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Linkeddb included Jingyi Ju Works 10 ,And Costume Drama 4 ,Romance 3 ,Fantasy 2 ,Myth play 1 ,Contemporary film 1 ,Ancient 1 ,Suspense 1 ,Romantic drama 1 ,Fantasy film 1 ,Feature 1 。

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Jingyi Ju Filmography(10)


请赐我一双翅膀 (TV)[2019]


电视剧《请赐我一双翅膀》剧情介绍:讲述上沽警察局长之女 Lin JiuGe ( Ju Jingyi 饰)遭人陷害,含冤剧照入狱,历经重重磨难,不惜越狱以求真相,与警察 Long TianYu ( Aaron Yan 饰)并肩而战,破解迷局,誓将真凶绳之以法的故事。 Kai Jiang 在剧中饰演的 Guan PoJun 是一个拥有多重身份的角色,他是九歌的生父,却因“谋杀市长”罪名含冤入狱,他忍辱负重,最终帮助女儿还原一切真相。

民国初年,孤女 Lin JiuGe 在上沽码头救了留洋归来的大小姐 Leng NianZhi ,二人从此成为莫逆之交。 Leng NianZhi 一心想筹建女子学堂,改变女子的命运,但困难重重,多亏 Lin JiuGe 处处帮助,女子学堂才得以建立。 Lin JiuGe 死缠烂打请来了上沽警队队长 Long TianYu 坐镇学堂,从此三人一起解决学堂运营中的种种难题。 Lin JiuGe 经常出些不合常规却别出心裁的办法,为人又爽朗热情,深深吸引着 Long TianYu ,而九歌在追求 Long TianYu 的过程中知道了 Leng NianZhi 也喜欢他,她左右为难。 Leng NianZhi 的大哥 Leng LiWei 一直不看好女子学堂,向政府施压借他们对付女子学堂, Lin JiuGe 凭借自己的聪慧与勤奋,团结所有的学员和帮助过她们的人,终于向政府向民众证明了女子受教育的意义, Lin JiuGe 也终于在学业与感情的双重历练中成长。

《请赐我一双翅膀》是北京东方云飞国际影视股份有限公司出品的民国悬疑剧,由赖水清执导, Ju Jingyi 、 Aaron Yan 、 Dong Han 、 Zhang Yuxi 、 Nicole Kidman 、张芷然等主演。

新白娘子传奇 (TV)[2019]


电视剧《新白娘子传奇》剧情介绍:讲述了峨眉山千年修德向善的蛇妖 Bai SuZhen 一心想得道升仙并打算去向往已久的临安城开开眼界。在临安上元节庙会阴差阳错与青蛇结为姐妹,青蛇化名 Xiao Qing 。 Bai SuZhen 和 Xiao Qing 在上元节邂逅颜值倾城“杏林怪咖” Xu Xian 。 Bai SuZhen 至善至纯的天性, Xu Xian 悬壶济世一心救人的品德,感动彼此。历经灯节火海、降妖蜈蚣精、西湖游船惊魂和白府家宴中毒河豚精等一系列风波,两人定情相爱。虽有 Xiao Qing 不满, Xu Xian 师妹横生枝节,但有情人终成神仙眷侣。端午节, Bai SuZhen 喝下雄黄酒现出妖形,吓死 Xu Xian 。 Bai SuZhen 不惜耗费百年修行法力,冒死盗取仙草,救活 Xu Xian 。好事多磨,真爱经历考验,许娇容因为误食含有 Bai SuZhen 血液的青团而昏迷不醒。 Bai SuZhen 欲耗费五百年法力救许娇容,却被天兵天将所阻,且被 Xu Xian 误解,不得以逃回峨眉洞府。后又经历魔界暗黑使者诱使 Xu Xian 化妖,欲称霸魔界的劫难,终化险为夷,重归人、妖、仙、魔四界安宁。在经历各种劫难和真相大冒险后,爱使人成长、改变, Xu Xian 和白娘子恩爱眷属,更加珍惜在一起的机会。 Fa Hai 执着降妖弘法,认定人妖不能相恋。强留 Xu Xian 在金山寺避妖修行,惹来 Bai SuZhen 和 Xiao Qing 水漫金山寺,触犯天条。 Bai SuZhen 产下一子仕林后,被 Fa Hai 镇压雷峰塔下。 Fa Hai 直言西湖水干,雷峰塔倒, Bai SuZhen 和 Xu Xian 重逢。十年如梭,少年 Xu ShiLin 初长成, Bai SuZhen 和 Xu Xian 能否迎来重相聚。


Mu Nanzhi (TV)[2018]

Feature: "Mu South Branch" tells the past life, Li Qian Xiao thought when the Empress Dowager Jiang Xian life. This life, Li Qian, but feel that thousands of miles Acacia than the jade in the arms, the Jiaonan Lord Jiang Xian robbed again. Jiang Xian woke up and found himself back to thirteen years old, before all kinds of nightmarish like a. Declined naive Jiang Xian, decided not to marry Zhao Yi, improper queen, she just wanted to pass this life flatly, so that their loved ones, friends can live their own life. But all this was disrupted by Li Qian, two people gradually get along with each other to create a different feeling, but Jiang Xian trapped in the concept can not believe Li Qian, Li Qian's really can be Proper collection ...

游泳先生 (TV)[2018]


电视剧《游泳先生》剧情介绍:讲述了平凡家庭中长大的天才游泳选手 Bai YongZe 与家道中落的千金小姐 Song ChaCha 在人生低谷中相识,成为欢喜冤家。泳泽的好友 Lan Tian 因为秘密不得不离开未婚妻茶茶。因此,在事业、友情、爱情面前,泳泽和 Lan Tian 从好友变成竞争对手。经历了严酷训练,二人在成为国家队成员的终极一战中展开对决。 Lan Tian 父亲设局让泳泽被迫放弃比赛,得知真相的 Lan Tian 战胜内心的胆怯,捍卫了竞技体育精神,毅然归还本应属于泳泽的荣誉。三人在经历诸多波折后成长为有责任感、性格坚韧、内心阳光正直的出色青年。


Legend of Yun Xi (TV)[2017]

Feature: Legend of Yun Xi episodes:The world has clouds and empty continents standing in the center of the world, under the rule of the Qin dynasty, after the conspiracy to usurp power, the world chaos, the clouds split into Tianning, Western Zhou Dynasty, Northern Li and the three countries, the dispute continues. Emperor TianDiDi Tianning Emperor naturally biased cheesy, the Qin Dynasty Wang Fei Yue incomparable exploit. In order to prevent its strength, Tian HuiDi decreed that he would rumored to be married to King Yun Yun Yun, the so-called ugly doctor of medicine, to marry him.  Han YunXi was born in a medical family, although the face of toxic sores are kind and clever. Her deep foundation in medicine, but also due to the mysterious bracelet left by her mother Tianxin learned subtle poison. Tian HuiDi A paper wedding gift, Han YunXi can withstand all pressures, on the wedding day since the car door married into the Qin Palace, became the real princess of Qin. In the face of this distress situation, Han YunXi is determined to work hard to survive. With her own skill and clever treatment of Mu Qingwu and Tinian Prince, cracked the case of the Northern Li and the case of the three aunt drug shop, and Guigu Gu Gu seven little become irreversible friends, but also won the Qin Long FeiYe scrutinize . After that, Han YunXi and Long FeiYe teamed up to search for poison beasts and save people trapped in the plague. They cracked all kinds of conspiracies together and their feelings were getting warmer. However, with the experience of Han YunXi exposed, the poisonous army of men and so on, the feelings of Long FeiYe and Han YunXi suffered a great test, in the face of life and death choices, the two should go from here ...

Xuanyuanjian of the Hans cloud (TV)[2017]

Feature: Ancient Emperor Huang defeated the demons, the battle shattered into two parts of the sword into Jian Qi, Jian Qi has become Zhao Yun and Mu Yun. At that time, a picture of the world was born to the brothers Zhao Yun and Mu Yun, but they were separated from each other by the war. As an adult, Zhao Yun is a feather warrior, Mu Yun is a brave bird warrior, both of whom do not know each other. The generals of the Generalities of the Tarajsumi are brutal in nature, indiscriminately killing innocents and often looting them. Feiyu army to protect the environment safe people, often with the Timberwolves expedition, Zhao Yun and Mu Yun also saw each other on the battlefield. After Zhao Yun gradually knew the truth, he tried hard to save Mu Yun in distress under the affection of his brother and relatives. With the help of tribal girl Ye YaXi, they experienced difficulties and overcome various difficulties. They found the Yellow Emperor's sword and spiritual forces that symbolize justice, and strengthened their hearts to overcome evil, Defending the faith of peace. In the end, the two brothers joined hands to defeat the tyrannical Chun Yu and Yue Yue. Legend of the sword, forever eternal & nbsp ;.

Hot blood Changan (TV)[2017]

Feature: In 626 AD, Changan, Datang capital suddenly aroused, suspicion of four, people panic. Dali Temple set up an investigation team to investigate these seemingly monstrous events, members include Sa MoDuoLuo (Xu Haiqiao ornaments), "People's Mobile Library" Shang GuanZiSu (Ju Jingyi ornaments), super analytical ability Li Zhi (Herman van Veen) in Dali Temple, Huang SanPao (Guanlin Liu), a skilled gunpowder maker that operates gunpowder, Gong SunSiNiang (Chang Xinyuan), a master of various weapons, Tan ShuangYe (Serena Cheng ornaments). In the aftermath of the treacherous cases, the investigation team restored the truth and eliminated the superstition among the public. As the investigation progressed further, everyone gradually realized that Black Galileo attempted to subvert the harmonious Datang by despicable means. Eventually victorious, the investigation team completely shattered the evil plot of black gallo. In addition to the share of young passionate pride, more a firm guardian and country responsibility heart & nbsp ;.

Kyushu Sky City (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Archean times, because of feather flying ability, the common people are regarded as God. Feathers living in the alluvion green hill, but also to create a sky city flying, so that all envy envy. However, when the sky suddenly exploded when the sky, feather angry. The tribe girl who came to watch the ceremony of eruption was mistakenly identified as a bombing incident.

Catman (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Liang Qu, who was forced to leave her beloved girl after being surprised by her cat accident at a young age, developed an "APP" app by Miao XiaoWan, an internet product manager, nine years later and was attacked by zoo expert Liang Qu. In order to ask Liang Qu to withdraw the bad review, Xiao Wan became his temporary assistant and learned cat language with him. Two people get along with each other in love. Liang Qu was surprised to find that this is not the first time they fell in love.

Kyushu Sky City (TV)[2016]

Feature: Archean times, because of feather flying ability, the common people are regarded as God. Feathers living in the alluvion green hill, but also to create a sky city flying, so that all envy envy. However, when the sky suddenly exploded when the sky, feather angry. Yi FuLing, a tribal girl who came to watch the ceremony, was mistakenly identified as a suspect in the explosion. However, Feng TianYi, a feudal aristocratic youth who had a foothold with Yi FuLing, did not believe this was what Yi FuLing was responsible for, and out of justice he saved Yi FuLing again and again. In fact, all these are the feats themselves. They are unwilling to act just as a god. Instead, they want to use their own advantages to compete with all other ethnic groups and thus create an explosion and provoke a war. Understand all this Feng TianYi and Yi FuLing not willing to do such things happen, they finally go through the hardships to make the war disappear.

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