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Weilong Song TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Weilong Song Works 8 ,And Romance 7 ,Urban drama 2 ,Costume Drama 2 ,Youth drama 1 ,Year 1 ,Magic 1 ,Fantasy 1 ,Love 1 ,Romantic drama 1 ,Feature 1 。

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Weilong Song Filmography(8)


彼岸花 (TV)[2020]


《彼岸花》讲述了和平、卓扬、许榛生和艾森是大学里的好哥们。乔曼与南生( Lin Yun 饰)则是一对在年幼时因父母离婚而被迫分开生活的孪生姐妹。相爱的和平与南生就读于同一所大学,而作为交换生的乔曼也与南生重逢。乔曼对和平一见钟情,却只能埋藏心中。南生与和平矛盾多多,分手后,和平在卓氏集团工作,与乔曼成为同事。乔曼一直希望和平与南生重修旧好,可南生却接受了暗恋她的许榛生。岂料,结婚前夕,南生查出患有绝症,成了落跑的准新娘。南生既不愿再回到和平身边,也不想耽误许榛生的青春。和平知道自己念念不忘与南生相伴相守的成长岁月,乔曼的柔情和善解人意正是他心里南生的样子。最终,和平既没有跟南生走到一起,也没跟乔曼牵手,就如同花叶永不能相见的盛开的彼岸花,他们在各自的领域努力打拼,把美好的青春留给了记忆,拥抱太阳,大步迎接更灿烂辉煌的美好明天。

下一站是幸福 (TV)[2020]


电视剧《资深少女的初恋》剧情介绍:讲述了34岁的 He FanXing ,从小就是别人家口中的模范生,是一家公司的行政主管,也是母胎solo。不知道从什么时候开始, He FanXing 发现身边的人一个个都结婚生子。亲戚们也逐渐不再关注她的恋爱状况,父母也做好了白菜烂在菜地里的觉悟,弟弟的口头禅也从“你这种人最容易让男人骗”,变成了“有人愿意骗骗你也好”。

He FanXing 遇到 Yuan Song 的第一想法是:她如果年轻十岁肯定会喜欢这样的男孩, Yuan Song 是弟弟的得意门生,她本来只是履行对弟弟的诺言照顾他,直到她接到电话得知他请假,像个老妈子一样去他家里探病,却被淋成了落汤鸡,也就从那天开始,一切都不对了,因为音乐、啤酒、和吹头发的气氛轻易被推到之后,她开始不知所措。

在一场“阴谋”般的相亲中,她认识了合作广告公司的老板-38岁的 Ye LuMing 。他们就像是命中注定,她在他的面前丑态百出,被误会被嫌弃,但他突然之间转性,和她成了好朋友,并且帮她处理与 Yuan Song 的关系,她每次在听完他提的建议之后,她和 Yuan Song 的结果却是往反的方向。

一个是小狼狗,一个是老狐狸, He FanXing 陷入了抉择之中。


我的青春都是你 (Movie)[2019]


Zhou LinLin ( Vivian Sung 饰)高考发挥超常进入东方大学,与同校理科状元 Fang YuKe ( Song Weilong 饰)一同进入了最高学府。郎有情妾无意, Fang YuKe 其实从幼儿园时期就心系 Zhou LinLin ,人生若只如初见,儿时的初遇相见便立下了日久的暗恋情愫!但万人瞩目的帅哥 Fang YuKe 身边有天之骄女茹庭( Stella Kunkat 饰),从小暗恋状元对 Zhou LinLin 看不顺眼, Zhou LinLin 则对 Fang YuKe 身边的同为校园风云人物的小西学长( Huang Junjie 饰)心存爱慕,修习大学恋爱秘籍,苦练恋爱通关技巧,十八般武艺七十二变法轮番上阵!四人之间情感纠葛,在校园里上演了一幕青春爱情喜剧!


Huang Feng prison (TV)[2017]

Feature: "Phoenix prison phoenix" tells the story of AD 464, Liu ZiYe ascended the throne, brutal brutal violence, with her sister Shan Chu Liu Chu Yu, no relevant sex pictures, innumerable. Rivers and lakes first gang secret building, to overthrow the tyranny of Liu ZiYe. Chu Yu came to the princess house, began to cultivate confidants, and met Rong Rong Zhi face, in the face of Rong Zhi, Chu Yu secret love affair. In the end, the help of Tian Xiu helped Liu Xie win the title, Liu ZiYe was killed, Chu Yu also "died" in the rebellion. Rong Zhi shot his hand, Chu Chu came to neighboring countries. Chu Yu in neighboring China knew that Rong Zhi turned out to be a crony of the Empress Dowager in the Northern Wei Dynasty. In order to seize power in the Southern Dynasties, it lurked the burden at the princess house. Chu Yu expressed his love to Rong Zhi, Rong Zhi chose the country, and Chu Yu was sad to leave. In fact, Chu Yu Chu Yong affection deep, in the face of Chu Yu resolutely left, and ultimately choose Chu Yu, posing as the sea view, two neighborhood.

My distance from your light year (TV)[2017]

Feature: Xue Ji (Zhou Yutong), a special woman with special functions, possesses the special constitution of immortality. His life experiences of millennia make her indifferent to the inner one, but the appearance shows a simple off-line, playful and lovely side. Xue Ji has been searching for the reincarnation of the true Loin Mountain a thousand years ago and finally encounters Gu ShiYi (Song Weilong) by 2016. Persisting in seeking her first answers, she is drawn to love again by Gu ShiYi, a very different view of love from the original Mount Layn, and rekindles her passion for life and her desire for a long future life & nbsp ;.

Catman (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Liang Qu, who was forced to leave her beloved girl after being surprised by her cat accident at a young age, developed an "APP" app by Miao XiaoWan, an internet product manager, nine years later and was attacked by zoo expert Liang Qu. In order to ask Liang Qu to withdraw the bad review, Xiao Wan became his temporary assistant and learned cat language with him. Two people get along with each other in love. Liang Qu was surprised to find that this is not the first time they fell in love.

Half demons Allure 2 (TV)[2016]

Feature: Allure (Li Yitong ornaments) vowed to fulfill the responsibility of the king of million demon, in charge of the order of the demon world, experience their own skill, a strong aura to demon obedience. The memory of Ming Xia (Zhe-hanZhangDecoration) because of the reason of a brother determined to become a catacombs, ruthless killing of the demon, the opposite of the two meet again because of the identity of the relationship between love and kill. At the same time, Ming Xia vaguely remember once loved a girl, but can not remember her look, Yao BiTao (Qingzi Kan ornaments) took the opportunity to pursue the pursuit of Ming Xia, so that the trick for Ming Xia that the two had a love, Allure and Ming Xia's relationship is therefore even more tense.

Phoenix seeking Phoenix (TV)[2004]

Feature: "Feng Qiao Phoenix" tells the story of Lingerie Dong, and welcomes Zhuo Wenjun, daughter of Zhuo WangSun, to the second son of an ill person. Unexpectedly, Dong Erzi did not know the parlor will swallow. Si MaXiangRu Dong LaoTaiYe rescued from home and resurrected on the road, just sent to the door, Dong XiaoXian will be overcast and wrong, the Si MaXiangRu dressed as groom and Wen Jun worship hall. Si MaXiangRu after the truth to know the endless regret, vowed to save Wenjun Dong home. Si MaXiangRu's righteous remarks forced Dong to promise that Si Wen-Jun should be sent back to her family by Lin Si. The Si MaXiangRu drinking accident did not make it. Wenjun had no alternative but to dress up with the maid Yaya Yu Tong alone. Si MaXiangRu chase Linzi and Wenjun dress "Du Gongzi" live in the same guesthouse, together with Cheng YiFei Cheng YiFei involvement of another tycoon rich businessman Zheng Cheng, and Wen Jun master servant two and Si MaXiangRu and There were many stories between several of his servant Sang Pu. "Phoenix phoenix" during this time, Si MaXiangRu and "Du Gongzi" together talk about poetry Fu hearty, sympathetic. By chance coincides with the two ancient music "phoenix phoenix." Five people go out to travel, went to Mengjiazhai, learned that Wang Ji was captured by Tang Meng, all camps rescued. Wenjun raise money for Wang Ji Tang Meng, forced to return to her family Zhuo Fu. Dong XiaoXian In order to please the emperor, lie to Zhuo WangSun painter for daughter Wenjun portrait, the process of portrait, Wenjun in exchange for daughter loaded. Si MaXiangRu and Wenjun mutually confession of love, Wenjun finally resolutely with Si MaXiangRu elope back to Chengdu Sima Prefecture. Dong XiaoXian harmed them to even sell the house, forced to go back to Lin Wenjun opened a wine shop when 垆 sell liquor for their livelihood. When Zhuo WangSun and Dong XiaoXian were forcibly competing for wine establishments, Grand Ouyang brought the intention of Han WuDi to declare Si MaXiangRu to visit Changan. Han WuDi Appreciate Si MaXiangRu literary talent, let it be given in the palace. However, Si MaXiangRu was banished because of petitions and was not allowed to leave Changan. Emperor Chen wanted to borrow Si MaXiangRu Wen re-won the Emperor's favor, but self-defeating to make Emperor Wu furious. Wenjun was dragged away by the Dong family's "Fengqiu Phoenix" stills, Si MaXiangRu got the message to write Emperor Wu Lin's "Shanglin Fu" for the Savior Wenjun, and hurried back to Linli to get the news that Wenjun was dead. Si MaXiangRu to save Mengjiazhai people wrote the queen of Chen's "long door Fu." Si MaXiangRu was recalled to Changan, due to once again clashed with the Emperor Wudi was almost cut in the execution ground, fortunate enough to be saved by Dong FangShuo and Ping YangGongZhu, and lived in the Ping YangGongZhu house, Ping YangGongZhu Si MaXiangRu Siwen Wenjun also touched by the truth . Si MaXiangRu served as a textbook order. Since then, daily poetry wine as a companion, even the stunning Wei ZiFu also failed to impress Si MaXiangRu heart. Although Emperor Wudi loved Wenjun, Wenjun was touched by the truth of Si MaXiangRu. Decided to let Si MaXiangRu and Weiqing expedition, the successor returned personally to Si MaXiangRu get married. Si MaXiangRu, who was married, heard the bridegroom playing the phoenix qing phoenix in the bridal chamber. He braved the courage to unveil the bride's red head.

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