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Qilin Guo TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Qilin Guo Works 8 ,And Comedy 6 ,Feature 4 ,Romance 1 ,War 1 ,Historical play 1 ,Campus drama 1 ,Romantic drama 1 ,Costume Drama 1 ,Sci-Fi 1 ,权谋1 ,Fantasy 1 。

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Qilin Guo Filmography(8)


庆余年 (TV)[2019]


某大学文学史专业的学生张庆熟读古典名著,但他用现代观念剖析古代文学史的论文命题不被 Ye JiaoShou 所认可。为了让 Ye JiaoShou 成为自己的研究生导师,张庆决定通过写小说的方式,进一步阐述自己想要表达的观点。 在他的小说中,身世神秘的少年—— Fan Xian ,自小跟随奶奶生活在海边小城澹州,随着一位老师的突然造访,他看似平静的生活开始直面重重的危机与考验。在神秘老师和一位蒙眼守护者的指点下, Fan Xian 熟识药性药理,修炼霸道真气并精进武艺,而后接连化解了诸多危局。因对身世之谜的好奇, Fan Xian 离开澹州,前赴京都。 在京都, Fan Xian 饱尝人间冷暖并坚守对正义、良善的坚持,书写了一段光彩的人生传奇。

解放·终局营救 (Movie)[2019]


1949年1月,中国人民解放军将国民党 50 万军队围困于平津地区,总攻在即。是否能和平解放北平,取决于天津一战。此时的天津城内,暗堡、工事林立,士兵荷枪实弹进入状态,大战前的天津城已是一座炼狱。为了总攻的发动扫平道路,解放军炮兵侦察连连长 Cai XingFu 、侦察兵 Ma BaoShu 、报务员 Liao Feng 、炮兵见习参谋 Ge GuiChen 四人临危受命,组成解放炮兵侦察别动队,乔装潜入天津城。此时,负责转移北平守军眷属的国军军需官 Yao Zhe 在宪兵营长 Qian ZhuoQun 的暗算下成为通缉犯,带女儿出逃时恰好与进城的 Cai XingFu 一行人相遇, Cai XingFu 挟持 Yao Zhe 欲完成任务。随着目标任务的逐步明晰, Yao Zhe 被暗算背后的秘密、 Qian ZhuoQun 企图破坏北平和谈的阴谋、 Cai XingFu 失踪儿子的下落都渐渐浮现出来。

宠爱 (Movie)[2019]




Nineteen generations of ancestors (Movie)[2018]

Feature: The ancestors of the nineteen generations are starred by Guo Degang, starring Yunpeng Yue, Wu Jing (actor), Wu Xiubo, Jing Boran, Lin Chi-ling and Wang Baoqiang and are scheduled to be released on February 16, 2018 . Bei XiaoBei (Yunpeng Yue), determined to become a writer, has repeatedly hit the wall due to the appearance of reasons and later inadvertently found a long-awaited genealogy. He accidentally crosses all ages to meet his ancestors and laughter and personally deploy his own genes

Eighteen years old give me a girl (TV)[2018]

Feature: "I am a girl at the age of 18" tells the story of a group of teenage boys and girls dating from Qiu Shui. The film's producer, Hu Zhenpeng, CEO of Beijing East China Sea Unicorn Culture Communication Co., Ltd., said the play tells a story of innocence and sadness. And because the protagonists are in secondary school stage, ignorant, impulsive and direct factors rampage in their body, resulting drama contradiction, making the image of the "18-year-old to give me a girl" and the same type of drama with the same subject Compared with a more intense pure sense of juvenile. / p>

Give me an 18 years old (TV)[2018]


The TV series "Give me an 18-year-old", also known as "Give me a girl at the age of 18". Story introduction: Tells a group of teenagers headed by Qiu Shui, a series of youthful things that happen around friendship and love, and will be 18 years old. The performance of the show is vivid. Another interpretation of youth is not the growth of sitting in danger, but the rate of arrogance.

"Give me an 18-year-old" adapted from the famous writer Feng Tang's novel "Give me a girl at the age of 18", starring Beijing Donghai Kirin Culture Communication Co., Ltd., Youku, directed by Ding Wei, starring Qilin Guo and Wang Jianing. Ting Mei and Geng Le starred in particular, starring Weihao Sun, Fangchuan, Li Yan and Baizihui Yuan.

Campus "Spring": all the members are on the line

In the full lineup poster, Qilin Guo (decorating Qiu Shui), Wang Jianing (decorating Zhu Chang), Weihao Sun (decorating Liu JingWei), Fangchuan (decorating Jia Xiaocui), Li Yan (decorating Zhang GuoDong), Baizihui Yuan (decorating Ti Zi) The young starring dancers dressed in blue and white classic school uniforms, paired in pairs, stood at the gate of the campus; Ting Mei (Tian Yu) and Geng Le (Kong JianGuo) were dressed in uniforms and stood on the corner of the campus to form a beautiful landscape. . Qiu Shui stood side by side with Zhu Chang, his eyebrows smiled; Liu JingWei and Jia Xiaocui shouldered their shoulders; Ti Zi and Zhang GuoDong smiled and sent Qiu Bo, one person bowed his head and shy; Ting Mei stood with Geng Le, the former dressed in a flower skirt, The girl is full of emotions, and the latter's hands are behind her back, and she does not dare to look directly at Ting Mei's appearance.

The actor's styling on the poster continues the style of the drama's youthfulness, and the emotional relationship and the mode of getting along with it are very clear. Whether it is straightforward and cute, slightly "dominant", or clear-minded, the youngsters in the play are full of vigor and radiance, which outlines the most dazzling gesture in youth.


Brewing time: heartbreaking tears Qilin Guo confession Wang Jianing no regrets

Emotional growth is a double-edged sword. The process is not only beautiful and pleasant. Based on the emotional state presented in the poster, the emotional time of the "During the Time" version reveals the more detailed emotional entanglements of the teenagers. Accompanied by the gentle piano music, Qiu Shui (Qilin Guo) walked alone on the rails. "But I am afraid that I will not say it again, I will never have a chance." A narration reveals the innocent and sad tone of the play. . The rhythm of the music slowly became heavy, and the emotional entanglements between them began to appear: Liu JingWei was helpless to Cui Er. "Some things are not useful." Cui Er expressed his heart to Qiu Shui, "Now At this time, only I am with you"; Zhu Chang returns Qiu Shui's collection of poems, "Please don't be self-righteous in the future";Qiu Shui has a deep affection for Zhu Chang, “I am wishful thinking”... This series of dramatic conflicts has accelerated the rhythm of the entire trailer and faintly reveals the emotional direction between them.

“What would it be like if I kept going?” Qiu Shui’s question at the end of this question is both to Zhu Chang and to us: How will your youth choose to face such a situation? "18 years old" will lead the audience to relive the youthful growth, those who have regrets, joys, but the most precious time.

It is reported that the super series "Give me an 18-year-old" adapted from the famous writer Feng Tang's novel "Give me a girl at the age of 18", produced by Beijing Donghai Kirin Culture Communication Co., Ltd., Youku, directed by Ding Wei, Qilin Guo, Leading starring Wang Jianing, starring Weihao Sun, Fangchuan, Li Yan, Baizihui Yuan, and Ting Mei and Geng Le. The show will meet with the audience this year, and Youku will be broadcast on the whole network.


our happiness (Movie)[2017]

Feature: Feng QianCheng (Qilin Guo) In order to coax Guo Hao (Guo Degang) daughter Guo JiaLin happy, from the car Guo Guo's car out, only to luxury car trunk Guo Hao installed big wedding Diamond Qianquan lost the safe, Feng QianCheng In order to find the box to listen to the instructions of Mr. Fortune (Zhang Helun ornaments), Yin Qiang Lun misunderstood Yue QiangNan (Yunpeng Yue ornaments) certainly know the whereabouts of the box. After several twists and turns the box was finally found, the wedding scene was "another incident" ......

I want happiness (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Guo Degang introduced, "I want to be happy," is mainly inspired by the pursuit of happiness, a small inspirational comedy, herself in the film as a "tycoon", he ridicule: "You always say I am tycoon, I was playing a Tyrant hero." And partner Yu Qian In the film will play the "local tyrant" driver, is a villain, not only retained the smoking, drinking, hot three ..

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