth, secure win coupons Zhu SiNaiNai, are caught in redemption.Ministry of Finance Zuo Zhuang, placed the largest casino, and they opened a big joke! Tian PeiZhi went to Zhu SiNaiNai home, looking for new opportunities. Unexpectedly, this is the last supper. Bank manager committed suicide. Fan BaoHua did not know it. At this very moment, the great news of the victory of the war came ... Wei DuanBen found two crippled children in the countryside after he was released from prison. He still wants to call back their children's mothers, teach their two children to sing "Mom's Song" and sing to the streets. Although Tian PeiZhi also heard, but she has been unable to extricate themselves, had to flee. Wu Mau came forward, blocking the creditors, cover off Fan BaoHua. Fan BaoHua swept the last of the property bonds, fled the suburbs. Tian PeiZhi pretended to revisit his old dream with him and stole his bond. Unexpectedly, after the yellow bird hijacked the bond, Hong WuYe, also fooled by Tian PeiZhi, made Tian PeiZhi a busy day. She was so helpless that she had no choice but to defeat Zhu SiNaiNai. Do not want to, Oriental Manli casually told her: four grandmother also committed suicide! ... victory in the war of resistance against Japan, the people of Chongqing Jiangxia busy demobilization, aircraft, ships hard to find a vote. Of course, Wei DuanBen become a beggar more do not do this paranoia. Who knows, untold hardships, Wanli husband's wife Wang YuLan has come to Chongqing, she clutched the two children in their arms. Excited children exclaimed "Mom" ...... The fog over Chongqing gradually dissipated, Jialing River speechless flow, take away many people intoxicated fortune dream, gone.

Ugly invincible third season (TV)[2009]

Feature: Tip left the concept, An Rui made the concept of president, and Tang YaJun died, want to get genius in their own hands, Anne left in the concept to help Anrui, in the treatment of some corporate issues always peace Rui runs counterreinantly, the family can not stand the decision of An Rui decided to leave, Xian Qian retain, others in the concept is pathetic, a bit miss the management of tip. Tips to realize that they should rise, should not always rely on the help of others, so he wanted to start their own business, ready to truly compete with An Rui, but sometimes inevitably a little depressed, so when you go to the bar to drink To invincibility, he was surprised. Invincible him to resume the pursuit of his invincible confession, said his love for her, but Invincible does not accept, and pulled Lei Jiong next to be his boyfriend, called the tip do not think about myself. Invincible injured, proposed to break up with Lei Jiong, Lei Jiong explained, invincible tell the truth, even if Lei Jiong did not cheat himself, and he also broke up with him, because he never liked Lei Jiong, she has been like people Are tips, Lei Jiong decided to let go invincible, and decided to help live invincible to get true love. Wu Yong was evacuated because of the loss of the concept shares. The Ugly Club people were very sympathetic, but they did not dare say anything. However, Shatha and others said to Wu Yong that they would do their best if they could help in the future. Pei Na was often late for being laid off by Anritsu. Wu Yong took her as a poor and collected her as a secretary. Pei Na was touched and decided to wash her head and work hard with Wu Yong. Invincible this time encountered later Lei Jiong, Lei Jiong is a rich son, brother, but do not want to inherit his father's legacy want their own hard work, so he went to the bar as a bartender, you want to make ends meet Lei Jiong at the bar Met Fei DeNan hurt invincible, invincible exchanges and invincible invincible character, like Invincible, began a fierce attack, but the invincible love is still Fei DeNan, but by Fei DeNan Broken heart, the pursuit of others have lost their confidence. Lei Jiong knew it was pity after invincible encounter, he decided to change the invincible, vowed to let everyone see Invincible are so surprised, so he invincible to the image stylist there to change her, Invincible in his change under a new look , Became very beautiful, she is also very grateful to Lei Jiong. Ms. Ahn still did not give up on Fei DeNan and wanted to save Fei DeNan's love and promised that Fei DeNan would help regain the company as long as Fei DeNan was with her but Fei DeNan's love was still invincible and he did not agree Anne's request. Fei DeNan realized he should rise, should not always rely on the help of others, so he wants to start their own business, ready to really compete with An Rui, but sometimes inevitably a bit depressed, so when going to the bar to drink Invincible, he was taken aback, he invincible re-started the pursuit, he invincible confession, said his love for her, but Invincible does not accept, and pulled next to Lei Jiong said his boyfriend, called Fei DeNan stop thinking about yourself again.Fei DeNan was wounded, drunk, intoxicated, invincible help called An Qian's cell phone, let her come to Fei DeNan, Annie rushed to the scene, only to see Fei DeNan called invincible name lying on the table, Fury away, then the bar people called Wu Yong again, Wu Yong hurriedly took Fei DeNan. And at this moment Lei Jiong was very happy. He thought that Invincible really liked him, and invincible at this moment Fei DeNan, still worried and intoxicated, was in pain because she obviously still loves Fei DeNan. Invincible In order to be able to forget Fei DeNan, I would like to reciprocate promised to deal with Lei Jiong, to do Lei Jiong's girlfriend, and Lei Jiong introduced to their father and mother, Lin Lin Mom very happy. Once the invincible computer was broken, the runner-up was absent. Therefore, Lei Jiong helped invincibly repair the computer and saw the invincible log. He saw the invincible feeling of Fei DeNan, and his heart was very tangled. Lei Jiong's father in order to allow his son to come back to inherit the cause, and know Invincible and his son, sent a secret investigation Invincible, knowing all before Invincible, he found invincible, invincible Lei Jiong identity, and advise invincible Leaving Lei Jiong, because the invincible identity is not worth Lei Jiong, and invincible, Lei Jiong will not like her, he is just for the family's interests to overthrow the day material deliberately seduce invincible. Invincible injured, proposed to break up with Lei Jiong, Lei Jiong explained, invincible truths, even if Lei Jiong did not cheat himself, and he also broke up with him because he had never liked Lei Jiong, she has been like people Are Fei DeNan, Lei Jiong decided to let go invincible, and decided to help invincible to get true love. Fei DeNan and Wu Yong decided to re-establish a new company. They needed manpower and money, so Wu Yong found him invincible, hoping Sky would lend him money, and told all of the ins and outs of Fei DeNan's invincibility, And tell invincible, Fei DeNan is really in love with her, invincible to see forgive Fei DeNan in their own face.

Memorandum (TV)[2009]

Feature: "Memorandum" tells the story of Liu ZhiJun (Ce Wang), captain of the Security Bureau reconnaissance team, who led the execution of the spy operation named "Cheetah" Satellite design. The Security Bureau received instructions from the Central Government, set up a special inspection team with the Security Bureau and the Public Security Bureau, and the team leader was headed by Wu Mei (Liu Jia-decorated), head of Security Bureau Inspection Division. The investigation team started the investigation of the satellite R & D institute 322, but the work everywhere ran into a wall with little success. At the same time, the foreign spy organizations also attacked the 322 networks. The internal and external inspection teams in Shen WeiGuo (Xiaohe Lu) Help, successfully dug Fangsong (Chacha Song ornaments) hidden within the 322 internal spy. Wu Mei wanted to follow the example of "Yin Hu," the behind-the-scenes conductor of the espionage organization, but in the "Yin Hu" trap. Fang Yao was killed by killer "Hu Die" (Feng Zu ornaments), clues suddenly interrupted. Hu Die escaped to Bin Yang, where Lin XiaoLian (Hou Yaohua), a spy lurking in Bin Yang, responded. Lin XiaoLian's mission is to BinYang Satellite Measurement and Control Experiment Station 727 start, but the hunt "Hu Die" from the inspection team disrupted his deployment. Spy Liu Peng (Weifu Ma) was killed in a car accident during the hunt. In an emergency, Lin XiaoLian pulled Tong YiFan (Hongsheng Zeng), secretary general of the municipal party committee, down the water. With the help of Tong YiFan, "Hu Die" entered the 727 station and was discovered by Qin Feng (Jun Zhao) of the Binhai Security Bureau. In a battle of life and death, Qin Feng was unfortunately sacrificed and "Hu Die" was also killed. Tong YiFan can not stand the condemnation of confession, take the initiative to plead guilty. Lin XiaoLian about to leave the country was brought to justice. Espionage operations have been frustrated, "Yin Hu" can only desperate to launch the final offensive Space XIV. Nineteen hospital security chief Luo Bing became a tool for spying. Wu Mei in order to capture the "Yin Hu" Pang Jian (Mexico Yang ornaments) undercover into the nineteenth courtyard, a you in me, I have your secret war quietly began. After both of Yin Hu's theft plans failed, he kidnapped Wu Mei's daughter Xiaotong Guan and intimidated chief engineer Zhou Xu to use her core secrets for her daughter's life. At the moment of national interests and daughter safety being threatened, Wu Mei came forward with "Yin Hu" to launch the final contest & nbsp ;.

Family (TV)[2007]

Feature: Photo Willow lived in a small two-story yard, is a big family. Liu almost all intellectuals, his father Liu ShuTian is a prominent professor, mother Qin ShuJuan is a retired nurse. Liu Cheng is the boss, Liu Cheng is the boss, sister Liu Meng is Liu ShuTian academic research assistant; third brother Liu Zhen is a master, is now in Shanghai to open a company; Sister Liu Fang is studying university; only Liu Cheng culture The lowest, junior high school did not graduate to join the army, as a taxi driver, so the feelings between Liu ShuTian and the coldest. Sixtieth birthday of Liu ShuTian is celebrating his family feast. Hu Yi, a friend of Qin ShuJuan, was involved in an accident. Due to the intense conflict between her daughter Hu QingQing, she was severely stabbed by her daughter. The news came, family ban interrupted. In order to prove Hu QingQing innocent, Hu Yi said she was a minor, and asked Qin ShuJuan to go to the Zhouzhen hospital for Hu QingQing's birth certificate. Liu Cheng Finds Birth Certificate for Hu QingQing at Zhouzhen Hospital. Unexpectedly, accidentally found his sister Liu Meng's birth certificate, which clearly reads: Mother Yang Shu Qin, the first child. Liu Cheng strange, why the mother is Yang Shu Qin? Is the first child? He and Liu Meng doubt their own origins, he was asking: Who am I born? How come to this family? Although his parents gave him an explanation, apparently this far-reaching explanation can not make him feel relieved. Liu Cheng determined to thoroughly figure out who they really are? He began to secretly investigate his own life experience. As the investigation progressed step by step, Liu Cheng found that her own mother was actually the "mother" sister now. But she died shortly after she was born. And death is unknown. How is the dead mother? Who is the murderer? This question has been entangled with Liu Cheng. He found that his father always maintained a rogue called Li Hedong. This rogue seems to have something to do with her mother's death. Liu Fang and her sister Liu Meng fall in love with a man named Gao Ming. He is an assistant to the chief executive of a bio-engineering company in the northwest. As for the boss, he is similar to Liu ShuTian. Liu ShuTian's research topics have a strong interest. His name is - Yan MengZe. The topics studied by Liu ShuTian and Liu Meng are now the projects they have collaborated on. Originally, when Liu ShuTian and Yan MengZe were fellow students, Liu ShuTian and Yang Shu-Qin married and later gave birth to Liu Cheng. Yan MengZe also fell in love with Qin ShuJuan. However, suddenly Yan MengZe exiled Northwest China due to political issues and Qin ShuJuan was pregnant. Liu Meng was borrowed from her name Yang Qin. Qin Yang Qin died accidentally, and came the death of Yan MengZe, so Qin ShuJuan married Liu ShuTian. His wife now became Liu ShuTian's wife; originally her daughter, now called Liu ShuTian "Dad"; his youth to study the subject now become the result of Liu ShuTian ... Faced with such a take away so much of the original Yan MengZe also have to cooperate with him, what does he think? But for such a sudden appearance of "old classmate", how should Liu ShuTian face it? The emergence of Yan MengZe pushed Liu's crisis to another climax. When Liu Cheng found his tracing would bring good mother, he tried hard to stop the police from continuing the investigation, but it was too late. The court found Qin Shu's death indeed related to Qin ShuJuan.The court issued the evidence provided by Liu Cheng. Family members complain about Liu Cheng. Liu Cheng though difficult but can not tell, painful he chose to be free from death. The nick of time, arrived family members understand the insider arrived in time. Liu ShuTian and Liu Cheng hugged beside the train tracks. Liu ShuTian can no longer stay silent as the house is on the brink of collapse. He called his children to the side, ready to say what they were doing ...

Fog and fog (TV)[2006]

Feature: "Fog is not fog" is a directed by the island, Zhou Yu screenwriter urban suspense television series, a total of 21 episodes. The drama filmed by Jiangsu TV investment, in November 2006 began to broadcast in major television stations nationwide. The main actors of "Fog and Fog" include Wang Xueqi and Lina Chen et al. Because of the film's former crew involved in the "non-flower" shooting, so "fog" is also known as the "flower non-flower" sister, but in addition, the two are not related. "Fog Fog" takes the incest suspense as the framework of the play. The content is based on the relationship between father and son. It is a man's drama that combines thought, art, literature and business value.

Big family than (TV)[2006]

Feature: In the late 1980s, the northern stills (a) a seaside town. There is a large family headed by veteran He Yuan. In addition to the old couple, He Yuan, Wu Suqin, their four daughters and one son. He Yuan's greatest ideal is the daughter-in-law all the military-in-law, son married a virtuous wife, one of the people living in what yard inside.

Battle of the Gene (Movie)[2004]

Feature: Described "an inexplicable mutant virus that invaded a residential area of ​​the United States and inhabitants died one after the other due to inflammation of the brain in as little as 48 hours." In the context of the "plague", in fact it shows that the honest scientists of China and the United States are working hard to crack down on the source of the virus and rescue the dying spirit.

Family change (TV)[2004]

Feature: Photo Willow lived in a small two-story yard, is a big family. Liu almost all intellectuals, his father Liu ShuTian is a prominent professor, mother Qin ShuJuan is a retired nurse. Liu Cheng is the boss, Liu Cheng is the boss, sister Liu Meng is Liu ShuTian academic research assistant; third brother Liu Zhen is a master, is now in Shanghai to open a company; Sister Liu Fang is studying university; only Liu Cheng culture The lowest, junior high school did not graduate to join the army, as a taxi driver, so the feelings between Liu ShuTian and the coldest. Sixtieth birthday of Liu ShuTian is celebrating his family feast. Hu Yi, a friend of Qin ShuJuan, was involved in an accident. Due to the intense conflict between her daughter Hu QingQing, she was severely stabbed by her daughter. The news came, family ban interrupted. In order to prove Hu QingQing innocent, Hu Yi said she was a minor, and asked Qin ShuJuan to go to the Zhouzhen hospital for Hu QingQing's birth certificate. Liu Cheng Finds Birth Certificate for Hu QingQing at Zhouzhen Hospital. Unexpectedly, accidentally found his sister Liu Meng's birth certificate, the above clearly read: mother Yang Zuqin, the first child. Liu Cheng is weird, why is mother Yang Shuqin? Is the first child? He and Liu Meng doubt their own origins, he was asking: Who am I born? How come to this family? Although his parents gave him an explanation, apparently this far-reaching explanation can not make him feel relieved. Liu Cheng determined to thoroughly figure out who they really are? He began to secretly investigate his own life experience. As the investigation progressed step by step, Liu Cheng found that her own mother was actually the "mother" sister now. But she died shortly after she was born. And death is unknown. How is the dead mother? Who is the murderer? This question has been entangled with Liu Cheng. He found that his father always maintained a rogue called Li Hedong. This rogue seems to have something to do with her mother's death. Liu Fang and her sister Liu Meng fall in love with a man named Gao Ming. He is an assistant to the chief executive of a bio-engineering company in the northwest. As for the boss, he is similar to Liu ShuTian. Liu ShuTian's research topics have a strong interest. His name is - Yan MengZe. The topics studied by Liu ShuTian and Liu Meng are now the projects they have collaborated on. Originally, when Liu ShuTian and Yan MengZe were fellow students, Liu ShuTian and Yang Zuqin married and later gave birth to Liu Cheng. Yan MengZe also fell in love with Qin ShuJuan. However, Yan MengZe suddenly exiled northwest due to political problems. At this time, Qin ShuJuan was pregnant. Liu Meng was borrowed by her sister Yang Shuqin. Yang Shuqin died unexpectedly, and came the death of Yan MengZe, so Qin ShuJuan was married to Liu ShuTian. His wife now became Liu ShuTian's wife; originally her daughter, now called Liu ShuTian "Dad"; his youth to study the subject now become the result of Liu ShuTian ... Faced with such a take away so much of the original Yan MengZe also have to cooperate with him, what does he think? But for such a sudden appearance of "old classmate", how should Liu ShuTian face it? The emergence of Yan MengZe pushed Liu's crisis to another climax. When Liu Cheng discovers that his investigation will bring good mother, he tried to stop the police from continuing the investigation. However, it was too late and the court found that the death of Yang Zhaqin was indeed related to Qin ShuJuan.The court issued the evidence provided by Liu Cheng. Family members complain about Liu Cheng. Liu Cheng though difficult but can not tell, painful he chose to be free from death. The nick of time, arrived family members understand the insider arrived in time. Liu ShuTian and Liu Cheng hugged beside the train tracks. Liu ShuTian can no longer stay silent as the house is on the brink of collapse. He called his children to the side, ready to say what they were doing ...

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