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Zhi Zhou TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Zhi Zhou Works 23 ,And Feature 6 ,Urban drama 4 ,Comedy 4 ,Year 3 ,Love 3 ,Romance 3 ,Workplace film 2 ,Costume Drama 2 ,Motivational film 2 ,legend 2 ,War 2 ,Youth drama 1 ,Resistance against Japanese aggression 1 ,大型青春古装武侠剧1 ,抗战1 ,史诗1 ,Modern opera 1 ,Idol drama 1 ,Contemporary film 1 ,近代革命题材电视连续剧1 ,Fashion 1 ,暖伤1 ,Historical play 1 。

Works Index

Zhi Zhou Filmography(23)


隐秘而伟大 (TV)[2020]


电视剧《隐秘而伟大》剧情介绍:讲述了1946年的上海,百废待兴。东吴大学的高材生 Gu YaoDong ,怀揣着匡扶正义保护百姓的美好理想,成为了国民政府上海警察局的新晋警员。甫进职场,便发现职场与自己的设想相去甚远,警察们不是忙着抓共产党和制造冤假错案,就是在浑噩度日。而他的天真与理想,是那么的不合时宜,使他很快成了警局里站也多余坐也多余的人。就在他迷惘与矛盾的时候,他意外发现了世界的另一面——原来只知道啃鸡腿打麻将的顶头上司是共产党的高级情工人员,原来自己家亭子间住的跑单帮的女财迷其实是共产党的交通员。他从迷惘中找到了自己前行的方向,在一次次和对手的殊死较量中飞快成长,最终,凭借自己的智慧和坚守、勇气与禀赋,成为了中共上海地下警委最优秀的高级情工人员。而在血与火的严峻考验中,他感受到了可以托付生命的战友情深,也收获了别样的爱情与幸福,更守住了自己匡扶正义保护百姓的初心 。

安家 (TV)[2020]


房似锦年纪轻轻已经是安家天下中介公司的金字招牌,她在上司翟云霄的授意之下,空降静宜门店担任双店长。门店原生店长徐文昌是个“高贵的人”,他推崇“人性流”管理方式,也不屑对付手段卑鄙的对手。到任后房似锦施展雷霆手段坚壁清野,对外辣手反击,对内冷血整肃。虽然在房似锦的铁血管理下众人苦不堪言,但是业绩的提升的确振奋了门店士气。房似锦的管理方式和处事之道与徐文昌截然相反,而业务员们也在两位“神仙”的较劲中左右为难。身为房产中介的他们不仅要帮助客户买房卖房租房,还时常被裹挟着卷入他们的人生,见证他们生活中的歌舞升平与一地鸡毛 。


我的宠物是大象 (Movie)[2019]


以大象表演为生计的马戏团老板老齐( Sean Lau 饰),为了能让大象吃到足够的象草,与刁蛮任性的千金大小姐 Jie XiKa (尤婧茹 饰)斗智斗勇,其间发生的故事和欢喜情缘,是一部治愈又充满诗意内涵的成人童话。

我们都要好好的 (TV)[2019]


电视剧《我们都要好好的》剧情介绍:讲述了出生在普通工人之家的 Xiang Qian ,凭借自己的聪明才智和吃苦耐劳的精神,很快在全球知名的IPD基金公司任职并站稳脚跟。期间,他冲破层层障碍如愿以偿与 Xun Zhao 结婚生子。书香门第家庭出生的 Xun Zhao 不顾家人的反对嫁给了贫寒子弟 Xiang Qian , Xun Zhao 一直从事自己喜爱的舞台艺术工作,婚后不得已放弃工作成为了全职主妇。由于 Xiang Qian 工作应酬多, Xun Zhao 对新生活的不适应,两人沟通不顺导致夫妻关系很快出现问题,更令人担忧的是 Xun Zhao 为此患上严重的抑郁症。两人在努力挽回婚姻无果后,决定分开。即使分开两人依旧把对方当做亲人,一起陪伴孩子成长,而他们的孩子好汉不仅没有受到伤害,还意外收获了两个重组家庭的双倍宠爱 。


Pascal of love (Movie)[2017]

Feature: The story takes place at Northwestern University where Dai Xinyin's son Dai Xiu traveled to Australia and broke off from his father-son relationship. His student Wang Peng, despite his discouragement, did not hesitate to plagiarize the teacher's scientific achievements abroad. His wife, Shen YuFen (Xi Meijuan) Because of his focus on scientific research ignore family, to his dissatisfaction; his close disciple Mao Xi (Yuexin Wang ornaments) that he only knew he did not understand patriotism, no longer called him a teacher. With Dai Xiu's death, Dai JingLin suddenly discovered his son's secret. Mao Xi saw his other side from Dai JingLin's speech in a foreign country. Wang Peng and Shen YuFen also accidentally learned about Dai JingLin's intentions. However, at this time, Dai JingLin has fallen ...

Do not think too much about love (TV)[2017]

Feature: Li HongHai, a billionaire, was bent on looking for the real love he did not get for money. He accidentally encountered a smart youngster Xia KeKe, a beautiful young designer. Li HongHai hid his identity with Xia KeKe. They fell in love and got married. HongHai discovered that Xia KeKe had known her own name for a while and then filed an anger in her divorce. However, for the listing of the company, the couple still had to maintain their status as a couple for several months. What exactly is love across class and age & nbsp ;.

神风刀 (TV)[2017]


《神风刀》又名《唐朝少年》讲述了年少的 Shui Ge ,突遭灭门之灾,成了“漏网之鱼”。“漏网”的 Shui Ge 受高人指点,来到京城长安避祸,寻找安身立命之所,与金银铜铁四位混世少年不打不相识结为生死兄弟,以少年侠客自诩。又与波斯少年 Sai Ma A BoDou 结为生死之交。五少年想谋取一个好的前程,不料阴差阳错,误入西北地区黑恶势力总后台王御史家。他们不知王御史正是导致 Shui Ge 遭受灭门之灾的罪魁祸首。为将“漏网之鱼” Shui Ge 斩草除根,王御史以建功立业之名将五少年送往西北边陲,打算借他们之手劫取贡品而后栽赃陷害将其一网打尽。五位少年不知是计,满心欢喜奔赴“地狱之门”。 Jin Ge 、 A BoDou 和 Sai Ma 相继喋血大漠。血债必须血偿, Shui Ge 的神风刀终于愤然出鞘。几兄弟在戈壁大漠匡扶正义,血溅刺史府,追杀 Mao LiQiu ,夺回贡品,洗刷罪名。复仇除恶的怒火从瓜州一直烧到京城长安。


MoneyAndLove (Movie)[2016]

Feature: An IT man reeling, access to the first financing in life, wanted to give her a perfect marriage proposal, but was misunderstood by his girlfriend derailed, staged a scene of mass scene seduction; a crush in the office, full of alcohol and Hormonal Party began to become confusing, a man and two women in a hangover, the friction sparks for my colleagues stunned; a bra designer's view of love, that in order to capture a man's heart, you need to novelty and excitement, life Like those who wear bra will be changed from B to B, full of magical magic; a returnees rich girl, in order to deal with his father's marriage, looking for a fake foreign boyfriend tried to get away, but all this In his father's wonderful test under the hood; a dream to become a big star of the North drift youth, but in reality it is only "bar female" support, a handful of fans little fan, the side of friendship and love, I do not know who really fake; Pair of children working in big cities, love brand-name bags love pick thorns girlfriend, after life test, simple and honest and honest boyfriend still indistinct; a In order to despair art youth, hard work for many years but no one can understand, eventually appeared in his life elegant, turned out to be a pure goddess worth over billions; somewhere, these people have been a mysterious force connect together.

Love canteen (TV)[2016]

Feature: The story, "Love the Canteen," tells the story of what happened in a restaurant. It consists of "Little yellow croaker without salt", "Potato cakes in memory", "Red pork with braised pork", "Fried egg with milk" "Steamed egg with candle", "Black sesame paste with rich home fragrance", "Mapo bean curd in peach bowl", "Flavors of championship", "Smelly tofu", "Father's Hu spicy soup "composed of ten stories. Emotional entanglements among different people show the positive, progressive and determined experience of young people living in modern cities.

City lover (TV)[2016]

Feature: Ding YuFeng (Qin Hao) was raised by Lin Qi (Xuedong Mi), an old comrade of Ding YangGuo (Zhang Xiaojun), and fell in love with Lin SheShe (Jenny Zhang). Growing up, Ding YuFeng, at a very opportune moment, entered Jenny Zhang's Stipendy Division, a high-end party owned by Liu's group. He turned away and fell in love with CEO Liao YanDie (Choi Ji-woo) Two people with growing health. By this time, Liao YanDie's younger brother Liao ZeKai (People also ask) misunderstood Lin SheShe lovingly in love. When Ding Mo (Dong-xue Li), the elder brother of Ding Yu-feng, returned to China with her mother when she was young, she broke the quiet life of four people and gradually opened a dark unknown past & nbsp ;.

Killer 锏 (TV)[2015]

Feature: "Killer" tells the story of the spring of 1938, Yinan Shijia was brutally marched by Shan Tian, ​​the fifth division of the Japanese army team Tuzhen, surviving Guan Wei and Fang Lang, Sun DaGui, Lu XiaoYa and several young hunters by the Eighth Route Army Yinan Wu Gong team captain Su XianSheng and the players were saved. For example, a small victory but due to lack of combat experience, the weapons lagged behind and fell into danger for several times. Fortunately, both Su Xian Sheng and the armed forces team Help finally escape. Guan Wei, under the guidance and care of Su XianSheng, realized that only under the leadership of the Communist Party and under the unified command of party organizations could he defeat the Japanese invaders and avenge the slain compatriots. Guan Wei and others joined the Yinan Wushu Team. In the course of carrying out a series of anti-Japanese tasks, Guan Wei and others gradually became the backbone of the Wushu team and cooperated with the main force of the Eighth Route Army to eliminate Shan Tian's advance team. Guan Wei thrived in battle and eventually became a qualified communist soldier.

Hakka (TV)[2014]

Feature: The Hakka, starting with the last bloody war after the defeat of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, tells the story of the Hakka people awakening and fighting after a series of wars such as the demise of the Qing dynasty, the Revolution of 1911, the warlords and the red revolution of the Communist Party, legend. The three Hakka brothers Zhong MengZhang, Yuan WangBei and Ye HeXing should have shared their strength in the same boat. However, due to the changing situation and the country turmoil, the three Hakka brothers each encountered different experiences and torments. Due to different beliefs and choices, their fate was time after time Emotions and grievances intertwined, collision. This is the marriage of the media, so that the three men and two women - Mei Qing, Yu FengYi have a lifetime of obsession. Yuan WangBei life obsessed with the railway, and ultimately sacrificed his life, Ye HeXing wholeheartedly to do a large eagle, a deadly Hakka drama still life destiny. After experiencing the path of saving the country through industry and the Three Principles of the People, Zhong MengZhang finally realized that only the Communist Party can save China.

Bayonet hero (TV)[2014]

Feature: "Bayonet Heroes" tells about the May 1942 war by the Japanese invaders in North China and the "May Day raid" against the base areas of the Jizhong military region. Liu Han, a reconnaissance captain of the Eighth Route Army, led a group of Li brothers and brothers who came from Orion in the mountain to serve as guides. When visiting convoy officer Mr. Wei on the way to the Jizhong military region, they encountered Japanese mopsticks and were forced to dive into Anding County separately. County contact point ambushed by the spy team. Liu Han, who was wounded, was rescued by Hong DaBao and received a superior order with the help of ward president Wang YuLan. After he was injured, Liu Han stayed in the stability zone to establish an armed forces behind enemy lines and fight the Japanese invaders. With the help of progressive youths like Zhongting Ting, hunter-born Li YuanJie and Zheng Erbao from the Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army, Liu Han fought wars and wars with the Japanese in Anding County. They were clever and tactful and used various tactics to combat the Japanese invaders and their troops Also grew up in fighting against Japan and became a bayonet stuck in the enemy's chest, which has dealt a heavy blow to the arrogance of the Japanese invaders and laid the groundwork for the upcoming major counter-offensive by the main force and the recovery of Anding County. In order to obtain the war of resistance against Japan The final victory, made its own contribution & nbsp ;.

Bachelorslove (Movie)[2013]

Feature: Yao BuTong (Chen Hao) 's tragedy of childhood experiences clouded the lingering shadow, because this shadow, even if they have grown up, Yao BuTong still can not naturally face the opposite sex, his emotional life and therefore It is still a blank. By chance, Yao BuTong rubbed her shoulders with a girl named Xin XiaoRan (Zhi Zhou), and it was a hurry to see Yao BuTong fall in love. Ka XiaoRou (Jill Hsu) hopes Yao BuTong's experience will be made into a movie, giving Yao BuTong a chance to show his heart to Xin XiaoRan. Yao BuTong's gentle and thoughtful Xin XiaoRan moved, so they come together. However, Yao BuTong was shocked that Xin XiaoRan was inextricably linked to his childhood shadow, meanwhile, Xin XiaoRan also broke up with Yao BuTong because of his family's misfortune.

Sharp front (TV)[2013]

Feature: In 1941, in Tianjin, the Japanese army launched a large-scale raid on the base areas in the name of "security and security campaigns." The Chinese side secretly launched the "Sirius Action Force" against the Japanese. Chen Qiu Xue, an Eighth Route Army soldier by Zhi Zhou, KMT officer Enyou Liu, Liao The destiny of Lin MuChunYi and others of the Japanese aggression forces, such as Wu and James Huang, was firmly tied together to compose a magnificent poem that fought, bleed, and sacrificed for the righteous cause of the nation.

Nine Dan (TV)[2013]

Feature: Mountain girl Tao JiuDan fate, his father Tao LangZhong to Chen Fu young master treatment, was two rooms You YueE framed, was forced to marry a woman Chongxi, anti-marriage and his wife died in a sea of ​​flames. Zhao JianWu, a childhood sweetheart of Jiudan, lives and die unknown for saving her rolling cliff. Ji Dan looking for Jianwu fainted on the way, was rescued by his grandmother and forcibly allocated to her silly son Zhan Chun, she failed to escape several times, pregnant with grandchildren flesh and blood. Jianwu find Jiudan mistakenly into salt help, destiny time and time again to the hardy mandarin duck apart. Wen Xiu, sister of Zhan Chun, fell in love with Jianwu and started a period of love for Gods and a merciless love affair. At this time, Chen HouseKunsuoKuo Chen TianKuo looks very similar to the dead lover Xiao Lily, but with her indissoluble bond. When Jiudan learned that the truth of his parents died, the former benefactor became enemies, Jianwu to take revenge after several life and death. After Zhan Chun's death, Chen TianKuo, a jiu jin rescued and rescued by the worldly customs and clan pressures, forced her orphans and widowers to marry into the government. Jiudan finally had her fate.

Scholars outside the history of laughter (TV)[2013]

Feature: "The Scholars of the Scholars" tells the story of Fan Jin, a highly educated scholar of the imperial examination system. He devoted his life to seeking fame and even went mad after the move. The feudal bada also made him an official Repeatedly wrong case, ugly done. Kuang ChaoRen is under the influence of the influence of the forces of personality quickly went down, the soul of the hypocrite, really villain. As well as the performance of a group of little people such as Yan JianSheng, Mei Sanxiang and Zhang Junmin, exhaustive of the worldly world and the embodiment of the worldly state of human beings, reflecting the vanquishness of individual consciences of scholars and scholars in the imperial examination system and exposing the ugly state of feudal society. At the same time, it forms a sharp contrast with the UMNO Ugly people through the depiction of Du ShaoQing and others who do not compromise vulgar life & nbsp ;.

No smoke fighting (TV)[2012]

Feature: Shortly after the Sept. 18 Incident, the "No Fight Against the Smoke" newspaper, a large-scale construction project by the National Government to build a military and civilian dual-use wharf in Shanghai, was premeditated for fraud. As a result, a revenge plan was launched, & nbsp; Although the government recovered the investment money and completed the construction of the pier, the investigation of the fraud at Nankang Wharf was terminated because of the Incident of September 18 and became a pending case. Unable to trust the police, Cao YiWen joined hands with the mighty Ji XianSheng to avenge his family and relied on elaborate layout to try to find out the truth. In the process, Cao YiWen for revenge, on the one hand to temporarily suppress the heart of the feelings of former lover Ye Yunxiu, on the other hand as a twin brother Wang Yihong detectives divergent, but in the end the two decided to join forces for the same purpose. Ye Yun Xiu finally shot in a coma, Wang Yihong unfortunately died. After knowing that the behind-the-scenes black hand Chen FanXiong was actually a Japanese spy, Cao YiWen endured grief and gave Chen FanXiong a guilty plea for all her conspiracies through a surprising trick. So far, the story of a year ago, South Port Wharf fraud finally came to the world.

New Sword (TV)[2011]

Feature: In the winter of 1936, under the Qilian Mountains and in sandstorms, the Li YunLong led troops attacked the bandits and local militias, fighting in battles for several months in the face of dozens of times more powerful enemy troops. Women regiment instructors Zheng Fang and her comrades sacrificed heroically. Li YunLong still removed Ma Jiajun's ammunition depot and militia headquarters and led the remaining 9 people to break through the encirclement and enter the basement. During the war of resistance against Japan, Li YunLong completely wiped out the arrogant and arrogant Japanese brigade, and the "New Sword" stills gradually formed deep brotherhood with political commissar Zhao Gang (Quan Ren). Chu YunFei (Guo Jing Lin), head of the elite army, sympathized with Li YunLong, but in the midst of the War of Liberation, the two men and two soldiers met each other and nearly died. Chu YunFei regrettable defeat, only with the battlefield Rose Liu ShiYin (House Of Zeenel ornaments) retreated to Taiwan. Life-threatening Li YunLong was sent to the ambulances in the field hospital, and the ambulance was used in the hospital to make nurse Tian Yu (Bobo Gan) gradually fall in love with himself. Li YunLong after returning to the ranks to clear the bandits of the Kuomintang, while gaining insights from further studies, has finally grown into a Republican general with military theory and strategic vision & nbsp ;.

Bosss happiness (TV)[2010]

Feature: "Boss' s Happiness" tells Fu JiXiang. Because his parents died young, his eldest son was the father, bringing three younger brothers and sisters to send them all to Beijing University. When younger brothers and sisters grew up, successful career, he himself missed the glory of life, and later became a foot therapist. But he still cherishes his own career and life ideal - to become a masseur and father. The eldest brother in the morning exercises in the park is very different from Le Le, an autistic child, who sees it as it stands. At this moment, Mei Le, Le Le's mother, was abandoned by her husband and raised Le Le alone. After going through a series of events, she recognized Le Le as her son and received Mei Hao as a disciple, teaching her to do pedicure. Later, the second brother Ji'an brought the eldest brother to enjoy a good life in Beijing, but because of the different living habits and concepts, big and small collisions took place. A series of discomforts made the boss think that he should return to his city as soon as possible and was preparing to leave Mei Hao suddenly came to Beijing with Le Le. It turned out that Le Le was seriously ill and that the pedicure center manager had brought her child to Beijing to find her boss. After a series of events took place, witnessed the siblings seemingly happy, but in fact the unfortunate life, to help siblings overcome difficulties, find what they want, to find the real happiness.

Yu Gong moving mountains (TV)[2007]

Feature: Two thousand years ago, the stone village of Tai Sin was Taihang Mountain, Wang Wushan siege. Yu Gong (Hengxuan Zhao ornaments) suffer from home Alpine isolation, the ancestral closed, the pain of poverty, mobilize and lead the whole family to move the mountains for the benefit of future generations. Zhi Sou et al. Worried about disturbing the mountain god would lead to disaster, destroying the feng shui will have to make money, do everything possible to stop Yu Gong from moving mountains. Cao SheShen in the mountains is afraid of digging up the mountain and will nowhere to shelter it. This will mean that the demon practice will be so bad that Yu Gong has repeatedly been in distress. However, he has never wavered his ambition to dig Taihang and Pingwang Houses. Yu Gong eventually affected the villagers perseverance, have joined the team dug mountains, but also moved Yu HuangDaDi, Jade Emperor ordered the two Hercules will be a mountain back to the east of Shuo Fang, a mountain back to the south of Yongzhou in order to protect the harmony of the three circles. Since then, Yu Gong feat known throughout the ages, Yu Gong spirited.

army special corps; l u Jun TE zh and UI (TV)[2006]

Feature: Military Corps, focusing on the development trend of the future war and the information needs of the armed forces, decided to select excellent officers and men from various reconnaissance and communications units and form an elite unit capable of meeting the operational needs and carrying out emergency tasks under the conditions of future informatization. After rigorous screening, initially leaving 80 players, and then eliminated the entire process until the most elite players left to form all-weather, full-time combat capabilities. Captain Gao Feng (Jun Ding), a captain of the training squad, has the wisdom and courage, his personality is resolute and has masculine beauty. He graduated from a famous overseas "reconnaissance school" with outstanding achievements. Throughout his training, he foresaw the concept of forward-looking combat and beat every team member, including Bai LingYun, the only female member of the team, at a standard of actual combat. Team member Kang Dong (Qinyong Cai ornaments) is a local enrolled college students, full of longing for military life and longing for. Lively, emotional overflow, to become a good officer is a long-cherished wish of his heart, but also to show his friends a man's best reason for dignity. Team Tao Hu (Dalong Fu) Blood flowing through the passion and dream of the previous generation army, have a red heart and love of the army, bold exploration in practice, brave practice, quick thinking, helpful. He played a crucial role in shaping Kang Dong's heroic personality. However, he was very good in the eyes of everyone. He was oppressed and bleeding in the deep water dive assessment training and faced with being eliminated. His stubborn perseverance, scientific challenge to the limit of life, miraculously become the training course first place. Female player Bai LingYun (Zhi Zhou ornaments) life experience frustrated, premature orphans. She wisely left the misfortune of both individuals and families aside. During the training period, she not only made her an admirer, courageous and courageous but also challenged her. She was quite scientific and innovative in her training and was an outstanding representative of the female military personnel in the new situation. Vice captain Chen Jian (River Huang) and Gao Feng are best friends and one of the strongest competitors. Although Gao Feng has the upper hand every time, Gao Feng admires Chen Jian's unyielding high spirits and perseverance demonstrated in the competition. Gao Feng While abroad, Chen Jian gave Gao Feng's wife and daughter a great help. Gao Feng's wife, Ye Qiu, died of late-stage lung cancer due to overworked work, the reason why Chen Jian most can not understand Gao Feng. Gao Feng nailed Nan Nan on Chen Jian's sister teacher Chen Lan (Run Xie) because she had no time to take care of her daughter. Through constant observation and interaction, Chen Lan's feelings toward Gao Feng gradually shifted from admiration and understanding to heart-and-soul love, while Chen Jian strongly opposed it. Under the guidance of Wang FuCan MouZhang, a military academy mainly military training, and the higher authority, boldly broadening the training methods, breaking the traditional training thinking, upholding the principle of non-self-possession and self-esteem, Stamina, science and technology, combat, teamwork in one of the training methods greatly mobilized the training team members' training enthusiasm and training potential, a skilled, morale high, militaristic high, with multiple combat capability elite troops are positive Ready to come out. Chen Jian was reluctant to leave the old army.Even later, with his own superficial effort to find a light idle, high-paying job - a large company CEOs bodyguards, he still miss the fiery Pentium barracks life. Due to his outstanding work, Chen Jian was promoted to the office director of the company, but he did not know anything about the company's health or business. Gao Feng still claimed to marry him knowing that Chen Lan was suffering from cancer, and Chen Jian was very touched. Chen Lan cancer surgery is good, her health and optimism infected all the training team members. With the active help of undercover female lawyer Xie Chen, Chen Jian finally became suspicious of the business conditions of her company and successfully obtained the core secrets of smuggling criminal groups through her own identity. The crime committed by the criminal group was revealed and the main backbone was fleeing from the sea. The training team graduation examination in intense intense, in full swing, the various subjects of smooth progress. Suddenly, the examiner received the superior notification: the suspension of assessment, to assist local public security officers arrested a number of criminals in the examination area. A special battle started again. During this battle, Chen Jian sacrificed for the cover of Gao Feng, and the two died before they solved all the grudges. All team members in this battle of blood and fire, life and death in the assessment of the surrender of a qualified answer sheet. They will be tested with even greater courage, with fearless, invincible bravery and indomitable spirit.

Eat Hot Tofu Slowly (Movie)[2005]

Feature: Liu Hao, an ordinary tricycle driver, an out-and-out big man, has lived an ordinary life in an optimistic and accommodating manner, as can be seen in the slogan behind his tricycle: "Only less than a big Ben round of children." In the real life of Liu Hao, it seems that three wheels are also rotated, that is, three women who have appeared in his life - He WenLan, Yang Qian and Chen Hong. He WenLan is the first factory flower, was raped and lost someone else's species, had to find an honest man to stay and take the initiative to propose to marry Liu Hao wife. Liu Hao laid off three days, and raised children in belly belly factory. A flower stuck in cow dung, He WenLan not willing to own destiny, always felt himself aggrieved. Soon, the past in front of the factory gate to intercept their own rogue fortune, He WenLan feel that they should not be too hard with the day after Liu Hao, then left, as the rogue had a good life. Liu Rao and his children later came back to see the meaning of a broken mirror, but at this time, another woman had already entered the life track of Liu Hao and his children .

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