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Tony Leung TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Tony Leung Works 71 ,And Feature 36 ,Comedy 20 ,Action 19 ,Romance 11 ,Crime 10 ,Fantasy 8 ,Suspense 8 ,Adventure 5 ,Costume Drama 5 ,Historical play 4 ,Terror 3 ,Documentary 3 ,Martial Arts 3 ,Urban drama 2 ,War 2 ,Thriller 2 ,Family drama 2 ,近代抗战1 ,故事1 ,Business War 1 ,警匪1 ,Animation 1 。

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Tony Leung Filmography(71)


追龙ⅱ (Movie)[2019]


悍匪 Long ZhiQiang ,在香港回归前,趁香港英政府不作为,而屡犯巨案,先后绑架富豪利家及雷家之长子,勒索超过二十亿元,事主怕被报复, 交赎款后都不敢报警。中国公安部极为关注,与香港警方合力,派香港警员 He Tian 卧底潜入 Long ZhiQiang 犯罪团伙,发现他正策划绑架澳门富豪贺不凡。最终陆港警察合力勇擒 Long ZhiQiang ,救出贺不凡。

深夜食堂 (Movie)[2019]


在上海一条不起眼的小弄堂里,有一家只在深夜营业的小餐馆,老板是一位50岁左右的 Da Shu ,他会为每个到访的食客做一份只属于他的食物。生活在弄堂里的钟伯和 A Long 都是食堂的常客,每当夜幕降临,这座繁华都市中便有各色孤单灵魂在此相遇。广告公司的加班三人组便是这般偶然登场,被美食洗去满身疲劳的同时,也邂逅了更多身怀故事的朋友,夜班出租车司机 Tang Song 即是其中之一。 Tang Song 是在接醉酒的音乐人 A Xin 时发现了食堂的存在,从此他就会在清晨带青梅竹马的 Si Si 来吃家乡的蛋饼。但是 Tang Song 渴望安逸的生活, Si Si 却有梦想要追寻。在机会繁多的大城市中,两个年轻人的结局会像蛋饼一样圆满吗? 很多人在深夜食堂相遇、相知,也学会成长。 Xiao Mei 是一个调香师,她喜欢在食堂诉说自己的喜怒哀乐,尤其是和初恋学长的往事。面对这段遗憾的青春, Xiao Mei 也在食客们的帮助下逐渐释怀。 “老牌绅士”的钟伯与菜场的海鲜老板 Lian Shen 最终相依为伴。 Lian Shen 的儿子 Kai Yuan 为人老实憨厚,在食堂偶遇了带女儿来吃糖藕的单亲妈妈 Ming Yue ,爱慕就此在心中萌芽。而“海漂女孩” Xiao Xue 的出现,也让 A Xin 终于等到了音乐路上的知音。 Da Shu 随着食堂的夜晚一起经历人来人往,满足食客们的味蕾,也见证了各式人生。而无论夜多深、路多远, Da Shu 还会在食堂里继续倾听大家的故事。


Asura (Movie)[2018]

Feature: Since the foundation of the world, life has been reborn in the six circles of heavenly world, Asura region, human world, world of Warcraft, hungry, and purgatory based on its good and evil industry. Hundreds of years ago King Ashura, the king with three heads of desire, decided to launch a war that would devastate the celestial world, flooding the six worlds with the torrent of desire and changing the natural law that determines the reincarnation of life in terms of good and evil, in an attempt to make the level of desire the deciding life Reincarnation of the only standard. In that war, Ashura defeated, lost the soul of his insight, he himself was put into purgatory, to be punished. A hundred years later, Asura paid a great price to gain evil weapons in purgatory - evil spirits sword, he returned to Asura community, want to launch the second fight sky war. However, he could not open the door to heaven because he lost his head. Therefore, he must find the soul of the head of insight, with which he can fight again. In a quiet and peaceful village, lovely little boy wishful grandmother dependent on each other. Because of a puppet show, the little wishful is full of interest in the Asura community mentioned in the story. Time flies, small grown up, he became a happy shepherd, agile, handsome handsome, everyone in the village like him. However, due to the death of Grandma, wishfulness, outward appearance of the free and easy, but it has always been difficult to calm his inner loneliness. Shi PoLuo, a king of Ashura, came to the village and told him that his wish was to be ashamed King of Ashura for years. He came to pick him up. Wish did not believe, he considered the puppet theater actor joking. Shi PoLuo called Ashura Wang to bring them back, suddenly, the sky visions overlap, wishful in a trance and Shi PoLuo into Asura community. At Asura Palace, wishful reception by the king's courtesy, experience a variety of unprecedented desires. Ashura Wang showed cordial, but also wish a long absence, the warmth. Wish to enjoy it. As the life of the royal palace progressed further and again, it was uncomfortable for all kinds of uncontrolled desire to enjoy. Especially when he came to the brutal punish place of King Asura - the Desire, he saw the wanton destruction of life by Ashura, He turned angry at the good Asuras who became monsters. When he learned that being ashamed of Ashura meant that his soul was out of breath and his body died, he was scared and he decided to leave the palace. The emergence of the beautiful Asulu rebel chief Hua Rui has changed the fate of goodwill. He discovered from Hua Rui and rebels all his real thirst for life, that is love! Love is what Ashura lacks. Is to help Ashura Wang destruction of heaven in order to establish the law of life cycle of desire? Or to help Hua Rui destroy Ashura Wang thus maintaining the natural law of life, wishfully decided to choose the latter. Hua Rui dies after a battle of life and death. Inspired by the love of Hua Rui, she found the supreme power and destroyed Ashura. Wish to become a new generation Ashura Wang. When all the world's desire for him to drive the occasion, wishful has made a shaking choice ... ...

Siberian Storm (Movie)[2018]

Feature: "Siberian situation" tells the story of Chinese girl An Lan in Russia was plotted by evil forces, the Chinese businessman Lin XinCheng out of assistance to help An Lan out of the woods. Xiao Lan really came to Russia to find An Lan, quick success and no-return. Lin XinCheng and An Lan founded the Sino-Russian Entrepreneurship Fund to win the respect of entrepreneurs from China and Russia.

Sector team (TV)[2018]


< / p > < p > the TV series "district squad" plot: 1939, jizhong plain to taihang mountain transition zone, pingshan county, hebei province, wang zhuang people every family grain, hungry by hook or by crook. < / p > < p > a few from beiping to hebei to participate in the war of resistance against Japanese aggression, the preparation of the Arsenal of young college students, under the escort of the eighth military area command team across the Japanese blockade, but the Japanese snipe, the area team almost completely destroyed. Beiping students can only temporarily stay wang zhuang, decided to build an Arsenal in the cave on the cliff, and reconstruction of the district team. < / p > < p > the Japanese stronghold of the new commander suzuki, in order to establish the so-called peace and security zone, let the villagers to the stronghold grinding tofu, nail horseshoes, weaving, to the villagers some benefits. < / p > < p > duke and village head wang wuye forbear restraint, and the Japanese to maintain the surface of the calm. Students from Peiping to the blacksmith shop as a cover, made a mine, grenades and bullets, again and again adventure sent to the eighth route army front line troops, also rebuilt the district team, and the stronghold of the Japanese launched a desperate struggle, finally with the help of the people of wangzhuang, blow up the Japanese to the mountains to transfer war supplies important stronghold & NBSP;; .


LostInWhite (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Ten years ago, four partners set up a chemical factory in a beautiful village. To save costs, they directly discharged toxic and effluent water into the river. This caused many newborns in the village to have congenital disabilities. In order to deal with the issue of toxic and effluent treatment, the four partners turned away, two of whom were killed and the other two missing. A stereotyped old police and a miserly young police became partners, composed of "chaser" into the glacier, chasing the murderer to find the truth. In the murderous glaciers of the murderers, the immediate cause of their deaths and unrestrained movements is that everyone is inevitably involved in a field complex and becomes a member of "chasing fierce". The ultimate truth under the glacier subverts all the imagination.

Our Time Will Come (Movie)[2016]

Feature: By the end of 1941, Hong Kong fell. Japanese occupation of Hong Kong crazy looting, search and arrest in Hong Kong Chinese cultural people, forcing them to cooperate. The Dongjiang guerrillas in Hong Kong received instructions from their superiors to urgently rescue people who have escaped from Hong Kong and Kowloon and were safely evacuated from Hong Kong under the cover of the people of Hong Kong. After a series of gun battles, street fighting, explosives, smoke, blood and sacrifices, it tells the story of a group of authentic Hong Kong beings who, during the three years and eight months of the fall of Hong Kong, devoted real life stories of youth and life in defending Hong Kong against the brutal Japanese army .

League of Gods (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Three thousand years ago, at the end of the Shang dynasty, Zhou Wang was deluded by Da Ji, a demon princess, and Shen GongBao in an attempt to summon the Dark Dragon to the Dark Forces. In order to prevent the death of a man, Jiang ZiYa life Lei ZhenZi, Ne Zha and Yang Jian together to find the sword of light to demon demons, and to help lead the army of Western King Xiqi attack Chaozhou Song. Unexpectedly, Da Ji Shi Ji in the inverse incantation, the DPRK war imminent, Heilongjiang come to a foregone conclusion, the world once again into crisis.

mid night canteen (TV)[2016]

Feature: This is a special canteen open from midnight to seven in the morning. Lao Ban here, not very talkative, but always let people eat tears. Here, the inferiority of the dancers encounter recess retirement for many years dance predecessors, predecessors at their own pains to inspire young people, eventually make it regain confidence; quiet girlfriends must eat their favorite food recalled Friends of the past, returned to good; optimistic patients with terminally ill met the same girl, the two love each other and give each other the strength to accompany each other perfectly through the last mile; success blind pursuit of career white-collar workers, made here Real warmhearted friend, found that the truth is more meaningful than success. The food, the story, the truth, brought together the theme of the show, taught the people to confront the pros and cons and full of hope and enthusiasm for life. Behind every story are full of affection, the plot ups and downs, it is unforgettable forgotten & nbsp ;.

LostandLove (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Dark cheeks, deeply carved by the unique bitter and tough after the vicissitudes of life, peasants Lei ZeKuan (Andy Lau) drove a dilapidated motorcycle running in the vast and desolate land of the motherland, the long journey of 15 years, Long time no longer luxury is an end. One day in 1998, his two-year-old son was abducted and hencefounded. This incident completely changed the life of the old mine, with his limited housekeeping and full-fledged tracing death, setting foot on the journey of invisible destination. During the bitter and bitter, more people know. On this day, the old Ray encountered a handsome little youth Ceng Shuai (Jing Boran ornaments). As if the general arrangement of fate, Ceng Shuai and Lao Lei's son actually had a similar encounter. Taking this as an opportunity, Ceng Shuai and the old thunder go hand in hand. One in order to find the missing son, one in order to find the dream home. Blurred face of their loved ones, could have been waiting in an unknown place ......

TheTakingOfTigerMountain (Movie)[2014]

Feature: In the winter of 1947, the 203 Detachment of Northeast Democratic Coalition Forces under the leadership of Shao JianBo, head of the Northeast Democratic Order, took orders to enter the bandits rampant Linhai Snow Field to protect the population and the scout, Yang ZiRong, and the health worker Bai Ru. In order to completely disintegrate the bandits, Yang ZiRong insisted on asking for a disguise to sneak into the bandit "Tiger Mountain." After a lot of tests by Zi ZiRong Xian ZiRong meritorious service, was bandit leader Zuo ShanDiao as "the old tiger Mount Nine." Yang ZiRong side with the eight diamonds dealt with the side of the risk comrades came down the mountain intelligence, and a mysterious woman in the cottage but often caught him in despair. Luan Ping, a bandit liaison adjutant captured by Unit 203, escaped in disorder and appeared confronted with Yang ZiRong in the Tiger House. Zuo ShanDiao birthday "Hundred feast", Yang ZiRong and 203 squad comrades usher in the best time to suppress the bandit network, a fierce battle is inevitable.

GoldenChicken3 (Movie)[2014]

Feature: The story of the film is still the prostitute "A Jin". At the age of 15, Ajin forced her to become a prostitute when she was forced to live. Over the years, she witnessed the decline and prosperity of Greater Hong Kong as a "mother mom" with resources and a " Golden Rooster sss ", all-day shuttle in the Regal parties, to see the light, bizarre, despite the carefree Petty life in" New Hong Kong ", but always miss the pure" old Hong Kong. " Ge Dun () is an overbearing gangster. When Hong Kong was convicted of committing crimes before returning to Hong Kong in 1997, his thinking, behavior and dress remained in the colonial era. After being released from prison, he was unable to comply with "New Hong Kong" Even the only old man with a sense of security for Ge Dun, Ajin, was no longer the silly sister of the year. See Ge Dun's incompatible, enthusiastic A Jin decided to help him rekindling, to start a new life.

HorseTrader (Movie)[2014]

Feature: One night, a truck transporting cultural relics in a car accident, one of the Tang Chun Tang Zhaoling "Sa Lu purple" theft, aroused great concern at home and abroad. After that, Xia Mei (Kelly Chen), a female-loving rock climber, was sent to attend an auction house in London, England, to investigate the whereabouts of Sa Zhao Zi. Surprisingly, at the venue, her invisible headphone signal collided with the headphone signal of police officer Zhang Hao (Ekin Cheng), so that the unannounced visit ended in failure. After that, Zhang Hao took the initiative to visit and tell that the mysteriously crafty international Tony Thung Ka-fai is likely to lock Savar Purple as the next target of stealing. From unannounced visits video, they really also saw the appearance of a suspected nine-fox. In order to thoroughly find out the whereabouts of "Sa de Violet", Xia Mei solicited to stay in London, while the Nine-tailed Fox also proactively approached Xia Mei. Romantic and tense cultural heritage tracing journey thus started ...

Late night cafeteria (Movie)[2014]

Feature: Chinese lights early, drunk blurred. Red men and women who ended the day of hard work, marching or staggering or tired pace, Xun patrolling the streets in the drunk, looking for a place to be able to talk about ease, big thirsty haven. The late night canteen, which opened from midnight to close early the next morning, or just satisfied the urban people's desire.

Who Is Under Cover (Movie)[2014]

Feature: The story happened in the 1930s. The secret meeting of the Communist Party was raided by the Kuomintang. A large number of underground people were unfortunately arrested. The underground party chief Wang Feng (Tony Leung Ka-fai) arranged an emergency mission because the party's important mission, "Trump", was among the arrested underground party. The enemy also knew that they had captured the big fish but that they were unable to identify who the trump card was. After investigation and research, they narrowed their targets to Zhao BiWei (Lin Chi-ling), Su Jie (钟欣桐 饰), Wang XiaFen (Meng Tingyi Shi LaoShi (Su Jin ornaments) and Xiao Hong five people. In order to press the so-called truth from the five population, the enemy resorted to all kinds of cruel punishments in an attempt to collapse the trump card physically and mentally. A lie to cover up another lie, who is the trump card?

LongZhiZhan (Movie)[2013]

Feature: "3D Legend of the Legend of God" is a Chinese mythology film released in 2016, directed by Xu An, Yang Longcheng, Li Xin and others, starring Jet Li and Wen Zhang.

TalesfromtheDark1 (Movie)[2013]

Feature: Guan FuQiang (Simon Yam), a destitute middle-aged man with "stolen goods", has no work to do and is desperately in disgrace. He hates the unfairness of fate. Is the so-called poor poignant change, life scared of the old Guan Yi go front, desperation to steal ashes, attempting to extort ransom to survive. HeK (Tony Leung Ka-fai), a feng shui advocate of musical exorcism, was forced by high rents to shut down and on the last day he met a couple who claimed to hit the ghost Feeling complicated, he introduced the couple to his classmate Crystal Wang (Kelly Chen), but his last day's business was not over yet. Then a student-girl, "Jingzhe Festival Baihu, Zhu PoPo (Siu Yam-yam ornaments) as usual to the gooseneck bridge to play the villain. It was the night where guests were invited by Mrs. Kua Kuo (Josephine Koo) and Liang ZhenYing (Lo Hoi-pang). While Zhu PoPo was preparing to close the stall, a disgraceful Shao Nv sat next to him, demanding that villains be retaliated against three men and a woman. The film is based on short stories of Li Bihua adaptation.

SniperElite (Movie)[2013]

Feature: During the War of Resistance Against Japan, Captain Mu LiangFeng of the Kuomintang, as a sniper, completed all his difficult tasks with the help of Zhang Jue, a member of the Chinese Communist Party underground party. Mu LiangFeng was blinded by his family after he was murdered. During the revenge process, he was rescued by the Chinese communists and gradually infected by the spirit of the Chinese Communist Party. He eventually chose to jointly fight the enemy for the nation and save the ancestral enemy.

Taichi0 (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Since the mid-Qing Dynasty, the internal and external disturbances have continued - internal disarray and invasion by Western powers. After the Opium War lost, all the western countries went their own way and landed on their own weight. The new technology brought by the industrial revolution is even more powerful and has entered China. The traditional collapse, there are heroic hero, the rise of the rise, lead the coquettish moment, a generation of tai chi master, to facilitate the world at this time. Yang LuChan innocent and stupid, but the negative Bing "three flowers poly top." He died in his childhood and followed the leader of the Catholic Church to go all out and fight the world. However, due to over-exertion, the "Three Flowers in the Top" has threatened his life unless the "Chen Family Fist" in Chenjiagou, Qingfengling, Henan province can save him. In order to save his life, but also to fulfill his mother's last wish, Yang LuChan came to Chenjiagou to learn a fist. Because "Chen Chuan is not rumored," the iron law he had enough to eat, but later got the favor of Chen Fusui head, but accidentally involved in "Zhili railway director made" and the head of the daughter's emotional disputes. Under the guidance of Chen ChangXing, Yang LuChan and Yu Niang jointly destroyed the mechanical monster "Troy" used by Fang ZiJing to pave the destroyed village, lifting off the dreadfulness of Chenjiagou. However, he made great meritorious deeds but he was suspected by villagers to "steal fists" and to abolish his martial arts. At the last minute, Chen YuNiang came forward and decided to marry Yang LuChan, saving his life. At this point, Yang LuChan and "" the story is just beginning.

ColdWar (Movie)[2012]

Feature: At midnight, the police force and the report center received an anonymous call saying that a front-line assault vehicle was threatened. Five police officers and weapons in the car became thieves bargaining chip. The incident alarmed the police force. I do not know whether it was a coincidence or accident. Among the officers hijacked in the sub-truck, Li WenBin, the deputy director of the current operations, Popular: Li WenBin, deputy director of hawkish police, and Liu JieHui, deputy director of the young police department, all began their fists. Lee immediately directed the rescue, and this action code-named "chills." Liu JieHui can take over the entire operation, the critical moment, when the police force is fully aware of everything inside the police force, insight into opportunities, the military elite out, the action is still vain, subject to control everywhere, Two tigers fight, Liu JieHui without any sign of weakness, different and Lee's radical approach, he chose to take the initiative to communicate with the thieves, and promised to hand over the ransom of ransom. Throughout the ransom process, Liu ordered the ransom to leave clues in order to track down the thief's location. Xu YongJi is still in the process of settling ransom, Liu guilty endless, the Hong Kong police force plunged into an unprecedented Critical and Threatening ... The entire operation has left the Treasury with 80 million in cash and two police officers killed. The incident not only alarmed the government but also alerted the Independent Commission Against Corruption. The ICAC received reports from anonymous individuals and suspected two deputy specialists, one of whom was in power at the critical moment. Hong Kong's security ensnared immediately, the police force and Hong Kong's governance Vulnerability has been shaking out, threatening the police force almost inside, directed at the top of the police force. Originally, Hong Kong was known as the "safest city" because it did not encounter any real enemy.

Taichi II (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Yang LuChan and the great joy of the day, missing many years of Chen's eldest son planted (decoration), suddenly with a daughter-in-law (ornaments) appeared, and with "unpredictable profound" martial arts to deter people. Not long ago, hanging in the Chen family ancestral hall of the bell Zhongfa, suddenly landing in the middle of the night rotation, the sound can not be interrupted. Villagers commotion, they say night bells is a precursor of genocide, the elders believe that income surnamed entry, violated the ancestors taboo bronze bell. Even Yuk Niang how to defend, can not change the determination of family members to expel Yang LuChan. When all the spearheads point to Yang LuChan, Chen ChangXing, a far-sighted chief, personally dismantled his son's seedling trick: he disguised himself as a mastermind of martial arts with a variety of scientific techniques. And allow children to create riots and confusion, confusion, the purpose of sowing inter-family harmony within the family, and Fang ZiJing should be in foreign cooperation, Chenjiagou not break. The essence of Taijiquan has eliminated the loin of Yang LuChan and won Chen YuNiang's love for him. However, Fang ZiJing, wanted by the court, has fled, and another change seems to be happening.

LiangJi (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Directed by Stephen Fung, producer Chen Guofu, producer Wang Zhonglei, from different angles to reveal the birth of "Tai Chi": Chen Guofu how to find Stephen Fung to carry out this bold adventure? Zombies, angry birds and other popular games into the screen on the fly evil "live version"? "Beautiful boy" Stephen Fung pull slag uncle, in the studio since.

BeginningofTheGreatRevival (Movie)[2011]

Feature: In the winter of 1911, returning from overseas, he became Provisional President on January 1 of the following year. At the same time participated in the recovery of the new army. Soon, with the strong military power and prestige in the royal family, the identity of Grand Marshal was taken from Sun ZhongShan and the government of the Northern Republic of China was established. In October the same year, the Kuomintang was established. The outbreak of the summer of 1914, 1915 Yuan ShiKai and Japan set a twenty-one secret and change the state, self-styled as the Chinese Emperor, since embarked on a road of no return. Sun ZhongShan and Cai E set up to protect the national army, to discuss the yuan. Yuan ShiKai soon died in an all-out denouncing. After that, with the failure of restoration, China entered the melee situation of warlords. While Mao ZeDong ,, and others, although living in different places, are pondering over the road to national salvation and national salvation, and the fate of the meeting is coming.

ILoveHongKong (Movie)[2011]

Feature: Wu Shun (Tony Leung Ka-fai) and Toto (Eric Tsang) were originally brothers who grew up in the estates. But thirty years ago, the caretakers who kept the money raised by the neighborhood were in the making Night guarding theft, then no news. Time flies, thirty years after the bankruptcy of Wu Shun family led back to the estates soon, the caretaker appeared unexpectedly. The two memories of the past together, filled with emotion, Wu Shun heart also gradually removed. Wu Shun For Aaron's own years of bizarre experience, only to be a joke. Su Zhen (Anita Yuen), who was a childhood friend of Wu Shun, was also returned to the estate. The old couple met naked late at night and was hit by a misunderstanding by Shun Sao (Sandra Ng). However, the two soon released ice, the family together again. Toto water dragon initiated the "Estate Activation Plan", so that the estates in the estates in the supermarkets, shopping malls caught the hope of survival. However, just as the neighbors participated in the activation plan full of confidence, Aaron vanished again, comprehending the emergence of the group and driving off the streets. Aaron in the end what happened in these years, housing estates can weather the difficulties, Aaron will not appear again, the answer to all questions will be presented at the end of the film one by one ...

Tarantino, le disciple de Hong-Kong (Movie)[2011]

Feature: The Ciné Cinéma Classic in France is a cable television channel dedicated to classic old movies. In honor of the twentieth anniversary of the founding of the channel, it has recently changed its name to "Cine +" and has a gala event called "Quentin Tarantino: Hollywood's Glorious Bastard," to be co-directed by Tarantino , Screenwriter and performance of 9 works. In addition, the channel has also produced a new documentary entitled "Quentin Tarantino: Hong Kong film disciple", with video and exclusive interview data to resolve the "movie" set guru - Quentin Links to Hong Kong films.

YourSistersSister (Movie)[2011]

Feature: Among the many live entertainment films that play homosexuality issues, the film is one of the more optimistic, cheerful and fun. By the director. As a homosexual clothing division, good-hearted, because of accidental lending money to leave home girl became a good sister, but also let her move home, three women live together. Later, Yuan met Lawrence Cheng, a lawyer, and was pregnant. However, Zheng did not want to be responsible and claimed that he would immigrate immigrants. Yuan hugged beam crying and asked him to be a man for a minute, unexpectedly provoked Liang's "sexual interest" unexpectedly. He had feelings of love between men and women for Yuan, and later he volunteered to become a group father Warm little family. On the occasion of showing love to Yuan, Zheng turned back to find Yuan, saying that he had already divorced and had asked Yuan to marry him. Tony Leung Ka-fai feminine performance vivid, is the main piece of the main fun. Though the director's description of the sexual transformation of the beam may not be recognized by "comrades," it is naturally desirable to deal with it.

DetectiveDeeandtheMysteryofthePhantomFlame (Movie)[2010]

Feature: In 690 AD, after eight years of painstaking efforts, () is about to formally register and become the first female emperor in Chinese history. At that time, China was the largest country with the largest population of the world. Only the Tang Dynasty Luoyang, the population will be nearly one million. The territory of Onion Ling Ling, north of Mongolia, south to Vietnam. With the ascent of Liu Shu-zhang and the symbol of "the highest imperial power" asymptotically completed, the debut ceremony of Wu ZeTian is ready. It is well known that "when the vaults were completed, the empress ascended the throne." Unexpectedly, incredible murder occurred in succession in God Luoyang. Spontaneous combustion of the deceased for no reason, all in the chest and abdomen between the fire, extending to the whole body, just like burning asbestos was burnt ashes, burned part of the coke, such as stranded waste charcoal. Wu ZeTian even more alarmed is that almost all the victims are her crony promoted after pro-government. Obviously, the murderer is challenging her authority. Wu ZeTian knows very well that only by finding the murderer can he or she be able to settle the people's mind and to be able to stabilize his position as soon as he ascended the throne. Wu ZeTian eager to uncovered the murderer, but her enemies are too many, more difficult to distinguish between enemy and me. At this moment, Wu later received the message from Lu Li, a magistrate who has been with great manpower and close ties with her for many years. Speaking of the retrograde crime nowadays, Reminiscent of Di RenJie (), who had the reputation of civil and military possession, she decided to drop the curtain to hear the government because of the young emperor. The first minister to jump out was Di RenJie. Di RenJie was convicted, imprisoned into the burning font prison, flash is eight years. Wu ZeTian ordered that he should enter the palace with her pro-woman and daughter-in-law's personal female officer Shang GuanJingEr () to Di DiJuJie as soon as possible (). Di RenJie is still alive. Not only alive, after eight years of hardship, he turned from a high-spirited and edgy expert to a calm and reserved man. He was in the burning of fonts in the face of blazing fire, incineration outdated memorials. In the face of Shang GuanJingEr, Di RenJie seems to be well prepared. Di RenJie was summoned back to God of Luoyang to meet with Wu ZeTian. The two relatives felt a lot of emotions: one was a man who had the same pride and power that almost shaken his power in the past; and one was a woman who had escalated from eight years of life. Looking at the vicissitudes of Di RenJie, Wu ZeTian he was appointed imperial envoy, in conjunction with the Dali Temple thorough investigation Luoyang burning case. Perhaps at the moment, Di RenJie, with no bureaucratic baggage and wisdom and courage, can penetrate the heart of this treacherous conspiracy. The situation forced, Di RenJie took over this task. Special handling of the Shaolin Temple Siu-Ching Pei DongLai (), overcast mistakes became Di's men. Coupled with the old friend of Di RenJie who was originally in jail, Sha Tuo (now), who is currently in charge of "Floating Chiefs of Float," joined forces to investigate the culprits. In the end, Di RenJie sorted out numerous cases with extraordinary perseverance, courage and wisdom and found Sha Tuo to be the culprit behind the scenes. After a series of fights, she brought the most sinister killers to justice. And he himself paid a huge price for that.

I Corrupt All Cops (Movie)[2010]

Feature: During the British rule of Hong Kong in 1963-1973, there was a period of darkness. At that time, the corruption and bribery of the police force was an open secret. In the ten years from 1963 to 1973 alone, the amount of corruption committed by Hong Kong police officers reached 10 billion at that time, equivalent to about 500 billion in 2009! As the "emperor" of the entire graft empire, Hong Kong's chief detective Chang Lok (holding a large number of "poisonous snakes and beasts" under his hands not only has the antique boss like Unicorn Wong Wong, Huo QiLin, a hot-blooded gambler, is the key to finding a scapegoat for a variety of misconduct, while Chen XiJiu, the detective, is the only good-hearted man under Lok's brother, Lok brother appreciation. Large organization, all-pervading means, Lok and his brothers live an unbelievably unimaginable life, spend their lives gold and use their own set of "philosophy of life" and huge amounts of money to Hong Kong 99% Of the police dragged the water.On the Lok brother that he can only hand the sky, the establishment of the Independent Commission Against Corruption in Hong Kong by capable Yan Guo Liang () lead a group of young talent, determined to put an end to all corruption and corruption, to restore the Hong Kong government And the police were serious and innocent .And then a thrilling, long-lasting anti-Corruption war kicked off, this is justice and evil The desperate struggle.

ICorruptAllCops (Movie)[2009]

Feature: During the British rule of Hong Kong in 1963-1973, there was a period of darkness. At that time, the corruption and bribery of the police force was an open secret. In the ten years from 1963 to 1973 alone, the amount of corruption committed by Hong Kong police officers reached 10 billion at that time, equivalent to about 500 billion in 2009! As the "emperor" of the entire graft empire, Hong Kong's chief detective Chang Lok (holding a large number of "poisonous snakes and beasts" under his hands not only has the antique boss like Unicorn Wong Wong, Huo QiLin, a hot-blooded gambler, is the key to finding a scapegoat for a variety of misconduct, while Chen XiJiu, the detective, is the only good-hearted man under Lok's brother, Lok brother appreciation. Large organization, all-pervading means, Lok and his brothers live an unbelievably unimaginable life, spend their lives gold and use their own set of "philosophy of life" and huge amounts of money to Hong Kong 99% Of the police dragged the water.On the Lok brother that he can only hand the sky, the establishment of the Independent Commission Against Corruption in Hong Kong by capable Yan Guo Liang () lead a group of young talent, determined to put an end to all corruption and corruption, to restore the Hong Kong government And the police were serious and innocent .And then a thrilling, long-lasting anti-Corruption war kicked off, this is justice and evil The desperate struggle.

TheFoundingofARepublic (Movie)[2009]

Feature: The "Founding of a Republic" tells the story of a series of stories that took place from the end of 1945 to the eve of the founding of 1949. The main theme of the film's preparation reflects the period of time before the founding of new China. The film than the previous theme film has a new breakthrough, some of the little-known stories are mining, performance. Among them there is a deep description of the relationship between father and son.

BodyguardsandAssassins (Movie)[2009]

Feature: 1905, Central, Hong Kong. Revolutionary cults were assassinated. Known that Sun ZhongShan (Zhang Hanyu ornaments) is about to arrive in Hong Kong, the Qing court sent a general Yan XiaoGuo (Hu Jun ornaments) came to exterminate. He bought gambler Shen ChongYang (Donnie Yen) as a secret agent. Coincides with Li ChongGuang (Bo-Chieh Wang), the son of businessman Li YuTang (Wang Xueqi), and his ex-wife Shen Rui (Yuebing Bing) and her young daughter have become other people's families and sadly leave. For the grandson of Sun Yat-Sen, Chen Shao Bai (Tony Leung Ka-fai), director of China Daily, was invited by Simon Yam, the tragedy of the playwright. His daughter Fang Hong (Li Yuchun) survived. Chen ShaoBai captured, met with Yan XiaoGuo, teachers and students break. The death of his only son, parade, and other transgressions led Li YuTang to join the revolution, and led Inspector Shi MiFu (Eric Tsang) to close the newspaper. In the meantime, Li YuTang a driver four (Nicholas Tse ornaments) and her lover A Chun (Zhou Yun ornaments) engagement. Yue Ru Shen ChongYang, want him to abandon the dark speculation. Playing Fang Fang Hong, hawker Wang FuMing (Barthel ornaments), beggar Liu YuBai (Leon Lai ornaments), who also have joined the ranks of protection Sun. A soul-stirring city chase thus start ... ... The film invested 150 million yuan, the history of the first to 1: ...

Priceless (Movie)[2008]

Feature: 20-year-old Sid is a reckless impulsive young man, growing up in a Hong Kong gangster family, his father Guan Ye is a traditional tough guy, strict discipline of their children. Sid was offended to the underworld and forced to flee to Taiwan and hide in the mountains. In the meantime, he met red beans and a group of "Zen Gushan people." I do not know the heights of thick, chaos hit the Sid, and Drum calm and quiet character in sharp contrast. Sid gets along with them day and night and joins their team. Through the percussion, reverberation, the fascinating art, rigorous physical exercise and simple attitude of life in the drum, Sid subtly Sid and let him realize New life experience. However, when her destiny staggered and Sid had to return to her home in Hong Kong, Sid was apparently going to be challenged again. He was forced to choose between being loyal to his family and a brand new self, fighting others or fighting himself.

Eye in the Sky (Movie)[2007]

Feature: Criminal Intelligence Unit tracking team commonly known as the police "paparazzi", these "paparazzi" is characterized by an ordinary appearance, never small, but it is conducive to tracking and surveillance work. They are like "the eyes of the sky," turning their attention to the clues they have collected into the key to finding a solution. "Paparazzi" captain Huang WenZhan led the new He JiaBao and several team members, is tracking a suspect jewelry robbery. Their follow-up target Chen ChongShan, who had planned looters for many times, has a strong vigilance on the part of the police so as to be able to sense the presence of any police officer nearby and prevent him from repeatedly succeeding in the police's pursuit. The alertness of Chen ChongShan has become a big challenge for Huang WenZhan et al. Despite Skynet's recovery, the "paparazzi" surveillance network is being tightened step by step toward Chen ChongShan, but Chen ChongShan's actions are always beyond their expectations. In the busy downtown of Hong Kong, a cat-and-mouse game is going on endlessly. Skynet resurgence, Chen ChongShan eventually fall into the paparazzi tracking network, but the mountain careful paparazzi became the problem, but the paparazzi's ordinary has become the cradle of the mountain.

apple (Movie)[2007]


Bingbing Fan's film "Apple" tells about Liu PingGuo and her husband An Kun are working families from other places in Beijing. A woman is a foot-bathing girl in a footing gym, while a man is working at a height. Window Washers: A job with a higher daily salary. Unexpectedly, Lin Dong, the owner of the lingerie shop, once raped her when she was drunk. This happened to be happening to An Kun who was washing the windows, so he had to negotiate a price and lose his money. Unexpectedly, Lin Dong's wife was snubbed by her husband because of her infertility but actively took sexual relations with An Kun on the grounds that her husband would also wear a green hat and let An Kun retaliate.


We Go Way Back (Movie)[2006]

Feature: Among the many live entertainment films that play homosexuality issues, the film is one of the more optimistic, cheerful and fun. By the director. As a homosexual clothing division, good-hearted, because of accidental lending money to leave home girl became a good sister, but also let her move home, three women live together. Later, Yuan met Lawrence Cheng, a lawyer, and was pregnant. However, Zheng did not want to be responsible and claimed that he would immigrate immigrants. Yuan hugged beam crying and asked him to be a man for a minute, unexpectedly provoked Liang's "sexual interest" unexpectedly. He had feelings of love between men and women for Yuan, and later he volunteered to become a group father Warm little family. On the occasion of showing love to Yuan, Zheng turned back to find Yuan, saying that he had already divorced and had asked Yuan to marry him. Tony Leung Ka-fai feminine performance vivid, is the main piece of the main fun. Though the director's description of the sexual transformation of the beam may not be recognized by "comrades," it is naturally desirable to deal with it.

The Myth (Movie)[2005]

Feature: A brave and fierce Qin general, Meng Yi, was appointed by Qin Shihuang to escort North Korean princess Yu Shu to Qin Fei. On the way, he was ambushed by Zhao Gao, a reverential prime minister. Ambassador Yu Shu held up his hands to protect Princess Yu Shu. With the chariot falling into the waterfall. The same dream has been wrapped around the archaeologist Jie Ke for many years, dreamy white princess Yu Shu princess, but also make him captivated, the more he became fascinated with the antiquities in the Qin Dynasty. One day, friends of Jie Ke, zealously studying supernatural energy, Wei Lian, a scientist who vowed to keep his history, brought new discoveries. He invited Jie Ke to join India in the study of mysterious floating forces. In the sanctuary of Tristar, the worshipers worshiped the suspended coffin in mid-air and the two dumbfounded. Wei Lian dared to take off the gems from the altar, and the coffin immediately lost its buoyancy and fell to pieces. Jie Ke and Wei Wei were guarded by tomb guards and worshipers, and two were separated to escape. Jie Ke, who was distraught and desperate, met Indian girl Sha Man Sha and Sha ManSha took him to a master monk to suspend. The eminent monk sensed that Jie Ke was a fate of past lives Troubled Jie Ke eager to solve the mystery of the dream, decided to leave Sha ManSha back to China, to the former Qin Emperor Xi'an. Wei Lian, who was experiencing relentless extinction at the Museum of Qin Terracotta Warriors and Habitat, Jie excitedly disclosed to Jie Ke that he found the coffin gemstones resistant to gravity and made the buoyant stones his own. Smuggling Gu XianSheng, attached to each other's financial resources, to continue the study, Jie Ke denounced Wei Lian's selfish act; a pair of friends who had died in life as a result of faith back to breaking. Jie Ke took a helicopter to Dangshan and dived into a waterfall in the gorge. The scene was like a dream. On the other hand, Wei Lian traced the trail with high-tech instruments and both broke into a tunnel leading to the Lost Temple. The coveted Yu Princess Shu, living in front of Jie Ke, waited for thousands of years of Yu Shu and finally waited until promised Meng YiJiangJun returned to look for her. At this point, Gu XianSheng actually took over by force of suspended Temple, to be eternal emperors. The enchanted Wei Lian prized the gems off the chaos, and the palaces suddenly lost their buoyancy. Mercury fell straight from the sky and the mercury poured out. When Wei Lian was swallowed by mercury, he urged Jie Ke to finish his research and hand him a piece of ore to Jie Ke. While Yu Shu knew that Jie Ke was not waiting for Meng Yi decided to continue waiting for Monique back. Gu XianSheng then ascend Temple to take elixir, but Nan GongYan pulled down together into the abyss, Gu XianSheng immortality dream broken. Jie Ke floats through the tunnel with its bursts of force that have not disappeared completely, dropping into the canyon's deep pool. When he woke up and found that the water rushed to the canyon pebble beach. Six months later, Jie Ke wrote a book called The Myth.

ThrowDown (Movie)[2004]

Feature: Si TuBao (karaoke manager and band leader), formerly a judo master, somehow relinquished judo and became degenerate and gambling. Contestant belligerent champion Judge Dong Ni () is notorious for the challenge of Si TuBao; A Gang, a fierce rival, was hit by an unfinished match of the year and decided to fight Si TuBao. Si TuBao's teacher Chen Chen has been frail and elderly, with dementia son Ah Ching (), to save this has become a downturn in the judo pavilion, but also to request apprentice to go out to help recruit Judo Hall's reputation. Xiao Meng, a Taiwanese fancier who is bent on becoming a singer, is at odds with an evil agent trying hard to prostitute and can only go to Si TuBao's karaoke bar and be looted by gangsters. Return of hope, the heart of Si TuBao desperation, the secret could no longer hold, and he had an underlying eye disease "retinitis pigmentosa", vision is gradually declining, the current he, leaving only one-tenth Eyesight When the master was killed in the judo for the ideal, Si TuBao's eyes deteriorated and turned blind. His "heart" suddenly saw the clear and bright heart, and the fighting rekindled. He is determined to defeat all his opponents before he sees the last ray of light.

TheHuaduChronicles:BladeoftheRose (Movie)[2004]

Feature: The beginning of the story is full of turbulent atmosphere, the legendary vision have the world: two flowers, the emperor is now, heaven and earth reversed, everything indicates that a world chaos coming. The empress pampered for this purpose, sending a trusted and nicknamed "Wo HuCangLong" rebel leader for the prophecy of the "royal lone star." Tan Tou and Chai Tou, since childhood as the father of Hei MuYe selling a living. Accidentally, inadvertently got treasure map stone from his hand Tao Tao, has been mistaken for the "royal lone star" of the real body, from flying accident. Two people were forced to escape, in order to elution suspects, we must first unlock the mystery of prophecy. Young girl Chun ShiSanShao to sell male slave livelihood, fancy Tan Tou and Chai Tou two people, can sell a good price in the slave market, so looking for opportunities to capture, how to meet the martial arts Lan Ling, two do not fight acquaintance. Lan Ling in order to find out the true imperial "imperial star", hide his mystery to identity, and Tan Tou, Chai Tou and Chun ShiSanShao, team set foot on the desert adventure. At this time, the Zhengyang rebels, already at the very end of the desert, were ready to fight and only waited for the Order of the Lonely Almighty to launch an expedition to launch a "Repentance Jihad" and fight the death of a female emperor. "Huadu Wars", that is, from now on.

A-1頭條 (Movie)[2004]

Feature: Reporter Ling (Angelica Lee ornaments) boyfriend Peter received a criminal case news newspaper, went to forensic en route suddenly suffered a car accident accidental death. Ling felt something strange, after the investigation found a model murder. Female model Helen naked died in the bathtub at home, rich son Zhang Chengzhi there is no evidence not present, but the incident was actually handled by the police low-key, Zhang Chengzhi evidence also been eliminated. Ling did not want her boyfriend to death, vowing to investigate the truth of the incident, but newspaper editor Ceng DaShi (Tony Leung Ka-fai) was reluctant to lend a helping hand. In desperation, Ling had to resort to Fei (Anthony Wong (Hong Kong actor)) and Ma Zai (Greg Gray), who were often debt-collectors, to help her investigate the truth. Fei was originally a police officer. During the investigation, he found that Peter's death was indeed a mystery. As the investigation progressed, the black hands in the dark kept trying to put Ling in a dead end. Could the truth of the incident hit the newspaper's A1 headline? The truth and freedom of speech race starts at midnight in Hong Kong.

Thirty stand (Movie)[2004]

Feature: Three numbers, hidden behind the story of three different age women. On the flight from Hong Kong to Taipei, Xiang Xiang, who was in her early twenties and her colleague, was talking about her emotional life. Xiang Xiang was hard to choose between her two boyfriends - one was a mature doctor, but unfortunately she was a woman The husband; one is a young single recording engineer, but unfortunately not mature enough. In the meantime, Lily, who was in his early forties, was on that plane as well, traveling with her husband and her 17-year-old daughter for a sightseeing trip abroad. On this plane, there is a 20-year-old Xiao Jie. This is Xiao Jie's first solo trip. She came to Taiwan and wanted her to realize her dream as a singer in Taiwan. So the feelings of these three women began to spread in the city ... ... Although the 30-year-old Xiang Xiang has dealt with between the two men, but she did not forget people who live in New York, the former boyfriend, they say no marriage ; And Lily, who was busy with the florist business, had a happy family life. However, once she took her flowers to her home, she witnessed a secret that completely shattered her world and led to her divorce. As for her, Both Xiao Jie from Malaysia and Yi Tong from Hong Kong want to work together as a new singer. Both are dependent on each other and must face the uncertain future together with their dim desires.

GoodTimes, BedTimes (Movie)[2003]

Feature: Qu XiaoQiao RAYMOND leave the main reason is that he has too many women, is that his woman slept in her bed. After leaving him eight hours later, she appeared again at his door, did not ask to return to him, just begging to go back to the bed she was used to. Qu XiaoQiao is the weekly interview director, responsible for each cover story. She braved the bully, it is too heavy boss, the boss can not help but her. Weekly boss haircut in a senior salon, inadvertently heard about "detective" Gao ZhiQiang is a message of sexual incompetence, he was the first time Joe called follow-up. Gao ZhiQiang is the representative of 30,000 police officers. The new version of the police video advertising film "We need such a police" is by him as the protagonist. Repeatedly breaking the high case, when the police force needs a new spokesperson, he leads a team to probe into the black rainstorm warning and felon bandit shootings, shot six bullets to kill six bandits, a bandit escape, High as a hero. But the process of a secret should be unknown. When he confronts with seven culprits, the other party opened fire on him with an AK47 automatic rifle. Bullet string in the high crotch close to the crotch position rubbed. At that moment, high by a great psychological blow, since then can not be humane. However, the case caused him to surge in popularity. The police top hand-picked him as the spokesman for the police force. From then on she was the dream lady of the policewoman and an inevitable guest of the "Police News" program. Xiao Qiao only used a simple interview excuse to know the high, she repeated the temptation of many are high with the method to avoid. Xiao Joe reported to the boss is actually a normal reaction, she wrote an ordinary visit on the delivery. Joe liked high during the interview. Such a detective there is normal sexual ability, and had her reaction, how not to make her heart? While dispatching to Japan to interview the funeral of the Toyo Godfather, Xiao Qiao encountered a little difficulty and borrowed a suicide note to sue a high phone. Six hours later, high appeared outside her hotel room. With high human face, solves the interview Joe's problem. The most important thing is that she knows her nervousness and her synonym is "love her." Joe gave a message to the boss, banker Li Bao and a beautiful woman in a senior spa hotel stolen love, ordered her to immediately follow up. Jiao Qiao Jiao, to help with high. Li Li Lee in the room next door to monitor and monitor Lee's stolen behavior during the natural passionate, Joe found high behavior abnormalities, the last to her confession, to tell the truth of the impotence. Xiao Qiao to concentrate with desires, decisive love does not necessarily need sex. High immediate relief. But easily, whenever Joe sentiment high, unsatisfied from the height, her regret will get bigger and bigger. She can not but relive RAYMOND brought her happiness. RAYMOND is a judge of the Magistrates' Courts. He interrogates those rubbish pests, obstruction of streets and traffic fines as soon as possible every day. When he dies he wants to die, so his pleasure at night is psychological compensation. RAYMOND is about to rise to the District Court, calling him to be near the top of the behavior of convergence, do not appear scandal. During his abstinence, an 18-year-old girl broke into his life.Called A Ta's girl said in court that she was rebuked as male teacher indecent assault, provocative very provocative, the news was distracted, including to attend RAYMOND. A Ta's mouth full of doubt, acquitted teachers. Just because RAYMOND stepped forward to ask her a few words, A Ta from RAYMOND. A Ta fantasy is extremely rich, but also focused on the sexual aspects. She was still a virgin, but would love to give her for the first time to Raymond, whom she believes to represent justice. RAYMOND can be said to play a world of women, but at this moment with this person, but he can not play with. Xiao Joe and RAYMOND also highly depressed, when Joe looks for him to complain, RAYMOND naturally with her to regain a night of pleasure. However, after the sexual satisfaction, the more painful, because at the same time they both feel the blame, minus the sex, their true love is that they can not go to bed two people. RAYMOND as a responsible old boyfriend, Ying Ying to do high skills guidance, but the effect is not satisfactory. The boss asked Joe's troubles and sent another colleague to follow her. During her holiday week, she introduced the cover story of Invisible Detective. High thinks that Joe was betrayed by him, and she did not even have the chance to explain it. In order to maintain the image of the "tough guy" in the police force, the police accused the magazine of defamation. Counsel demands a high degree of physical examination, and Gao only has some "fatalities" in saying that he and some of the features of his body are discredited. Police high-level shock. In court, the police are about to withdraw the complaint, Joe said love declaration, between sex and love, she is willing to choose love. RAYMOND is relatively simple, he decided to marry A Ta, you can justly follow her to bed, there is always hope in life. Xiao Qiao and high real happened a fierce sex. That is Xiao Qiao's fantasy plot. In fact, the police are constantly looking for new remedies. In another black rainy day, high received wiretap, search and escape escaped gangsters, the other still fire, gun shot him knocked down. At that moment, he got down and moved.

GoldenChicken (Movie)[2002]

Feature: In a stormy night of 2002, 45-year-old "chicken" Akin was robbed by Arbon, a mainland Chinese who came to Hong Kong, at the time of checking out the bank account balance. Akin co-produced a bank card, but only the poor 98.2 Hong Kong dollar left. However, she told Abbon to withdraw the money from this card if he still owns 1.8 HKD. And Abang did not have a bank account, his robbery is compelling, such a bitter rainy night, the same lonely Akin and Abang Shuqinbuyan, Akin to Abang about his bitterness over the past 30 years, But also revealed the history and changes of more than 30 years in Hong Kong. In the 1970s, Akin's monthly income was as much as 7,000 Hong Kong dollars for a fish-egg sister while the monthly salary of a bank employee was only 1,680 Hong Kong dollars. In the early 1980s, Regal nightclub as a lady, but stupid pregnant pregnant; economic take-off, her business is also very good, and now the economic downturn, as a member of the people of Hong Kong, she also have to bail out with everyone. When the story was over, Abing looked at Akin and suddenly felt very warm. He returned the bank card to Akin. Both exchanged valuable words and shook hands. The new day, when Akin put the bank card into the ATM again, she found that there was a sudden 900,000 Hong Kong dollar card in the remaining 98 Hong Kong dollar cards. This turned out to be the "lover" who originally borrowed her money With her money back, but also to her life has brought new ideas and hopes.

The Making of Double Vision (Movie)[2002]

Feature: Taipei, bustling metropolitan city, the modern high-tech life and the traditional Chinese faith for thousands of years co-exist. In this indifferent city, people believe that ghosts are as real as tall buildings. The city is full of traffic, the crowd exchanges shuttle, a physically and mentally impaired police officers are wrestling with the unknown mysterious devil, threatened not only his life, but also his soul. The world of police officer Huang HuoTu is gradually torn apart. Two years ago, Huang HuoTu was beaten to cold limbs by exposing his colleagues for embezzlement. His colleagues were angrily opposed to him and his wife Qing Fang could not stand the long-term absence from his home and demanded divorce. At the moment, three bizarre murders have shaken the entire police force. The three victims have no correlation with each other's identity, but Fa Yi, who was on a post-mortem examination, found a mysterious black mold together in the brain of three deceased persons, all of whom died in an illusory state. Obviously this is done by successive murderers and is the first time in Taiwan's history. The police responsible for the investigation also lacked the expertise in this area. Under the atmosphere of panic in the community, the top leaders turned to the United States, the best ally in Taiwan. The FBI sent an expert Kai Wen LaiTe who specializes in such cases to come and help. With the participation of foreigners, Huang HuoTu did something, though he found himself in a very unlucky position. Li FengBo, his former case-control partner, warned him that if he helped the Americans solve the case, the entire police station would be again shamed and the consequences would probably not be merely a result of the Cold War. But Huang HuoTu intuition as a detective is far more than his political judgment, he and Wright soon start the case, thus making the case a lot of progress. Then the shocking discovery came about. They found that the murderer was murdered on the basis of an ancient and rare Taoist image and that the purpose of immortality was achieved by sending evil people into five cruel and horrible hellings and this also foreshadowed that there would be more Victim appears. For Huang HuoTu, this seems to imply that somewhere supernatural powers are manipulating everything, but Wright, who values ​​practical science, can not agree. In the end they are looking for an evil serial killer or a life-threatening ghost. When another bloody piece of evidence reappears, they seem to have to accept the possibility of both hypotheses.

GuaShaTreatment (Movie)[2001]

Feature: The story takes place in the city of St. Louis, on the Mississippi River in central America. Xu DaTong () Come to the United States for eight years, a successful career, family happiness. At the annual industry awards ceremony, he was excited to tell you: I love the United States and my American dream has finally come true! However, Xu DaTong was awakened by an accident that followed. Dennis, a five-year-old man, was in a terrible fever. At home, grandfather (), who was unable to understand the English instructions on the drug, used Denying treatment with Chinese folk-custom scraping therapy. This was the result of Xu DaTong's abuse of children after an accident at Denis evidence of. In court, witnesses and testimonies one after another unexpectedly made Xu DaTong unable to argue. Western theories based on anatomy can not explain Chinese medicine through word of mouth. In the face of prosecutor's "new explanation" of traditional Chinese culture and ethics, Xu DaTong eventually lost his calmness and sanity ... The judge announced that he would deprive Xu DaTong of his custody and would not allow him to meet his son. Xu DaTong moved out of her home to allow her son to remain at home and be taken care of by her mother, Xu DaTong from her exasperation and conflict with her friend Quinlan. From her father's decision to return home, Xu DaTong from Denis was stolen from the custody of the child custody at the airport. The wanted Xu DaTong, with her son's escape and the heavily guerrilla police, went on a chase and chanted "Happyly" to enjoy the moment when her father and son rejoiced in the fugitive. The separation of father and son, the separation of husband and wife, the breakup of friends, the loss of work ... Continued catastrophe nightmare come, a beautiful happy family has become fragmented in the blink of an eye, years of hard work, thinking that the dream has been achieved by this fall from heaven Lawsuit crushed completely. Shabby apartment in the slum area, the co-sat together secretly couple drunk, crying. On Christmas Eve, Xu DaTong reunited with great eagerness. Only desperately dressed as "Santa Claus," they climbed quietly from the water pipes outside the apartment building to the high 10th floor - the windows of their home. The result was a police car Whistling to.

OkinawaRendez-vous (Movie)[2000]

Feature: As soon as she woke up, he suddenly realized that she no longer loved the vanguard vine around him and decided to take away a large sum of money from Ito, but the money was intended to be redeemed from the international thief Tang Jie With a secret gangster diary, Tang could not get any money, but he just met Luo HongDa and his girlfriend Sandy, the Flying Tigers who came to Okinawa for vacation. Luo recognized Tang as one of the top ten most wanted culprits and would like to take this opportunity to arrest him in order to gain the promotion. So he pretended to cooperate with Tang to burgle a bank in Okinawa, but he needed to use the house next door to carry out blasting, and Jenny lived there, so some kind of coincidence was a decision that the three had to face the imminent Everything, and they fell in love with erratic Jenny, all things become complicated.

Jiang hu: The Triad Zone (Movie)[2000]




TheVictim (Movie)[1999]

Feature: In 1967, Mountain View Hotel murdered. The owner is a like to play calligraphy and painting, listening to old songs and drinking, he first killed his wife after drunk, and three-year-old son swallowed rat poison to commit suicide. Today, in 1999, computer printing specialist Ma Wenxin was abducted by mysterious bandits after get off work, but his family and girlfriend Amy did not receive any blackmail. Two days later found in the Mountain View letter was inverted room, body injuries. When Wen Xin was rescued, his temperament became weird, his temper became irritable, and his habits of drinking and listening to old songs began to slowly become infected. Amy worried about this, decided to go to his haunted house to detect the truth, Agent Pit took over the investigation of the case, he went to the haunted house with Amy, was letter to misunderstand their relationship, the three clashes. On the other hand, Pit found mysterious blood stains on the backseat of the Wen-Shun car. Various clues made Pit suspected that Vincent and the culprits conspired with stealing counterfeit banknotes. As he rushed to the scene, Wen Xin escaped in a chaotic gunfight as a result of bandits and Wen Xin coaxing. Wen letter holding money to go home and want to fly away with Amy, but was Amy refused and advised him to surrender ... File 1: Murder wife and children Date of case: July 15, 1967 The deceased: Ou Bingtong, Lu Yanxia and his three year-old son Prisoners: Ou Bing with the incident after: the same day at 12 o'clock? Ou Bing Tong because of suspected wife Lu Yanxia have an affair? First kill his wife? Then suicide with the three-year-old son swallowed rat poisoned. When found three bodies lying in bed with the body? Deadly horrible. The wall of the room is written on the five words of blood forever. Streaming sound machine is now willing to play a song forever. Scene: Mountain View Hotel. File II: Kidnapping Ma Wenxin Date of Issue: August 5, 1999: Ma Wensin Inmate: Unknown? To be investigated after the incident: 8 o'clock that night? Marvin letter to the parking lot to drive home. In the car by two mysterious Meng face bandit attack from behind? Hit him in a coma and drag it onto a pick-up truck. Ma Wenxin kidnapped audio after all? None of his family members and co-girlfriend Fu Qian received any blackmail. Agent Pitt discovered the mysterious blood in his car. Pitt two days later? Amy and Ding Genjun had taken place in the mountain view hotel found Marvin was inverted hanging in the room? Body scars. Ma letter since the temperament drastic change? All day long suddenly? Noise? Show Lu fierce light. Crime scene: parking? Mountain View Hotel. File 3: kidnapping Fu Qian people Date of issue: August 16, 1999 Victim: Fu Qian prisoners: unknown? To be investigated after the incident: 6:30 on the same day? Fu Qian people after work similar to their friends shopping. Suddenly a minivan rushed onto the pavement? Two mysterious Meng face criminals get off Fu Qiandao pull the pickup truck away. None of his family members and co-resident boyfriend Ma Wenxin received any blackmail after Fu's abduction. Agent Pitt discovered the mysterious blood in his car. Two days later, bandits released Fu Qianren unconditionally. Fu qian was not during any injuries. The scene: Argyle Street. File 4: Kidnapping Chairman of the HKMA Case Date: August 20, 1999 Victims:Chairman of the HKMA and his wife suspected: Marvin Chan and several unidentified bandits after the incident: 10 am on the same day? The Chairman of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority is dining at his residence's club. Two strangers stepped forward to ask him to go with them to a place? Two strangers also come up with accessories that their wife has always worn on her body. The chairman could not leave with them. He went to see after the wife was held hostage in a lost family car? President also forced to get on a private car? Was taken criminals. After the chairman and his wife were abducted? His relatives did not receive any blackmail. Police suspect the bandits kidnapped chairman not for ransom? But another purpose. Scene: Ya Mingju Club.

Love Will Tear Us Apart (Movie)[1998]

Feature: Li, a Chinese psychologist who, in the process of treating Ayu, a Chinese girl suffering from depression, had a love affair with Ayu. He abandoned the family and both elope to Paradise Island. Li put down the burden of psychology authority and moral model, Fall in love with A Yu, father-like care and warmth so that A Yu's health recovery soon. But soon Lee began to play the role of man's savior savior, so that A can not stand, she began to refuse to reveal their voices. Lee ignored all this. Lee's son David was asked by his mother to find his father, and A Yu at first sight. Lee witnessed his son and lover affectionate scene, mental disorders. Ah Yu gave birth to Lee's children, but she resolutely left the father and son, chose an independent path.

BlackGold (Movie)[1997]

Feature: Fang GuoHui, head of the mobile survey team of Bureau of Investigation, was able to get revenge when he and his men were vilifying themselves against the video games run by Zhou ChaoXian (Tony Leung Ka-fai) on the underground casinos Court, but the judge was bought, Zhou ChaoXian was acquitted in court. Hou BuZhang (Li-Chun Lee), who was linked to the black gold, secretly pressured the investigation bureau to order Fang GuoHui to take a break and stop the investigation of Zhou ChaoXian. In order to further control Taiwan's politics, Zhou ChaoXian publicly stated at the press conference that he is going to quit the party to become a member of the Legislative Yuan, and that he wants to run against the leader of the gang, Ding Zongshu, who is running for the party. On the occasion of depression, Ling Fei (Annie Wu (actress)), a female television reporter, and Encouragement of Ministry of Justice Feng Min returned to work, but were gazed at by Ding Zongshu, who wanted to kill him before remarrying Zhou ChaoXian .

MeetingintheDark (Movie)[1996]

Feature: 1932 a blustery night, Shanghai Ji Zhe Xu met in a smoke shop in black woman. The whereabouts of a woman is uncertain, and she claims to be a ghost. After several appointments, Xu Xiangu love the table, the woman said that hell, rejected him. Some people jumped to commit suicide strangely, witnesses said there are ghosts, Xu half-confident, to find the whereabouts of the smoke shop. Tobacco shop folks gossips, only woman and two years ago four road love killings. With the assistance of his colleagues, Xu found out that there was an anarchy in which a man and a woman were involved and the female and male were injured. The woman later disappeared without any cause. Xu four to find Zhang, the two finally re-encounter in the church. The woman was really impressed by Xu, telling her that she was born in a big family, her actions and thoughts were bound by her until she met a man who joined the non-governmental organization and pursued her freedom and ideals together to make her life better Major changes. Her lover was killed while in the organization. The woman found the real culprit and forced one of them to commit suicide. The other one, the buddy of the shop, finally died under the woman's gun. However, the woman can not get rid of the shackles of her feelings and has disappeared from the boundless crowd.

NanJingdejidu (Movie)[1995]

Feature: The story happened in the winter of 1900. Gang ChuanLongYiLang, a famous Japanese writer, was once amazed at Okanagan when he was studying in China and discovered the brothel prostitutes on both sides of Qinling River in Nanjing. In a narrow alley of Ou Xiang courtyard Gangchuan met a girl Jin Hua, immediately attracted by her elegant and delicate temperament, from the doomed Okamochi and Jin Hua in the days to be filled with love and hate The bumpy course. From acquaintance to love, just a few days, Okazawa and Jin Hua's love fire has been raging, to the point where out of control. When Okazawa returns to Japan, Jin Hua waits for no return of his lover, only to place his spirit in the illusion of the true God of Christ and pray day and night to compensate for the loss of self-suffering ......

Kuangyeshengsilian (Movie)[1995]

Feature: For the first time, Ding Ping, a romantic art director, tried gangster films for the first time. For the first time, Rosamund Kwan, glamorous and elegant, also played the role of a bad woman specializing in men's money for the first time. However, police Tony Leung Ka-fai and drug lords Michael Wong actor) are invariably obsessed with her. Plot description The new drug dealer Michael Wong (actor) to monopolize the market, but collusion investment company manager misappropriation of corporate funds drug trafficking, with the exception of the manager obsessed, the first part of the funds allocated to her name. The incident came to an end, the manager committed suicide, Wang suspected of misappropriating the entire money swallowed opportunistic close to her, because of her possession of the evidence and forced her to do undercover to collect evidence of the king's drug. Between the three by the mutual use into a delicate love triangle. The effect of the film's picture is full of colors, which is very different from the gloomy low-key of general gangster films. However, there are still many commercial elements that are used to chase after salvage and other types of films.

AshesofTime (Movie)[1994]

Feature: Ouyang Feng left home on the day his brother married, because Da Sao is his favorite woman. He lives in a desert town, runs a hotel and is looking for a killer business for others. Merry swordsman Huang YaoShi is a friend of Ou YangFeng, every year to drink with Feng. He is both obsessed with the friend's wife, Tao Hua, and also crush Ouyang Feng's sister-in-law. Murong Yan because Huang YaoShi drunk words fell in love with Huang YaoShi, but because of lover's heart and heartbroken, she fantasy into Mu RongYan request Ou YangFeng kill Huang Yao Shi, but always under heartless. Mang WuShi, the husband of Tao Hua, wandered around knowing his wife was in love with someone else. He only wanted to see his wife again before she was blind, but eventually killed the horse thief. Hong Qi for Gu Nv Kill the enemy but only get an egg, and finally he went to his wife with a wife, Hong Qi let Ou YangFeng understand that everything can be so simple. After Tao Hua learned of her husband's death, she left Huang Yao Shi forever. Huang Yao Shih brought Yao Yang's "Drunk Dream" wine to Da Yang before his death, while Huang Yao Shi and Ou Yang Feng drank "Drunk Dreams," Huang Yao Shih forgot everything, and Ou YangFeng remembered it clearer.

ItsaWonderfulLife (Movie)[1994]

Feature: Hong Kong millionaire Ren DaKuan a family of four generations, helpless "generation gap" separated by the constant trouble at home. On the day of the winter solstice, Mrs. Ren knelt in front of the Buddha statue, praying for the blessing of her son, Qiu Fu, and her granddaughter, and blessing her son Qiu Gui to stop stuttering and vindictiveness with her father; Bless three daughter Qiu An early return from France to study. Soon, Qiu An returned to bring back a high nose, yellow hair Luo BoTe, which has been pursuing Qiu An cousin Xiao Zhong dissatisfaction. In fact, Luo BoTe is Qiu An invited to deal with cousin, Ren DaKuan on the behavior of Qiu An extremely angry. Ask them to go to school with her comic books drawn by her brother Qiu Gui. He ShouZhen, director of the training course, found that she thought her comic book was not well-conscious and required her to come to school. Reluctantly, to find Qiu Gui posing as his father, Qiu Gui and He ShouZhen a dispute, go away. Luo BoTe helped Qiu Fu come up with her idea and act as female nanny to get in touch with Yue Rong, feeling like the couple is getting better. Qiu Gui and Shou Jie increasingly close, Shou Jie sister Shouzhen know, come to find "begging his father" account, but also misunderstood with his wife, Xiao Zhong Shouzhen love at first sight. After Luo BoTe came, every single person in Ren family had inadvertently changed his life. The end of the year, Luo BoTe leave. New Year's Eve thirty, ren sheng tears in the face of family dinner table, Ren DaKuan also regret their weekday children too harsh, lack of love. At this moment, the doorbell rang and Luo BoTe went back and made a public proposal to Qiu An. Ren LaoYe Laughing in the family, his son and grandchildren put their handwritten "rich house, love-based" red couplets hung to the hall.

Jinxiuqiancheng (Movie)[1994]

Feature: Rong () and failure Hui () are two typical middle and lower small. Rong to love the title of killer killer, but unfortunately many of his girlfriend are ignorant girl, after a while will leave him, return to reality. As Hui is a man as his name, all things are afraid to go all out, I am afraid failure. Served as an insurance broker Wing, was dismissed because of non-compliance with the rules of the game was dismissed, coupled with frustrated love affair shamelessly first love girlfriend Li (), and lending to the old branch Hui Macau Bo, the last defeat and back. At this moment, he met the rumor with Hui that Rosemund, a black-lover, aspired to start her career through her relationship and encouraged her to start her pursuit. How could Hui-hui had always been in love with the wisdom of working in a nursing home? ), But always failed to express their thoughts. Rong only personally, and won the heart of Rosemund, but he actually found himself in love with her. But has not been feeling good for the elderly Hui, but for the relationship between Hui, willing to take over the nursing home. Rong and Hui from different situations, eventually learned the true meaning of business and love ......

Niannianyoujinri (Movie)[1994]

Feature: Zhong YouCheng (Tony Leung Ka-fai) needs to travel to Lantau for work. Because of the typhoon relationship to stay in the island, at this time he met the same trapped girl's wisdom (Anita Yuen ornaments). At first sight, the two men are married and their wives will be married in two weeks and still can not stop their love fire. Sincerity and wisdom knowing that they are unable to get rid of all the old age in the family, but feel each other's listening is a liberation of their own hearts, they decided to come to this island every year the day together. After that, they will return to their old places for a good night regardless of the fine weather. During their conflict with honest son, they also jointly meet the birth of a child born in the heart. Until the twenty-first meet, there is a sincere message to his heart that his wife has decided to emigrate, this may be the last time to meet ...

Qingrendeqingren (Movie)[1994]

Feature: Old skin and Lin ZhaoXiong and his wife Chen CaiXia as a multi-year old friend, both have an affair, care for the old generation of skin to monitor and collect evidence, and Lin ZhaoXiong also know lover Sun RuoYing another lover, so one of Sun RuoYing A move, Lin's couple well aware. Lao Pei learned that Sun RuoYing's fiancé Guo YuQing flew into the United States four months before Sun RuoYing's death, visited Sun RuoYing, and LaoPi thought he was unable to borrow and failed due to Sun RuoYing's allegiance. Lin ZhaoXiong outside the new knot, so move the machine two-fold reasoning was overthrown, the third suspected Chen CaiXia, but Chen CaiXia evidence refuted, and finally, the old skin finally found the murderer, the case to be pale, Chen CaiXia Innocent ...

Shenlongdushengzhiqikaidesheng (Movie)[1994]

Feature: Talking that hegemony descendant Ren TianChou gambling king to win the honorary reputation of the son of Gambler challenge Sha SanShao, three-game winning streak gambler contest. Unfortunately, Sha San Shao is a good man and a lazy guy. She just wanted to be a gambler. After the first round of fiasco, she decided to look for Xu Gaolong, a Chinese gambler, to help out. Only fear of any sentinel killer came to the line, so Sha House steward Mei Mei sister invited to explore robe and strange man Yi ZhiMei to help protect. However, it may require a huge amount of remuneration before the race is over, but the Sha family has its way home. Its sister is very lazy by the United States and small, and the financial power falls on his hand, Mrs Lu Sha San Shao. Sha San Shao Match to play, often stolen God secret 笈 Unfortunately, reactive but also. In the end, it was mistakenly hit and Sha Sha Shao was unable to race. However, the second and third rounds of the event were launched immediately. In the face of Ren TianChou superb gambling, robe has been at a disadvantage, to the emergency, he suddenly ...

Perfect Exchange (Movie)[1993]

Feature: Qian WenDi (Andy Lau), a gifted athlete, lied to Liu YaoZu in a bad bet and was captured on the spot. Liu YaoZu was captured on the spot by his aunt, Lily (Christy Chung), and assistant A Zhi The threat of forcing Vivian to do one thing for him is to go to jail to defraud the convict Kwan Hoi-san's trust and find a hiding place for the 300 million yuan of bonds. Wendy had no choice but to jail for Liu YaoZu work in prison, he met with his grudge Yu Jing Zhong ChuXiong (Tony Leung Ka-fai), Zhong ChuXiong await retaliation against Wendy, so bad , Wendi would not be able to complete his task at all. However, the time limit for Liu YaoZu to give him was approaching. He also learned that Rubin Sun was the true owner of a 300-million-yuan bond and was framed by his in-law Liu Yao-zu He only explained the truth to Zhong ChuXiong and awakened his sense of justice. The three men joined forces to deal with Liu YaoZu.

Nerve knife and tmall (Movie)[1993]


Big fly knife han chong matchs small fly knife han Lin, with big SAO erniang, the younger sister small charm wind bell, mutually adores, but actually mutually fights each other. The size of the flying knives to catch the theft to earn a living, but often size coquetted away their loot. Cao, a rich businessman, paid a high price to trap the ninetail fox, the world's first major thief, and designed four great dead thieves to catch the size of the flying knife so that he could get there first. The nine-tailed fox's wife, the flying cat is a formidable role, and the martial arts, the size of coquettish attack was caught unfortunately, fortunately small and small flying knife to save each other, so four of the force to catch the nine-tailed fox, but was eventually schemed to escape the nine-tailed fox. And the flying cat even more by color lure han chong, who anticipate meets the breeze two niang this vinegar lady, then starts a fierce fight. In this case, han Lin was captured by a large number of Japanese ninjas, and the wind chimes rushed out of the newspaper. At this time, the public knew that he was the enemy of cao zhiwei, head of the east factory. At last, with the help of the drunk man, they finally defeated cao's enemies, and the lovers finally got married. Size fly knife Han Chongji nephew Han Lin made steal the receiving of the reward for a living, while both SeYi big wind coquettish ErNian Han Chong admire already a long time, because Korea don't understand amorous feelings, to great coquettish for love begets hatred, with little sister coquettish bells everywhere and size of fly knife, a wind ErNian learned businessman cao w high trapping world a bandit nine-tailed fox, attentively trapped enmeshed with size, so that they get ahead, the nine-tailed fox's wife flying cat is also a powerful role, size coquettish sneak attack by captured, thanks to fly knife less size, and the resultant force grabbed the nine-tailed fox, but the nine-tailed fox scheming, escaped the midway, four people chasing all the way, Again against flying cats in a brothel, flying cats want to seduce Han Chong, wind ErNian jealous, scattered and two women, at this time, cao w led a large number of Japanese ninja arrived, will go Han Lin catch, and then just know Cao Naidong factory heads of cao predators, because the nine-tailed fox inadvertently stolen his traitorous of evidence, he then desperate after the nine-tailed fox, after the truth, the unity, in wulin predecessors under the help of wasted man with cao predators do or die...


TheKingofChess (Movie)[1991]

Feature: The story takes place in Taiwan in the 90s. Ding YuMei (杨林 ornaments), the hostess of the television station, is facing a crisis of being fired because of the poor ratings of the program "Prodigy World", so she asked Hong Kong friend Cheng Ling (John Shum) to help plan Do a Chess Prodigy program to restore the ratings. At this time, they met a boy named Wang ShengFang, who had the specific function of predicting the future, which made everyone see hope ... Cheng Ling was often interrupted by his memories during the search for the chess king - Period, he followed cousin Ni Bin (Shijie Jin) to participate in the vigorous intellectual youth uphill to the countryside movement. On the train, they got to know Wang YiSheng (Tony Leung Ka-fai), who was obsessed with playing chess and A Cheng (Yim Ho), who came from the art school. After that, they encountered a series of troubles on the farm and Wang YiSheng Neglect and jail, thanks to Ni Bin with "heirloom" - a chess to use to send gifts to clear, to help him weather the storm. Later, with the help of everyone, Wang YiSheng took part in a special battle of chessmen and the result was unexpected ... The film is based on the novel by the famous writer A Cheng.

Love is in the season of other township (Movie)[1990]

Feature: Guangdong in the spring of 1988. Li Hong repeatedly applied to go to the United States, but each time she refused because of her too beautiful or single refusal. So she married a teacher Mr. Zhou Nansheng, gave birth to a child and finally got a visa. When she first arrived in the United States, she kept writing to hope to go home, and Nanxun urged her to persevere. In the final letter, she asked Nam Sang to go through the divorce immediately. The following spring, NanShi sneaked into New York City to find Li Hong, though he suffered so much, he kept looking for it. Midway met the fifteen-year-old Chinese native Jane, out of compassion, she was driving to help find a red south. Looking for the process, they learned that Li Hong lived in the United States this year the basement, was almost raped, but also to marry the old owner for the green card, the results of money have been jailed, life extremely bitter. Survive by Arnold Pimp alive, his parents want him to go on, do not come back. In the summer of 1989, South Health found Li Hong. But she changed, New York completely changed him. And South Health will always stay in the United States.

Kujakuô: Ashuradensetsu (Movie)[1990]

Feature: The dispute between the demon and the goddess stretches for thousands of years. Mankind has always repressed the demon by the Buddha, and the devil reawaken by the hellish virgin A XiuLuo. A XiuLuo has an innocent and lively naughty nature, but it leads to humanity A catastrophe A XiuLuo's friends Kong Que and Ji XiangGuo, as well as Lun XingNi, Lun YueNi, Lun GuangNi three gods together in the heavens Wuxu Wicked, but Wicked and the devil too much, and demon law, they are not each other's opponents, thanks to get A XiuLuo's help, kill them with fire. The three nun came to the temple with A XiuLuo to see their Master Ci Kong. Master Ci Kong tried to shut her into the reclining Buddha twice with the Dharma, but A XiuLuo fought with death, failing both times. Master Qiu let him live in the world, the master promised to give her seven days in the world of life and send apprentice Ji XiangGuo and Kong Que guard A XiuLuo a week to require her to come back after seven days. A XiuLuo playing with friends in the sunshine in the human play. Gui Fei in the demon world in order to draw A XiuLuo infuriating and replace its position in the demon world, ordered his men to grab A XiuLuo six ghosts, but grabbed Kong Que and the ghost. Kong Que Manqueurism was Gui Fei with Xuanbing sealed in hell, although the opera was sealed, but escaped from hell to earth, and found the inventor's sister Zhen. To save the ghost, A XiuLuo and Ji XiangGuo track Zhen all the way to Hong Kong. They rescued the juggernaut from Zhen's home. The ghost spent a day hungry and steal the food in Zhen's home, angered Zhen's brother. Ji XiangGuo had to go to the street to buy food to pay for it. Zhen also out of goodness A XiuLuo to the streets to buy clothes. A XiuLuo to the street, the sun, mana greatly reduced. In the evening, six ghosts came to Zhen's home to arrest A XiuLuo and was knocked back by three rounds. The next day, the six ghosts took the ghost, and Gui Fei applied a technique to it. He went back and took away the infuriating A XiuLuo while A XiuLuo was asleep. A XiuLuo later discovered that the ghost was Gui Fei magic to suck her infuriating, so remove the ghost body art, came to hell with Gui Fei liquidation, Ji XiangGuo and three rounds followed. Three rounds were killed by Gui Fei, but A XiuLuo and Ji XiangGuo rescued Kong Que. The three men together to kill Gui Fei with Kong Que Dafa.

TheLastEmperor (Movie)[1986]

Feature: The film is adapted from the oral. Although the Qing Dynasty, the last emperor in China, had once been the emperor of the world, the puppet emperor of the puppet Manchuria, had a queen, a concubine and two honored men, he never had a real life in his first half of life Fun and family happiness. During the war and during his term of service, the death and departure of his four "wives" finally became solitary "loners" when he was granted an amnesty and out of jail. After receiving the remodeling, Pu Yi returned to Beijing and was interviewed by Premier Zhou and determined to be an ordinary but useful person. As a common citizen of New China, this former emperor started his new life. Pu Yi and nurse Li ShuXian love, and become married, from profound feelings. "Cultural Revolution", was seized, with the sick of the sick accompanied her husband. Pu Yi hospitalized due to illness, when the Princess Royal Fook people to avoid being criticized, to Pu Yi issued a certificate already out of the relationship with him; Pu Yi with excitement and self-blame wrote the "already out of relations," the text. Pu Yi was cremated after death, becoming the only one "fire dragon."

The last emperor (Movie)[1986]

Feature: The film is adapted from the oral. Although the Qing Dynasty, the last emperor in China, had once been the emperor of the world, the puppet emperor of the puppet Manchuria, had a queen, a concubine and two honored men, he never had a real life in his first half of life Fun and family happiness. During the war and during his term of service, the death and departure of his four "wives" finally became solitary "loners" when he was granted an amnesty and out of jail. After receiving the remodeling, Pu Yi returned to Beijing and was interviewed by Premier Zhou and determined to be an ordinary but useful person. As a common citizen of New China, this former emperor started his new life. Pu Yi and nurse Li ShuXian love, and become married, from profound feelings. "Cultural Revolution", was seized, with the sick of the sick accompanied her husband. Pu Yi hospitalized due to illness, when the Princess Royal Fook people to avoid being criticized, to Pu Yi issued a certificate already out of the relationship with him; Pu Yi with excitement and self-blame wrote the "already out of relations," the text. Pu Yi was cremated after death, becoming the only one "fire dragon."

Journey Of The Doomed (Movie)[1985]

Feature: Water (Fu Shin-yu) was originally the illegitimate daughter of the Grand Prince, who lived in the brothel, the second prince (Tony Leung Ka Fai) want to use water to expose the Prince Edward scandal in order to seek the throne. The Grand Prince did not hesitate to send a murderer to assassinate the children, while the second prince ordered Yan ShiSan (Mok Cong), Lian Fei Xia (Candice Yu) and escort the water back to the palace. Two batches of people fighting along the way, water Wu Wu (Dong Wei) to help avoid the harsh seclusion deserted village, but two different personalities often cause conflicts ......

TheBurningofYuanMingYuan (Movie)[1983]

Feature: 1852, was born in Huanmen, quite magnificent Magnolia was chosen into the palace, booklets for the noble. However, due to Magnolia's Yehnara family and Aixinjueluo family have resentment, and failed to get the attention of Emperor Xian Feng. Magnolia hard to get into the plan, and finally to a sad little bit attracted Xian Feng, and then won the favor. Later, clever Magnolia, often accompanied by the emperor. A year later, Magnolia was born as Zai Chun and was renamed as Yi Chaofei by Xian Feng. Its status in the palace has been similar to that of the Queen. At this point, the Qing Dynasty inside and outside the country, the crisis everywhere. Britain, France and other eight allied forces attacked Guangzhou, Tianjin, Beijing directly after, the court up and down a chaos. Xian Feng Adopts Yi Chaofei advocacy and orders Prince Seng GeLinQin to lead her troops. Baliqiao a war, Qing defeated North, all war soldiers were killed. Xian Feng, led by concubine and Minister Su Shun, fled to Rehe, leaving his brother Prince Gong, Yi Xin, to negotiate with foreigners in Beijing. Rehe line palace, Xian Feng ignored the government, still from all day looking for fun, the signature on behalf of the princess by Yi Yi. Arrogant and arrogant British and French troops bullied their stupid, relied on foreign gun artillery, scored Beijing. Burning, looting and looting all over the place, making no mistake and looting the world-famous "Park of the Ten Parks" of Yuanmingyuan all at one stroke.

Renpidenglong (Movie)[1982]

Feature: Hui as the underworld man, lucky, followed by an old man pointing, looking for Si Po. With the help of Si Po, Hui know past life. Hui before the law as a lawyer, Su Xiong for mafia business Xiong. Hui and Su Xiong mistress Hong Ling Hui Xian's older sister Xiao FuRong fall in love, Hui Xian Hui affectionate, repeated flirtatious, but Fai heart belongs, unmoved. Su Xiong also covet Hibiscus beauty. One day, Hui Xian met Hibiscus vinegar in the Hui family greats, want to kill Hibiscus, Hui blocked, entangled, Hui Xian stumble or die. Desire to expose Su Xiong evil behavior, for male discovery, was miserably killed, Furong also suicide for refusing to be humiliating. Su Xiong furious, will Huixia mantra, Hui Shi Shi unlucky, but also the soul of Hibiscus received in the lantern. Hui know the previous happenings, find Su Xiong regain the lantern, release the soul of Hibiscus, Fai twists and turns, dangerous, during the hunt by Hui Xian was even more fortunate Hibiscus ghosts and detectives package Qingguang help, Kyrgyzstan, successfully punished Su Xiong and Hui Xian ghosts. Unfortunately, Furong was rescued by Su Xiong Suffer to Soul Scatter, leaving only Hui grief.

Chengjianlishi (Movie)[1969]

Feature: Wu Hanzhong lost his wife in early years, an independent raising four children: Little East, Little South, Little West there is a small North. Hanzhong's sudden death due to illness, he felt free of charge, so he would like to see the children in their lifetime to get married, so pretend to let the daughters go home with her boyfriend. Or single daughters had to find someone posing as her boyfriend. Xiao Dong found a male prostitute Xie Shai, Xiao Nan found a triad bully, Xiaoxi found is a pure man. At this time, Hanzhong's former girlfriend learned that Hanzhong's well-developed body and cancer had wanted to be his wife. All the sons and daughters saw her, only taking into account his father's time. And they also have true feelings for their fake boyfriends.

HeadlineHunters (Movie)[1955]

Feature: Newspaper editor assigned internship student David to experienced reporter Hu Hu as an assistant. David has always admired Hugh's professionalism but, close to the idol, he sadly found the idol has become a cynical and unprofessional journalist. And Hugh also can not see David's idealism. In a murder case, David struggled to keep Hugh and self.

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