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Juju TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Juju Works 21 ,And Romance 6 ,Urban drama 5 ,Feature 5 ,Contemporary 4 ,Love 4 ,Ethical play 3 ,Suspense 3 ,Thriller 3 ,Action 3 ,Costume Drama 2 ,Martial Arts 2 ,Adventure 2 ,Historical play 1 ,政治1 ,轻喜剧1 ,Urban emotion 1 ,Terror 1 ,Documentary 1 ,Disaster 1 ,Comedy 1 ,Sci-Fi 1 。

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Juju Filmography(21)


鹿鼎记 (TV)[2020]


《鹿鼎记》讲述了出生市井的小人物 Wei XiaoBao ,在不会任何武功的情况下,因机缘巧合闯入江湖和皇宫,凭借超凡智慧周旋于武林帮会和朝堂之间,一路向上攀升的故事。 Wei XiaoBao 先是假扮太监,助 Kang Xi 擒杀鳌拜,后又结识天地会总舵主陈近南,成为陈近南的关门弟子和天地会青木堂香主,他协助 Kang Xi 攻打吴三桂和神龙岛,最后以远征罗刹国作为自己仕途的收尾,抛弃荣华富贵,避世通吃岛。 Wei XiaoBao 从一个只想跟皇帝交好以换取富贵生活的小混混,一路成长为明辨忠奸善恶的“鹿鼎公”。他终于明白,富贵权柄手中过,财色皆是挫骨刀,与其舍命搏前程,不如携如花美眷,过烟火人生。

大秦赋 (TV)[2020]

Feature: 战国晚期,秦国一家独大。一代雄主秦昭襄王与继承王位的秦孝文王相继离世,秦国朝堂陡然出现嫡庶之争。大富商吕不韦阳谋篡国,扶植流亡在外的公子嬴异人上位,长公子嬴傒恨别咸阳,政乱平定。秦国征伐六国,渐有一统天下之势,惟有与宿敌赵国之间的交战,败绩频仍,且将星凋零,民苦国累,秦赵结仇愈深。王子嬴政与母亲赵姬返回秦国之后,在仲父吕不韦的训教下,母后的呵护下,显现王者之尊。为了儿子的王位,赵姬与吕不韦联手,打压以华阳夫人为首的楚国派系势力。而嬴政用王弟成蟜之血,洗清通向王位的道路。污秽内宫的嫪毐日益做大,且有篡国之念;嬴政利用吕不韦、宗室嬴傒,铁腕涤荡嫪毐之乱。动乱平息,嬴政再无情驱逐母后赵姬,贬相国吕不韦。至此,嬴政揽政于手,主国于秦 。大秦帝国之天下海报终极海报

流金岁月 (TV)[2020]

Feature: 二十世纪九十年代的上海,朱锁锁和蒋南孙家境不同,性格不同,但同样美丽、聪慧。年少时,锁锁家境不好,南孙家收留、帮助过锁锁,因此她们结下了深厚的友谊。步入社会后,朱锁锁在职场中起伏,凭着才智和优秀的条件很快发达起来,蒋南孙则继续追求学业,谈起恋爱,变得更加知性。后来,蒋家落难,朱锁锁帮助南孙走出校园,为其提供住处和工作,蒋南孙亦靠努力和学识,逐渐成为一名出色的白领丽人。朱锁锁结婚,看似风光,婚姻却不被丈夫的家人认可,夫妻关系亮起红灯时,蒋南孙帮助她照顾孩子,料理她的生活,直到朱锁锁有勇气走出困局。人事沧桑,岁月无情,她们遍尝了生活的个中滋味,却互相扶持,同甘共苦,不仅将生活经营出多彩的模样,亦各自成为最成熟的女人,拥有自己的流金岁月。定档海报

精英律师 (TV)[2019]


Luo Bin 是全景律师事务所资深合伙人, Dai Xi 为了闺蜜的一场官《精英律师》定妆照司去律所找 Luo Bin 理论,误打误撞,机缘巧合成了 Luo Bin 的助理。在共事过程中,俩人因在为人处世上的见解差异,频发冲突。同时,出于对律师这个职业的热爱, Dai Xi 把过多的时间和精力投入到工作上,最终引起男友的不满,二人分手。在经过几个项目上的相互协作后, Dai Xi 和 Luo Bin 对对方都有了更多的了解, Dai Xi 由最初讨厌 Luo Bin ,逐渐对他产生尊敬,而 Luo Bin 也受 Dai Xi 感染,不仅在关心输赢,也变得去关爱他人。历经磨炼, Dai Xi 最终成长为一个优秀富有正义感的律师,在工作上,和 Luo Bin 也有了更多的默契,两人成了一对颇得业界认可,所向披靡的最佳搭档。


City of desire (TV)[2018]


"City of desire" tells the story of his wife, Qiao Na, who beats off their children in pursuit of her dreams.Jiang NianHuaTherefore, he suffered a lot. After divorce, he fought hard and finally got rich, but unfortunately suffered from depression. When he decided to give up his life, he met smart and kind young professional womenLin Li,. Not long after meeting Jiang NianHua,Lin Li,and her "" elite boyfriend" "Wang Yang,Emotional crisis. They are in the same company, and because of the increasing conflicts at work, they often start a "fight" mode. Like all young lovers, they argue with each other after a single word. Finally,Lin Li,felt unable to stay together with Wang Yang, feeling depressed and despondent, and planned to resign.Jiang NianHuaencouraged her to be a better self. Lin Li finally became the person she wanted to be because of Jiang NianHua.Jiang NianHuahas completely walked out of the gloom of anxiety and depression and rekindled his passion for life with Lin Li. The two of them are each other's fire of life, lit up, healed, lit up each other's life.

City of angels (TV)[2018]


TV drama city of angels, also known as city of desire, tells the story of his wife, Qiao Na, who beats off their children in pursuit of her dreams. Jiang NianHua suffered a lot from this. After his divorce, he fought hard and finally got rich, but unfortunately suffered from depression. When he decided to give up his life, he met Lin Li, a smart and kind young professional woman. Not long after meeting Jiang NianHua, Lin Li and her "" boyfriend" "Wang Yang suffered an emotional crisis. They are in the same company, and because of the increasing conflicts at work, they often start a "fight" mode. Like all young lovers, they argue with each other after a single word. Finally, Lin Li felt unable to stay together with Wang Yang, feeling depressed and despondent, and planned to resign. Jiang NianHua encouraged her to be a better self. Lin Li finally became the person she wanted to be because of Jiang NianHua. Jiang NianHua has completely walked out of the gloom of anxiety and depression and rekindled his passion for life with Lin Li. The two of them are each other's fire of life, lit up, healed, lit up each other's life.

Desire to live (TV)[2018]


TV drama "longing for life" tells the story of his wife, Qiao Na, who beats off their children in pursuit of her dreams. Jiang NianHua suffered a lot from this. After his divorce, he fought hard and finally got rich, but unfortunately suffered from depression. When he decided to give up his life, he met Lin Li, a smart and kind young professional woman. Not long after meeting Jiang NianHua, Lin Li and her "" boyfriend" "Wang Yang suffered an emotional crisis. They are in the same company, and because of the increasing conflicts at work, they often start a "fight" mode. Like all young lovers, they argue with each other after a single word. Finally, Lin Li felt unable to stay together with Wang Yang, feeling depressed and despondent, and planned to resign. Jiang NianHua encouraged her to be a better self. Lin Li finally became the person she wanted to be because of Jiang NianHua. Jiang NianHua has completely walked out of the gloom of anxiety and depression and rekindled his passion for life with Lin Li. The two of them are each other's fire of life, lit up, healed, lit up each other's life.


TheApparition (Movie)[2016]

Feature: The horrifying novelist Ze Tian, ​​famous for creating a murderous novel, was surrounded by friends and family who followed exactly the trajectory described in his book. His wife, Zhou Dan, and her son had lived a simple and happy life with him. However, at midnight, what happened outside the house changed the fate of the family. Newly moved to the sexy girl Zhang JingRu knocked on the door of Ze Tian family, time and time again as the spire of access to Ze Tian home, her poignant, her quiet, like a beautiful puzzle, bring Ze Tian fatal Like to attract. Ze Tian crazy and greedy fantasy of her body, unable to extricate themselves, but also broke Ze Tian and his wife Zhou Dan live in harmony. Zhou Dan suspects her husband derailed more and more helplessness and nerves, time and again to retain her husband Ze Tian and request Zhang JingRu. At this point Zhang JingRu began to appear around some of the "evil spirit" character Zhou Dan fear of fear, they made some heinous acts Ze Ze also began to fear. After his wife Zhou Dan and son Xiao Tian crashed through the accidental death of a car accident, Ze Tian's family was killed and the quiet life seemed to be cursed and fell into the abyss. Zhang JingRu also disappeared suddenly disappeared, Ze Tian began evil, his home for many years into a ghost house haunted overnight.

TalesofMystery (Movie)[2015]

Feature: "People in the vicinity of" a university swimming team's thinking, suddenly died on the eve of the competition in the swimming pool. Teachers and students talk about each other, all think his teammates and competitors Yingying is the biggest beneficiary. The first seven that night, Sisi's close friend Xiao Yun received Sisi sent a voice reminding her to remember the agreement four years ago. As a result, Xiao Yun shrill and Yingying, Xiao Xiao came to the ghastly swimming pool. "Swinging" Tang Wei graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts (Yulai Lu ornaments), bored on the occasion of the beautiful female sculptor Yao Yi living nearby. He peeked at the camera far, obsessed with each other. Until one day, Yao Yi, who has always been frigid, invited him over. Tang Wei seems to have got his wish, but found the terrible fact. Zi Liang, handsome and handsome editor of "Rafting Bottle," spends editing clips of horror films every year. His work pressure is so great that he is exhausted and exhausted. One day, Zi Liang got six wishing paper from an old lady (Law Lan) and handed it off to friends. Seeing the wishes of friends one after another to achieve, Zi Liang also want to take this and beautiful female assistant Pei Wen dating. However, one after another friends died in accidents.

DoomedDisaste (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Hu MeiRui (Liya Tong), a cellist, has often been plagued with terrible visions for quite some time. She even heard a woman screaming, "I'll be back!" Although Su Xuan (Haixiang Wang), a boyfriend of a photographer, has been able to relieve the fear of the United States, it does not help. On the brink of collapse, Meg calls one of her friends, a hospital nurse Yang Xue (Liu Jia), and tells the terrible news of Ji XiaoWan (Rongrong Hu) coming back. Ji XiaoWan was a former girlfriend of Ran Ping (Leon Jay Williams), a doctor at Yang Xue's hospital. Ran Ping, who had been on a mountain adventure together with good friends such as Mei Rui, Su Xuan and Yang Xue, Suffered a landslide accident, Xiao Wan unfortunately died in the accident. When we think that the inner trauma begins to heal, the unknown truth is about to surface with the return of Xiaowan ... The film is based on Ye Cong Ling's novel Experimental Life.

Love is crazy (Movie)[2015]

Feature: The night, the radio "accompanied by dawn" column received a call from the audience Aya, Aya said his husband Abin because of an extramarital affair with his marriage came to an end. Through the host, Aya promised that as long as her husband changed his life, she would like to revisit the past. Aberdeen is the second-generation rich playboy, a married woman who spent the day running around everywhere. A Bin met in Shenzhen, a company single female white-collar A Wen, at first Awen did not know A Bin has a wife. Bin was shot very willing to spend money in the Wen, two people quickly established. Did not expect WIFI video will be the process of secretly into a film A, and also reached the Internet. Awen initially thought it was Bin, then reported police, after detection by the public security technology department, A film initiator is not Bin, but the WIFI video blame. The impact of the incident is too large, eventually hide from Ya Bin Ya. On the one hand, lover is a lover, are the most beloved people Bin, Bin, how to choose? Awen thought her innocence by Bin, and let his family came forward to marry him ... ...

Da MaoEr chasing love (TV)[2015]

Feature: The story takes place in Beijing. A group of young people who grew up together grew into the society full of confidence and dreams. Beijing big photo girl Da MaoEr, determined to become a top creative ad. She relinquished her lucrative sales efforts and entered the creative department as an intern. Just reported, the female boss gave Da MaoEr a blind date, the object Pei Ge is a "high handsome rich." Da Mao Er's life is like sitting on a roller coaster. Da Mao Er's girlfriends also face emotional problems: Xiao Qiao and her boyfriend Qi Jiang fell in love for 10 years, but learned that his mother does not like himself, and young entrepreneurs He Yi enthusiastic pursuit of themselves; Ying Zi and her boyfriend Kuan Ge after the break up , Inadvertently met with the boss Lao Fan, leads to a period of wonders. But Da Maoer, who is in a dilemma for her work, has been pursuing her childhood friend Lin MangMang while cultivating her feelings with Pei Ge. One side is childhood sweetheart, while a caring man, Da Mao Er heart difficult choice. In the course of life, several young people have tried their best to find their own life direction and true love.

Last Flight (Movie)[2014]

Feature: As night fell, Oceania Flight 615, which flew to Singapore from the Pacific Ocean center Good Luck Island, was preparing to take off. Due to the sharp drop in passengers in recent years, the flight is about to be canceled and this is the last flight of the plane. Few nine passengers, Fang Mu (Simon Baker), Shen Yin (Kim Eana) and Liu Xia (Leon Lee (Actor)) entered the cabin. Captain Cha ErSi (Ed Westwick ED Westwick ornaments) was rather sad and lonely to inform passengers of the last flight news. Lonely and long journey, passengers have to go to sleep, playboy Liu Xia did not forget to hook flight attendants Jie XiKa (Linlin Jiang ornaments) seeking Aventure. Night darker and thicker, the super moon rises above the sky, Jie XiKa turned out to be messy and dead in the cabin. The climate of terror of death spread rapidly, and everyone fears for their own destiny, and the mysterious murderer does not intend to stop there ...

MarcoPolo (TV)[2014]

Feature: About the legendary adventurer Marco Polo, the stills traveled thousands of miles from the Silk Road to China and were involved in a brutal war in China in the 13th century, when China was full of amazing martial arts, a sex plot, and political fraud And the grand war.

YoungStyle (Movie)[2013]

Feature: Not crazy, how is youth? Ju Ran (Dong Zijian) graduated in front of the college entrance examination graduation photo, in the face of teachers and students in the school, loudly with Tagore's verse to the crush on the three years of Huang JingJing (Yue Xi An ornaments) confession, the harvest of sweet first love . But the soon-to-be-loved sweetness was destroyed by the mother (Mei Yong) who heard the news. Huang JingJing left with the stimulation of Ju Ran's mother. Ju Ran was sad and wanted to climb the wall to restore her first love. . Lovelorn injury plus his college entrance examination defeat, watching Huang JingJing Fudan's figure, decided to repeat chase love. Started a period of crazy senior three years. In each youthful memory, a girl in deep love and silence, several emotionally loyal buddies, a group of lossless friends with stories, and memories shared by all. This is the youth camp - life is always flashing, never fade period of time.

Cloud Atlas (Movie)[2013]

Feature: Before and after 1850, Adam Eugene, a notary American suffering from parasitic diseases in the Pacific Ocean, returned home from the Chatham Islands and saw astonishment on the voyage. In 1931, Sidheim, penniless British young composer Robert Fröbische underwent a lot of love and hate under the music master. In 1975, the United States Buchanas Jebras, tablo journalist Louisa Ley, risked a tremendous risk of investigating corruption and murderous killings in nuclear power plant projects. At the beginning of the 21st century, Timothy Cavendish, a publisher who was hunted down by the underworld, was put under house arrest in a nursing home and miserable. The future of the times, Nei Suo country, Song Kee Restaurant Clinic staff Xing Mi-451 against the creation and exploitation of groups of society. After the end of the future, lost her father's shepherd teenager Zakari and high-tech civilization survivors meet by chance. The six protagonists may be the embodiment of the same soul, but were printed on a different birthmark. Waves of the story and the eternal human nature are intertwined, constitutes a magnificent cloud map.

Shanghai Calling (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Shanghai: 21st Century Global Trade Center. Every day, more and more foreigners come to Shanghai and are eager to learn about the way China does business. These foreigners have our coworkers, their bosses, their neighbors, their clients ... When the ambitious New York lawyer Shan Mu (Daniel Henney) was dispatched to Shanghai accidentally, he immediately fell into the quagmire of law and made him Almost lost the job. But with a Zhu Zhu (actress) clever actress, a smart Shanghai correspondent (Geng Le), a beautiful emigration expert (Eliza Coupe by Eliza Coupe), and a network of contacts Extensive veteran Bill Paxton Bill Paxton, Shan Mu may have the chance to keep a job, find love and learn to appreciate his beautiful hometown ...

AnDong (Movie)[2011]

Feature: In order to give birth to his girlfriend Ji XiaoWan, Ran Ping makes friends with Su Xuan, Hu MeiRui and Yang Xue to adventure, but unfortunately encounters mudslides in the cave. Ran Ping Ji XiaoWan's girlfriend lost in the cave, Ran Ping tried to save, Xiao Wan still fall into the bottomless black hole. As time passed, everyone seemed to have returned to a peaceful life. Ran Ping met the mysterious and sexy Coco and attracted. However, under the calm surface, there was actually an undercurrent surging. The partners who originally set foot on the cave seemed to have been hijacked by a weird force, all of whom fell into horrible circumstances and were subsequently killed. The hidden truth behind the scenes gradually surfaced.

Tekken (Movie)[2010]

Feature: In a remote and remote little-known village, there are warriors and assassins from all walks of life, as well as a go-go lone hero who includes Jack the Knife and Hua FuRen, and they are undoubtedly Driven by the utmost interest, he came here to snatch incredible treasures and then waged a desperate struggle to win the crown. In order to survive, they have to display the most dazzling stunts in the world, all of which are quite ambitious with the most real visualization and only in the legendary magical power of the gods, but That kind of fist to the flesh of the cruel, but also really make people feel a kind of beyond the limits of the creeps.

Čovek sa gvozdenom pesnicom (Movie)[1976]

Feature: In a remote and remote little-known village, there are warriors and assassins from all walks of life, as well as a go-go lone hero who includes Jack the Knife and Hua FuRen, and they are undoubtedly Driven by the utmost interest, he came here to snatch incredible treasures and then waged a desperate struggle to win the crown. In order to survive, they have to display the most dazzling stunts in the world, all of which are quite ambitious with the most real visualization and only in the legendary magical power of the gods, but That kind of fist to the flesh of the cruel, but also really make people feel a kind of beyond the limits of the creeps.

Love and blood and tears (Movie)[1947]

Feature: Staff Table: Director: Hong Zhonghao Screenwriter: Sun Jie Music: Liang Wuchu Character Cast Remarks Liang Bihua ---- Xiao Lian Bai Yan ---- Jing XueLian Wood Yau Cheung ---- Li BaoFu Hark-Sun Lau ---- Zhao Bin Chow Chi-Sing ---- Ya Bi Zhu Zhu (actress) ---- Chen XinTang Chen Fei ---- Ji Zhe Wang De ---- Jing Zhang Guo chess ---- Co-starring: Renfu Ye Type: Love story Production time: 1947 Produced company: Founding of the film Company Production area: Hongkong, China Release date: August 21, 1947 Dialogue language: Cantonese Color: Black and white Synopsis: Male Dan Jing XueLian Tune mellow, Won the rich businessman Li BaoFu favorite. Once, Bao Fu North on the job, to the background to the snow lotus farewell. Snow Lin Yi Xiong Chen XinTang ...

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