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Ruoxuan Chen TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Ruoxuan Chen Works 17 ,And Costume Drama 4 ,Urban drama 3 ,Campus drama 3 ,Romance 3 ,Martial Arts 2 ,Suspense 2 ,Romantic drama 2 ,Crime 1 ,幻想1 ,Action 1 ,Republic of China 1 ,Youth drama 1 ,Idol drama 1 ,Myth play 1 ,Feature 1 ,Fantasy 1 ,Modern opera 1 ,Motivational film 1 ,Revolution 1 ,Ancient 1 ,legend 1 ,Comedy 1 。

Works Index

Ruoxuan Chen Filmography(17)


爱情公寓5 (TV)[2020]



有翡 (TV)[2020]


南北朝年间,各方势力割据,江湖动乱不安。“南刀”李徵在湖湘地界建立门派四十八寨,收留落魄的武林人士,并从此避世而居。但随着李徵逝世,江湖名门也相继败落。 多年后,李徵的外孙女周翡在洗墨江被一位自称谢允的青年男子意外救下,两人从此结下不解之缘。 半年后,周翡和谢允再次在霍家堡黑牢相遇,却同时遭到江湖黑暗势力“地煞山庄”几大高手的追杀,两人因此卷入一场江湖的阴谋浩劫中。 周翡受江湖前辈指点,始终磨砺自己的刀法、并凭着一股“狭路相逢勇者胜”的勇敢杀地煞、平叛乱、擒敌王、救流民;而谢允自始至终陪伴在周翡身边,为她指点进退,二人携手共进,生死不弃,一起平息了一场场江湖动乱。以周翡、谢允为代表的一辈江湖新秀们从此成长为真正的“有匪君子”,周翡也终成一代“南刀”少女宗师!


九州缥缈录 (TV)[2019]


《九州缥缈录》这是一部少年英雄成长史,以虚拟的“九州”世界为背景,讲述 Lv GuiChen Ji Ye Yu Ran 等不谙世事的少年历经磨砺与坎坷,执着奋斗,携手互助,成长成熟,并发展出几段撼天动地的友情和爱情故事。北陆青阳部世子 Lv GuiChen 作为质子来到东陆结识了一直不受父亲喜爱的庶子 Ji Ye ,以及跟着爷爷避难而来的羽族公主 Yu Ran 。三个小伙伴在太子学院中因身份原因饱受针对和挑战,在相互帮助和拯救的过程了建立起深厚的友谊,而 Yu Ran 的开朗活泼洒脱个性也得到两个男孩的暗中倾慕,青涩的爱情正在萌芽。离国霸主赢无翳携天子以令诸侯, Lv GuiChen 、 Ji Ye 、 Yu Ran 追随一代名将 Xi Yan 等人发出正义之师,决战殇阳关,不料殇阳关之战的背后另有大阴谋。危难之际,少年们奋死而战,成长为一代领袖 。


Beauty in the cupboard (TV)[2018]

Feature: "Beauty in the counter" tells the story of Tang Zongzong Li Zhan, addicted to play, hobby hunting fox killing, at the same time in order to expand the palace in Lishan, to flourish, so Lishan Mountain fox living space under great threat. I do not know the royal family because of this with the fox clashed with grievances, sohu family or even royal family afraid of hate, provoke fox clan faction decided to retaliate to the royal family. After the reign of Li Han, the fox clan secretly sent two messengers, one was the yellow weasel, and the other was the light sphinx, the fine sister, Hu FeiLuan. The two demon became avatars, representing the main fox The war factions and the Lord and the faction, Li Han, do not know two beautiful people, one is killing himself and the other wanting the Linghu to reach a peaceful coexistence with mankind. In the palace raging wreak havoc, Li Han's ascension by the eunuch Wang ShouCheng hand-owned, and by Wang ShouCheng contain. In order to revive the dignity of the Royal Court of the Tang Dynasty, Li Han secretly promoted Song Shenkang on the one hand, and on the other hand, differentiated the forces of the draft management party so that Wang ShouCheng in charge of military affairs opposed Hua WuHuan in charge of the political affairs, Both parties are eradicated together. Faced with the forces of the eunuchs and the harem power in various quarters, Li Han is the enemy of both sides. The emperor was determined to eradicate the eunuch, regain the imperial power and reorganize it. The breeze finally decided to give up his own selfishness and firm standing on the emperor's side. She repayed the emperor's graciousness and safeguarded the victories the emperor won and worked hard to resolve Fury and royal family grudges, to avoid a world catastrophe.

First encounter outside the light year (TV)[2018]

Feature: Lu YuChen, an elite student in the Department of Computer Science at Yanqing University, has a high IQ and good at using analytic reasoning to solve various problems. He is kind and helpful at heart, but on the surface, he is always an unfriendly social Frosty look. Xia XiaoCi, a rookie in the freshman game Because of an "accidental" encounter with Lu YuChen and a different personality from Yuchen, the small words came from a warm ordinary family, but the family was content with happiness. Although the misunderstanding of the acquaintance made the two people of the opposite sex hate each other, and across the adventure of reality and games, Lu YuChen gradually became infected with the small, warm character and gradually opened her heart to like her to become cheerful and sunny, and began to face Inner real self Small words are also growing in the interaction with Yuchen. Students and teams around are also led by Yuchen and infection is no longer a mess. With her stepfather's encouragement, Yuchen decided to look for what she really liked and face the real ego. The small word saved her family's bakery and published her own novel with her own abilities. Two people in the effort to realize their dreams also harvested family friendship and love & nbsp ;. "First Encounters Outside the Light of Years" is an urban school drama starring Ru Yuanuan, Xu Jiao, Zhu Ran, Yoko and others. "First encounter outside the light years" on January 31, 2018 exclusive broadcast in Youku.

The legend of the fairy tale (TV)[2018]


The TV series flat demon biography of gobbledygook, tan is introduced: the plot tells the story of SiZhou Hu YongEr encounters holy gu gift gobbledygook residual page, the acquisition of a sealed book drama, relief for poor people, but by the government yesterday, more 'left ding goes out hunting, desperate yong son had to take refuge in the holy gu, learned that SAN gu is TuShan owners, especially his mother, and her left ding, was her older brother. The left dethroned for his selfish desire to defect the tushan school, with the power of wang taiwei, led wudesi to capture yonger, intended to crack the whole book of heaven, revive the fox clan, harm the world; In order to save the life, yonger, under the guidance of the holy goddess, acquired the whole book of heavenly scriptures, and joined forces with the warlord to lead the golden throne to defeat the conspiracy of the left dethroning.


The road got white from tonight (TV)[2017]

Feature: Genius young painter Gu YeBai traumatic psychological disease attack, the eyes of the world stills lost color. He is preparing a draft of the gold medal at the International Fine Arts Contest, making him very anxious. He encounters sunshine girl Lu YouYan, with her help, she slowly adjusts her attitude and finishes her art dream. Lu Guoyai and Lu YouYan can experience a period of tempering, is about to harvest beautiful love, Lu YouYan get the boss appreciated, access to Paris, the opportunity, and her sick cousin came the critically ill news, two Human love is a reality test. In addition to love, Gu YeBai, Lu YouYan and other young people are faced with graduating senior life there are too many real issues to be considered, the community is full of opportunities, but also unknown, young people with young pen to write With their own heart and soul.

Light year (TV)[2017]

Feature: Lu YuChen, an elite student in the Department of Computer Science at Yanqing University, has a high IQ and is good at analytic reasoning to solve various problems. His good intentions are helpful. However, on the surface, Lu YuChen always looks like he does not like social indifference. Xia XiaoCi, a rookie in the freshman game Because of an "accidental" encounter with Lu YuChen and a different personality from Yuchen, the small words came from a warm ordinary family, but the family was content with happiness. Although the misunderstanding of the acquaintance made the two people of the opposite sex hate each other, and across the adventure of reality and games, Lu YuChen gradually became infected with the small, warm character and gradually opened her heart to like her to become cheerful and sunny, and began to face Inner real self Small words are also growing in the interaction with Yuchen. Students and teams around are also led by Yuchen and infection is no longer a mess. With her stepfather's encouragement, Yuchen decided to look for what she really liked and face the real ego. The small word saved her family's bakery and published her own novel with her own abilities. Two people in the effort to realize their dreams also harvested family friendship and love & nbsp ;. Light years

If life meets you (TV)[2017]

Feature: "Life is ever the same" tells the story of the warlords during the Republic of China when the scramble, the easy-to-apprehended appearance of the northern crocodile looks calm, father and son filial piety, the Mainland is a wave of clouds, hidden surging. Easy home three young master Yi LianKai wilderness ambitious hiring, brother Yi LianShen at every step, insight into the overall situation. Easy Lian Sijie Yi LianKai For advanced schoolgirl Qin Sang Love at first sight, in order to marry Qin Sang, Yi LianKai painstaking, and finally Qin Sang was forced to join the easy home. After marriage, easy home three still do not change the Merry, extravagant fans, arrogant domineering. Qin Sang and Yi LianKai, the top-notch female students holding the names of three young grandma, have their dreams of being in bed with each other. However, Yi LianKai seems to be merciless against Qin Sang, but in reality there is a reason for everything. The seemingly calm, Father and son filial piety, but in fact wavey, hidden surging, secretly three brothers in order to play to win the war to display various tactics, one after another. Identity mysterious stay-Japanese Army Sergeant Pan Chi Kin Yinxianqiancheng Yi LianKai adjutant, and Qin Sang Impression in Pan Chih-hsien is the school upright revolutionary fighters, so people meet each other, the identity of a drastic change, the old love, the new home, home Country worry, flames, fog siege & nbsp ;.

Fog siege (TV)[2017]

Feature: When the warlords in the Republic of China were on the melee, the predators of the northern coffin looked calm on the surface of the home. Filial piety was filial to the father of the northern coffin. However, there were waves and hides in the hinterland. Yi "Life is ever the same" Character poster Three young master Yi LianKai wilderness ambitious hiring, brother Yi LianShen at every step, insight into the overall situation. Easy Lian Sijie Yi LianKai For advanced schoolgirl Qin Sang Love at first sight, in order to marry Qin Sang, Yi LianKai painstaking, and finally Qin Sang was forced to join the easy home. After marriage, easy home three still do not change the Merry, extravagant fans, arrogant domineering. Qin Sang and Yi LianKai, the top-notch female students holding the names of three young grandma, have their dreams of being in bed with each other. However, Yi LianKai seems to be merciless against Qin Sang, but in reality there is a reason for everything. The seemingly calm, Father and son filial piety, but in fact wavey, hidden surging, secretly three brothers in order to play to win the war to display various tactics, one after another. Identity mysterious stay-Japanese Army Sergeant Pan Chi Kin Yinxianqiancheng Yi LianKai adjutant, and Qin Sang Impression in Pan Chih-hsien is the school upright revolutionary fighters, so people meet each other, the identity of a drastic change, the old love, the new home, home Country worry, beacon years, the fog siege.

LegendoftheQingQiuFox (TV)[2016]

Feature: The drama draws on six stories in Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio. Hua Yue (Sebrina Chen) flirt with Bridgette Qiao and Liu ZiGu (Zhang Ruoyun), from greedy love to true love , Finally sacrificed himself, to complete the real embroidery and Liu ZiGu. "Love and Seal of the Three Niang": Spirit fox seal flying month (Kiton ornaments) for the people into injustice Meng family, but found the bad reputation Meng family just by fraudulent, so help Meng escape, harvest their love. "Meng Mo Huo Yin Ning": nature loves the fox girl Ning (Small bunting ornaments) came Wang ZiFu (Fu Xinbo ornaments) home, in order to clarify the mother (Nien Wan ornaments) was the witch hunts the past, to the Royal When she was in distress, Yin Ning resented it and won everyone's respect. Hu Si (Hu Si): Hu Si (Mike) This is a manly man who has become a close friend of rich son Zhang Sheng (Ruoxuan Chen) After the chic leave. Shi Xia Pian Chang Ting: Monster Shi TaiPu (Kai Wang ornaments) to help the fox demon demon, fox father (Fu Jun ornaments) promised to the eldest daughter Chang Ting (Gina Gin ornaments) with him, but again and again, Shi TaiPu without premeditated rescue Fox family, eventually married with Changting. "Charming fox · Hengniang": beautiful fox immortal mother (Gülnezer Bextiyar ornaments) Next door neighbor Zhu Shi (Jiang dust ornaments) to regain her husband's heart, wisdom fighting weasel concubine.

TheLoversLies (TV)[2016]

Feature: Tong SiJi his parents died, with a pair of siblings, to assume the family's burden. In order to better subsidize household, working around and working around the seasons, met Yi Yi, the heir to the department store. In the work of contact, the two love each other. Du Juan, the mother of Yi Yi, discovered that the true identity of the four seasons was the daughter of Cheng Kangsheng of the department store of Fukang, and that the confusion of Kang Sheng Society and the mother of the seasons was caused by the deception of Du Juan. Commercial marriage. To stop the truth from revealing the truth, Du Juan lied to Yi Yi's sister-in-law with Four Seasons. Yi Yi painful, to lie do not love the Four Seasons, and has always been like their four seasons sister Xia Xia engagement. However, at the wedding ceremony, when Kang Sheng saw pictures of Xia Xia and the mother of the seasons, he finally learned the truth and confessed with Kang Sheng's father and daughter in the four seasons that Du Juan paid a huge price for lies. Yi Yi learned all the facts, but also finally realized the four seasons of self-esteem and determination, determined to re-pursue the Four Seasons, the two began a new journey of life. Lover's lie

Kyushu Sky City (TV)[2016]

Feature: Archean times, because of feather flying ability, the common people are regarded as God. Feathers living in the alluvion green hill, but also to create a sky city flying, so that all envy envy. However, when the sky suddenly exploded when the sky, feather angry. Yi FuLing, a tribal girl who came to watch the ceremony, was mistakenly identified as a suspect in the explosion. However, Feng TianYi, a feudal aristocratic youth who had a foothold with Yi FuLing, did not believe this was what Yi FuLing was responsible for, and out of justice he saved Yi FuLing again and again. In fact, all these are the feats themselves. They are unwilling to act just as a god. Instead, they want to use their own advantages to compete with all other ethnic groups and thus create an explosion and provoke a war. Understand all this Feng TianYi and Yi FuLing not willing to do such things happen, they finally go through the hardships to make the war disappear.

Qing Ben Jiaren (TV)[2016]

Feature: Mid-autumn night, Wang Hui, Huizhou merchants were off the door, her daughter Wang Peilan escaped luckily, alias Shang HaiTang. Eight years later, Shang HaiTang uncovered clues to the massacre at another wealthy businessman, Bao. So she resolutely cut off the love wire, bid farewell to the lover of childhood sweetheart, married to the rich businessman in Huizhou, Bao, to Bao "silly son" when Xi Jiniang. When Shang Hai Tang discovered that Bao WenXun was only playing foolish and self-defending, the two began to help each other and hold their own feet in Bao. With the opening of the truth layers, in the clashes with the criminals in the rights struggle among the clansmen, Shang HaiTang went through painful betrayals and betrayals of lovers in the ever-changing commercial sea and finally realized that only surrendering My inner "devil" can move from darkness to lightness. Eventually she grew up to be a top-rated middle-aged husband and mother, a well-deserved "family queen" & nbsp ;.

Spirit (TV)[2016]

Feature: Ordinary juvenile Mo Ming lost his father since childhood, was mothers raised and grew up hard, he always hopes in his own way to guard the people they care about. In an accident, Mo Ming was unfortunately involved in the struggle between the Tianyuang and Jiuqing two groups of Imperial Master and discovered the existence of "spirit" - he could not think of those weapons that look like antiques, even Can be turned into a beautiful girl, but also able to fight. And has been with their own friendship is not shallow and like-minded beautiful girl, even have an unknown identity. In the face of the ensuing heavy danger, Mo Ming signed a contract with Yan Qiang Zhongli, one of the gods of the Seven Wonders, but it seems that the troubles did not diminish: mothers and their brotherly friends became more and more misunderstood, The invitation of Jiqing to Yan QiangZhongLi, and the mystery of his father's disappearance, Mo Ming seems to have fallen into a bottomless net, struggling or struggling. In the face of all this, How to choose.

Bad guys 2 (TV)[2016]

Feature: Li XingYun struggled to find Ji RuXue, while continuing to trace the whereabouts of the Longquan treasure. Rivers and lakes factions seize the ghost of possession of the treasure, respectively, to send personal implicated trace calculations Li XingYun, Zhang ZiFan, Lu LinXuan et al. Lu LinXuan Accidental poisoning caused amnesia, Zhang ZiFan heartache, decided to Lu LinXuan married. On the day of his marriage, Zhang ZiFan suffered another plot, and Lu LinXuan was poisoned again and was taken to a magic square treatment. Lu LinXuan was nurtured by Nv Di to revise his memory and become a killer. Injured Zhang ZiFan was wounded by Uncle Jiu Shu and stunned again. At the moment, Ji RuXue that mysterious life experience, Li XingYun away from the Longquan treasure nears, just as the heroes build Longquan treasure, another shocking secret to deter people & nbsp ;.

Psychological crime (TV)[2015]

Feature: In the first quarter, Fang Mu, recognized as a genius of criminal psychology in Lvtu City, chose to join hands with Tai Wei in breaking the bizarre campus serial killings. After years of untold healing, Fang Mu decadently degenerated and even deluded himself to choose All forgotten. However, the devil's provocation has never stopped, and a mysterious series of murder Fang Fang trapped. He had to tear away the scars he would never want to face, stare at his inner psychological crime and fight with the secretive devil. In the second quarter, Public Security Bureau chief Xing Zhaosen fired into a conflagration and his daughter Xing Na disappeared. Both Fang Mu and Tai Wei brothers raided the scene. A second-generation surrogacy case involving a trafficking of women for celebrities came to light. When Xing Na was looking for an emergency, the former gold medal runner was bizarre and the three entertaining reporters suicide at the same time. Image courtesy of Fang Mu This is a series of hypnotic murder cases that teach society in the name of justice. The case of fog, Xing Na is dead or alive, who is enlightenment field enlightenment object, who is behind the murderous.

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