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Yibai Zhang TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Yibai Zhang Works 28 ,And Feature 14 ,Romance 14 ,Comedy 7 ,Crime 3 ,Family drama 2 ,Youth drama 1 ,Sports 1 ,Urban drama 1 ,古代职场喜剧1 ,Animation 1 ,Fantasy 1 ,Short 1 ,Thriller 1 ,War 1 ,Action 1 ,Westerns 1 。

Works Index

Yibai Zhang Filmography(28)


夺冠 (Movie)[2020]



风犬少年的天空 (TV)[2020]




我和我的祖国 (Movie)[2019]


七位导演分别取材新中国成立70周年以来,祖国经历的无数个历史性经典瞬间。讲述普通人与国家之间息息相关密不可分的动人故事。聚焦大时代大事件下,普通人和国家之间,看似遥远实则密切的关联,唤醒全球华人共同回忆。为保障开国大典国旗顺利升起, Lin ZhiYuan 争分夺秒排除万难,用一个惊心动魄的未眠之夜确保立国大事“万无一失”;为研制中国第一颗原子弹, Gao Yuan 献身国防科技事业,奉献了自己的青春和爱情;为确保五星红旗分秒不差飘扬在香港上空,升旗手 Zhu Tao 刻苦训练不懈怠、女港警 Lian Jie 兢兢业业守平安、外交官 An WenBin 与英国人谈判16轮分秒不让;喜迎奥运之际,出租车司机将自己视若珍宝的开幕式门票送给了远赴京城的汶川地震孤儿。一个个鲜活生动的普通人的奋斗故事,勾连起一段段难以磨灭的全民记忆。

深夜食堂 (Movie)[2019]


在上海一条不起眼的小弄堂里,有一家只在深夜营业的小餐馆,老板是一位50岁左右的 Da Shu ,他会为每个到访的食客做一份只属于他的食物。生活在弄堂里的钟伯和 A Long 都是食堂的常客,每当夜幕降临,这座繁华都市中便有各色孤单灵魂在此相遇。广告公司的加班三人组便是这般偶然登场,被美食洗去满身疲劳的同时,也邂逅了更多身怀故事的朋友,夜班出租车司机 Tang Song 即是其中之一。 Tang Song 是在接醉酒的音乐人 A Xin 时发现了食堂的存在,从此他就会在清晨带青梅竹马的 Si Si 来吃家乡的蛋饼。但是 Tang Song 渴望安逸的生活, Si Si 却有梦想要追寻。在机会繁多的大城市中,两个年轻人的结局会像蛋饼一样圆满吗? 很多人在深夜食堂相遇、相知,也学会成长。 Xiao Mei 是一个调香师,她喜欢在食堂诉说自己的喜怒哀乐,尤其是和初恋学长的往事。面对这段遗憾的青春, Xiao Mei 也在食客们的帮助下逐渐释怀。 “老牌绅士”的钟伯与菜场的海鲜老板 Lian Shen 最终相依为伴。 Lian Shen 的儿子 Kai Yuan 为人老实憨厚,在食堂偶遇了带女儿来吃糖藕的单亲妈妈 Ming Yue ,爱慕就此在心中萌芽。而“海漂女孩” Xiao Xue 的出现,也让 A Xin 终于等到了音乐路上的知音。 Da Shu 随着食堂的夜晚一起经历人来人往,满足食客们的味蕾,也见证了各式人生。而无论夜多深、路多远, Da Shu 还会在食堂里继续倾听大家的故事。


Ash Is Purest White (Movie)[2018]


The movie "Ash Is Purest White" introduces the story: In 2001, the cities outside the city of Seo in Shanxi. The model Qiao Qiao and the taxi company boss Bin is a pair of lovers. Bin brother calls friends outside every day and Qiao Qiao hopes to enter marriage as soon as possible. Bin brother was attacked by competitors in the street. He discovered in a panic that he had homemade firearms in Bin’s briefcase. She shot in the air. Qiao Qiao was sentenced to five years. After his release from prison, Qiao Qiao began to look for his brother to start again, but things happened unexpectedly.


Love because of love (TV)[2017]


《将爱之因为爱情》讲述了陈意心主演、朱丹柯(蛋壳)、杜姗、乔晓萱四个女孩临近大学毕业,她们凭借着对红酒的共同爱好,决定一起酿制一批葡萄酒,纪念她们的青春时光。在此期间,她们的命运也悄然发生着转变——身为富商继承人的意心爱上了穷小子黄炼,两人虽一见钟情,却因身份悬殊而不得不面临着离别与放弃;率性狂放的蛋壳与酒庄的青年酿酒师那天是一对欢喜冤家,两人的感情在吵闹中悄然滋生;酒庄女主人杜姗身患重病,却仍笑对人生,为了追寻自认为的美好爱情而屡屡碰壁;乔晓萱出身平凡,她爱慕着另外三个女孩拥有的一切,包括校园里的王子郭艾伦。可随着一个阴险的红酒商人潘肖的出现,女孩们的感情与生活都纷纷遭遇打击,坠入泥潭。但她们最终凭借着智慧与信念,依靠着爱情与友情,重新找到了人生的方向 。


I Belonged to You (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Chen Mo (Deng Chao) is known as the cheapest in the city, tit-for-tat and DJ Xiao Rong (Du Juan) every day do not know where their hatred comes from. Chen Mo's two brothers, Zhu Tou (Yunpeng Yue), the city's youngest, and Mao Yang (actor), the purest city in the city, were rushed by the three men each day Face the biggest turning point in life. Chen Mo met the most mysterious Yao Ji (Zhuang Zhang Tianai), Zhu Tou created the worst wedding, and Mao ShiBa went through the saddest parting. The lives of these people collapsed a little bit and the events started a little bit. Dream, love, friendship are all away from Chen Mo. A man who has lost all his life has lost his way until he heard a voice from all over the world ...

BookOfLove (Movie)[2016]

Feature: At the age of 15, Jiao Ye immigrated to Macau with her father and settled in a casino and became a casino PR. Live precarious, absent-minded abjection. Daniel Daniel from Beijing alone in the United States for many years, has been expensive for the best sales in California, one of Di Fang DiChanJingJi, there is no shortage of female companion diamond bachelor. After Jiao Ye got up and saw a book titled "The Book of the Day", the book homonym with "lose", Jiao Ye was very angry. He dropped the book a few times accidentally and came back again. In desperation, he had no choice but to book according to the book address Send it out Coincidentally, Daniel Daniel at the same time because of this book has been troubled, the book was sent to the same address. 84 bookstore crossroads, the owner of the bookstore is idle, and two letters sent to each other, after receiving the book even more puzzled by follow-up correspondence between the two letters from each other slowly become soulmates. Jiao Ye respectively for a period of fruitless feelings with Xue Ba, the wealthy Deng XianSheng and Shi Ren. Daniel talked to two foreign women and was abandoned. In order to get an apartment for an elderly Chinese living in Los Angeles, Daniel took an opportunity to get closer to the elderly. Daniel, who lived abroad for quite a long time, proficient in ancient Chinese poetry and culture, Grandpa's trust. Daniel traveled with two old men to Las Vegas to make up the wedding for the two old men. When Grandpa learned that Daniel was close to them, he was very angry and was hospitalized. Daniel was guilty of having feelings during the process of getting along with the elderly. Many visits were rejected by his grandfather. Blink of an eye to the Spring Festival, far from the grandchildren in NASA can not reunite with grandparents, had to conduct a video conversation, helpless grandparents do not understand these high-tech, grandmother's grandmother called Daniel, in the face of gas has not completely eliminated the grandfather , My grandmother said "good kids can come to watch TV at home", the relationship between the two slowly ease.

Mr.Nian (Movie)[2016]

Feature: In order to save the Spring Festival, the beast came to the earth not only as a primary school teacher, but also to help the little girl Shagu find self-confidence and give her the care of her father's love. At the same time, the evil Da Yu is secretly trying to completely destroy the Spring Festival, The beasts together retired from the heaven fairy god, composed of Chinese New Year Lian Mo, ready to meet Da Yu. Da Yu 掇 掇 掇 掇 Year of the beast destroyed the key, want to completely eliminate the Spring Festival, so that his identity became very suspicious, and this in charge of the mysterious key to open the Spring Festival, accidentally dropped the world picked by the sand, the beast and sand, a character temper But good, a stubborn and persistent, these two individuals crashed together wits and braves, at the nick of time, the beast rescued Sa Sha fruit regardless of life, and work together to open the battle animal family patterns, together set foot on the journey to save the Spring Festival.

Never Gone (Movie)[2016]

Feature: The gentle and quiet appearance of Su YunJin (Liu Yifei) begins to fall in love with each other with the deep pursuit of Cheng Zheng (Kris Wu), a high school classmate who can easily get along with each other, Become a problem between the two, the constant discovery of contradictions eventually make the feelings of a rift finally came to break up situation. A few years later, Su YunJin became a successful career woman, but the quiet life rippled by the reappearance of Cheng Zheng. The two men's unreasonable feelings prompted them to get entangled again and At this moment, I did not know each other had been let down in these few years. I wanted to love but I was afraid to repeat the past.

EverybodysFine (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Guan Qing (Yao Chen) Although in the workplace all-powerful, but encountered in the marital life of the problem, often think of the gap between career marriage, Guan Qing always secretly sad. Guan Chu (Yiyun Ye) is in a foreign country, with a beautiful dream of ballet dancing in her heart. However, she can only live as a waitress at a restaurant. Guan Quan (Shawn Dou ornaments) in order to start doing everything, but failed to get the desired result. Guan Hao (Chen He) is a freelance photographer caught in the confusion of life. Butler's four siblings, who flow the same blood, but under the guidance of destiny scattered around, gather together more. As their father, Guan Guoguo (Guoli Zhang) until after the death of his wife gradually discovered the importance of the family and the maintenance of difficulties, once poor words did not understand the expression of his decision to take the initiative to embark on a trip to visit four children .

RunForLove (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Su LeQi (Zhang Ziyi ornaments) and sushi master Feng YuJian (Eddie Peng ornaments) met in Otaru, Japan, just breaking up the music can cure the wound? Conflicting couples Zhou HongYi (Yi Zhang) and Tang Jing (Liang Jing) traveled to Istanbul with their daughter (Li Yiqing), leaving her little girl aware of each other's preciousness. False married Lu Jie (Qianyuan Wang ornaments) and Guan Yue (Wu Mochou ornaments) before the onset of the U.S. Route 66 "runaway" journey, the real love of fake couples saddened. In order to heal the wound Li Li (Michelle Chen ornaments) came to the town of Jjork in Norway, like Norway winter dusty heart can be a ray of artificial warmth warm? Back to the love of Saipan to end the love of Ye YiYi (Liya Tong ornaments), how to deal with her husband's lover Bai QieZi (Zhou Dongyu ornaments) entangled?

Love O2O (Movie)[2016]

Feature: The film tells the story of a pair of college giants Chennai (Jing Boran ornaments) and Pui Wei (Yang Ying ornaments) in virtual games and real world acquaintance love story. The Department of Computer Science and Technology spent a small amount of time loving online games and highly skilled. She was the only female player on the game charts, but she was abandoned as a "demon" in the game because she did not burst the photos. In the "ex-husband" wedding scene, she ran into the game's first master "smile", even more unexpected to her, the god actually even proposed to her. Game master "Smile" What is the reality of the famous computer Xiao Shennai. In a chance encounter, he inadvertently see Tony slightly skilled game operation, which gave her a different kind of emotion, and Tony slightly did not realize the advent of love God. Known for the campus of Xiao Nai God, began online and offline, virtual and reality in all directions to hunt beauty. A period of fantasy online games began in the second love, quietly began ... ... The film adapted from the novel of the same title of the novel.

TheNewYearsEveofOldLee (Movie)[2016]

Feature: The film talks about the generation gap between three generations of grandparents and grandchildren. After 14-year-old daughter of North drift heard of the precursor of Alzheimer's disease in Fu Qin, her granddaughter returning to study in the United States returned to her hometown and went to Beijing to live with her students who heard the news. Only elderly people living alone can see the daughter of "North drift" and their granddaughters studying abroad in the United States. Hope the stars hope the moon looking forward to a reunion, but also looking forward to the granddaughter's ABC Peng Peng You did not expect ridiculous story also started from this reunion.

mid night canteen (TV)[2016]

Feature: This is a special canteen open from midnight to seven in the morning. Lao Ban here, not very talkative, but always let people eat tears. Here, the inferiority of the dancers encounter recess retirement for many years dance predecessors, predecessors at their own pains to inspire young people, eventually make it regain confidence; quiet girlfriends must eat their favorite food recalled Friends of the past, returned to good; optimistic patients with terminally ill met the same girl, the two love each other and give each other the strength to accompany each other perfectly through the last mile; success blind pursuit of career white-collar workers, made here Real warmhearted friend, found that the truth is more meaningful than success. The food, the story, the truth, brought together the theme of the show, taught the people to confront the pros and cons and full of hope and enthusiasm for life. Behind every story are full of affection, the plot ups and downs, it is unforgettable forgotten & nbsp ;.

RunningMan (Movie)[2015]

Feature: It is a legend that, long, long ago, under the protection of the Princess Peacock, the rain forest lived with the two tribes of the tiger and the deer until one day the black tiger provoked the war. After the brutal fight, the tiger lost, the black tiger died, but his hatred through time and space came to the 21st century. At the beginning of the new year, "Running Brothers", a large-scale variety entertainment program born from Korea's "Running Man" and hit by "Running Brother" jointly produced by Zhejiang TV program center and South Korea's SBS television station, The members of their respective businesses issued a convening order to assemble Sanya under the leadership of Yi Yi, a tourist guide. However, this is an extremely dangerous journey. The traitor who runs the men's team hides them. The camera moves and is ready to destroy the happiness of all.

FleetofTime (Movie)[2014]

Feature: Time goes by, once a beautiful youth is like an unreal dream. She is full of restlessness, joy, sadness and indignation. She is far away from the reality of social intrigues youth ignorant, stupid silly innocent smear the most bright and dazzling colors. Now look back on the past, even if dreams are illusory, but let people marveled, filled with emotion. Only occasionally, Chen Xun (Eddie Peng), a long time gone by, recalls the name that had been shouted for thousands of times. In the distant student days, Chen Xun and the young girl Fang Hui (Ni Ni) who made his heart move, and the ordinary buddies like Qiao Ran (Vision Wei), Lin JiaMo (Zhang Zixuan), Zhao Ye (Zheng Kai) walk Dusty campus. Friendship, love is as wild as weeds in so many taboo ages, once it was what they insisted upon, and all of them were crushed away. Xu vowed do you remember? The film is based on the nine-star anise's novel of the same name.

Dragon Gate Escort (TV)[2013]

Feature: Dragon Gate Escort was the largest Central Plains Baizhang Escort. Later, with the changing times, Dragon Escort is declining. Dragon Gate Escort less dart head Korean received a dart, lucrative, but was attacked by bandits midway, the army annihilated. Escort was huge claims, facing bankruptcy. Lu SanJin, the less-than-owner of the Beijing Ping An Bank Draft, stepped forward to pay off the huge debts for the Escort, and acquired Escort to become the new owner. However, only after the acquisition found that we are all mixed. Sheng QiuYue look at the eyes of the boss, anxious in my heart, because I do not know how to operate, she can not speak of the Escort, and three gold concept and the original business ideas have a serious conflict, escort contradictions have intensified. Just three gold decided to give up, Sheng QiuYue share their shares to everyone, aroused everyone's confidence in the Escort. Subsequently, Lu SanJin personally led the dart bureau, etc., with practical action to revive the glory of Escort & nbsp ;.

EternalMoment (Movie)[2011]

Feature: Yang Zheng and Wen Hui married for seven years, Yang Zheng is a big company executives, Wen Hui focus on home, seven years of marriage have worn away their passion for each other, their ordinary life so that they breathe. Yang Zheng in a deliberately or unconsciously ran away from home, he lived in a family business hotel across from my own mysterious tree, and at the instigation of others began to peek Wen Hui life. However, many days have passed, actually have not looked for him. When he was disheartened, ready to give up this marriage, but found a series of secrets Wen Hui. In Beijing, is a car mechanic, ready to divorce. Wen Hui in Shanghai, just divorced, with a pair of twin sons, rely on the electric city to sell mobile phones to make a living. A class reunion, the two meet, there has been a series of farce and embarrassment. After experiencing a few days of running-in, the two eventually found out that after years of baptism, they were no longer school lovers of that year, life changed them, changes changed their feelings, everything was over and the meeting was Not really better to miss. Wen Hui far Bordeaux in France, drunk at night, she called Yang Zheng phone, and it is this phone that upset Yang Zheng's life. Yang Zheng left for France to find Wen Hui, but inadvertently involved in Wen Hui changes. Yang Zheng has never forgotten the emotion of Wen Hui, saw Wen Hui's family became more determined to take away her determination, but at this time, Wen Hui's husband Pan Xiao back, some things happen, let Yang Zheng gave up adhering to years of feeling left alone. After Yang Zheng left, Wen Hui decided to start a new life with her husband. Wen Hui accidentally discovered the cell phone left by Yang Zheng. She finally found at that moment that Yang Zheng had never left for so many years.

GanBuGanZhiBaoBei (Movie)[2011]

Feature: "Baby" plays a wealthy girl, but in the play Jia Li is "a wealthy" but is only a daughter-in-law when she learns about her own life and runs away from home to start the soul-stirring and tortuous story.

WindBlast (Movie)[2010]

Feature: On the Gobi Desert, Xiang Xi, Tibetan Mastiff He Jianzhong, Yak Han ChaoDong and Yang XiaoMing are tracing the suspects Zhang Ning and his girlfriend Sun Jing. The four were originally the "Four Famous Arrests" all belonging to the local Public Security Bureau. However, in a mission a few years ago, Yang XiaoMing's brother died on duty and Xiang Xi was promoted to Hunan Provincial Office because of that task. The capture operation was the first re-gathering after the four people respectively. Fugitive Zhang Ning In order to prove his love to his girlfriend Sun Jing has been relying on black fist to make money, but savings have been accidentally cheated by friends, desperation Zhang Ning took an assassination sale, but photographed before the escape mystery Behind the scenes black hand photos. Zhang Ning, who was arrested after being arrested by the "Four Famous Cats", said he is going to cooperate with the police in handing over the photo to Sun Jing, already pregnant. Meanwhile, Mai Gao and A Nuo, two professional killers dispatched by the behind-the-scenes black hand, also tracked a large amount of sophisticated equipment. The two forces met in a narrow road in the western desert, and Zhang Ning and his photos became the focus of the battle. In a temporary tent stationed in an abandoned mine site, Zhang Ning was sacked by the Mai Gao, who were attacked. In the face of Mai Gao's torture, Zhang Ning did not give in. He said that in order to cooperate with Mai Gao, he must rescued Sun Jing, still in the hands of the police. Mai Gao felt his fiery feelings toward Zhang Ning and agreed with him Request. Bandits dark fort, empty city, abandoned police station, "the four famous catch" and the two professional killers all the way to start life and death fight, Mai Gao and A Nuo because of the different concepts began to contradict each other, but also between the "four famous catch" because of several years The old case had been buried before the knot, but at a critical juncture, the four unite together without hesitation, after a fierce battle, He Jianzhong wounded, Han ChaoDong and Sun Jing unfortunately died. Among the rubble, Xiang Xi, who had no extra bullets, proposed a duel with Mai Gao. Mai Gao, who also ran out of gear, agreed to the proposal. On the other hand, Yang Xiao Ming met with A Nuo in the opposite direction. The two groups started their final contest, After two shots, Mai Gao and A Nuo closed their eyes forever. On the highway, a police car fleet speeding past Zhang Ning, who lost Sun Jing, sitting in a van full of mixed feelings and finally decided to hand down the photo to Xiang Xi. In another ambulance, Yang XiaoMing and He Jianzhong each smile. Gradually the team left the snow-capped Gobi desert.


Feature: Tang BoHu (Guo Degang), the first of the four gifted men in south China, is a talented young woman who has poured countless girls. At the Tang BoHu concert, Qiu Xiang (Yao Di), a security guard of Hua TaiShi Prefecture, mixed up with an idol and performed with Tang BoHu on the same stage. However, the day was over, a misunderstanding occurred on the night's two appointments And blows. On the other hand, Ning Wang 觎 觎 Tang BoHu real estate, sending killer Du ShaZhang (nine holes decorated) Tang BoHu into the river. Washington's maid Pomegranate (Ke-Yu Guo) unexpectedly saved Tang BoHu back to Washington, where he lost his memory due to the injury and was enshrined by Hua An in Washington. Qiu Xiang found memory loss Tang BoHu at hand, but no way to wake it up. Ning Wang issued a wanted order to pursue Tang BoHu and sent Du ShaZhang to steal the night pearl in Hua TaiShi prefecture. Suzhou city situation more and more dangerous to Tang BoHu, Memoryless genius will go from here & nbsp; & nbsp;

TheMessage (Movie)[2009]

Feature: In the spring of 1940, the former vice-chairman of the Kuomintang of China joined the Japanese government and set up a new "national government" in Nanjing. Since then, the war of resistance against Japan entered a new "Three Kingdoms" period - Wang Jingwei's Nanjing National Government, Chiang Kai-shek's Chongqing National Government, and the government led by Mao Tse-tung became a trio of parliament, working independently and mutually restraining each other. After Wang Jingwei took office, he embarked on three major policies: launching a military campaign within the sphere of influence and clearing up the communist party with Chiang Kai-shek and at the same time inducing Chiang Kai-shek and his party members into the Cabinet. On October 10, 1942, the Wang puppet government held a grand ceremony to celebrate the thirtieth anniversary of the founding of the National Government. A key member of the puppet government was shot dead, arousing great attention from Japan. Wu Tian, ​​the spy agency chief, suspects the series of assassinations were planned by "underground" gunmen, hoping to seize this opportunity to crack down on his organization. Wu Tian investigated that the "old devil" who was responsible for sending instructions lurked in the bandit headquarters and brought the five suspects most likely to touch the telegram to the closed Qiuzhuang-puppet bandit leader Wu ZhiGuo, Bai XiaoNian, Commander of the Puppet Bandit Corps, Li NingYu, head of the translation unit of the Puppet Army Bandit Command, Gu XiaoMeng, chief executive of the Puppet Bandit Command, and Director of the Military Aircraft Division of the Puppet Bandit Corps. The deadline for the investigation is only five days. Wu Tian has to resort to various means, even brutal torture, to find the "elder ghost." In order to protect themselves, the five individuals who were under house arrest also looked around with anxiety and anxiety and looked forward to pulling out the "old ghost" as soon as possible so that they could safely leave Qiuzhuang.

beach (TV)[2004]

Feature: General of the military career persist in the end Lao You, avant-garde fashion lover Xiao Wei, generous simple and happy Hua Zai, love all the Xiao Chang. Seven young people of various qualities joined the Beach Guard in succession. At the beach, they witnessed troubled couples and Elderly Elderly being late for forty years on beach appointments and taking part in maritime operations to crack down on smuggling crimes. Through this period of life, they have a brand new understanding of life, love and ideals. They have demonstrated that contemporary young people dare to pursue their ideals and challenge themselves and their courage to face and improve their heart. Face the sea, spring, when they face the sea again, they really understand what the heart wants. Xiao Peng (Li Yapeng), an advertising agency, is a typical urban white-collar worker. His career success is indistinct in his life goals and direction. He also hesitates to marry Lin Qian (Xia Li), a girlfriend who has been dating for several years. Xiao Peng reluctantly returned to his hometown, Sun Beach, at the urging of Lin Qian, and invited his father, who had not met for several years, to attend the wedding. Xiao Peng The father neglected his family because he loves the sea because of his work. This is the reason why Xiao Peng confessed his mother to the unforgivable nature of his head. Two people to meet another big quarrel. The next day Xiao Peng back to the city to see his father has boarded the sea fishing boats. At the gas station Xiao Peng was in a bad mood because of a quarrel with petrol station worker A Tong (Xun Zhou), A Tong lost his job because of Xiao Peng and Xiao Peng was unaware of it. Xiao Peng smashed planning was ordered to suspend their introspection, and Lin Qian Xiao Peng's attitude towards marriage is very dissatisfied with the two were in disarray. Xiao Peng received a phone call from the seaside when his career and feelings were not satisfied: his father vanished in the sea during the dive. Xiao Peng returns to the sun beach again. Lao You, a military-loving career major, was forced to change jobs and was led by leaders to set up escort teams at the Sun Beach. Although unable to accept the reality but had to leave the barracks to the beach recruit team. After being released from prison, Xiao Bing (Wang Xuebing), who has been abandoned by his family and his girlfriend to allow him to return to society, feels uncertain about his future and his lifeless fervor. After finding himself moving to a postcard, he finds a beach in the sun. The beach is getting lively. Xiao Peng took the company back to his phone at his father's funeral and quarreled again with A Tong because of a bad mood. A Tong photo beach actress photo can not stand Xiao Peng cold to his father, they are not impressed with each other. After Xiao Peng learned that A Tong alone raised her sister's child and caused her to lose her job, he apologized for finding A Tong. A Tong's insistence on performance let him admiration. The two are in a precocious deal of love and affection. Xiao Bing became the guard's first player, followed by Xiao Wei and Hua Zai, dull boys in the town. Soon a casual team barely established. Lao You knew Xiao Peng's condition decided to help him in the jackpot. Although the team was established, but Lao You's army-style management and training to make everyone dissatisfied, Xiao Wei thus withdraw from the escort team due to conflict in name only. Lao You is very painful: how to face a new life is very difficult. Once again, Lao You and Xiao Peng talked about the sea, and they were not sure what they wanted. With Xiao Peng secretly help everyone back together, Lao You was touched. For the first time, escort members built offices and dormitories along the beach and for the first time gained a sense of collective honor. Xiao Peng also eventually joined the escort team.A Tong also joined the escort team during a guard match. Xiao Ting, a nurse in town kindergarten, passionately inspired Xiao Bing to fall in love with her at first sight and insisted on joining the escort team. Everyone was inspired by her enthusiasm. With the escort team on the right track, Lao You was asked to join the maritime anti-smuggling force in search of his best friend, and Lao You was mixed in mixed feelings of ambivalence. Everybody accused him of not being responsible for Lao You speechless. Xiao Peng understands his feelings and urges him to make the right choice. Lao You struggled after the choice to leave. When everyone left Xiao Peng persuaded everyone to understand the heart and dream of Lao You. Lao You moved deeply relieved. Xiao Peng everyone who shouldered the captain burden has had a profound friendship. Xiao Bing is deeply attracted by A Tong's personality. Sanya, Hainan Province, Sanya, where she loves the filming, but she does not know A Tong. This makes Xiao Bing very painful. Xiao Peng encouraged Xiao Bing to acknowledge A Tong. Xiao Ting found Xiao Bing's feelings for A Tong, and she buried her pain in her heart. A Tong early in the heart of Xiao Peng have inexplicable feelings, Xiao Peng Although there are feelings but both are strong and therefore deliberately withdrawn. Four in a touch of emotion, taste the complex taste. Xiao Wei repeatedly helped to help the girl who wants to commit suicide, and everyone encouraged Xiao Xia to give up her dead idea and stay at the beach and join them. The appearance of a man exposed the experience of A Tong: The boy who called her aunt Long Long actually was A Tong's biological child! Long Long's father, Goyang, died in a car accident and A Tong was driven out of his house. Xiao Bing could not help saying that A Tong was rejected by A Tong. He understood that A Tong had liked Xiao Peng and chose to leave. Xiao Peng found Xiao Bing and Xiao Bing moved to Xiao Peng's sincere decision to quit. Xiao Bing told Xiao Peng to accept the feelings of A Tong, Xiao Peng listened to the heart is very complicated. Xiao Ting's pain was seen by Xiao Ting's eyes. Xiao Ting was in pain when she tried to help Xiao Bing and Xiao Bing did not feel Xiao Ting's feelings. Xiao Ting's flight attendants dreamed she was not taken seriously. A man named Sheng Lin came to the beach intending to approach Xiao Ting. Xiao Ting was touched by Sheng Lin's understanding. Xiao Bing found Sheng Lin, a former prison inmate and a liar, who asked Xiao Ting to be misunderstood away from Sheng Lin. Helplessly, he had to tell everyone about his past. Xiao Ting may think that Xiao Bing intends to get over her and still be with Sheng Lin. One rainy night, Xiao Ting, was almost insulted by Sheng Lin. Xiao Bing arrived in time to beat Sheng Lin and Sheng Lin ran away. Xiao Ting is depressed to leave the beach and return to kindergarten. A Tong sees Xiao Ting's feelings for Xiao Bing and Xiao Bing enlists Xiao Ting. Xiao Bing apologized to Xiao Ting but she said she was going to keep her dream, which touched Xiao Bing. Before Xiao Ting left, Xiao Bing suddenly found himself on the evening post sun sunset. The girl on the postcard bringing him to the beach was Xiao Ting. Xiao Ting For dreams and love is hard to decide, Xiao Bing tells Xiao Ting to persevere and he will wait for her by the sea. Beach stills Long Long's aunt came to the beach cleverly hope Long Long Hui Gao was rejected by A Tong. She takes away Long Long while A Tong is not prepared. A Tong was in pain, and Xiao Peng and everyone got Long Long back from the smart. He and A Tong can no longer suppress emotions and excited hug. But the presence of Lin Qian stalled their feelings. Lin Qian hopes Xiao Peng can go back and help her in business, guilty of Lin Qian made him promise her. A Tong silently accepted his choice.Lin Qian company back to life, she hopes the two start again. Xiao Peng found himself deeply in love with A Tong and rejected Lin Qian, Lin Qian sadly left. Day by day, the players in the ocean of life in selfless help others and help each other. Have a deeper understanding of life, love, affection and friendship. Everyone inadvertently changed their attitude to life and understanding of life. Lao You suddenly returned to the beach due to private duties at sea. We did not wait for the narration of our own life smuggling ships, but Lao You did not wait for support to follow. Xiao Peng and Xiao Bing joined Lao You to join the tracking mission. Late at night under the eyes of everyone Lao You and Xiao Peng, Xiao Bing went to sea. Sly smugglers found them, fighting on both sides. At this time, A Tong and others at the beach were waiting in anxiety and pain. In the early morning, when Xiao Peng Xiao Bing and Lao You came back smoothly, A Tong and Xiao Peng stopped pressing themselves and hugged each other after experiencing the test of life and death. Xiao Ting back to the beach stewardess and love in love with Xiao Bing, a couple of young people wander in love, but to let Xiao Ting immediately catch flight Xiao Bing sent her rain. Xiao Bing's car rushed into the road and fell into the sea when it came back and quickly disappeared ...... Xiao Ting learned the bad news and went back to the beach. In a grief atmosphere, we put flowers filled boats into the sea, boats floating in the sea, farther and farther. We cried, tightly hugged together. Everyone can not accept the fact that Xiao Ting wants to give up his dream. Xiao Peng took Xiao Ting and everyone to the sea, and he told everyone what he really wanted in the face of the ocean and asking yourself. Everyone looked at the sea speechless, everyone in the heart looking for the answer ... ... Xiao Peng said that only reunification is the best miss for Xiao Bing. Finally, Xiao Ting decided to go back and stick with her and Xiao Bing's common dream. Everyone was deeply moved by her words. Goyang's parents suddenly came to the beach and hoped to take Long Long away. A Tong flatly refused. But to see the elderly without helplessness and loneliness A Tong could not bear to add slowly Long Long on the feelings of the elderly, A Tong struggled in complex feelings. Xiao Peng aside to encourage and support A Tong. In the end, A Tong decided to hand over her children to Gaojia. She told Xiao Peng that she could not consider her feelings for the betterment of her children. A Tong's motherly affection touched Xiao Peng and suddenly put forward that A Tong should and Long Long back high, A Tong not be stunned. A Tong and Long Long are gone, and the tourists on the beach are getting less and less. Having seen so many affections, Xiao Peng reflects deeply on his relationship with his father. He dive into the spot where he once dived with his father In the sea, his father's face surfaced in front of him. Xiao Peng feels mixed with his father and gazes at him. All his grudges are silently dissolved. The end of the tourist season, escort team also dissolved. Xiao Wei decided to inherit Grandpa's dessert shop. He and Xiao Chang also enjoy the joy of love. Xiao Peng decided to stay at the beach. He was looking for the fish his father once gave his life for. Tong Tong returned to the beach with Long Long. At the beach, Xiao Peng and A Tong watched for a long time, looking at the blue sea at the same time ... Xiao Peng suddenly told A Tong he wanted to be Long Long's father, and A Tong laughed. Serenity changed again quiet, we face the sea, decided to come back next season.

SpringSubway (Movie)[2002]

Feature: Jian Bin (Geng Le) and Xiao Hui (Xu Jinglei) came to Beijing to make a living, and they lived together for seven years. They did not have the passion but they also enjoyed each other. Unexpectedly, Jian Bin is unemployed, and he has not found a new job in three months. The rent will soon be over. Jian Bin was in a very complicated mood, hiding the news from Xiao Hui and going to work on the subway every day. In the subway, he saw many cities in the Facebook. Girl Li Chuan (Wang Ning ornaments), then entered his life. Li Chuan had eyesight loss during a metro incident. Jian Bin impersonated her and went to the hospital to take care of Li Chuan every day. On the other hand, Xiao Hui is also facing the pursuit of another person, but in her heart, she still has a renounced feelings toward Jian Bin. But when she learns about Jian Bin's secrets, is this feeling inevitable?

Happy (TV)[1999]

Feature: At home there are two sons and one daughter, the eldest son (Li Yapeng ornaments) returned from the United States, hi hi hi, brought "ABC" daughter (Chu Yin ornaments), so that the two elderly mentally bear some, they Can you get along? It is a problem. Second son Yu FuGui (Geng Le ornaments) love Kart racing, but forced dad to inherit the hand noodles.

Make love last (TV)[1998]


The plot of the TV series "to carry on the love to the end" tells the story of the protagonist Yang Zheng from a remote small city, studying in Shanghai, he met many friends at school - Ruo Tong, Wen Hui, Le Yan, Yu Sen, Jia Wei, and then joined them, Wen Hui and Yang Zheng fell in love at first sight. Yang Zheng had a strong personality and did not want Wen Hui to help him find a job. Wen Hui broke up with her and went to the south. Wen Hui was very sad and dated Yu Sen, but Yu Sen later found out that she did not love herself. Wen Hui was so ashamed that he did not accept the re-pursuit of Yang Zheng. A year later, Yang Zheng returned from the south, but Wen Hui was going to study in the United States. Sad Yang Zheng did a mobile phone business, but was found by Ruo Tong in a news interview. The videotape was broadcast and Yang Zheng was sentenced to one year. When Yang Zheng came out, he had no love at all. Ruo Tong let him live in his home and let Yang Zheng enter a Courier company called run. At this time, Wen Hui came back and aroused the emotion of Yang Zheng two years ago. Wen Hui dated and chatted with Yang Zheng, but she never told him about her wedding. Yang Zheng did not really face Ruo Tong, which made Ruo Tong sad.


Jianghuernu (Movie)[1952]

Feature: Zhongyi Technology Group operating hard, still meals not to follow, the teacher Xiao ZhongYi forced a living, and his daughter He Hua moved to dance hall performance. Ballroom Tang JingLi too Loyalty Technology Group unexpected, to loyalty changed its name to "He Hua Technology Mission", soon after asked He Hua dressed in perspective. All groups are opposed to the big table, and finally away from the ballroom. He Hua fell in love with Tie Zhu, a knot. After loyalty was informed, he Hua and Tie Zhu were forced to clash with Loyalty and Loyalty, He Hua ran away from home. Loyalty deep since regret, He Hua also end up reluctant to return because of his father, father and daughter meet, before the hatchet release. At this moment, Tang Jingli sent people to investigate loyalty and breach of contract, and took away the props and instruments used by the technical troupe. Loyalty and others decided to go to the streets to play arts, intends to accumulate enough entangled that trip back home. Technical troupe Liu Meng blackmail protection costs, Tie Zhu angry resistance, was stabbed in the chaos. Tie Zhu can not perform, He Hua is pregnant, barely debut, resulting in movement of the fetal position, to be hospitalized surgery. Tie Zhu promised Tang Jingli for dangerous performance in order to raise operating costs. He Hua gave birth to a baby and was discharged. Chung Yee Technology Troupe also ended his journey back to China.

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