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Richie Jen TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Richie Jen Works 32 ,And Feature 12 ,Romance 11 ,Comedy 10 ,Action 6 ,Crime 6 ,Costume Drama 4 ,Thriller 4 ,Martial Arts 2 ,Fantasy 2 ,古装武侠1 ,警匪1 ,Youth Drama 1 ,Suspense 1 ,Documentary 1 ,Music 1 ,Animation 1 ,Adventure 1 。

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Richie Jen Filmography(32)


沉默的证人 (Movie)[2019]


雨夜,香港法医中心遭遇一伙训练有素的悍匪的洗劫。来者挟持 Chen JiaHao ( Nick Cheung 饰) Qiao Lin ( Zi Yang 饰)两位法医,逼迫他们寻找一具特殊尸体并找出尸体体内的一颗子弹。法医在解剖的过程中发现,子弹事关一场黑帮血拼的大案,而匪首SANTA( Richie Jen 饰)的身份也另有蹊跷。为了保护证物揭开真相,手无寸铁的 Chen JiaHao Qiao Lin ,利用身边一切可以利用的器械,和法医中心的特殊地势进行布局反击。逐渐被激怒的匪徒越发狂躁嗜血,陷入绝境的法医们,无畏楼毁人亡的危机,决心硬刚到底!

花椒之味 (Movie)[2019]


Xia RuShu ( Sammi Cheng 饰)有一天突然得知父亲( Kenny Bee 饰)死讯,并由此发现原来自己在台北、重庆两地各有一个同父异母的妹妹如枝( Megan Lai 饰)及如果( Li Xiaofeng 饰)。来自三个不同地域、性格迥异的三姐妹,在父亲的葬礼上首次碰面,明明陌生却有着血缘的牵绊,同样面对着父母离异的创口与生活的惶惑;如树毅然决定继续经营父亲留下的火锅店,获得重新认识父亲的契机。三姐妹因上一代人的爱恨纠缠,在破碎家庭关系中成长,也因此相遇相知,互相依存,重拾修复关系的勇气,成长创口得以疗愈。


Trivisa (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Groundless, not without cause. In early 1997, Zhuo ZiQiang, Ye GuoHuan and Ji ZhengXiong did not know each other, but happened to be in the same restaurant. Since then, there have been wind and waves everywhere: Hong Kong crime history, the most notorious three thief king, are conspiring to cooperate, to do a shaking big case. Everyone thinks they want to take advantage of the return of the former achievements of the criminal community's last glory. As everyone knows, as the protagonist of the three suddenly ignorant. Zhuo ZiQiang just kidnapped the wealthy son, did not move the gun but successfully extorted billions of high price ransom, crime has peaked. He is no longer able to break through constantly seeking challenges, but inadvertently heard the rumors. Originally just a smile, but gradually attracted by this idea, in order to achieve nothing out of nothing shaking cooperation and can not extricate themselves. The idea slowly became obsessed, so he took great risks, but also to find the hidden Ye GuoHuan, Ji ZhengXiong. In a scene of police bandits and gun battles, Ye Guohuan suppressed the police with a strong firepower, desperate End of the World and shocked the whole city. In the face of the blockade of the earth network, he can only make another plan to make a fortune to smuggle parallel imports of electrical appliances. In the past, the prestige was now groveling and closing high. Business is a mess, he is constantly repressing himself. Wind came, it soon set off his heart outrage, decided to give up everything, regain the gun, to join with Zhuo ZiQiang. Low-key and cautious act as a barrier to Ji ZhengXiong. Although the scale of the crime is far behind that of the remaining two, the police robbed him repeatedly for nothing. Small-scale robbery to him is already done by chance, with little risk, but not much profit. Rumors spread that although he knew that the trio's cooperation must be lucrative, he initially restrained himself and chose to ignore it. But greed has been elicited, he has always been very cautious began to waver. Naught nonsense rumors, has come true. On the surface, it seems as if the rumors kept them together; however, it is more like the inevitable outcome of their trio deriving from their own character and desire. Large tree attracts the wind, this has been the attention of the whole city triad approaching, the so-called century co-operation, more likely to lead the fire.

11 days zero one night (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Yang CongTou was a blind and dumb orphans since childhood, but after being optimistic, Yang CongTou also had a crush nurse friend Qiu Nan. One day when Yang CongTou was killed in a traffic accident and was waiting for a freshman to go to Polaris in another space, his white messenger was touched by his personal life so that he could return to the earth. He concluded his mission on the 5th and handed Qiu Nan to Dr. Hu. Returning to earth, Yang CongTou knew he was in love with Qiu Nan. Both reluctantly separated from each other on the night of the meteor shower and made a wish to the meteors, no matter how far apart they should face the future well.

mid night canteen (TV)[2016]

Feature: This is a special canteen open from midnight to seven in the morning. Lao Ban here, not very talkative, but always let people eat tears. Here, the inferiority of the dancers encounter recess retirement for many years dance predecessors, predecessors at their own pains to inspire young people, eventually make it regain confidence; quiet girlfriends must eat their favorite food recalled Friends of the past, returned to good; optimistic patients with terminally ill met the same girl, the two love each other and give each other the strength to accompany each other perfectly through the last mile; success blind pursuit of career white-collar workers, made here Real warmhearted friend, found that the truth is more meaningful than success. The food, the story, the truth, brought together the theme of the show, taught the people to confront the pros and cons and full of hope and enthusiasm for life. Behind every story are full of affection, the plot ups and downs, it is unforgettable forgotten & nbsp ;.

Fue Chai Brothers 4 (TV)[2016]

Feature: Since Zhang XiaoJiao destroyed Ai Ma's wedding at the end of the third season, the relationship between the two became even more complicated and confusing, all of which seemed to be under Ai Ma's plan. Du Xiaola's life experience is also a real exposure, what is the prominent princess or the absentminded Cinderella, whether she can replace Lan Fei as Xu ZhiYi heart will be revealed this season. And the rest of the office will bring what ironic embarrassing thing, abercrombie and fitch (http://www.abercrombieandfitchfrancr.com/), firewood two brothers career in this season will be what astonishing reversal of it, all of this must be said from a dream & nbsp ;.

Star language wish of the day zero one night (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Yang CongTou was a blind and dumb orphans since childhood, but after being optimistic, Yang CongTou also had a crush nurse friend Qiu Nan. One day when Yang CongTou was killed in a traffic accident and was waiting for a freshman to go to Polaris in another space, his white messenger was touched by his personal life so that he could return to the earth. He concluded his mission on the 5th and handed Qiu Nan to Dr. Hu. Returning to earth, Yang CongTou knew he was in love with Qiu Nan. Both reluctantly separated from each other on the night of the meteor shower and made a wish to the meteors, no matter how far apart they should face the future well.

Infernal Affairs (TV)[2016]

Feature: Infernal Affairs tells the story of Wei JunXuan (Him Law), an intern inspector of the Hong Kong Police Force, determined to become the fastest-rising inspector in history. An anti-drug operation, Jun Xuan hit a 50% off the suspect, gazette revenge, so that half of the drug poisoning. Jun Hsuan found fifty percent of the deaths after the accident, it has been feeling uneasy guilt, relying on the treatment of psychiatrist Hu JiaLin (People), to a little calm. Mainland police Jiang ZiDan (Yang Wang) came to visit his friends and found that 50% of overdosed drugs were falling dead. Bullet amazed at this, that this is impossible, decided to find out the truth to prove friend's innocence. It did not take long for the bullet to find out about 50% of deaths related to a drug trafficking network run by a Hong Kong gang of gangsters that is now in collusion with a foreign drug cartel and plans to open up this huge market in China! He immediately contacted the Hong Kong police and jointly deployed operations between the two places to destroy this cross-border drug trafficking syndicate & nbsp ;. In the second quarter, Wei JunXuan (Him Law) indirectly killed Hu GuanYou (Damian Lau), the father of Hu JiaLin (People also ask), who was regretful and unwilling but was again replaced by Han Lang (Gallen Lo) Threatened, had to cooperate with it. Jun Xuan wanted to overthrow Han Lang in conjunction with an undercover bullet (Yang Wang), but unexpectedly Han Lang burst out of his bullet friend Wu YongZhe (Edmond Leung ornaments). Under the impulse of bullets, Jun Heung's black-guard status was revealed to the police. Jun Xuan was taken into custody and was not prosecuted for the evidence being destroyed by Han Lang. However, he has lost his identity as a police officer forever. Hu GuanYou died, winning the league rudderless, everyone right infighting. Jia Lin inherited all the heritage of Hu GuanYou, because of fear of his brother Luo Wei (Kevin ornaments), Jia Lin himself involved in the competition of the boss. Jun Xuan seized the opportunity to win the winning couplets, in fact, this is the chief inspector of anti-narcotics Zhang Ding (Berg Ng decoration) of the plan, the original Zhang Ding re-Jun Jun and get in touch, so Jun Hin mixed victory to do Undercover, contact with colleague Su Qing (Toby Leung ornaments) to obtain information, wear meritorious service. Junxuan squeezed within the win, especially the old lover Jia Lin Jun Jun Hin has been known to participate in the killing of her father, and Jun Xuan against enemies. Jun Xuan suffered a blow, but in the winning stubborn tenacious survival, meritorious service, and tried to explain to Jia Lin, a lot of ease between the two. In the third quarter, the former gangster's daughter Hu JiaLin was admitted to hospital by Han Lang attacker. Wei JunXuan, the former police victor who has been a member of the UEFA team, has been guarding her at home, taking care of her and apologizing to her Lynn was discharged, finally accepted Junxuan, the two married. Han Lang support Jun Xuan to become the boss, but still behind Jun Xuan. Jun Xuan was just assassinated, Han Lang stay Jun Xuan Guan Sheng United, alone to Thailand to get through all drug trafficking routes in Hong Kong, but was attacked by enemy ambushes in Thailand was arrested, unexpectedly met in the cell was caught Thailand bullets, bullets to kill Han Lang, but because of the sense of justice and can not afford to hand. When the two were held in captivity and rescued, they were rescued by a mysterious man who was Chen YueQi!Before the original bullets and Yue Qi into crisis, to be executed, Luo Wei did not kill Yue Qi, but the Qi Xue hid up, and other opportunities for bullets and Yue Qi reunion, Yue Qi learned that the bullets were robbed to Thailand , Desperate to rescue. The bullet was determined to paralyze Han Lang, proposed a reconciliation with Han Lang, and the two collaborated to rehabilitate Thai underworld forces and return to Hong Kong.

TheWonderfulWedding (Movie)[2015]

Feature: The 32-year-old Shu Fen finally got married, Shu Fen's father Li JinShuang to see this foolish son-in-law Gao Fei is more unhappy, reluctant to marry her daughter, the rules set higher than the Taiwan 101, the son-in-law Sole slash all over the slash. Quasi-father-in-law, not only to be caught in the middle of the ex-wife and after the wife married wife for the son to handle marriage, but also with the unreasonable pro-family on the same platform, determined to set all meet, toast must be clinked on the ground, lest hurt the customs. However, no matter how many parents commit crimes, their love for children eventually surpassed everything. In the end, the two families in mainland China eventually joined hands and marched home.

AllYouNeedIsLove (Movie)[2015]

Feature: (Qi Shu Qi) is a daughter with golden spoon was born, playing a small affluent life of affluence. To the age of marrying, parents are very concerned about the lifelong events, invisible which have brought great pressure, and finally, overwhelmed have determined to run away from home. Follow the beautiful scenes depicted in the lyrics, have come to the surging lake. In Lake Surui, have been admitted to a bed and breakfast, bed and breakfast owner is a man named A Wu (Richie Jen ornaments). Do not know, this bed and breakfast is facing the critical moment of life and death, A Wu's younger brother (Lego Lee ornaments) mortgage the results of the investment failed, not only lost, but also soon to be lodged. With the care of A Wu's family, they decided to fight alongside everyone in the homestay. At the same time, many families noticed their daughter's whereabouts and were on their way.

5月一号 (Movie)[2015]

Feature: The summer of 1983, 17-year-old Chi Lin (Chih-Tian Shih ornaments) and Wang Lei (Lyan Cheng ornaments) as a result of an English speech contest, ignorant feelings germinate. However, a young and frivolous accident, abruptly to separate the two, but also quench the bloodthirsty throbbing love, or even had time to say goodbye, have not yet started to say goodbye to the first love, in the first Bee Gees "First of May "in the end. More than 20 years later, the 45-year-old daughter Wang Lei (Alyssa Chia) and Bai Bai (Lyan Cheng), 17, once again made their lives staggered. The 45-year-old Richie Jen received an online version of A letter, a letter seems to be belated, Wang Lei's letter, let him remembered, that innocent youth, that period of 17-year-old arrogance, as well as lonely regret. It seems that somewhere destined to this particular age will have special significance, the 17-year-old Bai Bai, also fell into an emotional confusion, the face of the favorite boys and the best sisters, she did not know how to choose .....

WillYouStillLoveMeTomorrow? (Movie)[2013]

Feature: Each wedding is filled with the most sweet atmosphere, then A Feng and Wei Zhong is not the case. Everyone in the eyes of childhood, to marriageable age, just after everyone entered the auditorium, not long after, gave birth to a son A Wan. A family of three seems so happy. I should be the happiest woman in the world, A Feng told me every morning when I woke up. Until one day, she was surprised to find Wei Zhong abnormal, and began to be afraid to sleep to wake up he was not around, thinking that everything now has faded away. At this moment, sister Wei Zhong sister Situy situation out of the big situation, after the completion of the wedding ceremony when the bride and groom began to run away, suddenly the heart of Mandy M on the marriage uneasy, but her fiance and San San visit the trip Supermarkets to understand the true love should not be so mediocre.

SchemeWithMe (Movie)[2012]

Feature: In the early years of the Republic of China, warlords waged scuffles and misfortunes. Chen ShaoQing, a veteran of "walking" in the casino, owes one hand to Lin XiaoDong, the underworld boss, and in order to keep it, Chen ShaoQing had to oblige a fortune. And took Lin XiaoDong to find two deceitful lieutenants such as "Gui Lian" who was posing as a fraud by Tan ZhangFeiTang and "Shi Shi" who was staying in jail for a long time. Never thought that two master cheating is actually a rival, you will pinch you live and die. Chen ShaoQing said the secrets of wealth, turned out to be a train gold that the Japanese were prepared to buy for Da Shuai, the northwest warlord. Although there are huge profits at present, Gui Lian and Shi Fu are still overcrowded. In desperation, Lin XiaoDong laid down in accordance with the rules and regulations, for two to host a street fighting. Gui Lian Shi Fu is superb on the streets, joined in random strikes by Tan ZhangFeiTang, who caught Gui Lian desperately, and restless people who stir the waves on the beach. Eventually, Shi Fu was able to overcome the difference of five cents, while Gui Lian also reaped an assistant - a girl who steals her superb skills. Thieves, seniors, bully, triad. In order to get together with the gold several people designed to obtain the Japanese escort plan, accordingly, Shi Fu come up with a trick to hide the truth. However, I also think about it. Since the only railway built in Xi'an by Xinjiang was built after the liberation, there was no railway history in the Republic of China. I do not know whether it is biased or not. "Several people who wreak havoc head toward the west, All kinds of changes: just arrived in the western town, the heel has not been able to stand up almost to Wang Da Shuai collapsed gun; finally escape, but also met the bandits Jin SanNiang, which Jin SanNiang another appealing Shi Fu, to be able to allow himself; secretly, a group of trouble-making town in the town are also staring at the group of foreign visitors, waiting to start; removed the fat man chasing miles to the town, will be Gui Lian rope The law. Of course, the most suspicious of all is that Gui Lian and Shi Fu do not seem to come for gold alone.

LifeWithoutPrinciple (Movie)[2011]

Feature: Hong Kong's downturn in the world economy, ordinary people's days are not good, even black and white people are also in a dilemma. San JiaoBao (Sean Lau), who has been working hard for many years, is honest and loyal, but his loyalty is both precious and ridiculous in the age of supremacy. Tu YanLong (Philip Keung), a good brother of that year, managed to catch up with the stock market crash on the day he ran the black market and Tu YanLong went bankrupt soon. Taken together, the two decided to snatch 10 million in cash from Lo Hoi-pang, the moneylender. Surprisingly, before they hit another group of robbers shot, Chung original so dead car. The bank clerk, Teresa Chan (Denise Ho), is Chung Yuan's customer service and investment adviser who has long faced a major choice in the face of the huge sums she suddenly owns in her hands. Inspector Zhang ZhengFang (Richie Jen), who was ordered to investigate the murder of Chung Yuan, was just out of control. His father was terminally ill and his wife privately misused deposits. In the face of tremendous realistic pressure, three people living in different social classes have experienced unprecedented waves ...

LegendaryAmazons (Movie)[2011]

Feature: When the Northern Song Dynasty Song Renzong years, Xixia often large-scale into the Central Plains, to win the Song Jiangshan. Do not Jun, Chen Chenchen, Song Songshan internal and external problems. On the occasion of the crisis, Yang Jiyu, led by Yang Jiyu, fought a war against the aliens in succession. Yang Jiahu killed Yang ZongBao (), and the Northern Song Dynasty was in jeopardy. At this point, the emperor Yang Yang Lao Taijun She Sai Hua () as jianjun, son of Zongbao Yang WenGuang (commander in chief) command 10,000 troops against the Western Xia State hundred thousand troops. Yang Men, who spent the United States as a woman, sacrificed her blood for the sake of national righteousness, thus composing an immortal legend. During the reign of Ren Songzong, generals guarding the border Yang ZongBao under the disparities in the armed forces, the body dozens of knife, Tianmen Gate lost. Pan TaiShi and courtier Wang Qiang wanted their son Wen Xun to lead 10,000 pioneers in Xixia. Ancestors for the protection of liberal arts, also joined the army. Xixia Jun Yang Jiajun to stimulate the bodies of Zao Bao hanging in front of arson set fire. Wen Guang to grab the father's body decided to lead the leader into the enemy positions. Guiying only cruel to win the Wen-shuai print, change number, Mu. Unexpectedly, however, literary junk escape military array, alone into enemy positions! Eventually lost the message. Wen Guang woke up and found himself in a huge cave, Wen Guang out of the hole, saw a tall and sturdy middle-aged people are commanding the two troops battle, he used the drums and array are actually Yang's . Wen Guang is surprised, Xiao Dou told him that the middle-aged man is the command of his father Yang ZongBao! In the end what happened, Mu GuiYing can guard the success of Young Men and women will be able to win it, a bloody war kicked off.

Punished (Movie)[2011]

Feature: Although worth millions, fame, but the boss Wang HaoChao (Anthony Wong (Hong Kong actor)) body and mind has not been relaxed. Outside land acquisition disturbances, there are daughters Dai Si (Wen Yongsan ornaments) youth rebellion, Shen drugs can not extricate themselves. After a father-and-daughter quarrel, Dai Si mysteriously disappeared, and soon a kidnapping video was sent to the king's hand. At first thought it was a scam laid by his daughter, the king had to be forced to take shape. Who knows fifty million ransom out, daughter still missing. In desperation, he commissioned loyal bodyguard - Richie Jen, who had been through the arena, investigated his daughter's whereabouts and finally saw the cold body of Dai Si. Wang distraught, vowed to let the kidnappers pay the price. He concealed the fact that Dai Si was dead to all, relying solely on his early voyage of revenge. Karma, the slightest unhappy ......

MayDay3DNA (Movie)[2011]

Feature: This is the first time Mayday put his own "Transformable DNA Unlimited Magnification" tour of the world onto the big screen, and the use of 3D technology. In this movie featuring the Mayday concert, three anecdotes are interspersed: Guangzhou, the father of a curry fish egg (Lin Xue Suet Lam) in Guangzhou, was totally unintelligible in the face of her baby daughter's crazy act of chasing stars , Thus intensifying the conflict between father and daughter. However, his father is always a daughter of love, and ultimately support her daughter's journey to Shanghai alone stargazing. Taipei, a deeply loved love taxi driver (Richie Jen Richie Ren ornaments), but because of the encounter of a mysterious female passenger, on the streets of Taipei started a strange journey. After a short journey, the distance between two strangers gradually narrowed down ... Shanghai, diligent courier (Wasir Chou ornaments) day to day hard work, shuttle in the streets of Shanghai. The daily income, he will come up with a large part of the deposit, that is, in order to round the wishes of my sister, to see a Mayday concert.

TheAllureOfTears (Movie)[2011]

Feature: Tears of the First Tears (Tears of Blood): You Le is a workaholic who lacks a taste for life and is suddenly diagnosed with serious illness. In the hospital, he gave up trying to meet those Lotte patients who made him incomprehensible and saw their beautiful dreams that could not be achieved. Until You Le met Gei LiMei, with her encouragement, he finally began to gradually out of the haze and regain the sunshine. Between him and her, but also because of so many moved, but gradually goodwill, become profound lovers. However, as they promised to make their vows, they agreed to go out to death together, but suddenly they betrayed the covenant and wanted to be a chance for those who were afraid of death and wanted to seek survival. The second tear (dream of tears): the brink of bankruptcy Xinyi Conservatory of Music, is Chen career career, but also the late mother of Chen unforgettable care. Until now, only the former disciple was found - Yang Lin, an internationally renowned musician, and a concert to save the school. In order to persuade her to go out, once the Lutheran tigers have gone out of their way, each superficial, especially Yang Lin past gossip boyfriend Ding DaKe, exhausted all one's skill. Surprisingly, Yang Lin can not play the piano at all because of hearing impairment caused by an accident. Ultimately, with the help of Yao Jue, a violinist, Yang Lin finally came out. However, the ensuing difficulties kept faltering righteous fallacies and the loving affirmations of Yang Lin and Ding DaKe were constantly sharpened by this obstacle. Can their dreams come true? This mix of dreams and responsibilities of love will go? Tears of the Third Tear (Rain Tears): Chen Sheng, a well-known public relations company boss on the beach, was robbed by criminals and lost his lover on the wedding day. No one knows how Chen Sheng really fortune, no one knows what his wife is. When Chen Sheng announced it was going to hold a wedding as scheduled, it even shocked the entire beach. It turned out that everything was intimate.

Retribution (Movie)[2011]

Feature: Although worth millions, fame, but the boss Wang HaoChao (Anthony Wong (Hong Kong actor)) body and mind has not been relaxed. Outside land acquisition disturbances, there are daughters Dai Si (Wen Yongsan ornaments) youth rebellion, Shen drugs can not extricate themselves. After a father-and-daughter quarrel, Dai Si mysteriously disappeared, and soon a kidnapping video was sent to the king's hand. At first thought it was a scam laid by his daughter, the king had to be forced to take shape. Who knows fifty million ransom out, daughter still missing. In desperation, he commissioned loyal bodyguard - Richie Jen, who had been through the arena, investigated his daughter's whereabouts and finally saw the cold body of Dai Si. Wang distraught, vowed to let the kidnappers pay the price. He concealed the fact that Dai Si was dead to all, relying solely on his early voyage of revenge. Karma, the slightest unhappy ......

AdventureofTheKing (Movie)[2010]

Feature: Zheng DeHuangDi Zhu Houzhao (Richie Jen) grows younger than the depths of the palace. Although there are "People's Street" where Tai Jian ladies play various characters for his game "Pretending to be a Weaver", Masters are already tired of fake fake performances and borrowed Huang TaiHou had the opportunity to run a wedding for him, with the command of Chen ZhenZhen (Leung Siu-lung) and the doctor of medicine, with the help of the historian Si MaXi (Law Kar-ying). Zhengde and his entourage traveled to the small town of Jiangnan, traveled to the south and strayed into the gamble of the four gifted people in the south of China. They left the beggar and silver both to their knees. They had to join the beggars' dinner to grab food. In confusion, Masanori and Si MaXi lost their memories , Abjection of Masanori met a bowl of good face dragonfly shop owner Xifeng (Barbie Hsu ornaments), and into the Longfeng shop as a sophomore. On the other hand, Ning Wang, who attempted to usurp the throne in the palace, learned of the memory of Masanori's anger and sent his men to limit Masanori's life to the Dragon Stores.

Tang Bo Hu Dian Qiu Xiang 2 (Movie)[2010]

Feature: Tang BoHu has practiced martial arts since childhood, often provoking troubles, and friends Zuocheng Zhu, Zhu ZhiShan and Wen ZhengMing are all known as the four loss-making friends. In a fighting incident, Tang BoHu gasped his father and was therefore placed under house arrest by his mother, asking him to change his mind and cultivate their own nature. Tang BoHu now only promised to study in the "Qingfeng Temple" Oath, no longer use martial arts. Tang BoHu, who thought she could be liberated after the "Breeze Temple," went uphill with joy. However, it unexpectedly triggered a series of bizarre events that changed the life of Tang BoHu and later met QianQian and formed an indissoluble bond with her.

Sniper (Movie)[2009]

Feature: Ling Jing (Xiaoming Huang) has been the first shooter in the Hong Kong police sniper team for four years in a row. His boss and team-mates have praised him. There is a very high regard but he does not like to deal with others. His only happiness is his wife Companionship In a bandit operation, Ling Jing missed the hostage - the only rogue son of the city. Rich merchants constantly pressured the police department, and finally Ling Jing was sentenced to four years in prison. Since Ling Jing left, the second police force, Richie Jensen, became the strongest one when Ling Jing was jailed for faking evidence. Ling Jing vowed to take revenge on the police force and Keming who betrayed him. O Aberdeen (Edison Chen ornaments) is the top students in the police academy, gunfire law, first-class gun technology, was quickly Keming solicitation to join the Hong Kong police sniper team. After I heard of Ling Jing's story, I was curious about him, met by chance by chance and got guidance and became friends. Ling Jing frequently provoked the police and led the entire sniper team to arrest him. Ling Jing Desperate fight, the independence war army. How expected, Keming to bait himself, with O Tsai's assists, so that he inadvertently exposed the location. In the end, which party will win? And Ling Jing can find their own due fair?

Accident (Movie)[2009]

Feature: The brain is a professional assassin, good at planning a seamless assassination layout, the perpetrator can make the target figure buried in the accident, the victims died on the surface, the case is assassinated group members together startling startling killings. However, day after day killings have brought thoughts to the brain and often dreamed of his own death. Therefore, each mission he is more and more cautious, in order to prevent accidents to himself. In a mission, the sudden encounter a real traffic accident, leading to the death of a teammate. Accidents in the manufacture of accidents encountered, difficult to distinguish between true and false, the incident even more so that one of his teammates died, so the brain finds the accident is directed at himself, he is more locked a suspicious person, that is, the body in the incident that day An insurance broker, Chen FangZhou (), who looks ordinary but his brain suspected he was a more professional accidental maker than he had decided to eradicate Chen FangZhou. Chen FangZhou secretly approached the brain, waiting for an opportunity to start, but at the same time with the deepening understanding of Chen FangZhou, Chen FangZhou was shocked to know him abnormal, like a confidant. When the brain begins to lose its identity, it feels like an unprecedented confusion and a serious wary mind and body around people, even changing the relationship with peers. Even though his teammates kept telling the brain, Chen FangZhou was just an ordinary visitor, and he did not want to believe that he regarded everything before him as a conspiracy. When the brain is lost, there is another accidental death of a man. He attaches everything to Chen FangZhou and finds that Chen FangZhou wants to kill all the members of the organization one by one. Therefore, he must first lay down his hands and eliminate him. Chen FangZhou's plan to assassinate the brain, saw Chen FangZhou will die in the unexpected occasion, suddenly, the eclipses appear, the world into the dark, white and black reversed, an instantaneous change to assassinate the outcome of the rewrite. Finally, when the brain was holding something ready to leave, Chen FangZhou suddenly rushed up with a dagger and his brain was stabbed. Chen FangZhou asked angrily: "Why do you harm us?" At this time, the brain has to admit that at This world is indeed a surprise.

Accident (Movie)[2009]

Feature: The brain is a professional assassin, good at planning a seamless assassination layout, the perpetrator can make the target figure buried in the accident, the victims died on the surface, the case is assassinated group members together startling startling killings. However, day after day killings have brought thoughts to the brain and often dreamed of his own death. Therefore, each mission he is more and more cautious, in order to prevent accidents to himself. In a mission, the sudden encounter a real traffic accident, leading to the death of a teammate. Accidents in the manufacture of accidents encountered, difficult to distinguish between true and false, the incident even more so that one of his teammates died, so the brain finds the accident is directed at himself, he is more locked a suspicious person, that is, the body in the incident that day An insurance broker, Chen FangZhou (), who looks ordinary but his brain suspected he was a more professional accidental maker than he had decided to eradicate Chen FangZhou. Chen FangZhou secretly approached the brain, waiting for an opportunity to start, but at the same time with the deepening understanding of Chen FangZhou, Chen FangZhou was shocked to know him abnormal, like a confidant. When the brain begins to lose its identity, it feels like an unprecedented confusion and a serious wary mind and body around people, even changing the relationship with peers. Even though his teammates kept telling the brain, Chen FangZhou was just an ordinary visitor, and he did not want to believe that he regarded everything before him as a conspiracy. When the brain is lost, there is another accidental death of a man. He attaches everything to Chen FangZhou and finds that Chen FangZhou wants to kill all the members of the organization one by one. Therefore, he must first lay down his hands and eliminate him. Chen FangZhou's plan to assassinate the brain, saw Chen FangZhou will die in the unexpected occasion, suddenly, the eclipses appear, the world into the dark, white and black reversed, an instantaneous change to assassinate the outcome of the rewrite. Finally, when the brain was holding something ready to leave, Chen FangZhou suddenly rushed up with a dagger and his brain was stabbed. Chen FangZhou asked angrily: "Why do you harm us?" At this time, the brain has to admit that at This world is indeed a surprise.

StormRider (Movie)[2008]

Feature: The two apprentice disciples of Xiong Ba, the two apprentices of Xiong Ba, the two apparitions of Nie Feng and Bu JingYun, were the fate of the two unbelievers, and Nie Feng took revenge at the risk of becoming the unicorn, Nie Feng and Bu JingYun two brothers also meet If Nie Feng magic, Bu JingYun will personally end Nie Feng life, so as not to hurt the world common people. After Bu JingYun and Nie Feng defeated Xiong Ba, but Nie Feng was unable to control the unicorn blood and flirtatious with his family's ice heart tactics. Bu JingYun, in order to fulfill his life-and-death commitment to solve the common people's robbery, would like to hand-over his teacher Nie Feng, Under the Nie Feng battle, but the enchanted Nie Feng is crazy under Bu JingYun into the abyss. Nie Feng woke up after the war, mistakenly thinking that Bu JingYun was dead and very sorry, and was caught in confusion and escapism. After he met the winery hostess Di ErMeng, the two had a short, dull and happy days, but unfortunately Nie Feng magic untouchable, once, the thieves bat battleship robbery market, Nie Feng hidden magic again broke out, half Half-man. But at this moment, Bu JingYun, one of the most inhuman thieves, who lost his memory of the falling cliff, did not want to destroy the quiet life. Nie Feng decided not to recognize Bu JingYun. However, Ao Jue, who was humiliated with weight and was determined to exterminate the Secrets of revenge by his family, knew at this time that Kirin blood was still contained in both of them and that only Kirin's blood could open her. Therefore, the lives of Nie Feng and Bu JingYun Stormy. And Ao Jue unicorn blood after the opening of the 'decision' and the two magic battle, and finally was the 'decision' by the bite, fulfilled the proud home ancestral training ... ... Ao Jue died, leaving only the unicorn Bu JingYun and Nie Feng, the two devils are confronting each other with their own will to get rid of each other, and the unfinished death battle has not ended yet.

Thirty stand (Movie)[2004]

Feature: Three numbers, hidden behind the story of three different age women. On the flight from Hong Kong to Taipei, Xiang Xiang, who was in her early twenties and her colleague, was talking about her emotional life. Xiang Xiang was hard to choose between her two boyfriends - one was a mature doctor, but unfortunately she was a woman The husband; one is a young single recording engineer, but unfortunately not mature enough. In the meantime, Lily, who was in his early forties, was on that plane as well, traveling with her husband and her 17-year-old daughter for a sightseeing trip abroad. On this plane, there is a 20-year-old Xiao Jie. This is Xiao Jie's first solo trip. She came to Taiwan and wanted her to realize her dream as a singer in Taiwan. So the feelings of these three women began to spread in the city ... ... Although the 30-year-old Xiang Xiang has dealt with between the two men, but she did not forget people who live in New York, the former boyfriend, they say no marriage ; And Lily, who was busy with the florist business, had a happy family life. However, once she took her flowers to her home, she witnessed a secret that completely shattered her world and led to her divorce. As for her, Both Xiao Jie from Malaysia and Yi Tong from Hong Kong want to work together as a new singer. Both are dependent on each other and must face the uncertain future together with their dim desires.

Honesty (Movie)[2003]

Feature: Veterinarian Ceng MoXi is a very pure and extinct man, volunteering as a volunteer in a nursing home and building a deep feeling with Leonado, the weird temper of the elderly. When Leonado died, he gave Moses the twenty-five million-dollar legacy. But Moses life is very ordinary, so girlfriend Ah Mi can not stand and broke up with him. Leonardo's lawyer Allen was unhappy because of the $ 25 million he is bound to get jealous, and he inadvertently told the nightclub Miss Didi. Didi knew that after making every attempt to catch this golden husband, but found he was the only good man in the world after the guilty conscience, but also moved the truth on Moses. But Allen told Moses about the true purpose of Didi, and he was so sad that just before Moses ex-girlfriend demanded a companion. But when Moses himself soon realized his mistake, singing his love to Didi in song.

MarryaRichMan (Movie)[2002]

Feature: A meteor across the sky, A me wishing: "I want to marry a rich man," but see meteor falling from a distance, the ground appeared a book called "glass shoes" tool. A me pick up the book, the contents of the book is familiar to everyone "" story as a primer. Ah me was impressed by the book's insightful insights, so a romantic comedy began. Open the "glass shoes" that book, according to the book said in the book explain profound theories in simple language to prepare for: learning voice, eyes, facial expressions, conversation, body language, etiquette, in order to join the future. A me start looking for the rich journey, take the first flight to Europe, because the first class cabin certainly rich place. Sure enough, Ah met a Christmas. The two spent a romantic holiday in Europe, perhaps for the rest of their lives. A me found in the journey of the legendary crystal glass shoes, but a lot of money, Christmas promised, in any case will be sent to A me hand. A me in the fairy tale intoxicated at the moment, Christmas even went so far as to disappear without a trace. In addition to suffered mental loss, but also bear the economic losses. A me back to Hong Kong, this "romance" deeply hit, become self-giving up. However, all the ups and downs, Ah me met the city's famous diamond bachelor, more rare is he also to me. In fact, the eve of Christmas eloquence in fact there are ulterior motives, in fact, the hearts of Albania extremely miss A me, what Ame's "Cinderella" story can continue? Fairy tale princess can get her happiness glass shoes ... ...

New Chu LiuXiang (TV)[2001]

Feature: "Chu ChuXiang" tells the story of Chu LiuXiang is the famous lake Pirates of the handsome, light world a must, wherever he went, all leave a light orchid fragrance. Xiang Shuai into the palace Pirates of the Treasure Amber Goddess of Mercy, a generation of heroes "Little Li Fei Dao" Li XunHuan personally woodcut beauty, by which Li XunHuan may wish to meet a wish. Chu LiuXiang since childhood teacher Li XunHuan, but I do not know his own life experience, this time Pirates of the Crown, precisely because of this. Chu LiuXiang In the process of stealing a treasure, she encounters a generation of secretly stolen daughter Si KongXingEr and her righteous sister Su RongRong. Li XunHuan in order to avoid the court hunt, Rong Xiong handing people wander. Chu LiuXiang and Si KongXingEr find the medicine and their own life experience, accompanied by the South Bank, who arrived at the discovery of Xiang handsome is the Prince of South China, should inherit the throne, which led to a court battle of extinction. In the meantime, Chu LiuXiang and Si KongXingEr fell in love in southern China. On the one hand is the same life and death of the red powder Iraqis, while being sympathetic Qinglian beauty, romantic boss Shu LiuXiang, will be how to deal with the feelings of two infatuated women, one side is to enjoy the glory of wealth without God, while Lvyunyehe Carefree rivers and lakes life, rivers and lads Qixia Chu LiuXiang will be the choice? Chu LiuXiang, the whereabouts of the gods, in the arena can be Pirates of the Marshal & quot; patronize & quot; Because Chu LiuXiang will only steal the very thing, but Pirates of the duo wherever they are, leaving a light orchid fragrance, it is also known as Xiang Shuai. On the 1st, just as the official civil and military officials faced the dynasty of North Korea, he found Chu LiuXiang's left behind a "stingy paper". Forbidden Explorer 薜 Yu Hanyu called its master peerless swordsman 薜 clothing people to Beijing Bao, but unfortunately still give Chu LiuXiang first step, the Amber Guan Yin stolen. While Chu LiuXiang during the Pirates, met a generation of stolen Si KongXingEr daughter of Si KongZhaiXing and her righteous sister Su RongRong, the original Sagong is also to the Big Pirates, the three pairs, but leave each other a good impression, and finally Chu LiuXiang Stealing the Amber Goddess of Mercy away, and the devouring man a step further, only to steal God Si KongZhaiXing and Si KongXingEr. As a result, Xunyi decided to hunt down thousands of miles Chu LiuXiang brought to shame ... ... the original Amber Goddess of Mercy built a woodcut beauty (Li XunHuan's cousin Lin poetry), it is the number one weapon on the "Little Li knife" Li XunHuan Personally engraved, who get this thing, you can get Li XunHuan a wish, rivers and lakes in the name of the smell of Xiao Li and fainter, because Xiao Li Fei knife is not an exaggeration, but as long as the amber Goddess of Mercy, you can get Li XunHuan's Flying Knight art, to dominate the arena. At this point, messages of amber Guan Yin falling on Chu LiuXiang were uploaded onto rivers and lakes and all the goodies found Chu LiuXiang to take the gold medal. However, Chu LiuXiang did not have the help of Hu TieHua, a friend of confidante, Song XiHu, lose. Li XunHuan's residence was found even more, and Chu LiuXiang was originally an abandoned baby saved by Li XunHuan. But Li XunHuan has never told his life experience, only pass on his daring and non-killing life-saving martial arts. Chu LiuXiang won the Amber Guan Yin this time, that is, to Li XunHuan to tell the world, but Li XunHuan demanded that Chu LiuXiang know his life experience, they have to consider becoming his flying knives, Chu LiuXiang then promised.Li XunHuan instead of martial arts martial arts battle Korean master Du GuYiLang, got both lose, Ichiro vowed twenty years after all corners of the country, but Li XunHuan life shortly carry on, there is no one Ichiro can see, only hope Chu LiuXiang can learn their own fly Knife back enemy. However, I got Li Dao knife, but also at the same time as the goal of rivers and lakes characters, grace and resentment, the brightest. Chu LiuXiang secret life experience, actually went to Annan to be informed. In the course of hard training, Su RongRong, the daughter of Si KongZhaiXing, rescued his father and came to live in Song XiHu's wine house. Chu LiuXiang mistakenly handed Su RongRong accidental injury, but fortunately Li XunHuan shot dead but Li XunHuan infuriating exhausted life. At this time a group of mysterious North Korean warriors to kill Li XunHuan, Chu LiuXiang in the protection of the time, actually feel the best in the world, half a drop of "heaven and earth holy water", and Qi Yi also chase Chu LiuXiang To, encounter Li XunHuan, Xie Yi people in order to get the martial arts first name, then challenge Li knife, but by Chu LiuXiang on behalf of the war. Poor generation master Li XunHuan, just handed the flying knife Jueyi to Chu LiuXiang, it goes away ... ... Qi man and Chu LiuXiang war, earth-shattering, but in the fight, the Xunyi Chu ChuXiang actually found "Holy heaven holy water" poison, then stop the fight, the same pilfer handsome one year later, if not dead, then go to Jia Zhuang to a war. At that time, Chu LiuXiang poisoned, Song XiHu actually quietly sacrificed his life to protect the lover Lang, Chu LiuXiang poison although the suspension, but in the face of teacher lover's death, dejected, and the matter Su RongRong has been in the eyes of Chu LiuXiang this Passionate heroes getting better. When the floodgate palace heard the holy water stolen things, they thought it was Chu LiuXiang, then sent Feng NanYan to hunt down, Chu LiuXiang denied, Feng NanYan Chu LiuXiang gave a January period to find out who Pirates of the water is really fierce. Chu LiuXiang then joint investigation with Su RongRong, in the experience of life and death, Chu LiuXiang and RongRong unwittingly gradually euphoria ... ... finally, Pirates of heaven and earth, everything is Du GuYiLang's two sons As the original Du GuYiLang is dead, the two sons of the Central Plains martial arts who hate the heart, grew up, the great became the Shaolin monk Ru Chen, became the beggar gang a small helper Luo WuQing, two by its power , Want to epilepsy Wulin, but eventually stopped by Chu LiuXiang, the last two suicide, Chu LiuXiang extremely helpless, had to Xuan Bing Gong and his entourage, Sheng ShuiNiangNiang palace to explain everything, but who has revealed a mysterious ice palace Nephew robbed things, and Sheng ShuiNiangNiang to avoid housewives, want to set Chu LiuXiang and Su RongRong died. Finally, Chu LiuXiang was compelled to fight with Sheng ShuiNiangNiang and eventually defeated Li Xiaodao. Sheng ShuiNiangNiang was so ashamed that she died in a self-styled stone tomb. Mysterious ice palace battle, although Chu LiuXiang solved the body was poisonous, but Su RongRong was wounded by the mysterious man, to Lingyin & quot; Lam Tin Jade & quot; life insurance, and Chu LiuXiang to find another Lantian jade rescued Su RongRong Life, was forced to Annan and his party, take the opportunity to find their own life experience.On the way, they met Si KongXingEr and Si KongXingEr, who escaped from Tianan as early as possible, as rescue boys and fellow Chu LiuXiang. Who knows when all arrived in Annan? Chu LiuXiang only made himself known to be Prince Annan. As a result, a court battle to exterminate their loved ones was launched, during which time Chu LiuXiang and Si KongXingEr could not help but fall in love, but Su RongRong was so deluded that they could not love each other. Chu LiuXiang, who used his style in the rivers and lakes because of no attachment to the throne, decided to return to the Central Plains over his Paladin days. However, Si KongXingEr became a victim to the court struggle and was hurt and unconscious by Shi FengHuang, a biological mother of Chu LiuXiang Staying in Annan to recuperate, Chu LiuXiang had to return sadly to Central Plains. At that time, a mysterious killer group in the martial arts in the rivers and lakes will rise up. It seems to want to devour the entire martial arts. After probing by Chu LiuXiang, he finds out that everything is related to his relatives and babies, and Chu LiuXiang Will be full, they go to Sujiazhuang, unexpectedly met Si KongXingEr again, but the star identity is the fiancee's fiancée. In the meantime, the more evidence that Xiuyi is the head of the killer group, Chu LiuXiang is an undisputed fact that he is an undisputed warrior against rivers and lakes, but Chu LiuXiang can not afford to miss Si KongXingEr's happiness. Finally, the war has come to an end, Chu LiuXiang knife has been in hand, but this can not be improper, but it is not even Chu LiuXiang own confidence.

GlassBottle (Movie)[1999]

Feature: A girl picked up a glass bottle with a note by the sea. In this opening that sounds like a magical legendary story, the girl picked up a note left by a lonely boy. The note says: I am lonely, you What? Also attached to the name and address, this call and temptation is the beginning of a series of adventure. Because unwilling to live a mediocre life, the girl decided to address the address looking for Prince Charming, Guess this expectation Prince Charming was actually a homosexual, but she also because of this have a chance to recognize a highly dangerous figure, this dangerous figure in the occupation Is a financial sniper like Soros set off the financial turmoil in the emotional and life is like to seek a highly motivating and dangerous figure, in order to be close to such dangerous elements, the girl lied to be the mafia leader girlfriend, so Lies not only create unpredictable dangers for her and those around her, but also create an unimaginable storm of life for her and these people.

Condor heroes (TV)[1998]


It is a martial-arts drama produced by Taiwan television, directed by Raymond Lee, lai shuiqing, and starring Richie Jen and Jacklyn Wu.

该剧根据金庸的同名武侠小说改编,主要讲述了南宋末年, Yang Kang 之子 Yang Guo 和其师父 Xiao LongNv 经历了一番江湖恩怨,终成眷属的凄美爱情故事。

The show premiered on August 25, 1998 at 8 p.m.

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