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Fan Xu TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Fan Xu Works 41 ,And Feature 21 ,Family drama 8 ,Romance 8 ,Comedy 8 ,Historical play 4 ,Action 4 ,Costume Drama 3 ,Disaster 3 ,Ancient legend 2 ,Suspense 2 ,Crime 2 ,War 2 ,Urban drama 1 ,Love 1 ,Child 1 ,Biopic 1 ,Martial Arts 1 。

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Fan Xu Filmography(41)


只有芸知道 (Movie)[2019]


年轻的 Sui DongFeng 和 Luo Yun 婚后定居在新西兰安静的克莱德小镇,共同经营一家中餐馆,时光在波澜不惊中一天天流逝,转眼间两人的婚姻生活已走过第十五个年头,除了身边多了一只陪伴左右的宠物狗布鲁,一切仿佛都没有发生变化。然而空旷山野上, Luo Yun 压抑已久的一声呐喊打破宁静。 Sui DongFeng 和 Luo Yun 无缘白头到老,人到中年妻子的猝然离世让东风陷入哀伤与孤独,踏上了为亡妻完成遗愿的旅途。 Sui DongFeng 手捧 Luo Yun 的骨灰,随风飘洒,为这段相濡以沫的爱情笼罩上悲凉的底色。



Feature: After the end of the Warring States Period, the three Pap sisters fell into exile by the nobles in their hometown. Ba Qing was accidentally caught up in the political whirlpool of Xianyang Palace and was taken step by step by the weak woman Into the upper Qin, the story of the ultimate success of the legendary life. The TV series "Win the World" is based on the heavy epic direction. The film is also based on the calm atmosphere. The beauty of the ancient winds impressed viewers and fans alike. The exposure of the stills with a handful of scenes for the audience and fans outlines Baqing and Qin Shi Huang lingering emotional disputes. In the midst of the snow, Ying Zheng (Yunxiang Gao), dressed in a white cloak, looked intently at Ba Qing (Bingbing Fan), wearing a pink cape to wear his upper body himself. Ba Qing changed the previous poster

Ba Qing Biography (TV)[2017]

Feature: "Ba Qing Biography" tells the story of the Qing Dynasty widow Qing legend, known as "Ba widow Qing". She is the earliest female entrepreneur in China, widowed early widowhood widowhood, sealed her as "virgin." Ba Qing has plenty of wealth to accumulate. Historical experts have speculated that there may be thousands of private armed forces under her command who have not been punished by the Qin Shi Huang instead. The heavy epic direction of the structure of the whole story in the film is also calm atmosphere of the main style, the ultimate beauty of the antiquity amazed viewers and fans amazed. The exposure of the stills with a handful of scenes for the audience and fans outlines Baqing and Qin Shi Huang lingering emotional disputes. In the midst of the snow, Ying Zheng (Yunxiang Gao), dressed in a white cloak, looked intently at Ba Qing (Bingbing Fan), wearing a pink cape to wear his upper body himself. And Ba Qing changed the image of grace and domineering in her earlier posters, showed her a pastel-pink dresses, looked calm and gentle, and looked Ying Ying's eyes full of tenderness. Two people in the heavy snow embraced, dependent, kiss, whole body filled with the sweet feeling of love. Living in a harsh environment, the mutual support between Ba Qing and Ying Zheng is even more impressive, making the relationship between the two even more meaningful. The dramatic images in the stills are very beautiful , The story of the romantic temperament to the extreme. One is intelligent, intelligent, dare to love and dare to hate the hero; one is a young, quality, after humiliation, the world's legendary monarchy. Such two figures from the intelligence value to match the enemy, but also write what kind of legend, are worth the highlight of the audience look forward to. The two main characters, Ba Qing and Ying Zheng, are not only set off by the stereotypes of former tyrannical president Mariusu, nor are they the "single" person who created the mystery, but through the accumulation of history and mysterious historical anecdotes Multi-angle, multi-level deepen the character.

A tree peach blossom (TV)[2017]

Feature: Zheng WanYi's Peaceful Life Preparing for a New Year Because of the upsurge of Sheng MaoLin, the man who had left himself and his children was back, while the children's life was troubling. The mistaken thought of that year was the result of today's situation. Sheng MaoLin regretted it. But when he wanted to atonement there was no time, Sheng MaoLin was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer, knowing that the deadline has been to do not want to drag his family, once again disappear in the vast ocean. Zheng WanYi forgave Sheng MaoLin, who asked her children to retrieve Sheng MaoLin for the last time with her. Sheng MaoLin finally left, with endless regret, but at the last moment of life to regain the lost loved ones. In the accompanying parents to recover their affections and love at the same time, the three children also understand love and tolerance, and ultimately they also found their own share of happiness & nbsp ;.

RailroadTigers (Movie)[2016]

Feature: The film tells the story of the Pacific War in 1941, after crossing the Shandong Jinpu Railway became the Japanese in mainland China, one of the most important strategic lines of communication. Around the Zaozhuang section of Jinpu Railway, an anti-Japanese guerrilla group is active. The guerrilla group consists mainly of several railway workers at Zaozhuang Railway Station. The captain, Ma Yuan, is the porter's porter's foreman. During the day they worked at the railway station occupied and managed by the Japanese. At night, they came out with secret activities. They used the familiarity of the railway line and the special skills of picking up trains and trains, using a small guerrilla force and a large number of well-equipped Japanese regular army Survival contest, caused a very big impact, the local people to the team played a loud name, called the Railway Flying Tigers.

WhenaPekingFamilyMeetsAupair (Movie)[2014]

Feature: After a pussy came to a Chinese family, a series of farce took place. Under the dual pressures of life and work, an older mother complained about her life and work. She complained every day that she was able to go beyond her family to get abroad as soon as possible. Colombia live and pay with aunts and students, teach 5-year-old daughter to learn English. Cultural differences have brought all sorts of collisions, misunderstandings and even crises, so that children grow, but also let my mother began to think. My mother found that in the eyes of foreign au pairs, China is very powerful and exceptionally beautiful. All her unbearable subjective and objective dilemmas actually exist in foreign countries and even in developed countries. They are the common needs of mankind in the development process The real change is the self-perception of things and the choices made. In the meantime, foreign au pairs also feel the Chinese culture while realizing the greatness of Chinese maternal love and the unique happiness of Chinese children. China's astounding rapid development has cost the Chinese a high living cost and is exchanged for hard work, tenacity and even life. Chinese moms are also gradually realizing that when she and her friends all want to "go global," many young people in the world are looking forward to "coming in." China has given the world too many opportunities to learn Chinese as a foreign youth People change their destiny, change their lives, to the cornerstone of their dreams, and their own "going out" may get, but lost more. In the end, a Chinese family becomes more and more harmonious.

OneDay (Movie)[2014]

Feature: Xiao Peng's daddy found a decent job in town: a film projector. He proudly bragged with the village kids that they could show free movies. But when he learned that the cost of a film package is very expensive, he relished. The children used to make fun of Xiao Peng, said his father is a liar. Smart Xiao Peng sneaked into the cinema's screening room to study the construction of the projection equipment and stole a box of film while his father did not notice. He plans to make a projector for himself and give the children a movie. Xiao Peng's father was penalized for missing the box because of a misconduct, but he inadvertently found Xiao Peng to give his children a movie in his yard. The film was lost and led Xiao Peng to the cinema. Manager admits. When the manager learned that these migrant children, like Xiao Peng, had never seen a movie because of poverty, he decided to organize a mobile screening team to go to the village for an open-air movie. "The Way Home" a trafficked little beggar, a serious cinema manager. From mutual exclusion to mutual understanding, eventually with the help of cinema managers and colleagues, little beggars finally embarked on their way home. As a young pianist with a "solo band", who had been unable to make any musical breakthrough, recklessly decided to teach children to sing in deaf-mute schools. Through various twists and turns, the pianist has realized he has deviated from the original intention - music is not an achievement children want, but their expression of a love for the world. Relative to our world, although these children's senses are incomplete, the singing can make them not alone, not lonely, and other children as wonderful. Music is like fire, light their soul. "Crazy bread" Shun Li is a Down Syndrome patient, and on her graduation from high school, Chef Choi, who often goes to school to send bread, took the initiative to find Shun Li's mother and hoped to fulfill his promise to Shun Li and teach him to do bread. Mother worried how Shun Li could live on her own. She nervously and anxiously brought Shun Li to the bakery to study. Shun Li returned home and did not stop practicing. Under the guidance of her brother, Shun Li mother finally tried to let go and put Shun Li on a path of self-confidence and self-improvement. "Invisible Picture" A blind girl who wants to draw - Xiao Ying, she has an amazing talent for penetrating the world. She can only secretly draw because of the environmental constraints. Fortunately, gallery operator Gu Ning accidentally spotted Xiao Ying's talent and fully supported her. Xiao Ying has only one dependent Jie Jie. At first, Jie Jie was very hesitant about painting Xiao Ying. Gu Ning slowly changed her mind. In the course of this exploration, Gu Ning also touched the heart, he and Xiao Ying mutual growth of each other. "Little idiot diary" "stupid" suffering from difficulties in reading and writing, he would not write a diary, read badly, was criticized by the teacher in class, and was ridiculed as a fool by his classmates. Wronged him chasing a small stupid bird, accidentally walked into a hideous world with a variety of cute animals. "Little idiot" do not want to hide in the egg shell into a stupid, so muster courage and text monster fight.As he grasped the monster's tail and rolled into the text tornado, Little Boobs found it to be a nightmare. But he understood that every stupid dwelling in a genius, he determined to defeat monsters, rescued the same trapped in stupid little friends. Qiu Zha, a small Tibetan village above 4,000 meters in height, lives with Qiu Zha, an obese child. He and his brother Yun Deng, his brother Benefit Luo Zhu and grandparents living together. Due to physical reasons, Qiu Zha had not started school after the school year. On this day, the tiger teacher who came to the village to teach came to Qiu Zha's home and he wants to convince Qiu Zha's grandparents to let Qiu Zha go to school. Because Tiger teacher believes that the life of the school can bring a change to the life of Qiu Zha. When Qiu Zha entered the school day, with the encouragement and companionship of Tiger teacher, Qiu Zha slowly started a new life. "Present" Dao ErJi is a Yugur herder's child. His young daily task is to take care of grandparents who can not even take care of themselves, and to help mothers take care of their flocks day after day. Within a radius of 10 km only Dao ErJi and Chaolmun are still grazing. Every 15 days, mothers will give Dao ErJi and Dao ErJi a horse ride to find Chalermont every day for a day, and each time they play , Dao ErJi comic book comic book for Le Leh Meng will come out "where the sea", even though they do not know the Chinese note, but Le Le Meng is still based on the story of the story to Dao ErJi listening, in addition to playing a magnet Sand-absorbing game, however, the two still reluctant to separate. It took another 15 days for Dao ErJi to come to Lemon and Montgomery with half a piece of bread he did not have choice to eat, but he did not see the zellers and flocks of the Lemonites once again, Give him comic strips and magnets, and cover the children's painting where they left. Xiao Tao, an eight-year-old girl from "the Sun Flies," was sent to Beijing's "Sun Village", a charity that takes care of prisoners' children. Zhang NaiNai, director of "Sun Village", would like to bring Xiao Tao, who has not seen his father for a long time, to visit Jianzhang. Zhang NaiNai contacted Xiao Zhou, who had grown up in Sun Village and had lived independently. Xiao Tao went to visit prison together. Xiao Zhou is preparing for a wedding and would like to start a new life from now on. He does not want to let others know about her experiences and experiences in "Sun Village." Therefore, Zhang NaiNai was not invited to the wedding. However, she agreed with Zhang NaiNai and decided the last time Meet and send Xiao Tao to visit. Three non-kinship women, from each other's intentions, to resolve, to full of hope again on the road warm and touching story.

TheThirdKindsofHappiness (TV)[2014]

Feature: Twenty-five years ago, because of the marriage between Chen TianShun and Liang Ting, Nai Nai resolutely broke the mother-child relationship with Chen TianShun and stopped going there. 25 years later at the silver wedding dinner, Nai Nai suddenly appeared with his son Chen Gang, Chen TianShun's ex-wife, disrupting Chen's normal life. Why Nai Nai and Chen Gang came to Beijing suddenly became the biggest question in Liang's mind. Chen TianShun goes back and forth, Nai Nai's various precautions against Liang Ting and Chen Gang's cold provocation against Liang Ting have put Liang Ting, who has started menopause, into great pain. Liang Ting's friend Xu AiHua's ex-husband, Ren HuanTing, married a small daughter-in-law Su Ya, causing Xu AiHua's complete menopause to break out. Liang Ting finally left behind Nai Nai and Chen Gang out of guilt and compassion after Liang Ting finally learned that Chen Gang had been jailed for missing and that his home was cheated by Chen Gang's fiancé He XiaoXi. Liang Ting hopes to let her family reunite through her constant concession and effort. In the rainy day, his daughter, Chen Jin, was in trouble with the business. In order to help Chen Jin, Liang Ting took the money to help Chen Jin, while being picky by Nai Nai and Chen TianShun. From leaving Chen Gang to arranging work for Chen Gang and entering into He XiaoXi's house, Liang Ting worked harder on Chen Gang, and on the contrary, Chen Gang hated Liang Ting more. At the instigation of He XiaoXi, Chen Gang even gave birth to the idea of ​​avenge his mother. Chen TianShun is in a dilemma between Nai Nai, Chen Gang and Liang Ting and wants to take all this into consideration, but he can not do anything about it. Liang Ting and Chen TianShun came into being, the crisis of confidence broke out between husband and wife, quarrels all day long, past sweet happiness no longer. Liang Ting's menopause more and more serious, she gradually out of control, and even once suspected that they had incurable disease, and made the whole family uncomfortable and eventually had to be treated. Intricate family relations, so that Chen TianShun also started early menopause, he and his love of Liang Ting has cast doubt. Nai Nai's illness brought the family back together, except that Nai Nai insisted on forgiving Chen Gang. Ren HuanTing finally get rid of the menopause crisis, comeback, regain the company's position, and intends to return with Su Ya good. When Liang Ting finally persuaded Nai Nai to forgive Chen Gang, He XiaoXi snarled Ren Ya Quan to give a ring to Su Ya, accidentally wounding Ren HuanTing, causing Ren HuanTing to become a vegetative state. Chen Gang for children, for He XiaoXi culprit, Chen Ren on both sides of the situation on fire and water. Liang Ting firmly believes that Chen Gang will not persuade Chen TianShun to look for He XiaoXi at this time as a beleaguered and bewitched couple. He XiaoXi moved by Liang Ting and voluntarily surrendered. Finally, before the death of Nai Nai, Chen Gang arrived and met the final face of Nai Nai. Ren HuanTing eventually awake, He XiaoXi got lenient punishment, go home to be produced. Ren HuanTing and Su Ya and Hao Qi, Huang QiMin face themselves, and Xu AiHua love blossom results, Ren He also decided to wait for Chen Jin divorce. Chen TianShun and Liang Ting embarked on a tour of the Aegean Sea with their arrangements and started their second love.

SavingGeneralYang (Movie)[2013]

Feature: Early Northern Song Dynasty, the deep foreign invasion of the Central Plains land eyeing. Fortunately, Yang will be full of loyal, due to the outstanding record by Taizong reuse, it attracted the envy of Pan RenMei. Pan RenMei eager to learn the power Chai JunZhu contestants, to help his son Pan leopard play on horses. Young commander Yang Lugong had known Chai JunZhu love fell in love with each other, but in order to avoid two competing foreign family to take advantage of, only to prohibit Rokuro to participate in competitions to attract relatives. Impulsive Yang Qilang Yang Shilang disdainful broke the good marriage, see also Panther violation hidden weapon to win, under the wrath of challenge Pan Leopard, Qilang intended to learn lessons, but did not expect to Pan Leopard accidentally killed in the competition, resulting in Qilang cast a white injustice. Deeply displeased with this decision, thus planting a curse of revenge. In due course, the Liao Kingdom attacked the border with the Song Dynasty. Pan RenMei volunteered to serve as Marshal of Anti-Liao and demanded that Yang Ka-li and Qilang serve as vanguards. Yang Renling know Pan RenMei ill-intentioned, because the two young children did not fight the experience, then Ying Ying son played. Song TaiZong There is no reason to push Mengbing "Yang invincible" as a pioneer, and Pan RenMei just want to suffer Yang, there is no objection. Song and Liao two armies confront Jinshatan, Song Jun seemingly in good shape, but in the back of Pan RenMei sudden support Ming Jin recalled. Yang Ligong, weak or weak, had to wave the knife, with only a handful of Yang Jibing fighting Liao Yugoslav Grand Army Ye LvYuan, martial arts Yang Chonggong although able to kill the siege, barely life-saving, but also seriously injured, was Liao Bing siege Two wolf mountains in the mountains. The news spread to the Tianbo House, Yang seven children learned that the old man in Jinshatan in distress, immediately decided to send troops to rescue, She Tai-jun heart conflicts, struggling to save the child or paternity dilemma. Yang Dalang understand his mother's difficulties, but his father has a pressing need, it promised to his mother, will lead his father and his brother safe home. She Taijun even if unwilling also can not stop a public filial piety to save his father's determination, so immediately personally see Taizong, Taizong military imperial order. Yang seven men together led Yang soldiers rushed to reach the two wolf mountains. Erlang led cavalry in the forefront for the Yang Jiajun march; Saburo arrows are followed immediately after the long-range raid but dart through the heart, so Liao army soldiers panic; Yang Dalat stronger than the tactics, on-the-spot analysis of the situation command ; Rokuro and Qilang for the first time on the battlefield, the entire process only guarding Dalang side, in response to Erlang was scattered Liaodai; Siro and Woro led the sword team and shield soldiers straight to the enemy's core, one attack and one guard, kill the enemy helpless. The seven hearts of concerted efforts, the first victory should be greatly excited, but why the two wolves in the mountains, the city elders black-and-blue, seven children never see the public so miserable, scared all kneel down, bitter. The injury was worse than expected. Goro must immediately heal Yang Linggi. Dareng had no other alternative but to lead Yang Jiajun to defend the mountain city and expect Pan RenMei to send troops to rescue him after receiving the imperial edict. Unexpectedly, everyone in the Liao Yu trap, general Ye LvYuan take a quick attack, with a bulldozer to the mountain city bombing and bombing, and at the same time send troops to break into the mountain city, Liaojun many soldiers, Yang Jiajuan situation precarious.Ye LvYuan's father was slain on the battlefield by Yang Linggong more than a decade ago. His father's revenge has only become the motivation for Ye LvYuan's diligent martial law. It hates Yang's family because of his mother's desolation. Tears wash, Ye LvYuan vowed to make the mother's pain to Yang will be ten times the repayment. Yang family in the situation of loneliness, in order to rescue the father and Ye LvYuan wits. Yang family will be the Song of Songs thrown head, sprinkle blood, loyal to the kingdom, highlighting the Xiaoyi deeds widely circulated in Chinese folk, Yang family will also become the well-known real heroes, flowable, for the respect of future generations.

Backto1942 (Movie)[2012]

Feature: In 1942, the Anti-Japanese War and the Second World War are in a phase of intense heating up. Start a prairie fire, creatures charcoal, natural disasters, devastated. As the military strategists and politicians focused their attention on the devastation and plunder of one city and one country, few people noticed that a tragic drought was erupting in the ancient Central Plains region of Henan. GuiZhang, the hero of the film, cunning, the city, the typical feudal landowner, could not resist this unprecedented catastrophe. He was forced to run away from famine and witness the death of his son, daughter-in-law and wife and relatives . His encounter was a microcosm of the three million victims. In the face of this group of people, both the Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek (Daoming Chen) and the U.S. reporter Bai XiuDe (Adrien Brody Adrien Brody) , As well as everyone from home and abroad, how can we from this moment the scene of purgatory. Endless hopeless escape Kandu, the suffering of the Chinese nation more than fate ... ... The film is based on Liu Zhenyun's novel "The accidental 1942" adaptation.

Aftershock (Movie)[2010]

Feature: In 1969, truck driver Fang DaQiang welcomed his twins in prayer: Fang Deng and Fang Da. His wife Li YuanNi almost died because of difficult births, good mother and child safety, the family left the hospital happily, from ordinary to happy life. Time went by 1976, Tangshan, a medium-sized industrial city, although the family only has a small space, but warm and harmonious. Fong Fang sister was obviously more lively than his younger brother Fang Da, Fang DaQiang often go out, finally come back once, both siblings are particularly happy. One evening in July, Fang DaQiang returned to his home. On the road outside the community, Fang DaQiang and Yuan Ni hid in a truck on the affectionate, suddenly - an earthquake. To save the children, Fang DaQiang died, Fang Deng and Fang Da were pressed on the same floor on both sides, no matter what people want to save, give up the other one. Yuan-ni chose the frail brother Fonda, and sober-Fang Deng heard the mother made a choice. After the earthquake, Yuan Ni alone raised her son and chose to survive. The deceased Fang Deng was adopted by his wife Wang DeQing and entered a whole new world. Mother and daughter, siblings from each side until the Wenchuan earthquake 32 years later, their trajectory of life come back together.

DiYiShuJi (Movie)[2010]

Feature: In the late 1970s, eighteen peasants in Xiaogang Village, Fengyang County, Anhui Province, pressed the red handprint of the land contract responsibility contract at a risk of beheading. The move shocked the country and opened the curtain of China's reform and opening up. Blink of an eye Nearly three decades later, from Xiaogangcun to all parts of the country, have undergone tremendous changes. Who once wanted to press the story of collective fingerprints, once again happen in the village of Xiaogang. In 2004, Xiaogang Village ushered in the first party secretary Shen Hao (Yang Lixin). Shen Hao cheerful open-minded, impartial and selfless, he bent on the job, with practical actions to practice the scientific concept of development. Wu NaiNai (Su Ying Huang) never knew her trust. Yang DeFu (Bing He), a prodigal son, made everything from making trouble to being honest. Despite being initially complained by his wife Wang XiaoQin (Fan Xu) and his daughter Wang Wang (Li Ruosi), Shen Hao, with his integrity, has left him with an indelible and glorious image in the village of Xiaogang Village. Character deeds adapted.

TheFoundingofARepublic (Movie)[2009]

Feature: The "Founding of a Republic" tells the story of a series of stories that took place from the end of 1945 to the eve of the founding of 1949. The main theme of the film's preparation reflects the period of time before the founding of new China. The film than the previous theme film has a new breakthrough, some of the little-known stories are mining, performance. Among them there is a deep description of the relationship between father and son.

The Last Prince (TV)[2008]

Feature: During the reign of the Qing Dynasty, Shou Yuan (Feng Yuanzheng), son of Fu WangY who was studying in Japan in the Qing Dynasty, returned to the capital upon his father's death. He was forced by the "Last Lord" stills to say goodbye to Japanese lover Hanako, ordered to marry Shou FuJin (Fan Xu), and forced to become a prince. In bridal chamber, Shou Yuan found that seventeen-year-old peasant girl Yin Xing (Chen Shiang-chyi) smokes her bride while she is waiting for smoke. He left the bridal chamber in fury. The empress dowager secret to Shou Yuan kill Yuan Shikai. Kui Jiu (Li Zhonglin), the father of Shou FuJin, wrote a letter to Yuan. Yuan Shikai fled home. Shou Yuan's first job is to do so. Shou Yuan then trained Bajaga in accordance with Japanese practices and offended many people, and the court was relieved of his deputy. Shou Yuan became a minister of military advisers who had nothing to do. He fell in love with the Wu Sheng opera of Yu ZiLong (Yang Wei (gymnast)) and became a good patron of the pear community.

MingYunHuJiaoZhuanYi (Movie)[2007]

Feature: Chen DongShiZhang, Dr. Sun, and Zhang DaTou belong to different life coordinates, each with his own heart. Once in the airport, they mistakenly took the other cell phone and the subsequent stories became confusing. Chen DongShiZhang, who took the wrong cellphone, into a private club where Dr. Sun secretly gave a patient psychological treatment did not realize that this patient was the wife who had suffered and suffered from his affair. In an instant, his marriage crisis was presented. Sun DaFu, a psychiatrist, was inexplicably brought into the black nest of the fake drug group. It was mistaken for his accomplice Zhang DaTou, Ji Sze Chih-chung and wanted criminals, and notified Jing Cha using the mobile wireless positioning system. Take the wrong handset Zhang DaTou, Chen DongShiZhang tryst into the netizen's high-level hotel, enjoy a Yan Fu, just want to enjoy the bulk of the time, peach blossom has become a peach robbery. What is the fate of the three individuals, who will ultimately rescue them? Yue Wei is in love with Ning Can, who wrote her song in Ning Can with her feelings, and Ning Can disappeared on the concert day. Ning Can was found suffering from cancer, will soon be dead, she did not want Yue Wei to see her painful side so I chose to leave forever. The struggling Yue Wei pain, sink, completely lost the desire to create, drinking day by day. Until one day, an identical girl appears with Ning Can, the girl rescues him as a mysterious SMS message. Who is she? Lao San likes the village girl, in order to guard her, looked at her, has not go to the city to work, all day wear aunt to give him a matchmaking media, the whole village regarded as a spoiled child. One day, when the painter came and left, he left a cell phone for Lao San. At first, Lao San used the mobile phone as a showcase of capital. Later, the small mobile phone really did a great job ... Lao San's fate was dragged by the mobile phone. Many changes took place. Love, life, the fate of the whole village suddenly And cell phone linked together. Teng ShaoYan is a liars profiteers profane, deceive customers, deceive friends, but also the elderly father and gentle wife as the object of deception. When he was short of money, he was swindled from others; he and his lover rendezvous, deceived his wife went to Japan; he also sent his own buddy to seduce his wife, hoping to add some stains to his wife, so that he can feel at ease in an unexpected mountain Difficult, he is on the brink of life and death, when he called for help, he knew how hurt their loved ones, because no one has believed him, and he is going to die ... ...

New Year (TV)[2007]

Feature: Spring Festival in 1977 into the twelfth lunar month, Feng good things again and again. Feng TaiNian returned to work at the National Palace Museum; his oldest son, Feng JianDong, was ready to marry in the Spring Festival; his second son, Feng JianLiang, had just returned from formalities and was assigned a job; his third son, Feng JianYe, was going to pick up his mother, An YuZhen; his younger daughter, Feng JianMin, graduation. Stills the situation as the country's situation, in general, a great. When the whole family gathered in the canteen to drink Laba porridge, Feng TaiNian talked about the Chinese New Year with his wife An YuZhen. Since the situation is so good, Feng TaiNian said he should have a good year to re-establish the order. Feng JianYe, the eldest son of a hurried host to the countryside, suddenly came into possession of Feng JianZhen, the third son who can not usually talk very much. He touches upon the most painstaking areas that Feng TaiNian did not want to mention, and makes Feng TaiNian very upset. A meal of porridge breakfast broke up. The return of Jianzhen to break the quiet Feng family, the father of the Cultural Revolution was hurt by his daughter to release. New Year's Eve, the Northern Wilderness's son-in-law Yang XingAn and grandson of the arrival, so Feng home again waves. After the nationwide resumption of college entrance examination in 1977, divorced Feng JianZhen became the first college student after resuming the college entrance examination. In 1984, Feng TaiNian reached the retirement age, before the Spring Festival for retirement. Busy outside for decades, all of a sudden idle nothing to do, retirement life for a time not suited to Feng TaiNian, he disdain for anything, his temper has become more strange. Especially Feng JianDong busy making furniture all day long, no interest in the ancient architecture, no one inherited their own skills, Feng TaiNian more depressed mood. Building father in the eyes of his father is a disappointing eldest son, he repeatedly warned building, make furniture just to make money, building or building for the benefit of the moment and put all the time on the furniture. Li SuQin, a daughter-in-law, strongly opposes the building of ancient buildings to learn, because doing furniture will bring them more benefits. The second child beam can not be reconciled to repair a lifetime in the bath feet, inspired by Izumi to resign to do business. The youngest son, Jianye, took the mother's class smoothly and became a typesetter at the printing plant. To be more and more myopic tortured by the lead, more and more regret that the opportunity should be given successor to his brother. Jianmin is perseverance to participate in the college entrance examination for three consecutive years, all ended in success. Jianmin lose confidence in the college entrance examination, instead go to go abroad to go in the boom. Later, Father is off, go home to settle down old age. Daughter Jane inherited his father became an ancient building expert. Ning Da furniture do not learn to build the oldest son of the building: also lost the knowledge to become repaired ancient master. Jianmin, a small daughter: Er Jun, who is still divorced and still playing a single child, has to meet again to reach the front. In the eyes of Dong LiNa "did not pay attention" Jianliang: After resignation south of Guangdong "mixed with people like", but can not call back Lina's heart. The younger son Jianye: Follow the elder brother, quit his job overthrow pirated books, the results planted. Wang Fang, his wife is actually a hand, a small heart to a bigger and bigger bookstore, APB down into a "bag with." Yang XingAn, who has become "troublemaker" every year and every year, has become a well-known "entrepreneur." He blessed Jianzhen and Gu Jiaheng from his heart because he really loves Jianzhen. Desperate wish, always tough he suffered from cancer.The three people who are tethered to love really become "one family." Later, Hong Kong was reunited with Feng's grandchildren. An YuZhen who has worked hard for this home for a long time should have enjoyed happiness. She found her sick and found her. Feng TaiNian, who had always waited for her at home, volunteered for her Nanny. Thirty years flicker, the Spring Festival in 2007, when Feng family again gathered in the small yard, the old, dark white, earn money are running around, did not find Still looking for love

Shan Shan secretary (Movie)[2006]

Feature: Tianya Township in western Hubei Province is a very poor remote Tujia neighborhood. In 1988, the Tujia men took office as secretary of the party committee of Hsiangchuan to Hirakawa. He led the township cadres to investigate and study on the heel and to solve the difficulties of the people on the spot. He said that people's difficulties can not solve the problem of asking the township cadres and village cadres to do anything about them? He said that some people say that the people are in a tough situation and that they are all poor, and that when we are cadres, we must carefully whack their children in their arms, and no one will be filial to the poor because of their own parents.

Wrong love (TV)[2006]

Feature: The first story of "Wrong Love" takes place in a seaside city. Nurse Zhou JiaLi (Fan Xu) and Zhang Mei (Heidi Wong) are good siblings to talk about. What makes Zhang Mei unimaginable is that Zhou JiaLi actually became a rascal with Xie JiWen (Feng Yuanzheng), her husband's surgeon. Angry Zhang Mei angry from the heart, stabbed Zhou JiaLi, because of his own intentional injury to jail. Xie JiWen was rewarded. He died shortly after his marriage with Zhou, leaving him with Jiang Yiyan and Xiao Tao (Lin Xiaofan), a pair of children with Zhang Mei. Zhou JiaLi remarried accidentally discovered, Xiaotao actually was the illegitimate child she abandoned when she was lined up. Because of a major medical accident, Zhou JiaLi was expelled from the hospital, and she felt it was God's retribution. Just as she wanted to be honest with her son, Xiaotao was killed in a car accident. In her despair, Zhang Mei was finally released from prison. Zhang Mei, who was released from prison, will also be filled with hatred to Zhou JiaLi. Zhou JiaLi personally cares for Zhang Mei, who is terminally ill. Eventually, the hands of two elderly people are brought together under the daughters' mediation.

Legendary Emperor Zhu YuanZhang (TV)[2006]

Feature: The Ming dynasty Hongwu 15 years of the Chung Yeung Festival, Zhu YuanZhang (Chen Baoguo play) led his wife led his unit to visit Huangjue Temple, when he saw the towering magnificent Royal Jue Temple very pleased, recalling the original from the Royal Jue Temple All the hardships: "legendary Emperor Zhu YuanZhang" stills in the Royal emperor Temple, Zhu YuanZhang is a small monk carrying a rough water. Master Fo Xing saw him smart, but when he was in front of the Buddha, he did not have a Zen heart and taught him to read history books. Due to repeated campaigns, famine frequently, the temple does not have enough porridge to supply monks, Zhu YuanZhang had to travel around the square, began a four-year begging life. He was fainted several times and rescued. Despite the untimely appetite, he observed the tense change. As the Yuan dynasty took control, he concluded that it was a golden opportunity for a hero in troubled times. He then joined the Guo ZiXing Red Scarf Army and became Guo ZiXing (Tang Guoqiang). Guo ZiXing was hijacked by Zhao Zhao, a deceitful kidnapper. Zhu Yuan Zhang designed Guo ZiXing's daughter Ma XiuYing (Fan Xu) to marry him and take advantage of the opportunity to defeat Zhao Jun and rescue Guo ZiXing and Guo ZiXing from marrying her adoptive daughter, Ma XiuYing Zhu YuanZhang is his wife. Zhu YuanZhang troops to fight, repeated the exploits, prestige is getting higher and higher, many benevolent loses to his banner. Guo ZiXing listen to words, Zhu YuanZhang men should all be recused, Zhu YuanZhang retreat forbear, willingly agree, get Guo ZiXing trust, more won the soldiers' sympathy, Guo ZiXing died, Zhu YuanZhang command this Support the army, he conscientious advisers, win over the general, won popular support. When the value of the world a bit: the west of Chen YouLiang (Qingxiang Li played), Zhang Shicheng to the east, Xiao Ming Wang north and Yuan army combat, Zhu YuanZhang then advance to the south, and gradually with "legendary Emperor Zhu YuanZhang" stills JAC, Huguang, Fujian and Zhejiang and other large areas of land, he began to recruit Magi to seek cause. At this time, Master Fo Xing (played by Jin Xing) recommended him "Four Sages of Zhejiang". After the troops laid down Maoshuo, some officers and men started to become immoral. In order to stabilize the morale, Zhu YuanZhang deposed and killed his soldiers dedicated to their own beauty - the southern talented Su TanMei (Yuchen Pan played), which set off a scrimmage to him. In order to make up for the mistakes, Zhu YuanZhang made a painful move and resolutely set a "criminal monument" at the tomb of Su TanMei. She honestly repent, and finally won the "Four Sages of Zhejiang Province". At this time, the Yi Volunteers of all walks of life surged in rumors and tried to dominate. In the heart of my heart, without any trace, without any trace, humbly accept the master Fo Xing "build a wall, a wide range of grain, slow the king," the proposal to the Northern Xiaoming Wang bent over, devote themselves to expanding their own site and team, waiting for the opportunity, never assertiveness . Zhu YuanZhang defeated Chen You Liang and Zhang Shicheng's army under the mentor of adviser Liu Bowen (played by Tao Hong). At this time, the northern king of Ming Xiaoping Jiang Jinling to Beijing, Zhu YuanZhang surface promised to mobilize the public to meet the waterfront, but secretly hidden in the back, causing Xiao Ming Wang drowning death. Xiao Ming Wang died, Zhu YuanZhang naturally became the emperor, established the Ming dynasty. After the founding of the new country, hundreds of waste to be prosperous, counties lookout attached. As the founding emperor, Zhu YuanZhang stresses honesty and integrity, with strict laws: Prime Minister Yang Xian cheated his nephew and was captured by Zhu YuanZhang on the spot, beheading Yang Xian to public appearances;Minister Li ShanChang (played by Jessica Jung) Nephew received a bribe, Zhu YuanZhang ordered to skinned grass, warning everyone; Zhu YuanZhang pro and nephew Zhu WenZheng (Wang Jun played) selling official, private slaves, Take warnings from children. He resumed the rural examinations, only gave the move, tax relief, punish corrupt officials, personal service, and personally bowed to Tian Mu, sometimes crowded as blue sky. However, Zhu YuanZhang's lustful greed also expanded rapidly with the addition of the imperial robe. He started the big show of women, enrich the harem. He emphatically embraced the love and talented woman Chu FangYu (Deng Ying) who played the role of queen girl Jin Ju (played by Cho Young Wan), separated wife Guo Hui (played by Xiao Xiao) and Lan Yu (played by Lee Han Kyun) Zhu YuanZhang did not remember Chu FangYu's grace of life-saving, greedy beauty and strong marriages, and finally forcing Chu FangYu to fight dead. Despite the numerous concubines, Zhu YuanZhang was deeply impressed by her virtuous Ma XiuYing virtuous, respecting her very much. When he heard the street people scolding the Queen with riddles, he actually killed all street people in anger. After laying down the country, Zhu YuanZhang did not sit back and relax. From time to time, he felt the palace was in a state of crisis. The struggle between the monarchs and the ministers was like an impending fire. Chen YouLiang queen Da Lan (played by Cardinal) was occupied by Zhu YuanZhang. With Chen YouLiang's flesh and blood in his stomach, he swore to regain control of Chen YouLiang and took over Minister Hu WeiYong (played by Tianlai Hou) In an attempt to make Zhu YuanZhang scrap Prince Li Tan Wang; Zhu YuanZhang see through after the break, Da Lan, one after another, the use of Longevity Festival Zhu YuanZhang assassination; Huang Xu Temple monk Ru Wu hate Zhu YuanZhang cut off his tongue, right Zhu YuanZhang furious revenge; Minister Hu WeiYong take advantage of Zhu YuanZhang trust their own time, design framed loyalty, establish cronies and expand the wings, will Zhu YuanZhang former enemies have been dragged into their hands in order to snatch the reign of power; General Lan Yu Stationed at the border, holding the military power, dignified, and Zhu YuanZhang concubine selfish, delusional imperial court. Zhu YuanZhang smashed the "criminal monument" in front of the tomb of Su TanMei and set up the Jinyiwei and Daxing Literary Prisons to show the prestige and cruelty of the imperial power completely. Hu WeiYong wants to take the opportunity to kill Zhu YuanZhang and Zhu YuanZhang to surround Hu WeiYong mansion with Hu Yuanyong, capture Hu WeiYong and bring Hu WeiYong and more than 30,000 party members to be beheaded. Grand Yu Lan Yu Premeditated conspiracy, Zhu YuanZhang first strike, will be captured, five horses divided corpse, and will implicate the party plume all killed more than 10,000 people. Suspicion and fear Zhu YuanZhang killings, he almost killed the founding fathers and heroic, in order to maintain their own blood and sweat Daming Jiangshan at the same time, he also felt that has the imperial power is "lofty" loneliness .

Eat Hot Tofu Slowly (Movie)[2005]

Feature: Liu Hao, an ordinary tricycle driver, an out-and-out big man, has lived an ordinary life in an optimistic and accommodating manner, as can be seen in the slogan behind his tricycle: "Only less than a big Ben round of children." In the real life of Liu Hao, it seems that three wheels are also rotated, that is, three women who have appeared in his life - He WenLan, Yang Qian and Chen Hong. He WenLan is the first factory flower, was raped and lost someone else's species, had to find an honest man to stay and take the initiative to propose to marry Liu Hao wife. Liu Hao laid off three days, and raised children in belly belly factory. A flower stuck in cow dung, He WenLan not willing to own destiny, always felt himself aggrieved. Soon, the past in front of the factory gate to intercept their own rogue fortune, He WenLan feel that they should not be too hard with the day after Liu Hao, then left, as the rogue had a good life. Liu Rao and his children later came back to see the meaning of a broken mirror, but at this time, another woman had already entered the life track of Liu Hao and his children .

AWorldWithoutThieves (Movie)[2004]

Feature: Wang Bao thief and female thief Wang Li is a pair of pickpockets partner, but also a desperate lover. Two people in the rich home trap, even with a threat of snatching away the male owner, and then all the way to the west to the car sold. Wang Li finds herself pregnant and therefore wants to get out of this precarious life but out of shame for the identity of the two as a thief, she doubts that she and Wang Bao are good parents, so the mood is very complicated and Wang Bao Unable to know, the two contradictory occurred several times on the way. On the return train, the two met a migrant worker named Sha Gen, who returned to her hometown to take a wife with a sum of money earned from working in the west. Sha Gen did not believe there was a thief in the world with his money on the road. Wang Li, deeply touched by his simplicity, had been associated with Sha Gen and decided to protect Sha Gen and his bag. A World Without Thieves dream. In addition, there was another pickpocket gang in the car trying to steal Sha Gen's money. As a result, Wang Bao and Wang Li started a series of vicious battles with the gang.

Not at the crime scene (TV)[2004]

Feature: Fan Xu, Fu Yiwei and Ma Yue perform a dangerous extramarital affair. This is a psychological thriller suspense drama, directed by the famous director "Pink Girl" and other famous director Yi Zhu and the famous screenwriter Mao Jie to create. Fan Yi beauty Fu Yiwei amazing variety of characters, changed the bright image; "Habit of measuring, calculating men" Fan Xu can not escape "love kill"; Ma Yue passion again to create "amazing screen image." High school student Mi Lan found out that his father Mi JianShan had an affair. Mi Lan did not want to see the family dispersed, so she forced her father to break up with her lover. Mi JianShan verbally perfunctory, secretly still with the lover to maintain the relationship, because he knew very well that he can not do without this called Kong Lin's woman. Unexpected situation day, soon after, Kong Lin's body was found, the cause of death is gas poisoning. Not at the scene of the crime stills Two Conin loved collecting a variety of rocks, from the nickname "curl" released from the hands of prisoners to buy a dinosaur egg fossils. After the death of Kong Lin, the dinosaur egg is missing. Kong Lin and curly dreaming will not think of this seemingly ordinary dinosaur egg is the paleontological community as the "Oriental Stone" XL-01 fossils, the value can not be measured in money. The appearance of dinosaur eggs cast a mystery on the murder, whether the murderer killed Kong Linsheng for this dinosaur egg fossil.

The worlds wonders (TV)[2004]

Feature: Stills (B) The story took place in the Republic of China in Shanghai, Tong family clan Shanghai Shang business community, became the famed Queen of flowers. Tong YunKai, a foreign boy from Tongyang, was recalled by her father from England. However, his father was kidnapped and a large group of people were abducted. This was a big surprise case in Shanghai that year. The death of a prisoner in a prison sentence, a random conclusion of a police inspector's arrest and a case of kidnapping can not be justified. Tong YunKai determined to rely on their own strength to make the case come to fruition. Tong YunKai, who inherited the huge family business, gradually found the company tremendous crisis. Tong's company went through a series of murderous assassinations such as bulk cargo fraud, factory burning, warehouse homicide, etc., and friend Yu Quan was also arrested for a murder case prison. To rescue Yu Quan from prison, Tong YunKai started a difficult process of collecting evidence and inadvertently got involved in complicated interpersonal disputes in Shanghai. Yarn king finally enemy opponents erode, the emergence of a traitor even more instantaneously Tong down to the ground, the company building blink of an eye, the mysterious black hand gradually revealed clues. In front of a huge blow, people around Tong YunKai experienced strange things, one after another appeared inexplicable theft of secrets, perfume lily murder invisible, huge bank money is missing. With the mysterious case of a mysterious woman of unknown life, she appears in a timely manner in these unrelated cases. Her secret role, so that key evidence inadvertently surfaced, she also gradually into Tong YunKai horizons. Many suspense, many dangerous situations, lost in the face of a strong opponent Tong YunKai opponents do not know whether he can withstand the predicament. A storm is bound to arise from turmoil in the midst of ten foreign markets.

Better and better (TV)[2004]

Feature: Reporter's female boss - Lin BingYan had emotional entanglements with three men: Panyuan Group President Liao PengYuan, bankruptcy deputy director Liu YingKai and peasant Zhao ZiHui. Liao PengYuan loves Lin BingYan, but her emotions are distorted by gentleman's reason and hatred in the form of hatred. As a result, a series of shopping malls hit Lin BingYan and he wants to destroy her. Zhao ZiHui took fire to loot, and Lin BingYan became a lamb on the altar in front of a wolf-like man, trying to catch her beauty with money as bait while Lin BingYan was in a very difficult time. At this moment, Liu Ying Kai appeared, and with sincere love, Lin BingYan, who was on the verge of despair, helped her to defeat the blow. Liao PengYuan Unfortunately, suffering from brain cancer, in the face of death he self-examination, and finally revealed his feelings to Lin BingYan, and the company to her. Zhao ZiHui has also been Lin BingYan probation, heart wash reform, then went to Xinjiang to pick up the melon. TV drama "going better" stills Liu YingKai around the women are lover Lin BingYan, crazy woman Liang MengLin, his wife Su Li. Liu YingKai and Lin BingYan's love is based on the death of a marriage. His wife, Su Li, went to the United States eight years ago and has no news. Just as Liu Ying Kai and Lin BingYan became crazy lovers, Liang MengLin intervened in his life. Liang MengLin him as the imaginary lover, tightly wrapped. After Liu YingKai learned of Liang Menglin's illness, his classmate aroused his dedication and rescued Liang Menglin as a "lover" under the guidance of a doctor. Due to the fact that a madman may kill or self-harm, he does not want to drag Lin BingYan into a dangerous whirlpool. This naturally leads to a misunderstanding by Lin BingYan, causing her heartache to fall apart. Heroes of justice helplessly created the pain of lovers, but also create their own sadness. After a wave of ups and downs, Su Li suddenly returned from the United States to save her marriage. Liu Ying Kai struggled with the three women. One night, Liang MengLin stabbed Liu Ying Kai, almost killing his life. Liu Ying Kai's blood washed Lin BingYan misunderstanding, but also awakened Liang MengLin reason - she regained normal thinking. Liao PengYuan gone, Zhao ZiHui went to Xinjiang as a melon, Liang MengLin with her mother returned home, Su Li returned to the United States. Finally, Lin BingYan did not know Su Li's scam and deceived Liu YingKai to the United States at the expense of her love.

SwordsmenofthePasses-TailFeather (Movie)[2003]

Feature: "Hua LingZi" is an old man loved by his family, a boy he loves. He lives with Sao Niang as a whistle. On the outside is a famous knife, learned stunts, chasing evil bandits, for revenge brother.

SwordsmenofthePasses-MeatPulp (Movie)[2003]

Feature: Knight civil war neither has a martial arts martial arts, martial arts is not to kill those who kill the industry as a hero. They are Guanzhong Earth everywhere, the country's scholar, country boy ... ... some of them do not even martial arts, but they are all chivalrous, distress, not fame and fortune, even at the blood and life ... ... these ten Stories, each story tells, a spirit of our nation, a kind of sharp attitude toward good and evil. From them, we can see the justice and affection, the bloody and masculine, the integrity and the atmosphere, the honesty and the atmosphere, which are what we introduced and promoted in 2013 ......

Married ten years (TV)[2003]

Feature: TV series Cheng Zhang fell in love with Han Meng at school, and after graduation Cheng Zhang came to a city called Bin, living in their dormitory. They can only see each other after get off work day by day, depending on whether Cheng's fellow or not is in the house because there are four people in Han Meng's dorm room, and there's only a glimpse of dating there. In order to have a small space, the two decided to get married. From the day of the next decision, they are inexplicably caught up one after another "troubles." Go to the hospital did not catch up to the bus, riding a bicycle is always out of chain, go to the wrong hospital does not say, anxious to jump Cheng Cheng has also been beaten. How can I get a wedding photo? Can see the house will be occupied by others, or bite the bullet came to the photo studio, the result should be left male right, they just sat a left male right. Waves, the waves, the original two people have no money, save all the furniture to buy a carpet, but the carpet was actually looked that the old pull; want to make a big event solemn marriage to small Restaurant ceremony about it, the fish that the lady brought up is smelly again. Fortunately, with the help of neighbors, the two thousands of miles to finally completed the marriage registration. The crowd who came to visit the new house crouched at the door and joked: "Bed? Where are you sleeping?" Zhang Zhang pointed to the shimmering carpet: "What more bed, is not this a bed?" Laughs: "No, this new home is simply a big bed!" This is the first year of "Ten Years of Wedding," and "married." The following year, they "have children." The third year, in order to help them bring their children, that far in the northeast and south of the "mom came." In the fourth year, they are "laid off." In the fifth year, they went to work to survive, to do business, "something went wrong." The sixth year, they are finally "a little money." The seventh year, "There are people outside." In the eighth year, in the face of the new problems in the new period, they lacked experience and calmness and "separated". The ninth year, "bankrupt." In the tenth year, they "reunited" with each other in the creel of Cheng Cheng's imminent demolition, who had loaded their love for them. Unknowingly, they have ten years of marriage age, for the first time in a truly calm, calm and beautiful mood in the face of each other, in the face of their home that has been living for ten years, facing the world outside the home And the future. A person's life is a Cheng Zhang process. Before he was busy, he was educated, and after his adulthood, he really entered a busy time of Cheng Zhang. And ten years after marriage is one of the most critical ten years, but also the most dramatic ten years, at this stage, everyone can not escape the beating and sharpening brought by Cheng Zhang, people are in those who every Every moment is gradually Cheng Zhang up, one after another or occasionally or necessarily, trivial and complicated or even ridiculous "troubles." The last decade of the twentieth century was a pattern of people's emotional thinking. From the tradition to the ten years of opening up, people may be confused, helpless and confused in these hectic and rich ten years, but eventually they understand how Cheng Zhang treats others, treats society, treats the future. Cheng Cheng was learned by Cheng Zhang.This is a very vivid and ups and downs, so you Kaiyan is not easy emotional drama. This is where everybody can see their own mirror.

QingYi (TV)[2002]

Feature: TV drama Tsing Yi In 1979 Peking Opera "Chang'e Benyue" into the reunion, the old head Wei XiaoTian selected Xiao YanQiu just out of the opera school do Chang'e corner, this year Xiao YanQiu just turned 19 years old. Xiao YanQiu fell in love with Hou Yi's actor Qiao BingZhang, but she did not know that Qiao Bing Zhang loved Chang on the stage, and it was not Xiao YanQiu in her life at all. In a troop show, Chang Xue's corner B Li XueFen enraged Xiao YanQiu, pouring a glass of water on Li XueFen's face. Li XueFen hospitalization, Xiao YanQiu be punished, transferred from the theater. "Flying to the moon," the second stop. Xiao YanQiu The 20-year-old Spring Festival was with Qiao BingZhang, and Xiao YanQiu invited Qiao BingZhang to sing another "Fly to the Moon" with her. Qiao BingZhang sang, Xiao YanQiu people split, the promise of Hou Yi in the play as life Qiao BingZhang vowed to her. Qiao BingZhang can not afford to provoke Xiao YanQiu, he retreated, hiding in the province to learn. Xiao YanQiu ignores everyone's gossip, infatuatedly waiting for Qiao BingZhang come back to marry her. One day she witnessed Qiao Bing Zhang's wife, who was marching through the streets. Xiao YanQiu woke up, heartbreaking. She decides to marry her out immediately and vows to say who first married her to marry her. Xiao YanQiu was married to Mian Gua, a traffic policeman. Mian Gua's envy of Xiao YanQiu was called "all the women in the building." Xiao YanQiu's heart was very unhappy. She knew that from her wedding day, Xiao YanQiu, an actress, died. Xiao YanQiu went through pregnancy, birth and nurturing offspring in the office building. She was hopelessly bewildered. She felt that the life inside the old crenellated building had just splintered her. Xiao YanQiu drama school potential to recruit her as a teaching teacher. Xiao YanQiu scared and delighted, she resorted to the solution of the whole body, hand in hand to educate students. Six years later, one of the students did not have any color. Xiao YanQiu was very disappointed. Suddenly she found out that a student named Chun Lai is a good seedling singing Tsing Yi. Xiao YanQiu did her best to cultivate Chun Lai, hoping to retrieve her memories from her. Qiao BingZhang When the head of the Beijing Opera troupe, tobacco factory owner Zheng AnBang decided to invest in the reunion of "Flying to the Moon" and named Xiao YanQiu, who had over 40 years of starring as the starring actor. Xiao YanQiu's weight loss abortion wants to take the last chance. After struggling with her or exiting the stage on a snowy night, Chun Lai, with her devoted training, instead of her standing on the stage. Outside the theater, Xiao YanQiu sings with a long sleeved sleeves, she sings so beautifully and dances so well. There was not a single pedestrian on the cross street at this time, only an actor Xiao YanQiu and an audience of Qiao Bing Zhang.

sunrise (TV)[2002]

Feature: In the thirties of the last century, Chen BaiL, a knowledgeable woman, secretly combined with the romantic poet Xu Guangfu in pursuit of true love and gave birth to a lovely daughter. However, the harsh life of the poet became so temperamental and his daughter died. Chen Bai-Lu alone went to the distant relatives and the widowed old lady of the former Qing eunuch and made her own daughter. Chen BaiLu with beauty, dance and singing in the "Hassman" song and dance hall became popular. Pan Yue Ting, general manager of Tai Fung Bank Bank still only a shell on the occasion of the still bluff, every night Shengge, spend days, to deceive customers. After discovering the dancer Chen Bai Lu, he became a "Queen of Balls" and a movie star with his love for Chen Bai Lu. Since then, Chen BaiLu is in Pan Yueting, Guan Lao Fu, Gu BaNaiNai Fu Tombs, triad chieftain Kabuki, brothel black gangster, foolhardy Zhang QiaoZhi, opera Hu Si, fraudulent and scheming Li ShiQing and other colors Surrounded by social dross and immersed in the life and death dreams. The collection of poems "Sunrise" has become the only monument to her memory and true love of the poet. Fang Dasheng, the first love lover of Chen Bai Lu University, failed to awaken Chen Bai-Lu and make every effort toward new life. Pressure in society at the bottom of the "little things", Huang San, prostitute Cuihua also escape the tragic fate. Chen Bai Lu, who has lost his pursuit of life and freedom, finally ends up under the pressure of dark forces and social unrest. Only Xu Guangfu's "Sunrise" poem: "The sun is rising, the dark is leaving In the back, while the sun is not ours, we are going to sleep.

how far is Forever (TV)[2001]

Feature: Bai DaSheng grew up in the alley in the capital, compared with many girls: she is pure, innocent and innocent, with no competition. Her hard working, has been taking care of the hemiplegia grandmother, neighborhood neighborhood praise is a good girl. Bai DaSheng has her teenage idol-actress Zhao DaAn, yet Zhao DaAn did not pay attention to her because he fell in love with the beauty of the alley: Xi DanXiaoLiu. Xi DanXiaoLiu and Bai DaSheng completely different, she is free, realistic and open. Men living in the alley are attracted to her beauty. But her love affair with Zhao DaAn was opposed by her family because Zhao DaAn had no money. Helpless Zhao DaAn left the capital, before leaving he entrusted to Bai DaSheng Xi DanXiaoLiu: waiting for him back. Before graduating from college, Bai DaSheng began her first true love. He is a classmate of Bai DaSheng: a handsome and determined urban intruder - Guo Hong. Guo Hong, in order to stay in Beijing, broke up with his girlfriend for four years to pursue Bai DaSheng because Bai DaSheng's grandma could keep Guo Hong in Beijing through the relationship. Bai DaSheng understood Guo Hong's intention, but she was kind and innocent and accepted Guo Hong and loved him deeply. However, Guo Hong met Xi DanXiaoLiu. He abandoned Bai DaSheng and mixed with Xi DanXiaoLiu; and Bai DaSheng was abused in public. Bai DaSheng was totally disappointed. After entering Kailun Hotel, Bai DaSheng met a simple, hardworking big boy - Guan PengYu. He stands in contrast with Guo Hong, who speaks eloquently. He always used the action to help Bai DaSheng, encourage her to live or full of hope, Bai DaSheng was deeply attracted by his point. From acquaintance, knowing each other to love two people more and more understanding, Bai DaSheng also found his real life Son of Heaven. However, the appearance of cousin Xiao Bin changed everything that was originally beautiful. She lives in Bai DaSheng's home, eat Bai DaSheng, with Bai DaSheng, Bai DaSheng does not care about her. But in the end, she took Guan PengYu away and made his bride. After the success of Zhao DaAn back. He came to Xi DanXiaoLiu, ready to marry her, in fact, Zhao DaAn did not forget Xi DanXiaoLiu. The wealthy Zhao DaAn made Xi DanXiaoLiu more motivated, she immediately dumped Guo Hong, and Zhao DaAn together. Guo Hong lost a Japanese woman met, he wanted to go abroad. Zhao DaAn full of hope and imagination, gradually found that Xi DanXiaoLiu has changed, no longer that love for the past, all at Xi DanXiaoLiu. He found Bai DaSheng kindness and innocence in the twilight, known by all over the world, this is what he wants to find. However, Bai DaSheng did not accept Zhao DaAn because now Zhao DaAn is no longer her idol. Xia Bai entered her life at the time of Bai DaSheng's loss. He and Bai DaSheng grew up in the alley together as a self-employed. His cleverness and informality add a lot of happiness to Bai DaSheng's lonely life. Xia Xin borrowed money from Bai DaSheng to run a factory and sent her wealth manager to not only return the loan to Bai DaSheng but also show her love. Bai DaSheng envy by everyone. Guo Hong, a very different man, was eventually abandoned by the Japanese woman and left Guo Hong, an under-aged child.Guo Hong wants Bai DaSheng to return to him and commit suicide.

CrashLanding (Movie)[2000]

Feature: Autumn airport, a busy. The airline's passenger aircraft are landing here in an orderly manner. A B2174 passenger plane carrying 137 passengers whistled off and flew to Beijing. Inside the cabin, a pair of gray-haired seniors were filled with the freshness of flying for the first time. A salesman embraced the full box of cash that kept his company's destiny safely and safely. The old man wearing a reading glasses Quietly watching the hands of the wire loaded book; nursed children after the flight crew cooled the milk in the bottle, also stopped crying. The flight attendants are enthusiastically serving passengers with a smile, and the cabin is full of harmony and warm atmosphere. However, no one expected, a sudden danger is hit them! After the aircraft was launched, the captain found that the signal of the landing gear was not normal and the landing gear of the aircraft could not be lowered. This meant that the passenger aircraft would not be able to land and the tragedy of a plane crash would not happen if the danger was not eliminated promptly. Li JiaTang immediately report to the ground tower command and request the return. Li JiaTang, general commander of the Blue Sky Aviation Flight Department, wanted to move the landing gear over and behind the clouds, trying to lift the nose landing gear. However, after Li JiaTang did the above, he still failed to lower the landing gear ! At this juncture moment, the city leaders heard quickly flew from the tower, with the relevant personnel to study aircraft landing programs and rescue measures. In an instant, 59 fire engines, 20 ambulances, 4 lighting vehicles, 25 construction vehicles quickly rushed to the scene. Inside the cabin, the captain and cabin crew remained calm and unrestrained, calmly leading the passengers to the rear of the cabin in an orderly manner. As a result, the center of gravity of the passenger aircraft shifted backward, trying to reduce the weight of the nose and make an emergency landing. However, the measure of danger is extremely high with slight errors and the consequences are unimaginable. With the analysis and delineation of the commander, there appeared a thrilling picture in everybody's eyes: the nose dropped into the ground and the sunken bottom led to the explosion due to the weight being too heavy. The plane ran out of control and ran off the runway and crashed into the air. Aircraft, aircraft crash, has been appalling ... Passenger aircraft slowly toward the airport, flashing lights around the airport, fire engines follow all the way, the emergency spray on the runway foam, all kinds of rescue, ambulance emergency standby; Shi Zhang and The command of the airport command center waiting on the airport runway, collusion ...... The critical moment has finally arrived, the aircraft can land safely? Passengers on board can break away from danger? Passenger aircraft landing process will encounter any danger?

ASigh (Movie)[2000]

Feature: Liang YaZhou (Guoli Zhang) into a relationship. On the one hand, he is the husband of Song XiaoYing (Fan Xu), the father of a lovely daughter; on the other hand, he is the boyfriend of Li XiaoDan (Pei Liu) - they have a romantic memory in Hainan. When Song XiaoYing knew that her husband had extramarital affairs, she was absolutely divorced. However, daughter care Gu You, the two decided to first separate. Liang YaZhou feels sad because he has lost a familiar relative, yet he can not let go of tenderness on the other side. Things started to change from Song XiaoYing's fall. During those days Liang YaZhou stayed at home to serve his wife and take care of her daughter. After these days, he realized that it was not easy for his wife. He had less contact with Li XiaoDan, and one day, when Xiao Xiao Xiao and Li XiaoDan calm down and talked about life for years, Li XiaoDan seemed to understand what she turned and left. The family seems to have found a happy time again. However, a phone makes everything suspicious ...

Meiwanmeiliao (Movie)[1999]

Feature: Honest taxi driver Han Dong chartered the car to travel agency owner Ruan DaWei for years, but Ruan DaWei defaulted on long-term payments of over $ 90,000 for Han Dong for a variety of reasons. Repeatedly asking for invalid, Han Dong was forced to withdraw Ruan DaWei from Singapore's girlfriend Xiao Yun, who was hospitalized because of illness, and called Ruan DaWei to claim Xiaoyun "kidnapped" to force it to settle the arrears. Ruan DaWei, who has always been arrogant, does not believe Han Dong, who has always been honest, will be so ruthless and resentful on the phone that she would rather not reimburse her. Xiaoyun learned that her life was lighter than Ruan DaWei's eyes and angrily tried to tease Ruan DaWei with Han Dong. So Han Dong brains, came up with a series of ghost points. On-site service of senior feast, a full set of massage feet, three under five except two, Dawei spent tens of thousands of pieces. The heartache of the great David angrily, not to retaliate Han Dong can not. Xiaoyun caught in the middle is not good, Dawei regardless of her life is money, Han Dong do everything possible for money. Is not there anything else more important than money in the world? When Xiaoyun learns that Han Dong is in a hurry to ask for money to support his only relative in the world - a great and sincere Affection finally moved Xiaoyun, she fell in love with this seemingly good but kind-hearted self-employed drivers.

BeThereorBeSquare (Movie)[1998]

Feature: Liu Yuan, a Pekingese who immigrated to Los Angeles for many years, has never had a permanent job and earning a living is very complicated for making money. Once, he hosted a domestic film crew and met Li Qing, a Beijing-based girl who arrived in the United States for temporary shelter. Li Qing encountered a thief robbery in a big house and was scared to dwell again. Liu Yuan, a kind-hearted man, took her to her caravan and persuaded her where to go and return and bought Zhang Qing a return ticket. But did not expect, Li Qing did not go, a year later, the two met by chance, and appoint together to eat. Can go to the restaurant happens to have robbers, food did not eat, fell by some shock, so that the two are in a very bad mood. Not long afterwards, Liu Yuan's friend got a travel agency, and he kindly invited Li Qing to work in a travel agency, but the first live first was illegal immigration. Out from the police station, Li Qing told Liu Yuan carefully not to contact her. A year later, Liu Yuan went public for Li Qing, and the two met again and started a language school together. Finally, after twists and turns of the two people finally understand each other's mind, together by the plane flew to Beijing.

Aiqingmalatang (Movie)[1997]

Feature: The film shows the contemporary city people's love life picture. It uses five stories to form a unique structure of the entire film content, inclusive and interpretation of the emotional experience of people of different ages, the whole film by a pair of young adults about to be married, excited and happy in the process of preparing a few pieces of marriage Trivial things to run through. Zhou Jianhe and Xia Bei are young, unmarried couples who have been through the film all the time, almost ready to go through the process of getting married - see their parents, setting up new homes, getting married, buying rings, wedding photographs, etc. Seemingly ordinary things, for themselves, but it is also one of the extraordinary life experience some extraordinary. With their wedding preparations as a clue, the following five paragraphs of emotional stories of different ages are elicited: "sound", "photo", "toy", "thirteen incense" and "mah-jong". By the "marriage" clues connected to form a complete and colorful life.

TheDreamFactory (Movie)[1997]

Feature: This is a movie that is free to switch between reality and fiction. Yao, Zhou, BeiYan, Qian Kang, Liang Zi - Three Men and One Woman, Four Kind, Wise and Understanding Freelancers. In the summer of 1997 Opened a "good dream day trip" business. The focus of work is to help consumers a day's dream come true addiction. Just started trial operation, immediately attracted a whiff of unexpected customers. Such as: the book board children want to be the day Ba Dun general; cook because of lax, has always wanted to taste tight-lipped taste; for a time the "dream day tour" busy four people around: just took off the US military The wounded soldier changed his military uniform to Qing Army; while he was a general at the battle conference, he became a guard at the battlefield for a while; during the day he was on the dirt road in the tank training field carrying a telegraph Jeep carrying the radio, Old-fashioned jeep sneak into residential areas to arrest people. Because there is no experience of making a lot of jokes, work is full of loopholes. As a result, four people opened a rectification will be unified understanding of a clear requirement for customers who have unhealthy wishes to say "no", so that "good dream day tour" business gradually on track. Through "Love Dream", they helped to restore self-confidence to people who lost their faith because of repeated love affair. They also educated their masculine customers through the "dream of getting angry." They also took advantage of the big- Ordinary people's dream ", mocked those who got the cheap and sell good people. In helping customers to realize their dreams, they gradually put their true feelings from happiness, fun, and even some nonsense. Later, in order to help cancer-free couples without a room to do a "reunion dream," actually prepared to contribute their own new house married.

GeiTaiTaiDaGong (Movie)[1997]

Feature: Beautiful toy company has a strange upper and lower levels, as general manager of Lin Qian (Fan Xu ornaments) smart, is a rare strong woman, and ridiculous, often late designer Su Yang (Sun Xing ornaments) is Lin Qian's husband. Only the couple had signed an agreement before the company they can not disclose the relationship between husband and wife, all things public, eight hours after work, Su Yang can shake the power of her husband, dignified. Seemingly weird agreement, but also let the relationship between husband and wife harmony and warmth. Of course, all kinds of unexpected situations occur one after another without the knowledge of others. Wen Yan (Bin Yu), a beautiful female employee in the company, was very much in favor of Su Yang, turning Lin Qian into a vinegar bottle. Su Yang and the company's new customer Chen ShaoYu (Jiayi Zhang) intersect, who knows each other has been looking for his first love is actually his wife. Fun story staged one after another ...

My familys story (TV)[1996]

Feature: Zeng Qiang and Wang Yu married for ten years, because no house has been living with widowed mother. Wang Yu suffering from serious gynecological diseases can not be normal married life, as time passes to the suspicion of her husband into suspicion, and even spend money to hire someone to investigate strong. At the same time, Wang rain ten years ago, Yan Feng but because of the irresponsible year, so far Wang Yu full of guilt. As the story unfolds, too many changes have taken place between two men and one woman and between two families, Zeng and Yan. After experiencing laid-off, re-employment, divorce and other things, Zengqiang finally made a great achievement. However, Yan Feng went down from a rich and wealthy one by one and eventually became a victim in an unscrupulous transaction. What happened to Wang Yu? Complex personality makes her emotionally erratic, again and again of choice, but do not know whether it is right or wrong ... ... the tragedy of the previous generation in the next generation continue to staged, I do not know reincarnation or retribution. Wang Yu's role is just like Aunt Qiu. It is impossible for a man to choose between two men who love one another deeply and again and again so that they are deeply in pain and contradiction. Wang Yu finally divorced. After the divorce, Zengqiang career step by step, performance bandits; Wang Yu and Yan Feng once again lived together and gave birth to daughter Wang Xiaoyu, happy life, but the cause has declined, eventually to death, Wang Yu and his daughter left.

ElegeforLove (TV)[1995]

Feature: Lin Huan, a handsome and capable director of NASA club planning, and her husband, Li Bin, was a great violinist, unfortunately, became a vegetative in a medical accident. Club tuner Zu Qiang loves Lin Huan, but Lin Huan can not accept it. One day, Liang TianCheng, general manager of the decoration engineering company, came to the club and showed a good impression on Lin Huan.

FarewellMyLove (Movie)[1994]

Feature: Warm and humorous young Su Kai flight attendants Lin GeGe love at first sight, after some hard work, and finally touched with sincere heart, the two quickly fell in love. Subsequently, Su Kai bought the houses along the road with the money they bought from the old houses, and both were happy to get married. It was at this moment that Su Kai was hospitalized because of his uncomfortable feeling. Without thinking of the diagnosis, he had an incurable disease called "sexually transmitted diseases." Su Kai suddenly fell into despair. While working on the side, immersed in the joy of premarital marriage, Su Kai decided to hide the condition and put a break in order not to drag on the younger one. Princess Ge was kicked out of the door by heart-wrenching Su Kai, and her good friend Yang Yan knew the truth and left to take care of Su Kai. In the process of caring, kind-hearted Yan Yan fell in love with Su Kai, a very strong and kind-hearted person. Su Kai finally responded to this love with the comfort and encouragement of Yang Yan, and then later smiled and died. after many years. The Gege family and the Yang Yan family lived a happy life together in the log cabin left by Su Kai.

AfterSeparation (Movie)[1992]

Feature: Empty waiting hall, about to love with their respective hero and heroine. Gu Yan, the male protagonist, is waiting in the waiting hall to send her wife, who is going to Canada to study abroad at her own expense, and meets Lin ZhouYun (Fan Xu), her husband's overseas heroine. Lin ZhouYun's husband hurried boarding without looking back at his soon-to-be-produced wife. Before his departure, he entrusted his wife to strangers to Gu Yan, but Lin ZhouYun still unfortunately miscarried. A year later, the two meet again unexpectedly. Gu Yan alone to pour out his own thinking of Lin ZhouYun wife suffering, but Lin ZhouYun but immediately rush to go abroad to reunite with her husband and excited. Two years later, Lin ZhouYun still failed to go abroad, stay in the country. Lonely lonely couple together to accompany the New Year. The five-day holiday fleeting, breaking up, both felt inexplicable loss, a long period of dusty feelings quietly breed ...... The famous actor Ge You also by virtue of this role, won the Golden Rooster Award winner.

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