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Shi Shi TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Shi Shi Works 14 ,And Urban drama 2 ,Romance 2 ,Ancient legend 2 ,Feature 2 ,Family drama 2 ,Year 1 ,Contemporary film 1 ,Criminal investigation 1 ,Ancient 1 ,社会1 ,Palace 1 ,Historical play 1 ,校园爱情公路喜剧1 ,Comedy 1 ,Action 1 ,Martial Arts 1 ,Costume Drama 1 。

Works Index

Shi Shi Filmography(14)


隐秘而伟大 (TV)[2020]


电视剧《隐秘而伟大》剧情介绍:讲述了1946年的上海,百废待兴。东吴大学的高材生 Gu YaoDong ,怀揣着匡扶正义保护百姓的美好理想,成为了国民政府上海警察局的新晋警员。甫进职场,便发现职场与自己的设想相去甚远,警察们不是忙着抓共产党和制造冤假错案,就是在浑噩度日。而他的天真与理想,是那么的不合时宜,使他很快成了警局里站也多余坐也多余的人。就在他迷惘与矛盾的时候,他意外发现了世界的另一面——原来只知道啃鸡腿打麻将的顶头上司是共产党的高级情工人员,原来自己家亭子间住的跑单帮的女财迷其实是共产党的交通员。他从迷惘中找到了自己前行的方向,在一次次和对手的殊死较量中飞快成长,最终,凭借自己的智慧和坚守、勇气与禀赋,成为了中共上海地下警委最优秀的高级情工人员。而在血与火的严峻考验中,他感受到了可以托付生命的战友情深,也收获了别样的爱情与幸福,更守住了自己匡扶正义保护百姓的初心 。


知否知否应是绿肥红瘦 (TV)[2018]


电视剧《知否知否应是绿肥红瘦》剧情介绍:讲述了盛家六姑娘明兰( Zhao Liying 饰)从小聪颖貌美,却遭遇嫡母不慈,姐妹难缠,父亲不重视,生母被害去世的困境。她藏起聪慧,掩埋锋芒,忍辱负重逆境成长,在万般打压之下依然自立自强,终历尽艰难为母报仇。在这一过程中,明兰结识了宁远侯府二公子 Gu TingYe ( Feng Shaofeng 饰)。 Gu TingYe 帮过明兰,也刻薄过明兰,他见过明兰软糯表皮下的聪慧锐利,也见过她刚强性格中的脆弱孤单,对她早已倾心。朝廷风云变幻,在 Gu TingYe 的拥戴下,赵家旁支宗室子弟被立为太子, Gu TingYe 拿着勤王诏书,大破反贼,而后拥立新帝,成为新朝第一功臣,略施巧计娶了明兰为妻。明兰婚后管家业、整侯府、铲奸佞、除宵小,夫妻二人解除误会建立了深厚的感情,最终明兰与丈夫一同协助明君巩固政权,二人也收获了美满的人生 。

冷案 (TV)[2018]


《冷案》讲述了在话唠体质的女干部 Luo YingWei ( Yuan Li 饰)的带领下,平陵市公安局档案室的三个年轻女警:“八卦小天后” Cai WenXin ( People also ask 饰),美艳励志姐 Xia LuoYang ( Grapes 饰),沉默小文员 Feng Yi (许愿饰),组成了一个让人瞠目结舌状况百出的破案小组。在 Cai WenXin 哥哥平陵市公安局刑警大队队长 Cai WenFei ( Yu Wang 饰)及其他前辈们的信任和帮助下,小组成员克服了无数困难,侦破了一桩桩冷案,也摧毁了平陵的贩毒集团的故事。在这一过程中她们明白了作为警察的意义,最终也成长为了优秀的警察。


Nirvana in fire in langya bang (TV)[2017]


Daliang's reign was stable, but the border war was continuous, and chang Lin who guarded the northern part of daliang achieved military merits Liang Di (Jun Liu) with a weak heart and a young prince, Xun HuangHou (Ting Mei) and his brother Xun BaiShui (Yanjun Bi) afraid that the head of the palace of the king of the state of Lin gong gaoge, the pseudo-infiltration into the palace to the night qin people Pu YangYing (Jingfei Guo) using, frame long Lin wang Xiao TingSheng (Chun Sun) father and son, not only in a northern war cut off supplies, chang Lin shizi Xiao PingZhang (Xiaoming Huang) suffered serious injuries and even created a large-scale epidemic in Beijing. When tracing the process, ping zhang and his brother Xiao PingJing The poison (Haoran Liu) is poisoned. At this time, the north of the country is in danger. Ping jing was on the peaceful border of the country. After Liang Di died, ting sheng assisted the government, Xun BaiShui supported the planting Xiao YuanQi Hao Chen Wu (Hao Chen Wu) holds the military power to resist the imperial palace of changlin. Under their wiles, ping jing wins the accusation of resisting the imperial court for the common people.Yuan-kai secretly and has become the east sea Lord's uncle Mo ZiHou (Chen Taisheng) colludes with the traitors. After years of seclusion, Xiao YuanQi successfully foiled Xiao YuanQi's plot by starting his army in a desperate situation. After the completion of the daliang border rectification, ping jing left jinling and returned to private. .

Lovers Lies (TV)[2017]

Feature: "Lover's Lies" tells Shu Fei and Lin Fei are the girlfriends of the same sisters. In college, seniors wondered Lin Fei, but Lin Fei had no intention of wondering. A lie of a lover still silence silently concerned about the astonishing Shu Fei afraid of his sadness, then under the guise of Lin Fei name and odd letters. After graduation, Shu Fei Lin Fei was admitted to the shopping TV station, and Shu Fei, who met with director Lan Tian for harassing girls, also found her supervisor strange. Oddly happy with Lin Fei and happy, always concerned about Lin Fei. Seeing this, Shu Fei lost heart and began to devote himself to his work. However, he interacted with Lan Tian in his work. Lin Fei lost himself in the workplace, after learning of the secrets of posing as a surprise to her when she was a student of Shu Fei, she used the strange feeling to blame Shu Fei for revealing the trade secrets, causing the company to go bankrupt. Only Lan Tian is convinced that Shu Fei, with the meter exposing Lin Fei lies. In the face of Shu Fei's tolerance, Lin Fei eventually repentance. Finally, with the encouragement of Lan Tian, ​​Shu Fei proves himself once again in an optimistic and strong spirit and confirms his wishes for Lan Tian. Inspirational girl won the double harvest of love career.

Skiptrace (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Hong Kong detective Chen GangSheng (Jackie Chan) follows Falun Dafa leader Winston Chao for over a decade, has been involved in a "mecca" for collecting his criminal evidence, Niece Bai Shu (Bingbing Fan ornaments) involved. In this Jedi Escape, attacked by the Chinese SWAT, Victor Wang, E LuoSiHeiBang, Banny met the awkward best partner Kang Na (Johnny Knoxville), one of whom was The three American gamblers, who were chased by Victor Killer and the Russian killer, eventually ended up figuring out how to end the adventure.

My college roommate chase love 囧 way (Movie)[2016]

Feature: On May 19, 2016, Zhang Tianyu, a youth comedy film starring Cenozoic youth actors Liang Da Wei, Shi An Ni, Xu Zi Li, Su Dan, Shi Shi, Hao Wen, Xiao Fan, (Liang Dawa), Li Yuan (Xu Zili ornaments), Li Xiaogeng (Zhu Dan ornaments), Bai Tao (Hao Yu Wen ornaments) is a Chongqing University dormitory friends, happy and colorful university life, everyone has their own dreams are Have their own problems and confusion. On the eve of graduation, these problems finally broke out, and they fell into a predicament that they could not escape

mid night canteen (TV)[2016]

Feature: This is a special canteen open from midnight to seven in the morning. Lao Ban here, not very talkative, but always let people eat tears. Here, the inferiority of the dancers encounter recess retirement for many years dance predecessors, predecessors at their own pains to inspire young people, eventually make it regain confidence; quiet girlfriends must eat their favorite food recalled Friends of the past, returned to good; optimistic patients with terminally ill met the same girl, the two love each other and give each other the strength to accompany each other perfectly through the last mile; success blind pursuit of career white-collar workers, made here Real warmhearted friend, found that the truth is more meaningful than success. The food, the story, the truth, brought together the theme of the show, taught the people to confront the pros and cons and full of hope and enthusiasm for life. Behind every story are full of affection, the plot ups and downs, it is unforgettable forgotten & nbsp ;.

琅琊榜2 (TV)[2016]


大梁朝局安稳,但边境战火不断,守护大梁北境的长林军屡获军功,因 Liang Di ( Jun Liu 饰)心慈体弱而太子年幼, Xun HuangHou ( Ting Mei 饰)与其胞兄 Xun BaiShui ( Yanjun Bi 饰)恐长林王府功高盖主,被伪潜入宫廷来大梁的夜秦人 Pu YangYing ( Jingfei Guo 饰)利用,陷害长林王 Xiao TingSheng ( Chun Sun 饰)父子三人,不仅在一次北境交战中断掉前线补给,致长林世子 Xiao PingZhang ( Xiaoming Huang 饰)身受重伤,更在京城制造大规模疫情。追查过程时,平章与其弟 Xiao PingJing ( Haoran Liu 饰)先后中毒,此时北境急危,平章放弃救治,奔赴前线支援后毒发而亡。平旌为国境安宁,在长兄牺牲后即刻驻守边疆。 Liang Di 死后令庭生辅政, Xun BaiShui 扶植 Xiao YuanQi ( Hao Chen Wu 饰)掌握兵权以对抗长林王府,在他们的诡计之下,平旌为了百姓反落得抗旨的罪名,庭生逝世长林府封府,长林军编制被撤。元启暗地里与已成为东海国主的舅舅 Mo ZiHou ( Chen Taisheng 饰)勾结,卖国谋逆。隐居多年的平旌危急之中起兵勤王,成功挫败 Xiao YuanQi 的阴谋。待到大梁边境整顿完毕,平旌再次离开金陵归隐 。

Only meet you for that moment (TV)[2016]

Feature: Five years ago, Xia RanRan was an ugly duckling who chased after Lin XiangAn, a forest of white lotuses Lin put on his apex. Five years later, Xia RanRan became a true fiancée of Shao MingZhe, and Su Mo became a former girlfriend of Shao MingZhe's heart. Xia RanRan did not expect to live with Lin XiangAn narrow road meet, the time has gone, the memory seems to still stay in place. Will she erase him from my heart? She and Shao MingZhe together, but because of family marriage, they have been with, but never love each other. As always, he is gentle and affectionate and will not become a poison she can not quit. Love like poppies, the United States so soul-stirring, it can make people deadly. Chen Luo, her father's most powerful assistant, kept trying to get closer to her, but she fled step by step. However, no matter how hard she was, she also arrived at the gentleness of his fingertips. Later, who will be her hero in life, with her never ending romance drama.

Giant Master (Movie)[2015]

Feature: In the meantime, Fatih, a newspaper reporter, met with a mysterious man who claimed to call himself a master of giants and interviewed him. During the interview, Fifi proposed that any one of the giants should be approached by a master in a coffee shop, and the master should immediately use keen observation talents to make inferences and combine with chemistry, physics, biology, psychology and so on.

Wifes lie (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Shu Fei and Lin Fei are girlfriends with sister. In college, seniors wondered Lin Fei, but Lin Fei had no intention of wondering. Shu Fei has been silently concerned about the strange fear of its sad, then under the guise of Lin Fei's name and strange letters. After graduation, Shu Fei Lin Fei was admitted to the shopping TV station, and Shu Fei, who met with director Lan Tian for harassing girls, also found her supervisor strange. Oddly happy with Lin Fei and happy, always concerned about Lin Fei. Seeing this, Shu Fei lost heart and began to devote himself to his work. However, he interacted with Lan Tian in his work. Lin Fei lost himself in the workplace, after learning of the secrets of posing as a surprise to her when she was a student of Shu Fei, she used the strange feeling to blame Shu Fei for revealing the trade secrets, causing the company to go bankrupt. Only Lan Tian is convinced that Shu Fei, with the meter exposing Lin Fei lies. In the face of Shu Fei's tolerance, Lin Fei eventually repentance. Finally, with the encouragement of Lan Tian, ​​Shu Fei proves himself once again in an optimistic and strong spirit and confirms his wishes for Lan Tian. Inspirational girl won the double harvest of love career.

TheEmpressofChina (TV)[2014]

Feature: In the first year of the Dragon (AD 705), Prince Li Xian forced the palace to be forced by Zhang JianZhi et al. Faced with the dignified Wu Zhou Zetian and the weak Li Xian, Zhang JianZhi felt that the atmosphere of the Tang Dynasty had been exhausted, But did not expect that all this is Wu ZeTian's surprise; so many years, she was waiting for someone to let her rest assured Datang country entrusted, waiting for someone to let her return to the Tang Dynasty, with the With the disappearance of the Great Week Dynasty, the legendary life of the only female emperors in Chinese history was unveiled. Zhenguan eleven years (AD 637), Lee state (now Sichuan Guangyuan) Wushu girl wishful election into the temple of Don. At the time of the first Queen Sun Long bogey days, the court is being ranked "Lan Ling Wang into the song," the dance, Ruyi wonderful dance posture Yan Qunfang, and Taizong Li ShiMin encounter Yu Cheng Qing Temple. This year, Wu Mei Niang is fourteen and Taizong is thirty-nine. On the evening of the festival, Zheng WanYan, a showwife, died in disgrace. All the evidence was satisfactory. She was tortured. She was sent to Yeetun. She met Taizong's eldest mother-in-law, Peng, and Peng because the " And always unwilling to forgive him, the old dead do not want to see each other, and wishfulness has become Taizong and the eldest mother of the emotional bond, the knot knot Taizong, one year expires, wishful was to be released, in the North Korea meeting over and over again Revealed the first color, making Taizong thanks to her name Mei Niang, and seal her as a talented person, Mei Niang temporarily become the target of all the women in the harem of the public, caught in a variety of intrigues intrigues of the court; Crown Prince struggles bloody, Mei Niang unexpectedly being scrolls, Mei Niang and Taizong their love experience from the pressure of "Goddess Wu's" prophecy, Mei Niang to retreat but did not think Li ShiMin crashing away, took away her most passionate love in this life. "Wu Mei Niang legend" ultimate poster hair cut for Nepal's Mei Niang for the abdomen plans to leave the flu Temple, however, the erroneous mistakes back into the palace she actually aborted, all the evidence pointing Wang HuangHou. In order to revenge, Mei Niang went to admire her forever. Li Zhi of Emperor Gaozong, Yong micro for three years (AD 652), Mei Niang was named Zhaoyi, and elaborate revenge finally let Wang HuangHou and Xiao ShuFei make their own living, however, accompanied by Li Zhi experienced brother rebellion, Mei Niang gradually found that Li Zhi gave her home, one she could not bear to leave. Yong micro six years (AD 655), Mei Niang was empress. Mei-niang help Li Zhi Qing gatekeeper strength, Datang increasingly prosperous, and Li Zhi was overwhelmed, the Crown Prince fierce dispute. Yongchun two years (AD 683), Li Zhi Jia collapse, the new imperialist incompetence, the prince Lonely Yehe, Datang country's future, everything will push Mei Yan to the cusp ... ... The first year (AD 690), Wu Mei Niang Dressed in a royal robes, wearing a crown of dynasties, watching the next step in the sky, then known as the Holy Spirit Emperor. Sitting on the throne of the emperor, was worshiped by the common people in the world, overlooking the beings, Wu ZeTian recall all the past, are all eros caused by love without right? One after another loudly shouted Long live sound, so that Wu ZeTian can not see whether he is in so many years of palace tendencies in the lost ...... The first year of the Dragon (705 CE) In November, Wu ZeTian died in Shangyanggong, year eighty-two .Two years of the Dragon (AD 706 years) in May, with the Emperor buried tombs, no monument monument. Country dream, floating a fool, meritorious deeds, any comment on future generations.

CaiYuanZiZhangQing (Movie)[2011]

Feature: Zhang Qing gang of justifications for Mengzhou gang boss leopard crime imprisonment. Zhang Qing father to save his son was released from prison, selling m years of painstakingly shop, died of illness. After Zhang was out of jail, he wanted to leave the gang, to find out the relationship with Panthers and others, and the panthers refused to agree. However, Zhang Qing was forced to plant vegetables in the Temple of Light. However, the tree was quiet and the wind was more than black and white. .

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