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Le Geng TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Le Geng Works 60 ,And Feature 27 ,Romance 11 ,Comedy 11 ,Suspense 8 ,Crime 6 ,Love 6 ,War 6 ,Urban drama 5 ,Costume Drama 5 ,Historical play 5 ,Action 4 ,Motivational film 3 ,Thriller 3 ,Martial Arts 3 ,Adventure 3 ,Youth drama 2 ,Campus drama 2 ,Workplace film 2 ,Fantasy 2 ,Family drama 2 ,成长1 ,Modern opera 1 ,Art 1 ,Criminal investigation 1 ,警匪1 ,警察1 ,抗战1 ,话题1 ,现代都市1 ,Romantic drama 1 ,医疗1 ,Music 1 ,Sci-Fi 1 ,Musical Drama 1 。

Works Index

Le Geng Filmography(60)


闪光少女 (TV)[2019]


《闪光少女》剧照陈惊是音乐学院附中民乐扬琴专业一位古灵精怪的姑娘,因为喜欢钢琴她决定去给同校的师兄王文当钢琴翻谱员,却因对西洋乐知识的匮乏和民乐背景遭到王文的冷落,还引起校园两大专业间的摩擦。为了证明自己的能力,也为了证明民乐可以登上更有实力的舞台,陈惊联手502宿舍的女孩们组成民乐团,演奏出自己的心声。陈惊的表姐陈和煦是音乐学院附中的老师,在两大专业学生产生隔阂的时候,她帮助学生化解了偏见与误会,并默默地给予陈惊鼓励和帮助。在学校之外,陈和煦阴错阳差结识了演员冯安宇,陈和煦对待自我的真实态度,让冯安宇有勇气重新审视自己的生活,并在陈惊组建乐队的过程中多次伸出援手。学生们在陈和煦等诸多老师的帮助下逐渐成长,西洋乐、民乐的学生打破成见和平相处,陈惊最终证明了民乐的魅力,登上了更大的音乐舞台,收获了美好的青春 。

qin ming ·生死语者 (Movie)[2019]


影片根据法医 Qin Ming 小说《尸语者》改编。讲述被誉为“鬼手佛心”的“尸语者” Qin Ming ( Yikuan Yan 饰)解剖过 1000 多具尸体,从未出错,因意外发现泡在福尔马林里6年的“无语体师”死于他杀,引发媒体质疑误判,被舆论推至风口浪尖之上。在尸体留下的线索指引下, Qin Ming 在实习助手嘉嘉( Common daisy 饰)和刑警队长 Lin Tao ( Geng Le 饰)的协助调查下发现了尘封 16 年的雪灾杀人案、误判 6 年的“无语体师”他杀案、悬而无果的 IT 男肺炸案背后的秘密。经历了这一系列变故的 Qin Ming 最终成为了一名“为死者言,为生者权”的“生死语者”。

妈阁是座城 (Movie)[2019]


Mei XiaoOu ( Bai Baihe 饰)在妈阁这座赌城中辗转谋生。为生计,她做叠码仔,出入赌场,过着放债与讨债的生活,看遍形形色色的赌徒;为爱,她孤注一掷,赌上全副身心。 在这里她痛失过婚姻,与丈夫 Lu JinTong ( Geng Le 饰)决裂,又接连遇见了风度翩翩的 Duan KaiWen ( Wu Gang 饰)、与她的世界格格不入的艺术家 Shi QiLan ( Huang Jue 饰)。 Mei XiaoOu 在一场场爱情赌局中,推上过青春、孩子、婚姻,甚至身家性命作为筹码,最终她能否赢得一段完完全全的真感情?而赌桌对面的三个男人,又将面临怎样的输赢?

我和我的祖国 (Movie)[2019]


七位导演分别取材新中国成立70周年以来,祖国经历的无数个历史性经典瞬间。讲述普通人与国家之间息息相关密不可分的动人故事。聚焦大时代大事件下,普通人和国家之间,看似遥远实则密切的关联,唤醒全球华人共同回忆。为保障开国大典国旗顺利升起, Lin ZhiYuan 争分夺秒排除万难,用一个惊心动魄的未眠之夜确保立国大事“万无一失”;为研制中国第一颗原子弹, Gao Yuan 献身国防科技事业,奉献了自己的青春和爱情;为确保五星红旗分秒不差飘扬在香港上空,升旗手 Zhu Tao 刻苦训练不懈怠、女港警 Lian Jie 兢兢业业守平安、外交官 An WenBin 与英国人谈判16轮分秒不让;喜迎奥运之际,出租车司机将自己视若珍宝的开幕式门票送给了远赴京城的汶川地震孤儿。一个个鲜活生动的普通人的奋斗故事,勾连起一段段难以磨灭的全民记忆。


Unbreakable Spirit (Movie)[2018]

Feature: In the 1937,during the War of Resistance Against Japan. After Lugou Bridge Incident, Japanese army invaded China inland, the capital Nanjing was in danger. At this crucial moment,the government decided to move to Chongqing. During Feb.1938 to 1944, Japanese army started bombing Chongqing area for more than six years. Chongqing people were still fighting under Japanese bombardment aircraft,showed Chinese people’s bravery and strong will. To protect homeland,young Chinese pilot with America flying instructor began their legendary adventure,Even their equipment was fall behind Japanese army. Their courage was respectable,they would rather die in sky not to hide in a bunker. Finally,their resisting struggle changed the war...

Eighteen years old give me a girl (TV)[2018]

Feature: "I am a girl at the age of 18" tells the story of a group of teenage boys and girls dating from Qiu Shui. The film's producer, Hu Zhenpeng, CEO of Beijing East China Sea Unicorn Culture Communication Co., Ltd., said the play tells a story of innocence and sadness. And because the protagonists are in secondary school stage, ignorant, impulsive and direct factors rampage in their body, resulting drama contradiction, making the image of the "18-year-old to give me a girl" and the same type of drama with the same subject Compared with a more intense pure sense of juvenile. / p>

Give me an 18 years old (TV)[2018]


The TV series "Give me an 18-year-old", also known as "Give me a girl at the age of 18". Story introduction: Tells a group of teenagers headed by Qiu Shui, a series of youthful things that happen around friendship and love, and will be 18 years old. The performance of the show is vivid. Another interpretation of youth is not the growth of sitting in danger, but the rate of arrogance.

"Give me an 18-year-old" adapted from the famous writer Feng Tang's novel "Give me a girl at the age of 18", starring Beijing Donghai Kirin Culture Communication Co., Ltd., Youku, directed by Ding Wei, starring Qilin Guo and Wang Jianing. Ting Mei and Geng Le starred in particular, starring Weihao Sun, Fangchuan, Li Yan and Baizihui Yuan.

Campus "Spring": all the members are on the line

In the full lineup poster, Qilin Guo (decorating Qiu Shui), Wang Jianing (decorating Zhu Chang), Weihao Sun (decorating Liu JingWei), Fangchuan (decorating Jia Xiaocui), Li Yan (decorating Zhang GuoDong), Baizihui Yuan (decorating Ti Zi) The young starring dancers dressed in blue and white classic school uniforms, paired in pairs, stood at the gate of the campus; Ting Mei (Tian Yu) and Geng Le (Kong JianGuo) were dressed in uniforms and stood on the corner of the campus to form a beautiful landscape. . Qiu Shui stood side by side with Zhu Chang, his eyebrows smiled; Liu JingWei and Jia Xiaocui shouldered their shoulders; Ti Zi and Zhang GuoDong smiled and sent Qiu Bo, one person bowed his head and shy; Ting Mei stood with Geng Le, the former dressed in a flower skirt, The girl is full of emotions, and the latter's hands are behind her back, and she does not dare to look directly at Ting Mei's appearance.

The actor's styling on the poster continues the style of the drama's youthfulness, and the emotional relationship and the mode of getting along with it are very clear. Whether it is straightforward and cute, slightly "dominant", or clear-minded, the youngsters in the play are full of vigor and radiance, which outlines the most dazzling gesture in youth.


Brewing time: heartbreaking tears Qilin Guo confession Wang Jianing no regrets

Emotional growth is a double-edged sword. The process is not only beautiful and pleasant. Based on the emotional state presented in the poster, the emotional time of the "During the Time" version reveals the more detailed emotional entanglements of the teenagers. Accompanied by the gentle piano music, Qiu Shui (Qilin Guo) walked alone on the rails. "But I am afraid that I will not say it again, I will never have a chance." A narration reveals the innocent and sad tone of the play. . The rhythm of the music slowly became heavy, and the emotional entanglements between them began to appear: Liu JingWei was helpless to Cui Er. "Some things are not useful." Cui Er expressed his heart to Qiu Shui, "Now At this time, only I am with you"; Zhu Chang returns Qiu Shui's collection of poems, "Please don't be self-righteous in the future";Qiu Shui has a deep affection for Zhu Chang, “I am wishful thinking”... This series of dramatic conflicts has accelerated the rhythm of the entire trailer and faintly reveals the emotional direction between them.

“What would it be like if I kept going?” Qiu Shui’s question at the end of this question is both to Zhu Chang and to us: How will your youth choose to face such a situation? "18 years old" will lead the audience to relive the youthful growth, those who have regrets, joys, but the most precious time.

It is reported that the super series "Give me an 18-year-old" adapted from the famous writer Feng Tang's novel "Give me a girl at the age of 18", produced by Beijing Donghai Kirin Culture Communication Co., Ltd., Youku, directed by Ding Wei, Qilin Guo, Leading starring Wang Jianing, starring Weihao Sun, Fangchuan, Li Yan, Baizihui Yuan, and Ting Mei and Geng Le. The show will meet with the audience this year, and Youku will be broadcast on the whole network.


TheDoolittleRaid (Movie)[2017]

Feature: 2015 marks the 70th anniversary of the victory of the world anti-fascist war and the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. The film "Great Bombing" was launched by a Shanghai private cultural enterprise and the film and television people of both China and the United States will hand in hand to bring "The Anti-Japanese War Story to the Screen." From February 1938 to December 1944, the inhuman "indiscriminate bombing" of the Japanese army resulted in more than 30,000 direct casualties and more than 6,600 indirect casualties and huge financial losses in Chongqing. Civilian settlements, schools, hospitals and foreign ambassadors All were bombed and became one of the most tragic bombings in the history of war: the "Chongqing bombing."

LoveEducation (Movie)[2017]

Feature: After the death of Sylvia Chang's mother, Huiying's biggest thought was to relocate the grave of a far-off father back to town with his mother for the idea that Lao Lao (Yanshu Wu ornaments) erupted a huge conflict. The relocation of the grave became Huiying's knot, which also caused a rift between her and her husband, Tian Zhuangzhuang. Hui Wei's daughter, Wei Wei (Long Yue Ting), a columnist on television, was curious about Lao Lao's past. She put this "family conflict" on television and showed it to the public, although the starting point was goodwill The entire incident has intensified and eventually turned into a farce. At the same time, Wei Wei and her boyfriend A Da (Ning Song ornaments) feelings because of the emergence of A Da's childhood sweetheart suffered a crisis of confidence, which made her equal to her grandfather life also lonely life Lao Lao generation A sense of intimacy.

Life and death of language Qin Ming (Movie)[2017]

Feature: July 14, produced by the music video, adapted from the forensic Qin Ming series of classic novel "Corpse" movie "Life and Death Whispered Qin Ming" formally opened in the mountain city of Chongqing. It is reported that by the film as the film industry Linkage film project "life and death" is the latest release of the company's 12 major IP plans, "proud and prejudice" director Li Haishu, Huang Yanwei co-directed, Yikuan Yan, Common daisy , Geng Le and other actors to join. This is also following the screenplay "Forensic Qin Ming" hit, the country's most influential forensic theme novel "Forensic Qin Ming" series was once again adapted into film and television works, male god Yikuan Yan will be on the big screen interpretation of the new " Forensic Qin Ming ".

I Am Your Mom (Movie)[2017]

Feature: The film tells the story of a pair of identical but sister flesh and blood deep enemy mother and daughter, in the face of youth rebellion, pressure to go to school, such as the beginning of love, and many other issues, how to face the story together. "I am your mother" presents an unusual image of mother, and Yan Ni and Yuanqing Zhou, the delight and sadness in the life of mother and daughter, are vividly shown in the film. In addition, the movie starring surprise, many of whom have more than 60 years of experience to send the old drama, but also under the sometimes popular fresh meat to play. Although a few starring age span is quite large, but in the filming process but tacit understanding, Yan Yi, poison tongue, oolong readily available, drama outside the collision of many sparks.

Angels Wear White (Movie)[2017]

Feature: Xiao Mi is a cleaner who works in a budget hotel, and front desk operator Li Li always looks for her help. On a night full of life, Li Li convinced Xiao Mi to work her night on the front desk so Li Li could slip out to see her boyfriend. Liu, a top local official, brought in two young girls, Xiao Wen and Xin. Xiao Mi instantly became suspicious, and after Liu checked into the room, she saw the two girls living in the next room. Xiao Mi observed the hallway on the hotel's surveillance system and recorded it on his mobile phone. The next morning, the two girls apparently looked sluggish. When they returned to school, the teacher found the situation was wrong, called the parents of the two and informed the police. They were examined at the hospital and confirmed that both were sexually assaulted. Police led by detective Wang Dui searched the hotel and found a surveillance video of Liu's conviction, but Liu was shown in the two girls' rooms and was deleted. Police questioned Li Li, claiming he was on duty that night, fearing he'd lose his job. Xiao Mi, who was on duty for Li Li on the night, kept silent and said nothing about having his cell phone record everything. Xiao Mi leaves her mother and lives with her divorced father. For lack of evidence, it appeared that the official was going to run away, and Ms. Lv Shi Hao, the two girls, refused to give up and instinctively thought Xiao Mi was lying.

Our Shining Days (Movie)[2017]

Feature: Chen Jing is a weird, dare to love the girl, rivers and lakes who call nerves. As a wonderful figure in the middle school of music, Chen Jing has a bad affinity with only You Gui, a girlfriend who is willing to be a horse behind her. Confident Chen Jing falls in love with the school grass teacher brother, but it was ridiculed and ridiculed grass-roots school, but also caused a big melee between the two campuses of the campus. In order to prove himself to the teacher brother, Chen Jing together with the 502 dormitory mysterious characters composed of 2.5 times the orchestra, challenge the authority, get rid of stereotypes, staged lively funny funny youth.

Battle Of Xiangjiang River (Movie)[2017]

Feature: From November 27 to December 1, 1934, the Central Red Army struggled for five days and nights in Xingan County, Quanzhou County and Guanyang County, Guangxi Province, on the upper reaches of the Xiangjiang River and finally crossed the Xiangjiang River between Quanzhou and Xing'an to break through The KMT's fourth blockade smashed Jiang Jieshi's attempt to surround and annihilate the Central Red Army to the east of the Xiangjiang River. However, it also paid an extremely heavy price for this. The number of people leaving the long march dropped from more than 80,000 to more than 30,000. The defeat in Xiangjiang directly led to the convening of the Zunyi Conference, reaffirmed Mao ZeDong's military strategy and established Mao ZeDong's leadership in the party and the Red Army.

Surgical Storm (TV)[2017]

Feature: The story originated in a medical incident that caused murder many years ago. A successful car accident victim died of an outbreak of drug allergy. Zhang ShuMei, the responsible nurse, was questioned on the mistake of using the wrong drug to cause the patient to die and was forced to leave his post. Zhang ShuMei, an 8-year-old son, was fined for detaining a 4-year-old sister home after he failed to believe the death of another patient caused by his mother's negligence. As a result, his sister was abducted by traffickers. Zhang ShuMei was accused of missing her daughter and "causing death due to medication errors" and gradually became suspicious and committed suicide. Her son's whereabouts in the outskirts of the city were still unknown & nbsp ;. Chinese-American surgeon Zhuang Shu (Dong Jin) came to Metro Renhe Hospital to trace the truth of the accident that happened to her mother Zhang ShuMei 30 years ago. The deceased daughter, Lu ChenXi (Bai Baihe) and chef Shaohua Ma, became the primary thoracic surgeon and was transferred to the emergency department because of repeated offenses to chief director Yang Fan (Yijun Liu). And Zhuang Shu repeatedly reinstated the superfluous Lu ChenXi back to the chest operating table. Day and night get along, Zhuang Shu's surgery to Lu ChenXi amazing, thoughtful consideration of the patient also let Lu ChenXi reflection, two gradual affection, eventually, Zhuang Shu recovered his sister, but also with the help of Lu Chenxi to restore the mother's accident The truth & nbsp ;.

Love is the source of joy (TV)[2017]

Feature: Zhang HongXing is creative director at a small advertising agency. His ex-wife, Chen XiaoLing, sent her daughter back to Zhang HongXing for remarriage, a stable and comfortable life because of his active mind and invincibility. Lin Fengying see his son boss is not small, trying his best to find a daughter-in-law. Guan MeiYang is a headhunter, she wants to dig Zhang HongXing to a large company. Zhang HongXing is unwilling to accept the challenge and pressure, and Guan MeiYang is a person who does not reach his goal. Zhang HongXing has become a girlfriend, and Guan MeiYang took the chance to ask Zhang HongXing to accept the job-hopping conditions. Came to the new company, boss Zhu GuiXiang is a professional woman, harsh people, and free to use Zhang HongXing constant friction. Wen LiLi, director of media and Zhang HongXing, was again involved in the workplace struggle. The head office dispatched a human resources consultant to a capable cadre who kicked Zhang HongXing out of the company. With the help of Guan MeiYang, Zhang HongXing stood his feet in the new company, and he and Guan MeiYang sprouted their love during this period.

Tracing the Master (TV)[2017]

Feature: Lin YuanSu, who was alone in the market, got acquainted with four people of different abilities, including Qiu Chi, Xia GuDuo and Zhou Qi, after a lucky coincidence that they participated in the "Looking for Dogs Program" launched online. Through this cooperation, , They got together to set up a caring charity tracing organization to help people in need free of charge in spare time. At the beginning, everyone looked at each other's eyes, but time and time again with their counterparts so that they gradually establish a profound friendship, amazement in the twists and turns in the recovery of helping others move - to help veterans find their comrades wife and son's movement, looking for school first love bring Sentimental throbbing. They are also in the process of tracing the healing of their own scars, face their own heart, to find the true self, to understand the true meaning of tracing. After seeing too many loved ones together, Lin YuanSu finally admitted what he was longing for and bravely offered it to all people, hoping to find a father who had disappeared for 22 years in his own life and decided to work together to help him find Father, find his own consummate & nbsp ;.

The House That Never Dies Ⅱ (Movie)[2017]

Feature: At the end of the Republic of China, the world was in troubled times. The capital Jun Fa mutinied and Marshal Zhang Jingsheng was forced to marry the daughter of Jin Jun, a woman of Great Jun Fa. Shortly after the capital appeared a large number of "dead baby case", all spearhead Marshal, the original wife Niu Menghe, then Niu Menghe bizarre disappeared overnight overnight, No. 81, the destruction of the door, leaving a dilapidated haunted house. A hundred years later, the relic artist Song Teng dug up a large number of infantile bones and strange spells in the process of rehabilitating the ancient houses. It seems that bloody old things would drag everyone into the abyss, Underground Palace innocent ghost door life story also opened.

Taoyuan (Movie)[2017]

Feature: The film talks about the love and hate between Zhang Chu (Geng Le) and two women, Cao ShuJuan (Qi Xi) and Li Hong (Xingchen Lv). Under the seemingly calm and quiet surface of the town, there are surging people's desires and struggles. The peace lies behind the selection of human nature. Everyone is pursuing the "Taoyuan" in his mind.

My War (Movie)[2016]

Feature: During the period of the 4 Great War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, China had such a brave volunteer army that, in order to defend the country resolutely and conscientiously away from home, jointly experienced life and death and established profound revolutionary feelings during the days of fighting side by side. Sun BeiChuan is the core leader of this team. He is a man of war, rugged but kind-hearted and has never been afraid on the battlefield. After encountering Meng SanXia, a team leader, this courageous and extra responsibility. Meng SanXia is a hearty, soft-hearted rectal child with a thick line of Sun BeiChuan originated in the bickering, after a common test of life and death on the battlefield, Meng SanXia inner tenderness is awakened. In the meantime, Zhang Bei-chuan, a good brother and division clerk of Sun BeiChuan, also conceived Meng SanXia's secret love affair. His fate has created his simple and optimistic personality. In order to bring together Beichuan and Sansia, he is willing to hide his feelings. However, after the sacrifice of Li Shunliang, the only relative's father, Zhang LuoDong first tasted the painful taste. Li ShunLiang is Zhang LuoDong's adoptive father, but also veterans of the ranks of the oil child, he indifferent to the essence of the poem in the key poke, is the nine even lubricants, but also Zhang LuoDong spiritual mentor, his sacrifice contributed to Zhang LuoDong significant life Metamorphosis. Wang WenJun, an excellent progressive youth from the Meng SanXia Cultural Workers' Corps, used her own life to explain her trust and support to her lover Liu ShiWen. She inspired the heartiest and most manly heart of this intellectual nation, His sublimation of life from intellectuals to real soldiers. These dull and extraordinary little people, in the brutal years of war, express the battlefield story woven by love.

TheGuest (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Zheng Kai, who was in the midst of a successful career, suddenly suffered a serious blow and was under an unexpected mistake. He became the only responsible person facing joblessness and huge compensation. Zheng Kai drunk when accidentally angry, was accidentally sent by a mysterious black car driver home, because there is no money, the driver left a phone call hope the next day payment, the result of this phone to bring him a nightmare Like life. The next day, the driver frequently called Zheng Kai to be friends with him. Zheng Kai after the hangover, simply forgot what happened, with what the driver said. The driver is starting to assume that both of them are already friends. Then the conflicting boss suddenly killed and various suspects inevitably pointed at him, and the possible compensation made him anxious to flee his present life. However, all this seems to be traced back and kept tangled with him The driver of the black car and the terrible black car caused Zheng Kai to suspect that he was greatly linked to the murder of the boss. However, Zheng Kai faced with persuading his wife to leave Shenzhen, which could get rid of the compensation and the driver's entanglement. However, the driver had completely stopped Understand his situation, and find it.

MyWar (Movie)[2016]

Feature: During the period of the 4 Great War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, China had such a brave volunteer army that, in order to defend the country resolutely and conscientiously away from home, jointly experienced life and death and established profound revolutionary feelings during the days of fighting side by side. Sun BeiChuan is the core leader of this team. He is a man of war, rugged but kind-hearted and has never been afraid on the battlefield. After encountering Meng SanXia, a team leader, this courageous and extra responsibility. Meng SanXia is a hearty, soft-hearted rectal child with a thick line of Sun BeiChuan originated in the bickering, after a common test of life and death on the battlefield, Meng SanXia inner tenderness is awakened. In the meantime, Zhang Bei-chuan, a good brother and division clerk of Sun BeiChuan, also conceived Meng SanXia's secret love affair. His fate has created his simple and optimistic personality. In order to bring together Beichuan and Sansia, he is willing to hide his feelings. However, after the sacrifice of Li Shunliang, the only relative's father, Zhang LuoDong first tasted the painful taste. Li ShunLiang is Zhang LuoDong's adoptive father, but also veterans of the ranks of the oil child, he indifferent to the essence of the poem in the key poke, is the nine even lubricants, but also Zhang LuoDong spiritual mentor, his sacrifice contributed to Zhang LuoDong significant life Metamorphosis. Wang WenJun, an excellent progressive youth from the Meng SanXia Cultural Workers' Corps, used her own life to explain her trust and support to her lover Liu ShiWen. She inspired the heartiest and most manly heart of this intellectual nation, His sublimation of life from intellectuals to real soldiers. These dull and extraordinary little people, in the brutal years of war, express the battlefield story woven by love.

Cloud of Van (TV)[2016]

Feature: Stills (1) Twenty years ago, demon king Jiang ShiLi was sealed in Nv Wa blood jade by Shushan and four big families. Twenty years later, from the dead demon King Nv Wa blood jade purification limit is approaching, the demon king will once again be alive. Four families have been searching for the whereabouts of the demon king's son, in order to avoid future troubles. Wild wind cottage child Yun Yun YunFan just want to be a good banditry, robbing the rich and the poor. However, in the face of the dangerous Mozu animals, Yunfan showed amazing power. It turned out he is the demon king Shippi's own son. Understand the truth of the cloud, where decided to use their own power to change all this, however, no one expected that when he broke through the Shushan Quxian Demon Array, to get the artifact, but faced with a bigger problem: blood jade once Destroyed and released in advance of the devil, Tang YuRou will die because of the failure of blood jade fragments within the body. If he does not release the demon king, his father will be abolished by the blood jade at the expiration of his captivity. Affection and love, he can not afford to choose.

Immortal sword cloud where (TV)[2016]

Feature: Twenty years ago, demon king Jiang ShiLi was sealed in Nv Wa Blood Jade by Shushan and four big families. Twenty years later, from the dead demon King Nv Wa blood jade purification limit is approaching, the demon king will once again be alive. Four families have been searching for the whereabouts of the demon king's son, in order to avoid future troubles. Wild wind cottage child Yun Yun YunFan just want to be a good banditry, robbing the rich and the poor. However, in the face of the dangerous Mozu animals, Yunfan showed amazing power. It turned out he is the demon king Shippi's own son. Understand the truth of the cloud, where decided to use their own power to change all this, however, no one expected that when he broke through the Shushan Quxian Demon Array, to get the artifact, but faced with a bigger problem: blood jade once Destroyed and released in advance of the devil, Tang YuRou will die because of the failure of blood jade fragments within the body. If he does not release the demon king, his father will be abolished by the blood jade at the expiration of his captivity. Affection and love, he can not afford to choose.

The big jade le (TV)[2015]

Feature: Stills Da YuEr (Jing Tian) dreamed of being a bird with a sweetheart on the prairie, but destiny pushed her to the stage of the world of the Storm. Da YuEr loved Duo ErGun (Geng Le), but was mistakenly married to Huang TaiJi (Nie Yuan). These two male talents of martial arts, a pioneer of the Qing Foundation, a spur to horse Central Plains, she was destined to mother of the world, but also destined to experience the vicissitudes of life. Throughout her life, she never forsook Duo ErGun's love, but also always remember their own responsibilities. When grace and glory ensued, she struggled painfully in the cracks between politics and emotion. From Zhuang Fei to the Empress Dowager and then to the Empress Dowager, Da Yu Er spent his entire life in the Qing Dynasty and the Three Dynasties, helping two generations of young lords to turn the tide and break through a sinister political struggle. He was always on the edge of historical progress On the one hand, with a unique mind and drive to promote the era of wheel forward.

Allegiance (TV)[2015]

Feature: Guan DaHe is a company commander of a military sub-region of Hebei-Shandong-Henan Prefecture. She is both wronged and mistreated by enemy troops when waking up to protect comrades-in-arms in the battle of posing as a reconnaissance mission. For puppet squadron leader. In the brutal raids one after another, Guan DaHe, suffering from the betrayal of the traitors and the conspiracies of the enemy and the enemy, has suffered the untrustful loss of organizational ties and even the death-of-life comrades, but Guan DaHe has not lost his revolutionary morale, He was alone, and with the infinite loyalty of the party's fighters and organizations to the Eighth Route Army, he was quietly battling in the enemy camp. Like a lone hero, he saved his comrades in arms and killed the enemy invaders. He plotted a riot of prison camps and rescued many soldiers in our army, so that the enemy was in a state of alarm. With his unwavering belief in devoting his dedicated devotion to his comrades-in-arms and his comrades-in-arms after a series of life-and-death strikes, he smashed the siege of the bloody and brutal irony of the enemy and finally proved his audaciousness and faithfulness through action The final victory.

To single men and women (TV)[2015]

Feature: Cheng ZiXin grew up in Suzhou in order to follow her university boyfriend came to Beijing, but her boyfriend cheated feelings. Sad child Xin met the financial talent Zhang photo Shen Ran and young architect Fang QiHong. In the perseverance of the pursuit, Zi Yan try to accept the new feelings, at the same time Kai-hsin found that Zi Yan is his childhood neighbors in Suzhou. Because of suffering from Alzheimer's disease, Kai Hong knows not happy to sub-Yan, although the sub-Xin intentionally, Qi-hong can only be buried in the heart of the feelings, silently guardian Yan. Shen Siu's younger sister, Lu Si, misconstrued Shen as caregiver for love and deliberately sabotaged the relationship between Shen and Zi Yan, causing the two to break up due to misunderstanding. Affectionate child Yan Xin Qi Hong led and taken care of out of the bottom. Sure enough to make Lu Si know possession is not true love, Lu Si let go. Misunderstanding was finally clarified, and I hope with the children rejoice old repair, sub-Xin but found himself in love with Kai-hong, Kai-hwan, but at this time without saying goodbye. The original Kai Kai aggravated, do not want to drag Zi Yan, silently left. The face of emotional choices, sub-Yan courage in the pursuit of true love. In the blessing, the son of Xin choose to keep around Kai Wang, spend the last moments with him & nbsp ;.


Feature: Stills Song Nuan, Zhou GeGe, Gao WenRuoHan and NingBara are dormitory roommates and classmates, graduating, all four have entered a large enterprise internship. Rich second generation Zhang Sheng under the pressure of his mother, but also had to be an intern. Zhang Sheng is cracking down on Song Nuan, but Song Nuan takes everyone with his strength and resilience. Zhao XiaoChuan falls in love with Zhou GeGe, but painfully finds out that his secret party is Zhang Sheng. A few 90 are growing up, their parents are also subjected to shocks. Song GuangMing, Song Nuan's father, was unemployed, hoping to find a job without telling his wife and daughter. Chen AiLian, bent on raising her daughter Zhou GeGe, was laid off by her daughter's student Ning Bala. Children grow into cocooning butterflies on their way to growth. Parents are also reborn in the process of social reintegration. Zhang Sheng's entrepreneur mother died of business failures, leaving the world, Zhang Sheng has experienced the most significant test of life, Song Nuan never betray company, the two gain growth, but also the most pure love.

Qin Shi Mingyue (TV)[2015]

Feature: The late Warring States Period, Jing Ke Ci Qin sacrifice sacrifice. The best in the world Gai Nie Jing Ke entrusted by the guard Jing Ke son Jing TianMing escape the Qin Shi Huang chase. In the Moon Valley on the Qin border, Gai Nie repels three hundred Qin cavalry, Qin Shi Huang fury, life prime minister Li Si must eradicate the two. Li Si visited the Gai Nie sibling Wei Zhuang under the guidance of Yin and Yang emperor Dong Guan Tai Wei Wei, who has always been under Gai Nie. To win the name of the best sword in the world, Wei Zhuang promised Li Si Requirements, everyone knows they have fallen into the traps of the East Imperial too. When the original dawn was born, the body was secretly planted by the yin and yang, "Qianyuan Yu evil," "Qianyuan Yu evil" is related to a huge conspiracy. On the flight path, Gai Nie and Tian Ming met with Mexican masters, as well as Xiang ShaoYu, a descendant of the Chu nationality, and Gao Yue, a Mexican girl. Under the guidance of their fate, pedestrians entered the city of Mohism, the last Pure Land in the world. Guancheng hiding in the Ridge between the Xiongfeng, assembled the profound wisdom of Mohist, is the last bastion of all anti-Qin forces in the world, it is also the last refuge of Mohist disciples. In the face of the impregnable Mozambican government, Zhao Gao, once again provoked Wei Zhuang's resentment by using the excuse me, then using his power to lure Wei Zhuang into believing that Wei Zhuang could own the power she had always wanted and long as Hu Hai ascended the throne status. In order to break through the official city, Qin Shi Huang sent a huge elite division. Wei Zhuang found Gong ShuChou, head of the transport family, and Gong ShuChou fought with the Moh generation. The strict defensive work of the government agency city was challenged with unprecedented proportions. Several experts in the Wei Zhuang assassin group also dispatched one after another. For a time, authorities in the city murdered one after another, and the undercurrent surged.

I give my loyalty to you (TV)[2015]

Feature: Guan DaHe is a company commander of a military sub-region of Hebei-Shandong-Henan Prefecture. She is both wronged and mistreated by enemy troops when waking up to protect comrades-in-arms in the battle of posing as a reconnaissance mission. For puppet squadron leader. In the brutal raids one after another, Guan DaHe, suffering from the betrayal of the traitors and the conspiracies of the enemy and the enemy, has suffered the untrustful loss of organizational ties and even the death-of-life comrades, but Guan DaHe has not lost his revolutionary morale, He was alone, and with the infinite loyalty of the party's fighters and organizations to the Eighth Route Army, he was quietly battling in the enemy camp. Like a lone hero, he saved his comrades in arms and killed the enemy invaders. He plotted a riot of prison camps and rescued many soldiers in our army, so that the enemy was in a state of alarm. With his unwavering belief in devoting his dedicated devotion to his comrades-in-arms and his comrades-in-arms after a series of life-and-death strikes, he smashed the siege of the bloody and brutal irony of the enemy and finally proved his audaciousness and faithfulness through action The final victory & nbsp ;.

NightofAdventure (Movie)[2014]

Feature: Seven years ago, Wu Bo was a bridegroom who escaped from marriage. Sanna is not a bride at the wedding ceremony. It is not Wu Bo's fickleness that it really is the death of Sana's father, who looks down on this poor boy who has nothing to offer. Seven years later, the enemy road narrow, narrow road meet, the two were surprised to find that they have become neighbors, living in only two walls separated by two apartments, really is "not friends do not gather!" Wu Bo, who vowed to make a fortune to marry her once again, was now heavily indebted and even ready to end her life. She then vowed to marry a 3-year-old husband who is over 10,000 times better than Wu Bo, The girl became a woman left. Seven years have not seen, obviously each has Acacia, each embarrassed, but why not refuse to tell the truth, are swollen face fat! Wu Bo brags how business success, Sanna will be violent pursuit of his little guy Tuo Niao recommended to Wu Bo, deliberately aroused Wu Bo's jealousy, and their purpose of approaching Sana, are derived from Sanna father's collection of antiques .

Im sorry to fall in love with you (TV)[2014]

Feature: Microblogging updates and behind-the-scenes highlights Ou Le and Liu YuTing childhood, but also the enemy in the business arena, they represent the "Victory" and "Tin Shing" bidding. Liu YuTing helped Tiansheng win the bid, at the same time aroused the attention of FXCM CEO Tong XiLin. Tong is an unscrupulous person for the purpose, Yu-ting in order to help Tiansheng Han total and protect lover Ou Le, joined the surplus company. However, Ou Le did not understand the break-up and Xia Wen helped Ou Le out of the woods. In order to defeat Tong XiLin to work at Tiansheng, Ou Le met and attracted Han's general daughter Han XiaoXiao, and offended Han XiaoXiao's boyfriend Yan Song. Yan Song honest appearance honest, in fact, the city is extremely deep. Liu YuTing to move surplus "undercover" is his tricks, the purpose is to annex the two companies. Hao Jie, who has long been a crush on Tong XiLin, used "anti-interrogation" to expose Yan Song's truth. Liu YuTing mistook Ou Le and Xia Wen together, sad leave, do not want a car accident. Ou Le wholeheartedly took care of her, other people also have their own happiness. Liu YuTing, her memories stay in the loving period and Ou Le, the two eventually returned to the happy home. I'm sorry to fall in love with you

MyDecemberLove (TV)[2014]

Feature: Gu XiaoJun (Li Xiaoran) brought back her boyfriend Ou YangJian (Wang Zhiwen) with her daughter, Tongsheng Han. Dad husband Gu Dad does not accept Ou YangJian the son-in-law, coupled with the eldest daughter Gu XiaoYan (Faye Yu ornaments) troubled marriage change, feast troubled a chicken fly to Gu Dad overturned the table ended. Gu XiaoJun actually do not figure OuyangJian what, simply fancy the "big man" can be down to life. Ou YangJian tolerate modest, bent on repairing and Gu Dad's relationship. Seeing the son-in-law as father-in-law, OuyangJian feels breezed and married with Xiao Jun. However, at this time, her daughter, Ou Yang Miao Miao, kills her home with her mother, Yu MoLi (Jiang Shan), and the militancy between the three women makes Ou YangJian miserable. Gu XiaoYan back to work after the divorce struggle, but also the pursuit of the landlord Zhao Kang. Zhao Kang's mother happens to be the boss of Xiaoyan, she obstructed this romance everywhere. Xiao Yan reluctantly cut off the love wire, then the son's matchmaking, and wash the groom's husband remarried. After twists and turns, Gu Sisters flowers finally harvested a happy marriage.


Feature: Stills Song Nuan, Zhou GeGe, Gao WenRuoHan and NingBara are dormitory roommates and classmates, graduating, all four have entered a large enterprise internship. Rich second generation Zhang Sheng under the pressure of his mother, but also had to be an intern. Zhang Sheng is cracking down on Song Nuan, but Song Nuan takes everyone with his strength and resilience. Zhao XiaoChuan falls in love with Zhou GeGe, but painfully finds out that his secret party is Zhang Sheng. A few 90 are growing up, their parents are also subjected to shocks. Song GuangMing, Song Nuan's father, was unemployed, hoping to find a job without telling his wife and daughter. Chen AiLian, bent on raising her daughter Zhou GeGe, was laid off by her daughter's student Ning Bala. Children grow into cocooning butterflies on their way to growth. Parents are also reborn in the process of social reintegration. Zhang Sheng's entrepreneur mother died of business failures, leaving the world, Zhang Sheng has experienced the most significant test of life, Song Nuan never betray company, the two gain growth, but also the most pure love.

IronFists (TV)[2014]

Feature: In 1941, the instructors who insisted on Yunshanling were sent to the rear for the war wounds. Their adjutant secretly colluded with the Japanese army and falsely taught the teachers' hands to deceive and hide to plan the mutiny. Thirty officers refused to be insulted, prepared under the plan of communists hoeing, called iron fist. Unexpectedly, the wind leaked, twenty-eight were killed, and another two photos of the net slip. Underground party Tong CanMou and captain of the captain is the survival of the iron fist, two acquaintances, but do not know each other's identity, while fulfilling their respective mission, struggling to find another comrade in arms or whistleblower. The adjutant, in charge of blaming the teacher for coercion, tried to secretly deliver his family members to the enemy-occupied area. He was assigned to guard Captain Tong and Tong CanMou and escorted for seven days for life and death. On the way, the two experienced twists and turns, verified each other's identity, and transformed a ringing horse into a martial-worker team in a desperate situation. After struggling with the enemy, the two finally reversed their destiny within seven days, removed the thief and smashed the betrayal The conspiracy won time for the joint campaign of the Kuomintang and the Chinese armed forces.

AnEndToKilling (Movie)[2013]

Feature: Genghis Khan (Tu Men), swept through Central Asia, West Asia and Yuema Europe, is 62 years old. In the face of the ravages of the plague, the warriors of Mongolia, who continued their brave battle, constantly fell and murdered him, suddenly feeling the death approaching. Like ancient emperors dream of immortality. Changchun reality Qiu ChuJi (Youliang Zhao ornaments) is said to be 300 years old, understand life and death, know the road to governing the country and rule the people deep in Wendeng Kunlun Mountains. The Jin and Song emperors sent invitations and were rejected. Genghis Khan knew he would know him, life Liu ZhongLu (Geng Le ornaments) must be brought back Qiu ChuJi miles. Qiu ChuJi calculated that this line will have to go back to her own, but for the sake of protecting the world from the hardships of the war, Qiu ChuJi took a coffin and resolutely took the road. His admirer, Zhao DaoAn (Shao-Qun Yu), did not want Master to go to the Western Regions to suffer and be willing to go along with him. On his way, bent on looking for Genghis Khan revenge of the Khitan female (Li Xiaoran ornaments), three changes of identity, hope impressed Qiu ChuJi, with her to the Western Regions. After a pedestrian life and death obstacles, finally reached the Bay of Lu and Genghis Khan met. Genghis Khan claims Qiu ChuJi's elixir of immortality, but Qiu ChuJi bluntly said that "there is only a hygienic way to live a life-long drug." After several times ...

Bunshinsaba2 (Movie)[2013]

Feature: In college, Song Qian (Park Han-byul) and Na Na (Zhilei Xin), Yu Fei (Sienna Li), You Feng (Hao-ran Zhang), Hong Rui (Yang Fan), Yang Zheng (Shaolong Sun decorated) A few people are very good friends. Until the newcomer Xiao Ai (Zhang Tingting ornaments). The pretty Xiao Ai cracks in a small, originally intimate group. Especially Na Na, directed at her, only Song Qian efforts to maintain the relationship of everyone. Gradually began to have bad rumors spread in the school - Xiao Ai has always been seen as an incarnation of evil, all contact with her people will have bad luck. Hong Rui accidentally broke his leg and missed an important match. A few people from Song Qian played pen immortals in the school's loft. As a result, pen penger Xiao Xiao was also unknown. Xiao Ai committed suicide that night. After graduating from college, Song Qian and her classmates developed very well, some became celebrities and some became business elites. Until Na Na came back from the United States, strange things happened one after another, everyone started to encounter Danger, mystery opened layer by layer, the original college Xiao Ai's death is another reason ... ... 2013 and 2010, urban and campus, a long-awaited university ...

Legendary (Movie)[2013]

Feature: The story takes place in an unnamed lake. In recent days, several deaths happened one after another near the lakes. The scene of the crime was very bloody and horrible. The means of crime were very cruel. It was not hard to find through some residual images and evidence that the attackers were not human beings. , But probably a certain beast hidden in the bottom of the lake. Tavis (Scott Adkins Scott Adkins ornaments) is a specialist in the study of the mysterious monster, in order to find out the true face of the murderer, people found Taviss. Tavisi tells everyone that the murderer was Shi QianGuaiShou, a man of his own nature and his cruelty, who attacked humans for pleasure. In order to protect human beings and destroy monsters, they also recruited the enlightened monster killer Huck (Duff Longger Dolph Lundgren ornaments). Tawisiq and Haqqiang join hands to eventually destroy Shi QianGuaiShou?

if life has cheated you (TV)[2013]

Feature: Li Yang (Lu Yi (actor)), the second elder of the Li family, tells of the poverty of her family. In order to get a good job, she had to bow to the reality and gave up her childhood friend Ceng XiaoYa ( Shen Jiani), married Cheng ZhenZhen (Qin Hailu), a coddler who has been loving himself for many years. Marriage is not based on the mutual acceptance of both sexes, coupled with Cheng ZhenZhen Jiaozhuo capricious, misconduct is also horizontal between the two issues, so married life is not happy at all. Li Ni (Yue Wu), the daughter of Li's eldest daughter, married Xiang Dongai (Geng Le), a handsome and handsome captain with good condition. Under the seemingly romantic marriage, the other party turned out to be a small oil bottle Divorced men; the last is actually the most unpopular people of the Li family Li Shan (Jingfei Guo) of the marriage, although Jie Di Lian also live a hard life, but live realistic.

Nine years (TV)[2013]

Feature: Nine Years tells the success or failure of nine years of struggle for different people. Sun Liu Shi, played by Zhixin Gu, has never set foot on difficulties despite frequent setbacks and hardships in pursuit of his dream. Fan Zhixin Gu Shaman "Sun LiuShi" A change in the past, "Gao Daquan," the screen image of the dream of dreaming alone in the big city "struggle youth", and the real life of the role interpretation of the more vivid. Zhixin Gu Tang Shen Shen, played by Sun Liu Shi and Song Jia actress, born 1980, met each other by chance. Work together to face the test of life and work. In the play, Sun Liu Shi, played by Zhixin Gu, chases after the dream to go on to the big cities alone. Although he often encounters setbacks and hardships, he never fails to face the difficulties. In spite of all the exciting love and hatred of Tang Shen Shen played by Song Jia (actress, born 1980) Worried, but eventually through their efforts to break a world of their own. The show not only embodies the dedication of Sun Liu Shi and Tang Shen Shen to love and career, but also reflects the attitude of young people to life in contemporary society. It not only resonates with the audience, but also deserves to be understood and thought by young people nowadays. Although the New Year has come, Zhixin Gu has brought the excitement and surprise to the audience in 2012 has been lingering. In the play, Tang Shen Shen first arrived in Beijing Railway Station will lose the wallet, also encountered the most important four men in life: youthful just came from the mountains to the city wage earners Sun LiuShi; gentle and honest graduated from the police academy rookie Wen XiaoJian; Du TengFei, a life-savvy dog ​​trader; Ceng Qiu-Rui, a superb, cool and rational physician. From this day onwards, a youth drama about love and affection, wandering and struggle took place in the city. Nine years later, Tang Shen Shen became a capable female white-collar worker from a cleaner foreign migrant worker. Du TengFei was on top of the real estate industry after being beaten on numerous occasions. Wen XiaoJian, on her beloved police career, Ups and downs ups and downs were misunderstood; Tsang Chiu-Rui face incurable disease and the test of his affection; Sun LiuShi experienced the frustration of first love, waiting for no avail, marriage, divorce. In nine years, they lived together in cities, transformed together, and experienced all kinds of sweetness, sourness and pain brought by time. Suddenly look back on the occasion, they gradually understand what they got, what they missed ... As the mother died of maternal death, is still shy Tang ShenShen was abandoned by the father who was eager to return to the city, brought by her adoptive father and her adoptive mother. Despite the comforts, but subtle adoption relationship Tang ShenShen quite depressed. In order to avoid marriage arranged by her parents, 20-year-old victorious she fled Qing Shizhen to x City to his brother and vowed to find the biological father. Unexpectedly, on the first day of arrival, the package was accidentally lost. Not only did her brother's contact information but also lost her legacy to her own. Tang ShenShen reported to the police station, the reception of her is the new police just started posts. Tang ShenShen clues provided three people, one is Sun LiuShi from King Shan, one is doctor Zengqiu Rui, and dog dealer Du TengFei.Sun LiuShi is a simple and incredible man, 20 years of age, was the mother of 20 years old with a hunting gun out of the deep forests isolated, came to x City confusedly, because there can not contact fellow Zhao Yougen, no Out of the train station, blind artist Wang Yi is his only partner; medical clever but indifferent Zengqiu Rui was called a cold-blooded physician in the hospital, the heart of the crux of the matter so that he closed their hearts and refused to live outside everything else, in addition to work There are few other tracks home; dog dealer Du TengFei exploit loopholes in the management of private experiments with the dog from the hospital for illegal trading, with a clever mind, wise means and perseverance, the supremacy of money, is a born businessman material. Just lost the clues packet, SARS began. The "suspect" who picked up Tang ShenShen's mother's relic, Sun LiuShi, went into hospital isolation. Wen XiaoJian became the microphone between him and Tang Shen Shen. During this period, Sun and Tang sentiment rose rapidly. After the release of the secession, Tang Shen Shen, caught in the emotional predicament of losing his or her loved one, was captured by the passion of Sun Liu Shi and impulsively consented to his proposal. But the brain heat in the past, nothing prepared by two people can not bear the weight of reality, the dual role of internal and external force, the eve of marriage Tang ShenShen regretted marriage, from then on each other embarked on a different path of life. Du TengFei, who originally wanted to expand its trader's business, also suffered SARS, causing the plan to collapse. However, he quickly smelt the business opportunities in the real estate industry. With dare to dare to work hard and unexpected ways of attacking, Du TengFei smoothly contacted the "rich" Qi Xiaoya, but she did not know that she actually posed as a sales real estate manager Woman. Using the appreciation of Qi Xiaoya, Du TengFei earned three pots of gold in the city with Sun Liu Shi and Tang Shen Shenhen and set up a common account as a symbol of friendship. Tang ShenShen also followed Du TengFei into the tide of the real estate industry. Life's hard work and exhaustion made her want to find a warm and stable harbor. She finally chose Wen XiaoJian who always quietly gave her her own self, but the sudden change was complete Changed the two established trajectory. Wen XiaoJian was gloriously wounded in the course of performing his official duties, causing his left leg to be disabled. Tang ShenShen carelessly for him to have a strong self-esteem, reluctant to get sympathy and compassion Wen XiaoJian like individuals often refused and bruised Tang Shen Shenhen, Tang ShenShen still insisted on him, a heavy burden on the Wen XiaoJian has never been a bad guy. At the Old Students' Association, Qian Yongwei, a classmate who once loved her, has become the boss and encouraged Wen XiaoJian to help him. In order to make Tang ShenShen the illusion of their own empathy, but also to find the value of life again, Wen XiaoJian Qian Yongwei into the company, became general manager and legal representative. However, fate always joins him outdated joke, Qian Yong Wei delivered all the trust suddenly disappeared, leaving Wen XiaoJian a pile of huge debt lawsuits and jail. In order to clear Wen XiaoJian's injustice, Tang ShenShen began to run for a call, met the prosecutor handling the case Chen Yao. Work first, unsmiling, but gentle and kind-hearted Chen Yao, played a mass pass between Wen XiaoJian and Tang ShenShen, eventually Wen XiaoJian open their hearts and re-positive in the face of life.And every day with the cold machines deal with the old widowed life had Qiu Rui found Tang ShenShen is their own flesh and blood, never know how to accept each other to repair and restore the relationship between father and daughter, has never had emotional ups and downs for the first time became a bloody flesh People. At the same time, he also repaired his cold and broken heart, and finally the Father and the daughter redeemed each other. After nine years of ups and downs, Wen XiaoJian took a new step in his life. Du TengFei succeeded in questing for Qi Xiaoya. Tang ShenShen eventually returned to Sun LiuShi and her feelings with Sun LiuShi were her days in this city. Mount the TV tower is like two people's spiritual coordinates, in the face of the past, missed and lost, she always clearly know the world's favorite is Sun LiuShi. They come together again, determined to let go of all the x city left for 9 years, returned to King Hill, built their own happiness.

Shanghai Calling (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Shanghai: 21st Century Global Trade Center. Every day, more and more foreigners come to Shanghai and are eager to learn about the way China does business. These foreigners have our coworkers, their bosses, their neighbors, their clients ... When the ambitious New York lawyer Shan Mu (Daniel Henney) was dispatched to Shanghai accidentally, he immediately fell into the quagmire of law and made him Almost lost the job. But with a Zhu Zhu (actress) clever actress, a smart Shanghai correspondent (Geng Le), a beautiful emigration expert (Eliza Coupe by Eliza Coupe), and a network of contacts Extensive veteran Bill Paxton Bill Paxton, Shan Mu may have the chance to keep a job, find love and learn to appreciate his beautiful hometown ...

TheTreatyofDoubleBed (Movie)[2011]

Feature: The fifteen-year marriage of middle-aged literary man Zhao JingChu (Geng Le) to his wife Ding XueLi (Liu Weiwei) has long dissipated, and Ding Fu's death prompted both to re-examine the meaning of life. So the couple, who felt the bondage of marriage, filed for a divorce but, in order to take full advantage of the various aspects, they decided to "hide away" and set forth the "double-bed contract" to limit each other's subsequent divorce. Zhao JingChu divorce news soon leaked by friends, so a dedicated Zhao JingChu plane model launched a violent attack on him, Zhao JingChu left block right cover at the same time, always remember the feelings of Ding XueLi and other men's life. At the same time the well-behaved daughter Vivian (Zhang Enqi ornaments) already know the changes of parents, so the use of learning as an excuse to influence, make every effort to make parents and good. After a series of experiences, Zhao JingChu and Ding XueLi rediscovered the essence of living together ......

Star City (TV)[2011]

Feature: "Star City" tells the story of Jiang Yuchen deductive actress An Na from the north drift to Beijing to come to Beijing, participate in the draft poster competition, was the gold medal talent insight, to the fame of the whole process is the real life in the entertainment industry Portrayal The entire play both the infighting between entertainers, but also the real performance of shady entertainment, the plot pressing harder and harder, exciting. Anya Wu plays Mu Rong, a fashion industry leader who returns from studying abroad and who holds a very accurate fashion vane but is as talented and temper as her temper. She is beautiful, arrogant and extremely self-confident. She often says "I did not attend Fashion activities, simply can not be called fashion "hanging around. She demanded highly of her, whenever she wanted to appear in the trendiest and most fashionable manner, she had high demands on people around her. She often guided her to dress and, if she did not improve, she shook her head: "Fashion can chase, taste is born, you are not saved," can be said to be extremely picky, powerful aura type character & nbsp ;.

Distant mountain leaves (TV)[2010]

Feature: "The Red Leaves of the Mountains" The drama is based on the advanced deeds of Wang Ying, a member of the Standing Committee of County Party Committee and County Commission for Discipline Inspection in Nanjiang County, Sichuan Province, who is an outstanding worker in the country and an advanced worker of the National Discipline Inspection and Supervision System. She upheld the principle in the work of Secretary of Discipline Inspection Commission, anti-corruption and corruption, honest and honest, self-denying, obeying the masses, helping the weak, helping and saving the wrong comrades. "I can offend anything and just can not offend the title of secretary of discipline inspection commission." Wang Ying said so, too. Wang Ying, who just took the post of Bijiang County Commission for Discipline Inspection, received a letter of corruption from Yue YingJiu, deputy director of the County Water Conservancy Bureau. Yue YingJiu worked long hours, wily, family background, connections, and also have some influence in the county. Whether to investigate and deal with Yue YingJiu, County Standing Committee, the Standing Committee's opinions are not consistent. Wang Ying, secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, learned that after Yue YingJiu was really suspected of being corrupt, she was determined to put Yue YingJiu's issue in check. In the face of the investigation by the Commission for Discipline Inspection, Yue YingJiu and his relatives should make every effort to set obstacles. Justice and evil began a contest, with frighting confrontation, there are exciting wits and courage. But with the support of the county Party committee, Wang Ying and the comrades of the County Commission for Discipline Inspection overcame numerous difficulties and went through all kinds of hardships and eventually brought Yue YingJiu to justice. In the investigation of Yue YingJiu case, the County Public Security Bureau worked closely with the Commission for Discipline Inspection and fought side by side. In particular, Lang XiaoQuan, deputy director of the County Public Security Bureau, once saved Wang Ying and formed a profound friendship with Wang Ying during his long-term working contacts. However, in handling a case of a woman committing suicide in a detainee cell of a police station affiliated with the police station, the Public Security Bureau tried to conceal her mistakes and kept it under her control in order to preserve the reputation of the provincial excellent Public Security Bureau. The woman's father refused to accept the views of the county public security bureau, petitioned everywhere. County Commission for Discipline Inspection received the report, Comrade Wang Ying is not selfish, determined to find out the truth. After several twists and turns, Lang XiaoQuan took an important responsibility in this case when the truth was revealed. In the face of friendship and law and discipline, Wang Ying did not hesitate to resolutely deal with the parties strictly in accordance with party discipline and government. Lang XiaoQuan, being handled, was removed from the public security system and dispatched to a remote village to serve as a village science and technology cadre in the village. In order to encourage Lang XiaoQuan to get back from where he fell, Wang Ying used his work machine to visit him many times and encouraged him in various ways. Lang XiaoQuan, under the care of Wang Ying, was named as outstanding county-level cadres at the county level for two consecutive years and one year as a municipal outstanding cadre in the village, finally returning to the ranks of public security forces. Wang Ying is passionate about the corrupt elements and full of deep affection and sincere love for the common people. She built a "heart bridge" for people in impoverished mountainous areas, built water supply stations and paid tuition fees for university students who were out of school due to lack of money. When she saw the students who had encountered the danger in the flood, she immediately organized and rescued the personnel. When she saw the "back brother" sleeping in the street, she tried her best to build a hotel for them to rest. After the hotel was built, it was built specifically for "back brother" to eat the restaurant, was later "back brother" called "Thanksgiving restaurant."After improving their material and living conditions, they also often use their spare time to organize their training, improve their literary skills and enrich their spiritual life. They told them to "get rich first and then rich pockets." Wang Ying's behavior has deeply influenced these "back elders" who are living on the bottom of society. They feel the warmth of the party and government from Wang Ying. Wang Ying, generous and enthusiastic about others, is strict about his relatives to the point where she will never take advantage of their power to make the slightest profit for them. In her family, in addition to her cancer, her mother is also a cancer patient, and her husband had a bone tumor, but she never reached for the tissue to take care of her. In the extremely difficult economic conditions at home, she used the house as a mortgage at home, borrowed 80,000 yuan from the bank for domestic use. Organized to take into account her body, want to transfer her to the city commercial bureau leadership, in fact, arranged for her recuperation, was rejected by her. She and her younger brother grew younger brother, brother in order to allow her to go to school, he dropped out of school to support their families. Wang Ying later became the county leader, brother and sister-in-law both laid-off unemployed. His father's last words of death, his mother pleaded many times, want Wang Ying to use relationships to arrange a job for her brother and sister-in-law, but she never promised. Yue YingJiu, being investigated, did his utmost to send someone Wang Ying's brother 20,000 yuan and arranged work for her brother-in-law. Knowing this, Wang Ying immediately returned to his brother's home, returned the money, and found the brother-in-law's unit leader to resign his brother-in-law's job. To this end, my brother must cut off relations with her. In the face of all this, Wang Ying is painful, but she is also very clear as a secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission. She can only choose the former among all and small families in front of principles and feelings. Due to day and night working hard, and can not seek medical treatment in time, Wang Ying was diagnosed with lung cancer in the hospital has reached an advanced stage, there is no surgical treatment possible. When she learned of her illness, after a brief painful decision, she showed a very strong attitude in facing the affliction of illness and the threat of death. She decided to choose to extend her life by working and admitted that "death and death On the job. " At this time, the 5.12 Wenchuan earthquake that hit the world was happened. Bar County is one of the hardest hit. Regardless of doctors strongly discouraged Wang Ying, resolutely went to the front line disaster relief. At the scene of the disaster relief, Wang Ying completely forgot that he was a patient, devoted himself to the earthquake relief work and resolutely investigated and dealt with the embezzlement of relief supplies. In her heart, she had completely lost her ego, her career loyalty and her love for the people, and she still fought even after she entered the countdown seconds of life. Only in this way, she will feel the meaning of life and the value of life. As her condition deteriorated, finally, Wang Ying, with her infinite love for her business and her comrades and loved ones, went away to the hospital for treatment. This land

Kiss of one (TV)[2009]

Feature: Stills "Kiss of One" Stills The story happens to you and me, two girls in the city, Yao Yi and Yang Yi, similar names, similar ages, but not similar in character, and not similar in emotion Experience, they firmly believe that fate and fate make them a non-talk about good friends, face the emotional experience of life and life frustration, the two girls eventually become close friends; but young and young they did not realize the fate of In impermanence, as their friendship grew deeper, they found that they both fell in love with a man who was wandering between the two girls and had no choice. The man's attitude started the two girls A war without smoke, in the end because of the irresistible exclusivity of love, or because the heart of a trace of selfish possession, the two gradually lost their way. At this moment the two men suddenly realized that they had changed from a close friend to an enemy from an instant. "Kiss of the kiss" stills When friendship falls into the whirlpool of love, the minds of girls become more and more meticulous, intimate becomes jealous suspicion, nothing to talk about become infighting, anger and passion occupy two, who also Did not go to consider the existence of love in the end for what. Friendship and love between the three, what is more important, where to go. Three people in the smoke and passion of emotion slowly mature, they try to understand themselves, read love, read happiness, perhaps this is everyone to go through the growth stage, perhaps this is the charm of life itself. Feeling entangled by several young people, emotional experience in real life, where the three people's feelings go, who will be the victories in this emotional battlefield, how the fate of the arrangements in the end, when all unknowns become a reality, the three Talents find fate teasing them, but also inspire them ...

Gobi Mother (TV)[2007]

Feature: Stills shortly after the liberation of the country, a dilapidated old house in Shandong. Liu YueJi (Liu Jia) suddenly received a mail sent by the township post-typhoon sentinel - she left home for a long time her husband Zhong KuangMin (Wu Gang) from Xinjiang into the letter sent. After hearing the content of the letter, Liu YueJi was deeply in pain. Zhong KuangMin told her in the letter that the marriage between them was a feudal arranged marriage and that the organization had already agreed on the request of Zhong KuangMin to dissolve the marriage relationship. Zhong KuangMin also said that it will always support Liu YueJi economically and will not ask Liu YueJi to find him in Xinjiang. Liu YueJi alone recalled in the oil lamps this powerful marriage by the elders of the past, Zhong KuangMin father sick old, has been impressed by the neighbor's daughter Liu YueJi impressed. However, Zhong KuangMin is 18 years old and Liu YueJi is twenty-four years old. Zhong KuangMin, who read a lot of books, also feels that Liu YueJi has no culture. He has been reluctant about this marriage and has never insisted on staying with Liu YueJi in the bridal chamber. Liu YueJi Helplessly Guiqiu Zhong KuangMin turn around. Top but his father's reproach and Liu YueJi's supple, Zhong KuangMin contrary to their wishes accepted her, gave birth to their oldest son Zhong Huai (Geng Le ornaments). Since then, Zhong KuangMin finally left home to participate in the revolutionary army, one night before leaving, and the second son Zhong Yang (Lawrence Wong ornaments), from there no news. Liu YueJi decided to bring her children to Xinjiang for thousands of miles to find her father. On his way to Xinjiang, Zhong Yang, who was once separated, rescues Cheng Yingying, a lone girl who also went to Xinjiang to find her father, and her mother was beaten to death by bandits. After finding them, Liu YueJi recognized the daughter and Zhong Yang also named the newly recognized sister, Dai Xiangyu.

Underground transportation station (TV)[2007]

Feature: Underground Transport Station is the first sitcom to reflect the theme of the war. After more than two years of careful planning, has now been initially formed. The play is based on the underground activities of several party members headed by Cai ShuiGen in the form of comedies after the establishment of Dingxiang House, a donkey museum in Anqiu, a small town in Jizhong around 1940.

Lilac blossom (TV)[2007]

Feature: Lilac Flowers tells the story of Rich Hong, played by Tao Hong (actress, born 1972), encounters the younger owner Geng Le. As a result, poor wealthy businessmen and wealthy working-class girls cheat each other and start a collision of love . When found the true face of each other, the choice of wealth or emotional problems in front of us. Yingda said that this 9-day-ending Lunar New Year drama divorced its purpose of emphasizing Kyrgyzstan only so that Lunar New Year drama had a new situation --- it was no longer ridiculous and the story was strong. Another "lilac blossom" Taiwan version of the TV series.

JingQingShenNongJia (Movie)[2005]

Feature: Young scientists suffering from a lethal genetic disease, knowing little life, he came to Shennongjia, want to spend the rest of the time here in the forest life so that he re-understanding of the value of life, he and the golden monkey play, explore the savage trail, but also to know no Trace to Shadowless Hill and Sister he decided not to return to the city in his town fell in love for many years his girlfriend decided to resign to the forest at this time, he painted Savage Valley map stolen by poachers, a devastating disaster is about to come ......

Mood for Love (TV)[2003]

Feature: Shanghai in the 1930s, gangsters gang forces infighting, the ups and downs. Four different born juveniles in the fight become irreversible. A few years later, wealthy son Guo ShunJing (Quan Ren) returned home and driver's son Zhou ZiHao (Lu Yi (actor)) performed a cello in the ballroom. Wang YueFeng (Geng Le) and Shi DaLun (Du Jiayi) ) Each became a worker and crook, 4 people decided to set up a jazz band. To this end, Guo and his father fell out, Zhou dream of friends to enter the underworld. In the meantime, the presence of wealthy girls Ye Zi (Li Bingbing), Shan Shan (Juan Lee) and Huang ShuYi (Xuelian Zhao), and the romance of the week's lover Guo RuWen (Lei Bao) A youth interpretation of a beautiful love story. Four good friends in frustration and loneliness successfully played the "Love of the Year", but also achieved in the "Blue Lotus" on the stage of longing. However, they have to pay a heavy price for this - they have been tortured by triad societies and have to resort to one another. Zhou ZiHao, who climbed the gang's top spot, is still working hard to realize her common dream. Ye Zi becomes a movie star and covers her real career as a celebrity-spy; kind-hearted Huang ShuYi Wang YueFeng who takes care of amnesia, Shi DaLun and Shan Shan's love story still have no result.

SpringSubway (Movie)[2002]

Feature: Jian Bin (Geng Le) and Xiao Hui (Xu Jinglei) came to Beijing to make a living, and they lived together for seven years. They did not have the passion but they also enjoyed each other. Unexpectedly, Jian Bin is unemployed, and he has not found a new job in three months. The rent will soon be over. Jian Bin was in a very complicated mood, hiding the news from Xiao Hui and going to work on the subway every day. In the subway, he saw many cities in the Facebook. Girl Li Chuan (Wang Ning ornaments), then entered his life. Li Chuan had eyesight loss during a metro incident. Jian Bin impersonated her and went to the hospital to take care of Li Chuan every day. On the other hand, Xiao Hui is also facing the pursuit of another person, but in her heart, she still has a renounced feelings toward Jian Bin. But when she learns about Jian Bin's secrets, is this feeling inevitable?

Lu Bu and Diao Chan (TV)[2002]

Feature: TV screenshots The late Han Dynasty, traitors in power, Taishi Dong Zhuo tyrannical tyranny, monopoly power, long-term usurp Xin Xin, its son. Lv Bu brave very, so Dong Zhuo even more powerful, more unscrupulous. On the 1st, Dong Zhuo hosted a banquet with officials and Lv Bu arrived to present the secret letter of the court chief to announce Yuan Shu. Dong Zhuo was so furious that he ordered Lv Bu to execute the verdict on the spot. All civil and military officials Xin was scared and furious. Stuart Wang Yun honest, worry about the people, he returned to the Fuchu depressed, there is Xin to remove Dong Zhuo, but do nothing. Xin boredom occasion, he came to the garden late at night, I heard the park sobbing cry. Wang Yun snarls, see is the house of singer Diao Chan. Diao Chan year party eighteen, color art double must sing and dance. She knows justice, is willing to sacrifice her life. At a glance, Wang Yun decided to admit Diao Chan as a righteous woman and ordered a series of rings to lure Dong Zhuo and Lv Bu's father and son. Wang Yun donated a Lv Bu Golden Delicious. Lv Bu Xin Zhongda Xi, specially came to thank. TV series "Lv Bu and Diao Chan" stills Wang Yun hosted a dinner for Lv Bu, during which time Diao Chan gave a toast. Lv Bu saw Diao Chan, then dribble, can not self-sustaining. Wang Yun saw this scene, and now she agreed to allocate Diao Chan to Lv Bu and agreed to send her to Lyu on the date of her marriage. Wang Yun invited Dong Zhuo again, ordered Diao Chan to show off her dancer, Diao Chan's elegant and elegant dance, and to make Dong Zhuo intoxicated. Dong Zhuo marveled, calling Diao Chan a god. Wang Yun gave Diao Chan to Dong Zhuo on the spot. Dong Zhuo is overjoyed, bringing Diao Chan back to Fuchu. After Lv Bu was informed, his anger was abnormal. In contrast to Wang Yun's theory, Wang Yun said he was helpless and took the opportunity to leave Dong Zhuo and Lv Bu. Lv Bu entered Taishi House to meet with Diao Chan several times, failing to make a single narrative. Instead, it was driven by Dong Zhuo and he was angry. On the 1st, Lv Bu took Dong Zhuo to North Korea and met Phoenix Diaoy Chan at Fung Yi Ting. Lv Bu fear of Dong Zhuo crash want to leave, Diao Chan do not allow, pretend to cast himself, Lv Bu hurriedly blocked. At that time Dong Zhuo back home, hit a positive. Dong Zhuo furious, pulling straight piercing Lv Bu, Zhuo Li-Confucianism came to discourage, Lv Bu took the opportunity to take the road away. Wang Yun sent out a call to Lv Bu, and Xin Li removed Dong Zhuo. Wang Yun sent a false biography of Emperor Tian Chao and ordered Dong Zhuo to go to Jinque. Dong Zhuo came and was surrounded by Wang Yun and other officials holding a sword. Lv Bu holding a halberd Dong Zhuo throat. Diao Chan came and Wang Yun showed her to see Lv Bu, Diao Chan knew it, and the chain was still going on. After the end of the butterfly into a butterfly Poster (PS since the South Korean movie Millennium Lake)

seven days (TV)[2002]

Feature: Linhai Customs seized a batch of RMB ready to be smuggled into the country by sea. The amount of the "Seven Day" stills was so strange that the mode of delivery was dubious. However, it seems seemingly deadlocked as the person transporting the money has been killed during the armed arrest. Finally, Xiao Lei, captain of the Linhai Criminal Police Force, discovered the distinctive system of knots on the ship and found clues. Wang Lei suspects arrested, he was out of customs is intercepted by the RMB is actually counterfeit money, and before this batch, there have been two counterfeit money arrived Linhai. At the same time, the Interpol team inspection department came the news, with the existing technology, simply can not identify the authenticity of these counterfeit coins. The police sent female police officer Shao JingRan (Ma Yi Li ornaments) undercover, into the criminal syndicate companies to investigate. Jiang ShaoWei (Huang Lei), a Hong Kong anti-smuggist who was framed by the criminal group, came to the town to find out the truth and at the risk of being wanted. Two people from mutual suspicion to gradually trust, and have feelings, common and counterfeit money crime group actress Zhong MeiLing (Jie Pan ornaments) in full swing. Provincial Public Security Bureau issued a resolution within 7 days of the order, City Criminal Police Captain Xiao Lei (Geng Le ornaments) to solve the case, left his girlfriend, mayor daughter Zheng FeiEr (Huaqiong Chi ornaments). Zheng FeiEr has become a tool used by counterfeit bank groups without their knowledge.

Beijing Le and Lu (Movie)[2001]

Feature: Mi Gao, who grew up in Hong Kong, is the father of a builder and his father hopes he can inherit his father's inheritance. However, Mi Gao is bent on alternative music creators. Mi Gao was sent to Beijing's mistress by his father and asked his son to take the opportunity to learn Mandarin, expand their personal relationships and rethink their own future problems. In Beijing, Mi Gao met Ping Lu, who also loves music, and his girlfriend, Yang Ying. Ping Lu, who is fond of rock music, is a rock musician who has come to Beijing from other places to make concerted efforts in the world. He tried his best to form his own Mochizuki Band and tried to break out of China and become a world music stage with his strong musical style. Yang Ying is a go-go girl who came to the capital Beijing from the countryside and is active and rebellious. In the face of her boyfriend and rocker Ping Lu, she has a tender and considerate heart. But in my heart, Yang Ying is actually a firefly moth, the more dangerous the more attractive to her, the more she tried to try. Mi Gao is deeply attracted by these young people. He loves their painstaking dedication to music and follows them all the way to the country. Three completely different young people with different backgrounds involuntarily attract each other and create a complex relationship.

Q IU X i Ang (TV)[2001]

Feature: Daming Hongzhi years, Tang BoHu understand Yuan, but he was not interested in the official, I heard that the home to him appointed Miss Lu full faces pockmark looks ugly, then fled in the bridal chamber night wedding, and friend Zhu ZhiShan travel went. Miss Lu Jiazhao Lu actually is a talented girl, the wedding night even Tang BoHu dry in the bridal chamber, under the wrath with a maid Liu Er Er Men disguised as men away from home. Eight government patrols by Li YingZhang allegiance to Ning Wang, conspiracy rebellion, Li Bo kid Tang BoHu and Zhu ZhiShan dresses up as a house inspection, unannounced visits to "Spring House", successfully opened the official collusion secret, Zhu ZhiShan in the process Even his own confidante. TV series "Qiu Xiang" Figure 1 Tang BoHu and Zhu ZhiShan give evidence to Li YingZhang, but unexpectedly, Li YingZhang evidence came to an end, but framed two people into the brothel to search for flowers, want to increase their charges. Tang BoHu and Zhu ZhiShan cleverly escaped the chase of Li YingZhang's minions. Zhu ZhiShan happy to go home to organize a wedding to go, Tang BoHu has nowhere to go, go home, it is unwilling to a generation of romantic genius actually find an ugly wife, desperation to Lingyin Temple, unexpectedly encounter Qiu Xiang, Qiu Xiang The beauty of elegance Tang BoHu impressed, both love at first sight. In fact, Qiu Xiang is the way to find the way distress, after being saved by Ning WangFei, renamed Qiu Xiang Luzhao Rong, Liu Er also be Ning WangFei received as maid, renamed winter incense. Tang BoHu was on the way to catch up with Qiu Xiang and learned that Li Ying Zhang handed over the evidence she had obtained for the court to Ning Wang as a bargaining chip used by Ning Wang to force many officials to rebel against the court. The emperor found Ning Wang has different heart, visit Ning Wang House, apparently because of infatuated with Qiu Xiang and linger, but in fact they took the opportunity to find evidence of Ning Wang rebellion. Ning Wang is detained by the middle of the emperor, actively preparing for the conspiracy. Who knows a few days down, fake play true, the emperor really like Qiu Xiang, and Qiu Xiang nor vegetation, on the wise and benevolent emperor had a good impression. Qiu Xiang also deliberately approached the emperor, is really desperate, but carefully think about himself a scholar, of course not the emperor's rival, why the man without wife? Quit worth mentioning. Just then, Dongxiang told the truth, Tang BoHu just learned that Qiu Xiang is his own wife Luzhao Rong, his wife Qide Xiang Qiu Xiang actor? Tang BoHu decided to bring his wife back to Peach Blossom Dock, but Qiu Xiang was on the wrong side of the story, but deliberately made things difficult because of hate Tang BoHu's wedding night. The couple repeatedly, but it is more true. Ning Wang and Li Ying Zhang's rebellion pressing harder and harder, the emperor has felt the invisible ferocious, but without ironclad to convict Ning Wang, hesitated, indecisive. Together with Qiu Xiang, Tang BoHu steals the roster of all the officials in collusion with Ning Wang and gives them to the emperor. The emperor decided to clean up the court, purging the Asakusa and informing Tang BoHu that he already knew that Qiu Xiang was Lu Zhaorong, the wife of Tang BoHu, and just the mighty Merry genius, warned Tang BoHu that he should treat his loving and righteous future lady. Tang BoHu and Zhu ZhiShan, both scholar and scholar, worked together so skillfully that Ning Wang has been painstakingly engaged in a revolt for many years to make the Ming Dynasty free from the battles of a war.Tang BoHu still rejected the emperor's intention to be his official, carrying Qiu Xiang to the emperor and returning to his well-built Taohuawu.

Heavy case six groups (TV)[2001]

Feature: Group VI members included Ceng KeQiang (Chengru Li), Ji Jie (Qi Wang), Jiang Han (Dong Yong), Bai Ling (Rong Gao) and Huang Tao (Bo Zhang), with the top three at For years, the two have just stepped out of the gate of police academy. Under the direction of the Secretary (Chao Zhang), they detected a case of homicide, explosion, poisoning, abduction, robbery and amputation. But brave and cold, five people also have tenderness and mind. Ceng KeQiang Someone who was arrested on a later investigation for killing a teammate and vowed to catch the murderer but could not do so. Ji Jie found himself on the eve of a red carpet with her boyfriend and found his sister infected. Bai Ling and Huang Tao Most of the crime detection knowledge comes from books, the lack of actual combat experience often make them drag the whole team's hind legs, and five people also have unusual contradictions. However, when there is a case to be investigated, the five people can always quickly adjust their status and regard arrests as the first.

Kuetchinchigamjidin (Movie)[2000]

Feature: The Ming Dynasty criminal department, large detective Long LongJiu, was ordered to hunt "The Ghost King thief." This infatuated means of sin, but mysterious, so Long LongJiu and friend known as the sword of Xi MenChuiXue together to arrest. Ghost King thief put up a stubborn, and will kill four callers kill. Xi MenChuiXue saved Ye ZiQing and fell in love with Ye ZiQing. Long LongJiu back toward the complex life, in the Ministry of Punishments encounter impetuous sword Saint Ye GuCheng visit. Ye GuCheng asked Long LongJiu on behalf of Xi MenChuiXue September 15 in the top of the Forbidden City - Hall of Supreme Harmony palace sword to determine who is the world swordsman first. "Sword God" and "Juggernaut" sword than the matter, immediately shock martial arts. All rivers and lakes, all as gambling capital, sometimes gambling filled. The court was sent Long LongJiu and the Royal Sister gold swallows, jointly prevent this sword, so as not to breed trouble. Although the Royal Sisters gold swallow jade leaves of the body, Ye GuCheng has always admired. At that time, Ye GuCheng arrived in Beijing and went on to fight with the hidden family of clan Tang Yong in Shu. Unfortunately, he was poisoned. Golden Swallow found that he loves his heroism, determined to help each other, with the official snow lotus for his wounds. On the other hand, Long Long Liu Cha Cha got a mysterious power, including a mysterious swordsman who does not work under the Sword God and the Juggernaut and is waiting for a conspiracy until the night of September 15. Long LongJiu intends to prevent the two held this matchword. But was leaves, Simon two rejected. Sword God and Juggernaut at the top of the Forbidden City sword, but another conspiracy is under way. The original Ye GuCheng life pretend to themselves and Xi MenChuiXue than the sword, but they themselves to assassinate the emperor, to be self-reliance. Fortunately Long LongJiu see through, save a successful drive. Leaves are then heavily armored, surrounded by knowledge that mortal, but Xi MenChuiXue still to be completed with the sword. Results Yuzhubi sword, Ye GuCheng although slightly better than half a chip, still died in Xi MenChuiXue sword. Golden Swallow know Ye GuCheng deceived feelings, can not help but soft bowel, tears.

Odd case (TV)[2000]

Feature: In the late Qing dynasty, a group of Qing soldiers stationed in the mountains knew that a tribe had the gold treasure and learned that the Qing Dynasty was about to perish. As a result, the tribe was destroyed, the gold was divided, and then the matter was concealed. Perished, no one knows. In the Republican era, things of that year had vanished, and those who had won the gold were dead or separated. In Shanghai, where there were ten foreign markets, there were still five Qing soldiers who exterminated the tribe on that day. These five people include Yao HuaSheng and Yao Fa brothers, Xu MingYang, Li Bei and Niu Laoba, all of whom have five different fates after receiving huge sums of money. Yao brothers with those gold big deal, has become a political and economic celebrities, of which Yao Fa is the police chief; Xu MingYang was a doctor, got the gold big guilty, gave the gold to the charity, continue As a doctor practicing medicine, Li Bei often gives money to his dreams, entangles himself in the missionary's medicine, and hopes to ease his own sin. Gamble table scattered to dinner for a living. The five of them did not know that the tribe of that year had former descendants. He had become a professor of medicine, Ye YuShu, raising giant variants of bats and making plans to kill those who had lost their humanity. So from one day, the Qing troops stationed in Yunnan that year were bizarre deaths, all of a sudden that everyone said there is a ghost. The meddlesome Bai YiFei, a meddlesome conspirator, the Chen ZhongDao police and the Xu RuNong, a medical student, formed the "Ghostbusters" and their involvement changed the plan.

Happy (TV)[1999]

Feature: At home there are two sons and one daughter, the eldest son (Li Yapeng ornaments) returned from the United States, hi hi hi, brought "ABC" daughter (Chu Yin ornaments), so that the two elderly mentally bear some, they Can you get along? It is a problem. Second son Yu FuGui (Geng Le ornaments) love Kart racing, but forced dad to inherit the hand noodles.

Restless (Movie)[1998]

Feature: American girl Rhea spent five years in Beijing working with her boyfriend Jeff, but could not win his heart, they broke up. Charlie's grandfather died in the United States, according to grandpa's wishes, Charlie Escort grandfather's back to Beijing, on the way accidentally ashes scattered on the plane, Rhea zealously help him with soot instead, the two promised to keep the secret. After being introduced by her friends, Liya met the young Chinese Go master Sun Station and was deeply attracted by his self-confidence. In the process of studying Go game at Sun Station, Li realized her from the art of Go A very high realm of life, which has had a significant impact on their own lives. Unforeseen floods so that Charlie can not be planted ashes to the hometown of the country, he was attracted cousin celebration, Qingqing love, cousin politely refused. Charlie finally confessed to the matter ashes, Grandma forgave him, he deeply appreciate the warmth of the family. Geoff returned from the field, determined to propose to Rhea, Rhea hesitated. The film truly reflects the living conditions of Beijing and Beijingers from the perspective of foreigners.

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