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Zhuangzhuang Tian TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Zhuangzhuang Tian Works 11 ,And Feature 8 ,Romance 2 ,Family drama 2 ,青春文艺1 ,Biopic 1 ,Music 1 ,Child 1 ,Costume Drama 1 ,Romantic drama 1 ,色情1 。

Works Index

Zhuangzhuang Tian Filmography(11)


我和我的祖国 (Movie)[2019]


七位导演分别取材新中国成立70周年以来,祖国经历的无数个历史性经典瞬间。讲述普通人与国家之间息息相关密不可分的动人故事。聚焦大时代大事件下,普通人和国家之间,看似遥远实则密切的关联,唤醒全球华人共同回忆。为保障开国大典国旗顺利升起, Lin ZhiYuan 争分夺秒排除万难,用一个惊心动魄的未眠之夜确保立国大事“万无一失”;为研制中国第一颗原子弹, Gao Yuan 献身国防科技事业,奉献了自己的青春和爱情;为确保五星红旗分秒不差飘扬在香港上空,升旗手 Zhu Tao 刻苦训练不懈怠、女港警 Lian Jie 兢兢业业守平安、外交官 An WenBin 与英国人谈判16轮分秒不让;喜迎奥运之际,出租车司机将自己视若珍宝的开幕式门票送给了远赴京城的汶川地震孤儿。一个个鲜活生动的普通人的奋斗故事,勾连起一段段难以磨灭的全民记忆。


Later us (Movie)[2018]


"Later Us" talked about a pair of men and women meeting each other on the train to return home during the Chinese New Year. From then on, the fate of the two men tangled together and they fell in love, broke up, missed, and met again. "Later Us" is a youth film movie directed by Rene Liu and produced by Zhang Yibai, starring Jing Boran and Zhou Dongyu. The film tells about a pair of men and women meeting each other on the train to return home during the New Year. Since then, the fate of the two men has tangled together and they have experienced love, breakup, miss, and reunion. The film was released in mainland China on April 28, 2018. .


LoveEducation (Movie)[2017]

Feature: After the death of Sylvia Chang's mother, Huiying's biggest thought was to relocate the grave of a far-off father back to town with his mother for the idea that Lao Lao (Yanshu Wu ornaments) erupted a huge conflict. The relocation of the grave became Huiying's knot, which also caused a rift between her and her husband, Tian Zhuangzhuang. Hui Wei's daughter, Wei Wei (Long Yue Ting), a columnist on television, was curious about Lao Lao's past. She put this "family conflict" on television and showed it to the public, although the starting point was goodwill The entire incident has intensified and eventually turned into a farce. At the same time, Wei Wei and her boyfriend A Da (Ning Song ornaments) feelings because of the emergence of A Da's childhood sweetheart suffered a crisis of confidence, which made her equal to her grandfather life also lonely life Lao Lao generation A sense of intimacy.

LadyoftheDynasty (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Young girl Yang YuHuan dance for the country, Pina if scared, Tang Ming Huang do not feel enamored. Wu HuiFei fears the potential threat, falsely claiming that Yang YuHuan was the princess she chose for her son Shou Wang. Has become Shouwang's wife, the emperor's daughter-in-law. This woman, who only needs emotion and art, has no political interest. However, she is surrounded by politics. Wu HuiFei design framed Prince rebellion, resulting in the three princes were cast into three sculptures. Soon, Wu HuiFei conspiracy revealed, since he died. Shou Wang can not face the father's love of Yang YuHuan, under the poison to Yuhuan abortion. Yang YuHuan, desperate, was sent to Taoist temple. Emperor Ming was rejected by Yang YuHuan, announcing the strong marriages. However, on the wedding night, Emperor Ming did not force Yang YuHuan. The feelings of the two in the political struggle and court daily life closer and closer, Yang YuHuan finally fell in love with the Ming emperor. An Shih broke out. This rebellion made Yang's concubine husband reconciliation with Tang and Ming dynasties, and Shou Wang tragically marched on the battlefield. And the uninterested Yang Yuhuan also became the core of the highest political struggle in the empire.

GrandsonfromtheUnitedStates (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Lao YangTou (Jingmin Luo) is a solo artist living alone in Hua County, Shaanxi Province. One day, the son who left for many years suddenly recalled Bu LuKeSi (Ding Jiaming), a foreign girlfriend and grandchildren. Lao YangTou, whose concept was under attack, has not yet recovered and his son and girlfriend havetily handed Bu LuKeSi to themselves for having gone to work in Hoh Xil. By surprise, Lao YangTou had to act as a caretaker of grandson Yang Yeh, who often clashed between East and West for cultural differences and language barrier. In order for Bu LuKeSi to drink fresh milk, Lao YangTou found Wang ZhanZhang (Tianzuo Liu), a township cultural station where cows were raised. Wang ZhanZhang, who is still in the making of the inheritance shadow play, took the opportunity to invite Lao YangTou to come back. Under the influence of Wang Zhan Zhang's unrelenting lobbying and Bu LuKeSi, Lao YangTou's shadow puppet class finally succeeded, and he and Bu LuKeSi also became intimate because of the unique warmth and communication of shadow play.

BaoGuiDeMiMi (Movie)[2010]

Feature: In a small enclosed village, Wei Mei Xiu, a village teacher, was seduced by a pro-Soviet man. During her childbirth, the people in the village knit a lie so that the young photographer Lan BaoGui of Shan Village married her. Strength actor Feng Zu starred in the photographer Lan BaoGui, because of this lies, he tried his best to withdraw from Peking University, from his life together lonely.

TheWarriorAndTheWolf (Movie)[2009]

Feature: China, more than 2,000 years ago, is threatened by foreigners on its frontier. Central Plains soldiers were sent to the frontier to resist foreign enemies, and lived months and months away from their families, friends and court expeditions. They seem to have been abandoned by the world, and only wrestle with the harsh nature, with the ferocious beast. Zhang An Liang is the general in charge of the frontier forces and has a recruiter Lu Shen Kang in his unit. Lu was not willing to participate in the war at the beginning, bloody weapons and the body so that he was afraid and disgust. Heart good, longing for peace, once he saw a young wolf, not only do not kill, but to raise it. Zhang AnLiang appreciate his integrity and courage, and gradually become friends with Lu. Unfortunately, in a war, Zhang was seriously wounded, in order to save lives, only to be sent off the battlefield. The remaining Lu ShenKang lonely combat. In winter, both teams were unable to move forward. Lu ShenKang had to lead troops to temporarily stay in the village of Kale in the mountains. In the night, a young Ka LeiNv man crawled out of the floor of a house where Lu ShenKang lived. The woman's husband is dead, the family is gone. Like Lu ShenKang, she was abandoned by the world. The life of a woman was destined to be spent in solitude, but Lu ShenKang and the woman's passions were overwhelmed by the still-freaky world of wolves; in the midst of ruthless cold, the two regained their life's breath. They know that they have to pay for this unusual feeling, but their enthusiasm has become like a raging fire, making them beasts. In the end, when Zhang An Liang met his friend Lu ShenKang unexpectedly, it was such an unexpected scenario.

Lying village (Movie)[2007]

Feature: In a closed hill village, Wei Mei Xiu, a rural teacher, was released in the Soviet Union. During her childbirth, the people in the village knit a lie so that the young photographer Lan BaoGui of Shan Village married her. Strength actor starred in the photographer Lan BaoGui, because of this, he tried his best to withdraw from school, from the mountains of life.

Big house door (TV)[2001]

Feature: Qing Emperor Guangxu six years (1880) in the spring, the capital of the most famous drug shop Baicao hall "White House," the mansion door, two little grandmother Bai WenShi gave birth to a boy, it is strange that this child is born will not cry, the more playing the more laughing His grandfather named Bai MengTang named Bai JingQi. Bai YingXuan, who was found guilty of damaging Zhan Wangfu by Da GeGe, was hit by a broken horse carriage and killed by two horses. Bai MengTang daughter Bai YaPing frightened, missed the accidentally killed one year-old son, uncle Guan ShaoYi put it back to her parents, the White House offended. Five years later, Bai YingYuan inadvertently killed the second daughter of Zhan WangYe. When Zhan WangYe fell to the ground and Baizu Hall was sealed, Bai YingYuan was asked to die in the death penalty and was fortunate enough to face the death penalty Prisoners Yan Ye and Zhu Shun were rescued, replaced by a surname of a prisoner surnamed Han, Bai YingYuan away from the horizon. Bai MengTang died, the family power to the daughters of the two daughters at the end of death Bai WenShi, Bai YingYuan's wife Bai YinShi heard that her husband was executed and hanged himself to death. An eye-opener, Bai JingQi, who reached the age of seven and reached the age of school, was born with a nasty grudge and went out of his way to three private teachers. Finally, he was surrendered by the newly recruited teacher, former ZSK Army Officer Ji ZongBu, Pharmaceutical talent. Bai WenShi has gradually restored the vitality of the past, and Bai YeYuu has done a good job of doing something, colluding with foreigners, and has taken the property and secret recipe of the White House. Growing up and fell in love with the little girl Huang Chun, she did not know that she was the illegitimate daughter of Guiwu and Da GeGe of Zhan Palace, and was unanimously opposed by her family. In 1900, the Eight-Power Allied Forces invaded Beijing and Sanye Yingyu became a traitor. In the process of burning, killing and robbing, his own relative Bai YaPing was gang-raped by German devils. Bai JingQi, however, was full of hatred against the invading forces and became friends with an anti-Japanese Japanese army called Tian Mu. In order to avenge his teacher Ji ZongBu, Bai JingQi killed a German soldier and even wound up a disaster. Under the threat of Sanye Ying-woo, Bai WenShi had to evacuate Jing Qi and her pregnant Huang Chun. Jing Qi Huang Chuang wife to work in battles in Jinan, work hard, set a career, but because of the courtesan Yang JiuHong inexplicable emotional entanglement, offended the Admiral adults, was a big prison, after the Church Sister Bai YuFen rescued. At this time, the capital of White House is also a twists and turns, knowing that Yingyuan escape rogue Rogue Han RongFa, mixed with white house blackmail, infuriating Ying Xuan Erye. Bai JingQi returned to Beijing to funeral ancestor, angered Han RongFa and expelled from the house, burying the curse. Yang JiuHong with her daughter Jia Li also rushed to the capital, but was Bai WenShi prostitutes born contrary to rules contrary to the door, Bai JingQi had to be placed outside the house, Bai WenShi designed by Huang Chun and Bai YaPing nine red daughter Jia Li cheat in the hands, Yang JiuHong unbearable decided to return to Jinan. The impoverished Wu BeiLe learns that his illegitimate daughter was married to Bai JingQi and then finds her relative in Bai Fu and is rejected by Bai JingQi and Huang Chun. Wu BeiLe furious with collusion of rogue Han RongFa, find out the whereabouts of Bai YingYuan jailed the same year, Dali Temple took the lead, the son of Ying Park son Bai JingYi into prison, thanks to the prison leader Zhu Shun save rescued, Wu BeiLe reborn, eventually making Bai JingQi recognize the father-in-law.Yang JiuHong is pregnant again. Bai WenShi is not allowed to return to Ji'nan in order to leave a baby born soon. Bai JingQi first violated her mother's life and secretly left Yang JiuHong. In 1911 the Qing dynasty dilapidated, the Great House Gate dwindled in warlord turmoil, the white children were unscrupulous, the son of Bai JingQi Bai JingYe squandered, under the instigation of the three master Bai YingYu, done a bad thing. White Housekeeper Wang XiGuang, this is the palace eunuchs, actually concealed King Qi married three-bedroom wife. Bai WenShi hard support, arranged for the children one by one the rear. In 1921, while Bai JingQi was self-reliant, Wu BeiLe remained under Jing Qi's door and doing his worst was actually hijacked by his son Huang Li into the country and killed when he was living in Da GeGe. Yang JiuHong again into Beijing into a new home, seeing her daughter grow up, but only recognized her grandmother does not recognize the mother deeply buried the seeds of hatred. Bai WenShi seventieth birthday that daughter Bai YuTing thirtieth unmarried, was to fancy a play Wan XiaoJu, denounced Bai YuTing, Yu-ting though not afraid to resist, but always infatuation does not change. Bai WenShi eventually died of overworked work and left the world. The mansion house held a grudge up and down, even the dogs and cats all wear filial piety. However, Bai WenShi left a will at the end of his life, but he did not allow Yang JiuHong to bring filial piety. Yang JiuHong landless, ruined filial service. White House Bai WenShi funeral for the whole family, the heat of the day, seriously ill Huang Chun and Bai YaPing actually died in the funeral. Bai WenShi again before the girl Huai Hua Xu Jing Qi as a concubine, the Greater House even more days of peace. Has been crush on Wan XiaoJu's Bai YuTing due to secular prejudices, the door difference can not finally do so, actually under King Qi's marriage, and Wan XiaoJu photo line wedding gift, and live together for a long time without photos. Due to the legacy left by Bai WenShi, Jia Li always hated her mother Yang JiuHong, who in revenge had designed to deceive her daughter into a deeper hatred. After the September 18 Incident, the northeastern medicinal materials were banned. The old Bai Ru hall lost its supply and faced a crisis. Yang JiuHong actually disguised himself as a man's clothing. Although she was in the northeast, Huai Hua has been brought around with him to prevent falling pet, but unexpectedly Bai JingQi house and girl Li XiangXiu repaired, Yang JiuHong regrets, will be a room of anger, full of jealousy in Huai Hua body, resulting in Huai Hua Cantilever beam suicide, Bai JingQi provoke a lawsuit. Bai JingQi's housekeeper, Wang XiGuang, was evil and was finally overrun. It was dismissed by Bai JingQi and therefore resented it. Seeing that there was enough opportunity, she went down the drain and sent Bai JingQi into a big prison. Witty show up and down the circus, eventually rescued Bai JingQi, so Bai JingQi determined to marry Xiangxiu. Incident of July 7, Bai ZhanYi Bai ZhanYuan participated in the anti-Japanese organization of the Communist Party, and White House became the focus of attention of the invading army. Bai JingQi refused to cooperate with the Japanese army was forced to hid Xiang Xiujia, and finally decided to violate the rules will be Xiangxiu continued string of strings, was immediately opposed by the entire tribe, Show married. The Japanese army forced Wang Qi, a traitor, to persecute Jing Qi as the director of the Pharmaceutical Association, and threatened to kill him. Bai JingQi resolutely refused to do any traitors and worried that Chang Sun Zhanyuan would suffer and could not be freed.At this time, Bai YingYu, who has been hurt by the Japanese army for 80 years, came forward as president and denounced the Japanese at the inaugural meeting to publicize anti-Japanese and martyred martyrs. At this point, the Great White House door involved in the vigorous anti-Japanese torrent.

Tao Hua sky full of red (Movie)[1995]

Feature: Another banned drama, the wife of the last Chinese eunuch, adapted from the famous writer "". A passionate playful actor. A woman with a face Tao Hua face, ten years is still boudoir. A psychopath, wants a woman with a face Tao Hua face and her old eunuch. Metamorphosis of love and affluence Love affair and excitement intertwined. In the end, who is the possession of this woman with Tao Hua face? In 2006, Tian Zhuangzhuang banned the drama, passion appeared, the wife of the last Chinese eunuch came out of the wall ......, "Desire Tao Hua" hot posters, half-naked Daoming Chen holding only belly Li Lin, doing Very ambiguous action, some netizens ask "Who watched Ming Undertake" Desire Tao Hua "? I heard that forbidden ... ..." Later proved Daoming Chen, Li Lin was transfixed to a three-tier film poster on. Reported that the disc sales decent, but the show is not directed, actress Li Lin said very angrily, because many users said she and Daoming Chen played the three film "desire Tao Hua", DVD disc Cover very hot! They are directed at the cover to buy! She was still very puzzled, she told reporters complained: "The business is really wicked, not to promote the film itself, the net play these flowers, actually the director also replaced." She said she did not know who the stills head in the Then the hot body, was profiteers poured the sewage, "you talk to whom to justice?

Rock kids (Movie)[1988]

Feature: A song and dance group solo dancers, unwilling to repeat on the stage all day without meaning "& quot ;, in order to break the shackles of traditional dance, he decided to resign. To this end, Long Xiang and girlfriend entertainer Yuan Yuan dance friction. However, he and his friend, acrobatic motorcycle driver Da Lu, resigned and became a freelancer. Introduced by Da Lu, Long Xiang met Star Dancing Fashion Manager, female designer Luo Dan, and applied for the company performing team coach. Long Xiang modern dance and fashion show organically combined, Star Fashion won the award. In the meantime, Long Xiang's special dance also won. At this moment, Luo Dan expressed his admiration for him and Long Xiang avoided him. He still loved Yuan Yuan in his heart. But when he found Yuan Yuan with the joy of success, she realized she was married. Long Xiang wandered disappointed in the rain, met Xiao Xiao, Xiao Xiao's free and easy, infected Long Xiang happy. Da Lu returned to the Acrobatic Ties in frustration at Motocross, where he met Longxiang in a cage, silent. In the Star Fashion Company, Long Xiang's artistic talent has been fully demonstrated. However, just as the business was going smoothly, Long Xiang resigned once again. He wanted to find a broader stage in the outside world where he could enrich himself and enrich himself. Long Xiang and Xiao Xiao came to the university together, where dancers, singers and students formed a vibrant youth arena. After the performance, Long Xiang came to Xiao Xiao home. In the early morning, Xiao Xiao came early to the sleeping Long Xiang and left him the keys of the house. Long Xiang lost Yuan Yuan's love; avoided Luo Dan's pursuit; but accepted unemployed Xiao Xiao - either temporary or permanent love or friendship. The film as the first Chinese film history to rock music as the theme of the film, as rock fans did not expect to reflect the rock spirit.

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