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Wei Na TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Wei Na Works 32 ,And Comedy 19 ,Feature 8 ,Romance 5 ,Suspense 4 ,Crime 3 ,Action 3 ,Urban drama 2 ,Thriller 2 ,Costume Drama 2 ,公路1 ,Fantasy 1 ,War 1 ,Music 1 ,Short 1 ,Terror 1 。

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Wei Na Filmography(32)


一场遇见爱情的旅行 (TV)[2019]


《一场遇见爱情的旅行》讲述了当代都市上海,普通白领 Li XinYue 以千万重金拍下大画家 Chu HongFei 的画作《宝贝》,这个奇怪的行为引起了警方的注意,被卧底警察 Jin XiaoTian 像影子一样追踪。俩人阴错阳差地一起上了 Chu HongFei 之子 Chu ZhiHan 的创业项目直播旅行房车,开往心月想念又害怕的故乡香格里拉。在风景如画的旅途中, Li XinYue 与一直保护她的 Jin XiaoTian 互生好感,但 Jin XiaoTian 碍于卧底的身份一直不能表白。为保护画作《宝贝》的真迹,心月被贩毒集团绑架, Jin XiaoTian 只身营救,在生死的考验下, Jin XiaoTian 终于向心月表明心迹,两人立誓同生共死。当贩毒集团与 Chu HongFei 联合导演的所有丑恶在香格里拉的阳光下曝光后,心月为画家父亲讨回了公道。而小天也圆满完成了任务,成长为一名优秀的人民警察。

精英律师 (TV)[2019]


Luo Bin 是全景律师事务所资深合伙人, Dai Xi 为了闺蜜的一场官《精英律师》定妆照司去律所找 Luo Bin 理论,误打误撞,机缘巧合成了 Luo Bin 的助理。在共事过程中,俩人因在为人处世上的见解差异,频发冲突。同时,出于对律师这个职业的热爱, Dai Xi 把过多的时间和精力投入到工作上,最终引起男友的不满,二人分手。在经过几个项目上的相互协作后, Dai Xi 和 Luo Bin 对对方都有了更多的了解, Dai Xi 由最初讨厌 Luo Bin ,逐渐对他产生尊敬,而 Luo Bin 也受 Dai Xi 感染,不仅在关心输赢,也变得去关爱他人。历经磨炼, Dai Xi 最终成长为一个优秀富有正义感的律师,在工作上,和 Luo Bin 也有了更多的默契,两人成了一对颇得业界认可,所向披靡的最佳搭档。


Gu Jian Qi Tan flow Zhao Ming (Movie)[2018]

Feature: Yan Lee, who is a talented young boy who is skilled in the art of healing and healing, is leaving home for his chance of leaving home and admiring the legendary Yan Yi Master Xie Yi (Archie Kao) (Victoria Song), Xia YiZe (Godfrey Gao) & nbsp; & nbsp; A Ruan (Karena Ng ornaments) and other partners. Several people inadvertently found the plot of Shen Ye (Julian Cheung), the eldest son of Liuzhou crape mystical cradle, defeated Shen Ye in all circumstances and finally stopped a disaster

人间规则 (TV)[2018]


沉寂许久的“公关女神” Kong XiaoYin 复出了,在《高,实在是高》这一全网最热辩论节目上,她还未尝败绩,以女王姿态睥睨众生。如今她卷土重来,所有人都感觉到了一场“腥风血雨”的到来。节目责编 Yang MingYu 受命全程跟踪报道 Kong XiaoYin ,却在一串误打误撞下加入了她的工作室。一个是坚持中二善良的萌新小白,一个是人人闻风丧胆的“毒舌女王”,两人开始了一段相爱相杀的奇妙经历。 Wang Hong 、作家、明星、创业者……通过一个又一个卷入网络舆论漩涡的公众人物揭开了光怪陆离的网络时代浮世绘。面对虚虚实实,众人各显神通,为的就是追寻出事件背后的真相。


RailroadTigers (Movie)[2016]

Feature: The film tells the story of the Pacific War in 1941, after crossing the Shandong Jinpu Railway became the Japanese in mainland China, one of the most important strategic lines of communication. Around the Zaozhuang section of Jinpu Railway, an anti-Japanese guerrilla group is active. The guerrilla group consists mainly of several railway workers at Zaozhuang Railway Station. The captain, Ma Yuan, is the porter's porter's foreman. During the day they worked at the railway station occupied and managed by the Japanese. At night, they came out with secret activities. They used the familiarity of the railway line and the special skills of picking up trains and trains, using a small guerrilla force and a large number of well-equipped Japanese regular army Survival contest, caused a very big impact, the local people to the team played a loud name, called the Railway Flying Tigers.

party (Movie)[2016]

Feature: November 13, 2015, a university campus in Beijing with a sophomore fall case of death. However, just two days after the incident, the only witness opened a microblog with the username "Winter Blood" and posted it in a fiction manner, claiming the truth was not as simple as she saw the ghost floor There is something terrible, the novel has aroused widespread concern and controversy in the short period of time. A television station to decrypt a scientific section of the group In order to seize the hot events to attract the attention of the microblogging user Xia Xiaonan decided to make a file with the documentary section. However, since the column group intervened in Xia Xiaonan life, did not think it once again died one after another accident or an accident, a variety of unexpected conditions and layers of fog will be part of the group and the parties into a dangerous situation, when the column group will give up shooting, and found the whole situation Already uncontrollable ...

MadAboutYou (TV)[2016]

Feature: Stills Xie XiaoJun, director of the television station and Wu Yue, a white-collar public relations firm, got married only five months after they met, trying to find the ultimate answer to marriage. The freshness of being in love with Picasso was replaced by the seeds of oil of pomegranate. Xie XiaoJun and Wu Yue found that marriage was not what they imagined: they encountered new problems every day and encountered new tests. In their daily routine, they groped for marriage and solved They are one after another "first time." The life of Xie XiaoJun and Wu Yue is not just a "war" between two people, but they also must be unanimous in their dealings with foreign countries and get the plight of relatives and friends who visit at any time. They include the "chatter" group of ex-boss Wu Yue, present-day girlfriend Su Lai and her husband Ma Ding, Wu Yue's cousin Sha Sha, Xie Xiaojun's Ouyang Chen Di, and sometimes the families Nuclear explosion parents, dogs and even trouble can continue. Eventually, the couple married in this new apartment through a variety of marriages, the tender love into marriage mature marital responsibilities. Friends around Ouyang and Sha Sha also feel the charm of marriage, walked to each other.

saving Mr.w U (Movie)[2015]

Feature: On the night of the Spring Festival holiday, the bustling downtown street bar and Hong Kong movie star Wu XianSheng (Andy Lau) walked out of the bar and were kidnapped by Zhang Hua (Qianyuan Wang) Outside the small courtyard. Wu XianSheng accidentally discovered that the kidnappers also kidnapped another hostage, Xiao Dou (Lu Cai ornaments) After some negotiations with Zhang Hua, Wu XianSheng brought Xiao Dou back from the death line. They started fighting for vitality and dedication of the adventurous 20 hours. The police, who received the report, promptly organized the most vigilant police forces. Criminal Police Captain Liu Ye (actor) and Cao Gang (Wu Ruofu) jointly worked on detection. However, the cunning and arrogant kidnapper Zhang Hua has strong anti-reconnaissance capabilities and does not care about his accomplices and hostages. He goes out alone to redeem with Wu Xian Sheng's friend Lam Suet. But when he got the ransom, he confessed his associates to nine o'clock in the evening and killed the hostages regardless of whether he could get the ransom. After several investigations and confrontations, the police mastered Zhang Hua's whereabouts. Xing Feng and Cao Gang coordinated precisely to capture Zhang Hua under extremely dangerous circumstances. This matter from the kidnappers promised a good time to write off the remaining two hours. Late at night nine o'clock, Xing Feng and Cao Gang once again join hands with the vertical ...

I want to headline (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Niu Qiangdong, actor Peng Bo plays in the story, is a singer-songwriter with a dream of music, but eventually has to take the risk of seeking a night-out riches for his girlfriend. For the comedian, Peng Bo is already on the go, and the comedy roles he once played have long impressed the audience. However, Peng Bo believes that.

YiGuanXiaoZhuan (TV)[2015]

Feature: Stills Five hundred years ago, the Ming dynasty, a small medical museum living in a group of young people Le Ha. One day, the ambulance maid disappeared. Apprentice Zhu YiPin then received a scroll. After being inadvertently opened, his innate speedy memory enabled him to quickly read and record the content of the scroll. After that, he fainted and the scrolls also burned ash. After getting knowledge of East Factory West Factory, they dispatched experts Yang YuXuan and Liu RuoXin to visit the undercover clinic to search the secrets of the scrolls. They were involved in a bizarre case with Zhu YiPin. New entry, but also broke the peace of medical past. Liu RuoXin Young and beautiful, Yang YuXuan Tall and handsome, Zhu YiPin and Zhao BuZhu all seem to be attracted by Willow Liu. Chen AnAn deliberately wants to interact closely with Yang YuXuan. Ex-girlfriend Yang YiXuan and Nie ZiYi of Jin Yiwei come in again. Numerous species may have been quietly fermented in a small medical clinic. Zhu YiPin led the medical team detective squad embarked on an adventure trip, clutching the hell, a pile of mysteries and the mystery behind them unveiled.

Man Shan Fighting Devils (Movie)[2014]

Feature: During the Japanese invasion of China in the 1930s, a group of Japanese occupying forces came to irrigate the town of Dongbei. The Japanese army, taking the town railway station as its fulcrum, transported troops and materials to the mountains, "encircling and suppressing" the anti-Japanese armed forces; forced the people to savage the exploitation of local mineral resources and plunder wealth; cultivated opium poppy and poisoned the Chinese; and from the children's enslavement education, Vain attempt to make irrigated town into a "model town" and achieve the goal of completely conquering China and turning China into a subordinate to Japan. A group of children and folks, represented by juvenile Man Shan, embarked on a courageous, unyielding and epic revolt against the aggressors in their own unique ways in order to resist Japan's military, economic and cultural invasions. Together with the anti-Japanese volunteer army, attacked the Japanese invaders, defended their national dignity, protected their natural resources and wealth, defused Japanese plotting and wrote a new anti-Japanese ode from a new perspective.

APromisingLand (Movie)[2014]

Feature: University student village official Li Qin uses his wisdom and learned to drive all villagers in Beacon Village to get rich through network technology investment and to solve the problem of rural young adults returning home and reemployment. . Manufacturer: Dream Shadow Time (Beijing) Culture Media Co., Ltd. Filming Unit: Dream Shadow Time (Beijing) Culture Media Co., Ltd. Acknowledgments: Xinjin County Beaconfire Community, Chengdu, Sichuan Province,

Wonderful family (TV)[2014]

Feature: Posters Lao Tang pursuit of "lifelike" lifelong, because of fund-raisings cheated, but also co-criminals. The day he was released from prison, his father lived a long life and his third brother returned home. His father died, all the heritage handed to the hands of the soup, let him be the head of the soup, but there are two conditions, can not be completed, heritage donated to society. Lao Tang's son Tang Jiang to get married, the object family is better. Old soup unconvinced, to earn a sum of money to his son. Do not want to, Lao Tang billiards get money to be exposed, he can only stand by his son when someone's in-door son-in. Lao Tang, who owes his debt to the poor, rewrites the borrowed notes to prepare his debts, but he has no money unless he uses his father's estate. Old soup at the water station work is very hard to complete the two conditions of his father is also very difficult. Slowly, he used the cleverness and wisdom wasted on the "elegant" to the down to business, but also began to understand his father let him be the head of the soup intentions. Eventually, he unite and help the whole family to regain their life and make the most appropriate arrangement for this legacy. Lao Tang has finally become a community and family benefit people.

ThreeQueens (TV)[2014]

Feature: Jin Jie and Xiaomin, who were introduced by their younger siblings, did not get ready for the wedding. Due to the widening gap between the two disparities, the pro-family relationship, which was originally not optimistic, has caused serious disagreements in the preparation for the wedding. Cao MeiHua, a wealthy mother from a wealthy family, despised Liu FengXian's relative and demanded that Jin Jie buy a house before she promised to marry her daughter. Liu FengXian, a proud self-respecting mother of Jin Jie, started a photo shoot to defend the "Mom's Three Kingdoms Era" and tried his best not to lose the momentum in front of her relatives. The conflict between the two mothers triggered Jin Jie's temper and decided to cancel the wedding. Xiao Min cried, dragging Jin Jie to his hand and forcing her mother, Cao MeiHua, to buy her a wedding room. Just as her elder daughter was ready to marry in full swing, Cao MeiHua's second daughter, Xiaolan, quietly divorced. She had always liked Xu Zhengxun, a videographer who married her husband Zheng Jun only because of an unwanted pregnancy. Now Xu Zhengxun The re-emergence, and Xiaolan expressed the meaning of love. So Xiao Lan Zheng Jun confession, and decisively divorced. Because of concerns about the 4-year-old son, the two agreed to temporarily hide from both families. Zheng Jun met Jin Ying's younger sister Jin Ying in a traffic accident. The two people were displeased with each other because of misunderstanding, but the narrow road to confrontation was that Jin Ying also encountered Zheng Jun because of a web design project. Jin Ying misunderstood Zheng Jun for disclosing his hatred and the relationship between the two escalated. Until misunderstood, Jin Ying decided to apologize Zheng Jun, Zheng Jun did not buy it. With the help of a friend, Jin Jie and Xiao-Min finally overcome numerous difficulties and the two held a wedding. Xiaolan conceal divorce Zheng Jun to attend her sister's wedding, during the reception but received a lover Xu Zhengxun do not want to be a third party, decided to withdraw from her love after the news, hurriedly left. Zheng Jun, who dropped the bill, met Jin Ying, who joined her brother's wedding ceremony again. The two men in the wedding release the hatchet, alternate goodwill. Downhearted Xiaolan decided to study in the United States, the divorce can no longer hold things up, Zheng Jun in order to prevent Xiaolan from being accused of all, lying outside that they have an affair. However, this still led to the extreme displeasure of her mother-in-law Sun LiQin. Xiaolan break broken jar jar, the marriage has not revealed all the dissatisfaction all vent, and then left the 4-year-old son went to the United States. The married Jin Jie lives in her husband's wife's wedding room and has to swallow and endure Cao MeiHua's grievances. One day, Xiaomin's younger brother Jiang He came looking for him to help Geng He had lost business, I hope my sister and brother-in-law can help mortgage the house for loan guarantees. Jin Jie blessingly agreed.

TheHouse (Movie)[2013]

Feature: A legend that many years, the ghost floor, frequent haunted events, it was launched a "Ghost House Quest" collection order, network writer Xia LiDong (Ruby Lin ornaments) also joined the action, and the mystery promoter Sun DaSheng (Miao Hao Jun ornaments) and others to explore the real face of the ghost floor ghosts. Overnight, though the experience of a pedestrian surprised, but still did not see the ghost, so similar again to explore. Xiaoli Dong's lover and married lady Liang HaoNan (Victor Chen), after learning of Xia LiDong's participation in the ghost building operation, unexpectedly expressed his support and sent Xia LiDong to the ghost floor. Because arrived later than the agreed time, unknown circumstances Xia LiDong alone into the ghost floor. Terrible scenes happen one after another, Xia LiDong thought that what he experienced was the truth of the ghost floor. As she prepares to make it all public, she does not realize that she has been involved in a huge whirlpool of conspiracies. The most horrible ghost house ghost is far from her ...

MarryingMrPrefect (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Ye XinRong, a nearly thirty-year-old Beijing girl, wants to find the other half she really loves, but it often fails. Hong Kong tycoon Gu XuRen doing ruthless business, romantic but also want to meet really like their girl. Gu XuRen Acquired Ye XinRong due to acquisition company in Beijing, during the interaction, the two people gradually have a good impression on each other, Gu XuRen eventually found her true love was Ye XinRong, then painful change, go right and Ye XinRong Finished Ye XinRong was abandoned by her boyfriend who has been in love for seven years. Suddenly, she turned her into a remarried daughter until she became married. She was hopelessly married but she mistakenly hit her boss driver Gu XuRen. She did not know that Gu XuRen turned out to be a fake replacement Hong Kong boss, because of too many enemies, forced and Guan Guan Ren identity exchange. Faded away the aura of broad master, has not been true love Gu XuRen found in Rong Rong who feel, but also because of exchange of identities, Guan Ren Rong Rong know girlfriends Nikki, at first sight, Nikki worried about her office boss sexual harassment, Everywhere preparedness, making a lot of jokes. Gu XuRen and Rong Rong gradually fell in love helping Guan Ren pursue Nikki. Gu XuRen unofficially promotes Rongrong to go to Hong Kong to be top. Rong Rong experienced a fantastic journey, private aircraft, luxury cars, watches, designer costume jewelry, social communication, everything makes Rong Rong feel untrue. When Gu XuRen got the courage to show his true identity to RongRong and expressed his affectionate confession, he let RongRong feel him a lie and rejected him, but Gu XuRen, who decided to wash his face at this time, was no longer willing to let go. Although Rong Rong has been around, he still abide by RongRong and his love agreement.

OneNightToBeStar (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Tie Zhu (Tianwa Yang) stands out in the Chinese fashionista show. Fan YuLe (Liu Hua (Actor)), the director of People & Performing Company, took a fancy and focused training and sent him abroad for further studies. Tie Zhu was instructed by a famous English music professor under the guidance of musician Sui XiaoFei (Huang Shengyi). At the same time, he and Sui XiaoFei also built a wonderful feeling. Tie Zhu, after returning from studies, will have the opportunity to perform on the stage with world superstar VITAS (Wei TaSi Vitas) and Italian version Su Shan DaMa Marsola (Carmen Masola), but his rustic feelings Entertainment is incompatible, making him embark on a very bumpy road of fame ... ...

FengKuangDeChunZei (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Hong Kong gangster Le Ye (Francis Ng) hid in the Mainland's Xiao Bao (Peng Bo ornaments) for under 500,000 loan sharks; Xiao Bao loves gangsters all day looking for Hong Kong's big stars to enter the underworld. In order to get the money, Le Ye curated Wang ShiXiong, chairman of a group of people. Unexpectedly, after entering the room, she encountered Cha ErSi (Lam Suet ornaments) who was the "first killer in Southeast Asia." Cha ErSi was hired for gambling debt, and several people were hired to kill him. Wang ShiXiong's daughter, Wang ShiYi (Liu Ying ornaments), was abducted by Le Ye when she was abducted, but she lost her memory and IQ was low. Pure and dependent on the girl's feelings, so want to use Wang ShiYi extortion Le Ye has not yet action. Just as Le Ye was thinking of a way to get money and protect Wang ShiYi, the murderer Tian Ji (Wang Taili) found them and the killer Cha ErSi came to see him ...

QiGeLongDongQiangDongQiang (Movie)[2012]

Feature: The story of the hero Han Feng within a day after experiencing joblessness, frustration, romance, the worst of his life, he goes badly into the elite company gathered in the elite, an instant from hell into paradise Han Feng happy committed a Low-level mistakes: Xia Xue, a female personnel manager, and employees throughout the company all consider him mentally unhealthy. Han Feng's fate is to leave the company. Yang Yang, the company's president who has been crushing to Xia Xue, was very much interested in Han Feng's personal behavior at the time of her appointment, leaving him in the company as a probationary employee. Since then, Han Feng and Xia Xue staged a misunderstanding comedy, not for their own sake, for their own destiny, for their own future, but also to prove their innocence, in order to get everyone's trust, Han Feng, in charge of leadership and All my colleagues tremendous pressure and difficulties, miraculously survive in the company. Based on this work environment inspired Han Feng's morale, with his hard work and wisdom in the company repeated Li Gong ... proved his ability at the same time also performed a touching, unexpected love story. Han Feng and Xia Xue are greatly touched by the tremendous changes from enemies to couples. Han Feng and Yang Yang have become embarrassed lovers by their subordinated affiliations. The film tells the story of a young man named Yang Feng Yang Yang bad masters get the appreciation, so as to step into the elite gathered in the big company. Because of a misunderstanding, Xia Xue, the company's female supervisor, identified Han Feng as a gangster and tried his best to get him out of the company. Lin XiaoYu and Han Feng, another company at this time, often became direct competitors in bidding for the business. So in order to survive, Xia Xue, Han Feng and competitor Lin XiaoYu launched a "big and small fortune" between the workplace struggle and a love-hate entanglement of the emotional story.

TreasureInn (Movie)[2011]

Feature: Gong ShaoYe (Nicholas Tse ornaments) and Pakistan Cheung (Nick Cheung ornaments) live in the small white horse city, the two together when the registration soon, helpless though there is an empty ability and lofty aspiration, But only commitment to the kitchen laundry room, to be appointed as an officer to practice any of the hitting curse catching fast. On this day, the big city Zhang ancestral foreign family into a strong beam, the whole family was killed, no spree, home priceless city of Bai Guanyin also do not know where to go. Gong ShaoYe survey site, made the correct inference on the murderer. Though taken over by Tie WuQing (Kenny Ho), the god of fasting gods in twelve golden coats, he was beaten by his predecessors in the same yamen and asked for death penalty. Fortunately, he got acquainted with "Shui LongNv (Huang Yi (actress)") and Huo LongNv (Charlene Choi) in jail. After some fighting, he finally escaped. In order to trace the whereabouts of the White Guanyin, they all go all the way to the God of Wealth Inn, a legend of rivers and lakes to start this ...

XiangXiaoQiangYiYangHuoZhe (Movie)[2011]

Feature: Zhang XiaoQiang was born in a crook family, his mother () is an old liar who faded away, and his grandfather Zhang Laosan was the greatest liar in the 1940s on the beach. The genetic wisdom of the family has been passed on to Xiaoqiang. He is good at dressing and crying, making miserable childhood stories, and stirring up people with unidentified truths. A chance, Xiaoqiang into the city, he and Si Mao, Xiao Cui and other gangs of street mixed with beggars, eat white food, ease in the city to display their talent and confrontation with an enemy - the policewoman Liu Ying () wits and wits, a small strong fight is being rescued by gangs under the threat of Wu DaCheng () and Liu Ying, an inattention as a "hero of courage and courage", from the beginning unlucky: a Need for a Dinosaur wrapped around him , Then plunged into a dispute over debt collection by gang gang leader Li Tai Tai and got involved in the involvement of gangs of black coal in the battle for redevelopment of the old city. In critical juncture, hooligan policewoman Liu Ying was forced to join hands with a small liar Zhang XiaoQiang to establish a united front. So, Xiaoqiang this modern version of Wei Xiaobao, Jiang fish can use those under the three abuse tactics to spend a life-or-death disaster?

Whos there? (Movie)[2011]

Feature: Returned from the United States to study bud, smoothly into a fashion magazine, became a popular fashion magazine editor. She is very direct way of working, coupled with speaking directly and mixed with English regardless of the face of others, so recruited subordinates dissatisfaction and private complaints. Occasionally, at the opportunity, Lei encountered in the cafe from the northeast university students Xi, Xi rapid speed of speech, weird and aggressive language to engage in any search for Lei Lei, Lei mood is very depressed, to find the same bedroom with college Girlfriends friends Qi shopping window to relax, to return to China this period of life and work on the ill-suited to Ki, but did not recruit Ki do not understand and asked Lei is not a Chinese, the two quarrels. Depressed colleague Chen, showing understanding of Bud, after he graduated from college in Beijing with a Beijing account, worked hard in Beijing, bought a set of affordable housing and affordable car, a typical affordable man. Looking for a beautiful Beijing girl Shan as his wife, although the morning deep love with Shan, but Shan on the morning is not very satisfied, marriage inherent Shan sense of vanity and superiority so that she often said morning did not afford, no money, no taste , No mood. But also can not speak fluent Beijing dialect, in front of outsiders will give her shame, so looking for a variety of reasons do not want to have children for the morning. Inferiority is about to graduate to Xi Lei Lei magazine interview, Xi thought before the offended Lei Lei will lose this job, anyway, during the interview process is very relaxed and confident, unexpectedly got most graduates A dream job, and became a subordinate to Lei. Xi happy to call a friend Qian, Qian also found a job but also to solve the Beijing account, which gives Xi some loss, when Xi's high school classmate Xi came to Beijing and found a job in Beijing and become Beijing People work hard. Xi is still his usual northeast story, often laughing joke at work, Lei looking for Xi talk, asked Xi Xi speak Mandarin, Xi questioned Lei not only in Mandarin but also mixed with English, the two quarrel, morning advised Xi do not work Middle and leadership quarrel because of this kind of thing. Because of this, Lei and Chen gradually realized the necessity of speaking Putonghua at work, and realized that no matter where you are from, the Chinese are ultimately Chinese.

I am a big detective (TV)[2011]


When I was a big detective about the Republic of China, Guo DeXing played as a detective Guo ShiXing and Yu Qian played a good friend Jia YaoZu with the help of a big detective. "I am a big detective" tells the story of two men in the background of warlords, policemen, gangsters, merchants and other parties during the period of the Republic of China. These two, a superb wisdom, a source of wealth, this pair of peerless combination in all kinds of dangerous situations actually repeatedly uncovered a strange case, the final two men have become the man of the era - "big detective", its meritorious achievements can simply be boarded On Time Magazine! This suspenseful TV comic series is an engine for producing laughter. The engine's joyful team comes from two camps: On the one hand, it is the various names of Deyun Club, and the leader is Guo Degang. Qiang, Yun Jin Cao, Yue Yunpeng, Zheng Hou and other comic artists debuted on the TV screen for the first time. On the other hand, there are a dozen stars starring Yuexian Yu, Shi FuKuan, Wei Na, Qian Cheng, Jinshan Liu, and Qinqin Li. They are all good friends in Guo Degang's circle. Regardless of men and women, then there is one who counts, and whoever comes to play is bringing in fun. Each character is cute, and each character is a child!


WoJiaZaiNaLi (Movie)[2010]

Feature: Returned from the United States to study bud, smoothly into a fashion magazine, became a popular fashion magazine editor. She is very direct way of working, coupled with speaking directly and mixed with English regardless of the face of others, so recruited subordinates dissatisfaction and private complaints. Occasionally, at the opportunity, Lei encountered in the cafe from the northeast university students Xi, Xi rapid speed of speech, weird and aggressive language to engage in any search for Lei Lei, Lei mood is very depressed, to find the same bedroom with college Girlfriends friends Qi shopping window to relax, to return to China this period of life and work on the ill-suited to Ki, but did not recruit Ki do not understand and asked Lei is not a Chinese, the two quarrels. Depressed colleague Chen, showing understanding of Bud, after he graduated from college in Beijing with a Beijing account, worked hard in Beijing, bought a set of affordable housing and affordable car, a typical affordable man. Looking for a beautiful Beijing girl Shan as his wife, although the morning deep love with Shan, but Shan on the morning is not very satisfied, marriage inherent Shan sense of vanity and superiority so that she often said morning did not afford, no money, no taste , No mood. But also can not speak fluent Beijing dialect, in front of outsiders will give her shame, so looking for a variety of reasons do not want to have children for the morning. Inferiority is about to graduate to Xi Lei Lei magazine interview, Xi thought before the offended Lei Lei will lose this job, anyway, during the interview process is very relaxed and confident, unexpectedly got most graduates A dream job, and became a subordinate to Lei. Xi happy to call a friend Qian, Qian also found a job but also to solve the Beijing account, which gives Xi some loss, when Xi's high school classmate Xi came to Beijing and found a job in Beijing and become Beijing People work hard. Xi is still his usual northeast story, often laughing joke at work, Lei looking for Xi talk, asked Xi Xi speak Mandarin, Xi questioned Lei not only in Mandarin but also mixed with English, the two quarrel, morning advised Xi do not work Middle and leadership quarrel because of this kind of thing. Because of this, Lei and Chen gradually realized the necessity of speaking Putonghua at work, and realized that no matter where you are from, the Chinese are ultimately Chinese.


Feature: Tang BoHu (Guo Degang), the first of the four gifted men in south China, is a talented young woman who has poured countless girls. At the Tang BoHu concert, Qiu Xiang (Yao Di), a security guard of Hua TaiShi Prefecture, mixed up with an idol and performed with Tang BoHu on the same stage. However, the day was over, a misunderstanding occurred on the night's two appointments And blows. On the other hand, Ning Wang 觎 觎 Tang BoHu real estate, sending killer Du ShaZhang (nine holes decorated) Tang BoHu into the river. Washington's maid Pomegranate (Ke-Yu Guo) unexpectedly saved Tang BoHu back to Washington, where he lost his memory due to the injury and was enshrined by Hua An in Washington. Qiu Xiang found memory loss Tang BoHu at hand, but no way to wake it up. Ning Wang issued a wanted order to pursue Tang BoHu and sent Du ShaZhang to steal the night pearl in Hua TaiShi prefecture. Suzhou city situation more and more dangerous to Tang BoHu, Memoryless genius will go from here & nbsp; & nbsp;

OnHisMajestysSecretService (Movie)[2009]

Feature: In the Forbidden City, a group of lively scene. East eunuch Cao RenChao won the favor of Huang Shang, high power, has been serving the emperor around, he often does not wear martial arts, in fact, is hidden. Arranged according to the Lunar New Year by the rat to pig twelve big spies, established by the first Emperor, only sent to listen to the emperor sent. In the palace habitually lurking in the palace of 12 people to collect intelligence, they are martial arts since childhood, and was sent to fight with tiger wolf in the mountains, can be changed into various shapes to conceal identity, responsible for the protection of the emperor in the palace of security. All are skilled, with Ling LingHu () and Ling LingZhu () the most outstanding martial arts. Chinese zodiac only () no school of learning Wu, only devoted to science and technology and invention. His fiancee Mei XiWang (), future Yue Zhang Mei DaXia () and his wife Lin MeiRen () also helpless to him. Great eunuchs () martial arts excellence, but neglect, ruined loyalty, save the heart of the inverse. ()'s father was killed by Cao RenChao, so she disguised as a man and swearing in her father's hatred. Coincides with the emperor () and Nishinomiya Niangniang (Cai YunGongZhu ()) for the selection of "gorgeous", Cao RenChao then sent his men candidates, took the opportunity to seek usurpation. Ling LingGou, Mei XiWang, and Ruonan were all aware of Cao's conspiracy to destroy it. Can not be counted as one, two plans to reborn, design assassination Huang Shang. Positive and evil two groups then launched a major battle.

DebtLove (Movie)[2009]

Feature: Xiang Fei's classmate got uremia at a cost of 300,000 Yuan for kidney replacement. Xiang Fei and several other friends who had just joined the workforce raised 250,000 through fundraising, but there are still 50,000 gaps left unsolved. In desperation, Xiang Fei wanted to borrow money from Liu WenWu, who had a few years to do his business with him. However, Liu WenWu first wanted him to help him find a loan shark to borrow money for an emergency and promised Even within ten days, the interest will be returned to 300,000. Xiang Fei then smartly lied to himself as a middleman and lent a total of 250,000 to Liu WenWu in the name of underworld gang Zhang San. While Xiang Fei smugly asked Liu WenWu to make a phone call telling him that Zhang San was arrested for being involved in the black, money would not have to be paid back. Under the pressure of Xiang Fei, he started a difficult debt collection career. During the debt collection process, Xiang Fei encountered Liu SiSi, Liu WenWu's sister, and had a good impression of it. However, due to the undeclared debt collection, had to temporarily give up the idea of ​​seeking. However, no matter how well-intentioned Xiang Fei explained, Liu WenWu remained indifferent and firmly believed that Xiang Fei wanted to borrow Zhang San's money. After friends know this thing, also think Xiang Fei is money eyes open, have condemned ...

AiLaiBuLai (Movie)[2009]

Feature: Liu Yanbing, a beautiful and sexy urban leftist, is the director of the planning department of a movie and TV company. Because of his spicy ability and vigorousness, her colleagues honored her as "extinct master too" and all her husband Zhou Qiao, who fell in love with her for many years, Wall ", was her into the cold palace. Liu Yanbing career spring, love is in crisis. Clever and humorous urban left male East pull, small intestine in a nine small intestine opened a small bookstore, because of others enthusiasm, do not leave a name for good, was neighborhood neighbors forgot the real name, all love A plus, the cause of East do not pull flat water, love is placid.

On His Majestys Secret Service (Movie)[2009]

Feature: In the Forbidden City, a group of lively scene. East eunuch Cao RenChao won the favor of Huang Shang, high power, has been serving the emperor around, he often does not wear martial arts, in fact, is hidden. Arranged according to the Lunar New Year by the rat to pig twelve big spies, established by the first Emperor, only sent to listen to the emperor sent. In the palace habitually lurking in the palace of 12 people to collect intelligence, they are martial arts since childhood, and was sent to fight with tiger wolf in the mountains, can be changed into various shapes to conceal identity, responsible for the protection of the emperor in the palace of security. All are skilled, with Ling LingHu () and Ling LingZhu () the most outstanding martial arts. Chinese zodiac only () no school of learning Wu, only devoted to science and technology and invention. His fiancee Mei XiWang (), future Yue Zhang Mei DaXia () and his wife Lin MeiRen () also helpless to him. Great eunuchs () martial arts excellence, but neglect, ruined loyalty, save the heart of the inverse. ()'s father was killed by Cao RenChao, so she disguised as a man and swearing in her father's hatred. Coincides with the emperor () and Xi GongNiangNiang () to choose for the charming and gorgeous Cai YunGongZhu () "Determined", Cao RenChao then sent his men candidates, took the opportunity to seek usurpation. Ling LingGou, Mei XiWang, and Ruonan were all aware of Cao's conspiracy to destroy it. Can not be counted as one, two plans to reborn, design assassination Huang Shang. Positive and evil two groups then launched a major battle.

Underground transportation station (TV)[2007]

Feature: Underground Transport Station is the first sitcom to reflect the theme of the war. After more than two years of careful planning, has now been initially formed. The play is based on the underground activities of several party members headed by Cai ShuiGen in the form of comedies after the establishment of Dingxiang House, a donkey museum in Anqiu, a small town in Jizhong around 1940.

Karmic Mahjong (Movie)[2006]

Feature: Wu YuChuan is a carpenter worker who is on the brink of collapse with his wife, Lai Ling, because of impotence. One day he met Liu LaoShi, a fortune-teller, who told him to get out of shape. Wu YuChuan first hit Jia Jia in a car accident and twisted himself to his neck. Then when he renovated his smuggling car to Hong Kong boss Qin LongSheng, he accidentally exploded the car. Yin ZhiBin, a Qin man, forced him to repay his money. He also doubted his wife came out of the wall. Continued blows led Wu YuChuan to begin to believe Liu LaoShi's words. Under the leadership of Liu LaoShi, he decided it was all because he hit a villain and he had to kill villains. Who is the villain around Wu YuChuan, cowardly whether he can really go kill it? Driven by Liu LaoShi's prophecy, the roulette wheels of fate rolled off from Lai Ling, Yin ZhiBin, Qin LongSheng and Jia Jia. Wu YuChuan gradually began to understand that his life was hopeful only if there was a bloody battle.

Lying tiger (Movie)[2006]

Feature: As the rivers and lakes heard, three years ago, in an effort to crack down on the increasingly furious criminal community forces, the police, at any cost, actively arranged thousands of undercover agents to join all criminal organizations. Among them, the most arrogant Hongxing agency was the target of the crackdown. After years of hard work, the police have collected enough evidence to launch a full-scale attack. The code of conduct is "Crouching Tiger," and Chief Inspector Wei DingBang, the Chief Inspector who has been devoted to "opposing blackness" for years, Undercover exploration, vowing to Hongxing Society wiped out in one fell swoop. Hongxing community big boss is known as the "leader", although the age has been high, but deep understanding of management. Su Fei, the woman around him, has been acting on behalf of the elders, playing the role of balancing the interests of all parties in the community. Organizations Various criminal activities are controlled mainly by four "speakers": Hua Chao operates all illegal gambling and lending activities; Li JiXiang operates entertainment venues; Zhong XiaoLi supplies drugs for all walks of life; You ZhiBiao owns a large number of ignorant juveniles Support all actions of the community. As soon as the news of a undercover agent came out, all criminal organizations were panicked and everybody suspected that the people around him were undercover. With the help of "four eyes" of undercover agents, the police arrested a small head of the community, Abdul Azizai, who was likely to expose a large number of criminal facts in the community if he was sentenced. Zhong XiaoLi The drug business has a lot to do with its operation. It has been extremely cautious in its operations. It has also been gathering very strong evidence from undercover agents. Zhong XiaoLi escaped in time during police arrests and is ready to seek refuge abroad. Hua Chao and Zhong XiaoLi are closely related to the business. After learning of the accident, Zhong XiaoLi decided to save his own interests first. Li JiXiang Although aware that Zhong XiaoLi's case would cause troubles for all, insisting that people should unite as one and hope to confront the police, he still insists that "undercover men" is only a rumor used by police to divide them. In the meantime, Li JiXiang unexpectedly met the window designer You Li, who found a long-lost love feeling from this fantastic girl, and You Li was also attracted by Li JiXiang's mature and friendly attitude, but she was a Simple black and white girl, full of hate criminal organizations. Police arrests began to target You ZhiBiao. You ZhiBiao began to suspect that some undercover agents in many of his younger brothers have been mixed. When the police raided Tea House You ZhiBiao, You ZhiBiao noticed that one of his men who did not know it was recorded. He thought that wave logging was undercover. The old man and Su Fei saw the accident at the society, but they were still at ease. They all knew that as long as they could stay out of their work, he was still the "leader" of the society after the storm. No matter who the "talker" would take over in the future, his interests Never mind The response of Hong Hing Society is already within the expectation of Wei DingBang. Hong Kong Police launched the final offensive to the community and, finally, lurked this unscrupulous criminal community under the undercover cooperation lurking in the community. After the return of Hong Kong, in order to safeguard social order in Hong Kong and crack down on gang forces, the police placed more than 1,000 undercover agents in various triad groups, of which the most ardent Hongxing community was the main target.Early undercover inspector Wei DingBang for the code-named "Crouching Tiger" commander in chief. Although the elders of the Hung Hing Club are well advanced, they understand the art of right and well balance the interests of all parties in the community. However, they are not directly involved in the operation. Therefore, the police are always at a loss. Various criminal activities are mainly controlled by four individuals: Hua Chao, Li JiXiang, Zhong XiaoLi, You ZhiBiao. The infiltration of the police disrupted the seemingly stable relationship of the four of them, leaving them feeling superficial and extending their knife toward each other for self-protection. Li JiXiang Because Zhong XiaoLi was stabbed to death by a community killer, Hua Chao, a former classmate of Wei DingBang Police School, was undercover after her son was injured by Zhong XiaoLi. Zhong XiaoLi also could not escape the internal cleansing. Eventually, under the undercover cooperation lurking in various parts of the community, the size and size of the Hongxing community were arrested one after another. This unscrupulous criminal community was completely destroyed by the police.

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