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Cecilia Yip TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Cecilia Yip Works 44 ,And Romance 20 ,Feature 15 ,Costume Drama 7 ,Comedy 6 ,Action 4 ,Suspense 4 ,Crime 4 ,Fantasy 2 ,抗战2 ,Martial Arts 2 ,Myth play 2 ,Year 2 ,Thriller 2 ,年代戏1 ,Xian xia 1 ,古装悬疑动作1 ,Love 1 ,Historical play 1 ,古典1 ,传说1 ,Spy war 1 ,犯罪枪战1 ,Adventure 1 ,Black movie 1 ,Sci-Fi 1 ,Terror 1 ,Biopic 1 ,Westerns 1 ,War 1 。

Works Index

Cecilia Yip Filmography(44)


新白娘子传奇 (TV)[2019]


电视剧《新白娘子传奇》剧情介绍:讲述了峨眉山千年修德向善的蛇妖 Bai SuZhen 一心想得道升仙并打算去向往已久的临安城开开眼界。在临安上元节庙会阴差阳错与青蛇结为姐妹,青蛇化名 Xiao Qing 。 Bai SuZhen 和 Xiao Qing 在上元节邂逅颜值倾城“杏林怪咖” Xu Xian 。 Bai SuZhen 至善至纯的天性, Xu Xian 悬壶济世一心救人的品德,感动彼此。历经灯节火海、降妖蜈蚣精、西湖游船惊魂和白府家宴中毒河豚精等一系列风波,两人定情相爱。虽有 Xiao Qing 不满, Xu Xian 师妹横生枝节,但有情人终成神仙眷侣。端午节, Bai SuZhen 喝下雄黄酒现出妖形,吓死 Xu Xian 。 Bai SuZhen 不惜耗费百年修行法力,冒死盗取仙草,救活 Xu Xian 。好事多磨,真爱经历考验,许娇容因为误食含有 Bai SuZhen 血液的青团而昏迷不醒。 Bai SuZhen 欲耗费五百年法力救许娇容,却被天兵天将所阻,且被 Xu Xian 误解,不得以逃回峨眉洞府。后又经历魔界暗黑使者诱使 Xu Xian 化妖,欲称霸魔界的劫难,终化险为夷,重归人、妖、仙、魔四界安宁。在经历各种劫难和真相大冒险后,爱使人成长、改变, Xu Xian 和白娘子恩爱眷属,更加珍惜在一起的机会。 Fa Hai 执着降妖弘法,认定人妖不能相恋。强留 Xu Xian 在金山寺避妖修行,惹来 Bai SuZhen 和 Xiao Qing 水漫金山寺,触犯天条。 Bai SuZhen 产下一子仕林后,被 Fa Hai 镇压雷峰塔下。 Fa Hai 直言西湖水干,雷峰塔倒, Bai SuZhen 和 Xu Xian 重逢。十年如梭,少年 Xu ShiLin 初长成, Bai SuZhen 和 Xu Xian 能否迎来重相聚。

诛仙ⅰ (Movie)[2019]


电影根据萧鼎小说《诛仙》改编。草庙村被屠,少年 Zhang XiaoFan 双亲离世,被青云门大竹峰收留。机缘巧合之下,他习得佛门天音功法,又意外获得魔教法器烧火棍,踏上强者之路的同时,也让他陷入了巨大的危机。至魔法器的现世,与 Lu XueQi 、 Bi Yao 、 Tian LingEr 三个女生间命运的交错,都让他原本单纯的人生轨迹充满变数。一个勇者驳斥命运的传奇之旅就此展开......


Wolf War Wolf (TV)[2017]

Feature: Nanjing famous family Roche family of three half-brothers and half-brothers, the wolf Wolf war on the photo generation of emotional gratitude each side. In 1937, the Japanese troop trampled upon the vast land of China and the three brothers who were killed and displaced met again by chance. In the wake of the national crisis, the three brothers gave up their personal grudges and, using the guidance of Gu ShiMin, an elder brother of the Communist Party, took advantage of their strengths and made outstanding achievements in the great cause of the war of resistance. On an emergency, Luo YeFu found out that the Japanese are secretly developing "awakening agents" of chemical weapons and want to bomb the command center of Chongqing with suicide bombers. Luo YeFu bravely enters the enemy's interior with her expertise. During this period, he was misunderstood by lovers, fellow reproaches, the crisis of imminent murderous. Finally Luo YeFu, Gu ShiMin, Lo also work on the film as the Jun three brothers work together to resist the enemy, with strong conviction, indomitable spirit of wolf, successfully destroyed the Japanese chemical weapons factory. Composing the Chinese nation will never give in a "battle wolf" chapter.

战狼·战狼 (TV)[2017]


南京名门望族罗氏家族三个同父异母和同母异父的兄弟,因上一代的情感恩怨天各一方。1937年,日军的蹄铁践踏中华大地,家破人亡、流离失所的三兄弟机缘巧合的再次相见。国难当头,三兄弟放弃个人恩怨,在兄长共产党员 Gu ShiMin 的带领下,利用各自优势所长,在抗战大业中屡立奇功。一次突发事件, Luo YeFu 查出日军正在秘密研制“觉醒剂”化学武器,欲以自杀式人肉炸弹轰炸重庆指挥中心。 Luo YeFu 凭借自己的专业知识,勇敢地打入敌人内部。期间,他受到恋人的误解,同胞们的责骂,危机四伏的杀机。最后 Luo YeFu 、 Gu ShiMin 、 Luo YeJun 三兄弟携手抗敌,凭借坚强的信念,不屈不饶的狼性精神,成功炸毁了日军化学武器军工厂 。


NewYorkNewYork (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Shanghai in the 90s of last century, many people are fanatical going abroad. Lu Tu (Ethan Juan) is the youngest five-star hotel foreman who is well-versed and skilled, whether it's a younger brother like A Kun (Yang Xuwen) or Jin XiaoJie (Cecilia Yip ), All trust Lu Tu. Mi XianSheng (Michael Miu), an elite businessman who returned from the United States, even paid him fancy and invited him to head the new New York hotel. In order to go to New York, many people approach Lu Tu with different ends, including the girl Juan Du (Juan Juan) who is fascinated by Lu Tu. New York dream can get it? Where will Lu Tu and Azalea go? A period of love in the desire of cities on the entanglement of choice, to start ...

New York New York (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Shanghai in the 90s of last century, many people are fanatical going abroad. Lu Tu is the youngest five-star hotel foreman who is well-versed and committed. Lu Tu is trusted by all his younger brothers, such as A Kun and Jin XiaoJie who intend to play in the entertainment city. Mi XianSheng, an elite businessman who has returned from the United States, even considered him and invited him to head the new hotel in New York. In order to go to New York, many people approach Lu Tu with different ends, including the girl Azar who is fascinated by Lu Tu. New York dreams can get one's wish, Lu Tu and Azolla love will go from here.

Deep house snow (TV)[2015]

Feature: "House snow" tells the late Qing Dynasty, Suzhou city, Angelica, Manchu copied cut. Angelica escaped unharmed, then to the Qin government did spinning official figures according to photo workers. Ten years later, Chih-Hsien was simultaneously in love with Fang ZiHeng, a well-known son of Qin Jiaoyi, while being unexpectedly seen as a victim of Qin MuYang. In order to deal with the business side of Fang Fang Fang, Zhixin became Qin MuYang a bargaining chip. In order to revenge, Zi Xin married Zi Heng. In revenge, he fell in love with Tsz Heng and learned that the secret behind Han's door was the secret. Zi Heng because a murder was driven out of Fang Jia, Zhixin life and death accompanied. With the help of the Japanese village Nishimura, Tsz Heng resumed his stride in Shanghai. After a few years, the Fang family fell and Fang ZiHeng returned to his hometown to regain his possession. Nishimura came to Suzhou for the founding of a military factory, and the Sino-Japanese war broke the old custom of cutting off gowns. In the face of the nation's righteousness, the Chinese only rebel against each other. The Fang ZiHeng mill, which the Japanese wanted, turned into an ashes. Fang ZiHeng and West Village to drink their own preparation of toxins, the two only sigh, both killed. A carriage away from Suzhou, Zhusi looked at the billowing smoke in the city of Suzhou, huge tears fell down & nbsp ;.

TheWhiteHairedWitchofLunarKingdom (Movie)[2014]

Feature: Zhuo YiHang (Xiaoming Huang), the grandson of Zhuo Zhonglian, Governor of Sichuan and Shaanxi Province, has just become the new head of the Wudang school. Taking this opportunity, he went to the capital to enter Hongjin pill by order of Zi YangDaoZhang. Who knows giant eunuch Wei ZhongXian (Ni Dahong ornaments) stems from it, with the death of the poisonous death of the Red Crescent Ming Guangzong, and then took control of the government, sent Jin Yiwei chase Zhuo YiHang. Meanwhile, deputy chief of Sichuan and Shaanxi Province Jin DuYi (Vincent Zhao ornaments) plot to kill Zhuo Zhonglian, evil demon woman Yoshiaki (Bingbing Fan ornaments). Jade Brake and Zhuo Yi Fan met once again in a melee and fell in love. However, the good news is not long, the clutches of Kam Yi Wei, respectively, stretched to the moonlit temple and the Wudang Mountains, where the loving people were forced to separate. In order to avoid the wuddles of destruction, Zhuo YiHang had to humiliate the weight-shifting eunuchs. Know that Zhuo YiHang married his wife, Jade Brakes overnight. Chaotic autumn, the legend of men and women spread throughout the ages ...

For Saint ghost millet (TV)[2014]

Feature: Warring States Period, eruption collapse music. Zhou TianZi assassination ceremony assassination, the princes of the seven countries and Empress Chen Jie are suspects. Crisis, waves and clouds, the conspiracy of elaborate layout interlocking. War flames, vassal and the princes and the great times, adhering to the ideals and beliefs of the world's wizards Guiguzi Wang cicada, embarked on the road to Qinwang, and disciples Sun Bin, Pang Juan, Su Qin, Zhang Yi and other mighty people, go forward, World The grand curtain of strategy was opened, all the mystery was around the unveiling of the secrets of a dusty seal of the Zhou dynasty, a book of Sun Wu soldiers who could conquer the world, and a game of slaves and abolition of slaves to dominate the Chinese throne. . Heroic princes, dignified princes, prodigal roots; conspiracy and love, revenge and salvation, power and freedom, darkness and light. Everyone who lives in them has become the chess piece in the world chess fight fiercely, and all the plot of the culprit Ji Yuanbo and maneuvering Saint Gu Gu Millet, handle black and white, promote chess, launched the peak game of life and death showdown. Conspiracy Saint Gu Gui Gu Gu Zi experienced a rough age, determined to unify the world to end troubled times. Originally want to show talent in all countries, but jealousy framed. After the escape of seclusion ghost valley, after receiving Sun Bin Pang Juan as a disciple. After the two did not go down into the world, but to make the world more turmoil, Guiguzi rescued Sun Juan after the elimination of Pang Juan, once again retirement, thinking about the world strategy. In order to avoid repeating the mistakes made by Sun Sun, Gui Guzi ordered Zhang Yi and Qin two people to descend the mountain. They wanted to use political means to rule the world. Unexpectedly, the two were polluted by the great power of politics and forgotten their intention to seek personal gains by doing so, turning the world into an East-West war. Gui Guzi want to destroy vertical and horizontal, but it led to world war. After the death of Zhang Yi, Su Qin thorough enlightenment, suspended animation and Guiguzi Guji study the world policy. Ghost millet found Wakabayashi Han Fei, Li Si angrily Shanzuo Qin, Han Fei Qin Qin anti-Lee killed. Guigu down the mountain to help Lee animal husbandry Qin for the Korean non-revenge, although overcome, Li Mu was killed. Guiguzi disappointed found the true meaning of the people, only willing to secure without war. So entrusted the world to future generations, floating away. Many years later, the Central Plains heard the legend of Guiguzi apprentice, the two named Zhang Liang and Xiang Yu. "

Ladys House (TV)[2014]

Feature: "Lady's House" tells the story of Shanghai in the 1930s. Zhou Jin, who was born in poverty, accidentally discovered his bizarre life experience, and his father passed away a few decades ago for unknown photos. Unidentified truth, Zhou Jin hugged for his father's conspiracy and conspired with his childhood friend Su ZhiWen to sneak into the magnificent Shen family beach on Shanghai at the time, but unexpectedly found out that under the bright and beautiful appearance of this "lady's house", it was in fact a crisis. Fang RouZhi, a fickle lady, Fang Qi, a flirtatious fourth lady Ceng YuShan, and a three young lady Ling Ge, who bear the secret of the family. All this guides Zhou Jin to uncover the mystery step by step and find out the truth. As the fog unfolds, she discovers countless love and struggles behind all unspeakable secrets. In love and hate disputes, Zhou Jin gradually recognize their own hearts, choose the direction of the light, not only secretly tracing to find the real culprit, her heart's ice is slowly melting, and ultimately choose to guard their home with their families & nbsp ;.

Tang romantic hero (TV)[2013]

Feature: "Romance of Tang Dynasty Heroes" is divided into "a case of torture team hit the torment of the case", "illusionist fire sea burial of the case", "Blood Hung Kou Dan broken arm of the case", "Ghost Avenger case", "dark horse Car easy to mystery mystery case "," Black Fire burning city case "six wonderful units, the play romantic Ranger, energetic girl, elegant son, straight catch fast, infatuated song geisha, cold-blooded avenger and other charm figure turns on the stage . A year in the Tang Dynasty, Fengxiang House suburban Inn crisis everywhere, "Feng Xiang Xing, the world Hing; Fengxiang death, the world died" rumors everywhere. Officials of the post were all dismissed as a miscellaneous staff, a mysterious team will point to the assassination of today's Huang Shang, a strange and can not be extinguished with black fire burning the entire inn. Although the emperor out of danger, but the faithful generals Eagle disappeared in the fire, from no news. Since then, the emperor ignored the government, obsessed with Cuju, three years later, ordered the establishment of the Royal Jiu-Ju team, but in fact, this is a Jugu team set up in the name of the fire brigade. Surprisingly, the missing Eagle, who has been missing for three years, has been appointed by the Emperor as the head coach of the Royal Jubilee team. Feng Chi House to eat 100 rice grew up small bastard Tang Chi, the city's most famous blush gouache shop "advertising star" Tao YaoYao, came from the border dusty dog ​​Yu WenNan, afraid of his wife famous Zhu Mao, Tongue tongue Such as spring storyteller Wang Mian, was a monk, with great skill Fang ZhenChan, handsome twin brother Li Shan Li Shui, seemingly honest Cao LuSheng ... ... After a series of harsh selection, eventually, with the Tang Dynasty Romantic heroics stunt, every goal, behind the story of the ten figures, became the official team member of the Royal Jiu-Jiu. Surprisingly, among the ten members of the Ju Chi team, two men even disguised as men. Handsome appearance Tao YaoYao childhood parents were packaged into male models, shop at the door to attract business, is the city's famous beauty. She mixed into the Juxian team in order to follow the dream of her life saved the Flying Eagle. Tao YaoYao dedicated to the preparation of the Eagle, but the gift has long been replaced, the pastry has become a hidden weapon of life, flying eagle on the spot in the arrow ... ... The formation of the Royal Jiu-Jiu team of the road has just begun to have blood Lightsaber, plot one after another. Yu WenNan, another woman disguised as a man, came from the border and was admitted to the fire brigade as an impostor. There are mysterious tattoos on her shoulders and no one guesses her real purpose of joining the fire brigade. Yu WenNan and Tang Chi, from the very beginning of their rivals, to the "good brother" of life and death. Tang Chi feels the same hand and foot with Yu WenNan, and he can not think of it as a time bomb on his side. He can not imagine, as a good brother's fellow, is actually a hundred percent daughter body. Tao YaoYao chasing the head coach who obsessed with the total eagle, why the face always wear iron mask, no longer show people the true colors? Tao YaoYao accidental action by mistake, crashing the true identity of the eagle, but also completely shattered her first love ...... Fengxiang County Ya Buyou Li TianHao honest, hide the identity of Wang Wang's son, I hope the ideal of achievement Evil, good and evil.After the assassination of the eagle, Fengxiang House has another series of thunderstorm cases such as the death of an illusionist fire scene, the silk satin red Kou Dan broken arm case, the ghost-face avenger serial murder case and the mysterious black carriage plastic surgery mystery case. The Tang Dynasty romantic hero stills, Li TianHao Snatching cocoon, and finally the killer one by one in the law. In the process of exploring the case, Li TianHao and Tao YaoYao, Tang Chi and other team members to establish a deep friendship. Wang Ye's illegitimate child, Ge ShuMingLang, is a perverse, pale and gloomy man. He has a handsome face, a brilliant mind, a great martial arts heroine. He longs for his father's love, longs for his father's approval, and even hopes to use blood on his hands. In exchange for his father's first name, but he did not know all his plans in front of Wang Ye is like a child's play, and he and Li Ju Tao and the team repeated confrontation began to experience the romantic truth. Tang Chi bohemian, weird, seemingly everything does not matter, but in reality he grew lack of care for him, his heart yearned for truth, so he always treats a friend as a boy. With the arrival of Wen TianEr, the mystery of Tang Chi's life experience has also been unveiled. With the gradual opening of Tang Chi's life experience, the struggle for power has begun to evolve. Tang Chi, whose astonishing personal life is unavoidably involved in the storm, Swirl center. When the behind the scenes of the real culprit Wang Ye finally surfaced, Tang Chi and how to Li TianHao relative? Is both a son of an enemy, but also brothers and sisters, dilemma how to choose? How should Ge ShuMingLang, Tang Chi's condescension, deal with this father's biggest obstacle? Standing on the opposite side of Li TianHao and brother Shu brothers and what should go from here? Emotional entanglement between Li TianHao and Tao YaoYao and Wen TianEr The first unit, "A Case Involving Ju Yuan Huan Yuan Ming Huan" A certain year in the Tang Dynasty, Fengxiang Suburban Inn was in a state of crisis. Officials at the post were all victims of miscellaneous services, a mysterious team will point to today's Huang Shang. Under the courageous escort of the bodyguard Eagle, the Emperor escaped, the loyal Eagle disappeared in the fire. Since then, the emperor ignored the government, obsessed with Cuju, three years later, ordered the establishment of the Royal Jiu Ju team. In the end, Tao YaoYao, Tang Chi and Yu WenNan became the official members of the Royal Jiu-Jitsu team with ten unique characters behind the scenes. Li TianHao, a prefect of Fengxiang County, a son of Wang Ye, is honest and clean, and his ideal is to remove evil and promote good. He and Tao Yao Yao of T'u-Ju team found out the truth in numerous incidents, including the disappearance of the Eagle, but eventually faced with the facts of his father's rebellion. , Tang Chi and Yu WenNan's love and hate, Ge ShuMingLang's "bad guy" romance compose a song of Tang Dynasty romantic hero. "Step Ju team serial murder cases" by a section of "Mirror" to record the opening, the inn inhabited by the innumerable innkeeper, and was black assassin chase. In the face of rampant serial murder, as Fengxiang City Chieftains Li TianHao all the way to trace and found that all these masterminds are pointing to Ge ShuMingLang, but the truth is about to dawn, the concubine has suddenly hung up. The second unit, "Miyagi Fire Sea burial case mystery" Mi Lang in the Western Regions intoxicated, both Ge ShuMingLang and Tang Chi are looking for people to come and take the initiative to challenge.Mo Kui brought thrilling "Fire Sea Escape" to everyone on the same day as Mi Lang spells magic, unexpectedly. When Tang Chi made mistakes while performing the illusion, when everyone was sad about Tang Chi, he found Mi Lang, an illusionist, who was killed in a fire. Li TianHao suspected the case of Mi Lang was not a mere stage accident, but a deliberate murder. So he investigated the case of Mi Lang and the suspect locked Mi Lang's assistant Luo Yixiang. Li TianHao feels that there are still many doubts about the case of Mi Lang to justify Luo Yixiang. Li TianHao learned that Xiao Mei had given Mi Lang a drink before the performance and brought Xiaomei back to the county government to ask in detail. Pearl urged his father to save Xiaomei was rejected, desperation to surrender to the county government, but Li TianHao Miss Bahu's motive for murder and full of flawed words are full of suspicion. Tian Hao find Xiaomei, hoping she can tell the truth, but Xiaomei was silenced ... ... brother want to kill the death of Mi Lang Li HuaWu. Li TianHao learned from Li HuaWu that she and her love-hate entanglement with Mi Lang finally realized that the Pearl was originally chosen as the culprit for her father. The third unit, "Blood Hung Kou Dan broken arm of the case," Cheung Fung silk Zhuang deep night fire, step Ju team bravely fight the fire. Yu WenNan from the scene will send out a strange light of the "life-saving Kam box, which was actually a piece of nails coated with broken arm red blood Dan. Li TianHao investigating broken arm case, that like to paint the nail polish on the red satin silk wife Miss Ye TangLian disappeared in the night of the fire. The two corps salvaged from the river were named corpses, the female corpse is the broken arm owner, but beyond recognition, illegible, the case even more complicated and confusing. Ge Shu assigned Wen TianEr to investigate whether Ye TangLian is really dead or deceive. Li TianHao with the help of Yang Lie finally found Ye TangLian, but a little too late, Ye TangLian has breath dying. She saw Tang Chi before she died, and she was finally relieved to swallow her last breath. The fourth unit "Ghost Avenger Case" Patrol head catapult died in the hands of the Avengers ghost, Li TianHao became the object of the crazy revenge, Tang Chi, who sacrificed their lives to protect. Fengxiang city to a god operator, but Ling BiXia's brother Ling ZhanQuan, Tao YaoYao downturn of Li TianHao downturn, Li TianHao was calculated "big fierce" trillion, but did not mind. Li TianHao caught under the cat's death bizarre, he went to Goshu House investigation, seeing Wen TianEr love of Ge Shu, much blow. Li TianHao investigates Ling BiXia and finds she and Ling ZhanQuan have a weird cheat. Li TianHao surveyed Ling BiXia in order to maintain her elder brother Ling ZhanQuan's practice guide and finally realized why Ling ZhanQuan has become a skilled master in three years. Using "Invisible Fire" to Take away Wen TianEr. Li TianHao Faced with the revenge of Ling ZhanQuan alone, life and death, Wen TianEr killed Ling ZhanQuan. The fifth unit "black car easy to accommodate the case of" Ninja Ninja ghost in the dark car covered, the use of hypnosis to search the "black fire" artisan descendants. Tao YaoYao was captured by Gotu, "Ghost of Ge ShuMingLang (Yi Chan ornaments)" to Tao YaoYao hypnosis, Tao YaoYao tortured. Yu WenNan enters a chamber looking for Tao YaoYao, and the symbols on the wall have restored her memories.Ge Shu and "Ghost Face" attacked Yu WenNan and found Yu WenNan as the daughter of a warlock couple. He hypnotized Yu WenNan with "Ghost Faces" in an attempt to get the "Black Fire" recipe. In a critical moment, Tao Ba and Tao Ma rescued Yu WenNan. Ge Shupai Yi Tao Tao looks like the "ghost face" to explore the Tao Ba, Tao Ma's true identity. Li TianHao came to Tao to hire his marriage pro, really Tao YaoYao look in the eyes, but unable to stop. False Tao YaoYao In order to save lives, chase really Tao YaoYao, was hit by Tang Chi. Tang Chi inadvertently found Tao YaoYao truth, so with true Tao YaoYao went to stop Li TianHao worship. Tao YaoYao fake things to see, showing "ghost" panic flee. Tao Ba fight with her, but unexpectedly in the illusion. The sixth unit "Blackfire burning city" Tang Chi suddenly lost memory, transformed into Ge ShuMingLang around the puppet tool, and former friend Li TianHao against each other. Wang Ye will take advantage of the emperor's sacrificial ceremony, put the black fire burning Fengxiang - the completion of his so-called "heaven dark fire, destroy the evildoer" - get rid of the emperor himself ascended the throne. Each received their own task, to stop Wang Ye's actions. Wang Ye already knew Gotu's intention to fire himself, so Ge ​​Shu's hand and foot tendons picked up to stop him out of the house. Emperor ceremony began, the black fire is about to burn, Li TianHao carrying a bruised brother Gotou out of Goshushu. After the black fire burns, Yu WenNan has long understood that he is the guide to eliminate the black fire, regardless of danger to join the black fire. Ge Shu rushed to the help of Li TianHao also joined the black fire, black fire eventually become a firefly.

Xuanyuanjian day marks (TV)[2012]

Feature: "The Day of the Xuanyuanjian" Chen JingChou is Chen's last prince, carrying the life of the republic, he has not done a decent job for eighteen years. Chen Fu, who has been painstakingly educating him in Chen Ching, who has been mourning for the enemy, heard that the quickest way to recover from the success of the nation was to assemble the five artifacts of the ancient past. Chen JingChou, at the urging of Chen Fu, began to search for artifacts. However, at the beginning of the road to recovery, he encountered the most powerful opponent, Yu WenTa, a descendant of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, and a prince who was also a national enemy, hating each other, both of whom had the mission of republication and whose means and character were completely absent different. In the relationship between their friends and their enemies, they also encountered three special girls like Erh, Xiao Xue and Ning Ke, which involved complicated feelings. In the end, the conviction of safeguarding world peace defeated the desires. Chen JingChou and Yu WenTa sacrificed their little love to make their own love. They jointly sealed the marks of Heaven and saved the land of China.

Du LaLa Promotions (TV)[2010]

Feature: "Du LaLa promotion" Luodan Wang Stills Du LaLa entered the private enterprise after graduating from college. Due to the harassment of the boss Hu AFa, but also want to work with the world's top 500 companies like her boyfriend Li Hongming, Lala to DB to submit job applications. At the same time she also found that her boyfriend Li Hongming and his good friend Xia Hong fell in love. Du LaLa has no background, a good education, personal success. Lala in foreign companies spanning eight years, from a simple administrative assistant, grew up as a competent HR director, experienced a variety of workplace changes, but also after a variety of workplace honed. At the same time, her emotional world is also under test. Du LaLa, who has been a graduate of the state-owned enterprises, was unwilling to mediocrity and decided to resign. After she was finally admitted to the world top 500 foreign company Di Bi, she lost her love and her first love boyfriend came along with her best friend. Du LaLa, who came into the company with Debye, drove Wang Wei, DiBi's sales director, with diligence and honesty. Wang Wei has become a strong supporter of Du LaLa, both emotionally and careers. Despite being obstructed by Dai Xi, the ex-wife of Wang Wei in Debye, Du LaLa eventually relied on her own strength to step up to the top of the company and the growing affinity with Wang Wei.

Growingthroughlife (TV)[2009]

Feature: Hai Xing (林峰 饰) was born in the Regal House, the son of well-known industrialist Hai Yang, who has always admired his father, who has been chasing his father as the goal. But he has always been regarded as idol Hai Yang, suddenly fell! He was severely beaten down by his brother Hai Liang (Liu Song Ren). Hai Yang defeated not reconciled, finally more depressed and finally. Hai Xing so hate Hai Liang, determined to knock down Hai Liang, regain their possessions! However, Hai Xing's "Star Trek" official screenshots limited capital, had wanted to leave his father only one of the electronics company as a counterattack base, but unfortunately under the repeated chase Hai Liang, even the electronics company has also been Hai Liang Acquired, has become a subsidiary of the new Hai Group. Hai Xing frustrated in the initial battle, but he did not give up, humiliation, weight, stay within the Hay Group, an opportunity to counterattack Hai Liang. Zhong LinDa (Bosco Wong) has her friend Lin Hai alongside. Although Zhong LinDa came from the grass-roots level, she is never inferior in self-confidence. Two people strive to show that Hai Xing's position in the group is increasingly important, but the relationship between the two is slowly changing. Conflict between two friends, all due to emotional relations. Hai Xing and Ming Yao daughter Zhu YaoQun (Song Wenfei) have already engaged in an engagement. However, Yao Group still has not yet forgotten her feelings for Lin Tai. The relationship between the three people is complicated, and Fang LiJing (Ziqi Zhao) is still to be added later. Li Jing is Hai Xing's assistant to Hai Xing. Hai Xing has always been a guard against Lijing. Li Jing is Hai Liang's spy. She often fights and the two become flirting lovers. At the same time, Lin was also attracted by Li Jing's straightforwardness and simplicity. However, Li Jing unknowingly fell in love with Hai Xing while Hai Xing continued to vindictive with Hai Xing, and only Hai Xing in Li Jing's eyes, Did not mind. This complex relationship between the four corners of the world, so that Hai Xing and Lin's comrade-in-arms relationship, there cracked "The Star Trip" official drama marks. A chance, Lin found a striking fact: the original Hai Liang actually turned out to be biological father! Lin by Hai Liang and Hai Xing to their trust, rebellion. He has been sowing between the two, so that the two fought in the group intensified, the two fight a lose-lose. At the same time, he began to pursue Hai Liang's daughter Hai MeiSi (Toby Leung ornaments) to win the trust of Hai Liang. At this time suddenly suddenly another big forest, the joint fund to the already frail Hai Group made a full acquisition. Hai Xing This know that they have been used by Lin, but also found another amazing fact, Hai Liang turned out to be their own biological father! Hai Xing knows that he has always targeted the attacker, who is actually a pro and regretful. Fortunately Hai Xing there are still many people around the support, Li Jing had always vied with Hai Xing, but when Hai Xing depression, Lijing never stop, has been in support of Hai Xing around. Although Lin Da world, but unpopular, and even his father, Zhong JianCheng (Dominic Lam ornaments) have to abandon him, betrayal of their relatives. Lin Xing collapsed, but instead got more support, even more resentful, so fiercely beating the dog, everywhere difficult to retake Hai Xing. Lin everywhere to attack Xing Hai, vowing to Hai Xing's acquisition of enterprises, to Hai Hai stampede at the foot, to dismiss hate. However, Hai Xing has shrunk now, how can we stand still, Lin Hai stepped down Hai Xing, Hai Xing and why do not want to take back the Hai Group. One of the largest acquisition war in history, opened the war mantle

Ticket (Movie)[2008]

Feature: The delivery room, television reporter Ceng YuTong () prepare to interview pregnant Wu Jing, although the latter knows the fetus may have congenital diseases, still decided to produce. The decision puzzled Yatong, who decided the decision was unfair to infants. Postpartum, mother and child safety, the news came, Yutong gradually understand the couple. During the interview, Yutong received a call from his friend Zhi Xuan (formerly Yutong Tong), an orphan who was abandoned to the monastery from an early age. Nursing nuns Ceng MaMa seriously ill hospitalized, time is running out.嬷 嬷 dying before the end of a parcel and a ticket given Yutong, hoping her to put aside the hatred of her mother, reunited with her. Looking at the tickets and grudges of the last wish, so hate the mother of rain Tong in love and hate is difficult to determine. Is hesitating to set foot on the road to find a mother, Yutong met a Xiaoding with depression to work taxi driver (). During the talks, he learned that his insistence on raising his son has rippled the hearts of Yutong, who are not trusted with his family, and curious about his mother's decision to abandon his own decision on the same day. She decided to embark on a road to finding roots with Zhi Xuan. Yutong and Zhi Xuan set foot on the road to find their loved ones.

ThePrettyWomen (Movie)[2008]

Feature: As a fashion magazine "FASHION" curator Yema Li, beautiful, atmospheric, sophisticated, deeply under the respect of colleagues around. However, only one person dared to turn her eyes. The newly merged company was originally a competitor of "THE DESIGN" magazine editor in chief, once the enemy, with the famous curator Lin XiaoMin. Both are competing for the fashion show next season. Company CEO Qiao Xiong hope they work together to launch a stunning perfume, as the next season's fashion pioneer. However, Zhang Lu heart arrogant, want to be done independently, unwilling to work well with the forest. Ye Mary on Qiao Xiong actually has been loving, but proud she refused to admit. The boss Qiao Xiong also seems to be a mysterious figure, no one knows more than every other person who flies from Hong Kong every month for two weeks and desperately works. Ye Mary, who refuses to acknowledge her feelings, has only quietly helped and admired the boss, never thinking of past confessions and actions. Or because Yeh Mary did not have time to think about emotional issues, on the one hand, she considered her husband and wife as much as her joys and sorrows, and she had no regard for her feelings.

Will total plan (TV)[2007]

Feature: Photo Yuan Shikai gain when the thief Ye Tianyu led her daughter Ye Feifei and his disciples Lung Cheung days (Ye Long, two couples) carefully planned a great robbery, successfully from the hands of the Emperor Pu Yi cheated the gold million two. On the way of their smooth delivery of gold to Jincheng, Lung Cheong put a cold gun to attack Ye Tianyu and Ye Feifei. Ye Tianyu woe on the spot a life, Ye Feifei opened fire and fight back, and Lung Cheung both shot dead. The story of three people and the group of gold has also become a legend as time goes by. Twenty years after Jincheng, west of the suburbs there is a favela named pig and chicken. Here is the land of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, three religions and nine exiles mixed here. Zhaizhu Wu JiaoJiao with the only daughter YuEr lived on this dependent for two decades. Yu Er, who is a supernatural deception, happened to have stolen a baby jade butterfly at the birthday of Jincheng's richest man, Zhuang Cheng. Wu JiaoJiao (that is, the year's YeFeiFei) accidentally learned by this token Chuang Cheng Cheng's true identity (Zhuang Cheng Long Xiang Tian). The original two did not die, are reshaping Jincheng seclusion. Wu JiaoJiao In order to report his father's revenge, Yu Er was sent to make Zhuang RuoLong mixed with Zhuang Cheng's son. After some battles and twists and turns, Wu JiaoJiao Zhuang Cheng actually found himself still in love, but she was on the death of his father Lung days to heart, into a sense of dilemma. Under the co-ordination of Yu Er and Long, Wu JiaoJiao and Zhuang Cheng finally broke the mirror. If the dragon unconsciously fell in love with Yu Er, he later learned that he was not a natural son of Zhuang Cheng. Zhuang Cheng was framed by his cronies Wang Lei and generals stationed in Jincheng, and both were wounded under the guns with Wu JiaoJiao. If Long and Yu Er take revenge for their parents, they will counter-attack Wang Lei and the general in a series of countermeasures, but will eventually lose their position in solitude. At the critical juncture, Zhuang Cheng and Wu JiaoJiao fell from the sky, originally they designed to exterminate the enemy and design fraud.

Swing girl (TV)[2005]

Feature: Married Cheng TianShu on the road to see the TV wall diamond ads, but also received her boyfriend Frank's phone, mistakenly think they will propose to him. PR firm manager Lin Haitian for the purchase of diamond rings and marriage mad conflict, and again in the real beer press conference a problem. Giant Yao Yao Man as a contract, do everything possible to find really cool beer boss Zhen YouQian. Unexpectedly, she met Xin XiYa, a woman who wanted to cheat Zhen YouQian and trusted Lin Haitian. Color landlord's 500,000 winning lottery, actually flew to the top floor of the hotel, when he risked his life to pick up when the hotel PR manager marry madly strongly discouraged, the two touched the alarm in the dispute, the news conference suddenly chaos . The innocent sister is very sympathetic to a married maniac, trying to pull her together with a single father and think it is appropriate to marry them. Marriage mad to change their status, bought himself a ring, did not expect lucky touched the award: two-week trip to France. Married very happy, hope this trip let her find a good husband. Xin Lin Hai Xin TianYaa heart still, but Xin XiYa replied altogether, completely rejected him. The reason why she approached Zhen YouQian was for his money. Lin Haitian do not understand Xin XiYa Why do this, he asked the fans, Xin XiYa and Zhen before that day in the end what happened between the million people morale silence, ask the beauty and money together what happens, Lin The weather is gone, crush on his man's heart is not happy, so she and the fans and friction. Marriage wants to go to France, and change the dress looking for opportunities to know the rich man. Color landlord and innocent sister feel she is really crazy. However, Married really met in the first class French An DeLu, very touching, but unexpected Zhen YouQian in the middle of them. On the way to the situation, the plane returned home, marriage mad is arranged to rest in the same room with pregnant women, the most unexpected wedding is unexpected, her unmarried husband was her predecessor boyfriend. For the comfort of marriage mad, color landlord, naive girl invariably buy 鮟 鱇 fish to send her. Marriage still think this fish is too ugly, not good. Naive sister shyly said that in fact, love is not beautiful, but people's expectations of it too high. Married mad to help color the landlord with glasses, the two walked back all the way, the original quarrel they always say their own truth, but more and more speculation. Suddenly, marriage madness, in fact, the love of two beautiful people can also be very sweet. Color landlord stared, hugged her deeply kiss her. However, at this moment, a girl suddenly came from the United States. She is called A Jiao, is the landlord's daughter when the color landlord travels to the United States. A Jiao sudden visit, color room eager to prepare meals for her, so negligent innocent sister, man and woman. A Jiao finally said he was opposed by parents, she was in love with TOM went to China. Tie Dan came to the man-in-law's younger brother, led by Tie Dan, who went shopping, bought food and bought lottery tickets for Tie Tie's lucky draw. He thought there would be no color, but why he won the award. Swinging Girl Stills A marry mad with Tie Dan to the playground, a roller coaster ride, and Tie Dan dazed in the past, anxious for her to send him to the hospital. The man-in-law got the message and rushed to the emergency room.Yu GenBao said after the doctor said the child was congenital heart disease, hospitalization immediately surgery, about fifty or sixty thousand costs. Surprisingly, Xin XiYa learned the matter, take the initiative to come to donate money. The matter touches the color landlord, finally took out a passbook, to see a doctor for the child, in order to show atonement. The annual beer tenders will start, Zhen YouQian think there is a risk, do not want to win the bid. Lin Haitian had long been concerned, naive girl to intervene from, so her father do not want to win the bid. Zhen YouQian promised her daughter. Unexpectedly, suddenly a million fans suddenly wear a wedding fan, saying she and Lin Haitian have been pounding. Zhen YouQian listened to a fire and decided to play on his own. Naive girl run away from home angrily. The innocent girl came off the street and met Dai Wei, but he did not have the money to make a living by selling things. The money was not enough for the innocent girl to buy clothes and flowers. He also did not have a house, Quickly be driven away. The innocent sister said that he should work with him and feed himself. Glamorous, man-in-law with their own purpose to find a doctor, you can play are concerned about the naive girl's banner. But Yu GenBao's heart is Xin XiYa, who has to be rejected for her birthday. After Yu GenBao was rejected, only the wedding fanatic gave him this comfort, and he decided to invite her to eat at home to express her gratitude. Zhen YouQian depressed hearts, drink alcohol worry, marriage mad learned and million people rushed to the hotel, the color of the landlord, the man-in-law to find innocent girl. Dai Wei high fever, naive sister back to the hospital, just Lin Haitian, man and woman arrived. Lin Haitian naive girl rushed to the hotel. Zhen YouQian climbed the top of the barricade, marriage mad difficult rescue him. Naive sister arrived at the moment, father and daughter meet each other cry. A returnees real estate owner Lu Peng pursuit of fans, but let a house boiling up. Lu Peng chase after thousands of people lost, but also hired color landlord, man and woman to be close to the glamorous, have been rejected. Millionaire to tell the story of her painful experience of love. And this time a woman named Jin XiangYu hit the door to cause public anger. Lu Peng kneeling in front of thousands of fans, asking for forgiveness. But things do not go so smoothly, Jin Fu forcing Lu Peng early marry them. Jin XiangYu dragged Lu Peng troubled New Year's home, saying that selling the house's money is her, count given to her, on condition that thousands of people away from him. Giant fans leave angrily. Jin XiangYu unexpectedly invited everyone to France to attend her wedding with Lu Peng. Marriage mad, the man-in-law knows that the heart of people is very painful, have to comfort her, but even more surprising, glamorous decided to accept the fate of the challenge to France to attend the wedding. When they finally left, Lin Haitian took them to the airport by car and unexpectedly met Yu XiBao at the parking lot. Xin XiYa also hinted that Lin Haitian, must seize the opportunity to pursue marriage mad. People suddenly said to the colorist, she wants to marry him in the same place on the same day they were married, to do for them to see. Although the real color landlord understand that this is a fake marriage, but grateful to her trust. Wanted to marry Mad them with her to buy wedding. Only a naive sister wandering alone in the street, walked into the church, met a middle-aged woman called gorgeous in France. Gorgeous said she also had a daughter as big as her, and invited her to visit her house.Naive girl feel something unexpected, she also has a daughter called the heart. In fact, the innocent sister met her mother, Mei Wah, Zhen YouQian called, just the United States in the two decades after the phone recognize, the United States and innocent girl to mother and daughter Recognize. Surprise for everyone, cried. Color landlord, geek costumes appear in the hotel, Jin XiangYu angrily to get out of her, go up in love is two slap in the face, that is to give them two to a broken, the scene suddenly chaos. At this very moment, Lin Haitian also came to France for the wedding fanatic, unfortunately, he was wounded thrown by a wedding fanatic. But after this accident, marriage mad, Lin Haitian came together, everyone happy. Lin Haitian told the doctor sick and Xin XiYa story. Marriage can not forgive myself, let Xin XiYa suffer her on her behalf. Lin Haitian a listen, think she is unreasonable, angry to go back. At the moment they were on their way to the airport, Ya Dang, a man-and-woman suitor, was again angered and indignant. Girlfriends They returned to the villa, marry unexpectedly proposed to be scattered, then glamorous, men and women have to leave, although the color of the landlord to retain, their attitude is still firm. Color landlord said he likes geeks, do not think he likes to do whatever they want, since you want to go, then go its own way forward. Instead, everyone looks at each other. Married mad at the villa burned meal Sanfan, who can not eat, in fact, no one wants to go. Man and woman vomit truth, her favorite actually is that the French named Ya Dang; asked the most favorite wedding favorite hate, although she said a lot, you can always say no one. Innocent sister, men and women spot wear him on the spot, this person is Lin Haitian. Lin Haitian, color landlord just heard at the door, they apart from anything else, one hugged the marriage crazy, one picked up the fans, ran into their own room, the next day the man-woman also received Ya Dang From the letter from France, in order to live up to her, she decided to fly to France. Just as they sent her to the airport, the innocent sister unexpectedly found her father going to France, and she also went to see her with him. Finally, all people have a wonderful ending.

Good morning birch forest (TV)[2005]

Feature: In the winter of 2002, a number of murders and a smuggling of cross-border arms occurred in Russia's Alta state, a city bordering the Chinese border city. A series of cases brought the two countries together. Scouting around two notable Chinese names, namely, Yuri and Wu Xiaojun, Zhang Zhiyuan, the principal culprit in the arms smuggling incident, and the witness of the car bombing, Sergei, were killed. Dr Vivalyev, an important witness to the killings on Neva Avenue, disappeared. Russian and Chinese police temporarily confused ... ... It turned out that Fu Fifi is the core figure of drug trafficking gang Fu Fifi himself hidden in the dark. She was the first to make the case of military personnel barrier to the eyes, to kill and expel someone to remove the yellow wife, indirectly kidnapped Suker's daughter ... ... After the incident was revealed, Fu Fifi and his men hostage Wu Na, Huang Jianhong fled to Lake Baikal, the Russian Ministry of Interior Urgently dispatch special forces to rescue Chinese counterparts. Fu Fifi et al. Suffered a snowstorm on the road to escape. Huang Jianhong escaped while the killers robbed the warm clothes. Wu Na with the branches made of snow plow frostbite Fu Fei Fei difficult to go to the rescue team, and in the moment they find the rescue team, Fu Feifei fired a bullet of evil ... ...

Kangding Love Song (TV)[2004]

Feature: Muya Gu Zhuang main mother of the song is dying, Tibetan medicine, Chinese medicine, Western medicine are days back surgery. In order to save his mother's life, desperation, Qu Deng had to accept the advice of others, to concubine the way to concubine to make the final effort. His wife Dolma sad, with young daughter Kang Zhu angrily back to her parents. The wedding day, the mother ascended the sky, followed by more bad news: one wife died in a sea of ​​fire, her daughter Miss Hong Kong whereabouts unknown. Sadly sentinel Qu Deng sent around looking for her whereabouts of the result, so the experience of his wife and children were disconcerted in the new daughter Yang Zhen's body, the two lived a real life since the couple. Kang Zhu escaped the man-made fire, his family surnamed Li, a Han Chinese silversmith with her escape to the Tagore prairie. In order to secure Kang Zhu renamed Kim Soo, said Lee Silversmith Abba. At Tago Prairie, they were taken home by Cuo Mu and Luo Sang, kind-hearted blacksmiths, and Cuo Mu, with his wisdom, saved his family from disaster. Li silversmith with silverware craft in the osmanthus bridge home, Kang Zhu and Luo Sang has become a close friend. Ten years after the merger of the Atlas, a chance by chance, Qu Deng learned that Kang Zhu was still alive, and quickly dispatched Kang Zhu back to Muya Pottery. At this time, Kang Zhu has grown up and falls in love with Luo Sang, the son of blacksmith Cuo Mu. Under the perseverance of Li silversmith and Cuo Mu, Kang Chu returned to her biological father with deep melancholy. She soon saw the death of Li Silversmith, Cuo Mu and Luo Sang, and she was unhappy. Luo Sang led the caravans on the way to bandits led by Hei Shan and seized all the cargo. Luo Sang recovered the cargo alone and swore with Hei Shan as his brother. Luo Sang returned to osmanthus bridge only to find everything changed, but also brought disaster. Luo Sang crashed into the precipice in the head man's chase, Luo Sang was rescued by the hot Sela Wei Wei Se family, Wei Se's meticulous care finally healed. In order to find the whereabouts of Kang Zhu, he bid farewell to the Wei Se family came to sworn brother Hei Shan, Hei Shan also unfortunately died in the fight with the chief man. Luo Sang knew Kang Zhu's whereabouts, heart ashes, decided to replace Hei Shan's name to continue to lead the brother robbery for the poor. Zhang Jin, Zhangding, owner of Zhangding Tea House at Kangding Yongchang, came back from abroad and encountered Yong Xi, a cousin of Quetta on his way, and was robbed by Hei Shan. Zhang Jin came out and claimed to be Yong Xi's husband as a hostage. Gengrang Zhang Jin told Luo Sang he is actually not the husband of Yong Xi, they are just friends who meet by chance, Luo Sang see Zhang Jin is a lover of justice not only let him also become friends with him. Zhang Jin and Yong Xi In order to turn Hong Kuei into a well-educated young lady, she learns Chinese characters and English and etiquette every day, but Hong-ku has her own heart. Although Yong Xi everywhere appreciate Zhang Jin, but Zhang Jin Kang love bead at first sight. Kang Zhu unchanging personality attracted Zhang Jin, he in a very way to Kang Zhu launched a fierce love offensive, Kang Zhu moment confused, and Qu Deng for the benefit of pot Zhuang, decided to marry Chinese, but Kang Pearl told Qu Deng her heart only Luo Sang.Because the country is in troubled times, allows the transaction of the vote has not yet issued, Zhang determined to still follow the old rules into the tea in Chengdu, before leaving to Chazhuang entrusted to Zhang Jin, did not expect the return of Hei Shan was robbed . Luo Sang hurried back to solve the issue, ordered everyone to send the tea back. Luo Sang can not help but care about Kang Zhu situation, Zhang told Luo Sang, Kang Zhu is not happy at all, every day miss her Luo Sang brother. Yang Zhen, who had not let her talk about Guozhuang's business to heart, had agreed to secretly trade with the East India Company under his father Didji's persuasion. Zhang boss because the pot Zhuang helped him save the tea decided to give these pots of tea Zhuang, but after forty-eight Guozhuang decided to buy or follow the usual practice. Quidden soon heard that Deji sold the East Indian company's tea at a very low price and disrupted the tea market. Quatre decided to punish Deji. Yong Xi crush on Zhang Jin, but to watch the sweetheart dedication to Conzzz confession. Kang Zhu Although still miss Luo Sang, but gradually moved by the passion of Zhang Jin. Luo Sang once again came to Kangding and met Wei Se, a veteran who is performing arts. The enthusiastic Wei Se proactively shows love to Luo Sang, while Luo Sang says he has a woman in his heart. Luo Sang Zhang Jin to know the news of marriage and Kang Zhu, the heart is insensitive. Kang Zhu wedding grand, luxury, happiness, Kang Zhu Qu denied or can not say "Abba." At the wedding, Qu Deng announced that she would give Kang Zhu a big ring symbolizing the first gold plate. However, what everyone can not think of is that Luo Sang, who is still alive and has become a famous revolving horse on the tea horse road, appeared at the wedding of Kang Zhu and Zhang Jin. He wore a mask, singing Kangding love songs, worship to his former lover Hada express wishes. After knowing that Luo Sang is still alive, Kang Zhu ignores everyone's objections and abandons everything to pursue her love with Luo Sang. Zhang for Kang Hong, wedding night, two of a bed, one on the ground. Zhang Jin finally decided divorce, but due to various reasons, the two postponed the announcement of divorce news, Zhang Jin still lives in Mu Ya Zhuang and Kang Zhu posing as husband and wife. In order for Kang Zhu and Zhang Jin to come together, Qu Deng personally met Luo Sang and asked him to leave. For Kang Zhu's "happiness," Luo Sang lied to the fact that she already had a woman, Kang Zhu shed tears of disappointment. Doctors suspect that the liver grew long tumors, it is recommended to a large hospital. Yang Zhen accompanied the elder to Chengdu, while Kang Zhu and Yong Xi stayed in the pot village for business. Trickery Deji Master took advantage of Qu Deng's visit to the occasion, conspired with several other pot village and Charlie do tea business, in order to make things worse Diazhu. Kang Zhu Department panic, suggesting pot Zhuang and Chinese Chazhuang common stock. Luo Sang robbed the pot Zhuang combined into the tea but only put Mu Ya pot Zhuang goods, but I did not want to help Kang Beizhu busy. Other pot owners have come to Mu Ya pot Zhuang forced Dekang. Deji said the master dressed in the relationship between Hei Shan and Kang Zhu, but Kang is not taboo, but said that even if Luo Sang is Hei Shan, will be his brother. Kang Zhu sincere move other pot owners, a storm gradually subsided. Kang Zhu decided to meet with Luo Sang alone. The two lovers finally met again. Undy Tech's men's design trap trapped Kang Zhu and Luo Sang.The hospital to the song is diagnosed with advanced liver cancer, suggesting that he go to Tianjin surgery to prolong life, Qu Deng decides and Yang Zhen returned Kangding. In the face of death, they exchanged their opinions and shared their grudges against each other along the way and regretted the unhappiness of the past. Tyndon returned home, exposing the British people into the Kham tea market and then monopolize and control the plot of the Kham region. But did not think that song has been trapped in the quagmire of the British design a good drug can not extricate themselves. Slowly foreigners do tea business ideas gradually appear in the heart of the song. In order to seek greater benefits, the British actually started the opium business in Kangding, but it was soon exposed by Quetten and Hong Peacock. Deji Master eventually repent told the truth of the death of Quedun Dolma and seek his forgiveness, the two eventually give up before the hatchet. In the call to Dolma, Qu den left. Guzhuang for the Quetzal held a grand burial, Quett's time is over. Kang Zhu finally found Luo Sang at the tomb of Li YinShan, but Luo Sang was disheartened to cast Kang Zhu, Kang Zhu reluctantly returned to the pot village. Desperate Kang Zhu under the guidance of Yang Zhen re-put the first big gold A ring. Yong Xi left Panzhuang and returned to Chengdu to complete his studies. Zhang Jin left to do business with Charlie. Yang Zhen helped Zuo Kangzhu to manage Panzhuang, Luo Sang and Kang Zhu. They could only miss each other in their hearts, and Kangding people's life continued. After repeated, after many hardships, the lover eventually failed to become dependents, leaving a huge regret and melancholy, while leaving a song sung so far Kangding.

Original is u (TV)[2004]

Feature: "You are the original" stills In the late Ching dynasty of Shanghai, Du Zhen, who chaired the Daosheng Bank, was bent on consolidating its position in the Shanghai market. And his only daughter studying abroad in the United Kingdom Du Muxue was also he reclaimed the country. On the wharf, the misunderstanding of strange mistakes made Wei Lian, a British businessman, and the newly arrived Mu-hsu struck out. Fortunately, Mu-Xue's cousin Xiao PeiYuan arrived in time with Mu-hsueh's insurance. Back home, Found that the real reason for being called back to the country is to marry Wei Wei, Western she thought she would accept the idea of ​​the West, decided to let Wei know difficult to retire, but unexpectedly the other party was actually hit the dock Wei Lian. Wei Lian first met Mu Xin, such as a runaway horse, decided to conquer her anyway. He told all the thoughts to the most intimate pink confidante Ru Yan, and Ru Yan secretly will Mu snow as their enemy. Gezhoujia Huzhou silk industry operations, wealthy party, Ge LaoTaiTai only rely on the grandson of Ge JiaHong, but Jiahong live sexual fun and aggressive, big nerve, often make Ge LaoTaiTai worried, but fortunately close Jin girl gentle and meticulous, Often for Ge LaoTaiTai worry about worrying. At the temple fair, Jin Er coincides with the snow, two people looked extremely surprised - the original appearance of the two actually exactly the same! MuXueXing induced, proposed two dress up, and then take pictures, but because of the flash explosion scared side horse, leading to a scene of chaos. Mu-wu wakes up back to the Ge family cabin Huzhou, I was shocked that the event is not good, but Ge LaoTaiTai's care, so Mu-hsu could not bear to puncture. The boat line is far away, Mu Xue mind a turn, simply wrong is wrong, thus avoiding the marriage contract with Wei Lian. In Du, wake up Jin Er but lost memory! Wei Lian thought that although Mu Snow was no longer resistant to injuries, but he wanted to get Mu's true love, so pleasing to please her. Jin Er was finally tempted by Wei Lian's gentleness and offensive. The gentle and considerate Jin Er, so original Xiao PeiYuan uninhibited fall in love with the "cousin." Appearing Jin Er Mu snow does not change the sunshine personality, so that the old lady more favor. One day, home macro was severely wounded enemy's family, Mu-hsue carefully take care of home macro, two dark love affair. With Jin Er body slowly recover, Du Jia also decided to choose the day to do weddings. Unexpectedly, at this juncture, Jin Er recovered the memory. Ge LaoTaiTai is anxious to give Jin Er a name, so Jia Hong and Jin Er quickly married. In desperation, Mu Xue and home HTC reached a fake marriage agreement. On the wedding day, the real Jin Er returned to Huzhou. Jin Er was discovered on the wedding day by Du, she is not a real Mu snow, but Du Zhen tried hard to convince Jin Er to play in the end. Occasionally, Wei Lian discovered that Ge JiaHong's daughter-in-law was his favorite Du Muxue, so he personally made a fraudulent charge and finally ate Wang Hong for smuggling and was locked in a jail in Beijing. Mu-hsueh save her husband, looking for Wei Lian help. Wei Lian took advantage of the opportunity to force Mu Xue to take a break in his family's book in exchange for a life and finally forcibly forcibly. On the way back to Huzhou, Jiahong met Yi RenFeng, the daughter of Yi ZhengBang, a magistrate who travels on men's clothing. Home macro hurried back to Huzhou, but only to see the two loess grandmother and uncle.Yi ZhengBang learned that her daughter was very upset with a bunch of locals and cut off the livelihood of Ge JiaHong and her gang. Ge JiaHong got angry and impulsively stopped by the street and Yi ZhengBang theory did not expect Yi ZhengBang to And Ge JiaHong look at each other ... ... Ge JiaHong how to report this family's demise? How does Yi ZhengBang make Ge JiaHong a makeover? How does Mu-hsue find out about Jin Er's life-and-death mystery from Ru Yan? Home macro, Mu Xue This pair of hard-working mandarin ducks, whether it can be reconciled? Ru Yan Can you get the complete love of Wei Lian? In this love-hate relationship, who can have true love?

SayYesEnterprise (TV)[2004]

Feature: The drama is divided into seven units The first unit "The Sparrows Phoenix" The second unit "love affair" The third unit "Love Letter" The fourth unit "Graduates" fifth unit "Deadly attraction" The sixth unit "Karama You are the bride of my life for Karama Seventh Unit

It is you (TV)[2004]

Feature: "You Are It" tells the story of Shanghai, the late Qing dynasty, and Du Zhen, who runs Chaosheng Bank, is bent on consolidating its position in Shanghai. Du MuXue, the only daughter of his student studying in the United Kingdom, was also recruited to China. On the wharf, the misunderstanding of strange mistakes made Wei Lian, a British businessman, and the newly arrived Mu-hsu struck out. Fortunately, Mu-Xue's cousin Xiao PeiYuan arrived in time with Mu-hsueh's insurance. Back home, Found that the real reason for being called back to the country is to marry Wei Wei, Western she thought she would accept the idea of ​​the West, decided to let Wei know difficult to retire, but unexpectedly the other party was actually hit the dock Wei Lian. Wei Lian first met Mu Xin, such as a runaway horse, decided to conquer her anyway. He told all the thoughts to the most intimate pink confidante Ru Yan, and Ru Yan secretly will Mu snow as their enemy. Gezhoujia Huzhou silk industry operations, wealthy party, Ge LaoTaiTai only rely on the grandson of Ge JiaHong, but Jiahong live sexual fun and aggressive, big nerve, often make Ge LaoTaiTai worried, but fortunately close Jin girl gentle and meticulous, Often for Ge LaoTaiTai worry about worrying. At the temple fair, Jin Er coincides with the snow, two people looked extremely surprised - the original appearance of the two actually exactly the same! MuXueXing induced, proposed two dress up, and then take pictures, but because of the flash explosion scared side horse, leading to a scene of chaos. Mu-wu wakes up back to the Ge family cabin Huzhou, I was shocked that the event is not good, but Ge LaoTaiTai's care, so Mu-hsu could not bear to puncture. The boat line is far away, Mu Xue mind a turn, simply wrong is wrong, thus avoiding the marriage contract with Wei Lian. In Du, wake up Jin Er but lost memory! Wei Lian thought that although Mu Snow was no longer resistant to injuries, but he wanted to get Mu's true love, so pleasing to please her. Jin Er was finally tempted by Wei Lian's gentleness and offensive. The gentle and considerate Jin Er, so original Xiao PeiYuan uninhibited fall in love with the "cousin." Appearing Jin Er Mu snow does not change the sunshine personality, so that the old lady more favor. One day, home macro was severely wounded enemy's family, Mu-hsue carefully take care of home macro, two dark love affair. With Jin Er body slowly recover, Du Jia also decided to choose the day to do weddings. Unexpectedly, at this juncture, Jin Er recovered the memory. Ge LaoTaiTai is anxious to give Jin Er a name, so Jia Hong and Jin Er quickly married. In desperation, Mu Xue and home HTC reached a fake marriage agreement. On the wedding day, the real Jin Er returned to Huzhou. Jin Er was discovered on the wedding day by Du, she is not a real Mu snow, but Du Zhen tried hard to convince Jin Er to play in the end. Occasionally, Wei Lian found out that Ge JiaHong's daughter-in-law was Du MuXue, whom he really liked, so he made a fraudulent occupation of the house and eventually took the family macro for smuggling and was locked in a jail in Beijing. Mu-hsueh save her husband, looking for Wei Lian help. Wei Lian took advantage of the opportunity to force Mu Xue to take a break in his family's book in exchange for a life and finally forcibly forcibly. On the way back to Huzhou, Jiahong met Yi RenFeng, the daughter of Yi ZhengBang, a magistrate who travels on men's clothing. Home macro hurried back to Huzhou, but only to see the two loess grandmother and uncle.Yi ZhengBang learned that her daughter was very upset with a bunch of locals and cut off the livelihood of Ge JiaHong and her gang. Ge JiaHong got angry and impulsively stopped by the street and Yi ZhengBang theory did not expect Yi ZhengBang to And Ge JiaHong look at each other ... ... Ge JiaHong how to report this family's demise? How does Yi ZhengBang make Ge JiaHong a makeover? How does Mu-hsue find out about Jin Er's life-and-death mystery from Ru Yan? Home macro, Mu Xue This pair of hard-working mandarin ducks, whether it can be reconciled? Ru Yan Can you get the complete love of Wei Lian? In this love-hate relationship, who can have true love?

TheRose (TV)[2003]

Feature: The drama describes the story of the owner Zheng BaiHe (Ella Chen ornaments) is a very ordinary young girl, although there is a heart of kind and honest, but she is always plump because of appearance is not beautiful and was rejected. No curling curve appearance has been a source of lily inferiority complex, because that is her no matter how much energy can not change the fact that the inferiority complex deeply affects the Lily's life, relationships, and even her feelings. Lily often appear beside many beautiful girls, their blooming light like a peacock open, proud to stride proudly, and lily always habitually back in her mind 'he is always wrong' has long been The same law. When others hurt her and cast doubt on the law, she reflexively sought excuses for each other, restoring her uneasy heart. Lily is such an ordinary and inferiority girl, although her beautiful heart is far better than the appearance of a hundred times, but always in appearance in a broken society, she looks like many ordinary girls, deep as the appearance Of the sufferings, while ignoring their other traits and advantages. Until she found her self-confidence and courage from all those who loved her, she finally revealed her gem-shining brilliance, which in turn helped her beloved family to settle their knot for many years and re-admit each other .

7to400Blows (Movie)[2001]

Feature: Well off to rely on the flyover in Taipei to sell watches for a living. Since the death of his father, well-off became very afraid of the dark, he locked the door, turn on the lights to sleep, urinate at night did not dare to urinate, always feel his father's ghost in the room around. During the day he was on the flyover outside of Taipei station to sell watches, and Xiang Qi going abroad the next day after, fancy an old watch worn by his hand, I really like, so ask him to cut off love. However, according to local customs, when his father died not less than seven weeks, the things he used to be well-off would make the other side unlucky, but Xiang Qi, who is about to go to Paris, just did not believe he bought the watch would bring bad luck , So he bought his watch out for money. Xiangqi left, well-off can not forget this brief encounter. Somehow miss her, memories of this encounter and in order to create endless imagination even became his mediocre and boring lifestyle refuge. He knew nothing of her, only knew that she had gone to faraway Paris, and in order to establish some sort of connection between the two, he had a whirlwind and called the bureau for the time in Paris, which turned out to be seven slower than Taipei As a result, he turned his hour hand on his hand and turned it back and forth, intending to slow down all his watches by seven hours in Paris. Then, superstitious mothers found the clock in the house slowed down, actually insisted that the father's ghost, so the family began to follow a slow time, a different kind of life, in Paris, with a watch Xiang Qi, also encountered a series of mysterious events. Somehow, the two seem to be really linked together, though it does not look real enough. She lay in the bed of an old little hotel, gazed wide at night listening to the steps of the ceiling, guessed who lived in the upstairs who is?

Bigspender (Movie)[1999]

Feature: Regal quotations, "I am most afraid of not dead, but poor." At the very beginning of the world criminal syndicate, intelligent crime experts of this century have challenged public servants in Hong Kong and China. Dai Fuqiang, the big thief who nicknamed "Regal" (aka Zhang Ziqiang), specializes in large-scale criminal activities. It is a pity that with impunity, he was arrested by the police and finally sentenced to death for his subversion to the Mainland.

Prodigal Dazin poor (TV)[1999]

Feature: Want to be a backhoe in the background, but crush on the show's first card Jiang Xin Yue, Heart and An GongZi is very deep feelings. When the emperor to take back the prince in the ectopic pregnancy, the assassin in the Jiangnan Road, was singing "Wu Sheng" heart month saved. Could the killer declare his father's revenge, kill the emperor and An LaoYe, but found himself and An GongZi actually twins. An LaoYe To An GongZi never mind the love of the moon, blood washing troupe, Wang to save the moon alone to find the heart and soul month to heart, life, An LaoYe are trying to stop. Could it be through the visit that it is because of An LaoYe's false accusation, his family was copied chopped, and An GongZi is really Mo children. Stills (2) Stills (1)

MyDadIsaJerk (Movie)[1997]

Feature: Li LiChang, also known as Shouzhangchang, is an immature, unprofessional and irresponsible person who does not know how to say "sorry" and "thank you" to people and will not give up self-esteem for life. He parked from the street Aberdeen, until now is only a karaoke OK clerk, managing a few small Hello, parking for karaoke OK customers, to do some general affairs. Li LiChang When she was a teenager, she had a son with Ye Ting. She had a change in her outlook on life. She believed that blind pursuit of love was not as important as bread. Li LiChang finally filed for a divorce and her son JASON immigrated to Canada. A few years later, Ye Ting planned to marry wealthy merchant Antony, who repatriated his son Li LiChang to Hong Kong for remarriage. When Li LiChang suddenly became a child, he suddenly found himself under the same roof with a lot of contradictions. Finally, Li LiChang learned tolerance and respect from his son, who was only nine and a half years old. So he said "I'm sorry, thank you" . Li LiChang There is a defunct girlfriend ANGELE, ANGELE think Li LiChang no sense of responsibility, has been not completely love him. Later Li LiChang gradually found the change, in JESON's blessing, ANGELE and Li LiChang flowering results. JESON want to go back to Canada, father and son difficult to leave.

King of kings come back (TV)[1996]

Feature: "The King of Thousands Return to All Saints" tells the story of Shanghai in the 1920s, booming gambling industry and mixed dragons and dragons. And in the environment within the beach which made Zhengzheng Toujiao leading the gang and the boss of various industries, fame around his life is similar to the inexhaustible wealth of endless astronomical wealth, under one million people On the supremacy of authority, Empress Dowager beauty, with their birth and death together with a good partner and a sense of awe-inspiring but in fact have to guard against each other at all times plot their own brothers. But behind all glory, there are so many false, disguised, and intrigues hidden behind them that the most horrible thing is the greed that lies hidden in the heart. Is the so-called defeat, everyone in the eyes of absolutely no "poor" word.

ThePeaceHotel (Movie)[1995]

Feature: The murderer Chow Yun-fat, the owner of Heping Hotel, rumored his martial arts success and has killed more than 200 horse thieves in one breath and claimed that Heping Hotel is a "refuge" People, regardless of what gang he has offended, are not allowed to come forward with provocative acts, but do not guarantee the security after their departure. The arrival of singer Oman (Cecilia Yip ornaments) broke the rules of the arena. Oman was hunted and fled to Peace Hotel. Her style, so that A Ping heart love and try to protect her left the hotel, to avoid chase kill. However, A Ping's love in exchange for a longfall has been laid: the original Oman is the trap of this bait! Angry A Ping decided to pick up the arms to reappear, a bloody fight to wantonly rolled out.

Dengaidenuren (Movie)[1994]

Feature: The four Hong Kong women's love and life: Xia Xiu Nan (Ye Tong ornaments) 34, although successful, but the emotional road is still twists and turns, and her boyfriend Dickson (Wu Xingguo) due to family resistance combined, love red Lights continue to light up ... ... Chen Dongmei (Wu Jiali ornaments) unrealistic, keen on fantasy, so it is inevitable that experts eye low. After being attracted by a new colleague Alex (Emil Chau), gradually began to change myself ... ... Ma Lili (Wang Xiaofeng ornaments) deal with the different gweilo between the feelings of a real destination, had to run to the breast augmentation Add confidence ... Tian Mi honey (Feng baby) to do the radio on the radio, ridicule satirical world of things, but it seems inevitable if the feelings of free and easy, if lost ...

Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber (TV)[1994]

Feature: "Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber" tells the late Yuan Dynasty, political corruption, people live in trouble, all over the crowds vying for the uprising, competing in the Central Plains. At that time, there was a sword in the rivers and lakes, and a dragon knife Sword Heaven Sword, said the knives who are martial arts Supreme, to command the world for the sword who can compete with the front. In order to dominate the arena, the martial arts major sects dominate the world, never tempted these two treasures, they fight for me, intrigues, thus setting off a reign of terror, rivers and lakes and then no peace. Zhang CuiShan, a disciple of Wudang, and Yin SuSu, a female leader of the Falun Dafa, once found herself in love and fell in love because of a dragon-slaying knife. When their son Zhang WuJi grew up, his fate became a celestial benefactor. At the same time, he gained the sword of slaughter, calling on the herdsmen to overthrow the great cause of the Yuan Dynasty. Regrettably, Zhang WuJi went so far as to repeat her father's mistakes and fall in love with a girl whom he should not fall in love with - Zhao Min, the governor of the Yuan Dynasty. Zhao Min Chi is a man of more than a man who has been engaged in the activities of annihilating major gangs in the Central Plains and exterminating the rebel forces of the Ming dynasty. However, he can not help but love Zhang WuJi, a celestial benefactor, Long, Zhao Min willing to abandon the noble status of love and betray his father, but Zhang WuJi envy of her stop? Master of Heavenly Sword, the head of Emei School Zhou ZhiRuo, and Zhang WuJi childhood sweetheart, affection for his early seed, in order to get people, but also to accomplish the anti-yuan cause, at all costs Zhao Min, two treasures, a tangled Triangle love. Song QingShu To prevent Zhou ZhiRuo and his father Song YuanQiao from killing each other and unfortunately died, Zhizuo if repentance, and determined to complete the unfinished master's wish, Everbright Emei, and Zhang WuJi test, and finally by Zhang SanFeng point to remove the magic barrier, monk For Nigeria. Zhu YuanZhang ordered Zhang WuJi to usurp the missionary leader at all costs and killed Zhang WuJi's grandfather and uncle as well as Yang Xiao and wanted to kill Zhao Zhao. After being recognized by Fan Yao, Zhang WuJi and Zhao Min wanted to kill Zhu YuanZhang and eventually gave up for the common people. Zhang WuJi finally resigned the episcopate leader, with Zhao Min reclusive, living a godly life.

Rongshiqian (Movie)[1993]

Feature: In May 1989, together with the dissolution of the mysterious case of Hong Kong. The beautiful stewardess Brenda was killed and put into a strong acid pool for dissolution. Soon after his former boyfriend Wang DeMing (Francis Ng) and his current cohabiting girlfriend, Kitty Nguyen (Leong Si-min), were arrested as suspects. A year later, the emotionally troubled social worker Shirley (Cecilia Yip ornaments) out of the women's prison psychological counseling Kitty. At this point Kitty's emotions are extremely unstable, in order to Wang DeMing has committed suicide twice. To help her revive her confidence in life, Shirley came to visit Stanley Prison to visit Wang DeMing. After several meetings with Wang, Wang began to reveal their feelings and contacts with Kitty and Shirley also told Wang himself. Two people with emotional trauma have become dependent on each other, and Shirley is also starting to call Wang DeMing's innocent run ...

Heonggongyafungkwong (Movie)[1993]

Feature: N! xau ǂToma - Aboriginal of Africa, who met SHIRLEY in Hong Kong for making lion advertisements in Africa for salvation thanks to an Oolong salvage, unexpectedly intervened in the baggage compartment of a return flight taken by SHIRLEY and flew to Hong Kong randomly. Arrived in Hong Kong, N! xau ǂToma mistakenly took a bag of smuggled diamonds, a gangster to kill the target. N! xau ǂToma found SHIRLEY, and in her guest, and N! xau ǂToma come into contact with modern and prosperous urban life, seem out of place, causing joke with the field. SHIRLEY's assistant JOHN is a level does not make sense of men, but with N! xau ǂ Tooma flow, the scene arrived dead. At this point, SHIRLEY found her husband owes a huge sum of money lost, until SHIRLEY by the creditors recruit, SHIRLEY close friend WINNIE boyfriend abandoned her and immigrated to get homeless, and smugglers have also found N @! xau ǂToma, then launched a thrilling chase ......

ShangHaidahengduyuesheng (Movie)[1993]

Feature: "" Synopsis Hawker Lu YunSheng (ornaments) often hugged the neighborhood, the concession was general Huang's Huang JinRong (decorated) wife A GuiJie (ornaments) appreciated. Soon after, Lu broke the truth that Song Jiaoren was stabbed, so that Huang fame. Huang on the land appreciation, but Zhao Ying Hou envy. Lu and Huang raised interest rates in the warlord Yuan XiaoJun to take the opium of France and made a fortune to become a tycoon. As Huang mistakenly warmed the son of Governor Lu Yongxiang, Lu Shu went to Bi Shuzheng, the commander of the Northeast Army, and pleaded with Lao Liu (ornaments) of the courtesan. However, he was further extorted and was attacked by Lu Xunji. In 1927, Lu Kui witnessed the reorganization of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party and opposed the suppression of the armed forces of the workers and the massacre of the Communists. In order not to be exploited by the Kuomintang, he broke into the business sector and contested the Kuomintang with economic power.

Legend of White Snake (TV)[1992]

Feature: Bai SuZhen (Angie Chiu) was originally a white snake practiced in the mountains. On the 1st, a white snake captured by a snake elder caught a calamity and was fortunate enough to be saved by a small shepherd boy. Bai SuZhen secretly swear: this life-saving grace, I will never forget. Bai SuZhen experienced 1700 years of practice, finally exhausted, to become a human form. Her desire to continue to cultivate Mount Emei, but by Guanyin instructions, remember the human side there is a period of love gone. In accordance with the guidelines, she came to Hangzhou West Lake looking for a previous life-saving benefactor Xu Xian ... Bai SuZhen met the green snake on the way (Maggie Chan ornaments), the two became master and servant, but also get along with the sister. Qingxu Second Snake demon found Xu Xian (Cecilia Yip ornaments) on the Broken Bridge in the West Lake. Bai SuZhen and he fell in love at first sight, and volunteered to make a marriage with him. After the wedding, Xu Xian and Bai SuZhen were blindly in love with each other. Bai SuZhen opened a pharmacy for the under-funded Xu Xian and allowed Xiao Qing to steal money from Qiantang Bank. East window incident, Xiao Qing Shi Fa forced the magistrate to lightly sentenced Xu Xian sent to Suzhou. Bai SuZhen all the way to find, and finally meet Xu Xian, Bai SuZhen lying deceived Xu Xian stolen silver thing, the couple opened the pharmacy security gate in Suzhou. During the Dragon Boat Festival, Bai SuZhen was forced to drink the most repugnant maleozoic liquor of the snake. However, she found the prototype and the accident scared Xu Xian and Bai SuZhen, Even in front of the Queen Mother risked hard to grab. Queen Mother was furious, a shot then captured Bai SuZhen, want to put an end to her, Fortunate Guanyin came forward to plead for her in time, saved the couple. Since then, Xu Xian has been offended by members of the "Three Imperial Ancestors' Association of Physicians" due to his skill in medicine. The members of the association were framed by Xu Xian, but Bai SuZhen defused them all. Bai SuZhen in order not to make Xu Xian foolish, so that Xiao Qing steal Liang Bao four treasures for the exhibition, although the Liangwang investigation, Bai SuZhen treasures to the tribute for the treasures to be threatened Liang WangYe, Liang WangYe self-knowledge, then Zhixian sentenced Xu Xian to Zhenjiang. Afterwards, Xu Xian knew Bai SuZhen's true identity was a snake demon, but both were more affectionate. Xu Xian, Bai SuZhen, and Xiao Qing moved back to Xu Xian's sister Xu JiaoRong Live, family and music. Xu Xian and Bai SuZhen opened a Baohe Church in Zhenjiang, dedicated to saving the world and taking the risk of removing the demon "Wu GongJing" from the scourge. Unfortunately, Bai SuZhen has Xu Xian's flesh, but after Bai SuZhen gave birth to a child Xu ShiLin (Cecilia Yip ornaments), the old toad and Bai SuZhen toad became the toad essence, and now has become a priest Monk Zhenjiang Fa Hai (Ti-Men Kan) Jinshan Temple Abbot abruptly appeared. Fa Hai Aggressive accusation Bai SuZhen: Because of her husband's heart-wrenchingness "and Xiao Qing's theft of silver and treasures on several occasions, and the impotence of Xu Xian," the lawsuit is riddled with the legend of New White Snake being constantly in prison, "" tearing off the crowd and teasing the government " Heaven can not tolerate. " Therefore, stubbornly, it is necessary to maintain the humanity of heaven and earth for the sake of heaven. Fa Hai left Xu Xianqiang in the Jinshan Temple of Zhenjiang for the purpose of forcing Bai SuZhen to come. Bai SuZhen to save her husband, together with Xiao Qing Zhenjiang Jinshan Temple VIP. Fa Hai aggressive, unwilling to let Xu Xian left.Bai SuZhen was unbearable, launched an aquatic army, "Water Manchurian Mountain" and vowed to take Fa Hai to a higher position to rescue Xu Xian, who eventually infringed the rules of "living creatures." After a fierce shemale big fight, Fa Hai eventually magic skills superior, the attack will be Bai SuZhen suppressed under the Leifeng tower, and told her: "20 years later, to be Wenquxing champion day, that is, when you are out of the tower ... ". Xu Xian was heartbroken and gave her son Xu ShiLin to raise her sister Xu Joryong. She went out alone to Jinshan Temple in Zhenjiang to make up for her sin and atone for her soon-to-be-loved wife Bai SuZhen. Twenty years later, Xu ShiLin, son of Xu Xian, has grown to be a talented person with his sister, Li BiLian, from Xiao Qing Mei Zhuma and her childhood knight Qi BaoShan. After Xu Jiao-rong and Li GongFu (Ming Chiang) told Xu ShiLin's real life experience, Xu Shi-Lin made a big move and took the vow to win the exam. Former son of Wu GongJing, formerly removed by Bai SuZhen, Jin BoFaWang, is a revengeful revengeful, using good Shih Tzu Hu MeiNiang (Angie Chiu ornaments) and Cai Yin for wanting to hurt Xu ShiLin. Unexpectedly, Hu MeiNiang and Xu ShiLin love, always still can not bear to Xu ShiLin start. Finally, Hu MeiNiang Xu Xinlin save their own hearts, but he fell in their wits. Although Bai SuZhen is in Lei Feng Tower, Xu ShiLin is feeling somewhere difficult. In order to save Xu ShiLin, Bai SuZhen furiously defended the Pagodas and forced out of the pagoda. Although he saved his son Xu ShiLin, he was accused of "culling unless Leh was pumped down by the West Lake, penalty. Jin BoFaWang was killed because of the attack. "Wenquxing" descendants of Xu ShiLin diligently study, and finally live up to expectations, won the champion in the expedition. He returned to his hometown of Zhenjiang to visit relatives, and turn to West Lake worship in front of Leifeng. Takao moved day, Bai SuZhen finally be out of the tower of fairness, see the sun, and Xu ShiLin reunion mother and son. Xu ShiLin married cousin Li BiLian. And Bai SuZhen, Xiao Qing, Fa Hai and Xu Xian four people also because of grievances have been solved, merit, the four together to ascend heaven as cents.

ToBeNumberOne (Movie)[1991]

Feature: In 1962, Ray Lui, Shantou youth who flee to Hong Kong with refugees fleeing into Hong Kong in 1962, was bullied by gangsters and retired to gangster chief Fei Bo (Zheng Bo Shi) Bo reuse, establish the position in the gang, the forces are growing. Fei Bo, who was intimidated gradually, ordered Wu to be hunted down by a drug lord. Although it did not kill him, he also left a leg behind him. However, he himself was endangered by the other's designs and imprisoned. Rely on Lei Zonghua exploits the robbery, Wu Guofu took Fei Bo all sites, became the head of the four major families of gangs, but also because he is willing to pay money for his service to buy a sergeant to do, police station to become his drug trafficking Umbrella However, with the approaching of the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ROK) in 1973 and the arrogance and arrogance of all his members, his fortune began to decline.

Touqingxiaozhangfu (Movie)[1991]

Feature: Chen JinShui and Huang Li have been married for two years. Ally is a crew member who has been running the ship with his bereaved Mao Mao for over ten years. Each time he goes to the sea, he spends three or two months faster and slowly for a year or so, leaving Jinshui worried and solitary, In order to understand Ali, Jinshui only fate. Once, due to the need to repair the ship for three weeks, Alibaba thus get the chance to take a vacation, would like to take the opportunity to go out to find flowers, so cheated Jinshui said to go to sea. A Li left home, I do not know the story of the Jinshui miss. In order to prevent Ali from being a seaman again, Jinshui made a plan to pretend to be pregnant and wrote a letter to Ali, hoping her husband would stay with her and stop going to sea. At this point Alibaba medical report just came out, he is suffering from infertility. To see his wife's letter, Ali angry from the heart, he decided to write a letter to stabilize the water, and then dive home to see what happens. Unable to think, Ali just caught the golden fish on the Mao Mao considerate scene, mistakenly thought they were infected, angry, die suddenly murderous, but because of the fool's disability and failed to succeed. That night, Ari back home, killing the killer under the water, a while tussle playing, A Li, Jinshui both fainted. After Awake woke up, he could not find the water for a while, but saw Mao Mao wandering out of the window and was angry because someone came over and could not start but could only temporarily avoid it. Here is a woman named Wa Wa. Jinshui, who had just woken up, heard a knock on the door and opened the door. Wa Wa broke into the house, claiming to find Arye. In an argument, Wa Wa claims to have Alian's children, both of whom are sad and cried. Jinshui phoned Mao Mao and bitter Wa Wa also left Jinshui's home. Both women were cursing Ally. Jinshui learned from the news on the television that the ships working on Alina had sunk in distress. Jinshui thought his previous curse was fulfilled. When she cried and prayed to Mao Mao, the two of them embraced and cried. Unfortunately, they were hit by Alian again. Mao Mao with gold water to the shipping company to confirm whether there is an accident. Wa Wa secretly came to Jinshui home. Due to over-anxiety and confusion, the golden water was given careful care by Mao Mao. Mao Mao also showed his love for the golden water. In fact, Mao Mao had secretly admired the golden water for more than ten years, but Jinshui was unaware of it. Jinshui back home, saw Wa Wa, compassion, decided to depend on her from then on. Wa Wa secretly to Jin Shui bitter eat, the result of their own way. A power once again sneaked back home, gold water has not come back from the shipyard, only Wa Wa home, darkness, Alice mistaken Wa Wa is the water, stab Wa Wa stomach, Ali fleeing panicked. Mao Mao was not at ease with golden water, came to Jinshui home and saw Wa Wa injured in bed. At this time can not rush home Jintui called. Mao Mao misunderstood the words of Jinshui and thought that Jinshui let him kill Wa Wa. Instead, he took care of it. Ah Li saw the return of Jinshui on the way and mistakenly thought he was the ghost of Jinshui. Panic Mao Mao saw Arian, Also thought it was Ali's ghost, the two fight together, Aries want to Mao Mao died. Both Wa Wa and Mao Mao survived. Mao Mao revealed his love to Jinshui and asked Jinshui to marry him, and Jinshui refused. Ari back home, once again started on the gold water, the two shouting, Jinshui props pregnant props pillow landing, the truth.Wa Wa will come, she and Huang Li did not know, originally Mao Mao and his dealings with, claiming to be Huang Li, so leads to this ironic thing. Out of the window, Mao Mao, who was heartbroken, wanted to set it on fire and burn it all. He was subdued by Ali. Finally, Ali and Jin Shui returned to normal, and Wa Wa and Mao Mao married.

CarryOnHotel (Movie)[1988]

Feature: In an upscale hotel in Singapore, staff and guests staged a different comedy with a different background ... Pang ZhenTan (Kent Cheng) Evidence of being stolen from a young client-in-law and a man (Charlie Chin) The camera was installed in the hotel room, but the CCTV receiving room was occupied by three band members. The lover covered everything after the discovery of the camera, but the musicians and waiters were enjoying watching in front of the TV. The liar signed "Wu Zi" (Richard Ng) stayed at the hotel but was stopped by Jing Li (Bowie Wu Japan president mistakenly for low-key inspection. The swindler borrowed a big sum of money from the hotel; the tour group Dao You (Eric Tsang) was lustful and was targeted by Zhong XiaoJie (Cherie Chung), a hateful male in the tour group, For Zhong XiaoJie's boning knife, another tragedy female nurse, Angel Pat (Pat Ha), came to the door too. The hotel technician (Jacky Cheung), who was obsessed with the female boss (Joey Wong), begged lovingly and inadvertently Ignored the tacit kidding colleagues (Cecilia Yip ornaments).

Ouran (Movie)[1986]

Feature: Popular singer Louie (Leslie Cheung ornaments), the occasional and the dance girl Anita (Anita Mui) played a meeting. The two accidentally happened with her father's secret girlfriend, Julia (Joey Wang), Vietnamese girl Nguyen Yu Yu (Ye Tong) who had fled for some unexpected emotional entanglement at different times and places. Louis (Leslie Cheung) Occasionally encountered a white dress like a woman driving a car Julia, and Julia seems to feel very good to him, Louis was caught in love for himself, Louis's father told Louis that he had a lover, Louis was very pleased that his father To accompany people, but unexpectedly the other is Julia. Louis sad to go away in Europe. And before the one-night trip with Louis and the dancing girl Anita after the news despite the brokerage firm retained to find Louis repay each other to bring together the grace. While Louis was rescued by a Vietnam girl who was fleeing abroad, a certain emotional entanglement took place. In the film, Leslie Cheung played a naive and affectionate and responsible role, chic unruly temperament has been fully released. Anita Mui role in the vicissitudes of life and there is no lack of pure, although not as good as rouge buckle in the cooperation of the two stars of the blazing acting, but also do not have a flavor. The role played by Joey Wang, as always, pure and aesthetic, Ye Tong plays the role of gentle and affectionate. Is a worthy masterpiece.

Lianggongpobatiaoxin (Movie)[1986]

Feature: (A) Chen Wu is the famous science Yan Fu famous science experts, but the skull to be handed over is very incomplete, in desperation, to a son posing as a police officer Winne, the original husband Hing Winne set a wife to kill (2) Candidates of Yuen Long (Eric Tsang), Candice Yu, desperate for Che Tze Si to follow the incense lantern, but the social requirements Fertility must use the elite sperm scientists, engineers, to ensure that the new generation of strong physique, clever and clever Finally, Shu pleaded with all one's wish to finally get the doctor's sympathy, test embryos in their own body, the result of pregnancy in October, gave birth to (3) Twin students with abnormal tenderness can not accept her husband's breakup and secretly put aside the hot tea. Before her husband was killed, her husband told her that she had a twin sister and a boy in her dream. Is blue boyfriend, the child can not extricate themselves, looking for a visit to Hong Kong, kill blue and take the man to marry, at this time his husband also said that he is also the twin brother of the top color .....

ChaosbyDesign (Movie)[1985]

Feature: Fashion designer Alex To just self-taught, hired by Lam Lap Sam's design company. Du join the banquet coincidence radio programs host Cherie Chung and Cecilia Yip, due to parking and leaves a mistake. Yeh Linlin, the aunt of Yeh, returned to Hong Kong to talk about her pro and Yeh. She wanted to marry her with Dr. Chen Guoxin and rejected it. Cherie Chung learned to find Lin's fiancé's fiancé, who knows the mistake was brought to Alex To. Although she was scared away, her aunt was suspicious of her suspicions. As a result of her repeated investigation, her disguise of leaves and repeated appeals, the two faded away from each other and admired each other. However, the two were unwilling to stand on their sidelines. Leaves decided to leave Hong Kong, farewell to the ball, a mysterious secret love leaf suddenly appeared, strong captive leaves, Du see the sight of the forward rescue, mysterious man also cut his hand in the Du. Everyone in a hurry, an unexpected love riddle is also announced!

HongKong1941 (Movie)[1984]

Feature: Ye JianFei (Chow Yun-fat ornaments) grew up in the troupe, was very dissatisfied with the status quo of life, he always wanted to go to the United States, hoping to succeed in there, but his stowaways have failed repeatedly. By chance, Ye JianFei got acquainted with a man named Huang KeQiang (Alex Man), who turned out to be friends at a glance. Huang KeQiang and his childhood sweetheart (Cecilia Yip), both flirtatious and helpless, were forced to marry Ah Man to the wealthy children she did not like. Huang KeQiang and Ananda decided to run away. However, when the trio was eager, the war broke out and the plan to go abroad went abortion again. After Ah Man was brutally patrolled and raped by police officers, Huang KeQiang finally got the approval of A NanFu and Ye JianFei became the "CPIC of Japan." At this point, the three still did not forget the original agreement. They boarded the refugee boat and started Their last trip.

Saatchutsaiyingpoon (Movie)[1982]

Feature: Gao DaFu, head of the coolie killer group at Sai Ying Pun, once took the task of assassinating Abroad and later became the owner of Feida Shipping Company. However, after being attacked by a single attack, all his four men were killed, he resumed his career. Gao DaFu said the incident was related to his refusal to commit a murder in Hong Kong. Gao DaFu conducted a survey through his lover Zhang XiongQin. Not only was his successor, the magnum instead committed suicide. The double blow forced Gao DaFu to regain the gun, determined to change one's flesh and blood. Finally, Gao DaFu finally figured out the truth. On a rainy night, Gao DaFu was eventually arrested by the police after sweeping his rival.

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