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Purba Rgyal TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Purba Rgyal Works 28 ,And Feature 7 ,Romance 6 ,War 5 ,Costume Drama 4 ,Action 4 ,Suspense 2 ,Historical play 2 ,Ancient legend 2 ,抗战2 ,Comedy 2 ,Year 1 ,Spy war 1 ,Myth play 1 ,都市家庭轻喜剧1 ,Modern 1 ,Revolution 1 ,剿匪1 ,近代革命1 ,Martial Arts 1 ,Thriller 1 ,Disaster 1 ,Biopic 1 ,Adventure 1 。

Works Index

Purba Rgyal Filmography(28)


zhong er 传奇 (TV)[2019]


Zhong Er 传奇》又名《 Zhong Er 传》讲述了春秋五霸之一的晋文公 Zhong Er ( Longhua Wang 饰)自幼饱读诗书,谦虚而好学,爱护身边的人,很多有才华的人士都愿意跟随着他。 Zhong Er 一心爱国,才华横溢,治理国家有很多的办法,但却被朝中奸党们排斥陷害。 Li Ji ( Madina Memet 饰)预谋要立奚齐为太子,便陷害现太子 Shen Sheng ( Purba Rgyal 饰),太子 Shen Sheng 上吊自尽后, Li Ji 又诬陷 Zhong Er 和 Yi Wu ( Zhang Yishan 饰), Zhong Er 和 Yi Wu 不得已逃跑。 Jin XianGong ( Kai Tan 饰)因两位公子不辞而别,认为他们有阴谋,就派公使 Bo Di 讨伐。 Zhong Er 被迫流亡,长达十余载。流亡期间, Zhong Er 曾多次被追杀,迫使他不断奔走于各诸侯国之间;这期间他饱尝人间冷暖,但同时也深刻体察民情,以至于 Zhong Er 掌权后注重民生,坚持秉持仁政,对其他诸侯国以诚相待,恩威并施。最终 Zhong Er 得以返国。 Zhong Er 当政后励志强国,精心图治,福祉于民;百姓安居乐业,天下安定太平;文治武功,昭明后世,显达千秋,最终称霸了中原 。

漫长的告别 (TV)[2019]


2006年,南方某县城,女大学生尹露遇害,由于线索的缺失,案件侦破迟迟没有进展。 Lian Zhou 是尹露男友,为寻找真相,不顾所有人反对,毅然搬到了尹露最后出现过的古城,以送煤气罐的工作为掩护,开始了大海捞针似的调查。在此期间, Lian Zhou 与负责案件侦破的刑警付翔结下了深厚友谊, Lian Zhou 也从一个年轻莽撞、一意孤行的青年,慢慢成长变得稳重冷静、细思熟虑的成年人。整个调查过程中,一次意外长时间的昏迷后,因牵扯到案件里的人事物的遭遇变化,也不禁令 Lian Zhou 更进一步反思自己的所作所为为自己和他人的人生带来什么样不同的意义。


Childrens happiness plan (TV)[2018]

Feature: "Children and grandchildren plan of happiness" tells Ye WenYuan who is anxiously expecting to hold a great grandson, whose grandson Ye Tao is a celibate. Girl Xie YuTing rescued, Ye Lao found she is the daughter-in-law candidates. Ye Ye can not know this "prospective Sun daughter-in-law," but it is anxious to find a fall in-door son-in-law daughter of the three generations. Ye Tao suffered from grandfather's persecution, and Yu Ting fake marriage, during which two young people who had mutual antagonism and wits were gradually getting better and better, and finally overcoming the difficulties and finally getting married. Two generations of four people broke a series of conflicts, conflicts, and eventually reconciliation and tolerance. In order to solve the relationship between Ye Lao and his grandson Sun Sun's daughter-in-law, Xie's mother and her daughter accompany each other. The two children's and her daughter's relatives finally decided to move Xie family to Ye's house to become a true family house of four generations.

Forged Knife 2 Undead Warrior (TV)[2018]


The drama "Warring Sword 2 Undead Warrior" plot introduction: tells the revolutionary brotherhood between the new Fourth Army commander Fei MaoTui and the national army tiger commander Ceng WenHu during the War of Resistance Against Japan, and the legendary story of the bloody children and defending the country.

烽火连城决 (TV)[2018]


电视剧《烽火连城决》剧情介绍:讲述了富家少爷 Lin Hai 为了校花女神 Ye GuYu ,意外卷入谍战漩涡,突陷重重杀机。他带着真实身份为我党情报员的 Ye GuYu 一路奔逃,直至老家连城,期望庇护于自家的黑帮势力。不料 Ye GuYu 的共产党身份暴露,掀起了连城的血雨腥风。 Lin Hai 为救心爱之人,不惜私自动用忠义堂势力,帮助共产党重建情报交通线,与特务头子 Luan JunYa 生死谍战,与连城新县长 Han SanMing 黑道厮拼,也因此将忠义堂带上悬崖一线,遭到觊觎堂主之位的三弟 Lin Jiang 的激烈反对。 爱情染上信仰之血,亲情裹入权谋之杀。 Lin Hai 与 Ye GuYu 逐渐成长为革命情侣,携手面对特务、官匪等诸多生死考验.林家兄弟,为权为爱为野心,展开了堂主之位的夺权之争,明枪暗箭,祸起萧墙 。

The heroes of the forge blade have no regrets (TV)[2018]


In the TV series "the hero of the forge sword is unrepentant", also known as "the forge sword 2", the plot is introduced. And the legendary story of the warm-blooded children defending their home and country & NBSP; .


Chong Ers Preach (TV)[2017]

Feature: Jin Er Gong, one of the five hegemonists of the Spring and Autumn Period, Er Zhong Er (Longhua Wang), who was full of poetry and writing since childhood, is humble, studious, loves the people around him, and many talented individuals are willing to follow him. Zhong Er patriotic and talented, there are many ways to govern the country, but it was rejected by the Chinese party. Li Ji also framed Zhong Er and Yi Wu (Zhang Yishan ornaments), Li Ji (Madina Memet ornaments) premeditated to Xi Xi as the prince, framed She Sheng Shen (Purba Rgyal ornaments), Prince Shen Sheng hanging himself, Li Ji Er and Yi Wu had to escape. Jin XianGong (Kai Tan) Because of the two son's farewell, they think they have a conspiracy to send an ambassador to fight. Zhong Er was forced to exile for up to ten years. During the exile, Zhong Er had been hunted down many times to force him to keep running between the vassal states. During this period, he had enjoyed the warmth of humankind, but at the same time, he deeply understood his own feelings so that Zhong Er paid attention to people's livelihood after he took power. He persisted in his benevolent rule, Other princes treat each other sincerely, and apply it. Zhong Er eventually returned. Zhong Er was a powerful nation after his administration. He worked diligently and well for the well-being of the people. People lived and worked in peace and contentment in peace and contentment in the world. Wen dynasty and Ming dynasty succeeded Ming dynasty and eventually dominated the Central Plains.

Wolf (TV)[2017]

Feature: At the beginning of the liberation of Gansu, the social order was first established. However, the remnants of the Kuomintang, which have slipping through the enemy's forces, have gathered fighters and bullying looters and organized bandit bullying and organized them into powerful armed groups that organized riots and undermined their national unity. It is imperative to coincide with the outbreak of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea and to thoroughly eliminate the special bandits and eliminate banditry. Zhou ZhengYang, head of the DPRK's battlefield, is on the verge of being ordered to go to Gansu to suppress bandits. On his departure, he prefers Huang YiFei, director of Gansu-born "thorn-head", as captain of the "capture wolf" bandit squad. Huang YiFei intended to North Korea, but do not want to become bandits. Mental drop, facing the trust and difficult to accept the crisis. Bandit leaders Zhang ShiGuang, Man TianXing use their two friends, softening interfere with the two, and penetrate the theft bandit plan. After the defeat, Huang YiFei, shameless and brave, collaborated with Zhou ZhengYang. Zhang ShiGuang, Man TianXing again drafted a trick to destroy the "Wolf" unit. After tempering the two crushed the plot, captured Man TianXing, exterminate Xue HongLang, eliminate the banditry in Gansu. They both journey, went to the Korean battlefield & nbsp ;.

XuanZang (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Datang Zhenguan prosperity, the young Master Xuan Zang Dharma Dharma really want to run through the embezzlement, along the way encounter difficulties, natural disasters, but also won the civil suffering. Officers and soldiers contain and block, apprentice betrayal, buried in the sea of ​​sand, water and cut off grain, Xuan Zang perseverance, one mind to the Buddha, toward the heart of the holy place - Nalanda Temple forward. He not only brought a large amount of Buddhist scriptures back to China from India, but also spread the civilization of the Tang Dynasty to all countries along the way. The eventual arrival in India, the promotion of good intentions and meditation in India, and the successful return to the hands of the No-Cover Congress have already reached over 50 years.

Forging knife (TV)[2016]

Feature: Blood went to the Nationalist stills On the eve of the Anti-Japanese War, a place in Yunnan cottage frequent civil strife. Jiang XiaoDao, a stubborn cottage hunter, was married to Jiang YiLeng, an opposed champion, and Xiao YiHeng, a rival toothache chieftain, making a scene at the wedding and triggering an imperial struggle that led Xiao YiHeng's father to be expelled from the cottage and almost killed his life. Knife desperate to join the Yunnan army, accidentally become the 60th Army Xiao XiaohengHeng's subordinates, and Xiao Syng Fung opposite, Jiang MeiLan advancing and retreating. The outbreak of war, the knife fighting in the most tragic place, the two's hatred gradually diluted with the baptism of war. The astonishing mystery of killing your father made the two become blood-linked brothers. Their love is also experienced in the bloody. In the war of resistance against Japan, the Central Party Committee of the Kuomintang conspired to occupy military exploits. The 60th Army of the Yunnan Army rebuffed in anger and joined the Communist Party with a knife to help Xiao YiHeng get out of its predicament and embarked on a bright road to new life.

DreamWedding (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Huiyi, Yuexiu, Fanny three sisters is a good sibling with hands and feet of good sisters, after graduating from college, the three sisters agreed to each other in Shenzhen to break their own piece of heaven and earth, and at the same time put on the love of yarn, the same day Get married Business Wizards into Connaught is a rich second generation, surrounded by innumerable beauty, by chance, in the blind date arranged by his father had had the fate of the instrument, the two went to the lover from the lover of joy, but the accident occurred, at the same time On the show of the month, Fanny's self-struggle forced her friendship to be tested. After a series of collisions, he and she, she and her, what will happen to them and their friendship and love will go Why

ZeroPointFiveLove (Movie)[2014]

Feature: Tall and handsome Chen ZiHao (Purba Rgyal ornaments) can be said that in today's society a successful man in the model, he has a screaming shape, it is to make worship of golden women's eyes shining large enterprise CEOs. But perfection always can not be begged things, downwind in career, ambitious Chen, emotional life has been an empty window, because of their personality reasons so that the other side of the pavement no longer. On this day, Chen Encounter, in order to evade Ye Ting (Jessie Chiang ornaments), the little girl who secretly returned home from her parents forced marriage, the lively and active character of the other party prompted him to awkwardly open the door of love that has been sealed for a long time. Tong XinYu (Jie Gong), a secretary of Chen's company, is willing to take everything for her. She and Lu YiPing (Yue Ming Li) are college lovers who have lived together for many years. Under the cruel reality of cruel society, Pure love is also inevitable cracks. A modern city in a hurry, there can be enough to entrust lifelong love?

Love is determined three students (TV)[2014]

Feature: Eleven years of the Republic of China, bandits enthralled near Jincheng and bandit leader Xiang Tian repeatedly assassinated Governor Shen Hu unsuccessfully. Shen Hu lost his daughter for many years Shen Lingxue and sworn sister Wu Cuicui together to find the father of Jincheng, overcast and under the mistakes Lingxian crash lost the memory was taken by the hospital treasurer named Gu ZhiYuan Gu Gu Xia summer, Cui Cui mistakenly believe Ling Xue died , Mistakenly hit by Ling Hu Xue Ling considered, became the governor daughter. This soul-stirring change is only a prelude to the two fate and staggered, knowing Xia and Chi Hu Hu Shi Chi Rui day was robbed by Xiang Tian, ​​stubborn, courageous Xia gradually melt the heart of the devil Xiang Tian; Dare to love and hate, temper, due to fall in love with Chi Rui, hesitate to marry later home. Who did not expect to know the summer will live from the bandits nest fled back, and late House will be embarrassed with two young grandma, Tracy see good summer, guilty of guilt, then hollowed out to her, before Chi Rui know summer, more She is caring. But know Xia heart Xiang Tian, ​​finally with the help of Tracy to flee from the late government. Knowing Xia once again came to Qingfeng Village, finally breaking through the secular obstacles and Xiang Tian come together. Shen Tian assassinated Shen Hu again, but was lost by Shen Hu. Know summer rush back Jincheng rescue, into the hands of Chi Rui. Chi Rui learned of the summer and Xiang Tian feelings, anger, shot and killed Xiang Tian. Shen Hu announced that Xiang Tian was dead and that Xia was despairing of all wishes. He wanted to die at this time, but at this time he found herself having Xiang Tian flesh and blood. Chi LaoFuRen forced Chi Rui to divorce his wife, Chi Rui did not give up, will know in summer captivity torture in retaliation. Knowing Xia with the help of Cui Cui, tenaciously guarding the flesh and blood of Xiang Tian, ​​but the two were originally pure sisterhood also quietly changed in jealousy. Xia finally know her daughter was born, Chi Rui embarrassed Chi LaoFuRen pressure, promised to release summer mother and daughter to leave, who knows at this time, but came the news of Tian Tian did not die, Chi Rui and edgy will know summer mother chase Come back, this resurgence of love and hate will be intensified.

First Parachutist (TV)[2014]

Feature: In the late Anti-Japanese War, under the call of "one hundred thousand students, one hundred thousand soldiers," Cai ZhiCheng, a young man of well-known origin, came to join the army regardless of his father's blockage. Cai's father bribed the army's senior to prevent his son from joining the army, but Cai ZhiCheng was removed and put into operation by the Kuomintang's newly formed paratrooper force. After Cai ZhiCheng's fiancee YeLingFeng sacrificed in the army, his most admired scholar Tang Bi has become a Japanese spy, framed paratrooper team, Cai ZhiCheng face the test of emotion and faith. Under the leadership of captain Xi ShaoYue, Cai ZhiCheng's first paratrooer unit blew up the bridge of the deep river, robbed the court of justice and rescued the commander of the paratrooper, Meng YuanChao, to recapture the country gate and take a trip to Hengyang Airport, Life and death contest, has gradually become a mature elite team. At the same time, many comrades, such as Xi ShaoYue and Luo DaYanGan, who fought side by side with Cai ZhiCheng, also sacrificed their lives in the cruel war of resistance against Japan. Cai ZhiCheng gradually saw the dark corruption of the Kuomintang and the selflessness of the Communist Party. Eventually inspired by Meng Xue, a member of the Chinese Communist underground, he led the first paratroopers to a real light.

Ten to send the Red Army (TV)[2014]

Feature: Ten Grades of the Red Army tells the story of ten Red Army fighters of different ages, genders, and arms, and the stories of growth, transformation, resistance and sacrifice during the Long March. These people of all ages, genders, and branches have one common aspiration to guard and pass on the red star fire: Zhong ShiFa was ordered to stay at Zhong and forced to go to the battlefield with his four sons; "Shen Gunslinger" Zhang ErGuang Help disability comrades to rekindling, but lost their finger pull the trigger; political and military cadres He Jian are not afraid of assault stalker, his girlfriend peach but dodge; cooking soldiers He LaoHan not dead, to raise children with low stamina; character theme poster female artiste Dai Lan was disguised as a man to protect large forces crossing the river, destroying flowers and singing under the muzzle of comrade Li FuSheng; Wu Bing, Duo MeiZi (Yang Long) and Sha Kui fought side by side, Autumn Health Luzhou wounded, wake up accident has become a model Deng Qiusheng; Guo mother in the squad under the persuasion of Jia XueHui son to participate in the Red Army, but faced with the suffering of a bereavement in Liupanshan; Gao FuXing completed the last comrades friend's final Sacrificed outside Yan'an. Ten stories are independent and ten characters are interrelated. With the plot development of "Ten Red Army," the audience will revisit the Changzheng Road and learn more about the achievements made during the missions of Ruijin, Xiangjiang Campaign, Zunyi Meeting, Si Du Chishui, Over the snow-capped mountains, trekking pastures, Wu and other major historical events will be ordinary soldiers behind bit by bit.

FallInLove (Movie)[2013]

Feature: Su XiaoBei (Wang Ziwen) works for an advertising agency because her new colleague Wu TianLang (Zhong Ren) is rescued by the rescue of a sudden-onset old man. Wu TianLang has always kept in mind the unexpected sudden disappearance of his fiancee three years ago, while at the same time hard to understand this love unforgettable. Day and night so that he decided to start life and Beckham exchanges, but unexpectedly encountered in the florist search for unsuccessful amnesia fiancee for three years, so Beckham's love affair without end, forced to embark on the journey of seeking love. Si Song (Wallace Chung) is a dentist who has been in love with Li Li (Li Zhang), a highly-esteemed girlfriend who has been in love for five years. Although his work as the center of his girlfriend, but Si Song is infinitely tolerant of her, do her career the most warm stick. In the crisis of his girlfriend career, Si Song proposed to his girlfriend, but eventually his girlfriend chose to go abroad for her career. Si Song ended the love of long-distance running encounters Beckham re-embarked on a journey of love, a series of chance coincidence so that the two wipe out the spark of love ...

TheDeadlyBullet (Movie)[2013]

Feature: At the end of the Qing Dynasty, the court was corrupt and the provincial governor E Tuo was in charge of the party. The biggest play building in the provincial capital, "Farewell My Concubine," is being staged. Governor E Tuo made a special trip to Chen ZiLian, who plays Yu Ji. Unexpectedly, the stage "Chu Overlord" suddenly burst into violence, assassination E Tuo. E Tuo bodyguard captain Ye DeWen fierce and tough, killing innocent, Chu King ambulance saved Chen ZiLian. Eight months later, the handsome Qing official Xu JiYuan appeared in the government of E Tuo, but E Tuo, who had become a frightened bird, did not leave it with him. Instead, he sent him to the police academy to be the principal. However cunning Ye DeWen suspicious of him is to escape the King of Chu. Inadvertent contact, Chen ZiLian recognized Xu JiYuan precisely on his own Chu King, his dark love affair. The revolutionaries went in batches into the city and made contact with Xu JiYuan, looking once again for the assassination of E Tuo. During the meeting, the secret meeting was attacked by Qing forces and realized that there was an inner ghost inside the revolutionary party. Chen ZiLian, who has been humiliated by E Tuo for a long time, finally finds an opportunity to express her feelings to Xu JiYuan and become his "messenger and insider." During the Mid-Autumn Festival, E Tuo sent a message that he would spend the festival with the lanterns on the boat and in the city. However, despite the discouragement of Xu JiYuan, the revolutionaries resolutely attacked the entire army. All this really is a traitor E Tuo. Chen ZiLian To show his heart, suddenly pulled out hairpin towards E Tuo's neck and stabbed to Xu JiYuan before singing "Farewell My Concubine." E Tuo proudly arranged, arranged July 6 at the patrol school graduation ceremony grand celebration. While E Tuo was in high spirits, Xu JiYuan suddenly came onto the stage with a stride, and E Tuo fell in shock under the gun of Xu JiYuan. In chaos, all the students rushed to the governor Yamen under the leadership of Xu JiYuan. Xu JiYuan just beyond the door in the East. At 34 years old.

Tang Suns and Tang Dynasties (TV)[2013]

Feature: Li ShiMin Si Xianru thirsty, recruit talent, defiance of Lee Mi's advisers have been cast to Li ShiMin's door. Qin Qiong, Wei ChiGong, Cheng YaoJin, Luo Cheng and other troops swept the eighteenth road against the king. After the world peace, Li ShiMin fame, Li Yuan hesitant choice in hesitation. Li JianCheng then joint Li Yuanji, crowding out Li ShiMin. Li Yuan's indecisiveness also made the DPRK-China joint government clashes with each other. Li Shi-Min, who was highly capable and generous, was hated by Li Jian Cheng and Li Yuan-Ji for a long time and finally accelerated the military actions of the elites. Li JianCheng suggested to Li Yuan to be commander in chief Li Yuanji, to take hold of Qin's army and then take the opportunity to get rid of Li ShiMin. With Xiao Hou's plan and the help of generals like Qin Qiong and Cheng YaoJin, Li ShiMin removed Li JianCheng and Li Yuanji.

MillionDollarCrocodiler (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Ah Mao is a pseudonym with a length of eight meters and a weight of two tons. The crocodile paradise owner Guang TouLiu sold the crocodile because she had no money for meat. I did not expect to buy Ah Mao Zhao DaZui open crocodile restaurant (). Before the restaurant master wanted to kill Ah Mao, she was suddenly awakened by the anesthetic. She broke free and ran out. Ah Mao fled to the tea plantation and met with Wen Yan, whom her boyfriend had just got rid of. Hungry crocodile Ah Mao swallowed Wen Yan's carry-on bag. No meat in the bag to eat meat, loaded Wen Wen made in Italy for eight years to save the shoes of 100,000 euros. This money is intended to get married, but she returned home on the evidence found her boyfriend derailed. Wen Yan absentminded Wen Yan to the police station for the report, is responsible for handling the case of the history of the most unruly police - Wang Buzhun (). Wang XiaoXing, the son of Wang, is still a crocodile close friend. The situation gradually expanded, the town into a state of emergency alert, catching crocodile became the first priority. Zhao DaZui learned that millions of cash in the giant crocodile, they privately organized a capture of crocodile squad secretly chase the mountain to catch the crocodile. Crocodile finally fled to West Lake in Hangzhou, dive into the water, do not want to ashore, to bring a huge security risk to the West Lake. Finally, Guang TouLiu used crocodiles for many years to bring crocodiles ashore. On a lawn, the crocodile calm down slowly. But at this time, Wen Yan and Wang XiaoXing came out from afar and dared not say anything. But Xiao Jie, who was determined to take revenge for her elder brother, lifted her sword and shouted and scared the crocodile. Inadvertently, Guang Tou Liuu was thrown off the crocodile's tail and hit a landscape stone in the distance, unable to move. Angry King is not allowed to fight with the crocodile, when the crocodile to the king are not allowed to swoop over the king was not allowed to hit a shot, fell to the ground dead. May Guang TouLiu because of injuries over the unfortunate sacrifice, should be positive his wife gave him advice. Ending on the shore found a nest of crocodile eggs, laid the foundation for follow-up.

AllForLove (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Metropolitan white-collar workers Ye XiaoMeng, upstart MeiLing mistress, female entrepreneur Arvin, the three originally unknown woman, because a baby came together. The relationship between Ye XiaoMeng and her boyfriend, Mei Ling and her husband, Arvin and her mother-in-law has changed as a result of the baby's appearance. Under the action of kindness and love, the ironclad misunderstanding is resolved one by one, and the mystery of this baby's life is also revealed a little bit ...

The Guillotines (Movie)[2012]

Feature: The film tells the story of Yong Zheng (Andrew Lau) reigned during the establishment of the killer - blood droplet, executive court secret, kill alien, his secret weapon to take the human head. Blood Drop sub-implementation of the task of the 349th, the action target is to boldly rob the official money bureau's "Tian Lang" and its party's story. Can be said to be a group of youth, bloody "Flying Tigers," fighting for the sake of justice and faith in the battle of passion. Captain Leng (Ethan Juan) leads Chen Tai (Purba Rgyal), Hu Tu (Tian Gao), Mu Sen (Li Yuchun), and Jing Boran ), Bu Ka (Yiwei Zhou ornaments) and others who have never missed the cooperation of understanding. At the border, Tian Lang (Xiaoming Huang) established a herdsman to conspire against the anti-Qing repeatedly, the growing popularity won the hearts of the people. Qian Long (Wen Zhang ornaments) ordered the blood drop son to kill it. All succeeded in capturing Tian Lang, but they were ambushed by the shepherds on the way to the execution ground, putting them at risk.

New Wulongshan bandit mind (TV)[2012]

Feature: "New Wulongshan Bandit Kee" tells of the serious banditry in western Hunan Province. In the early days of liberation, the story of the heroic bandits of our people's liberation army was staged here. Our hero known as the "tiger tiger" Liu YuTang Zuan ShanBao & quot; story is well-known. The drama depicts the People's Liberation Army bandits squadrille captain, who sent nicknamed "Amur Tiger" Liu YuTang led by bandits rely on local people and bandit leaders Tian DaBang, Zuan ShanBao, the KMT female spy Si YaTou launched a Desperate struggle. Tingzhe Li plays Liang Zi, an identity-transformed "bandit" who struggles with communists and bandits throughout the story. Both Zui ShanBao by Ray Lui and Liu YuTang by Purba Rgyal represent the pros and cons, and Liang Zi, who walks between the two forces, makes the distinction between positive and negative, so successful Into Ray Lui's sphere of influence to gain important news to the communist party and assist in the successful suppression of bandits. Liang Zi defends her boss He Shan has the courage to go to Liu YuTang rivalry, has the courage to "latent" obtains the information courageously breaks into the bandits' nest alone "deceives" Ray Lui, Peiqi Liu these old and deceitful bandit chiefs, though not the character Be perfect, but the true reduction of the character at the time.

Sui and Tang Heroes (TV)[2012]

Feature: "Heroes of the Sui and Tang Dynasties" tells the story of AD 581, Yang Jian (Johnny Kou ornaments) to accept the Northern Zhou Dynasty hero Sui and Tang Dynasty, the establishment of the Great Sui dynasty, and then mercenary, annexation of the song and dance of South Chen. Settled in the world, the eternal fantasy appeared, but the dynastic who knows. Heroes such as Qin Qiong (Purba Rgyal), Luo Cheng (Ray Chang), Cheng YaoJin (Dicky Cheung), Li ShiMin (Shao-Qun Yu), Yu WenChengDu (Xiaochen Zhang) and other heroes Heroes have been born, from the civil to the court, from wilderness to noble, staged countless rivers and lakes legendary good show. From leaving the hands of the accusatory Emperor Yang Guang (Winston Chao) to Li ShiMin, who created the rule of Zheng Guanzhi, how many Heroes have left their names in their own faith and manner. A good Sui and Tang Dynasties romance, loyalty, affection, love, trickery, trap and conquest, eternity, soul-stirring.

DengEnMingsChildhood (Movie)[2011]

Feature: On the very same day, in commemoration of the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party and the 110th anniversary of Deng Enming's birth, the filming ceremony entitled "Juvenile Deng Enming" participated by China Film Group was officially launched in Libo County, Guizhou Province. The film tells the story of Dunn's growth and revolutionary experience, intended to meet with the audience in July this year. Deng Enming, Shui Nationality, Libo County, Guizhou Province, the only minority representative of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China and a pioneer of the Chinese revolution. In the early hours of April 5, 1931, it was shot by Kuomintang troops and police in the Weixi Road Punishment Center in Jinan. At the time of sacrifice, it was only 30 years old. Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Jing Ya photo

EastWindRain (Movie)[2010]

Feature: In 1941, before and after the war broke out. The dark clouds of war are shrouded in the world. Spies personnel of various countries are gathered in this seemingly extravagant and bustling island with an abundance of singing and dancing. They travel in this soon-to-be devastated metropolis for their own beliefs and missions. Today, 60 or 70 years after this incident, the Pearl Harbor incident has been played down as a memoir for people to read in historical books. What is more unknown to all is that long before the incident took place, the CCP has mastered This once had "Dongfeng, rain" for the voice of intelligence, our hero An Ming is the person sending this information. The transmission of information must be a difficult process, and the more difficult one is the ensuing accident after another. Suspected to be a intelligence officer must withstand and must have the survival instinct, in the face of the confidante of the confidante, in the face of "faith" of the Japanese comrades, the face of thousands of miles away in the face of sin in Tokyo come ... ... face each An in-command of his own life entrusted with life, An Ming began a painful thinking and an uncanny stubborn action. He met a master with him playing the other side of the bank, like two martial arts knights without taciturn, just the heart formula will be enough to "be extremely Ling, glanced at the hills" ... He met a confusing identity The beautiful lover, she has a look as beautiful as her name is Huan Yan. They are the pianist and red song girl in Xianle Men Song and Dance Hall. They are the perfect couple in the eyes of mortal people, who are wearing masks to free themselves in this era of immortal dreams. Their eyes reflect each other's face, their hearts are asking, is a lover or an enemy? In each moment reminding ourselves of the moment, life is like rubble scattered, broken, eliminate meteorite. Fate is a net that can not break free, even if everything is over, it still can not escape the ultimate fate. Shanghai, the Jewish last "", how many worries can move! It was raining in 1941, changing people and the world. The Pacific War lasted for three years and nine months. As many as 37 participating countries involved more than 1.5 billion people. The warring parties used more than 60 million troops and the casualties and losses were hard to estimate.

XinKangDingQingGe (Movie)[2010]

Feature: In 1950, the People's Liberation Army stationed in the Kham region of Tibet to build Sichuan-Tibet Highway for Tibetan compatriots. As the PLA troops entered the Tibetan area, there was another slightly special person, Li Sujie. As a technician and a fledgling college student, Li Sujie, who first came to Tibet, encountered unprecedented challenges. From the body's strong discomfort, the shock of the immediate scene and unforeseen difficulties in the work. Soon after, Li Sujie met Da Wa, a Tibetan girl who had been a serf since childhood. Li Sujie, a young and energetic man, helped Da Wa break open the iron chains that had been tied to him for years and restored her freedom. At the same time, she was unlocked by Da Wa heart, she had the feeling of being a man for the first time, the beautiful and generous Da Wa sang Li Sujie enthusiasm for the Tibetan songs, which is the first song she sang to Lee Su-jie, the voice of nature attracted to the deep Li Sujie. In a construction accident, Li Sujie accidental injury, Da Wa in order to give him a cure, risking their lives up the mountain herbs, but also suffered serious injuries. Since then, two young hearts in the vast Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the snow-capped snow-capped mountains at the foot of a collision of the sparks. Li Su-jie implicitly said he wanted to take Da Wa to learn vocal music in Suzhou, while Da Wa was full of joy in keeping his lover's promise silently. However, shortly afterward, irresistible forces from the real world separated the two beloved ones mercilessly, and Li Sujie returned to the city while Da Wa continued to remain lonely on the plateau, yet further distances blocked the continuous Love, then the high peaks can not stop the hot love. Since the day of separation, Li Sujie insisted on writing to Da Wa, writing for 60 years. Even though all the letters were returned because of "no such person being found," he persistently wrote his endless love. Da Wa has always waited for the promise of lover's commitment on the same day for the first time in 60 years. Although she only received a letter from Li Sujie during this period, she would prefer to remain alone and wait for her to give up My love. In this way, this invisible love can not even be cut in 60 different years. Sixty years later, when all the truth was revealed, Lee Soo-joo finally had the opportunity to return to the Tibetan areas. With all the things that Da Wa had given him in the past, he was excitedly looking forward to reunion with his lover. However, at that moment, Da Wa had just passed away because of the old injury left by Li Sujie in the same year, when Li Sujie arrived in Tibet 10 days ago. A pair of lovers in pain each other 60 years, men do not marry women do not marry, but in exchange for a step away from heaven and earth forever. Aged Li Sujie in that year and the first encounter of the lover recalled the feelings of the old days alone, seems to echo the ears of Ethereal Ethereal ethereal song.

Tian Shi Zhong Kui (TV)[2010]

Feature: Zhong Kui tells the story of Zhong Kui, the god of exorcism in ancient Chinese folklore. Allegedly everyone knows the story of Zhong Kui playing the master demon Zhong Kui. Very deep and wide. According to ancient classics records, Tang Xuanzong ascended the throne that year, Zhong Kui went to Chang'an examination, was the examiner official reputation as "Wizards", take the first of the tribute. However, when the temple test, the villain Lu Qi actually appearances, Diego into words, so that the champion election. Zhong Kui huff, head hit the temple column and died, shocked both the ruling and the opposition. Xuanzong Xia Zhao Zhong Kui as "Exorcism God", traveled the world "demon exorcism." Yu Di Feelings of Zhong Kui In order to strive for fairness, he did not hesitate to die in martyrdom. So Zhong Kui led his knot brother Liu HanYan, Wang FuQu began their soul-stirring, epic quest for justice.

Wulong Shan bandits keep mind (TV)[1987]

Feature: In the early liberation era, the story of our People's Liberation Army heroic bandits was staged here. The story of "Zuan ShanBao", the hero of the so-called "northeast tiger", is even more widely known. The drama depicts the People's Liberation Army bandits squadrille captain, who sent nicknamed "Amur Tiger" Liu YuTang led by bandits rely on local people and bandit leaders Tian DaBang, Zuan ShanBao, the KMT female spy Si YaTou launched a Desperate struggle. Tingzhe Li plays Liang Zi, an identity-transformed "bandit" who struggles with communists and bandits throughout the story. Both Lu Zongwei's version of "Zuan ShanBao" and Purba Rgyal's Liu YuTang represent the pros and cons, and Liang Zi, who walks between the two forces, makes people discernable as positive or negative figures, so successful Into Lu Liangwei within the sphere of influence in order to get important news to the Communist Party, to help successfully suppress bandits. Liang Zi defends her boss He Shan has the courage to go to Liu YuTang rivalry, has the courage to "latent" obtains the information courageously breaks into the bandits' nest alone "deceives" Lu Liangwei, Peiqi Liu these rascally bandit leaders, although not the character Perfect, but the real reduction of the character at the time.

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