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Philip Keung TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Philip Keung Works 44 ,And Crime 18 ,Action 17 ,Feature 14 ,Comedy 12 ,Suspense 8 ,Romance 8 ,Thriller 7 ,Costume Drama 3 ,War 1 ,Historical play 1 ,电视连续剧1 ,武侠剧1 ,警匪1 ,时装医务1 ,Sci-Fi 1 ,Martial Arts 1 ,Erotic 1 ,Sports 1 ,Musical Drama 1 ,Fantasy 1 ,Terror 1 。

Works Index

Philip Keung Filmography(45)


拆弹专家2 (Movie)[2020]




A witness out of the blue (Movie)[2019]

Feature: 心狠手辣的犯罪团伙头目 Wang XinYuan 与同伙在一场珠宝店抢劫案中造成多人伤亡。两个月后,他的同党被人割喉谋杀,惨死屋内。以分赃不均陷入内斗为由,警察将 Wang XinYuan 列为头号嫌疑人。随着小警官 Lin FaLiang 深入调查,发现案件真相并不简单。

解放·终局营救 (Movie)[2019]


1949年1月,中国人民解放军将国民党 50 万军队围困于平津地区,总攻在即。是否能和平解放北平,取决于天津一战。此时的天津城内,暗堡、工事林立,士兵荷枪实弹进入状态,大战前的天津城已是一座炼狱。为了总攻的发动扫平道路,解放军炮兵侦察连连长 Cai XingFu 、侦察兵 Ma BaoShu 、报务员 Liao Feng 、炮兵见习参谋 Ge GuiChen 四人临危受命,组成解放炮兵侦察别动队,乔装潜入天津城。此时,负责转移北平守军眷属的国军军需官 Yao Zhe 在宪兵营长 Qian ZhuoQun 的暗算下成为通缉犯,带女儿出逃时恰好与进城的 Cai XingFu 一行人相遇, Cai XingFu 挟持 Yao Zhe 欲完成任务。随着目标任务的逐步明晰, Yao Zhe 被暗算背后的秘密、 Qian ZhuoQun 企图破坏北平和谈的阴谋、 Cai XingFu 失踪儿子的下落都渐渐浮现出来。

Sheep Without a Shepherd (Movie)[2019]


Li WeiJie 与妻子 A Yu 来泰打拼17年,膝下育有两个女儿,年届四十的他靠开设网络公司为生,为人也颇得小镇居民的好感,而这一切美好却被突如其来的不速之客打破。这个充斥走私,贩毒活动的边陲小镇,各种权力交织碾压公平正义。 Li WeiJie 的大女儿被督察长的儿子强暴,因反抗误杀对方。 Li WeiJie 曾亲眼目睹督察长滥用私刑,深知法律无用,为了维护女儿,捍卫家人, Li WeiJie 埋尸掩盖一切证据,在时间与空间的交错缝隙中,与警方在身心层面,展开了殊死一搏的较量。

《误杀》是由陈思诚监制,、柯汶利执导,由 Yang Xiao 、 Zhuo Tan 、 Joan Chen 、 Philip Keung 领衔主演, Paul Chun 特邀演出的剧情犯罪片。该电影改编翻拍自印度电影《误杀瞒天记》,讲述了父亲为了维护女儿,用电影里学来的反侦察手法和警察斗智斗勇的故事。


Baixing xi 2018 (Movie)[2018]


The movieBaixingxi 2018"Psychological therapist" Dr. Bao and his two daughters, Jia Xin, Jia Qi, and his boyfriend Liang HuaSheng, share happy moments of mutual misfortunes and misfortunes. The year of the dog is approaching.

叶问外传: zhang tianzhi (Movie)[2018]


比武惜败叶问后,决定放弃咏春的 Zhang TianZhi ,退出了武侠江湖的血雨腥风、刀光剑影,只想低调地和儿子一起过平凡生活。在咏春传承人之外,他还有一个身份,就是父亲,一个男人,在兼顾事业的同时、还要照顾家庭,除了亲情、爱情、友情外, Zhang TianZhi 还面临匡扶正义的选择,诸多元素的结合,使得故事内容更加好看。曾咏春受挫的 Zhang TianZhi ,本不愿再提功夫,但“乱世不容英雄做凡人”,几经挣扎,他终究还是放下了心结,勇拾咏春、来护一方平安。


Sky On Fire (Movie)[2017]

Feature: Gao Yu, a female researcher who rescues Zong TianBao from serving as a guard in the Science Park. However, Pan Institute professor died in the fire, Professor Pan's handwriting notes disappeared in the fire. The dust caused a storm of dust and the whole of Hong Kong was covered with smog. The "Sky One" invested by the zaibatsuyao Wang Yaocai turned the rich away from pollution. Tang Yong-zhang, the late assistant Professor Pan, became his partner. Tang's wife, Gao Yu, continued to study "Super-Stem Cells" on Sky One "Regenerative" work, completed Professor Pan's last wish. Jia Jia from Taiwan came to Hong Kong with her sister, Xiaohen, a late-stage cancer patient. So if her two siblings get involved in a robbery of "super-capable stem cells," they stole the brain of the new research serum Pan ZiWen, the only son of late Professor Pan, scrambled for blood and gradually discovered the real murderer that killed his father, Professor Pan.

Shock Wave (Movie)[2017]

Feature: Zhang ZaiShan is a Senior Inspector of the Explosives Division of the Hong Kong Police Force. Seven years ago, he lurked into the criminal gang of the most wanted criminal Hong JiPeng. During a robbery of the vault, Zhang ZaiShan revealed his identity as undercover agent and co-operated with the police to stop the detonation of the bomb. Hong JiPeng And his younger brother's criminal organization, all of a sudden, Hong Ji Peng escaped and threatened to take revenge. After reinstatement, Zhang ZaiShan was soon promoted to a bomb disposal specialist in the police force. Seven years later, Hong Kong was hit by bomb attacks one after another. Police also received a large amount of newspaper reports that smugglers had smuggled into Hong Kong. All the signs showed that there would be a major incident in Hong Kong. Just as people in Hong Kong panicked, the Hung Hom Harbor Crossing, the busiest stop in the city, was stopped and surrounded by bandits. Hundreds of hostages were threatened. Hong JiPeng, who finally appeared, threatened the police to blow up the tunnel. Zhang ZaiShan Only by bringing Hong JiPeng to justice can we dismantle the shady conspiracy behind this anti-terrorist storm.

CallofHeros (Movie)[2016]

Feature: In times of troubled times like the civil war and warlords, Cao ShaoLin (Louis Koo), a warlord, was brought to justice by the killing of three lives and was attacked by Yang KeNan (Sean Lau), head of the UPP. When Cao Yi's colonel Zhang Yi (Wu Jing (actor)) was informed of the incident, he came to Pucheng to get a job and met Ma Feng (Eddie Peng ), Ma Feng is a martial arts rogue who does not want to see his way through his knife. However, he faces a choice between just and fraternity.

Trivisa (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Groundless, not without cause. In early 1997, Zhuo ZiQiang, Ye GuoHuan and Ji ZhengXiong did not know each other, but happened to be in the same restaurant. Since then, there have been wind and waves everywhere: Hong Kong crime history, the most notorious three thief king, are conspiring to cooperate, to do a shaking big case. Everyone thinks they want to take advantage of the return of the former achievements of the criminal community's last glory. As everyone knows, as the protagonist of the three suddenly ignorant. Zhuo ZiQiang just kidnapped the wealthy son, did not move the gun but successfully extorted billions of high price ransom, crime has peaked. He is no longer able to break through constantly seeking challenges, but inadvertently heard the rumors. Originally just a smile, but gradually attracted by this idea, in order to achieve nothing out of nothing shaking cooperation and can not extricate themselves. The idea slowly became obsessed, so he took great risks, but also to find the hidden Ye GuoHuan, Ji ZhengXiong. In a scene of police bandits and gun battles, Ye Guohuan suppressed the police with a strong firepower, desperate End of the World and shocked the whole city. In the face of the blockade of the earth network, he can only make another plan to make a fortune to smuggle parallel imports of electrical appliances. In the past, the prestige was now groveling and closing high. Business is a mess, he is constantly repressing himself. Wind came, it soon set off his heart outrage, decided to give up everything, regain the gun, to join with Zhuo ZiQiang. Low-key and cautious act as a barrier to Ji ZhengXiong. Although the scale of the crime is far behind that of the remaining two, the police robbed him repeatedly for nothing. Small-scale robbery to him is already done by chance, with little risk, but not much profit. Rumors spread that although he knew that the trio's cooperation must be lucrative, he initially restrained himself and chose to ignore it. But greed has been elicited, he has always been very cautious began to waver. Naught nonsense rumors, has come true. On the surface, it seems as if the rumors kept them together; however, it is more like the inevitable outcome of their trio deriving from their own character and desire. Large tree attracts the wind, this has been the attention of the whole city triad approaching, the so-called century co-operation, more likely to lead the fire.

Virtus (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Deterioration of the Earth's environment, melting glaciers. Food shortages, the global economic collapse. Satellite lack of funds to repair, communications technology back to the 70's. Mystical robbers disembarked from the bottom and attacked cities in the world. In order to protect human beings, all the major countries in the world have formed the "International Peace Coalition," in which they oppose the robots. .

Chasing The Dragon (Movie)[2016]

Feature: In the 1960s and 1970s, Hong Kong was colonized by British power, corrupted by power and social chaos. In 1963, the destitute youth A-Ho smuggled to Hong Kong, holding life and death, wealth in the heart of heaven determined to make a living. Ahao with a few brothers, starting from the bottom of Jiulongchengzhai edge knife licking blood, climbed the bit of drug tyrants in Hong Kong, one hand in charge of Hong Kong's top ten gangs, rivers and lakes called lame ho. And Lei Luo climbed from a general detective at a glance to the chief Chinese chief, taking over 30,000 police officers in Hong Kong and holding the unspoken rules of law and order in Hong Kong. To monopolize the three major economic industries of pornography and pornography in Hong Kong, lame hoover and Lei Luo sworn brothers, the two were black-and-white, monstrous, with hundreds of millions of family members and dominated Hong Kong Island.

Infernal Affairs (TV)[2016]

Feature: Infernal Affairs tells the story of Wei JunXuan (Him Law), an intern inspector of the Hong Kong Police Force, determined to become the fastest-rising inspector in history. An anti-drug operation, Jun Xuan hit a 50% off the suspect, gazette revenge, so that half of the drug poisoning. Jun Hsuan found fifty percent of the deaths after the accident, it has been feeling uneasy guilt, relying on the treatment of psychiatrist Hu JiaLin (People), to a little calm. Mainland police Jiang ZiDan (Yang Wang) came to visit his friends and found that 50% of overdosed drugs were falling dead. Bullet amazed at this, that this is impossible, decided to find out the truth to prove friend's innocence. It did not take long for the bullet to find out about 50% of deaths related to a drug trafficking network run by a Hong Kong gang of gangsters that is now in collusion with a foreign drug cartel and plans to open up this huge market in China! He immediately contacted the Hong Kong police and jointly deployed operations between the two places to destroy this cross-border drug trafficking syndicate & nbsp ;. In the second quarter, Wei JunXuan (Him Law) indirectly killed Hu GuanYou (Damian Lau), the father of Hu JiaLin (People also ask), who was regretful and unwilling but was again replaced by Han Lang (Gallen Lo) Threatened, had to cooperate with it. Jun Xuan wanted to overthrow Han Lang in conjunction with an undercover bullet (Yang Wang), but unexpectedly Han Lang burst out of his bullet friend Wu YongZhe (Edmond Leung ornaments). Under the impulse of bullets, Jun Heung's black-guard status was revealed to the police. Jun Xuan was taken into custody and was not prosecuted for the evidence being destroyed by Han Lang. However, he has lost his identity as a police officer forever. Hu GuanYou died, winning the league rudderless, everyone right infighting. Jia Lin inherited all the heritage of Hu GuanYou, because of fear of his brother Luo Wei (Kevin ornaments), Jia Lin himself involved in the competition of the boss. Jun Xuan seized the opportunity to win the winning couplets, in fact, this is the chief inspector of anti-narcotics Zhang Ding (Berg Ng decoration) of the plan, the original Zhang Ding re-Jun Jun and get in touch, so Jun Hin mixed victory to do Undercover, contact with colleague Su Qing (Toby Leung ornaments) to obtain information, wear meritorious service. Junxuan squeezed within the win, especially the old lover Jia Lin Jun Jun Hin has been known to participate in the killing of her father, and Jun Xuan against enemies. Jun Xuan suffered a blow, but in the winning stubborn tenacious survival, meritorious service, and tried to explain to Jia Lin, a lot of ease between the two. In the third quarter, the former gangster's daughter Hu JiaLin was admitted to hospital by Han Lang attacker. Wei JunXuan, the former police victor who has been a member of the UEFA team, has been guarding her at home, taking care of her and apologizing to her Lynn was discharged, finally accepted Junxuan, the two married. Han Lang support Jun Xuan to become the boss, but still behind Jun Xuan. Jun Xuan was just assassinated, Han Lang stay Jun Xuan Guan Sheng United, alone to Thailand to get through all drug trafficking routes in Hong Kong, but was attacked by enemy ambushes in Thailand was arrested, unexpectedly met in the cell was caught Thailand bullets, bullets to kill Han Lang, but because of the sense of justice and can not afford to hand. When the two were held in captivity and rescued, they were rescued by a mysterious man who was Chen YueQi!Before the original bullets and Yue Qi into crisis, to be executed, Luo Wei did not kill Yue Qi, but the Qi Xue hid up, and other opportunities for bullets and Yue Qi reunion, Yue Qi learned that the bullets were robbed to Thailand , Desperate to rescue. The bullet was determined to paralyze Han Lang, proposed a reconciliation with Han Lang, and the two collaborated to rehabilitate Thai underworld forces and return to Hong Kong.

Anti-corruption storm 2 (Movie)[2016]


The jockey club betting man is killed by lone Sha Shou (Vic Chou)! The witness is Lu ZhiLian (Louis Koo), the icac's chief investigator, as he is investigating the operator with another director, man ling (Ada Choi). Murder is the province of the police! The hard-case inspector, Liu BaoQiang (Julian Cheung), gives a statement to zhilian. Because of the icac's code of secrecy, Mr Zhi said nothing! Baoqiang only felt cheated, he was very dissatisfied! Between the police honesty, is full of contradiction! According to the clues, the police know that there is a big dealer named hua (Lo hoi-pang) behind the illegal gambling in Hong Kong. At the same time Aaron Lam (Bowie Lam), the club's security manager, is killed. Baoqiang finds Sha Shou, but with the help of his sister, Abby (Dada Chan), she escapes. Shou, formerly employed by Big Boss, the head of an international criminal syndicate, controls European football scores and profits from working with his Hong Kong partner, the jockey club's director (Shek Sau), to succeed him as chairman. From initial distrust, the two discipline forces finally developed a tacit understanding, vowing to uproot the group..


Office (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Morning, the rookie Li Xiang (Ziyi Wang ornaments) into the UTS Trade Group Building, the first day of work. In the company, Yue-ting Lang, a young girl who wants to get a job as an assistant, However, the real identity of He Qi, the daughter of Chairman He Zhongping (Chow Yun-fat ornaments), even aroused suspicion from colleagues, but fortunately CEO Zhang Wei (Sylvia Chang ornaments) to help weather the storm. Zhang Wei, who was busy with the company listing, learned that He ZhongPing wanted her daughter to take over the letter and decided to do her own self-interest. Therefore, Wang DaWei (Eason Chan), vice president of the company, implemented the mystery plan and wanted to know more Feel involved. As Zhang Wei stepped up the plan, Wang DaWei was forced to use the frustrated CFO Su Fei (Tang Wei) and Zhang Wei et al. Even more unexpected is that He ZhongPing is in control of everything from beginning to end, a brutal duel in the workplace, about to sth

WildCity (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Former police officer Tian Min (Louis Koo) opens a mini bar in the dazzling city of Hong Kong. That night, the mainland girl Xiao Yun (Liya Tong) is alone in the bar and pampered with nausea. After hitting, Xiao Yun, who was unconscious, was unable to drive. Instead, Tian Min took her to rest in her godmother's home. The next day, Xiao Yun, accompanied by Tian Min and his younger brother Shao Cong (Shawn Yue), picked up a car - a valuable Maserati who found her car key missing and dared not go home. Tian Min felt that Xiao Yun had concealed a lot of secrets, and that Shao Cong seemed attracted to Xiao Yun and was willing to help. But just as they took their cars, a group of desperadors rushed out and took Xiao Yun away. Brother and gangster fierce battle, Xiao Yun waiting to escape. After the incident, the Tian Min bar was harassed by gangsters and the Shao Cong taxi was also vandalized and even stormed madly by the Taiwanese gang. The two gradually realized that they had been involved in the struggle involving a huge sum of black gold and could only fight a war. The film for Hong Kong director Lam Ling-tung in the absence of film back seven years later.

LittleBigMaster (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Lv HuiHong (Miriam Yeung), once a school principal, married her husband, Xie YongDong (Louis Koo) for many years, and her feelings are still as good as ever. The happy two are about to embark on their tenth anniversary wedding anniversary. Lv HuiHong left his job early and was ready for a world trip six months later, full of expectation and hope. By chance, Lv HuiHong learned that a kindergarten named Yuan Tian was on the verge of bankruptcy, and that there were only Xiao Xue (A what ornaments), Beizi (Wang Shiyi ornaments), Jia Jia (Fu Shunying ornaments), Katie (Li Yong Shan ornaments) and Jenny (Chen Li ornaments) five innocent children, if the kindergarten collapse, then these five children will face the reality of the non-school can be bad. Impulsive, Lv HuiHong decided to become the head nursery nursery, which know you want to be qualified for this position, you need to pay so much effort and so much price.

SforSex, SforSecrets! (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Po and hung new year, should have lived the sweetest honeymoon, but why they always do not coordinate sexual life, the couple find their own solutions, it has led to more contradictions and antagonisms. Shi Yong and Guo Bang have been married for many years, both as celebrities in business entertainment and as model couples recognized in the city. But behind the little-known Guo Guo is actually a sex addicted patient, Shi Yong is worrying about Guo Bang's problems and, at the same time, actually launching a young suitor. Two couples, two very different stories, met you and I met him the problem.

12金鴨 (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Zhang JinLai Future (Sandra Ng) was hit by feelings in the past, avoiding the decadent living in Thailand. Thanks to the encouragement of his friend Lu LaoShi, he decided to return to Hong Kong and find the fitness trainer Rocky who helped to rebuild the bar shape and vow to revive the glory in the duck world! Future with sincerely treat people, so also get many elegant people such as the Mei Yi homes for the elderly, sell King King brother, Thai restaurant owner hammer, Poy and duck Peng YuYan et al., Finally got a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, with a All ducklings dance with her on the TV show, at any time fame! People are grateful to Future's leadership, Future but because of the realization that the duck is actually to bring the joy of the true meaning of the guests, and choose to give up acting opportunities ...

Robbery (Movie)[2015]

Feature: This night is very bizarre, consider himself a deserted A Ping came to the mystery of the convenience store first night work, met first-class boss and nervous female colleague, turned black police to borrow the toilet; Li, there are regal and sexy female partner chaos. Each has its own story, each with a ghost tire, a Dragonfly lively staged in the convenience store. When the bomberman came, the last thing to go was the same but unexpected. Laugh at them too insane, but the city is ill, we can not see through, the director fire control rhythm and fine police dialogue is very accurate, a few old bones pay enough homework, the achievements of a Hong Kong film rare black absurd beast fighting good show .

Three-dimensional medical (TV)[2015]

Feature: Triangular Medical tells the story of orthopedic surgeon Zhuo TianNan (Frankie Lam), one of Hong Kong's top cosmetic surgeons who is getting money for the money. A liver transplant surgery, so he fell into the struggle for life and death, the operation is completed, Tian Nan fickleness, leaving the private hospital to join Asia's richest man Tian HaoXiang (Chen Jiale ornaments) "Shengtian Medical Group" as the medical chair, Tian Nan met at the hospital Optimistic and humorous obstetrician Chen BenRun (Wai Ai), the two were jointly referred to by the patients as a "lifesaver." The other hand, the head of the medical headquarters Cui ZhenBang (David Chiang ornaments) in a surgery killed Hao Xiang's parents, so Hao Xiang everywhere targeted and suppressed, in order to kick it out of the group; Zhenbang that after the incident automatic Leaving, setting up a medical clinic, then Ben Run more suspicion of murder, so start a group struggle ......

JustAnotherMargin (Movie)[2014]

Feature: Zhao Ling's daughter, Jin Ling, is a fairy, whose melody allows everyone to tell the truth and thus is considered a demon girl in her eyes. Zhao FuRen jealous of the beauty of Jin Ling, so marry her marvelous biscuits Mao DaLong, Shi WenSheng accidentally met, scared of the world, decided to Jin Ling as one. Dragon reckless, failed to marry Jin Ling. His brother Mao Song from the guidance of his brother how to pursue sister-in-law, jokes. Uncle Ching-shuo get along, they found each other is waiting for their own people, but Mao Song is inferior, not with his own wise husband-in-law, not to mention Jin Ling is sister-in-law, so has escaped Jin Ling, both painful. Under the bitterness of Shi WenSheng, Jin Ling was taken away, and the dragon dragged into prison, unable to rescued it, struggling with his heart and went to death. Who can not die, hit God, to help him save the dragon and Jin Ling. Shi WenSheng and cousin Zhao FuRen, who are evil and courageous, invited Han Shan killers to help kill and kill Mao Song, Mao DaLong and Jin Ling. Mao Song and Jin Ling can re-seduce.

ThatDemonWithin (Movie)[2014]

Feature: From 17-year-old Wang WeiYe (Daniel Wu), who was extremely uneasy because of his childhood and family, at the same time upholding the absolute sense of justice that he had overkill in his contacts with others, smooth. One night at the emergency room, Albert was blood transfusion for a severely wounded patient in urgent need of rare blood. Who knows each other is Han Jiang (Nick Cheung), the evil spirits leader of the bank robbery gang? Albert was therefore condemned by colleagues, and soon after Han Jiang also sneaked away, immediately led the accomplices who committed heinous crimes, Albert Albert died in a firefight. People are doing, the sky is watching, sturdy Han Jiang never thought he would be desperate desire engulfed. On the other hand, Albert's mental state is even more worrisome, he refused to receive psychological counseling, like a ghost devoutly follow Han Jiang's associates. He witnessed the betrayal and killing, but also took the collapse of a strong belief ...

Z風暴 (Movie)[2014]

Feature: On the 1st, an eye-wounded woman suddenly appeared at the ICAC headquarters, threatening to sue Commercial Crime Bureau Superintendent of Administration Huang WenBin () corruption, the chief investigating officer of the ICAC Executive Office Lu ZhiLian () and players took over the investigation, during the tracing process , Lu ZhiLian found out that it was not easy because Huang WenBin, a police superintendent, not only did not stop the crime from happening, but took part in the crimes. Just as the investigation gradually started, key witnesses were killed one by one, including Rod Wing, and all the clues and evidence were also lost. However, Lu ZhiLian, who did not give up, did not give up. With the appearance of the mysterious girl Angel () Found out that lawyer Hu ZhiYong and Xu HuaiJing, chairman of the "Care Fund", have ulterior motives. Lu ZhiLian faces a huge corruption group this time: including retired senior officials, senior police force, business tycoons, senior lawyers, accountants and more, which involved the 15 billion "care fund" used by the Hong Kong government for poverty alleviation ......

À coup sûr (Movie)[2014]

Feature: At the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, the domestic warlords were defending their own country and defending themselves. Among the many forces, the worst was Guangdong's rebel leader Rehman, who had taken the foreign forces and sold out Chinese intelligence. Domestic righteous people want to kill and then fast. Shanghai Jing Wu will send Ting to assassinate Rehhong in Guangdong. Temple assassination Leihong defeat, Meng face and Ting met childhood sweet show Xihui. Ting and his father were both injured and defeated. In order to justice father's medicine, but also forced by Ting Ting, to participate in thunder Marshal underground boxing match. At the same time, Guo Tian faction masters trafficked to compete for the event, aimed to assassinate Rehhong, but unfortunately fled. Japanese Imperial Army arrived on behalf of Ichiro Yamamoto, Rehhong whole house to meet up and down. But originally the purpose of Yamamoto to China is to take over all of Rehon, and even his wife and concubine. Rehon got furious. Rehun under the food in the dinner Xiu Hui drugged, Xiu Hui homicide homicide Yamamoto, Rehung succeeded in borrowing a knife. But did not expect Hideyoshi actually torn from Yamamoto's file left part of mine house. Xiu Hui ran to the pier and see Ting. When she handed the file to Youtin, she was shot dead from a distance by Xu Da. Rehon pick show the first official body funeral funeral, invited Guo Tian and others to attend, want to make them a clean sweep. On the night of the funeral, Rehovon was well-equipped to kill all of Guo Tian. Suddenly a Japanese general appeared to mean Rehn as Japanese soldier Huang Jun, and Thunder hurriedly killed. Everything turned out to be Guo Tianzhu Bureau, Rejhong self-recruit, so to kill all the people off the scene, the scene into a melee. And Tinton and Tang Ao battle rejoin and Xu Da, Ting and Tang proud pack two. Rehon died, Xu Da finally belly suicide.

GangsterPayday (Movie)[2014]

Feature: Anthony Wong (Hong Kong actor) has been immersed in the underworld for many years and has already climbed to the position of eldest brother. However, many years of fatiguing and fatiguing have made Yang Ming tired and he only hopes to be able to unload his gang In the complicated business, had a peaceful life. By accident, Yang Ming met A Mei (Charlene Choi ornaments) of the tea restaurant proprietress, A Mei's gentle and kind to Yang Ming deep impression, with the passage of time, Yang Ming gradually fell in love with A Mei. However, what Yang Ming does not know is that her brother A Liang (Wong You-nam) also has a special affection for A Mei, and the relationship between the two men has become unsettled by the presence of A Mei . In the meantime, Bill has been hitting Yang Ming shop idea, see Yang Ming and A Mei very close, he decided to attack the target on A Mei's body. Yang Ming and A Mei do not know, they are gradually plunged into a plot.

TheSeventhLie (Movie)[2014]

Feature: A Sang (Him Law) is hired by good friend Terrence. On the face of it, A Sang is loyal to Terence. However, in his heart, A Sang has always loved his friend's wife, Julianne Peggy Tseng, By coincidence, she got the chance to get in touch with her in a room, and who knows Juliet Anna will be betrayed the next day. Boshop (Ronald Cheng) has been suspicious of his wife and others, even posing as a room attendant, secretly following his wife's whereabouts. Gwen (Evelyn Choi) is about to enter the marriage hall with her boyfriend, but at this juncture, Gwen heard Yu YanJia (Alex Lam ornaments) said, when a fall of the bride, just to find true love. Several irrelevant people, a few nonsense, Yu YanJia eventually led to the same point, involving a long history of murder in public toilets.

The Borderline (TV)[2014]

Feature: Black and white, pay attention to discipline, is the police the most important line. However, if we break the police line and courageously probe into the high-definition stills of the "Police Line" 1 in cooperation with the ruthless criminals, the ability to detect and solve crimes may become infinity. He has been accused of being a criminal officer who has been a fugitive offender. He has been a prisoner of miscarriage of justice and has robbed criminals of the unjust genocide. He has never fired a shot to deconstruct the remaining female sisters of criminals with his life wisdom. But also love the policewoman's most wanted man; and senior adviser to the active dictionary of ordnance forensic science department, together with righteous efforts, not only spell out love, hate, sparks, but also to break all the boundaries, Judgments hanging case, constitute a different battlefield. The hottest police and bandits, through blood, tears, life and death, highlight the humanity glorious, leaving a heart-stirring touching story.

DrugWar (Movie)[2013]

Feature: Zhang Lei, a chief of Jinhai Narcotics Control Unit, successfully completed an undercover task and successfully captured a group of drug traffickers inside the body. However, he met a doctor who was injured in the accident and crashed Cai Tianming. With its keen professional sense of smell, Zhang Lei identified Cai TianMing as suspected of making a poison and found the poisonous dens spot that had been blown into a mess. In the meantime, two anti-drug police guards Guo WeiJun and Chen ShiXiong in Guangdong Province followed the trucks transporting drug materials. Zhang Lei learned that the drug was originally from the big drug dealer Li ZhenBiao and that the receiver was Cai TianMing! In the face of criminal facts, Cai TianMing confessed, for the sake of death, expressed his willingness to assist the police and arrest Li ZhenBiao, wearing criminal merits. Li Lei and Li ZhenBiao drug trafficking gangs headed by Zhang Lei led by Tianjin police officers and Guangdong purchasers posing as a risky competitor. At the same time, they should guard against Cai TianMing's escaping and righteous efforts. In the end, Zhang Lei discovered the secretive secrets of Li ZhenBiao and more closely related to Cai TianMing. Zhang Lei was surprised to find that Cai TianMing might not be his own piece, and perhaps the other side was himself on his chessboard . Did not start a shot, poisonous war has already begun.

BlindDetective (Movie)[2013]

Feature: Andy Lau, a prominent detective of "O-Chi", was blindfolded four years ago for a blind case because of a blind case. He was still eager to pick up a long and unpublished headless investigation of the case. Recipient justice to the victims at the same time won the huge red hanging remuneration. He has a unique approach to the case and is good at tracing the clues in the minds of the original to restore the scene and the mood of the parties involved. During a tracing of a suspect in the "Drainage through Water and Water Injury Incident", Zhuang accidentally got to know He Jiatong (Sammi Cheng), a member of Si TuFaBao (Guo Tao (actor)) who was a good man in O. Although the lack of experience in handling cases, but skill, the critical moment has saved Zhuang is at stake. She admired the famed "God of the Detectives," and asked Zhuang Sir to take over the task of investigating the whereabouts of Xiao Min, a friend who had disappeared many years ago. Look at the million dollars in the reward, Zhuang nodded. In a matter of ten days, Zhuang Sir and He Jiaotong swirled between several cases at the same time. The truth of each case turned upside down, and their mutual feelings gradually narrowed down during the test of life and death ...

激战 (Movie)[2013]


过气香港拳王 Cheng Hui ,在拳坛没落后,沉迷赌博,负债累累。为躲避追债人,逃亡澳门。在中, Cheng Hui 遇到了一对母女,母亲患有,小女孩不但要上学还要照顾妈妈, Cheng Hui 和小女孩很投缘。  与此同时, Lin SiQi 遭遇家庭变故,他的父亲生意失败,变得一无所有,整日在酒吧糜烂。为了鼓励落魄的父亲重新开始生活, Lin SiQi 报名参加了。为此,他在一家拳击俱乐部报名。在这里,他认识了正在俱乐部打工的 Cheng Hui ,并拜他为师,学习拳击。  经过几个月学习, Lin SiQi 在MMA中连胜几场,但他立即遭遇了另一位高手的挑战, Lin SiQi 负伤退赛。同时,追债人找到 Cheng Hui ,打斗中,不小心伤害了母女二人。为此, Cheng Hui 深感,开始重新训练技能,希望在MMA中赢得比赛,得到奖金偿还赌债。  在MMA中, Cheng Hui 以四十多岁的高龄挑战拳击,不被人看好。而他遭遇的对手,正是打败徒弟 Lin SiQi 的新拳王 Li ZiTian ……

SDU:SexDutiesUnit (Movie)[2013]

Feature: A Qiang, a captain of the Flying Tigers Team B, encountered an unprecedented crisis after a selection task. The boss (disappointed) dismissed his entire squad and disclosed that his subordinate A Fu Decorated) privately expressed to myself that you want to go to the stronger A team. A Qiang in order to regain morale decided to carry out a special task, that is to lead the collective team B team smuggled to prostitution in Macao. However, this is contrary to expectation because the collective illegal immigrant prostitutes were thoroughly exploited under the captain A Qiang's plan. They were thrilled to find out: Xia Mi, a member of the team responsible for the blasting of firepower, The prostitutes serving her misused excessive supernatural powers, causing all team members to be arrested as illegal immigrants in police interrogation and detained in the interrogation room when they were on-site inspection. Then, during the subsequent collective escape, Xia Mi was found by other team members in the men's room for his homosexuality. As the members of the team placed all police certificates and wallets in A Fu's private car before the smuggling, they could not confirm to Ao MenSiJing that they were Flying Tigers The identity of the team member. The second unlucky person is Jia Hao, who is in charge of assaulting A Qiang during the operation. As prostitutes in charge of providing prostitution to prostitutes who stole prostitution were stolen of money held by all their members, they were forced to steal their money from the old father's house which had already moved to Macao. As Jia Hao owed money before joining the team The huge loan of loan-sharking can not be repayable and contradicts with his father. Fortunately, his father, who was able to help with financial difficulties, was able to get rid of difficulties but also caused the father and son to drift away. So this steal money action led to Jia HaoFu pro heart disease attack again. Fortunately, the four were able to get out again with the help of Xi Xi, a mainland Chinese trainee who was a trainer at a nightclub in Macau, surrounded by police officers. New conflicts could take place again on the flight.

Firestorm (Movie)[2013]

Feature: In the streets of downtown Hong Kong, a escort car was hijacked by Cao Nan (Hu Jun), a renegade criminal. Lv MingZhe (Andy Lau), Senior Inspector of Crime Unit, led his unit to the scene and fiercely fought with Cao Nan. Who knows the crisis, a sudden appearance of the car to disturb the war. Cao Nan took the opportunity to flee and Tao ChengBang (Gordon Lam), the owner of the car, was invited by the police into the police station. Tao and Mingzhe is an old classmate, later as a young and amateur mixed rivers and lakes. He had just been released from prison just before the accident Ming and Cheng's girlfriend Yan Bing did not believe in any case that he had nothing to do with Cao Nan, while the arrogant Cao Nan played the police five times in a row. In order to seize this cunning fierce opponent, decided to infiltrate each other's interior, decided to suffer frustrated frustration. Standing at the crossroads of life, Tao ChengBang choice has become the key to the battle. As the storm intensified, the boundaries between the true and the evil completely blurred ...

TheViralFactor (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Wan Fei, an ISS police officer who grew up with her mother, went on to work in the Middle East on a military heavyweight. An accident occurred in the hail of bullets and rain on the ground. Her colleague and fiancé Ice () was killed on the spot. Wan Fei was seriously injured, leaving the aftermath of her death at any time. Wan Fei did not feel much time and left home to accompany her mother. At this time, the mother told Wan Fei that she had hidden many years of secrets. In order to fulfill her mother's wishes, he decided to go to Southeast Asia and met medical team volunteer Rachel (). Unexpectedly, Rachel was involved in the horrific conspiracy of an international criminal syndicate. Wan Fei came forward to help her. Many repeated artillery chase threatened their lives. She even found that one of her enemies was Wan Fei's native brother Wan Yang ( )! Unexpectedly, the organization betrayed Wan Yang for profit while abducting his daughter! In order to save his daughter and Rachel, the two brothers decided to deal with the enemy. Is Wan Yang's daughter and Rachel escaped? Wan Fei and Wan Yang misunderstanding between two brothers and fetters and how to resolve?

NaturalBornLovers (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Zhang TaiLin (Julian Cheung), an accomplished family member, met the pretty nurse Kuang MeiBao (Annie Liu) by chance. The two fell in love, but afterward, Tyrion gradually discovered the other side of MEBO: suspiciousness, jealousy, Strong control and a slight tendency to violence. Tyrian unbearable proposed to break up, but still by the MEBO tracking. When Mei Bao met her in the hospital with her ex-girlfriend, Hui Xin (Christine Kuo), she learned about the unknown Tailin's secrets. At this time, the relationship between Tai Lin and her mother, Qing Qing, a girl with a blind date, became even more intimate. A coincidence, Merrill Lynch and Tailin confront his secret, the original crazy love has just begun ...

LifeWithoutPrinciple (Movie)[2011]

Feature: Hong Kong's downturn in the world economy, ordinary people's days are not good, even black and white people are also in a dilemma. San JiaoBao (Sean Lau), who has been working hard for many years, is honest and loyal, but his loyalty is both precious and ridiculous in the age of supremacy. Tu YanLong (Philip Keung), a good brother of that year, managed to catch up with the stock market crash on the day he ran the black market and Tu YanLong went bankrupt soon. Taken together, the two decided to snatch 10 million in cash from Lo Hoi-pang, the moneylender. Surprisingly, before they hit another group of robbers shot, Chung original so dead car. The bank clerk, Teresa Chan (Denise Ho), is Chung Yuan's customer service and investment adviser who has long faced a major choice in the face of the huge sums she suddenly owns in her hands. Inspector Zhang ZhengFang (Richie Jen), who was ordered to investigate the murder of Chung Yuan, was just out of control. His father was terminally ill and his wife privately misused deposits. In the face of tremendous realistic pressure, three people living in different social classes have experienced unprecedented waves ...

TheBeastStalker (Movie)[2008]

Feature: Sand Exhibition Tang Fei (Nicholas Tse ornaments) pursuit of fast and accurate handling of cases, the action is extremely fierce. While chasing suspects Zhang RiDong, they eventually led to a series of car accidents. Zhang RiDong and his gang were killed and were killed on the scene. However, in the car's rear compartment, Tang Fei found himself shot dead by his own missile Girl, can not help but stunned. Two months later, Zhang RiDong recovered and the court formally filed a suit against him. Prosecutor Gao Min (Zhang Jingchu), the mother of a young girl who was mistreated on the same day, now divorces her daughter Dingling from divorcing her husband. Tang Fei, who lives in a sense of guilt, has also been watching Ding Ling for two months and sees Ding Ling as if seeing the tragedy of the day. Hong Jing (Nick Cheung), a physically handicapped, earns money by kidnapped and exterminated, this time he is assigned the task of kidnapping Ding Ling to host Gao Min and Gao Min to steal evidence of unfavorable effects on Zhang RiDong for. Ding Ling's abduction broke Gao Min's heart and Tang Fei did his utmost to search Dingling's whereabouts without any cost. The people who were strung together by things were the victims of the serial car accident that day. Everyone's life is changed on that day, behind everyone has its own non-humanity so ...

Jeuksing2gijimortinhau (Movie)[2005]

Feature: Xi Fen on the surface is an ordinary young woman, in fact, is a master of mahjong, master master sparrow master three holes, training Shi San Shi Shi SanFei is her sister. She likes to play sparrows with the streets when she is busy, because the brand is good, welcomed by the neighbors. However, Xi Fen's favorite is not to play mahjong, but her husband ─ ─ Zi Xiong. She lives on Zi Xiong only from. Xi Fen often play in the neighborhood Lin Ta home sparrow, but also one person can play three sparrows at the same time, still Lianzhuang frequently. However, Zi Xiong does not like Xi Fen playing mahjong, so Xi Fen always has to go back home before Zi Xiong comes back. Zi Xiong is a shameless bully, climbing knot Gui Ge know the gambling predators. This evening, he was going to Gui Ge family to participate in a gamble, and then with Xi Fen to attend; Xi Fen with outstanding sparrow skills, to help Gui Ge defeat the South Korean finch Da ZhangZhuang and South Korean predators Min adults; Gui Ge overjoyed , Allow Zi Xiong reverted to its own. Gui Ge's savage sister, Bo Bo, took a fancy to Zi Xiong and took the initiative to pursue it. Xi Fen was very worried and complained to her brother, Lang NaDianNu, but Britain turned to Zi MoXi. Shi SanFei, her sister, and Chu Lian, her younger sister, teach Xi Fen to reclaim her husband's heart by being sexy, but Zi Xiong is totally uninterested. Zi Xiong can not stand the temptation of Bo Bo, in order to make money, helpless and her good. Gui Ge and Bo Bo, both hard and soft, pressed Zi Xiong to divorce Xi Fen and marry Bo Bo. Xi Fen refused to divorce, Bo Bo proposed to fight the two sparrows, who lost Zi Xiong would leave. Xi Fen has always been a sparrow master, in the face of Bo Bo, even unable to touch the paste, eventually fiasco. After this battle, Xi Fen lost her husband, but also lost his confidence, always accompanied her luck also away from her. When Xi Fen struggled in despair and was trying to commit suicide, her master suddenly appeared in three holes. He pointed out that people have three powerful and powerful people who can stand the test of real strength. Xi Fen suddenly woke up. The World God Spirit Contest is about to take place. Master promised to retrain Xi Fen. She wants her to revive the "female" style in the God of God competition because Bo Bo has decided to represent Macau. Xi Fen must defeat Bo Bo on behalf of Hong Kong. Three holes to re-train Xi Fen's eyesight, hand power, falling sweat, fight flowers and memory sparrow techniques. On the other hand, Britain faces a frenzied pursuit of Chu Lian, Chu Lian asked him to practice playing the house of sparrows, helping Xi Fen in the God of War competition. Zi Xiong was the contention of Xi Fen for the Hong Kong delegate. Xi Fen mercilessly defeated Zi Xiong, won the representation. Zi Xiong full of shame. In order to ensure that Bo Bo wins Xi Fen in the final, Gui Ge is heavily invited to collaborate with Tian Jiu, who was released from jail. Gui Ge ordered an Electronic Sentry Sparrow, Buy Master, and changed the official table. The electronic table can send the image of each covered card to the flat glasses worn by Bo Bo, along with Tian Jiu Collusion, Bo Bo self-assured win no doubt. In the finals, with the help of the electronic table and the help of Tian Jiu who played 16 other technical skills, Bo Bo was successful and Xi Fen was on the downswing. He worked hard to break Bo Bo's electronic glasses. Bo Bo let her go for a fix during midfield and Shi SanFei got Chu Lian up. By the last four laps (second half), Bo Bo challenged Xi Fen to gamble her hands with her husband, Zi Xiong. Xi Fen actually agreed.The last card, Bo Bo speculated that Xi Fen did not have a North, and as a result Chu Lian stunned Bo Bo's hand and took a piece of card on the table to lie to Bo Bo. In the end, Xi Fen won Bo Bo by touching North and Thirteen. Xi Fen took Mahjong and knocked Bo Bo down on his knees. Gui Ge on the side stood ready to stand up and was taken away by the sidekick. Bo Bo took a knife out of his center of gravity, and the people beside him ran away, Zi MoXi and Shi SanFei came around and took the mahjong to bring Bo Bo down to the ground. Xi Fen runs a kick and kicks off Bo Bo. Subsequently, Tian Jiu walked towards the cheering Shi SanFei couple, and originally Tian Jiu promised Xi Fen to board the throne, while he bought Xi Fen to win a lot. Zi Xiong caught up with Xi Fen and knelt down and said I'm sorry, subdivision agreed, but also with the dead soul pinch him. Xi Fen then played mahjong with the neighborhood again.

ToWhereHeBelongs (TV)[2003]

Feature: Sixties, honest youth Gao HaoYun [Damian Lau ornaments] fledgling, ideal to join the police force, after training as a military uniform police. At that time, however, the police force was very embittered and exposed to different types of illegal immigrants. Under the evil forces, Hao Yun was forced to bow to the reality and embarked on a path of corruption. However, due to his straightforward character, Hao Yun did not like flattering flattery.

3 恶灵缠身 (Movie)[2002]

Feature: Director Simon (Cheung Tat Ming ornaments) want to shoot a ghost film, so entrusted assistant A Mei (Lin Ya Shi ornaments) to find a suitable shooting location. A Mei in the wilderness found a long-awaited old house is a great location for shooting horror films, the proper removal of the ashes in the ancient house altar, the crew stationed in the ancient house, began the shooting schedule. However, in the meantime, A Mei's side began to happen one after another strange things, her boyfriend is even more incredible loss of life in a car accident. Amei was shrouded in fear to find Simon's girlfriend beads (Gigi Lai), hoping to be a psychic expert, she can solve their own problems. Soon, beads will find that the evil ashes of the original ashes fell in love with Ah Mei, not only that, it is also attached to the body of Simon, who wants to commit suicide and Aimei "Shuang places."

ThoseWeretheDays (Movie)[2000]

Feature: Shan Ji grew up in poor and impoverished estates and was fooling around with Bao Pi, Chao Pi and Da Tian Er. When he was 12 years old, opposite to move a Macao immigrant, one of the little girl Zhizhi Shan Ji captivated, since then Shan Ji secretly fell in love with the Zhizhi, and often help her drive away the bully Her people, the two became friends. As time passed, the two grew up. Shan Ji formally joined the underworld and became one. Chihiro was reluctant to deal with the old and the bewileful, and gradually fell apart from Shan Ji, causing Shan Ji to feel depressed. One day, Shan Ji and his eldest brother went to the nightclub to negotiate. However, she unexpectedly found out that she was a dancing girl. Her mother, Chih-Chi, was severely ill and was in urgent need of a sum of money to cure her illness. Shan Ji decided to help Chi Zhi. Zhizhi's mother felt that Shan Ji was a good man and handed Zhitinto to Shan Ji before she died. Just when Shan Ji decided to send Chicago back to Macau, Brother B took him to negotiate. Fujian helped the boss to suspect that Brother B wanted to start his hand and was found by Shan Ji. Shan Ji started his career as strong. Shan Ji killed Fujian boss in confusion. Hiding, lost contact with Zhizhi. An accidental opportunity Shan Ji and Zhiqi reunion, two ecstatic, decided to get married. However, on the wedding day of the two, Shan Ji's brother was hunted down, Shan Ji dropped Zhizhi to rescue her brother, the result was a manslaughter, was arrested on the spot by the police, sentenced to four years in jail, from the Zhizhi audio . A few years later, Shan Ji has become a big brother, once again encountered Chi, but at this time Zhizhi is the wife of the London triad boss, but this meeting again let the two old things relapse, Shan Ji on Chi Zhi Start a new round of pursuit. Finally, while Shan Ji and Zhizhi together again successful, but good luck, both destined to be destitute, Zhi Zhi was eventually assassinated .................. ....

MutoBontie (Movie)[1996]

Feature: Sean Lau is one of the big challenges in this film with a different personality twin brothers. Story Description Japanese-style fast food Wang Lin delay, plan to marry on the anniversary of marriage personally unruly unruly wife Alice, with the mistress for accommodation. Unexpectedly, when preparations are in progress, they received a telephone call from the kidnappers, and Alice was kidnapped and demanded huge ransom. Lin late took the opportunity to postpone the delay, hoping to kill. Unexpectedly, the kidnappers were actually his twin brother, and his personality was straightforward and kind-hearted, in complete opposition to him, resulting in unexpected misunderstandings. Although the whole film to kidnapping and murder as a theme, but no bloody violence, director Chen Jiande just try to make use of comedy situation to create easy to laugh at the fun.

King of kings come back (TV)[1996]

Feature: "The King of Thousands Return to All Saints" tells the story of Shanghai in the 1920s, booming gambling industry and mixed dragons and dragons. And in the environment within the beach which made Zhengzheng Toujiao leading the gang and the boss of various industries, fame around his life is similar to the inexhaustible wealth of endless astronomical wealth, under one million people On the supremacy of authority, Empress Dowager beauty, with their birth and death together with a good partner and a sense of awe-inspiring but in fact have to guard against each other at all times plot their own brothers. But behind all glory, there are so many false, disguised, and intrigues hidden behind them that the most horrible thing is the greed that lies hidden in the heart. Is the so-called defeat, everyone in the eyes of absolutely no "poor" word.

Fist of Fury (TV)[1995]

Feature: "Fist of Fury" tells the story of the Japanese invasion of China, the people live in dire straits, the countryside youth Chen Zhen (Donnie Yen ornaments) together with his sister Xiaoyan came to the bustling Shanghai to discuss the life. After coming to Shanghai, Chen Zhen became a yellow-billed Che Fu and Xiaoyan entered a hospital as Hu Shi. Every day Chen Zhen and Xiaoyan pull in the same hospital when Hu Shi's Japanese girl Wu TianYouMei (Joey Meng ornaments) commute, they gradually fall in love. Chen Zhen loves martial arts. When he is busy, he often exercises himself according to the style of the book. By chance, he is discovered by Green Gang boss Cai LiuJin and recruited into Da Shou. Chen Zhen soon became the Green Gang first Da Shou, while his sister Xiaoyan has been very worried about his brother, she always thought that brother mixed gang will not have a good end. Then Xiaoyan unfortunately was killed by horse thieves, Chen Zhen finally grief, finally quit the Green Gang from the wash basin. At the time, Huo YuanJia, head of the anti-Japanese organization Fist of Fury, found Chen Zhen a martial arts material. She was instructed to give Chen Zhen a great improvement in her martial arts and finally avenged Xiaoyan. Chen Zhen Thanksgiving in Huo YuanJia, joined the Fist of Fury. At that moment, the United States' Japanese fiancé arrived in Shanghai. When he learned of the relationship between the United States and Chen Zhen, she was determined to challenge Chen Zhen and the winner could have a beautiful future. Chen Zhen although unwilling, but eventually accepted the challenge Fist of Fury

Flirting Scholar (Movie)[1993]

Feature: The talented Jiangnan talent Tang BoHu bright talent ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, He accompanied by eight cousins ​​of the highest spirits, although living under one roof, but not the same heart. One day, Ding told reporters that Ning Huang is trying to rebel, Tang BoHu sent his mother away. Who knows, 来人 actually brought Royal doctor Tang BoHu to treat. Cut the pulse, Tang BoHu hurriedly mobilized to change the pulse of internal medicine, the doctor looked shocked to let Tang quickly prepare for the funeral. Tang BoHu Tang BoHu exposed the secrets of martial arts will be rage, therefore, Tang BoHu very puzzled. Tomb mother told him that in case Tang family's two enemies: Duo MingShuSheng and Tang Father lover Huashan heroes found him a successor to the Overlord gun, will lead to the fatal disaster. Tang BoHu decided to leave home a few days, invited Jiangnan three other wits to travel together. Hua FuRen on the road with her niece spring, summer, autumn, winter incense and incense into the temple, Tang BoHu looks Qiu Xiang angel at first sight. With the help of the boatman, he cast a trick into Washington and approached Qiu Xiang. When Tang BoHu showed his heart to Qiu Xiang, Qiu Xiang's "Collection of Tangyin Poems" was lost on the ground. Hua FuRen shot defeat the four thieves, furious when she found "Tang Yin poetry". Tang BoHu Qiu Xiang solution to the problem, lied to bring the poetry is not forgotten with the Tang family revenge. Hua FuRen gas consumer, then agreed to Tang BoHu Washington Schoolchildren, thanks to Hua. From then on, Tang BoHu was free to move in and out of Washington and further to Qiu Xiang. Ning Huang led the masters and Duo MingShuSheng came to Washington with a large group of troops, claiming to study poetry and poetry with Hua TaiShi and bringing Tang BoHu's authenticity. Hua TaiShi and Ning Huang failed to see political disagreements in the DPRK and China today, inevitably uneasy. When the King and other opportunistic take the opportunity to provoke, Tang BoHu cast their skills on the call. Hua FuRen concludes that he is Tang BoHu, according to Huaan's talent and poetic talent. She promised Hua Qiu Xiang Qiuxiang true identity will be assigned to him, unexpectedly, Hua FuRen turned ruthless on the spot, but also put a poison in the tea. To save Tang BoHu, Qiu Xiang stole many antidotes. At this moment, Duo MingShuSheng came to the government and threatened to expel Hua FuRen. At this critical juncture, Tang BoHu removed Duo MingShuSheng with the overlord gun. The surviving Hua FuRen repay Tang BoHu, promised to Qiu Xiang allow him. After some twists and turns, Tang BoHu finally married the beloved Qiu Xiang Chapel.

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