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Fang Jun Fu TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Fang Jun Fu Works 11 ,And Romance 4 ,Feature 3 ,Myth play 2 ,Family drama 2 ,Xian xia 1 ,古装女性宫廷情感1 ,Idol drama 1 ,Motivational film 1 ,Suspense 1 ,Modern 1 ,legend 1 ,War 1 ,Costume Drama 1 ,Micro film 1 。

Works Index

Fang Jun Fu Filmography(11)


秋蝉 (TV)[2020]


电视剧《秋蝉》剧情介绍:讲述了 Ye Chong 是一名有共产主义信仰的爱国青年,他来到香港协助 Zuo TengDaZang 组建香港的宪兵及情报机构。但 Ye Chong 早已选择为国报效,在新京时就以秋蝉为代号,为我党提供日军重要情报。 Ye Chong 来到香港与 Gong BenCangYe 和 Zuo TengDaZang 、 Qing QuanShangYe 等老牌日本间谍斗智斗勇,他陷入重围一路披荆斩棘,一次次地化解了身边的危机。但 Ye Chong 最终还是身份暴漏,被送回日本受审,在 He Ying 的帮助下逃离了虎穴,回到香港继续为共产党进行地下工作,在好友的帮助下,击败了 Gong BenCangYe 和 Qing QuanShangYe ,为抗战胜利作着不懈努力。受降仪式上, Zuo TengDaZang 向千万香港人民低下了头。抗站胜利了, Ye Chong 、 He Ying 等人圆满的完成了自己的任务,携手奔赴新的战场 。

长安诺 (TV)[2020]


剧照图册雍临领主孙女 He LanMingYu 自幼聪颖,少年与盛州九皇子 Xiao ChengXu 意外结识,二人性情相投,情愫渐生。 Xiao ChengXu “战死”的消息误传,茗玉为救承煦胞弟萧承轩,被迫嫁与承煦三哥盛州王 Xiao ChengRui ,身陷后宫。 Xiao ChengXu 屡立战功助 Xiao ChengRui 称帝,建立大晟国,却因功高盖主遭到其猜忌,加之得知当年母妃身死、父王传位的真相,承煦决意篡权复仇。还未得手, Xiao ChengRui 却旧疾复发溘然薨逝,并下诏令茗玉之子萧启元继位,以牵制 Xiao ChengXu ,稳固朝堂。 Xiao ChengXu 被迫扶持萧启元,却仍一心求娶 He LanMingYu 。与此同时,启元渐渐长大,不满 Xiao ChengXu 的控制,更在旁人挑拨下得知母亲与 Xiao ChengXu 私情,对其二人心生怨恨。 He LanMingYu 以大晟上下安定为重,竭力在启元和 Xiao ChengXu 之间寻求平衡。岂料承煦最终战死,而启元也生就一世情痴,随宠妃董若萱病逝而去。茗玉为了大晟的将来,再一次坚强陪伴在登基的小皇帝身边。《长安诺》海报

琉璃 (TV)[2020]


五大仙门的簪花大会即将在少阳派举行,掌门 Chu Lei 的大女儿 Ling Long 机灵能干。二女儿璇玑懵懂懒散、荒废修行,两人被委以接待各派参赛弟子的重任。期间,璇玑与前来参加大会的离泽宫首徒 Yu SiFeng 一见如故,结下友谊,而因两人误入少阳秘境使得璇玑被 Chu Lei 罚去明霞洞思过。 Ling Long 在簪花大会上与别派弟子 Wu Tong 起了冲突,狠厉的 Wu Tong 实施报复,误伤璇玑,被正派驱逐。重伤醒来的璇玑却因此意识到自己“废柴”行为的不良后果,发誓好好修行,不再连累他人。司凤则因之前被璇玑摘下面具而回离泽宫接受了残酷的惩罚。四年后,璇玑功法精进,获得了下山历练的机会。鹿台镇为民除害中,璇玑偶遇司凤,并在司凤的点拨下学会配合与信任的要义。 Wu Tong 背叛正派,联手魔族天墟堂意图称霸三界,整个天下岌岌可危。此时已经领略人间真情的璇玑,不再是懵懂少女,她坚守正义,联手司凤向恶势力宣战,并成功扭转局势。最终恶人伏诛,三界恢复平静,璇玑和司凤也在历尽种种误会与艰辛后收获了珍贵的爱情 。琉璃海报


During the day the legend of white snake (TV)[2018]

Feature: "The Legend of the White Snake of Heavenly Tail" tells the story of the pharmacist Gu Xuanzhu Xu Xuan and his sister Leng Ning who rescued their lives and met at Peach Blossom Festival and Bai YaoYao. But Bai YaoYao saved Xu Xuan in order to steal immortality, violated the stripe, recovered Xu Xuan memories of the past, alone to save back. Shimeng Leng Ning jealous of Bai YaoYao, drew Dragon was born, as a calamity. For self-salvation, being suppressed by Qi Xiao under Leifeng Pagoda, Xu Xuan is distraught, does not love red dust, and retreats to Buddhism. After 20 years, Bai YaoYao is returning to the sky, and Xu Xuan has solved his causal relationship with Qi Xiao.

None (TV)[2017]


电视剧《婚姻遇险记》又名《婚姻历险记》剧情介绍:讲述了武功和姜黎是一对在上海读书的80后研究生,毕业后不顾父母反对,决心结婚留在上海,但生活中层出不穷的难关令他们应接不暇。历经磨难,武功和姜黎终于走进了婚姻的殿堂,没想到更大的麻烦还在等着他们。武功为给父亲看病,动用了好不容易才凑齐的婚房首付款,这引起了姜黎母亲的极大不满。一波未平一波又起,与武功曾有一段短暂婚姻的前妻岳小青突然现身,还带着一个连武功都不知晓其存在的5岁儿子。这使武功和姜黎本就有些脆弱的的婚姻再次面临挑战,小家庭的矛盾俨然上升到了整个家族的矛盾,姜黎的母亲更是执意要她离婚。历尽波折,武功与姜黎终于认识和感悟到了生活的真谛,他们决定在未来的岁月里不离不弃携手共进,美好的未来依然在等待着他们 。


TheRebornofSuperStar (TV)[2016]

Feature: Yun Xiu, stage name Du Fei (Ma Ke after plastic surgery, cosmetic before Fang Jun Fu), from the film for 10 years, acting legend, but still third-rate performers. A few months ago, he took the blame for his best friend Xie Yi. In order to save his worries and compete for the cinema title, Xie Yi (Pong) premeditated a car accident during Yun Xiu's most watched acting career. Yun Xiu almost died away from hometown. The mysterious man picked up Yun Xiu's life from the gates of hell, exchanged a perfect face for him, and the resurrected Yun Xiu turned into an ESE trainee and embarked on a path of revenge and rebirth. Faced with the once-all-knowing goddess Lin Xuan (Han Chae-young), Liu Yi (Viann), a passionate pursuit of his topic, and Mu Lan (Fang Xiaoli), a tender and loving mother, Yun Xiu can only hide the truth , Silently forbear and pay. Feng Jing (Xu Haiqiao ornaments), handsome but thundery super agent, is Yun Xiu's most loyal career partner. With his keen artistic intuition, Feng Jing launched The legacy, a combination of Yun Xiu and another trainee Chu Feng (Hang Su), both of whom became famous by the idol drama Trick. At the beginning of his debut, Chu Feng was known as "Xiao Yi Yi," and he tried their best to excel. Only Feng Yun is now escorted by Yun Xiu. Yun Xiu is not tired of his fame and future. He stands on the opposite side of public opinion, accompanies his friend through the most difficult days and defends his most cherished friendship, whether it is Liu Yi, Feng Jing or Lin Xuan. From the popularity of newcomers to the cause of the valley, sought after by worship to be blocked by the snow, Yun Xiu never wavering his kindness and humility. The Battle of the Movie Emperor is a war without smoke, love acting, never give up is Yun Xiu strongest weapon. When the mysterious person showed his true face, Yun Xiu and Chu Feng also became competitors when Xie Yi confession was intended. At the Golden Prize ceremony, he waited for the final ruling. Du Fei & amp; Yun Xiu & Muzi Che

Begonia still (TV)[2016]

Feature: According to Zhou Enlai, Zhou Enlai's niece, Zhou BingDe, "My Uncle Zhou EnLai," an adaptation of Zhou BingDe, who grew up at the prime minister's age and witnessed and heard many little-known and touching things about Zhou Enlai, including early Into the Zhongnanhai, West Flower Hall of the brothers and sisters, respect for the elderly is Zhou EnLai's family style, occupation selection criteria is to look at the needs of the country and other stories. Looking at Zhou EnLai from an ordinary perspective, Zhou EnLai saw Zhou EnLai's mission of "the rise of China" all his life. What he saw was that Zhou EnLai "spared no efforts and died" for the Chinese nation. It saw Zhou EnLai's lofty but Great "no-self" spirit; looking at Zhou EnLai from a family perspective will reveal his noble charisma. Si people passed away, Begonia still.

Marriage Adventures (TV)[2016]

Feature: The Chinese drama of Marriage Adventures plot:Wu Gong and Jiang Li, a post-1980 graduate student who studies in Shanghai, are determined to marry and stay in Shanghai regardless of their parents' opposition after graduation, but endless troubles in their life make them overwhelmed. After suffering, Wu Gong and Jiang Li finally entered the hall of marriage, did not expect more trouble still waiting for them. Wu Gong gave his father a doctor and spent the first payment of a wedding room, which was hard to come by. This caused great dissatisfaction with Jiang Li's mother. A wave of ups and downs broke out. Yue XiaoQing, a ex-wife with a brief marriage to Wu Gong, appeared suddenly and took a 5-year-old son whom Wu Gong did not know existed. This made Wu Gong and Jiang Li some fragile marriages once again facing challenges. The contradictions of the small families rose to the contradictions of the entire family. Jiang Li's mother even insisted on her divorce. Throughout the twists and turns, Wu Gong and Jiang Li finally realized and felt the true meaning of life. They decided that they would never abandon their hand in the coming years, and the beautiful future is still waiting for them.

Diamond Lover (TV)[2015]

Feature: Mi Duo fell in love with the diamond company president Xiao Liang, the conditions of the poor Mi Duo discouraged, did not dare to confess. However, a car accident completely changed her fate. Mi Duo, a car accident cosmetic, became slim and beautiful. She applied to work as a diamond designer and became a designer assistant. After a double blow of romance and joblessness, Mi Duo realizes that beauty is not a passport for love. She is no longer plagued by beauty and ugliness. She wants to become a qualified jewelry designer. Mi Duo experienced various setbacks in the workplace, she repeated defeats, never give up. Mi Duo optimistic positive attracted Xiao Liang, she finally harvested the dream and love. In the meantime, friend Lei YiMing has always been guarding Mi Duo as a friend and can not help but love Mi Duo's dreams, Mi Duo faces the choice between friend and lover. In the end, Mi Duo walked away from Belgium to complete the designer's dream & nbsp ;.

The Code name (TV)[2015]

Feature: In 1941, Feng JiuSi, a detective in the heart of the British concession to the party, Feng JiuSi, believed to be a "codenamed" poster and a monument to the revolution, joined hands with revolutionary friends in fighting enemies. Unexpectedly, he was caught in danger and witnessed one revolutionary friend sacrificing one after another. Feng JiuSi vowed Tracing the murderer, brought to justice. Feng JiuSi Merry 倜 傥, wise and brave. Zhou XiaoCun, director of the police department of the British Concession and the Labor Department, who is both his uncle and friend, is a deep city with no anger on his face. In the atmosphere of terrorist assassination, as the two continued to carry out investigations, they accidentally discovered that the murderer had a mysterious connection with CPC member Yang BingXin. In the meantime, Kojiro Ogura, chief of the concession department at the headquarters of the Tunjing Military Command in Japan, forced Lan QingYao to block her lover Feng JiuSi's exploration. After analyzing the case, Feng JiuSi found that the case was linked to the failure of one of our party's major actions, and Lan Qingyao was also in danger. With the sacrifices of the CPC underground contact stations and their superiors, the situation was gradually tense and in crisis. At this point Feng JiuSi got a clue, but found that his brother-in-law Zhou XiaoCun turned out to be a military agent, and mastered the Japanese military intelligence. Unexpectedly, Zhou XiaoCun also found that Feng JiuSi is gradually touching the dangerous red line, just so chaotic moments, Ogura also hope Feng JiuSi and Zhou XiaoCun catch a catch. At this time, Feng JiuSi and Japan, the military battle horn has just sounded, but in the face of multiple threats and dangers, Feng JiuSi still maintained his personal conviction, after arduous struggle, eventually won the final victory, to curb Enemy conspiracy.

Unbeaten youth (Movie)[2014]

Feature: Tang days, Ling Xu, Qian Hui grew up together, Tang days and Ling Xu are like a beautiful kind-hearted, but did not affect the three-person friendship, the three agreed since childhood must be a good game of their own , Grew up, Tang became a popular online writer, but met a person not Shu, suffered heavy losses in the lowest trough of life, Ling Xu and Thousands of Hui lent a helping hand, Tang days to regain childhood dreams, not only wrote the popular works "", But also adapted this work into a hand tour, completed the dream of three people.

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