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Quan Yuan TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Quan Yuan Works 37 ,And Feature 15 ,Romance 9 ,Urban drama 5 ,Costume Drama 5 ,Comedy 4 ,Martial Arts 4 ,Love 3 ,Biopic 3 ,Action 3 ,Contemporary 2 ,Motivational film 2 ,Crime 2 ,现实1 ,Workplace film 1 ,电视连续剧1 ,警匪1 ,Ancient 1 ,legend 1 ,Sci-Fi 1 ,权谋1 ,谍战题材1 ,海上救援1 ,文艺片1 ,Documentary 1 ,Suspense 1 ,Short 1 ,Fantasy 1 。

Works Index

Quan Yuan Filmography(37)


jiong ma (Movie)[2020]



流金岁月 (TV)[2020]

Feature: 二十世纪九十年代的上海,朱锁锁和蒋南孙家境不同,性格不同,但同样美丽、聪慧。年少时,锁锁家境不好,南孙家收留、帮助过锁锁,因此她们结下了深厚的友谊。步入社会后,朱锁锁在职场中起伏,凭着才智和优秀的条件很快发达起来,蒋南孙则继续追求学业,谈起恋爱,变得更加知性。后来,蒋家落难,朱锁锁帮助南孙走出校园,为其提供住处和工作,蒋南孙亦靠努力和学识,逐渐成为一名出色的白领丽人。朱锁锁结婚,看似风光,婚姻却不被丈夫的家人认可,夫妻关系亮起红灯时,蒋南孙帮助她照顾孩子,料理她的生活,直到朱锁锁有勇气走出困局。人事沧桑,岁月无情,她们遍尝了生活的个中滋味,却互相扶持,同甘共苦,不仅将生活经营出多彩的模样,亦各自成为最成熟的女人,拥有自己的流金岁月。定档海报

庆余年 (TV)[2019]


某大学文学史专业的学生张庆熟读古典名著,但他用现代观念剖析古代文学史的论文命题不被 Ye JiaoShou 所认可。为了让 Ye JiaoShou 成为自己的研究生导师,张庆决定通过写小说的方式,进一步阐述自己想要表达的观点。 在他的小说中,身世神秘的少年—— Fan Xian ,自小跟随奶奶生活在海边小城澹州,随着一位老师的突然造访,他看似平静的生活开始直面重重的危机与考验。在神秘老师和一位蒙眼守护者的指点下, Fan Xian 熟识药性药理,修炼霸道真气并精进武艺,而后接连化解了诸多危局。因对身世之谜的好奇, Fan Xian 离开澹州,前赴京都。 在京都, Fan Xian 饱尝人间冷暖并坚守对正义、良善的坚持,书写了一段光彩的人生传奇。

精英律师 (TV)[2019]


Luo Bin 是全景律师事务所资深合伙人, Dai Xi 为了闺蜜的一场官《精英律师》定妆照司去律所找 Luo Bin 理论,误打误撞,机缘巧合成了 Luo Bin 的助理。在共事过程中,俩人因在为人处世上的见解差异,频发冲突。同时,出于对律师这个职业的热爱, Dai Xi 把过多的时间和精力投入到工作上,最终引起男友的不满,二人分手。在经过几个项目上的相互协作后, Dai Xi 和 Luo Bin 对对方都有了更多的了解, Dai Xi 由最初讨厌 Luo Bin ,逐渐对他产生尊敬,而 Luo Bin 也受 Dai Xi 感染,不仅在关心输赢,也变得去关爱他人。历经磨炼, Dai Xi 最终成长为一个优秀富有正义感的律师,在工作上,和 Luo Bin 也有了更多的默契,两人成了一对颇得业界认可,所向披靡的最佳搭档。

中国机长 (Movie)[2019]




Ingrids (Movie)[2018]

Feature: The film examines the absurd world of adults from a juvenile perspective, among which are Wang Zhiwen, Yuan Quan and Huosi Yan, both parents, and Wang Chuan-jun, an educated young teacher. Wang Zhiwen and Yuan Quan for the first time as husband and wife partner, but also young "Liu love" parents, they are eager to display their talent, but never give up. The Huosi Yan plays a rough and tragic female tragedy, tangled and confused in the dual identity of mother and woman. Wang Chuan-jun was the spokesperson for the "Ingelus" who played the role of an English teacher who came to Xinjiang from Shanghai to support his children in the war-torn era far away from the hinterland of the Mainland. The "new world" civilization, as a martyr, carries the youth's longing for knowledge and a better life.

Ladys character (TV)[2018]


"Lady's Character" tells about the 40-year-old life of four unmarried young women. Faye Yu is "She Ji Shi who is a graduate student. His works are both beautiful and practical. Jiao Jiao raises the eyes of others half-life. When he talks with customers, he is still desolate. "Shu Chen is Lao Shi." Smart brains, humorous in the classroom, treating children with gentleness and patience. In fact, the poisonous tongue is cold and indifferent. The kids in the cell phone are tempted to sneak at the children. Zeng Li is Gong SiZongCai. " The happiest thing is to spend money on girlfriends and respect men while defeating them in the workplace.” Quan Yuan is Zhu RenYiShi. “I love the clean death but I still prefer to live with the three people in the same house. I don't speak a word, but I'm an old lady in my girlfriends." The "Lady's Character" focuses on four people living together in their own lives. "Forty years old, beautiful, rich, free, wanting to love Who loves.

When the wind comes up again (TV)[2018]


In 1978, China opened a new era of reform and opening up, in 1985 entered the stage of comprehensive reform, made the "million disarmament" strategic decision, Fang BangYan, He YouLin and other outstanding military officers, transferred to enterprises, the government and other jobs. With Fang BangYan as a representative of a new generation of entrepreneurs, based on rapid development and changes of the motherland, to promote the reform of economic system reform, foreign trade, in our country to join and lead the era of economic globalization tide, after the transformation of foreign trade, price and axle, self-employment, market competition, state-owned enterprises reform, the ups and downs of international mergers and acquisitions and other legends, suffered from the trials of the international and domestic, cause family, stick to, be indomitable, surprise, to lead Chinese enterprises in the fierce international competition, make positive contribution to the national development.


Blue sea ambition (TV)[2017]

Feature: Six students and eight fishermen encountered a storm and were distressed at sea. A dozen lives, together with fishing vessels, are about to hit the sea. In a critical situation, rescue boats and rescue helicopters rushed to the scene of the accident, emergency rescue. In the end, the students and fishermen in distress rescued, but the lifeguard Zheng ZiHang was sacrificed, leaving a posthumous child. His comrade-in-arms, Chen YiNuo, assumed his father's responsibility for him, took care of his widow and his son, and completed Zheng ZiHang's wishes with other relief workers such as Gao Liang. Salvage the World War II sunk Japanese ship "Nanxiang Pill", creating a miracle in the history of salvage. This picture is not entirely fictional. Another real life legend. They are a group of unknown warriors in peace time; they are the protection of the people's interests God: Rescuing yacht in distress, diving into the water 60 meters to rescue the hijacked cargo ship owner, salvage the aircraft black box, Hundreds of thousand tons of oil tanker fire, intelligence bucket pirate rescue robbed of scientific expedition crew, and so on. Every rescue can be sobbed, because their belief is that they give their hope of life to others and leave the danger of death to themselves. Stormy sea, square was heroic character.

From Emperor to Citizen Ⅱ (TV)[2017]

Feature: The drama continues in the first quarter of the story, tells the story of a superior life full-time wife Luo ZiJun and her husband Chen JunSheng everything back to zero, with girlfriend Tang Jing and her boyfriend He Han help break the dilemma, into the workplace, self-growth Toward the next life story.

Chu Chuan Biography (TV)[2017]

Feature: In the westerly years chaos chaos, a large number of civilians in the war reduced to the official stills work according to slaves, life as rushes. The slave girl Liying Zhao was sent to a hunting ground for aristocratic entertainment and was fortunate to have been rescued by Yan Xun Yanchuan. She was then taken into custody in the ruling U-door. Witnessed one after another brother and sister tragic death, vowed to take my sister out of prison. Chouchu, being open-minded by Yu Wenyue, was forced to undergo severe training and at the same time, formed a profound friendship with Yan Xun. In the battle of West Wei Dynasty, Yan Xun's family was exterminated and in despair, Chu Qiu lives with him and helps him escape the dilemma. However, after returning to Xiliang, Yan Xun ambitious expansion at the cost of Manchu people's lives at the expense of domination. Chu Qiao desperately parted ways with Yan Xun, Yan Xun designed to trap Yu WenYue on the frozen lake, Chu Qiao and Yu WenYue fall into the frozen lake - dead or alive & nbsp ;.

The Wasted Times (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Shanghai in the 1930s, under the war, flourished. All-powerful gangster Lu XianSheng promised to be an indecisive communicative flower actress Xiao Liu, but Xiao Liu and her protagonist were asked to leave Shanghai, her brother-in-law Du Bu of Lu XianSheng on the way brought Xiao Liu back home as a sexual slave . Steward Wang Ma introduced unsmiling Che Fu to Lu XianSheng as a bodyguard. On the eve of the Songhu Campaign, the Japanese planned to kill Lu XianSheng and Du Bu, a spy, agreed to kill Lu XianSheng, all of Lu XianSheng's family members were killed. Lu XianSheng commissioned Lao Wu and Che Fu to kill the gang elder brother who resided in Japan. On the eve of the war, Lu XianSheng found captive Xiao Liu and went with her to Luzon Island. Che Fu, pretending to be a senior Kuomintang general, killed Du Bu's eldest son in person and Xiao Liu shot Du Bu at the same time. In 1949, Lu XianSheng alone went to Hong Kong, since then disappeared.

CallofHeros (Movie)[2016]

Feature: In times of troubled times like the civil war and warlords, Cao ShaoLin (Louis Koo), a warlord, was brought to justice by the killing of three lives and was attacked by Yang KeNan (Sean Lau), head of the UPP. When Cao Yi's colonel Zhang Yi (Wu Jing (actor)) was informed of the incident, he came to Pucheng to get a job and met Ma Feng (Eddie Peng ), Ma Feng is a martial arts rogue who does not want to see his way through his knife. However, he faces a choice between just and fraternity.

No other love (Movie)[2016]

Feature: The adaptation of the film from European novels, tells the proper gardener Zuning feel their own emotional road has come to an impasse, but unexpectedly met a middle-aged scholar Kou Yi her dreamer, her enthusiasm was Lit, and began a moth-like emotional adventure.

The first half days of my life (TV)[2016]

Feature: 33-year-old Luo ZiJun full-time wife has done a senior, son to school every day, her husband to work, aunt doing housework, boring but comfortable. If it was not for her husband's sudden divorce, she intended to go on like this.     For many years, he has been captive at home. Nowadays, middle-aged abandoned women with no working experience break into society and drag children. His wife's arrogance can only be turned into patience and patience for bottom-line staff. However, life to sub-Jun Pa racked up the skin, but also extracted her spine. Luo ZiJun turned hard with the help of girlfriends Tang Jing and He Han and changed from housewives to professional women, glorifying unprecedented beauty of independence and self-confidence.     During this period, Tang Jing and He Han broke apart due to the difference in their marriage perspectives

The Continent (Movie)[2015]

Feature: The first ray of sea breeze in the Pacific, the message of bid farewell, and the three young people who have never had a hometown have started a journey across the mainland. Cities, towns, mountains, jungles and deserts, they feel caught off guard and unspeakable sadness, meet those who miss only with miss girls, wandering homeless animals, enigmatic legendary traveler. Repeated confession and farewell woven this journey, out of several different lives.

TheGoldenEra (Movie)[2014]

Feature: In the 1930s, the 20-year-old Zhang Weiying (Tang Wei) escaped from marriage and was abandoned. Zhang Nai-ying, who flies to his fiancé Wang EnJia (Wenkang Yuan ornaments), still can not escape the fate of abandonment. Fortunately, he met Xiao Jun (Feng Shaofeng), a progressive youth working for the newspaper, and both loved each other. By Xiao Jun Zhang Naiying met literary writers such as Bai Lang, Feng Zu and Nie GanNu, renamed Xiao Hong, and got Lu Xun (Wang Zhiwen) Xu GuangPing (Ding Jiali), and later met Hu Feng (Lei Feng), Mei Zhi (Quan Yuan), Jiang XiJin (Yi Zhang), Ding Ling (Hao Lei ), Duan Mu Hong Liang (Zhu Yawen ornaments) and others, under the encouragement of contemporary writers, Xiao Hong gradually moved toward the "golden age" of creation despite the constant fighting and displacement.

TheContinent (Movie)[2014]

Feature: The story begins with the fictional East Island, the easternmost island in China. Hu Shengang Gao, a mentally retarded youth, tells the story of two of his buddies, Ma Hao Han (Feng Shaofeng) and Jiang He ( Chen Bolin ornaments) story. When he returned to his hometown after many years of battling outside, he found that the entire island was facing demolition issues. Jiang He, his best friend and the only teacher on the island, will also be transferred to the more remote areas. So Hao made a decision that is to drive Jiang He to report to the school more than 3000 kilometers away. Brothers and three people embarked on an unprecedented journey, they entertained them as an extras' childhood playmate Zhou Mo (Joe Chan), astray Su Mi (Luodan Wang ornaments) Pen Ying Liu YingYing (Quan Yuan ornaments), and uninhibited motorcycle driver A Lv (Wallace Chung ornaments). The seemingly ordinary journey is hidden hides, Hao Han and Jiang He eventually came to an end, began a very different life trajectory. The film is a famous writer and driver Han Han's film director debut.

She recognized the storm (Movie)[2014]

Feature: Documentary "She recognized the storm" Starting from the film "Golden Age", she recorded both the real filming history of tens of thousands of kilometers of film crew's journey and the reappearance of Xiao Hong's records from Harbin, Beijing, Qingdao, Shanghai and Wuhan to Hong Kong Wandering track, in Zhang Haining, Zhang Kang and other experts, the reasoning of his people, the restoration of a history of the most real and objective Xiao Hong. In the 1920s and 1940s, China was a time full of popular spirit and a brighter future. A group of young people went through a period of laissez-faire, freely pursuing their dreams and love. Some of them were carving their loved ones in the midst of displacement and some were looking forward to their struggle Home country future. Among these, Xiao Hong, a maverick woman, exiled all the way from north to south, from Harbin to Hong Kong, and while experiencing the saddening and painstaking love and life she had escaped from the war. Struggling with life's strong fight against death pierced through her paper, as was her life.

The Golden Era (Movie)[2014]

Feature: In the 1920s and 1940s of last century, China was an era of full of personality and broad-mindedness. A group of young people went through a period of laissez-faire, freely pursuing their dreams and love. Some were carving their loved ones in the midst of displacement and some were fighting Look forward to the future of the home country. Xiao Hong, a maverick woman, exiled all the way from north to south, from Harbin to Hong Kong, and escaped war while experiencing the saddening and painstaking love and life. Struggling against the strong and dead of her life pierced through the pages of her paper, as was her life.

Edge (TV)[2014]

Feature: In 1940, Shen XiLin, our party's underground worker lurking in Tianjin as the director of the Tianjin spy commissioner of the Wang puppet regime, loses his sharp stills with the organization, but never gives up his faith and looks for opportunities to obtain intelligence. At the same time, Lao Tan, the former Central Secretaries and Training Section chief of Tianjin, turned himself into a chief executive of the cruise room in the French Concession in Tianjin and took the opportunity to obtain intelligence. Lao Zhou of the CCP's Underworld Organization Han ZiSheng - The adopted son of the late Communist Party member Han Pei-chun. Old Zhou use of the conditions of the child's work in the telephone office, the eagerness of revenge for his father, its training, opportunistic intelligence transmission. The viciously cunning Wu TianHongYi, head of the Japanese invasion of China intelligence agencies, destroys the Chinese underground communists at all costs. Tianjin staged scenes of soul-stirring intelligence warfare. Shen XiLin made use of special identities to obtain intelligence from the Japanese in the printing of counterfeit banknotes, drawings of Zero Fighter planes and raiding plans, and passed them to our party through his children. On the eve of victory, the Central Committee has colluded with the Japanese military police and plans to destroy the underground intelligence network. Shen XiLin get intelligence, Zusong passed to the old week, the old Zhou carefully arranged, smashing the enemy's plot. Shen XiLin was detained toward Peiping.

TheLastTycoon (Movie)[2012]

Feature: This is a rivers and lakes, anti-Japanese, love story that took place on the beach in the 1930s. This is a small fruit shop (), in Shanghai to invest in a temporary hunting detective Hong ShouTing (), a casino thugs, was Hong ShouTing's wife Ling Husheng () eye recognition, creating a rapidly emerging device. Into the device is quite adept at the wrist, not only dare dare to fight, but also good at all negotiations, are willing to benefit sharing, often able to turn things into the jade and silk, so that he finally became the first generation of Shanghai mania. Into the device juvenile dedication, handed over the Shanghai first beauty "overflow spring garden A Bao" (), A Bao on the princes and grandmas are not false words, but dedication to the amplifier, but she found no matter how big hurts Her pet her, she will always be the only amplifier in the mind, the first is always childhood, Ye Zhiqiu audio (). Years later, when people reached the middle age, they became masters of one side and their reputation and status have surpassed Master Hong Shouing. Almost unmatched in Shanghai, but the ambition and hegemony of foreign foolish movements, as his biggest problem. At this time, Mao Zai, who had saved his life in that year, has become the head of the grand special agent, ambitious and power-seeking for personal gains, making him a good "killer". Just then, he met Ye ZhiQiu, who had not seen many years, and found that she had been a woman.

When the wind blows again (TV)[2012]


Luo Zheng The father Zhang BaoJin Shortly after his birth, he became suspicious of his wife Lan Fang He was bullied, and in a fit of rage he cut him to death. After Zhang BaoJin was imprisoned, Lan Fang gave his son to a family surnamed luo, and he remarried himself to a peddler Chen QiTai . Luo Zheng grew up and became a policeman, taking care of her mother Liang ShuYing And my sister Luo Lei . Chen QiTai has been struggling for many years to become a wealthy elite in the upper class of society, but he is facing litigation crisis and sharer TV. It was Luo Zheng who arrested him. The younger son Chen ZiJie To borrow a female prosecutor An Ran The hand drives the witness mad, so the father is saved successfully, and at the same time, An Ran is caught in the whirlpool. Chen QiTai gradually learned Chen ZiJie's conspiracy and true identity, and recalled the eldest son Chen shijun to squeeze Lan Fang mother and son. An Ran helped Luo Zheng and the criminal police find evidence of Chen ZiJie's crime. Chen ZiJie finally got his comeuppance, but An Ran got Chen ZiJie's gun and became a vegetable. Years later, Luo Zheng achieved success in her career, Luo Lei got a new destiny, and An Ran fell asleep in the arms of her lover forever.


LikeaDream (Movie)[2009]

Feature: A dream, a suicide suspicion, so that two people who do not have contact with each other, in the end is a dream or do you have another hidden secret, was born in the United States Max (Daniel Wu ornaments), since the mother died, suffering from mild Depression autism, a person living in New York living Otaku. One day, he dreamed of meeting a Chinese girl Ai Yuan (Quan Yuan) in a strange city, witnessing her boyfriend's death as a suicidal creature, and Max's awkwardness in flirtatious Mandarin in her dreams Its solution. Later, Max and Ai Ling dream in love. But Max can not stand without Ai Ling, so go to Shanghai by the time of the tracing, by coincidence, to find the same looks, the opposite sex girl, but the girl is not Ai Ling, but a girl named Yi Yi, This is more let Max worry, is it God get people? Everything is fake? Finally, after several hard work, I heard the whereabouts of Ai Ling. But a shaking insider also will follow? This makes Max know what to do.

Heavenly Sword Quxia (TV)[2006]

Feature: Qin world first set, that brings together the world five Master Sword, in order to the world Qi sword. Skyshine sword has just emerged, the king of Qin that 薨, Sky Sword also will be missing. Hundreds of years afterwards, the slaughter for Sky Swords continued. Until the New Moon was found in rivers and lakes, Archbishop King Apollo learned that one of the "Five Swords of the Heavenly Sword," which was related to the whereabouts of the Heavenly Sword, was hidden in Tang's Tongguan and sent to Hei QiLing, one of the four major laws. Down's door was killed, leaving only daughter Tang RuoXuan blind "Wenjianwu scholar" Xiao Ting saved, but also to keep a piece of Heaven Sword and five knights. Tang RuoXuan The fiancée's fiancé, Gu HanYang, learned about the Tang Men tragedy and went to help him. However, if Xuan had disappeared upon arrival, Huang Xiang, an expert in medicine and eccentric, had come across. Two people each other, looking for Ruoxuan together, all the way to continue to misunderstand, but to enhance their understanding. At this point, if Xuan escorted Xiao Ting to Ping Jing Da Shih, the master was assisted by Xiao Ting and could not help but conceal his love. Ping JingDaShi convened martial arts conference, everyone together. Hanyang see if Xuan's friendship, take the initiative to retire marriage. While Huang Xiang urged, while self-contradictory heart. Xiao Ting said "Sword five knights" one can find Sword, he and Joshua each one. Ping JingDaShi tried to make concerted efforts among martial arts factions to find five knights and to fight the crescent moon with a sword. At this time, King Apollo led the New Moon Education to teach the four major law enforcement came after the calamity, the sectarian casualties, Ping JingDaShi wounded, all of them to stay home PingjiDaShi Zhangjia Village. Inadvertently, the third Tianjian five seniors were found, but did not want to immediately teach the crescent to kill, to the lake flooded Zhang Village, Ping JingDaShi force died, told Jiao Xuan if a piece of five counties appear Jiangnan. If Xuan and Xiao Ting break out, both Gu HanYang and Huang Xiang are knocking down the cliff. Hanyang and Huang Xiang did not die, because of the magic books, martial arts greatly improved. If Xuan and Xiao Ting search the five knights in the south of the Yangtze River and get to know the beggar's beggars. A nursery rhyme to guide you to find the fourth Jazz, but did not want to immediately pull away King Avro Wang Ruoxuan Huang Xiang, forcing us to surrender five knights. One of the four major Protestant Crescent Law Phoenix secretly put Huang Xiang and if Xuan, the original Huang Xiang is the four law enforcement Huang Kongling. Fire Phoenix more inadvertently discovered the secrets of King Apollo, the result was poisoned by King Apollo. Definite makeup according to the death of the crowd eventually found Huang Xiang's head of the Chai hairpin is the fifth Jazz, Sky Sword finally come out. Xiao Ting, who had a sword in his hand, suddenly started to laugh at him. It turned out he was the evil King of Abyssinuo. His hand-held sword to kill all people, if Xuan to a secret about the Heavenly Sword in exchange for everyone's departure, he was taken away by King Apollo. The original sword in possession immortality immortality, must medicine destroyed sword, King Apollon hesitated. In order to save more if Xuan justice, Hanyang set a date about war king Avro. Huangshan top, Sword dazzling eyes in the sun, Hanyang eyes can not look straight, but because of Blind King blind but not limited, Hanyang danger similar. Temporary solar eclipses to Hanyang to wheeze, but also if Ruoxuan found ways to reduce the power of Heavenly Stems, in the king of Abyssinia want to kill Hanyang, if Xuan Ying sword, with their own blood red sword Body, erase the light of Sky Sword. If Xuan also told King Apollo himself have been pregnant with his children.Under a series of battles against King Beelung, like a mad king, he was finally killed by Hanyang. A generation of devil eliminate, Hanyang and Huang Xiang both left. From here on the rivers and lakes spread a pair of chivalrous couple, sword maintenance justice story.

Xiao YuEr and Hua WuQue (TV)[2005]

Feature: Xiao YuEr and Hua WuQue Xiao YuEr and Hua WuQue were twin brothers, father Jiang Feng and Hua YueNu, a daughter of Fanghua. In Hua YueNu childbirth, because of the book soldier Jiang BieHe betrayed, unrequited love Jiang Feng's invitation to find them, kill the two. The invitation to raise one of the infants Hua WuQue, another baby Xiao YuEr Jiang Feng friend Yan NanTian upkeep, to be eighteen years later, to incite the two brothers to kill each other in retaliation. Yan NanTian hugged Xiao YuEr was the enemy to kill, go to Alcatraz Island, then unconscious. Xiao YuEr was brought up by ten wicked people on the island. Eighteen years later, Hua WuQue grew up in Hua Hua Temple and learned a great skill. On the contrary, Xiao YuEr grew up on Alcatraz Island and learned a whole host of tricks from the ten wicked. Chang BaiCao, a ghost doctor on the island, devoted himself to treating Yan NanTian, ​​but he also failed to cure him for eighteen years.

perfect (TV)[2005]

Feature: "Perfect" stills painter Xiao Feng Bai Xuan designers to break up, the pain will soon be surrounded by Bai Xuan. Zhang MingKai, chairman of Sky Design, and his wife Xiao Wei, the vice chairman of the board, had a hard-to-heal rift, but she still believed in the eternal love. Huan Zi's dedication to love touched her boyfriend Tao ShuLei. While studying for a graduate student, he made a request for marriage to the school and was eventually rejected by the school. Tong Yan is actively preparing for marriage, while her girlfriend Zhao XinNing chose to study abroad. Zhang MingKai divorced Xiao Wei, while female staff member Zhou XiaoLing went to Zhang MingKai, a divorced Zhang MingKai, who had intentionally or unintentionally found her true love. Bai Xuan and her innocence became roommates without her knowledge, and her contradictions also escalated. A pair of frustrated men and women, but to shoulder the task of saving the marriage for others. Huan Zi and Tao ShuLei finally went into marriage after going through the hardships. The two believed deeply in the love of the elderly around them. An accident led to Tao ShuLei sharp decline in visual acuity and blindness, waiting for them to be painful or happy? Bai Xuan and Tong Yan begin to approach each other in constant friction, and two lonely hearts begin to accept one another ... Is Love? Is passion or materialism? Bumpy variety, hey, worth it to pay. Close to the heart or vigilant moment not to relax. For love, the heart has been falling anxiety? Three pairs of men and women perform the touching love and love story. Their anxiety, anxiety and doubt, the desire for sincerity. Neither they nor you need to be strong in the face of all kinds of unexpected accidents in reality. "Perfect" is the highest state of human sublimation, the desire of all people for love.

ideal (TV)[2005]

Feature: "Perfect" stills painter Xiao Feng Bai Xuan designers to break up, the pain will soon be surrounded by Bai Xuan. Zhang MingKai, chairman of Sky Design, and his wife Xiao Wei, the vice chairman of the board, had a hard-to-heal rift, but she still believed in the eternal love. Huan Zi's dedication to love touched her boyfriend Tao ShuLei. While studying for a graduate student, he made a request for marriage to the school and was eventually rejected by the school. Tong Yan is actively preparing for marriage, while her girlfriend Zhao XinNing chose to study abroad. Zhang MingKai divorced Xiao Wei, while female staff member Zhou XiaoLing went to Zhang MingKai, a divorced Zhang MingKai, who had intentionally or unintentionally found her true love. Bai Xuan and her innocence became roommates without her knowledge, and her contradictions also escalated. A pair of frustrated men and women, but to shoulder the task of saving the marriage for others. Huan Zi and Tao ShuLei finally went into marriage after going through the hardships. The two believed deeply in the love of the elderly around them. An accident led to Tao ShuLei sharp decline in visual acuity and blindness, waiting for them to be painful or happy? Bai Xuan and Tong Yan begin to approach each other in constant friction, and two lonely hearts begin to accept one another ... Is Love? Is passion or materialism? Bumpy variety, hey, worth it to pay. Close to the heart or vigilant moment not to relax. For love, the heart has been falling anxiety? Three pairs of men and women perform the touching love and love story. Their anxiety, anxiety and doubt, the desire for sincerity. Neither they nor you need to be strong in the face of all kinds of unexpected accidents in reality. "Perfect" is the highest state of human sublimation, the desire of all people for love.

WaitingAlone (Movie)[2004]

Feature: Chen Wen, who was withdrawn from the university just two years ago, and his elder brother and high school classmate Li Liang are doing business with few young people engaged in trading and antique businesses in the capital city of Beijing, a unique architectural style with red walls and green tiles. Chen Wen and Li Liang, the antique shops named "Yin Renju", were jointly opened by Chen Wen and Chen Wen. The greatest pleasure of Chen Wen is to share the dreams of those high school students in the bustling metropolis, All day hovering in the horizon waiting and looking, never tired. Perhaps his own girlfriend's sake, Chen Wen found that I do not know from the beginning, as long as there is a chance to get together, buddy began to worry about helping find their own girlfriend thing. Especially after the film and television's introduction of Zhao XiaoSan by Liu Xiao to Chen Wen, Chen Wen's point of view became a key topic when a group of buddies came together. Knowing Liu Rong is purely accidental. But what Chen Wen did not realize was that at the moment Zhao XiaoSan introduced himself to Liu Rong, the first impression of Chen Wen was that of a dream lover who had been waiting and looking for years. Because in Chen Wen's opinion, Liu Rong is in line with his list of future dream lovers at the age of 17: humor, generosity, big eyes, white skin, and most importantly, Liu Rong is unlike any other city Like a girl, always put on a holding pinch look, when two people together, despite talking about something special boring, I feel so interesting. After two simple encounters, buddies started to help explain the moment when Chen Wen's passion for craving love was ignited. However, when Chen Wen sent a ring of sugar to Liu Rong's crew and was rejected by Liu Rong, Chen Wen found herself still not understanding Liu Rong's mind. Nevertheless, Chen Wen had a twelve-in-one faith in Liu Rong's love of the same. For this reason, Chen Wen stubbornly waited for Liu Rong to call her during the filming days of Liu Rong's outing. Finally, Liu Rong's number was displayed on the phone, and Liu Rong was heard on the microphone. However, Chen Wen has just started the passion, in the place agreed by two people, and soon with the advent of a Mercedes-Benz men fell to freezing point. With the second blow, Chen Wen came up with a stereotyped "pick-up" approach. In cooperation with Li Liang's sister, Chen Wen found it so unlikely that Liu Rong would have blossomed because, with Li Jing's genius, Chen Wen noticed that Liu Rong read Li Jing's eyes more. Things do not go beyond Chen Wen's expectations. Just as Chen Wen struggled waiting for Liu Rong to make a phone call, Liu Rong really asked Chen Wen to go home for a treat. But this time, Chen Wen experienced the most awkward thing in his life, and he could not find a place even after trying to find a crevice. After Chen Chen was surprised by the birthday surprise of Chen Liang by Li Liang to Chen Wen's birthday surprise, Chen Wen thought it was a complete no chance at this time. In Liu Rong's eyes, he was certainly a full-fledged Selangor. However, after a short while, Liu Rong took the initiative to appear in a Chen Wen family, a passionate kiss, and regained the thrill of Chen Wen. Perhaps their own life goals vary, perhaps Chen Wen cares too much about Liu Rong.When Chen Wen was about to hand her well-prepared courtesy ring to Liu Rong, he was in the shopping mall where the ring was bought, and Chen Wen once again saw Liu Rong and his Mercedes-Benz men together, and still very affectionate. This blow completely destroyed Chen Wen's confidence. Just as an accidental chance when Chen Wen forced himself to forget Liu Rong, Chen Wen found out that Li Jing had crushed himself for several years. Suddenly than finding out that Li Jing crush himself more than anything else, Zhao XiaoSan first married his bride in a bunch of buddies and went to Inner Mongolia for a TV series of hundreds of episodes; Sun Zi was taken away by the police on a CD-ROM; Li Liang left the antique shop to Chen Wen, who also left Beijing for the development of Guangzhou at the recommendation of Chen Wen. Before leaving, Chen Wen rushed to the station for Li Jing. Two people look at each other, silent silent. Once a gang of buddies are going their separate ways, the rest of Chen Wen alone guarding the not so eye-catching antique shop. Although Liu Rong came to Chen Wen during this period, he said he was willing to reconcile himself. However, Chen Wen's youthful youth had been perplexed by the confusion and the face of the editor-in-chief of a horror novel that had been completed trash can. In the days of waiting and searching, a real novel about his own experience, "Waiting Alone," spread out over Chen Wen's desk.

TheLawOfRomance (Movie)[2003]

Feature: With a series of love affair experiences experienced by police Zhao LuAn as the story line, the film shows a twists and turns of a vivacious and unique little person through a series of personal encounters that make people laugh or cry, The romantic love career. This is a warm, humorous and suspenseful and witty comedy. You will always smile and smile knowingly while watching, but maybe watching and there's a heat wave that starts hitting your heart and spreading over , Let you smile ... Ran Xiaolan small community police officer Zhao LuAn, because the family of five sisters ranked sixth, known as the six children, and is the only male citizen at home. He was established at the same time, his job for a while to catch the dog on the card, while receiving the alarm, rushed to the residents home is just a matter to buy something early, but the kind six son is still helpless to help others to buy it back earlier; life His marital affairs became the top priority for him and the people around him, and his neighbors, colleagues and five older sisters were particularly enthusiastic about it. But when Zhao LuAn went to the cafe to kiss the girl, the girl told him strangely that he was not like a police officer, but quite a few older sisters. Zhao LuAn confused, looking back just found five sisters are watching them far ... ... blind date 12 failed, Zhao LuAn do not worry, back to the dorm and chat with friends, users suddenly point out His identity surprised him. Soon, Zhao LuAn met Dou Dou, a young boy, and Ba Dou, Dou Dou's temporary Ba Ba. Clever, but not restless Dou Dou made him happy, annoyed him, and gave birth to many stories over time. And all this, all by Zhao LuAn's colleague, beautiful policewoman Xiaogang looked in the eyes, she turned out to be Zhao LuAn that mysterious netizen, kind-hearted six children deeply impressed by Xiao Geng, the two "comrades" finally become A happy "lover."

Lu Bu and Diao Chan (TV)[2002]

Feature: TV screenshots The late Han Dynasty, traitors in power, Taishi Dong Zhuo tyrannical tyranny, monopoly power, long-term usurp Xin Xin, its son. Lv Bu brave very, so Dong Zhuo even more powerful, more unscrupulous. On the 1st, Dong Zhuo hosted a banquet with officials and Lv Bu arrived to present the secret letter of the court chief to announce Yuan Shu. Dong Zhuo was so furious that he ordered Lv Bu to execute the verdict on the spot. All civil and military officials Xin was scared and furious. Stuart Wang Yun honest, worry about the people, he returned to the Fuchu depressed, there is Xin to remove Dong Zhuo, but do nothing. Xin boredom occasion, he came to the garden late at night, I heard the park sobbing cry. Wang Yun snarls, see is the house of singer Diao Chan. Diao Chan year party eighteen, color art double must sing and dance. She knows justice, is willing to sacrifice her life. At a glance, Wang Yun decided to admit Diao Chan as a righteous woman and ordered a series of rings to lure Dong Zhuo and Lv Bu's father and son. Wang Yun donated a Lv Bu Golden Delicious. Lv Bu Xin Zhongda Xi, specially came to thank. TV series "Lv Bu and Diao Chan" stills Wang Yun hosted a dinner for Lv Bu, during which time Diao Chan gave a toast. Lv Bu saw Diao Chan, then dribble, can not self-sustaining. Wang Yun saw this scene, and now she agreed to allocate Diao Chan to Lv Bu and agreed to send her to Lyu on the date of her marriage. Wang Yun invited Dong Zhuo again, ordered Diao Chan to show off her dancer, Diao Chan's elegant and elegant dance, and to make Dong Zhuo intoxicated. Dong Zhuo marveled, calling Diao Chan a god. Wang Yun gave Diao Chan to Dong Zhuo on the spot. Dong Zhuo is overjoyed, bringing Diao Chan back to Fuchu. After Lv Bu was informed, his anger was abnormal. In contrast to Wang Yun's theory, Wang Yun said he was helpless and took the opportunity to leave Dong Zhuo and Lv Bu. Lv Bu entered Taishi House to meet with Diao Chan several times, failing to make a single narrative. Instead, it was driven by Dong Zhuo and he was angry. On the 1st, Lv Bu took Dong Zhuo to North Korea and met Phoenix Diaoy Chan at Fung Yi Ting. Lv Bu fear of Dong Zhuo crash want to leave, Diao Chan do not allow, pretend to cast himself, Lv Bu hurriedly blocked. At that time Dong Zhuo back home, hit a positive. Dong Zhuo furious, pulling straight piercing Lv Bu, Zhuo Li-Confucianism came to discourage, Lv Bu took the opportunity to take the road away. Wang Yun sent out a call to Lv Bu, and Xin Li removed Dong Zhuo. Wang Yun sent a false biography of Emperor Tian Chao and ordered Dong Zhuo to go to Jinque. Dong Zhuo came and was surrounded by Wang Yun and other officials holding a sword. Lv Bu holding a halberd Dong Zhuo throat. Diao Chan came and Wang Yun showed her to see Lv Bu, Diao Chan knew it, and the chain was still going on. After the end of the butterfly into a butterfly Poster (PS since the South Korean movie Millennium Lake)

Perfect summer (TV)[2002]

Feature: Perfect Summer tells the story of four dependent orphans growing up with their own ideals. An unforgettable life and death love, in the summer of the seaside gentle said. If you are not alone in this world, it is because of the world, there is always a corner of heaven, a person deeply, quietly in love with you, consistent. Unidentified northern floating singer Huang Zheng debut in the first Hongxiang Cup Song Contest, who knows the champion has long been defined as the sponsor of Hung Xiang, chairman of the son of Hong Xiang Huang Zheng highest crown win only second place, just University graduate Yang Guang dissatisfied with Fu Qin for their own arrangements for the title to resolutely resign. The successes of the Song Contest led to the arrival of record labels signed by Huang Zheng, who, under the persuasion of her sister Xin Yu, decided to return to the beach this summer to see A Jie and Yi Fan, who live by the sea. In order to give my friend an exasperation, severely remediation of the "Playboy" Yang Guang, Yang Guang therefore Xin Yu "remember", to accept Xin Yu, Yang Guang chasing "beauty", with Xin Yu came centipede Zhizhou Island. Where did you know that Ning Meng, sister of Yang Guang, also followed up, and Ning Meng fell in love at first sight because of Huang Zheng's first kiss, and Huang Zheng was constantly having "nightmares." Four orphans who grew up on the beach at an early age were reunited many years later this summer. Childhood especially remembered, but everyone's heart is subtle changes, A Jie and Huang Zheng kind of unfamiliar, already assimilated by urban life Xin Yu and freestyle Yi Fan quite a big gap between life. Huang Zheng helps A Jie to take care of the hotel business. Xin Yu works in her favorite ice cream shop. Everyone lives the same with his childhood, but he can no longer find the old feeling. Fortunately, there is a black girl working in the hotel from a large mouth outrigger to ease the atmosphere from the blend, but Yi Fan never know this woman has no way of favor. Yang Guang came to the beach, followed by a tough Ning Meng. Seemingly calm beach suddenly chaos up, Ning Meng saw Huang Zheng crazy show of love, Huang Zheng Ning Meng's feelings disagreeable, A Jie Huang Zheng and Ning Meng saw all day intimate, can not help but mourn. Boogie-up Yang Guang on the beach quite a woman's edge, but only for not looking at him Xin Yu fond of. Xin Yu only loves friends with Yang Guang, but her feelings for the silence of Yi Fan are completely unaware of it. When Yang Guang learns about Yi Fan's good intentions toward Xin Yu, she resolutely exits. Xin Yu was really touched by Yi Fan, and Yi Fan began to engage, but Yang Guang's appeal is so irresistible. Ning Meng clung to the feelings between Huang Zheng and A Jie and deliberately expressed her love in the face of A Jie Huang Zheng's life and death. The beach was typhoon again, Jie did not go out, Ning Meng pretend to delay the water, until everyone found A Jie, A Jie has been lying unconscious on the beach ...... A wave of waves, the wave of real estate development Business by virtue of loopholes in the property book is difficult hotel, the hotel people in order to raise 800,000 acquisition of gold and running around, but to no avail. Suddenly, the younger sister came out with a mere 500,000. The two were more curious about the disappearance of the black girl. Yang Guang and Ning Meng decided to go home and ask for help from Fu Qin. Fu Qin refused to excuse her father-son relationship.Fu Qin was persecuted by Yang Guang and came to the beach with her children, but unexpectedly opened the mystery of the black girl ...

Youth puzzled style (TV)[2001]

Feature: Bai Ling is a proud man working in a publishing house and wants to quit to foreign companies. Unexpectedly, on the day of applying for a new company, it encountered a robbery of the building and was innocent as a suspect. Cong PeiJun, the captain of the Interpol responsible for the case, detained for questioning. Bai Ling contends that he finally cleared his grievances, but delayed his job interview and left a negative impression on Huang He, a company assistant in charge of recruitment. Cong PeiJun had a great impression on Bai Ling, a unique personality, and secretly used his social ties to allow the company to recruit Bai Ling again. Jie Fei again found Bai Ling, and Bai Ling bravely confronted and helped convince Jie Fei to surrender with the help and congratulation of Cong PeiJun. Cong PeiJun became more and more straightforward to express her love for Bai Ling, but Bai Ling found himself more fond of Huang He, a colleague and friend. A minority girl Qiao wild without losing simplicity, in order to chase their own dreams of love to leave home, which know her painter boyfriend Lin Wei was cruel abandon her. Helpless A Qiao had only battles Beijing showbiz, but caused the attention of Huang He. Chen Yu, who is poor and shrewd but poorly able to satisfy his expanding material desires, uses unscrupulous means at his own expense and uses the hue for the so-called success. Cong PeiJun fancy her extraordinary family background, painstaking pursuit, Cong PeiJun slowly found in the interaction of the original Chen Yu also has kind and lovely side. Chen Yu was accidentally abducted and Cong PeiJun tried to rescue him and finally set him free from clutches. Mei Mei quiet, duty, longing and their lover lived a simple and quiet ordinary life. However, all of this was destroyed at a party that should not be attended. Mei Mei, the weakest, was raped by the nephew of the producer's owner, who was inferior to the beast. After the rape, Cong PeiJun's cracked drug trafficking case surfaced. During a detection, Cong PeiJun was unfortunately injured. Chen Yu donated blood and showed her feelings. Cong PeiJun was deeply moved by her affection.

ALoveofBlueness (Movie)[2000]

Feature: Tai Lin, who was just an Interpol, finished her hair and noticed a young woman passing the bridge across the sea. She bent down under the bridge to do the river-hopping. Tai Lin ran in a big stride, clinging to the girl and rescuing her. The girl said her name was Liu Yun, because her boyfriend cheated her feelings, killed her boyfriend and tried to commit suicide. Tai Lin brought Liu Yun to the Public Security Bureau for trial. However, other cases happened at this time. He locked Liu Yun in a room in the police station and went out for handling cases. The next morning, Tai Lin returned to the Public Security Bureau's office. Liu Yun explained that he did not kill, she was actually rehearsing a drama. Tai Lin was helpless, he let her left the mailing address and reminded Liu Yun: "I remind you in the name of Interpol, not anything can make the artist used to find inspiration, but also for your own safety." This Tai Lin already loves Liu Yun. A few days later, Liu Yun met Tai Lin to the old place (on the bridge). Liu Yun asked Tai Lin to help her find a man in her 50s who saved her life, Ma BaiJu. To find Ma BaiJu, Tai Lin investigated Liu Yun and knew she did not have a father, so he said that to take care of Liu Yun, Liu Yun was very upset about Tai Lin's investigation. Some time later, Liu Yun suddenly forgave him and asked him to see Liu Yun's mother, Li WenZhu, who was already unconscious. When she found Ma BaiJu, Tai Lin discovered that the person named Ma BaiJu was together again There was a link between more than 20 murder cases, which made Tai Lin in a contradictory situation. She did not know exactly what his girlfriend had with Ma Bai-Chu. After the captain of the Interpol team Yang Gao learned of the incident, he let Tai Lin host the case again, making him unavoidable. One day, Tai Lin saw a lecture bamboo essay in a magazine by Liu Yun's family, using the pseudonym of Ishikawa. This caused Tai Lin to suddenly feel that Liu Yun's mother had a mystical relationship with Wenzhu, so he visited Liu Mum with Liu Yun. After careful investigation, Tai Lin found Ma BaiJu, the original Ma BaiJu is Liu Yun's father. Ma BaiJu went to the Public Security Bureau to surrender to his daughter, Liu Yun, and told about the murder that took place 20 years ago. He was not a murderer.

IfIlosingYou (Movie)[2000]

Feature: The story comes from an ancient Arab legend. Pak He-xun is a boyfriend and girlfriend living together for many years. Under the pressures of economy and housing, there are some contradictions between them. One day Park was drunk, dreaming of a girl waiting for him on a distant island, so he really took out all his savings and left his home city to Hainan. There, his money was snatched away, and the woman she ran into ran away. Finally, he found out that happiness was still to be found by his own side ... If I could return to seventeen, I would also like to be his lover ... ...

(The next episode) Green Blood Sword (Part 2) (Movie)[1959]

Feature: Ming general will be trapped by traitors, Huan Zhisheng Huashan sent his head received as disciples, more chance to get the martial arts secrets and weapons. Aspiration for revenge on the father, on the way coincidence, was involved in a period of gratitude and enmity in the military and Wen. And Wen QingQing to Jinling treasure hunt, inadvertently involved in Min Zihua and private complaints. Chih-San-Ying Chih-Chih revealed it, then help Hua, Li resolve disputes. Helpless ritual finally plot, pity pity her daughter Wan children, but provoke misunderstanding, Wan Xiaqing jealousy to marry his brother. Chi, green terminal to find treasure, transfer, to help its uprising.

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