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Yilin Huang TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Yilin Huang Works 17 ,And Romance 9 ,Urban drama 6 ,Youth drama 3 ,Campus drama 3 ,Fantasy 2 ,Feature 2 ,Love 1 ,Ancient legend 1 ,Contemporary film 1 ,Comedy 1 ,Suspense 1 ,Sci-Fi 1 ,Costume Drama 1 ,Fantasy film 1 ,Thriller 1 ,Short 1 。

Works Index

Yilin Huang Filmography(17)


三嫁惹君心 (TV)[2020]


Ju MuEr 原本闲逸的生活因师父师伯音含冤枉死而瞬息万变,并因此双目失明,误打误撞之下闯入京城首富 Long Yue 的生活中。 Ju MuEr 决心替师父昭雪沉冤,岂料接二连三的案件将二人牵扯其中。 Ju MuEr 一面查案,一面遭已婚男子逼婚,为求善了,主动提出与 Long Yue 协议成婚。然朝夕相处中,二人渐生情愫, Ju MuEr 不想师父的案情牵连龙家,便设计让 Long Yue 产生误会从而休妻。事后 Long Yue 得知真相,二人再结姻缘。随着调查深入,案情越发扑朔迷离, Ju MuEr 险遭灭口,龙家也陷入前所未有的困境。二人心系彼此,却不得不为了对方暂且和离,共同对敌。当真相大白一切都尘埃落定, Long Yue 再次迎娶三嫁于他的 Ju MuEr ,终于幸福相拥。


动物管理局 (TV)[2019]


《动物管理局》讲述了开动物诊所的兽医 Hao Yun 因为一场猫咪配种事故,意外发现这个世界上有妖怪以动物形态或人形存在。而所有妖怪均在神秘机构——动物管理局的管制之下。金牌女探员 Wu AiAi 带走 Hao Yun ,但用各种方法都无法洗掉他的记忆,只好迫使他加入动物管理局,成为一名探员。从此, Hao Yun 与动物管理局的同事开始了一桩桩啼笑皆非的案件侦破行动……

没有秘密的你 (TV)[2019]


该剧讲述了因一场车祸而产生交集的 Lin XingRan 与 Jiang Xia ,十年后再次重逢,拥有“读心术”的高能少年和“废柴女律师”上演一场爱和守护的动人故事 。


Ever Night (TV)[2018]

Feature: “Ever Night” told a legendary of Ning Que. An ordinary civilian’s struggle history. Original novel is based on a cultivation world,but more than cultivation stories. There is a prediction in this cultivation world”Ever night comes,human hell arrived”. Fresh soldier Ning Que wanted to find out and revenge the murderer who killed his family. Take his childhood friend Sang Sang to the capital. After his hard working,he became a general and leading the army defeat enemy country’s invasion.Then he found out the black hand kill his family,the boss Hao Tian planed all the stuff and robed Sang Sang away. He told Ning that Sang is the host of Ever Night, the most important part of Ever Night project. Hao Tian wanted to control Sang active Ever Night destroy the world and rebuild it to be new world’s lord. Ning Que had a duel with Hao Tian and beat him save the world. There is no Ever Night anymore, Ning and Sang left together and had a happy end.

Crocodile & Toothpick Bird (TV)[2018]


Drama "The Crocodile and the Teeth Bird" Plot: Introduced Li NanEn is a town girl Since childhood, I love Chinese traditional culture. After graduating from university, he went to the University of Edinburgh to study architecture and entered the Advanced Animal Research Institute. The research community is developing a system of ecological buildings with a time-honored significance called “sky gardens,” and the soul of the research agency, Zhou Erwen, is a high-school student who is dedicated to researching the integration of eco-environmental protection and architecture. They are each other's cold-blooded crocodile and annoying bird, becoming a family. Zhou Wenwen not only questioned Nannen’s talents, but her traditional Chinese architectural concept was also not recognized by Zhou Wenwen. After a period of time getting along and running in, they found that their respective theoretical commonalities will have great benefits for the “sky garden”. After graduating, the members returned to the country to start business. In the process, the members encountered many obstacles. However, they braved the war to become more courageous. They learned the theory, combined with the domestic environment, adapted to local conditions, and finally achieved great success. They took the Chinese dream and brought the results under Chinese culture with them. Out of the country, subvert the global construction industry.


Liang sheng, can we not be sad (TV)[2017]


In the TV series Liang Sheng, can we not be sad?, it tells the story of a barren childhood.Jiang Sheng(Yi Sun) andLiang Sheng(Tianyu Ma) are inseparable and close to each other. They were both admitted to the ideal university after a car accident,Liang ShengMissing, therefore, the mystery of Liang Sheng's life.Jiang ShengFindLiang Shengpainstakingly,Cheng TianYou(Wallace Chung) by her side, she falls deeply in love with this ordinary and unusual girl.Liang Shengreturned and became a cousin of Cheng TianYou, with intricate family ties that made life no longer peaceful for the three. Unfortunately,Liang Shenggot bone marrow blood cancer. In order to save his life,Jiang Shenggave up the opportunity to study abroad and gave up his love toCheng TianYouand returned to his side. Though there is little hope for a cure,Jiang Shengbelieves there is hope without giving up.Cheng TianYougoes back to the city after he despairs of love. When the disease got better gradually,Liang Shengfinally laid down his burden and told the world of his love. However,Jiang Shengrejected Liang Sheng. After going through all kinds of difficulties,Jiang Shengtruly comprehended the meaning of life and the true meaning of love, and bravely pursued his own heart.Jiang Shengwent far away from France. After suffering, people who love each other finally gained love and faith & NBSP; .

Love because of love (TV)[2017]


《将爱之因为爱情》讲述了陈意心主演、朱丹柯(蛋壳)、杜姗、乔晓萱四个女孩临近大学毕业,她们凭借着对红酒的共同爱好,决定一起酿制一批葡萄酒,纪念她们的青春时光。在此期间,她们的命运也悄然发生着转变——身为富商继承人的意心爱上了穷小子黄炼,两人虽一见钟情,却因身份悬殊而不得不面临着离别与放弃;率性狂放的蛋壳与酒庄的青年酿酒师那天是一对欢喜冤家,两人的感情在吵闹中悄然滋生;酒庄女主人杜姗身患重病,却仍笑对人生,为了追寻自认为的美好爱情而屡屡碰壁;乔晓萱出身平凡,她爱慕着另外三个女孩拥有的一切,包括校园里的王子郭艾伦。可随着一个阴险的红酒商人潘肖的出现,女孩们的感情与生活都纷纷遭遇打击,坠入泥潭。但她们最终凭借着智慧与信念,依靠着爱情与友情,重新找到了人生的方向 。

Beauty queens personal expert 4 (TV)[2017]

Feature: After Lin Yi returned from the snow-capped mountains and healed his awe, it turned out to be a summon to him from different times and space. At this time, the island of Tien-chih is suffering an unprecedented catastrophe and urgently needs the help of Lin Yi to save everyone. On the other hand, hidden behind the mysterious man 觊 觎 Chu MengYao dark phoenix energy has been a long time, even at the pain killer, but fortunately Lin Yi came in time to stop his conspiracy, however, Stuart Feng, Feng Xiao laugh but could not escape a Robbery Takahashi Island, this is the legend of ancient times, or can not escape the fate?

End Brain (TV)[2017]

Feature: -family: arial, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; text-indent: 28px; background-color: rgb (255, 255, 255); "> The telencephalon tells Xia Chi was born in an ordinary Family, hobby reasoning, after entering college, Xia Chi was enthusiastically introduced into the basketball club by his roommate Meng Qin, and both became good brothers. With the help of Meng Qin, Xia Chi started a fierce pursuit of Qing Zhi at love at first sight , And later because of the love of Chun XuXiang to Xia Chi, allowing Qing Zhi to misunderstand and make the two separate again. Qing Zhi left the city and feelings of Xia Chi and Chun XuXiang kept warming. A few years later, the seemingly calm life was attacked by Qing Zhi's return to break, and the change of friend Meng Qin and the sudden death also makes Xia Chi has a new perception and understanding of life, Xia Chi is no longer that love for the sake of sacrificing everything young, and finally and Qing Zhi A plain and happy life.

Come to your world (TV)[2017]

Feature: Comic book artist He Jie went through his comic "Crystal Love" in his pen and was told by NPCs in the comic world that he had to save himself from being able to return to the real world after years of vicious women's mistakes. He started his " The original pit filled pit journey ", but with his own created by the evil female partner Lu ZiXing a series of anti-routine sweet story.

First love (TV)[2017]


The First Love tells Wen Jing and friends Su Su accidentally heard that she was not an ex-boyfriend when attending a high school class reunion Du XiaoFeng 's first love, and learnt that Su Su has been crushing on Su Su's Meng Fan has died unexpectedly. Wen Jing gathered a good mood of lost love and began to help Su Su collect magazines that published Meng Fan's works, while searching for lost time while exploring true love. Never thought that the past that had been recovered had hidden an entire person and did not know the secret. At this point, everyone’s mood has changed.  


Hello Joann (TV)[2016]

Feature: Qiao An girl has a princess-like life, the accident away from hometown, everyone Hello, everyone Qiao An thought her life will decline, did not expect Qiao An and bright appearance in Shanghai - she wanted to reclaim his father lost ads Imperial Orris. Lu YuanYang, president of ORIS Shanghai, was an assistant to his father-in-law in the same year and frequently made mistakes about the history of Qiao An. An old and spicy elite who worked hard for many years and a promising newcomer started a cat and mouse game in the workplace. Qiao An did not give up, eventually won the approval of Lu YuanYang, they also produced a different kind of situation, but friction continues. Ni Hao, the only friend of Qiao An, suffered a loss of love and joblessness, heating up with Qiao An and met Jiang QiFei, a widow who experienced a series of common growth while Ni Hao lagged Jiang QiFei. At this point, Qiao An rich second generation of ex-boyfriend looked back, Lu YuanYang and first love again workplace reunion. Orris faces the acquisition, and finally, Qiao An and Lu YuanYang join hands to keep the company. Qiao An exposed his life and disappeared again. Lu YuanYang led Orris back on track, waiting for Qiao An to return.

School girls master 3 (TV)[2016]

Feature: "School of flowers close personal 3" around the family secrets layers of story. An JianWen (Zhang Yicong) sequestered the sons of the ancient family in horrifying closets because of the craving for the secrets of the family, while the hidden chambers contained hidden mannequins and dangerous illegal institutions. This time, Lin Yi (Zonglin Li ornaments) need to successfully solve the mystery of the chamber, in order to disrupt An JianWen's plot to rescued Chu MengYao (Yilin Huang) & nbsp ;.

School girls best player 2 (TV)[2016]

Feature: After resolving the Chu crisis, Lin Yi was supposed to be able to live a stable merger. However, the sudden death of Li Qihua and the attempt by Zhao QiBing to control the entire Songshan city pushed Lin Yi back again At the cusp of making waves, Lin Yi decided to go to the ancient tomb to win the Sacred Fire of Huo Ling, a thousand-year old tombs and a horrifying corpse, in order to sabotage the evil forces and save the abducted school flowers. This time, .

Hello, Qiao An (TV)[2015]

Feature: Qiao An girl has a princess-like life, the accident away from hometown, everyone Hello, everyone Qiao An thought her life will decline, did not expect Qiao An and bright appearance in Shanghai - she wanted to reclaim his father lost ads Imperial Orris. Lu YuanYang, president of ORIS Shanghai, was an assistant to his father-in-law in the same year and frequently made mistakes about the history of Qiao An. An old and spicy elite who worked hard for many years and a promising newcomer started a cat and mouse game in the workplace. Qiao An did not give up, eventually won the approval of Lu YuanYang, they also produced a different kind of situation, but friction continues. Ni Hao, the only friend of Qiao An, suffered a loss of love and joblessness, heating up with Qiao An and met Jiang QiFei, a widow who experienced a series of common growth while Ni Hao lagged Jiang QiFei. At this point, Qiao An rich second generation of ex-boyfriend looked back, Lu YuanYang and first love again workplace reunion. Orris faces the acquisition, and finally, Qiao An and Lu YuanYang join hands to keep the company. Qiao An exposed his life and disappeared again. Lu YuanYang led Orris back on track, waiting for Qiao An to return & nbsp ;.

Love At Second Time (TV)[2014]

Feature: At a glance Fei LuoLuo is a young wedding planner after 80, in her heart has always believed in love to be romantic loyalty, as witnessed their parents love each other decades of loyalty, all her heart has a dream, is determined to complete 99 The new marriage, to embark on their own red carpet; and childhood with her mother experienced an irregular marriage, Lu ZheXi, he believed in the love of reason, to withstand the test of reality and time, so he became a specialized help People who verify the reliability of love for a pair of fallen in love with the couple to design a test. In this way, they did not know each other for having taken the same couple's case. Lolo found the truth and loneliness in the eyes of Zhexi, and Josh found out from Lolo that he had lost his enthusiasm and simplicity for so long. After experiencing a series of false positives and falsehoods, Fei LuoLuo suffered various setbacks such as suspicions and betrayals from her boyfriend and friends, family debt crisis and career traps in succession, and finally saved them before realizing that all these encounters had taken place Valuable help, and this elegant is Lu ZheXi. Gradually, Fei LuoLuo in the eyes of the cool rational Tetsi slowly by his variety of help and helpless, both affectionate and getting better, and Zhexi ex-girlfriend Ruizhi rush back to China, and as a wedding photographer Into two life circle. The face of ex-girlfriend Ruizhi old love revival and the use of various means, kind-hearted Fei LuoLuo dilemma, but at this time the suitors Tan Li Jie also appeared in his side guardian care ... everyone for their true love dedicated to the choice of " Love at first sight "or" life and death "test these few young love faith.

Pink Lady: Lover Run (Movie)[2013]

Feature: A young woman on the verge of suicide is approached by two familiar figures, one fighting for her, the other against her.

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