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Herman Yau TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Herman Yau Works 35 ,And Crime 11 ,Feature 10 ,Terror 10 ,Action 9 ,Suspense 7 ,Comedy 5 ,Romance 5 ,Thriller 5 ,时装1 ,警匪1 ,Fantasy 1 ,Biopic 1 ,Animation 1 。

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Herman Yau Filmography(35)


家和万事惊 (Movie)[2019]


由 Francis Ng 饰演的一家之主为了将财富保值,不惜挪用所有积蓄和 Fu Qin 的棺材本,买下周边嘈吵且高楼龄的一层楼,和 Anita Yuen 饰演的妻子及儿女、老父一家五口住在一起供楼捱穷,承受了不少生活困难和压力,幸好他们通过家中唯一的一扇窗,能够望向远处的美妙海景,使他们在繁杂的生活中得到一丝慰藉。没想到有一天,海景被高楼上的广告牌遮挡,失去海景的一家人有如到了世界末日,为了寻回那片难得的安宁, Francis Ng 决定承担起一家之主的责任,和广告牌的主人斗智斗勇,展开了一个乌龙搞笑的复仇故事。

扫毒2:天地对决 (Movie)[2019]


毒品市场维持四分天下的格局已久,幼时父亲因毒品去世又亲眼目睹自己的儿子也因毒品坠楼身亡的 Yu ShunTian 为了让香港不再有毒贩,以毒攻毒,策划的一连串黑吃黑事件企图“毒霸”香港毒品市场,警员 Lin ZhengFeng 便带着他的扫毒行动组全力追缉毒犯。后林警官的女儿因朋友被毒品害死而向慈善家兼金融巨子 Yu ShunTian 求助,他悬赏一亿追杀香港最大毒贩,此举在社会上引起轩然大波。原来, Yu ShunTian 和 Di Zang 有着不可告人的同门关系,一场天地对决一触即发。在二十年的同门情谊面前,兄弟二人又将如何面对这场“毒局”?与此同时, Lin ZhengFeng 妻子、同事在执行缉毒任务时被吸毒者和毒贩残忍杀害,背负着丧妻之痛的他也将与毒贩们展开殊死对决。


The Leaker (Movie)[2018]


The story of the film “The Leaker”: The new Zika virus is raging. Malaysian pharmaceutical company Amanah exclusively sells the special effects drug MD5, saving countless people. However, Zhang Rishan, the chairman of the company, had no peace. The eldest son was killed and the second son was missing. This revolves around a series of evil incidents that occurred in Zhangjiao, all of which were caused by Zhang Tianshan's treacherous secrets. Francis Ng and Julian Cheung acted as Hong Kong and Malaysian police officers in the film respectively. The two were dragged by the journalist, played by Charmaine Sheh. The trio and the gangsters started their desperate pursuit.


77 Heartbreaks (Movie)[2017]

Feature: Taking a pair of lovers who love each other for nine years as a starting point, Zhang ZhiSi accidentally discovered a "heart broken diary" left by Lv HuiXin and discovered that he had long neglected the feelings of being surrounded by his lover. Wrong Zhang ZhiSi to restore, in the face of heartbreaking past, Lv HuiXin still forgave him 78th.

The Sleep Curse (Movie)[2017]

Feature: The famous University Medical School professor Anthony Wong Chau Sang (Anthony Wong Chau Sang), specializing in human sleep can be a long time no way. One day, ex-girlfriend Qiu Mengxi (Goh Jojo ornaments) suddenly appeared for help, all her family had all suffering from insomnia, the disease went to the end, the patient will be more into an anachronism, very aggressive! To explore the truth, Lin Xi-family began a series of terrorist experiments: sneaking into the morgue to steal the patient's brain, and Qiu Mengxi closed in secret room to study the relationship between sleep and brain protein ... As the experiment more in-depth, strange Things continue to happen in Qiu Mengxi; even Lin Xi family also appears to be infected, my heart began to appear to eat human flesh ... Everything involved the original 45 years ago, the twin sisters Hou Wenyuan and Hou Wenzhen (Wei Shi Ya points decoration) Related to the tragedy

Shock Wave (Movie)[2017]

Feature: Zhang ZaiShan is a Senior Inspector of the Explosives Division of the Hong Kong Police Force. Seven years ago, he lurked into the criminal gang of the most wanted criminal Hong JiPeng. During a robbery of the vault, Zhang ZaiShan revealed his identity as undercover agent and co-operated with the police to stop the detonation of the bomb. Hong JiPeng And his younger brother's criminal organization, all of a sudden, Hong Ji Peng escaped and threatened to take revenge. After reinstatement, Zhang ZaiShan was soon promoted to a bomb disposal specialist in the police force. Seven years later, Hong Kong was hit by bomb attacks one after another. Police also received a large amount of newspaper reports that smugglers had smuggled into Hong Kong. All the signs showed that there would be a major incident in Hong Kong. Just as people in Hong Kong panicked, the Hung Hom Harbor Crossing, the busiest stop in the city, was stopped and surrounded by bandits. Hundreds of hostages were threatened. Hong JiPeng, who finally appeared, threatened the police to blow up the tunnel. Zhang ZaiShan Only by bringing Hong JiPeng to justice can we dismantle the shady conspiracy behind this anti-terrorist storm.

Integrity Action 2016 (TV)[2016]

Feature: A series of corruption complaints have been received by the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC). Senior investigators led the incoming investigators to face the challenges of safeguarding Hong Kong's integrity. The newly appointed Assistant Investigator Ma JiaYi (Karmen Kwok) participated in the training courses , Who is impressed by the enthusiasm and enthusiasm of Chen GuoRen (Ruco Chan), Senior Investigator in Charge of Training. In fact, the instrument was inspired by her brother-in-law's girlfriend, Qu WenYing (Natalie Tong), to join the ICAC. Wen Ying is also an ICAC investigator, and her husband's family wealth and emotional stability. Wealth is engaged in IT, dreaming of the design of online games one day be able to successfully launch the market, to be successful business and Wen Ying married family. When the filming script is still busy, she will visit her grandma in the village of Tak Man. One day, she heard the announcement of Wu DaChu (Lawrence Cheng) candidate for District Councils by spawning a mahjong contest with her neighbors for the benefit of residents only for the purpose of increasing by-election Wins. However, the behavior of early bribery election? Everyone has different opinions. Later, the ICAC received a report on the investigation. During this period, it was discovered that "at the beginning of the day" cleverly "going to the law" ... When I was trained, I was misunderstood that Guoren deliberately made himself difficult. Unexpectedly, after receiving her training, she was overjoyed. Guoren and year-long girlfriend Wendy (Elaine Yiu ornaments) busy in their own business, very little time to meet, the relationship is changing. Wendy works as a Real Estate Agent and his earnings have risen sharply. She was gradually blinded by money. At the same time, she felt that Guoren's work was hard and the returns were not proportional to lobbying Guoren to join her in the real estate industry. Guoren thought that Hong Kong has a fair environment for competition today. The fruits of its work makes sense. Guo Ren learned from his girlfriend that there was a suspicion of a real estate agent with a developer for fraud, reminding Wendy to be careful and not to confound. At the same time when the instrument was handed over to the mission, Guo Ren was also transferred back to the frontline to shoot Wen Ying to investigate a corruption case of the watch and clock group. Watchmaker Li FuQiang (David Chiang), who worked hard to start his own business, went bankrupt after the financial turmoil and gave the chairmanship to his son Li Jianxin. He himself stepped in behind the scenes and instructed his son to misappropriate company money illegally and set up an overseas shell Company, rescue business going downhill. The case involved bribing the tour guides at the top of the group, allowing them to take the first stop when they brought the group to the watch shops of the group. Because of the complexity of the case, Principal Investigator Elena Kong personally participated in the investigation and led all investigators to overcome the difficulties in the certification process. With careful and persistent efforts, Elena Kong finally succeeded in bringing the involved persons to court for trial. After one case of the ICAC, businessman Lin Hao bribed Cao Jinghong, a senior bank lending officer, to apply for huge loans and delay the repayment period. Chief Investigator Bao ZhaoCong (Lai Lok-yi), together with Wen Ying and Guo Ren, finally arrested and filed a suit against key stakeholders such as Lin Hao and King Hong after arduous and tortuous investigations. Pei Lin suddenly fainted at this time, and later found more suffering from stomach cancer.The original Pei Lin since her husband died a traffic accident a decade ago, she will be pinned on the job, coupled with the need to take care of children suffering from dementia mother, physically and mentally exhausted, lucky many years old friend and working partner Gao YongKang (Kenneth Ma Decorated) support, with her through the storm. Yongkang is also a chief research officer, who is wise and decisive. While Pei Lin was admitted to hospital for treatment, he personally took the lead in investigating bribery cases of tobacco companies smuggling cigarettes. Due to the difficulty of obtaining evidence, Yongkang decided to send Cheng PeiShan (Kelly Fu) undercover. Pei Shan found himself pregnant during the investigation, but for the sake of the overall situation, she decided to continue her undercover work. At the same time, Yongkang led Guo Ren went to the three regardless of the Daban Island evidence collection, the process of adventure ... ... Guo Yan investigation of a real estate developer fraud case, shocked his girlfriend Wendy involved, immediately being dispatched to charge another involving the community Well-known merchant Cen ZiYing (Florence Kwok ornaments) listed company fraud. Purple Ying false stock warrants fraud and the purchase of affiliated fraud, profit from. Since Ziyin is a celebrity, the investigation is more difficult. Until the investigation progressed to a mature stage, all the investigators conducted the arrest. The trial concluded that Zi Ying was convicted and sentenced to imprisonment. Wendy was also formally charged with arranging commission fraud with senior staff of real estate developers. A group of investigators of the ICAC was very happy. Guoren was promoted to chief investigator. Peisun gave birth to his son. The online game developed by Jiafu was eventually successfully launched and co-managed with Wen Ying.

AnInspectorCalls (Movie)[2015]

Feature: An influential community in the community, the Qiu clan, is preparing to greet a grandiose engagement party. An unexpected visitor, Tan Yuan (Louis Koo), suddenly arrives and brings a dead girl, Zhang XiaoJuan, Broke Qiu happy atmosphere. Qiujia to Eric Tsang (Teresa Mo ornaments) Young Master (Gordon Lam ornaments) Miss (Karena Ng ornaments), down to housekeeper (Roland ornaments) have said they never know Zhang XiaoJuan, but surprisingly Jia Tan Yuan actually With a diary and a photograph of the deceased, the gorgeous fur bag Qiu sweep one by one, revealing that everyone has a great connection with the deceased! A gorgeous Century Banquet held as scheduled, a piece of joy, the visit of this name Tan Yuan, will completely affect the Qiu century feast it? The film adapted from the famous British drama "An Inspector Calls."

KungFuAngels (Movie)[2014]

Feature: Zhi Cheng (Karena Ng), a wealthy and self-centered man, was transferred to NanDou University for his father's work. In an unfamiliar environment, Zhi Cheng reunites Zhi Jian (Alex Lam), a cousin who has not seen for many years. Although he is superficial and self-reliant on Zhi Jian, his heart can not help but think of him as the only one to rely on. Nanchuang College has strict school rules and Mei Yun (Zhang Chu), who lives in the same dormitory, is a strange girl who can not cope with life. Everything is quite different from the old days of free life. By chance, Zhi Cheng met the grass-roots martial arts team's big brother Wen An (Xu Zhengxi ornaments) and love at first sight. In pursuit of Wen An, the overwhelming Zhi Cheng joined the martial arts team, not only in the face of Wen An's puzzling style but also in the making of Tie Lan (Janelle Sing), the "rival" master, as well as challenging the toughness of the martial arts team. A full of youthful passion and passion, ridiculous jokingly ridiculous violent girl seeking love will be staged lively.

FromTheretoHere (Movie)[2014]

Feature: Jane (Maggie Shiu), the barmaid at the bar, owns a family of three who is albeit of a poorer but yet stable nature. However, after experiencing the painful atrocities, Jane is pregnant. Jane is going to abortion on her own, resulting in self-defeating, the family also experienced a serious car accident. This year, Jane's life on the right track, just a beloved husband A Ming (Kenny Wong) has always been the cause of the blood bank disaster daughter Lucy (Joey Leong ornaments) did not like. Saw Lucy's birthday, Jane's daughter bought a dog as a gift. That night, the puppy suddenly ran out of the room and planed a weirdly strange pot in the wild. Lucy did not know anyhow to open the jar, who knows after this is often terrible illusion and strange events intrusion. Terrible events intensified, quiet life completely pushed into the abyss ...

Sara (Movie)[2014]

Feature: He YuLing (Charlene Choi), a magazine journalist, was determined to succeed. She spent all her time on a report that exposed collusion between the officials and businessmen. However, after four months of hard work, the manuscript is about to be published At the time, He YuLing found his article replaced because it involved some hidden interests of the magazine. He YuLing's mood is very depressed, she decided to travel to Chiang Mai, Thailand, express my heart unpleasant. In Chiang Mai, He YuLing got acquainted with a child prostitute named Sunadcha Tadrabiab. After learning about A Dong's life, He YuLing was compassionate and decided she desperately tried to help her escape from the bitter sea. Originally, Adong's experience aroused memories of He YuLing's memories of the past. In her memory, the figure of Gan HaoXian (Simon Yam), a man of his father and his friend, never disappeared.

LoveLifting (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Optimistic Shi Yong (Chapman To Chamois Chapman To) Recently the bad luck again and again, the wife love marriage ended, frustrated business career, had to move with all the belongings to the suburbs, before the "cute" flowers thoroughly Nevermore, but also the wife (Tien Niu Tien ornaments) mistakenly believe that the boss. In his frustrated lonely, suddenly found next door "big sister" Li Li (Elanne kwong ornaments), this stubborn girl, this is a promising weightlifter, dejected due to diabetes melancholy, she has no professional skills, Can only do the handling work, every day than chicken early to do more than cattle, life is still very tight. Two "bitter people" with the same race, one to two to have feelings, since the Flying Sway husband singing women, the following year usher in the crystallization of love - fat boy. However, Li Li, who is busy daily with daily necessities, still can not let down his beloved weight-lifting career. She takes it in his heart and secretly coordinates various relationships to help his wife fulfill his attempt. In this way, an elite male shopping malls, armed themselves as "fried fried all the way through the brush, wipe the scrub all right" ... ...

Nightmare (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Hao Dong (Huang Xuan) talked about her bitter experience of insomnia while listening to a midnight radio show. Hao Dong's girlfriend, DJ Fiona Sit, began counseling him. Hao Dong tells her about her nightmare: a white-haired, long-haired woman (Zhou Chuchu) falls from a tall building, making it difficult for him to sleep well. What is even more frightening is that his childhood memory about Jiuli Village, though fragmented, is chilling. At the time, in the early days of Jian Guo, a couple came to Jiuli Village to support agricultural production in the village. Her husband, Jian Guo, is a hybrid rice expert and his wife, Luo XiaoYue. Shortly after arriving in the village, Jian Guo was electrocuted, and Akira was harassed by the village's mentally handicapped brother. Later, Aria was killed by a hatchet at night. Police investigations revealed that a mentally retarded brother was the largest suspect, but was not punished for his mental illness. Twenty years later, Hao Dong returns to Guri Village once more and lives in her uncle's home, encountering a series of creepy and strange scenes. When he unveiled the truth step by step, but also fell into the memory of the murderer murder, old age such as sores were opened, the truth is striking knot ...

TheWomanKnightofMirrorLake (Movie)[2011]

Feature: Born in Shuxiang family, childhood knowledge broad, love the beauty of the motherland mountains and rivers, boxing knives, riding archery, women do not let men. 21-year-old married the richest man in Xiangtan, but her husband's heartless family affairs, Qiu Jin had to write poetic expression, followed by her husband moved to Beijing, on his way witnessed the Beijing-Tianjin area was destroyed by the Eight-Power Allied Forces unruly, devastating, vivid. The couple quarreled in the Mid-Autumn Festival, Qiu Jin ran away from home, because toward the Meiji Restoration of Japanese culture, decided to go study in Japan. At the local level, Qiu Jin edited the vernacular newspaper and initiated a "charity meeting" with a group of classmates to promote equality between men and women. After she met vice president, two like-minded. To take over, in fact, to make preparations for rebellion. On July 14, 1907, a war of great strength and weakness started. Dozens of Xue Sheng were against 300 troops and Xue Xue was killed half. The scene was fierce. The revolution eventually failed, Qiu Jin was sentenced to death, at the age of 31. Respected chivalrous Lake Kamui respected, admired by the public, is the first Chinese female revolutionary in history.

TurningPoint2 (Movie)[2011]

Feature: Undertake "" drama ending, Laughing Su Xing Bai murder found, sentenced to life imprisonment. Laughing is a prison professor in prison who knows drug trafficking. Professor Sven, with no competition, but it can take the psychological war to take revenge evil prison tyrants Juchuan. The original professor is a high IQ criminal psychologist. In the meantime, there are mysterious women visiting jail for Laughing, a woman under a higher security guard than the police force. It turned out that Laughing imprisonment is once again playing undercover role. On the same day, Su Xingbo was killed by someone else. The Deputy Secretary for Security suspects that the whole incident was related to the black police who lurk in the police force and wanted Laughing to go to jail for investigation.

TheFirst7thNight (Movie)[2009]

Feature: Di TuWang is an absent-minded driver, a car home. One day his friend received a single business and went to Sun Moon Village for his lucrative remuneration. However, his friend did not know how to go and asked over the online driver. Only he knew that he took the ticket to Sun Moon Village. The task is to bring a freight driver to the Sun Moon Village. On the way he chatted with the freight driver and talked about the Spring Ray Hotel in Sun Moon Village. He recalled the story he knew. About thirty years ago, Chunlei Hotel in Sun Moon Village was run by a widow named Ya Fang, who was accompanied by a five-year-old son. One day, four desperadoes committed a crime in Shanghai, grabbed a box of gold bars and money and came to this remote hotel to take refuge. One of the men, Chen Qiang, fouled Ya Fang and raped her. Who knows that day was the first seven days of Ya Fang's death? Ya Fang's husband was reincarnated and went to Chen Qiang's body. During the chaos, the four men shot and fought, and finally smashed the wine in the restaurant. The entire restaurant was burned. But the truck driver tells you another version of the story. The same story. But restaurant owner Ya Fang is a prostitute and is Chen Qiang's mistress. In fact, all this is a premeditated. Chen Qiang and his three brothers fleeing are Chen Qiang's arrangement. Chen Qiang and Ya Fang conspired to kill the other three brothers, but at the same time destroyed Chunlei Hotel. The two fled but soon got caught. Chen Qiang recognizes all charges and Ya Fang is sentenced to 30 years in jail. Ya Fang's son, Allan, originally entrusted her with her brother-in-law, but after she was involved in an accident, she gave her money to her brother-in-law for payment. Ya Fang brother-in-law to revenge Ya Fang, Allan brought to the city begging for money. After Arang grew up, he was killed and sentenced to jail. After being released from prison, the test driver's license, a taxi driver. In fact, Di TuWang is Allan. The truck driver is the legendary horse in the horse. Ya Fang was released from prison last week and died after a serious illness. On this day, it is Ya Fang's seventh.

Rebellion (Movie)[2009]

Feature: Southern District, Dragon snake mixed, belching smoke, by the five gangs under the control of underground order. In the district, all factions occupy the territory, the surface gets along well with each other; the prosperity is shared with little friction. Five leaders are: Jimmy, Jia, Jupiter, Sandpaper and Wen Zheng. Everyone has the strength, but in recent years Jimmy, with his wife, business continues to expand, the potential wealthy. On the other hand, Wenzheng site shrinking day by day, gradually reduced to "sunset gang." For the flourishing flowers and the peaceful singing and dancing, the police are by no means turning a blind eye to it and just waiting for the opportunity to come. Opportunity, and finally arrived ... One night, Jimmy similar to help the elderly meal Syria, a teenager pulled out his pistol, detonated towards Jimmy. Jim Bao rushed to the number one under his hand, rushed Jimmy informed that "private hospital" rescue, life and death, Zhang Hua in Taiwan to negotiate business immediately cancel the transaction, and Wu Bao immediately uncovered the Yuanmou, but told him not to move. At this point to help Erlao strongly advocate, he plans to destroy the excuse Jia Jia, Jupiter, sand paper and Wen Zheng, also deployed a large number of soldiers and horses, waiting to attack at any time. In the meantime, Jimmy, Jupiter and sandpaper are plotting to rob Jimmy's site. If Jimmy really ruled, the situation will set off. Wu Bao adventure broke into the enemy gang sandpaper site investigating the culprit, after twists and turns to find the driver of the vehicle, Wu Bao brought it to the public. At this moment, Zhang Hua departed from Taiwan and returned to Hong Kong. Wu Bao will lose contact with Cheng for two hours. From late afternoon to late afternoon, Wu Bao was aware of the different surroundings and the streets were unusually dead. Patrol police officers suddenly disappeared without any trace. The Eastern District seemed to have entered a state of "silence." Wu Bao wanted to wait for Cheng Hua back to host the overall situation ... ... how expected, SWAT has been waiting at the airport. It turns out that among the five major gangs, they fall in the hands of the police.

FatalMove (Movie)[2008]

Feature: Lian HaoLong (Sammo Hung), a loyal supporter of "Loyalty and Faith," is a veteran of the age and runs a full moon wine reception to help the public. Although the child was born under his Pinky Cheung, Lian HaoLong's wife Soso (Kelly Niu Tien) is quite a Sao style. However, because of the large number of banquets, causing riots. At the time of the confrontation between cops and robbers, Liao ZhiZong (Danny Lee (actor), Senior Inspector of the Anti-triad Group) came out to defuse a bloody battle. Brother Lian HaoDong (Simon Yam ornaments) gambling sex, so Lian HaoLong deliberately advised him to close his hand, a total of Syrian brotherhood. After a 300-million-yuan drug trade was smashed by the police, an abduction by Hui Shiu-hung took place. The anti-triad operation of the police caused the demise of Lian HaoLong's lover, leaving only Luo TianHong (Wu Jing (actor) who was ruthless) to escape. Female police officer Lei MeiZhen (Maggie Shiu ornaments) by luring the enemy in depth, access to critical intelligence, the police opened the earth network. In the meantime, Lian HaoLong was also shocked to find a spy who killed him in his life-and-death party and eventually led to the demise of "loyalty and faith" and Lian HaoLong ...

Chaos (Movie)[2008]

Feature: Police Zhang DaHai (Andrew Lin) drove Si TuQi (Gordon Lam) off to the police station, driving into Walled City in the midst of accidental mistakes. In the Walled City, there are gathered criminals from all over the place. They camp here and run and maintain their own laws. This is a typical "three no matter" area. The crows in Walled City seized Zhang DaHai and Si TuQi, threatening to kill the one who was a police officer. At this point, brothel boss A Ling (Kristal Tin) stood up and falsely accused Si TuQi as a police officer, giving Zhang DaHai freedom. It turned out that Si TuQi and Zhang DaHai is a former lover, two and one daughter Arun, but later Si TuQi abandoned the mother and daughter disappeared. A Ling hopes Si TuQi can help them leave the Walled City and protect Arne from crows.

TheGhostInside (Movie)[2005]

Feature: Dalian's winter, snow fly, cold pressing. Lin XiaoYue and her 6-year-old daughter, Ni Ni, are in a taxi and ready to move into new homes. A few months ago, she broke off with her husband, Awe, intending to divorce her and wanted to take Ni Ni's custody. Aria can not lose Ni Ni, only with Ni Ni around to avoid. Aria with Ni Ni and simple luggage came to the new home, together with the elevator fat woman told Aria, her newly rented house had a murder, saying that the homeowner threw the daughter out of the window, and then jumped to commit suicide, the little girl died When is 6 years old! A couple of days later, Aria was always doing the same nightmare: she threw Ni Ni downstairs and jumped on. And the dream is more real than once, stronger than once. As a result, Aria in all the windows and doors are pulled wire, Ni Ni naughty to avoid opening the window, accidents. The whole room is like a cage, Aria unconsciously turned himself into a "beast" locked in an invisible cage. In the ensuing days, after Ni Ni came home from school, he always liked to hide in his room. Aria did not care at first, by chance when Ni Ni room, she heard the cheerful laughter and conversation, as if playing with another child. Akira push the door to see what happens, but saw Ni Ni is a person playing doll alone. Gradually, Akira feel his daughter suddenly alienated himself, and, Ni Ni look at her eyes also different from before, it seems with a sense of insecurity, Aria began to blame recently often uncontrollable emotions, from time to time to She shouted, sometimes weeping in front of her. Ni Ni, often scared in nightmares, was terrified. Aria begins to worry that Ni Ni will hate himself and will want to go back to her father. On that day, at dinner, Ni Ni suddenly said that he had a friend who called her favorite. She lived in her room and Akira lost his temper and lied to Ni Ni. In the evening, Aria dreamed of throwing Ni Ni out of the window himself and then jumped on. Suddenly, a woman's voice came from behind her, Akira Meng turned around and saw a young woman sitting on the couch, looked a little satisfied and satisfied with a little dark. A woman said she was a man with the moon, and a 6-year-old daughter is the favorite. Aria heard "favorite" word, immediately hit a Cold War, "favorite" is not Ni Ni mentioned it? The young woman went on to say that her husband had betrayed her mother and daughter, so she asked him not to be hanged for a lifetime, so seven years ago, she picked up her daughter and committed suicide.

Sutgingmosun (Movie)[2004]

Feature: Shu, Li, hi, Zhuo, Jian, Ze and this book is childhood sweetheart friends, but a year ago when people play "heart ask phrase" to reveal their favorite people, the five men are not necessarily understand the favorite are Is Shu, the men began to turn their heads, while the ground more suddenly evaporate, I do not know whereabouts. A year later, each received a diligent invitations, the content is inviting everyone to the villa together again old. All the people went to the court according to their dates, but weird things started to happen. The first thing was the diligent room of the housekeeper Liu Shurong on that day. There was an unexpected black palm print, followed by a hideous play, and a good hi joke. Hi missing, different views of people. Nervous beauty and Xuanxue himself Ze, that the incident is related to the ghosts and gods; and Zhuo who Zhu's house does not express any opinion; as for the mania of health, is that like to play up, play scary tricks. As a result of the deliberations, everyone thinks that since the groundwork has not yet arrived, the hi and the loss do not leave more than one day and look at the situation and say again. Although Shu, Liqing with sisters, but both Qi are like to miss the ground, coupled with Li from time to time will be hysterical madness, so Shu dark often prevent Li. Zhuo, health, Ze three people know well. Shu said on the day after like to work hard, the three together with the lost hi had joined forces around the ground, followed by Qin lost ground. So the three estimated that the loss of hi, whether ground-related? Ground is really dead, if dead, then who invited the invitation of the card? Ze assertive ground is to give them one of the killed, so diligence sent them to beg to revenge, but Jian believes that it must be a ghost of the hi. At midnight, everyone met with different strange events. The next day, even Zhuo also reported that the public were aware of the crisis and would like to inform the captain of the arrival of the villa. However, he found out that the only satellite phone on the island that could make contact with the outside world was missing. When people were in a hurry to find a phone call, they found Zhuo's body and found the battery of the satellite phone in Zhuo and prompted him to find another part of the satellite phone. Everyone looking for help while satellite phones, while suspicious of each other, because they know the murderer is beside, but I do not know who is the real murderer? It is night, Kung Wu powerful and manic health has also been killed. The remaining survivors Shu, Li, Ze According to corollary, the murderer locked as a housekeeper, how they actually found the butler's body in the chamber of secrets, when they were astonished, the light inside the secretly extinguished, when the light is reproduced Shu, Li Zeze fell to the ground, while he was placed next to a bloody knife, which is used for this Saber Shuai purposes. Li see the state, the first time picked up the knife, then kill to the Shu. Shuai critical moment, the loss of hi actually appear salvation, Hi interpretation that he had played before death to frighten people, how the fake come true, almost to Li and the butler killed, but fortunately escaped the disaster, rescue appeared in a timely manner . Sook from hi like the palm of your hand, citing the black palm print on the ceiling, knowing that hi is the real murderer, then waiting for chance to get out of sleep. Shu, Li was chased like hesitation to escape, he just revealed that he is killing for love, so like Shu and prevent him love Shu, can not escape the death. Hi is about to kill the occasion of the beautiful, the beauty of people born Wushuangliuqin appear to induce the hi to the collapse of the spirit of the collapse of the cliff, so far the nightmare was declared over.

SeventeenYearsBuried (Movie)[2004]

Feature: In a deserted primary school, the lone goalkeeper Cai Xin received a special guest who claimed to be Wang Ming, who was wearing a weird and mysterious man. The old principal died late, leaving a will to auction the privately-built school. Guests sincerely for the acquisition of the table, willing to keep guarding the night refused to leave. Dark and stormy month, the entire yard has become a dead city, ghost sound echoed from time to time, a series of strange things is one after another: Wang Ming and Cai Xin see the school gate there is a child wandering, just want to ask, the door was mysteriously locked ; Children back smile, Wang Ming scared a sweat, it is a childhood partner, 17 years ago has been bizarre death! Confused two people mistakenly broke into the hill after the chaos tomb, and fell down in a grave, Wang Ming fixed eyes, and 17 years ago, his own dead sister! At this time, Wang Ming was surprisingly calm, and painted a vivid description of the dishes from the serial murder 17 years ago: when a group of pupils here, including the principal's son, was overnight murdered by the mysterious man, dismissed eight ... ...

7號差館 (Movie)[2001]

Feature: In the eyes of senior prosecutors Founder (ornaments) who repeatedly cracked odd cases, colleagues in other departments who have invited meritorious deeds at the celebration meeting are mostly mediocre and many cases can be solved by themselves and their brothers Azerbaijani Desperate, so his words and how much some arbitrary and arrogant. In a guerrilla operation, he could not wait for the order issued by the Flying Tigers. Two of his colleagues were killed in the street. He himself was shot in a coma and spent two years in hospital. Wake up mother had passed away, his girlfriend has become his wife, around the world has been very different, but Founder also accidentally harvest in the coma when he has been careful to take care of his female nurse Oscar (ornaments) heart. Resume training continued for some time, Founder has almost no difference with the coma before, more can see the ghost's skills. This skill initially aroused him panic, but before his death was a psychiatrist Ajman (decoration) words let him calm down. Back to the back of the police force is taking the initiative to take over a takeover of two years can not be cracked by serial nurse rape. In six years, six female nurses have been raped and killed, and most of them have not seen any dead bodies. The case was made because one of them rushed to the police station to report the case. Founder calm his head, identified the culprit is a very high IQ men, and are very familiar with the police detection of crimes. As the case became more conspicuous, Founder was told by Adger Oscar that the magnetic field of life had become weaker and weaker, and she might be the next target of the criminal.

Shake (Movie)[2001]

Feature: Sand Exhibition Randy (Andy Hui ornaments) work hard, but the meager income enough to take good care of their loved ones around. Randy and partner Ah Shing (Lei Yu Yang ornaments) received the club boss Huai Shao (Xie Tianhua ornaments) possession of poison reported that at the time of arrest Huai few found arrangements, the informant was threatened by the community away from Hong Kong, Randy and Fai less gang to face the quality of anti-stigma. Randy met a woman who smashed less sports car June (Li Lizhen) when she was on the track, and June came naturally with impaired memory due to taking psychotropic drugs. Owing to the unfavorable usury, the A boat did not want to be threatened by Fai and threatened to escape but was retaliated. In order to rescue the A boat, Randy would kill less. Fai father - the gang leader Jesus claimed Randy must commit suicide, Randy and the lives of others into the abyss ... ...

FascinationAmour (Movie)[1999]

Feature: Li XueJin, the youngest son of Hong Kong's richest man, is a young and handsome young man. Nearly 30 years, courtship, have a beautiful woman many, each love always come quickly, but since then are not satisfied. The acquaintance of the Shanghai waitress Qing Wen (decorated), who first met a month, held an engagement ceremony by luxury passenger liner, but it looks like a divination. The original blind date, is the mother (ornaments) arrangements, Xuejin pride of the conditions are favored by many women admire, and do not cherish the easy love. Qingwen extraordinary temperament, speak properly, understanding. Her lack of self-learning, every night, are hard to learn. She became acquainted with Cheung Man-wen, the waitress on board, both of whom had the same background, speculative discourse and unfettered love. The hearts of young people gradually moved closer to the music. She considered the music more suitable for himself, though he was not rich. In a Xuejin deliberately to the Musical, green two find fault, the other person on board Hongye (ornaments) to come forward, to resolve the embarrassment of the two. Young beautiful red leaves, noble temperament, straightforward character, she beat up for the music, and tit for tat against each other. Xuejin hit the womb never been knocked over, red leaf publicly ridiculed him to teach his forthright character deeply attracted him. Although the situation of both fierce, but from many quarrels, both sides found each other's merits, the two began to reconciliation, growing affectionate. When the cruise ship is about to arrive at the next port, it turns out that this was the last time the Hongye Leaf had arranged for itself. Hongye said he was bankrupt, Xuejin to help Hongye, Hongye proposed conditions, Xuejin passed the test will only accept his help ...... In three days without money but very happy, Xuejin help Hongye completed her Dream, the final lover eventually married.

TroublesomeNight5 (Movie)[1999]

Feature: Night shift taxi driver in Hong Kong Lin ZhongFa () soliciting often ghosts, one night, almost a female ghost () to Tsuen Wan, and colleagues, "Express Chief" (Lei Yu Yang) met a woman to play ghost fraud, Ghost to the Hehe crematorium. Lin ZhongFa a good time to bet, in order to avoid debt, with his wife () and his son moved to a small house Yin No. 888 in an old house. Whenever at three o'clock in the middle of the night, the house will have a strange sound, so Ann can not sleep. Lin ZhongFa dreamed of a set of numbers on a night and the next day he used the set of numbers to win a lot of money on horse races. But before long, Ann was sick. Lin ZhongFa's wife took care of Xiao'an in the hospital, while Lin ZhongFa went home at night and saw the evil spirits that made him rich at home. Lin ZhongFa vowed to the goblins in the house that if he could help smooth out his money, he would all be "half and half" in his agreement, and sure enough the evil spirits made him a winner. In return, Lin ZhongFa burned a lot of ingots, incense burner to the evil spirits. Shortly after, Lin ZhongFa went home and found that Ann was drawn into a grimace, and his wife was also raped by evil spirits in the house. It turned out that evil spirits to divide points not only his wealth, and his wife and son, even Yang Shou was also taken away by half, Lin ZhongFa into a 75-year-old man, regret. To protect his wife, Lin ZhongFa set fire to house, and evil spirits. Fifteen years later, Xiaoan () grew up, and his father as mediocre. To change the status quo, his mother arranged for him to work at a friend's security company. The office building that commercial, it is the year of the old site of No. 888 Yin and Yang reconstruction, the building often haunted. When Xiao'an and his father's friends patrolled, they also saw the supernatural phenomenon. When they went downstairs, there appeared an old house that lived in that year. His mother suspects that the innocent innocent soul, went to probe, and really recover with husband, but it is separated by yin and yang ... ...

WalkIn (Movie)[1997]

Feature: Danny Lee (actor), the rogue who led Dayo Wong's gun in a robbery in a robbery, turned the shotgun into a vegetative. Dayo Wong does not want to waste the rest of his life, using the rebirth of Danny Lee (actor) under the direction of Jacklyn Wu, who has been transformed by the Wise Old Man. Unexpectedly, Danny Lee (actor) turned out to be a damn scum that is notorious for his hometown of Lantau Island. The new Danny Lee (actor) is clever and sensible, just seeing how he can pay his debts and regain the empathy of his three wives. Yvonne Yung, a sister-in-law who know the inner story, has a sense of surprise because she loves but does not want to make a joke about the adult taste of Day Lee Wong. Winning homes, in the Taoist middle finger to seize the shell of others in order to survive. Police Tommy (Dayo Wong) favorite hum a song is: "Tell Laura I love her." His girlfriend Laura is also a police officer, like Wakin Chau, home, there is a Hua-Jian cardboard portrait. Tommy's shot in the middle of a fight with the culprits led to lower body paralysis and incontinence. "Winning home" success Jacklyn Wu turned out to be desperate woman jumped upstairs without death, ...

Yinyanglu (Movie)[1997]

Feature: Three ghost stories dictated by God's stick (Lei Yu Yang): Three young people (Louis Koo, Ding Zijun and Zhu Yongtang) went on vacations on deserted islands and met three camping girls (Mai Jiaqi and Cai Shaofen) by the sea at night. Baidu play under the tombstone gravestone played under the game ...... Mr. Du (Chen Jinhong) and his wife (Christy Chung decorated) Meet in the restaurant, and mistresses in the car on the road during a dispute, a traffic accident, the result of the wife still continue to receive Husband phone ... ... movie star (Wu Zhixiong decorated) and his girlfriend (Ng Man Wai ornaments) to see their starring horror film, but sitting in a ghostly seat, strange things began to happen ... ...

Hongxingzizhijianghudafengbao (Movie)[1996]

Feature: "Aberdeen Hongxing, four Aberdeen East Star" is a longtime story on the rivers and lakes. Hongxing boss Hong Sheng and son Hong Fei () have not lived together for years with their father and son. Because Hong Sheng saved his wife and daughter's lives for the sake of helping the poor, Fei was always embarrassed. Xiao Chun () is a subordinate B, has always been the opening of the sound loud, courageous but very small, but he is a fly admirer, a Xiao Chun in the fight with the East Star Gang boss Po and La Ji chase Kill, but fortunately fly to save Xiao Chun. Xiao Chun met idol very excited, in a car to his sister Xiaotong () introduced to fly understanding. Tung is a newspaper reporter, smart and lively, and very curious about the things on the rivers and lakes, so fly very interested in the process of contact gradually two people had feelings. On the night that Hong Sheng Jinnian washes his hands, Dongxing helped provoke everyone to demand that Hong Sheng hand over Xiao Chun, who had wounded Bao. He just flew up to clarify the fact that people in Dongxing drove away, Two in order to conflict again that year things, angrily left. Dongxing help sent Hongjiazu gravestone feast at the feast, Hong Sheng angrily, the blood vessels burst lead to stroke. Flying in Tong's persuasion, and reconciliation with the Father, but the East Star refused to let go and others, and Xiao Chun's brother Ah B betrayed Hongxing, in the fly and the East Star in the fierce battle. A Wei and Zhi Wei of the East Star, after plotting to fly, killed the boss of East Star and blamed each other for causing the two sides to rush to Rush. Finally, with the help of Bao and CIA, the plane broke through the conspiracies of Ah B and Zhi Wei and cleared the portal , And had taught him to make a knife Ah B started a lot of blood, the fly can eventually win, he and Tong can do with it.

Xinfangke (Movie)[1995]

Feature: After ten years in a psychiatric hospital, former newspaper reporter A Lin (Anthony Wong) was discharged from hospital in an attempt to reintegrate into society. He rented an apartment, decided to write a novel to survive. When the work progressed and did not go well, when Lin was in trouble, he found the apartment was not the right one. Sometimes he crossed the scene back to ten years ago to see the family living in the house at that time - the old father and a pair of sisters . Across time and space, originally only observation, but later found slowly Lin, he and his sister Dolphin (Chen Hae ornaments) in the induction, in contact, he became Dolphin's "guardian angel." At this point my sister Whale (Lai Haishan ornaments) and a handsome college teacher (Wu Qi Hua ornaments) fall in love, but the whole person disappeared after a date. Ah Lin began to help Dolphin track down the truth of her sister disappeared into a big confusion of time and space troubles ... ... The film is Anthony Wong's debut, he also starred, lead singer and co-screenwriter.

Zhishihuotui (Movie)[1993]

Feature: Cheese and ham is a new pair of underground combinations, the establishment of the "pack vent company", specifically for the section to solve people's mental depression, for example, hired to play mad and money into the bag. However, there is an important principle for connecting two people to work, that is, to deal with bad people only and not to do good people. One day a wheelchair Abra came and demanded that the two kill a beautiful young girl, both of whom were so shocked that Aber explained that he had been paralyzed by his father, who had passed away and that his father and father had been hurt and only did bad things , While Joey kept doing good remedies ...

Chushengzhidu (Movie)[1993]

Feature: Case, Hu is a PTU member of the mobile unit, due to work and temporarily transferred to CID, follow the unique way, envious of Zhu. When Hu was on duty, he often clashed with Kuang and Sang. As a result of Sudy's girlfriend, Judy, he was stopped by the curse, but both were transferred to watch the door and wash the car. Sang was still unfulfilled, but Judy was raped and Zongda was seriously wounded. Zhu was furious.

Zhonghuanyingxiong (Movie)[1991]

Feature: Zhang HaoJie was originally a senior employee of an insurance company with a promising future but once he was found with a blister in his head that could be life-threatening at any moment, the hero was fired by the company. Hua YingXiong A street bully, muddy unexamined every day too. It is such two circles completely different people actually meet, know each other, became friends. The hero entered the insurance company's work under hero's introduction, started his life again, while the idle hero at home was helping the hero to cook some chores. The hero quickly won the appreciation of the female boss Mei XiaoJie (ornaments), the two gradually mutual feelings; and hero once again met the confidante Fen Ni (decoration), the two love each other, but in order not to drag Fen Ni, Zhang HaoJie Leave her. Later, he wanted to tell Fen Ni the truth, but in order to obtain a doctor's certificate, they went to the Central company to obtain evidence, only to collide with a robbery and become hostages. In the end, Hua YingXiong rescued the robbers by virtue of their skill and was rescued.

NoRegret (Movie)[1987]

Feature: "Pretty sister is" is directed by Herman Yau, Yang Ling, District Karen, Shi Wendan starring Hong Kong movie, released in 1987. Ashan and Helen grew up together as a heroine in the film. Helen met record technician Ali, I do not know if he was already Ashan's boyfriend. Ali's perfunctory deal, so that Helen misunderstood Ashan, she also became a stranger from a friend. Once Ashan refused to perform exposure was threatened by the movie company, although the director sympathy, and finally put up with tears. After the movie is sold, the film company to find Asan sequel. Has been living with Ally she was reluctant to filming, hurt A rabbit force Aria, she quietly from Ally home run away. Helen replaces Ashan acting, Star is quite good. On the 1st saw Asan in the street has potbellied, Helen left her at home to live. Ashan 18th birthday that day, the film company owner was entangled with both of them to resist the Asan fell, suddenly lower body bleeding.

OldmastercutePartIII (Movie)[1983]

Feature: A Comic Society executives decided to write a pen, to be on Mount Wudang. Over the years in the comics community work old Master, big sweet potato, Mr. Qin has always been carefree, all of a sudden become unemployed. Mr. Qin was lucky enough to be chosen by the boss as a close follower, taking care of Wang Ze along the way. Old Master and big sweet potato to find a job everywhere, despite exerting every means is futile. Just as CID Feng and his girlfriend MISS ZHANG love Zhang girlfriend strongly opposed the occasion, just meet the old man and the big sweet potato inadvertently found guilty of triad chieftain Kim was hunted down, resulting in traffic accidents, car accident disaster front, MISS Zhang, resulting in serious injuries. Master and the big sweet potato two cartoon characters hurried forward and MISS Zhang sent to the hospital, Feng and Zhang in the rescue after the body did not cause serious problems, but due to concussion caused memory loss. Triad chieftain Kim Yoo-jung is very appreciative of frontiers, but also for the successor of his successor for his hands behind the sky. Kim Yat-feng amnesia, decided to set the station to control him, as his hands a pair of important pawn. She is a candidate for election as a candidate for reelection. She opened a press conference in the face of applauding the gratification of the elders and big sweet potatoes in sending her daughter to the hospital. In fact, she took the opportunity to engage in publicity and to draw votes to the public. Press conference MISS Zhang due to stimulation and out of control, the majority of the mother of the false act. Zhang's mother aid group attempts to stop MISS Zhang, and journalists are constantly asking; for a time, the press conference chaos. Chaos, MISS open Zhang Zhang and the old big fan of sweet potatoes without saying goodbye. On the other hand, Kim Yat-feng lost his memory and lied to himself as a defender of the front. Just as the old master and sweet potato to a school to seek employment, Miss Zhang suddenly appeared, the original MISS Zhang has recovered a little memory, she remembered a very love their own people, but can not remember who it is. The front being used by Kim Yeh at this time forced the students to enter the underworld and military training them. In order to save the students, MISS Chang and fierce debate evolved into winning or losing game. The two cartoons to help more busy, MISS Zhang and students defeated in the game. Forget the front of the MISS Zhang love at first sight, then put the students a horse. Since then, the front of the MISS Zhang opened the crazy pursuit. In order to please the MISS Zhang, Feng willing to change themselves, but only MISS Zhang but because they can not live up to a person who deeply loves her and she can not remember who the person who refuses to forward. Amnesia's front becomes illiterate. Kim Yeh see their own successors of rivers and lakes cultivated due to love MISS Zhang and want to withdraw from the arena, see also Feng not only did not bring him good luck, but also let him feel their own misfortune. Decided to design deadly by the front. Just as the front was in jeopardy, MISS opened his memory with the help of the old master and the big sweet potato, recalling that the frontier was the one he had always loved. After a round of thrills, the old man and the big sweet potato finally succeeded in pulling a pair of lovers together, fell in love with a total of Mu love.

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