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Zhang Ji TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Zhang Ji Works 8 ,And Feature 6 ,Comedy 2 ,Sports 1 ,Motivational film 1 ,Youth drama 1 ,Fantasy 1 ,Romance 1 ,Thriller 1 ,Suspense 1 ,Family drama 1 。

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Zhang Ji Filmography(8)


夺冠 (Movie)[2020]




我和我的祖国 (Movie)[2019]


七位导演分别取材新中国成立70周年以来,祖国经历的无数个历史性经典瞬间。讲述普通人与国家之间息息相关密不可分的动人故事。聚焦大时代大事件下,普通人和国家之间,看似遥远实则密切的关联,唤醒全球华人共同回忆。为保障开国大典国旗顺利升起, Lin ZhiYuan 争分夺秒排除万难,用一个惊心动魄的未眠之夜确保立国大事“万无一失”;为研制中国第一颗原子弹, Gao Yuan 献身国防科技事业,奉献了自己的青春和爱情;为确保五星红旗分秒不差飘扬在香港上空,升旗手 Zhu Tao 刻苦训练不懈怠、女港警 Lian Jie 兢兢业业守平安、外交官 An WenBin 与英国人谈判16轮分秒不让;喜迎奥运之际,出租车司机将自己视若珍宝的开幕式门票送给了远赴京城的汶川地震孤儿。一个个鲜活生动的普通人的奋斗故事,勾连起一段段难以磨灭的全民记忆。


A good show (Movie)[2018]


The movie “A Good Play” introduces the story: It is a group of people who accidentally landed on a desert island and they all lived in wild island trees and faced the unknown new journey together. From the fixed poster, you can see the complicated relationship between the plot and the characters. The seemingly simple “collective photo” has hidden mystery. The starring or sitting or leaning, the squid and criss-crossing branches and leaves in the rapids give rise to the desert islands. Mystery and danger.


TheArkOfMr.Chow (Movie)[2015]

Feature: In 1998, Zhou ZhiYong (Honglei Sun), a lecturer from the Xi'an Jiaotong University's "Junior Class", traveled to all over the country to find geniuses with outstanding intelligence. The 22 young men eventually selected will be given a daunting mission. One of them, Wu Wei (Dong Zijian), was one of those special classes where he met Mai Ke (Yuexin Wang), a genius Fang HouZheng (Jiaqi Li) "Wang DaFa (Liu Xilong ornaments), and bright and frosty Zhou Lan (Zhou Dongyu ornaments), five gifted teenagers have since begun earlier than their peers college life, but also face a variety of adolescent" incurable diseases ". The emergence of the goddess Jiang YiLin (summer decoration) disrupts the boys' hearts. The pressure of conquering the "World Mathematics Contest" has also fallen from the sky. The mentor Zhou ZhiYong also faces the biggest challenge in life. The journey of a talented teenager has just begun ...

Bridge In Clouds (Movie)[2015]

Feature: "Baiyun Bridge" records the horror and supernatural events known to women and children in southern China. The story originated from Baiyun Bridge, an ancient building with a history of more than 1,300 years in Yuyao, Zhejiang Province. The bridge often shows half the fog in half clear sky and is a bridge connecting the two yin and yang , People can communicate with the ghost on the bridge. At midnight, Meng Yan, a mistress, met a little boy on the Baiyun Bridge, who led her into another space, the "Midian Circle." The little boy told Meng Yan a shameful secret about the relationship between her and her husband Zhang Qing and her life and safety. Meng Yan doubts and anguish again. The prediction of the little boy fulfills. Meng Yan falls to the brink of collapse, only to find the answer to the gloomy mysterious Baiyun Bridge.

Dearest (Movie)[2014]

Feature: The story took place in the early 1980s, with heroine Li BaoLi a lifelong companion to all young men of that time - pretty, working, and responsible. Because of his junior middle school education, "culture" became her pursuit and became her heart robbery. Polany took a fancy to Ma XueWu, a mechanical factory worker with a poor student status. Under Ma XueWu's "dear" love letter case, Baoli abandoned the infatuated suitor Zheng Zheng, who upholds her integrity. Marry Ma XueWu, gave birth to his son Andy. Eight years later, Baoli made a factory director wife, also assigned to a two-room building within the planning system. Unexpectedly, the fate and the times have made a joke with her - Ma XueWu with a new love, but also to try to change the sin of marriage to Polaroid and Zheng Jian's old love. After she discovered the tragedy of Ma XueWu, Paulie called the police anonymously. Ma XueWu was arrested by the Public Security Bureau, and subsequently suffered dismissed, laid-off, followed by the crackdown forced the cowardly person to commit suicide ...... Stubborn Baoli for life beliefs, to survive for a living young man, battling Russia alone. A few years later, Baoli returned to her hometown successfully. Zheng Jian met her again and became a happy lover. However, the differences in living conditions, the economic gap, and the conflict between freedom and stability have caused the friction between Bao Li and Zheng Jian to continue to reach the middle age with a burden. The two regained their feelings in the friction. For example, Young people talked about a true romance with vigor and vitality ... There is value in life of faith - Polaroid proves destiny and worldly kindness, optimism, courage and beauty of a heartless ordinary contemporary woman!

中国合伙人 (Movie)[2013]


Cheng DongQing ,农村出身的土鳖,两次高考落败,眼看就要屈服于当农民的命运,他最后一搏,搏命背下整本英文字典,从明眸变成近视眼,第三次试考,考上北大。 Meng XiaoJun ),精英知识分子,强烈自信,内心认定自己永远是最优秀的那个。 Wang Yang ,八十年代的浪漫派,样子俊朗,热爱文学,一生梦想是当个诗人。这样三个各走极端的人,居然就在燕京大学碰上,戏剧性的建立友谊。三子跟八十年代莘莘学子一样,怀抱着一个美国梦。申请签证的结果是:两个成功,一个被拒。土鳖 Cheng DongQing 延续失败的命运,眼看两个好友出国完梦,他失望透顶,他只有留在燕大任教,却又因在外私自授课,被校方发现,央求悔罪仍被除名,毫无余地的成为一个真正“失败者”。美国那边,孟晓峻正要一展抱负,却未料堂堂燕大高材生,在美国根本找不着工作,落得在餐馆当侍应助理的命运; Wang Yang 签证成功,却因一个一见钟情的美国女孩放弃出国,贯彻其浪漫派个性; Cheng DongQing 一无所有,只有偷偷在肯德基办补习班,其独特的自嘲教学法,却渐渐吸引不少学生。这是命运的安排,他从没想过,被拒签这个人生最失败的挫折,亦是成就他人生中最成功的契机。 Cheng DongQing 请 Wang Yang 加入一起办补习班, Cheng DongQing 毋忘 Meng XiaoJun ,让他回国强势加盟,正式开办“新梦想”学校。三人凭借个人魅力,包括 Cheng DongQing 的自嘲式幽默教学法, Meng XiaoJun 的美国经验和签证技巧,以及 Wang Yang 的创新电影教学,让新梦想空前成功。新梦想再扩规模, Cheng DongQing 被媒体和青年塑造成为留学教父,不由自控的散发着一股从土鳖蜕变成领导者的光芒,让 Meng XiaoJun 看不过去,二人渐貌合神离, Wang Yang 左右做人难。 Meng XiaoJun 远走沈阳,三人的友情面临重重考验。然大时代一幕又一幕的挑战,包括1999年南斯拉夫中国大使馆被北约军机轰炸、还有ETS美国普林斯出版社控告新梦想侵犯版权,又把三子再次凝聚起来,共同面对新梦想的困境。


You are my dream (TV)[2008]

Feature: "You Are My Dream" tells the story of Miaoling (Miaoling), a princess who was accidentally rescued by the late Ming government and Nicky Wu from exorcising Li. Princess Maid Hong Jiang desperately rescued JUN JIN, who was seriously wounded. Each one of the four individuals can serve as a jade parade for reentry soldiers and reunions. Tao Ziting pays a return of troops, but was murdered by a criminal party. Princess Miaoling heard the blame. Guards assassination thief sacrifice. Shu Er distraught hair cut for Nepal. Time flies, a blink of an eye - Chinese singer Nicky Wu has been challenged by celebrity Ma Yu (Tianyu Ma), under pressure to retreat practitioners, somewhere to rescue Princess Xuan Lin scene. He was extremely shocked when he met Miaoling, a Korean girl who came to Beijing for a dream with a jade dress at a concert. Ma Yu's sister, Hong Jiang, was bent on writing her dream as a novel. When she came to a Korean restaurant to experience life, she met JUNJIN, a Korean youth who came to China to find her dream lover. Jin Zhenhuan crashed Ye Ting and Hyun Lin meet, but also disrupted Ma Yue and her boyfriend's marriage. Ma Yue's novel "You are my dream" published a sensational moment. Ye Ting, Hyun Lin, Jin Zhenhuan read, find the shadow of their dreams. Experienced throwing jade, jade find some twists and turns, four young people in China and South Korea actually jade spell in their hands together.

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