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Mincheng Li TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Mincheng Li Works 18 ,And Feature 8 ,Suspense 4 ,Action 2 ,Crime 2 ,Comedy 2 ,Urban drama 2 ,Love 2 ,Historical play 2 ,Biopic 1 ,Military 1 ,空战1 ,Idol Play 1 ,Romance drama 1 ,Suspense drama 1 ,Science fiction drama 1 ,现实题材1 ,美剧形式拍摄1 ,季播1 ,破案1 ,Costume Drama 1 ,海上救援1 ,Child 1 ,Music 1 。

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Mincheng Li Filmography(18)


紧急救援 (Movie)[2021]


倾覆沉没的钻井平台,顺流直冲的运油车头,直坠入海的满载客机。交通海上应急反应特勤队队长 Gao Qian 、机长 Fang YuLing 和绞车手 Zhao Cheng 一次次带领队伍第一时间抵达,站在水火咆哮的最前面,守在危急撤离的最后面,用生命对抗天灾人祸。但在自然面前,特勤员毕竟没有超能力,血肉之躯踩在死亡边缘,真实的恐惧无数次让这些斗士颤抖、无助和气馁。而海上救援的字典里没有“退缩”。当你听见旋翼的轰鸣、洪亮的汽笛、马达的飞驰,那是他们无惧艰难险阻,舍己为人,谱写的一曲英雄之歌。


因法之名 (TV)[2019]


电视剧《因法之名》剧情介绍:讲述了刑警 Ge DaJie ( Li Youbin 饰)和队长仇慕奉命侦破柳莎莎被入室杀害一案,所有疑点都指向柳的丈夫——生活作风一贯风流轻佻的 Xu ZhiYi ( Ma Xiaowei 饰),柳莎莎之母亦认定案件是许所为,仇慕更在追捕许的过程中不幸牺牲。失去战友的愤怒和限期破案的压力,让 Ge DaJie 认定 Xu ZhiYi 就是真凶,并在连番审讯之下取得许的亲口供认。负责此案的痕检员 Chen Qian 和( Shaohua Ma 饰)出于私心,没有汇报带来疑问的另外两枚指纹,因此尽管检察官 Zou Xiong ( Zhang Fengyi 饰)对证据链有所保留,法院仍旧判决许锒铛入狱——然而谁也不知道,这起冤案将如同魔咒,缠绕着涉案家庭和司法系统的两代人。两代人的命运,因为当年的案件再度纠缠在一起。事件里的每一个人,不得不面对多年积累的情感纠缠,也要面对探寻司法真相的不断询问。这个看似平常的普通申诉案背后,是几个家庭的悲欢离合、是司法过程对人性的考验和救赎、也同时是十多年来司法进步的见证。当真相水落石出,所有人都无法意料到的是,对法律信仰的真正考验才刚刚来临 。

空降利刃 (TV)[2019]


在改革强军大背景下,以 Zhang Qi 、 Qi XiaoTian 等空降特种兵为代表,讲述了剧照在战斗力生成模式改革探索中,为培育空军官兵全球化视野、信息化能力和实战化水平,进一步激发研究强敌、战胜强敌的血性忧患,将组建一支全新的、全要素、体系化专职蓝军“锅盖头”。经过一段时间的适应和磨合,“锅盖头”开始了征战南北、挑战四方的魔鬼生涯。历经一系列的战斗演习、行动,“锅盖头”部队的战士再次被分配到各部队,他们成为王牌部队的骨干教员,星星之火已成燎原之势,在坎坷中前行,在磨练中成熟的战士们开始了新的任务 。

中国机长 (Movie)[2019]




A Better Tomorrow 2018 (Movie)[2018]

Feature: Zhou Kai was involved in smuggling and was arrested and jailed by Zhou Chao, brother of the anti-drug police. Three years later, Zhou Kai was released from prison for reform. Former drug dealer A Cang has become a drug dealer, in order to obtain the overseas customer information of Zhou Kai, the design infringes Zhou Kai. Zhou Kai, in cooperation with the police, arrested A Cang and the two brothers reunited.

Blue sea ambition (TV)[2017]

Feature: Six students and eight fishermen encountered a storm and were distressed at sea. A dozen lives, together with fishing vessels, are about to hit the sea. In a critical situation, rescue boats and rescue helicopters rushed to the scene of the accident, emergency rescue. In the end, the students and fishermen in distress rescued, but the lifeguard Zheng ZiHang was sacrificed, leaving a posthumous child. His comrade-in-arms, Chen YiNuo, assumed his father's responsibility for him, took care of his widow and his son, and completed Zheng ZiHang's wishes with other relief workers such as Gao Liang. Salvage the World War II sunk Japanese ship "Nanxiang Pill", creating a miracle in the history of salvage. This picture is not entirely fictional. Another real life legend. They are a group of unknown warriors in peace time; they are the protection of the people's interests God: Rescuing yacht in distress, diving into the water 60 meters to rescue the hijacked cargo ship owner, salvage the aircraft black box, Hundreds of thousand tons of oil tanker fire, intelligence bucket pirate rescue robbed of scientific expedition crew, and so on. Every rescue can be sobbed, because their belief is that they give their hope of life to others and leave the danger of death to themselves. Stormy sea, square was heroic character.

SongofthePhoenix (Movie)[2016]

Feature: In a small village in Shaanxi Province called No-win Town, the long-lasting folk art of suona is more than entertainment, but more importantly, it is a kind of life evaluation of those who go Only mediocre blowing two, four moderate blowing four, the highest blowing eight, highly respected people are eligible to blow "birds toward the Phoenix." "Bird of the Phoenix" this difficult song, and only the leader suona master to be competent. The entire town of Warriors, only the Quartet Jiao SanYe famous class teacher can blow "birds toward the Phoenix." Jiao SanYe is a respected suona old artist, who led his disciples to pursue and inherit suona spirit with persistent passion and firm faith. Now that Jiao SanYe is old, he urgently needs to train successors. Apprentice You TianMing was young and tender when he first joined Jiao Class and was in awe of Jiao SanYe. Although he was unwilling to be "abandoned" by his father in Jiao Class, he still had the confidence to win the praise of Master by winning the honor of his family. The students who can enter the Jiao class have to be up-to-the-face, loyal to the virtue of the suona artist, and do the "suona stay away from the truth" in order to test whether the two apprentices meet the standards. Tao Zeru, Make a few tricks.

The Founding of An Army (Movie)[2016]

Feature: In 1927, on the occasion of the Great Achievements of the Northern Expedition, the "Right" of the Kuomintang launched a frenzied "communist" campaign to seize power and revolt revolution. In just a few months, nearly 310,000 advanced compatriots were brutally killed and the whole country was shocked. China, hopeful, is about to fall into the abyss once again of warlord turmoil and dictatorship. Without its own armed forces, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), set up less than seven years ago, has almost suffered a devastating blow under the crazy attack of the Kuomintang "right". The lessons of blood have made Mao Zedong, Zhou En Lai and other party progressive elements realize the absolute principle of "giving power to the gun." On the occasion of their survival, they died in danger and went to places such as Hunan and Nanchang. They joined forces with a number of patriotic generals such as Zhu De, He Long, Ye Ting and Liu Bo Cheng to launch an uprising and vow to form an army that truly belonged to the people. Cast Juggernaut soul, self-preservation Paul family.

Why marriage (TV)[2016]

Feature: Atlas a birthday party, the so-called "love at first sight" Da Lie, alcohol has become the body's owner. Da Xia, Lao Diao woke up to find married. Seven years ago, rice meal first love, share of beautiful and pure love eventually graduated with college can not. Seven years later, Zheng Yan, the "perfect" boyfriend of rice and his mother's approval, fell in love for three years. However, overnight life completely derailed, rice meal happens to hit that she never want to remember and see people, ex-boyfriend Wang LuYi, and the two received a permit. Fellow chefs did not escape the joke of fate - Da Xia chases Shi Yan, a hapless all-around man, and Lao Diao, the Marriageist, has just hit the head of the Burson-Marsteller Gu NianPing . As a result, the wedding certificate from the sky completely disrupted the six people just started and established career.

Darker 2 (TV)[2015]

Feature: "Diablo 2" tells the former Interpol captain arrested, Longyu Group forces reorganization, many years ago so that the city girl fear murder murderers gradually surfaced, twelve years ago, what is that so full of sense of justice Wizards world, transformed into a grim killer. Twelve years later, what kind of cause and effect, so that a new generation of darker, can not escape their own destiny. Darker's tireless efforts in investigating the truth of the death of his father, the case of the 2003 hostage-hijacking - revealed by the legendary hiding of the legendary legend for many years, and the teacher's failure to make Darker give up killing, He was saved.

Moon hugging the stars (TV)[2015]

Feature: The moon embracing the stars tells the story of a man who is upright and rebellious. When her family met with an accident in high school, her father died unexpectedly and her mother was seriously ill and could not walk, she co-authored the book and took care of her mother and rebellious siblings Heavy responsibility. Xia MingYue chose to keep her secret and continue to take care of her family when she learned that she was not a native of Xia Family, but a daughter of Liu's family who was fostered when young. Ming Yue dropped out on the eve of college entrance examination, support for food stalls make money to support their families. His classmate, Xu Chong, was attracted by this optimistic, strong and gallant girl who had been silently helping her. When they were together, they were forced to part with two parents' grievances. Moon sister's rebellious stars, provoke a lot of trouble for their own singer dream. Tomorrow, my brother was timid, as a result of an accidental left leg disability, so that the moon broke the heart. Years later, the moon has become better and better for its continuing hard work, providing a wealthy life for siblings and helping them find their own happiness. Just as everything was on track, girlfriend Ding Yun jealous of the feelings of Xu Chong and the moon set the trap, moon exposure almost in jail. In the end, the moon broke through the storm with the support of his family and Xu Chong, a family reunion.

Journeyman (TV)[2015]

Feature: Night bus ran unexpectedly out of control when steep mountain road, flying out of the cliff, life hanging moment, weird things happen - the time suddenly stopped, the bus was hanging in mid-air, motionless. In the still world, only Qu XiaoWan and Liu Xin are free to act. Originally, both were activists who were triggered to activate. They had unusual abilities, which are called the concept of force in the league. Liu Xin has a reading ability, while Qu XiaoWan can pause her time. A crisis came one after another, two people were suddenly hunted from the future, they were rescued by the mysterious man claiming to be Kong Yuan, to get future pocket watches that can cross time and space ... strange events hit one after another. The poor wanderer Liu Xin was forced to work alongside the elder Qu XiaoWan, a tall, wealthy, mysterious runaway.

Darker III (Movie)[2014]

Feature: A serial homicide of the exposure caused a huge sensation, one by one signed "Diablo" notice quietly in the face of the blatant provocation of the mysterious murderer, the police immediately set up a task force to compete with it, it is surprising that the team All members of "Dragon and Phoenix" - Luo Fei with high intelligence and low personal character, Mu Jianyun with cold and muggy mouth.

Diablo first season (TV)[2014]

Feature: "The Dark Season One" tells the story of a serial homicide of the exposure caused a huge sensation, one by one signed "Diablo" notice quietly in the face of the open challenge of the mysterious murderer, the police immediately set up a task force to contend with , It is surprising that all the members of this team are "People in the Dragon and Phoenix" - Luo Fei (Jingfei Guo) with high IQ, Mu JianYun (Kam Lu decorated), poker face Han Hao (Mincheng Li), "Yin Jian (Jingchao)", "Liang Yin (Li Qian (actress)"), Ceng RiHua (Stay Dan) Xiong Yuan (Wong Jing). Task force team called a group of exotic flowers. After a pile of bizarre crimes ensued, the task force in the constant run-in all the increasingly powerful, make every effort to fight with the mysterious drowsiness, as the case progresses, a surprising secret is about to be opened.

DontCryDarlingChild (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Because unable to recruit life teacher, Qin who is seriously ill refused to hospitalized for treatment. Qin Tan, his daughter quit his job in urgent need of work in Shenzhen, to replace his father tomorrow school life teacher. Good pick up trash eating Moran, crying Lin Lin, love the bed of Liang Feng, ADHD ...... Tanting all this is a look of attitude, attracted another strong dissatisfaction with life teacher Meng Yan. He criticized Tan Ting is perfunctory life teacher in this sacred career. Graduated from fashion design, Qin Ting, who studied psychology, refuted his love for children is a spoiled. Two people in the management of children's concept of serious disagreement. Lin is a choir volunteer in the cafeteria. Lin Lin, who is from Miaoxiang, became a choir because of his voice. Li Hao from Mulao played the role of orphaned chorus The command of the regiment ... ... Facts have proved that Tan Ting implementation that is through the subtle aspects of children's insights, the advantages or expertise to work hard to enlarge, so that they find self-confidence, so get others recognition and dignity. Meng rock benefit, this is still single life teacher secretly fell in love Qin Tan. Jailbreak non-dad may come to school to hijack his hometown of non-small, hate aunt should not send her to the orphans school Lin Lin, by the grandmother instilled is the mother died father and refused to see his mother, from the quake region Zhuang orphans Life habits lead to inconvenience of life ... ... a dilemma, under the guidance of Qin Ting successfully resolved. Tomorrow the school orphan troupe formally performed at the opening ceremony of the ASEAN Expo in Guangxi. After being promoted by the media, the school leaders in the municipality have drawn great attention and made a special trip to visit and condolences to teachers and students in the school. That the school because of small size, unable to receive more orphans enrolled, the autonomous region leaders made the spot on the scene, earmarked to expand the school tomorrow.

FeiChangZhiLian (Movie)[2011]

Feature: A Gui came from far away to Yunshui town, had not yet entered the town met Aju and 51. 51 small town in the best pursuit of A chrysanthemum, and A Ju did not put 51 on the eyes. Do not want, since then, Aki has become an obstacle between the two of them. It turned out that A Gui is a wanted fugitive, he came to the town of clouds.

The Death Notice (TV)[2007]

Feature: "Diablo" propaganda photos with a series of serial murders caused a huge sensation, one by one signed "Diablo" notice quietly, in the face of the blatant provocation of the mysterious murderer, the police immediately set up a task force to contend with, so big The eye drop is that all the members of this team, Luo Fei, Gao Jian, Mu JianYun, poker face Han Hao, Yin Jian, "Dark Lolita" Liang Yin, "Online Superman" Ceng RiHua and Xiong Yuan do not speak first and foremost ... ... task force lineup called a group of exotic flowers. After a pile of bizarre crimes ensued, the task force in the constant run-in all the increasingly powerful, make every effort to fight with the mysterious drowsiness, as the case progresses, a surprising secret is about to be opened.

Kang Xi Weaver Private Book 5 (TV)[2006]

Feature: Cast money kicked shuttlecock kicked out of the fake money case, counterfeit money check fake case. To expose the emperor Gan jail, more than the right nature is pathetic. In the palace, a new batch of small ladies was sent. One of the innocent girls nicknamed Xiaoya (Liang Xin Industrial Co., Ltd.) was playing kicking shuttlecock while playing the shuttlecock. Yi Fei (Irene Wan) happens to be passing through here, picking up prickly heat. With its peculiar care, she found that the chained coins of the "Kang Xi Tongbao" are rough, the fonts are faint and the area is too small. After interrogation, but in the dumbfounded trembling questioning, I learned that duckling is a fake imperial concubine. The ducklings also confessed that her fabled Zhangzhou system for sale in fake products had become a reality. Some local illegal vendors who made their fortune by making fake goods and selling fake goods were not ashamed to take pride. Also a fake palace girl, but also suspicious of the copper coins, the stills Yi Fei thought it was a trivial matter, they told Kang Xi (John Lone ornaments). It happened that Kang Xi also received a report from Zhang Xizeng Lin XiuFeng (Ke Wang), who had fled to Zhangzhou's former prefect and made a fake money. Feeling the flood of counterfeit goods, the appearance of fake money will undermine the economic foundation of the empire. The absence of integrity will undermine the moral foundation of the people and Kang Xi promptly makes a decision of private visit. Private visit members or the original class of people, but less careless San DeZi (Tian Liang ornaments). Kang Xi and his entourage arrived in Zhangzhou and met with Chao Tianjiao, a daughter of Chao Tianxiao, who is proficient in foundry technology and made money for the government. In order to force Chao Tian Liao to cast false fake money for himself, Jin ShiChang, a former prefect, kidnapped Chao Tian Xiao to a secret place and applied mute medicine to Chao Tianjiao, who did not know his whereabouts, And his lover Lin XiuFeng was also designed to trap him in jail. Jin ShiChang hypocritically said that while creating a fake money, Chao Tianxiao just cast a statue of "one-year-old Ding" to release him and gave him the solution to his mute medicine so that his cavy would resume his language function. In the secret place for casting counterfeit money, Chao Tianxiao deliberately distorted the copper coins in the hope that officials would find and attach importance to them and then send people to inquire about the truth, punish the culprits and rescued themselves so that their father and daughter reunited but no one has been there Scrutiny. Kang Xi finally found Chao smile, asked him to tell the truth, rejected. In order to meet Lin XiuFeng as soon as possible while he was in prison, Kang Xi tried hard to find a solution. As she walked away, Kang Xi, who had her head depressed, was suddenly knocked out of an alley where she was chased by a runner and crouched in an alley where she lived. He grabbed a cloth from the thief's arms Pack, was runners to catch, was locked into a grub. In jail, Kang Xi was surprised to find that not only did Lin XiuFeng shut down in prison but also the Jin ShiChang (Bao De Xin), a former prefect he was looking for. Only Jin ShiChang is an exceptionally special prisoner. He not only enjoyed special treatment, he went out to the prison as a goverment of the Shang Ya district, he was very happy outside, and he was no different from usual. He frequently directed other prisoners in prison to give him battles to satisfy him Be distorted psychology. Even he could go to a secret place where he made his own money and find a way out for himself.Because of fear of him "salted fish stand up", the current prefect is also hearsay. However, Kang Xi led some of his prison inmates to wrestle with Jin ShiChang. After the disappearance of Kang Xi, Yi Fei and others searched everywhere, but they cast their neighbors and were held private by Jin ShiChang. Kang Xi and Yi Fei do not know each other's news. In jail, Lin XiuFeng heard the nonsense in Kang Xi's disease and suspected Kang Xi was the imperial envoy. Lin XiuFeng demanded that Kang Xi be clear, Kang Xi insisted on refusing to insist on staying in prison. Afterwards, Kang Xi heard some inside story of drunken Jin ShiChang private cast copper coins, but quietly. He would still like to have more and deeper inside stories and continue to stay in jail. However, he was worried that Kang Xi et al. Suffered an unexpected rescuing of San DeZi, interrupted his prison career and lost the opportunity to know all the inside stories. After Kang Xi's identity revealed, he instructed Jin ShiChang to escort himself to Beijing. At the time of the interrogation, Jin ShiChang, in the face of North Korea's grievances and joys and sorrows, made a big secret before he died: he is not only a corrupt official who makes money and profits, but also a fake officer. As Kang Xi categorically rejected Jin ShiChang's proposed exchange of conditions to release him as soon as he told the truth about false trustees, Jin ShiChang stabbed himself with a small, dagger on the spot. Jin ShiChang how to mix into the ranks of officials, with his suicide, this mystery has become a mystery forever. Kang Xi furiously punished a group of officials related to the "fake money case" and "fake case", while those who were secretly detained still remained in court and place. Know that they must exist, but can not find out, Kang Xi feel helpless. Prodigy remember prodigy Kang Xi acute illness, deep self-blame Yi Fei out of the palace to find; sprinkle Island how many children tears, sail raised a nursing calf. A prodigy named Yi Mong, moved far beyond the wisdom of his peers, moved to the capital city and passed his name to Kang Xi's ear. In the face of the official court of Wen-pavilion, Kang Xi personally interviewed him with his questions and answers, and found that the prodigy's wit and character were extraordinary. Kang Xi felt that the Empire would have such a future talent and could never stop building its foundation. After the reward, he wanted Yi Wang to join the palace. Yi Fei, who liked Yi Wang, also agreed that in order to balance, she suggested each of the emperor's married parents who had been married to have a son to enter the palace. Yi Wang family initially disagreed, but since Yi-wang was sealed as "a hundred years after a small child prodigy", all aspects have been greatly disturbed, the family has been unable to ease, then agreed. "Scouts" in the palace to establish, they learn, Cuju, continue to grow. Yi Wang, in particular, won the love of Kang Xi and Yi Fei. On the occasion of Kang Xi's birthday, Yi Kang sent a splendid picture of gingerbread and a ginger that symbolized "a beautiful country," and the gift overwhelmed the gifts of all the other people. Kang Xi greatly appreciated. On the day of the Lantern Festival, Yi Fei and Xiao TaoHong (Ma Dongdong ornaments) with easy to see the lights. They met a lady with a noble man who spoke elegantly and watched the lantern together. It turned out that Yi Fei was being acupuncturist and Xiao TaoHong holding Yi Fei asked Miss Noble to help Yiwang. Who knows, this fake aristocratic lady named Mu RongChun is a traffickers. Yi Wang fall into the hands of people, disappeared.After Yi Wang was abducted, Yi Fei did not dare to tell Kang Xi the truth. While she was allegedly ill, she negotiated with Yi and sent another Yi family who looks a bit similar to Yi Wang Tong Xi coax Kang Xi, Kang Xi see through. Kang Xi was so angry and fell ill. Yi Fei is deeply guilty of quarreling with Xiao TaoHong, San DeZi and Fa Yin (Wu Song) to find the little prodigy and can not find it all. After Kang Xi see Yi Fei et al. For a long time no information, also started a private visit, thus starting a encounter with the encounter of traffickers Mu Rongchun traitor lingering painless helpless love, but also insight into a man-built group of street traffickers龌 龊 Insider. It turns out that the traffickers on the island not only want to train the children who have been abducted into thieves, liar, book boy, but also to inhumanly purify some of them and distort them physically and mentally, turning them into eunuchs and children And the relatives of the candidate. Some children are even used as a fishing tool for fishing and smuggling, bloody sea. ROCKET to the dark room cleverness will be under house arrest, to explore Kang Xi into the tiger hole finally set the emperor's grand rebellion, to help brother and sister still wish flying. As early as the morning, a Han courtier fainted because of standing too long. In order to make the people strong, Benjamin Kang decided to open an athletic arena in Xiyuan, a suburb of Beijing, to lead the nationwide movement of bodybuilding. At Xiyuan Games, Minister Mo Duo was doing his best to get his son to be appreciated by the emperor. A rocket shot by a Shengjing girl named Wan LiuHong attracted the attention of Kang Xi. Her lawsuit, Kang Xi, whose brother Wan JianXiong was a craftsman and a sports kitsch, was his invention but was kept under house arrest in Mo Duo House for many years in Shengjing; and Mo Duo was the uncle of the imperial concubine, Princess Fei Fei , Is the royal relatives. Kang Xi decided to privately visit Shengjing during the Xiyuan tournament. Kang Xi and San DeZi went deep into the tiger's tent to find out what Mo Fu's hidden plot was. Yi Fei follows the emperor, clever trick, two people feeling better and better in life and death. More setbacks, numerous mystery, so far, a sports arena invoked a major case of rebellion surfaced. The anti-Chen Mo Duo and Yu HuaLong were finally settled by Kang Xi. Wan JianXiong and Wan Chunchun also made their dreams of flying from generation to generation, and finally rode into the air with their own manufactured rockets. Veteran Nan HuaiRen.

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