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Pu Zhou TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Pu Zhou Works 24 ,And Urban drama 8 ,Love 7 ,Feature 4 ,Year 4 ,Motivational film 3 ,Family drama 3 ,Romance 3 ,轻喜2 ,抗战2 ,Comedy 2 ,Workplace film 1 ,Spy war 1 ,Ethical play 1 ,Modern opera 1 ,War 1 ,Martial Arts 1 ,Costume Drama 1 ,Magic 1 。

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Pu Zhou Filmography(24)


安家 (TV)[2020]


房似锦年纪轻轻已经是安家天下中介公司的金字招牌,她在上司翟云霄的授意之下,空降静宜门店担任双店长。门店原生店长徐文昌是个“高贵的人”,他推崇“人性流”管理方式,也不屑对付手段卑鄙的对手。到任后房似锦施展雷霆手段坚壁清野,对外辣手反击,对内冷血整肃。虽然在房似锦的铁血管理下众人苦不堪言,但是业绩的提升的确振奋了门店士气。房似锦的管理方式和处事之道与徐文昌截然相反,而业务员们也在两位“神仙”的较劲中左右为难。身为房产中介的他们不仅要帮助客户买房卖房租房,还时常被裹挟着卷入他们的人生,见证他们生活中的歌舞升平与一地鸡毛 。


谍战深海之惊蛰 (TV)[2019]


1941年上海,混迹江湖靠贩卖情报为生的街头小混混 Chen Shan 因长相酷似军统特工肖正国,被日本梅机关特务头子 Huang MuWei 意外看中,从此卷入一场腥风血雨的地下战争。 Huang MuWei 挟持了他的妹妹 Chen Xia ,逼迫 Chen Shan 成为日本间谍。为了营救妹妹,具有特工天赋的他只能接受秘密特训,冒名顶替肖正国前往重庆潜伏到军统内部,准备窃取重要情报。潜伏生涯惊心动魄,然而作为一个中国人, Chen Shan 并不想真的背叛祖国,在共产党员 Zhang Li 和 Qian ShiYing 对他的不断影响下, Chen Shan 逐渐成长,毅然站到了抗日的阵营。之后,为粉碎日寇阴谋, Chen Shan 和 Zhang Li 冒着生命危险再次回到上海,反潜伏进入汪伪特工总部,他们一次次携手合作,生死与共,在与敌人的斗智斗勇中, Chen Shan 最终树立了信仰,成长为了一名真正的战士,并成功粉碎了侵略者的险恶阴谋 。


创业时代 (TV)[2018]


电视剧《创业时代》剧情介绍:讲述了在一次偶然的机会中,软件工程师 Guo XinNian 找到了新的灵感,他决心开发一款新的手机通讯软件,可以将手机短信以语音的形式在用户之间传送,这个想法让 Guo XinNian 激动不已,他怀着一腔热血,走上了创业之路。在天使投资人和旧日朋友的支持下, Guo XinNian 经过艰苦的研发,终于令手机软件诞生,起名为魔盒,并获得了巨大的成功,同时也与投资分析师 Na Lan ,成为了莫逆之交。然而创业的道路并非一帆风顺,在激烈的市场竞争和技术更迭中,同行的竞争,技术上的难关,种种问题纷至沓来, Guo XinNian 经历了一次又一次磨难,终于令新技术得以推广。在 Guo XinNian 最艰难的时期,他收获了 Na Lan 的爱情,在爱人的鼓励下,他意识到,眼下的困难并不是终结,而是新的开始,最终, Guo XinNian 和 Na Lan 一起携手,继续走上了创业之路。


Ten thousand years of love (TV)[2017]

Feature: Hundreds of years ago, five hundred years ago, Zixia descended to find Z.TAO, a Zijin (Z.TAO ornaments) with a purple-green sword, but destroyed the purple-green sword. Zixia in order to repair the sword, use the moonlight box through. Five hundred years later, the Supreme Treasure lost the memory of past lives, reincarnated as an ax to help the Lord, and the good Bai JingJing mutual benefit in day and night. However, Bai JingJing was tricked by the Spring of 30 Mother (Ruoxi Du ornaments) sword, in order to save Bai JingJing, the Supreme Treasure use Moonlight Box, actually crossed back five hundred years ago. Pan-hole hole two meet, Zixia shocked in front of her is five hundred years ago, the most precious treasure, but found he has fallen in love with others. Niu MoWang (Yang Juncheng ornaments) covet beauty to the extreme treasure of life threatening, to marry Zixia. In confusion, the Supreme Treasure delivered to the modern and the future by the moonlight treasure box, through the journey to see the treasure of his own heart. Extreme treasure to save Zixia and Niu MoWang war. Crucial moment, Zixia forbidden treasure blocked Niu MoWang's fatal blow. At this point, the young girlfriend Qingwan (Swan), who agreed with Liu ErMiHou, agreed on a schedule of days to change the fate of Zixia and Supreme Treasure. Chaos eventually all belong to you, Zixia and the ultimate treasure also finally has a happy ending. Westward Journey Love you ten thousand years

My little aunt (TV)[2017]

Feature: In the early 1960s, Qiu Hong, who was in his early twenties, was a rising star of Beijing Opera deeply loved by audiences. She was in love with his childhood friend Sun ZhaoLong. In a time of smooth sailing, a series of accidents suddenly came. My sister, Qiu Xia, gave birth and gave birth to her son, Qiu Shan. She gave her three young children entrusted with the care of Qiu Hong before her death. Xu MoFei, a brother-in-law who was far away from the suburbs, went back to funerals and suffered a paraplegic high in a car accident. For her sister's promise of dying, Qiu Hong resolutely takes on the responsibility of taking care of the family. In order to raise children, Qiu Hong could not normally participate in the troupe's performance, had to interrupt the thriving business. In the meantime, Qiu Hong burst into tears and broke up with Sun ZhaoLong in order not to cause a career for Sun ZhaoLong, his lover. Xu MoFei, a brother-in-law, could not bear to drag Qiu Hong, sending two older children back to the country to send their new-born child to others and be ready to commit suicide. In a critical moment, Qiu Hong rescued her brother-in-law and returned the children one by one. She made a determined effort not to bow to misery and must raise her three children as adults. However, as to how easy it was for her family, her eldest daughter, Qiu Yun, became withdrawn from the original lovely girl. Qiu Feng, her second child, resented her newborn brother Qiu Shan for her mother's death. In the face of all this, Qiu Hong cried out with her little Qiu Shan, who had just lost her mother's life. Fortunately, with the help of her young painter Su Qing, Qiu Hong grew up and gradually learned how to be a mom. After being rejected by Qiu Hong, Sun ZhaoLong, frustrated and angry, married the rural girl Ma GuiLan. With a shrew-like wife, Sun ZhaoLong lives in dire straits. Ma GuiLan eat Qiu Hong's vinegar, often have to give birth to right and wrong, making Sun ZhaoLong miserable. Qiu Hong, Su Qing, Sun ZhaoLong Three people in this mutual staggered emotions cling together, and finally toward a different path of life, unconsciously, the time came in the eighties of last century. Three children grew up, brother-in-law Xu MoFei also died. Qiu Hong is still supporting this home. Her husband's legacy "autumn" to go to the exhibition, but at this time bizarre lost. The emotional life of Qiu Hong also waves, once loved her two men Sun ZhaoLong and Su Qing, making her difficult choice. Qiu Yun 's marriage, her elder son Qiu Feng' s solitary selfishness and the younger son Qiu Shan 's drop out of school all overreacted Qiu Hong' s heart. She has always been calm, swept the tide of life, overwhelmed. And Sun ZhaoLong and Su Qing two men are inseparable, gave her the strength and courage to face all the sudden. Qiu Hong, a middle-aged man, has undergone numerous hardships and finally has the wisdom to solve one of the problems of his family. Her personality charm has also deeply influenced the children. Daughter Qiu Yun experienced twists and turns and finally found true love; Qiu Feng experienced confusion and depression, but also understand the aunt's painstaking; Qiu Shan in order to find his father lost painting after hardships, after life and death, the initial mind does not change. Qiu Hong himself, in the age of perplexity, finally realized the true meaning of life, made a choice, and reap the sweet love. The growth of children makes Qiu Hong happy.She propped up a day for the family, and the children gave her the most sincere return.

Legend of the P Plus (TV)[2017]

Feature: In 1935, Zhang HanTao filed for revenge on his father's revenge. Under the name of "killing all sides" against the Japanese invaders, Zhang HanTao successively punished traitors in Binhai Island, a coastal town on the coast of southern Liaoning. Stock conceal forces, drew an uproar. Qing Chuan, the old captain of the detective's predecessor, the Kou gendarmerie, spent a great deal of manpower and material resources to detect the case of "killing the eight directions," and gradually discovered Zhang HanTao's major suspicion in extortion. Zhang HanTao, desperate with Qing Chuan and many other belligerents, wanted to return to civilian life. However, he found his father-in-law hatred has resulted in the massacre of anti-Japanese members, anti-Japanese bandits and innocent civilians by the Japanese invaders. Zhang HanTao thus laid off a person, vowing to resist the Japanese invaders for revenge on the dead compatriots, Zhang Qicai in the United intelligence station to help themselves and their successors led by the support of Wang Gang, the final elimination of Qing Chuan Binhai day Kou groups, and to fight for a group of important weapons resources, become a civil anti-Japanese legendary people.

I am lucky (TV)[2017]

Feature: Wang XiaoXing, an animator, was the protagonist of a cyber storm because her mother, Wang LiNa, made a mistake and her marriage history broke out in succession. However, Wang XiaoXing captured a man who cried for ten years because of the black hand behind the screen - Ding XueQi. This simple and affectionate man, she once again rekindled the marriage of the family's vision, muster the courage to chase love. However, people who aspire to success, a variety of troubles immediately followed: Ding XueQi parents obstruct every possible way, Wang XiaoXing conception difficulties, two ex-husband took turns trouble, so that the young couple caught by surprise. Fortunately, they have enough courage and confidence to fight for their own happiness, life contradictions gradually recede, the young couple finally got on the right track. Although life will be left behind scared, but they cherish the hard earned peace, it seems that such calm is their greatest vision of this life & nbsp ;.

Troubled beauty line (TV)[2016]

Feature: During the War of Resistance Against Japan, Han Shuying, a progressive young woman, was framed by her aunt and forced to marry Xie Bingyan, a northern tycoon, as her concubine. Inspired by Li WenXuan, a patriotic teacher, Han ShuYing decided to escaped from marriage to save the nation but was discovered by Xie RuiXue, an elder sister to Xie Family Ci and his classmates. The domineering Xie RuoXue not only reported to his father, but also Han ShuYing 'escaped marriage' interpretation of 'elopement' in an attempt to set Han ShuYing the "stepmother" died. Just as Han ShuYing was on the verge of his death, Xie Bingyan was shot dead by the Japanese because of his unwillingness to betray the motherland. Han ShuYing, who had witnessed everything, was deeply moved by the patriotic spirit of Xie Bingyan and decided to stay in Xie Family and save Xie Family at her name in the name of Xie's wife. With the help of Li WenXuan, she fled to Shanghai with Xie RuoXue Actually moved by Xie RuoXue. Against the backdrop of the golden age, the two women, Han ShuYing and Xie RuoXue, not only depended on "mother and daughter" but also performed a "sister" as a legend to resist the war and save the country.

Do not call me brother (TV)[2015]

Feature: Han ZiHui and Tong HaiTao share the same hand and foot, both fell in love with the same girl Ye XiaoXiao, they all want and Ye XiaoXiao admitted to the same university, but the entrance, two people have failed. Han ZiHui misfortune at home, his father died in a car accident, the burden of feeding all on his shoulders. Tong HaiTao Parents want their son good news, do not like him with Han ZiHui Scrapping in every day, to delay the future. Taking advantage of the opportunity, Tong Jiazhu Bureau forced the Tong HaiTao to Hong Kong, which created a deep misunderstanding between Tong HaiTao and Ye XiaoXiao. Han ZiHui won the love of Ye XiaoXiao, but Luo XueJuan crush him very sad. Luo XueJuan creates contradictions between Han ZiHui and Ye XiaoXiao, leaving Ye XiaoXiao sad to leave, Luo XueJuan taking advantage of it. Just as Han ZiHui and Luo XueJuan were about to get married, Han ZiHui discovered the real situation. Han ZiHui to find Ye XiaoXiao, both released before the release of Wang Luzhi, a pair of lovers eventually get married.

Beauty line (TV)[2015]

Feature: During the War of Resistance Against Japan, Han Shuying, a progressive young woman, was framed by her aunt and forced to marry Xie Bingyan, a northern tycoon, as her concubine. Inspired by Li WenXuan, a patriotic teacher, Han ShuYing decided to escaped from marriage to save the nation but was discovered by Xie RuiXue, an elder sister to Xie Family Ci and his classmates. The domineering Xie RuoXue not only reported to his father, but also Han ShuYing 'escaped marriage' interpretation of 'elopement' in an attempt to set Han ShuYing the "stepmother" died. Just as Han ShuYing was on the verge of his death, Xie Bingyan was shot dead by the Japanese because of his unwillingness to betray the motherland. Han ShuYing, who had witnessed everything, was deeply moved by the patriotic spirit of Xie Bingyan and decided to stay in Xie Family and save Xie Family at her name in the name of Xie's wife. With the help of Li WenXuan, she fled to Shanghai with Xie RuoXue Actually moved by Xie RuoXue. Against the backdrop of the golden age, the two women, Han ShuYing and Xie RuoXue, not only depended on "mother and daughter" but also performed a "sister" as a legend to resist the war and save the country.

Militia Kang Bao (TV)[2015]

Feature: In the early days of the Anti-Japanese War, the Japanese invaders waged a frenzied raid on our anti-Japanese base areas and implemented the three-light policy of "killing the light, grabbing the light and burning it." Kang Bao, a young villager in Kangjiazhuang, took her example of her heroic heroic sacrifice in anti-raid and determined to become a militia hero. Under the guidance of Qin Zhong, secretary of the district party committee, conducted a desperate contest with Japanese military officer Ben Tian in a unique grass-roots manner. After experiencing the painful tests of the Japanese Tucao village and the loss of his relatives and teammates, Kang Bao accomplished the outstanding combat tasks entrusted by his superiors successfully and successfully rescued the defeated National Army pilots and won his sincere admiration and respect. The Kangjiazhuang militia team was successfully established and the sincere love of progressive youth Yang XiaoTang was obtained.

Stupid root into the city (TV)[2015]

Feature: The "stupid root into the city" tells the idiot as an out-of-country countryman, pure in heart, inexperienced, a rare "idiot", in order to survive to the city, stupid mouth stupid tongue he is so bad Became a salesman who relies on his mouth to eat, he did a lot of stupid things, often because of "stupid" trick, but also because of a disaster and blessing; Xia Tian is a beautiful, capable city girl, young When the sales champion is unwilling to mediocrity, in order to dream, start their own businesses, the surface scenery, in fact, trauma; Gao Bo entrepreneurial failure was sent to his father Xia Tian sales training company to learn sales staff, Gao Bo has been suspected father killed himself The mother, did not expect to fall into a conspiracy. The story of the whole story revolves around the career and love pursuits of the three protagonists, and plays a dramatic life full of young positive energy.

Big root's dream life (TV)[2015]


TV series "the root of the dream life" the plot is introduced: tells the silly root for genuine countryman, pure heart, and the inexperienced is one of the few "fool", came to the city, in order to survive poor stupid inarticulate tongue he Yin Yang to wrong became a salesman on mouth to eat, he did a lot of stupid things, often trouble by "silly", at the same time also blessed by a curse; Xia Tian is a beautiful and capable city girl. She became a sales champion at a young age, but she is not content to be mediocre. Gao Bo was sent by his father to Xia Tian's sales training company to learn how to be a salesman. Gao Bo suspected that his father had killed his mother, but he fell into a conspiracy. The whole story revolves around the career and love pursuit of these three protagonists and interprets the dramatic life full of positive energy of youth.


DatingHunter (TV)[2014]

Feature: "Dating experts" tells the story of a group of "dating clients" who love for leftovers and leftovers. Pu Bian was a beautiful public relations leader, sitting beauty charming wife, but after the failure of entrepreneurship not only the company closed down, both of his wife away from him. Pu Bian as the opposite of Ding Yu, known as the walk a flowering plum, soaking up to people, never lost his hand, the beauty around the uninterrupted. But Pu Bian has never won in any other area, he is a war-torn defeat, defeats and defeats, only to surpass Pu Bian. Liu Lin, an innumerable man who has read numerous articles from the International Model, can not even catch up with one event. In addition, he has been planning to join in with the talented housewife Su HangHang, Open a domestic most cattle public relations company, who knows unconsciously business deviation, becoming the most cattle emotional commissioner. The four young people with different personalities have gradually grown up in quarrels and laughter, solving a variety of emotional needs for clients who are attracted to them, and creating one after another "perfect date." While helping others to find their feelings, they also found their own destiny.

go home with me (TV)[2014]

Feature: Men JiaXiang When his career suffered a setback, his father, Men Rui, was in a car accident with his son Andy. Men Rui learned that Andy was not a door child. So his wife Liu Hui took Andy away. Andy's disappearance, so Men Rui found he still can not do without Andy, his wife Liu Hui grateful door, decided to succeed. But the reality is very cruel, my brother Men JiaZhu has been troubled, the star dream of sister lintels also bathing his wife, Liu Hui due to debt to commit suicide, all the pressure comes in Men JiaXiang head, due to Men JiaXiang's perseverance, slowly pay off The debt. However, Liu Hui assumed that her husband had extramarital affair. Men JiaZhu began to expand himself and the lintel got incurable. Wang Xiaoping, the biological father of Andy, came to the door and Men JiaXiang once again shouldered the burden of family. Due to many unintentional acts by Men JiaXiang, there were many unexpected surprises. At this time, enterprises also promoted Men JiaXiang as vice president, and Liu Hui wore Men JiaXiang's children.

Happiness falls from heaven (TV)[2014]

Feature: "Happiness Falling from Heaven" tells the story of Jiang TianLan and Liu ZhanPeng After nearly eight years of quarrel, the marriage has finally come to an end. The two are going to die of old age but have to contact frequently due to the custody of their daughter Liu MoLi. After the divorce, Zhanpeng gradually developed his feelings with his new colleague Du MinQiu. Sky blue, who had been an 8-year-old housewife, had to start looking for a job, eventually becoming part-time as chief physician Han XiangDong, who both misunderstood each other, turned Azure into his kitchen assistant to the east and helped her become a nutritionist Sky blue gradually found the goal of life, but also allow them to rise favorably. Sky blue sister Jiang TianQing fell in love with the former brother-in-law Zheng Zheng, regardless of family members against flash marriage, but because of various issues often quarrel even after marriage to divorce. Azure warned the weather with their own experience, finally let the idea of ​​dismissed the fine dismissed. After the divorce Sky Blue and Zhanpeng have gradually realized that marriage should learn to understand and empathy, and each started their new life, and finally find the happiness. In addition, Zheng Ping's sister Zheng Ping and Zhanpeng's uncle Da-Dai Zhou Dahua do not know each other, the relationship between sky blue and his father Jiang JianGuo finally ease, everything seems to be a good direction.

Who knows a womans heart (TV)[2014]

Feature: Mei Woo (Kong Lin) is the perfect media owner and columnist. Due to various reasons, the staff members resigned collectively and their business was gloomy. Mei Mei got excellent director and producer Xiao Yu and over-the-air star Zhen Ni as guest hosts, making the program popular again. Yuan Yuan's sweet and cheeky host to the show solves a lot of problems for the show. Four women care section. A few beautiful family trifles also affect their lives. Mei Mei's husband disappeared, the two girls actually came to claim that he is her husband's daughter; Xiao Yu husband is three generations of single biography, caught in the hands of Xiao Yu and grandchildren embarrassed; Zhen Ni met true love Zhang YueHan, But in order to get married, who pay, planning the future is neither romantic nor easy tangled reality. Yuan Yuan met Li Chen, who was just as successful as her, and they both got time and place. In a series of unexpected stories, the four beautiful women interpretation of the ups and downs of life, life emotions. In the end, "Who knows the heart of a woman," safely through ups and downs and suffering, with a more lenient and sincere attitude to face the people who love it.

Nine Dan (TV)[2013]

Feature: Mountain girl Tao JiuDan fate, his father Tao LangZhong to Chen Fu young master treatment, was two rooms You YueE framed, was forced to marry a woman Chongxi, anti-marriage and his wife died in a sea of ​​flames. Zhao JianWu, a childhood sweetheart of Jiudan, lives and die unknown for saving her rolling cliff. Ji Dan looking for Jianwu fainted on the way, was rescued by his grandmother and forcibly allocated to her silly son Zhan Chun, she failed to escape several times, pregnant with grandchildren flesh and blood. Jianwu find Jiudan mistakenly into salt help, destiny time and time again to the hardy mandarin duck apart. Wen Xiu, sister of Zhan Chun, fell in love with Jianwu and started a period of love for Gods and a merciless love affair. At this time, Chen HouseKunsuoKuo Chen TianKuo looks very similar to the dead lover Xiao Lily, but with her indissoluble bond. When Jiudan learned that the truth of his parents died, the former benefactor became enemies, Jianwu to take revenge after several life and death. After Zhan Chun's death, Chen TianKuo, a jiu jin rescued and rescued by the worldly customs and clan pressures, forced her orphans and widowers to marry into the government. Jiudan finally had her fate.

Who is scared of love in front of (TV)[2013]

Feature: "Who are afraid of love in front of people" By Yu XiaoYu, Luo MeiQi, An Ye, Tong Tong four different age girl's experience, expand a map of urban women. "Rookie" Yu XiaoYu career turnaround, finally let her win the dignity and love. Luo MeiQi love in front of the workplace, love is skilled in the calculation, and ultimately let her people make the best. Naive An Ye after flash marriage flashed out to understand that marriage is not a child's play, nor is it vacuum packaged "food." Tong Tong's obsession with fertility issues has given her puzzled over the issue of "Who is my future for the child's career?" The story is based on life, radiating the workplace, refraction of the family. When the four actresses experienced different emotional struggles, after marriage in the marriage, finally realized that any additional conditions attached to love are a yardstick, women want to be strong in life only self-improvement, dignity to live More exciting.

Home cooking (TV)[2011]

Feature: Home cooking tells the story of a city in the early 1980s. Liu HongChang, an elder-age working in a state-run Canteens, fell in love with Wen Hui, who abandoned her chance to attend college due to her poor family. Liu HongChang was still married to Wen Hui, despite being stopped by Liu HongChang's mother and brother. Wen Hui's brother Wen Tao and sister Wen Yuan are also hostile to this brother-in-law. Wen Hui after the second pregnancy, steep disaster at home. The 17-year-old Wen Yuan, who had left his home with Liu HongChang, was spoiled by the little bullhorn cat on the street. In order to avenge his sister, the 16-year-old Wen Tao assassinated the big yellow cat. Wen Hui died in the hospital with this intense stimulation. A series of family repercussions caused Liu HongChang to depress his grief only in heart and carry the precarious home. Over the years, Wen Da admitted to college; Yu QiuHua was killed in an accidental car accident. In order to fulfill his promise of the last moment of Yu QiuHua's life, Liu HongChang guarded a small house and waited silently for the return of his relatives.

Eternal Oath (TV)[2009]

Feature: Stills A summer of 1960, after the success of the atomic bombing, the development of China's nuclear missiles has also entered its final phase. The hostile forces are extremely concerned about this. The two secret agencies, 101 and 102 belonging to the Taiwan Security Committee, are actively conducting aerial reconnaissance and infiltration and sabotage activities respectively. Anti-espionage headquarters was ordered during this period be sure to take effective measures to combat spy activities to ensure the safety of nuclear missile research and development. To this end, Director General Wei Zhihua and anti-espionage expert Xu ZiFeng jointly formulated a top-secret plan. While strictly preventing sticking, they took advantage of the long-standing contradictions between the two organs of Taiwan's 101 and 102 institutions and disrupted enemies internally with fake intelligence to completely paralyze this. Spy activities of the two agencies to ensure the safety of nuclear missile research and development work.

Unknown hero (TV)[2008]

Feature: The drama Yan BaoHang (Tang Guoqiang ornaments) has been following Zhang XueLiang (Luoyong Wang ornaments), actively engaged in anti-Japanese national salvation movement, for the country and nation made many contributions. In the summer of 1937, Zhou EnLai (Liu Jing (actor)) arrived in Nanjing for a defense meeting. One night he came to Yan Family Dayu in Dayu Village and chatted with Yan BaoHang all night long. Yan BaoHang contended to the party about joining the party. In the same year, Zhou EnLai and Liu Yongpo made introductory remarks. With the approval of the Central Government, Yan BaoHang joined the Communist Party of China. After the Anti-Japanese War broke out, Yan BaoHang moved to Chongqing with his wife Gao Su (Zhuang Li) and his children with the National Government. Yan BaoHang at this time has been in accordance with the instructions of Zhou EnLai for the party to collect strategic intelligence. On the one hand, he turned his home into a "Yan old shop", received and provided assistance to anti-Japanese martyrs in the northeast and south, secretly established secret radio stations in accordance with the party's instructions, paid attention to the strategic situation in Japan and Germany, and reported to Yan'an in the first place intelligence. During this period, Yan BaoHang exploited the relations with the top Kuomintang leaders such as Song Meiling (Wang Jing ornaments) and Dai Li (Min Sun ornaments) successively to obtain the highest military secrets of Germany to attack the Soviet Union, Japan to attack Pearl Harbor, and the Kanto Army of Japan The three major strategic intelligences shortened the time of the anti-Fascist war. As a result, he changed the course of world history.

Guangyindegushi (TV)[2008]

Feature: Time story poster "Republic of China" 59 years, the first TV series in Taiwan's history drama "Jingjing" came out, one beauty and grandmother get hooked 20 minutes a night playing solo girl Jingjingxu mother's story plot, everything absolutely Can not interrupt their "crystal", so even his brother column, ready to rush to the world to see his mother, can not interrupt a beauty mother and daughter on the Jingjing love! Because of this, a United States mother in the hospital's delivery room for a long time before they successfully gave birth to the column. One beauty at home even because they can not find a mother, but also mistakenly thought they would like with the "Jingjing" destiny, began to look for mom ... and a beauty has always been that the United States and the mother of 20 minutes "crystal Crystal ", does have a secret that is inseparable from their own, quietly brewing ...... A beauty of love Tao FuBang freshman two years old, the village children head. Why does Sun YiMei like Tao FuBang? Thanks to a stone smashed her head, and the heroic spirit of Fanbang to stand up and wonderful stills save a beautiful, so a beauty on the complex "like", so has been extended to her Mood for Love Has not changed. However, since the appearance of the beautiful Wang QianQian, a United States is doomed to eat Cici's life boring loss. Girl's friendship Wang QianQian Her family was later moved to the village. The stories that come together from the gossip of various moms are as follows: Wang Mama - No, it should be "Zhang" mother, the first husband of the beautiful "Zhang Mama" is sick and sick, after the remarriage, in order to avoid gossip "Zhang Bobo, Zhang mother and stepfather of Cissy, moved the village from Taichung with four drag bottles. Cici is like a ghostly soul behind the same beauty, a beauty in Cici's "shading", I do not know how much scolded, how much to play, how much smirk, plus Sissi personally destroy the beauty of the first love ...... Can a United States do not know whether it is as Scythe enemy or a friend? The real beginning of their friendship should be due to the disappearance of Zhang Bo-ship. At that time, Ccy's homework all the way among the best, if no accident, the National University is absolutely not run away. But unexpectedly it was an accident, it is not the time to come forever, Zhang Bobo ship accident, but the whole United States to accept all the Scythe character in all the strange, unruly, overbearing, harsh. She hopes Sisi cry, but Sissi did not cry, she did not hesitate to give up the entrance exam, into the processing zone as a female worker. Boys friendship Tao family is a loud voice of the family, it is said that "Tao mother" used to sing, every morning while holding the throat throat while chopping vegetables; Uncle Tao floor, big bone soup bottom, , A bowl of five yuan; big and fat cabbage dumplings, a five cents. Tao brothers on the two brothers, the complex is the boss, very 屌, very cool and daring, plus a long handsome, he did not hands-on, there are a bunch of trouble, so complex three days linked to color. Taobo often shouted at him in his voice, did not become a rogue complex, it is thanks to Taub Bo sent him to the military academy. He is not only the pride of Tauber and Tao mother, but also the mother of the village who beat his children. Hua's children are not good, elders are extremely good.Time finale Photographs Snapshots Although Fubang is a "non-filial son" in Tao Bobb's eyes, the children in the village all admire Fubian. Among them is Feng Pai Xiong, who actually was called "Feng Boyi" Can Feng uncle is illiterate, reported when the account has been written Bei Baoxiong, and has since laid the male comic fate! Feng Bobo opened the bus early and late, glamorous Feng Ma came home to Taiwan, gradually getting mad, she is always dressed in a beautiful sitting at the mouth of the village back home boat. Encounter some did not mind good bachelor, satyr, will be cheated away a few days, shoot the male went crazy to find Feng Ma. However, with the most congenial Panjinandang, should not be strangers to meet the "base pull" - Xu YiYuan. "Yi Yuan", "Yuan", Taiwanese "Yuan" made "base pull", so we all call Xu YiYuan "base pull." Originally Fubang intends to block the dark alley blocking the base pull, seeing the two will come to the field you die, but the frame has not opened the fight, ringing around to catch the thief's call, but why that 邭 獠 magic 畹 male ⊥ rice system 霈 F in him In front of both ......... So, the next day's newspaper, Tao FuBang, Xu YiYuan two juvenile has become a thief! Since then, the two good to have nothing to say, you set me up, I am your brother Tacitre: Fubon to fight, Yiyuan Ma; Yiyuan accident, rescue complex Zhang Zhangluo. Elderly love Sun YiMei's father big her mother 20 years old, naturally it is a pity, not only that, Mr. Sun is also a matter of the United States and her husband's family. Although the face of Taiwanese who only speak Taiwanese, always listen to thunder duck. However, Mr. Sun is also sincerely filial piety with this age in fact, almost father-in-law. Mr. Sun, who has lost his income, has always secretly given his two younger brothers, Mrs. Sun, money assistance and made him work both day and night. Tao Mom and Tao Dad are happy lovers, two couples "speech" outsider sounds called "fight"! Tao Dad's face is like saying "fuck," but it is simply a bluffing, in fact, an iron man. You can stand straight to the complex state hanging up and make a half dead, but also for the study of the complex situation of the story propaganda activities arrogant teachers arrogant. Sissy her mother is a very different character. Although the first husband died young, but met a second husband, Mr. Zhang, bright smile, a white tooth, with Ray-Ban sunglasses, British pressing. In order to make a living for everybody, it is rich in ocean-going merchant ships, although often not home, but once he comes home, there is fresh goods in his home. The first color TV, refrigerator, air-conditioner and stereo in the village ... are all Mr. Zhang The credit! Although the filming male his mother crazy, Fudan University did not know what to do, the key words often, so that everyone surprised and sigh. Hao boss of the village grocery store, petty bargain, flattering Kung Fu completely inherited to his son Hao XiaoDong, but the village something, he is by no means dead, occasionally a shot, but also moving people stunned! This group of people, love and justice, feelings like a family. The only misplaced is the home of the largest, most beautiful, the most arrogant Zhu TuanZhang home.When the United States dad came to Taiwan, he was Zhu TuanZhang's messenger. Even his mother-in-law's mother-in-law and relatives, or Zhu Tuan Zhang's face, did not hesitate. One beauty and sister's beauty and brother's pillars were followed by "strong ethical concepts Zhu's mother, "said Zhu Lei and Zhu Hong, is" young master "and" miss. "Those beautiful memories exist in the heart of everybody who has cried and smiled in the village. These past ones, perhaps in you and me, are things of yesterday. Today, everybody, we must reunite ...

Tear marks sword (TV)[2006]

Feature: YORK snow started falling, Chang An ancient city murderous undercurrent in February. Never undefeated rivers and lakes in the hero idol - Si MaChaoQun in the snow waiting for the "Lions Church" of Zhu Meng. Because, Heroes can countless, but there are only one. Si MaChaoQun to open up the Church, the feast, the apprentice is the rebel "Lions Church" Zhu Meng's love will Yang Jian. Because Sima knew Zhu Meng is a must-catch prey. The appearance of one person changes the ending. Juvenile Gao JianFei. He just wanted to do one thing and challenge the invincible hero idol in the rivers and lakes - Si MaChaoQun. His weapon is a sword, "tears sword." When heroes meet heroes. Zhu Meng and Xiaoogao know you have known, the enemy of the moment, the two song sweltering, led eighty-eight warrior long lane of blood, heroic blood Vera Zhang. Until Die Wu's appearance. Die Wu is Zhu Meng's woman, the most beautiful woman in the world, Sima sent to the side of Zhu Meng woman, a little high in the world about the woman in love. The most beautiful woman also has the most beautiful soul, she loves the two men, she knows they are not only men, they are more heroic, the hero can not be despised. So, a dance ecstasy, Die Wu self-breaking legs, died in the beloved Zhu Meng's arms. Sword tears Sword victory. But he did not feel a bit of pleasure. Because he found out that everything was arranged by his brother Zhuo DongLai and that his life was entirely controlled by his brother Zhuo DongLai, who regarded him as a brotherhood. He did not himself, and even though his adoring wife Wu Wan and his son were bullied, they died overnight. He broke off with Zhuo DongLai, and he wanted to find himself and be his hero. The protagonist behind the scenes. Zhuo DongLai In order to the final victory, designed to have the most powerful weapon in the arena - a box owner Xiao LeiXue duel with the small. Because rivers and lakes legend, Xiao LeiXue is the son of "tears sword" casting master Xiao master, and Xiao master's son must die under the "tears sword." Gao Shan at the top, as the blood. The fate of all people will be here. Wu Wan turned out to be dead and resurrected in the duel, Si MaChaoQun and Wu Wan see each other again, love and hate, he forgave Wu Wan once betrayed, but also forgive Zhuo DongLai his misfortune, and Wu Wan both martyrdom Life under the sword of Zhuo DongLai, complete self. Zhuo DongLai snatched the box from Xiao LeiXue's hand, thinking that the plan was about to succeed and would be invincible to the world. Only with cleverness and cleverness, Zhuo DongLai finally died in a stunned sword by Gao JianFei. Death, the tears cast in the sword mysteriously disappeared, and rivers and lakes are aware that only the sword swordsman's blood will make the tear marks disappear. A ride out of the woods, Jagged roots, life so confidant, lived love enough. After some life and death, Zhu Meng knows more about the true meaning. Heroes without tears. Only heroic Pentium warmhearted heart of an upright spirit, such as a banner of hunting in the cold wind, shaking almost weak soul. Everyone is a hero. As long as you want. Only that mysterious box, rivers and lakes in the most powerful weapon, continues the mystery.

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