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Hui Feng TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Hui Feng Works 27 ,And Urban drama 10 ,Love 5 ,Costume Drama 3 ,Workplace film 3 ,Romance 3 ,Suspense 3 ,Feature 3 ,Contemporary 2 ,近代革命2 ,Contemporary film 2 ,Ancient 2 ,legend 2 ,Historical play 1 ,政治1 ,Ancient legend 1 ,Motivational film 1 ,Modern opera 1 ,Action 1 ,Modern 1 ,Revolution 1 ,Myth play 1 ,Business War 1 ,Crime 1 。

Works Index

Hui Feng Filmography(27)


我是 yu huanshui (TV)[2020]


Yu HuanShui 是公司里业绩最差的员工,退让隐忍、得过且过是他的生存法则,直到嫌他窝囊的妻子提出离婚, Yu HuanShui 仍未做出改变。某日借酒浇愁后, Yu HuanShui 身体不适查出癌症,万念俱灰的他破罐子破摔,性情大变,还在阴差阳错之下,成了见义勇为的英雄,到达人生巅峰。但阴差阳错的命运仍在继续,危机和挑战接踵而至,直到 Yu HuanShui 找到真正的尊严与幸福 。

清平乐 (TV)[2020]


北宋皇帝赵祯得知将自己养大的当朝太后 Liu E 并非亲生母亲,而自己的生母乃是太后当年的婢女李兰惠,深感愧疚。为了报答李家,赵祯将自己最心爱的女儿徽柔嫁给了李家的子孙 Li Wei 。朝堂之上,庆历新政大臣和老派权臣之间针锋相对,斗争风起云涌,赵祯治国如执秤,权衡各方势力,为国事殚精竭虑。徽柔与陪伴自己长大的内侍怀吉建立了深厚的感情,对志趣不和又木讷平庸的 Li Wei 万般排斥,终于与婆家起了冲突,不顾一切地夜扣宫门,打破帝国最严苛的规矩,引发滔天非议, Si MaGuang 甚至要在大殿之上“碎首进谏”。赵祯一生悉心呵护的“言路通畅”、“监督国君”的风气,使得他在爱女之情和维护治国理念之间挣扎得遍体鳞伤。最终,公主以半疯狂的抗争,始终未屈服于“成为 Li Wei 真正妻子”的命运,却与怀吉永生不得相见 。

安家 (TV)[2020]


房似锦年纪轻轻已经是安家天下中介公司的金字招牌,她在上司翟云霄的授意之下,空降静宜门店担任双店长。门店原生店长徐文昌是个“高贵的人”,他推崇“人性流”管理方式,也不屑对付手段卑鄙的对手。到任后房似锦施展雷霆手段坚壁清野,对外辣手反击,对内冷血整肃。虽然在房似锦的铁血管理下众人苦不堪言,但是业绩的提升的确振奋了门店士气。房似锦的管理方式和处事之道与徐文昌截然相反,而业务员们也在两位“神仙”的较劲中左右为难。身为房产中介的他们不仅要帮助客户买房卖房租房,还时常被裹挟着卷入他们的人生,见证他们生活中的歌舞升平与一地鸡毛 。

大秦赋 (TV)[2020]

Feature: 战国晚期,秦国一家独大。一代雄主秦昭襄王与继承王位的秦孝文王相继离世,秦国朝堂陡然出现嫡庶之争。大富商吕不韦阳谋篡国,扶植流亡在外的公子嬴异人上位,长公子嬴傒恨别咸阳,政乱平定。秦国征伐六国,渐有一统天下之势,惟有与宿敌赵国之间的交战,败绩频仍,且将星凋零,民苦国累,秦赵结仇愈深。王子嬴政与母亲赵姬返回秦国之后,在仲父吕不韦的训教下,母后的呵护下,显现王者之尊。为了儿子的王位,赵姬与吕不韦联手,打压以华阳夫人为首的楚国派系势力。而嬴政用王弟成蟜之血,洗清通向王位的道路。污秽内宫的嫪毐日益做大,且有篡国之念;嬴政利用吕不韦、宗室嬴傒,铁腕涤荡嫪毐之乱。动乱平息,嬴政再无情驱逐母后赵姬,贬相国吕不韦。至此,嬴政揽政于手,主国于秦 。大秦帝国之天下海报终极海报

大江大河2 (TV)[2020]


宋运辉到东海报到,成为东海化工领导班子最年轻的副职。他将妻女接到东海工作生活,程开颜的懒惰和猜疑让两人有了裂痕,最终以离婚收场。凭借过硬的业务能力,宋运辉不断发挥主心骨的作用,在前期筹备和组建合资厂的过程中不断带领东海项目渡过难关,却因风头太盛招致不满。小雷家改革步伐越迈越大,却因对安全问题的忽视导致铜厂爆炸,雷东宝因行贿遭遇牢狱之灾,出狱后建雷霆公司,给电线找到了销路,韦春红一直是雷东宝背后的支撑。杨巡来到东海发展,把市场做得风生水起,在与外资代表梁思申的合作中,一面仰视着梁思申,一面做着假账,被梁父发现,出手整治,加之寡母离世,杨巡遭受多重打击,小会计任遐迩陪在他身旁。出任中外合资厂外方经理的梁思申在工作中和宋运辉多有接触和交锋,彼此也被对方的能力折服,两人都未明言,但内心已经越走越近 。海报

流金岁月 (TV)[2020]

Feature: 二十世纪九十年代的上海,朱锁锁和蒋南孙家境不同,性格不同,但同样美丽、聪慧。年少时,锁锁家境不好,南孙家收留、帮助过锁锁,因此她们结下了深厚的友谊。步入社会后,朱锁锁在职场中起伏,凭着才智和优秀的条件很快发达起来,蒋南孙则继续追求学业,谈起恋爱,变得更加知性。后来,蒋家落难,朱锁锁帮助南孙走出校园,为其提供住处和工作,蒋南孙亦靠努力和学识,逐渐成为一名出色的白领丽人。朱锁锁结婚,看似风光,婚姻却不被丈夫的家人认可,夫妻关系亮起红灯时,蒋南孙帮助她照顾孩子,料理她的生活,直到朱锁锁有勇气走出困局。人事沧桑,岁月无情,她们遍尝了生活的个中滋味,却互相扶持,同甘共苦,不仅将生活经营出多彩的模样,亦各自成为最成熟的女人,拥有自己的流金岁月。定档海报

大泼猴 (TV)[2019]


电视剧《大泼猴》剧情介绍:讲述了天道变数 Hou Zi 提前三百年破石而出,他不甘心既定命运的安排,执意要改变未来,与命运抗争的故事。故事总在改变,命运却惊人的相似天道变数, Hou Zi ( Raymond Lam 饰)提前三百年破石而出,生存堪忧的 Hou Zi 踏上了寻仙之路。他在求仙路上九死一生,幸得金丝雀( Angelina Jiang 饰)舍命相救, Hou Zi 因此许下了复活金丝雀的诺言。为了实现诺言, Hou Zi 一路拜师修行,其间与天真烂漫的 Feng Ling ( Cheng Yanqiu 饰)和孤傲高冷的 Yang Chan ( Jiang Mengjie 饰)分别暗生情愫,还卷入了众妖与天庭的对抗之中,并与 Xu PuTi 祖师、 Tai ShangLaoJun 二人展开博弈。与天庭的浴血奋战使他最终成为天下无敌的齐天大圣,然而却再一次眼睁睁看着 Que Er 的转世 Feng Ling 在自己面前灰飞烟灭,他携带着满腔忿恨,抡起金箍棒直指天庭 。

《大泼猴》是上海世像文化传媒有限公司、唐德影视、优酷联合出品的古装剧,由黄俊文等执导, Raymond Lam 、 Jiang Mengjie 领衔主演, Kenji Wu 、 Jin Akanishi 、 Cheng Yanqiu 、 Wang Ziyun 、 Yue Yueli 、 Xiongyuting 、 Angelina Jiang 、 Zheng Tong Yuan 、 Chi Shuai 、 Cheryl Yang 等主演。

九州缥缈录 (TV)[2019]


《九州缥缈录》这是一部少年英雄成长史,以虚拟的“九州”世界为背景,讲述 Lv GuiChen Ji Ye Yu Ran 等不谙世事的少年历经磨砺与坎坷,执着奋斗,携手互助,成长成熟,并发展出几段撼天动地的友情和爱情故事。北陆青阳部世子 Lv GuiChen 作为质子来到东陆结识了一直不受父亲喜爱的庶子 Ji Ye ,以及跟着爷爷避难而来的羽族公主 Yu Ran 。三个小伙伴在太子学院中因身份原因饱受针对和挑战,在相互帮助和拯救的过程了建立起深厚的友谊,而 Yu Ran 的开朗活泼洒脱个性也得到两个男孩的暗中倾慕,青涩的爱情正在萌芽。离国霸主赢无翳携天子以令诸侯, Lv GuiChen 、 Ji Ye 、 Yu Ran 追随一代名将 Xi Yan 等人发出正义之师,决战殇阳关,不料殇阳关之战的背后另有大阴谋。危难之际,少年们奋死而战,成长为一代领袖 。

小欢喜 (TV)[2019]


北京某中档住宅小区顶楼,有三户人家的子女都进入了高考备战期。因抱着“一考定终《小欢喜》剧照身”的想法,三个家庭都陷入了无比焦灼的备战状态,由此引发的问题也接踵而至。“恨铁不成钢”的妈妈 Tong WenJie 和“没有压力”、热爱自由的儿子 Fang YiFan 之间因为成绩矛盾重重,爸爸 Fang Yuan 不得不化身“仲裁者”左右调停;拒绝前夫 Qiao WeiDong “入侵”母女生活的单亲妈妈 Song Qian ,对女儿 Qiao YingZi 的生活展开了“全包围”式关切,误解和矛盾不知不觉悄然爆发;“空降父亲” Ji ShengLi 和妈妈 Liu Jing 的突然关怀,让从小养在舅舅 Liu Zheng 身边的 Ji YangYang 无所适从,父子之间小心翼翼的相处并没有为这段关系换来“和平”。第一次做父母”的家长,和刚刚迎来成年的孩子,因为爱而联结,也因为难以把握爱的边界而产生误会,但正是这些“历不完的试炼”让每个家庭都在爱与理解中学会成长 。


独孤皇后 (TV)[2018]


电视剧《独孤皇后》剧情介绍:讲述了因家族遭到权臣迫害, Du GuGaLuo 自小就以独立坚强要求自己。时其夫君 Yang Jian 已展现不凡气概,他骁勇善战,立下赫赫战功,并在乱世之中登上皇位,建立隋朝,统一中国,而后大力发展文化经济。 Du GuGaLuo 尽心辅佐,与 Yang Jian 一同倡导节俭,协助 Yang Jian 成就“开皇之治”,国泰民安,与 Yang Jian 并尊为“二圣”,在 Yang Jian 开创隋朝盛世中起到了不可或缺的作用。 Du GuGaLuo 和 Yang Jian 携手走过人生风雨,始终夫妻恩爱,伉俪情深,她时刻督促 Yang Jian 勤政爱民,无论处于人生何种际遇,夫妻二人保持着勤俭朴实的家风,创造了中国古代帝王夫妻后宫生活的佳话。


National life (TV)[2017]

Feature: Wang ShuWang and Lu Lu met each other in Thailand. After a series of startling things, they fell in love. After returning home, the two were ready to get married, but they were opposed by both families. Wang ShuWang gave up his career in Beijing and came to Shanghai to open a ceramics shop to prove to Lu Lu's family that Lu Lu could make a better life. Lu Lu's parents still think Wang ShuWang and Lu Lu inappropriate, do not agree with their marriage. Zhao Yan, the half-sister of Wang ShuWang, also came to Shanghai many times and quarreled with Lu M's mother Jiang MiaoYin. This delayed the marriage of the two men again. The love of Lu Lu and Wang ShuWang continues to be hit and tested by families from both sides.  Lu Lu as a screenwriter, has been pursuing career success, Wang ShuWang hope that pastoral life. Lu Lu because of work

Game of hunting (TV)[2017]

Feature: Zheng QiuDong Zheng QiuDong is a person who perseveres for his dreams. With the help of his friend Lao Bai and his girlfriend Luo YiRen, his career has been gradually improved, and Zheng QiuDong did not want the sudden death and the overnight defeat of his career, QiuDong is not willing, angry and powerful, and with the help of Luo YiRen, to weather the storm, Zheng also Luo YiRen feelings, but unfortunately the two fate did not, unfortunately pass. The passage of time, the emergence of Lin Bai, Zheng QiuDong brought extraordinary opportunities, and Zheng QiuDong integrity-based principle, so Lin Bai more admiration. By chance, Zheng QiuDong found his opponent Yuan Kun instant success, ready to use extremely unruly means to achieve their goals, and Zheng QiuDong in the face of their own integrity and conscience can not tolerate Yuan Kun will bring harm to others, so by various means to stop Yuan Kun corrupt behavior, and friends together side by side to face the setbacks and difficulties, and Zheng QiuDong also because of pure, noble and honest credo, won Luo YiRen's enterprising and career glory.

Ode to Joy 2 (TV)[2017]

Feature: New Year has come, happy floor, every one of the new problems also ensued: An Di (Tamia Liu) Bao YiFan (Yang Shuo ornaments) ushered in the new possibilities of emotion, but also from the life experience and the internal package Fan ShengMei (Xin Jiang ornaments) try to start a new life, but still difficult to escape from the mud of the family, Wang BaiChuan (Luyi Zhang ornaments) everywhere rely on every pressing; Qu XiaoXiao (Wang Ziwen ornaments) and Dr. Zhao ( Kai Wang) There is still a gap between the scores and the numbers. However, the seemingly stable family relations between Qu Jia and the artist seem to be in perilous situations. Qiu YingYing (Zi Yang) is unlucky and infatuated with Ying Qin (Hao Chen Wu) ; Guan JuEr (Bridgette Qiao ornaments) encounter rock youth Xie Tong (Deng Lun ornaments) fell in love, but was fierce parents opposition & nbsp ;. Five girls in the bump each other with care before, eventually, An Di and Bao YiFan come together to face and resolve the An Di life experience and package problems; Fan ShengMei gradually face up to me, family problems can be resolved and decided with Wang BaiChuan Shared the wind and rain; Qu XiaoXiao and Dr. Zhao learn to live in harmony and successfully save the brink of collapse of family relations; Qiu YingYing impressed by the truth Ying Qin, the two entered the marriage hall; Guan JuEr determined to uphold themselves and brave pursuit of love. Five girls work together to face life sharpen, further growth & nbsp ;.

To taste is Qing Huan (TV)[2017]

Feature: 70 Uncle Ding RenJian (Tong Dawei ornaments) In order to meet his wife Lin Yue (Lin Peng ornaments) living alone, the desire to leave their parents, led colleagues and the boss asking for a raise, the result was dismissed, had to after 90 Di ZhiWei (Wang Yibo Decorated) work. After things were known by Lin Yue, he was fueled by "Xiao Zang Gang" (Gangrirao Zhu), Lin Yue divorced Ding RenJian and chose Tang XiaoGang. Ding RenJian fall into the trough of life. Di ZhiWei's company was crushed by Tang XiaoGang, coupled with his father's death, but also sluggish. Ding RenJian again unemployed, admitted to the home of 80 senior white-collar An QingHuan (Joe Chan ornaments) home, but also with An QingHuan to help Di ZhiWei out of the shadows, Ding RenJian and An QingHuan gradually has the signs of love, the two wishfully Together, Di ZhiWei also grow into a mature and responsible man. null

HUNTER (TV)[2016]

Feature: In 1948, the People's Liberation Army launched the campaign of the Liaoning-Shenyang Campaign, and some cities were first liberated. Chencheng is posters, stills and conference one of them. However, the Kuomintang lurking spies, fighters and fighters, rogue criminals and other haze Chencheng into a dilemma of war and chaos, chaos and depression filled the corner of this big city. Qin TianMing, a former underground party member, took over as director of the Chencheng Military Regulatory Commission in order to revitalize the masses under the new regime and meet the challenge. Qin TianMing led the reconnaissance work by Ji LianCai, head of the investigation department, Sun DaHu, the head of security department, and Ye LvQi, the investigation advisor for studying abroad. Ye LvQi has always been skeptical of the new regime. Although it is a private detective expert, he has always kept a distance from the KMT cadres at all levels in the spirit of a one-day monk's strike. However, under the influence of these new communists, he finally became a strong warrior under the influence of his role model. By exploiting his own reasoning skills, he went deep into layers and ultimately smashed with the help of his leadership and colleagues Lurking agents attempt to assassinate the Central leaders plot.

Ghost Blow the lamp is absolutely ancient city (TV)[2016]

Feature: Hu BaYi (Dong Jin ornaments) went to the Gangguo border Ganggang Gangzi, with the only remaining a book - "Sixteen words Yin and Yang Feng Shui," nothing to book Chinese The word back pass melon. After joining the army to Tibet, Avava collapse encountered a huge trench which, Hu BaYi use their own tomb mystery escaped undead. After the demobilization, Hu BaYi and her buddy Wang Fat (Da Zhao) joined an archeological team that went to archeology in Xinjiang. A pedestrian traveled to the fine ancient city ruins in the Taklamakan Desert after experiencing 10,000 dangers and entered the underground "ghost hole." The organs of the cave are numerous and the pitfalls are constant. This mysterious ghost hole seems to be under the control of a prophet.

Mr. Good (TV)[2016]

Feature: Lu Yuan (Honglei Sun), a Chinese man who worked hard in the United States to become chef at Michelin's Samsung restaurant, is a "devilish monarch" in most people's eyes, living a wanton, "Good sir", long-term and kind-hearted. America's nightmare car accident did not want his life, but let him live more and more strong. Returning to China this time, Lu Yuan had three purposes: to bring the ashes of his great buddy Peng, who died in a car accident, to bring him back to roots; and to send Peng JiaHe (Xiaotong Guan), a daughter of Uncle Pei at the age of eighteen, to her Mother hand; find a secluded place, hanging rope hanging rope. But I did not expect to see Jiang Jing (Xiao Che), the most ex-girlfriend I ever face, while Gan Jing's boyfriend turned out to be a boy who licked a popsicle with me when he was a kid. Jiang HaoKun (David Wang Decoration). The front of the car and the unreasonable confusion of the old love scissors have not yet been clearly understood. They have been entangled not only with Lay (entertainer), the brother of Jiang Hao Kun's sister, Jiang Lai (Jiang Shuying) And violent broke into his life, Mustang hit a strong horse, the two master trick, chase me by the like, the soul will eventually be a little closer to them, a mature age men and women love defense battle staged.

Ode to Joy (TV)[2016]

Feature: Fan ShengMei (Xin Jiang ornaments), Guan JuEr (Bridgette Qiao ornaments) and Qiu YingYing (Zi Yang ornaments) come together from Shanghai to work in Shanghai. The three girls share an apartment with An Di (Tamia Liu) Qu XiaoXiao (Wang Ziwen), a super-rich rich girl, lives on the 22nd floor of a medium-sized district called "Ode to Joy." The five women, each with a different personality, each carrying difficulties and disappointments from work, love and family because of the neighbors' relationship and mutual acquaintance. They conceived each other to gradually accept each other and open each other's hearts. In the process, they worked together to solve each other's problems All sorts of problems and confusion in life, and witness each other in Shanghai, the magic of growth and transformation & nbsp ;.

Secret route (TV)[2016]

Feature: "Secret route" tells the period of the Liberation War in 1947, Minjiang has a shipping line for the northern Fujian mountains. Captain Xie YiHang He is the CCP underground party, taking advantage of the opportunity to deliver private goods to wealthy merchants to deliver supplies to the guerrillas. One day, Xie YiHang suddenly received a secret order. The military commission investigated the guerrilla replenishment line from the Commissioner of Information and Communications of Xiamen. Xia Yonghai disguised as cloth Zhuang boss. Xie YiHang In order to protect this route deal with his brother. Xia suspicion is the Communist Party, repeatedly attempted to break the intelligence delivery plan bad, have been resolved by Xie Ji. Third Brother Xie JinHu joined the dragon to become a bandit, also involved in this fierce battle. In the face of the military's tracing, there is the threat of bandit gangsters and risking their lives to transport supplies. Summer helped Xie at a crucial time, and when he started trusting her brother he found he was the lurking agent "Burkina Faso" who was always looking for. In order to prevent the liberation of troops into Fuzhou, summer loaded with explosives attempted to crash the pier Nanping Ferry Pier. Xie stopped the summer, two people were killed in the ship explosion. Brotherhood and revolutionary faith intertwined, moving forward break through the heavy heading towards the light.

Nirvana in Fire (TV)[2015]

Feature: Mei ZhangSu (Hugh ornaments) Mei ZhangSu (Hugh ornaments) far in the arena, but the name emperor. Rivers and lakes rumors: "Jiang left the Mei Lang, unicorn only, have access to the world." As the world's largest gang "Jiang Zuomeng" leader, Mei ZhangSu "Mel Lang" reputation. However, Mei Zhang Su, who has the highest status in all corners of the country, is a frail young man. Despite the treacherous grudges and bloodshed brought to us a dozen years ago, even the hidden secrets behind his lifetimes are hidden. It turned out that twelve years ago, Nan Liang Chase years, the Northern Wei Xing soldiers south, Chiyan Marshal Marshal Lin Shu expedition, the rate of 70,000 officers and men to fight the enemy, unexpectedly, seventy thousand soldiers due to misconduct buried bone Meiling. Lin Shu picked up his life from the door of hell, after the loss of pro-pro-loss, cut the pain of easy-dressing, incarnate the world's largest gang Jiang Zonghui leader. Twelve years later, Mei ZhangSu relied on the opportunity of recuperation to return to the imperial capital with a whitish coat of arms and set foot on the path of vengeance, sorrow and contempt. In the face of the engagement of Ni HuangJunZhu (Tamia Liu ornaments), the old friend Jing Wang Xiao Jingyan (Kai Wang ornaments) and all the familiar in the past, he can only quietly endure everything, in the seemingly casual, with the weak body Hands off the wave of blood stunned, assisting Ming Wang Jing Wang ascend the throne, for the seventy flames loyal soul wash snow stigma. However, due to the dynastic rule of Emperor Liangdi in his later years, the territory in the south was full of chaos. The Eastern Wei Dynasty, which stood on its own in the Northern Wei Dynasty, took the opportunity to start its army southward. In order to resolve the national crisis, Mei ZhangSu decided to arm her armor in defiance of its physical weakness. In only three months, the military led the arm and beam to calm down the northern border and set the beam at peace and stability. Mei ZhangSu at this time, also suffered a last-ditch effort, finished his life on the battlefield.

pretender (TV)[2015]

Feature: Ming Tai (Hugh ornaments) During the Anti-Japanese War Wang puppet regime was established, rich young master Ming Tai went to study in Hong Kong on the way, was the senior military official Wang TianFeng fancy and kidnapped to the military training class, after training hard to become an outstanding Military agents. After Ming Tai and life partner Yu ManLi went to Shanghai, launched a series of secret activities. In the "Crush Program," Ming Tai and Cheng JinYun, a member of the Chinese Communist Party, joined hands to successfully blast the special train of the puppet government transporting Japanese senior officials. Both of them had feelings during the fighting. Later, Ming Tai assassinated Wang Pseudo-officials, assassinated Japanese spies, repeatedly made outstanding achievements. However, in a series of actions, Ming Tai was gradually discouraged by the Kuomintang's move to issue "national treasuries" and Cheng JinYun developed him as a latent worker of the underground party of the Chinese Communist Party. In order to gain the final victory ahead of the front battlefield, Ming Tai, in unison with Ming Brother, an elder brother of complicated identities, started the "Kung-bells ringing" campaign and successfully confused the Japanese with fake intelligence and won a turn for the ultimate victory of the war.

Wenzhou two families (TV)[2015]

Feature: After China's accession to the WTO, Hou SanShou of Wenzhou Garment Factory and Huang RuiCheng of Shoe Manufacturing Co., Ltd. are facing the dilemma of the enterprises that must be transformed and upgraded to be bigger and stronger. Huang RuiCheng has always admired Hou SanShou, a flexible-minded man who has repeatedly proposed cooperation. However, Hou SanShou did not look down upon him. The two fiercely contested the invitation of the former president to purchase hotels and develop the Xichuan River Industrial Park. Hou SanShou is growing fast, blindly developing and expanding blindly. As a result, in the severe impact of the financial crisis, the capital chain broke down and was severely hit by bankruptcy. While Huang RuiCheng seized the opportunity of development, expanded its business and expanded its market share, Keep vigilant at all times, seek steady and truth-seeking, smooth response to hedging when the financial crisis comes. Hou SanShou, who is in an adversity, has still not forgotten to turn over its debts and after twists and turns. Finally, with the help of Huang RuiCheng, the failed enterprises were brought back to life and began to repay debts and reshape the spirit of "integrity". Their descendants, Huang XiaoWei and Hou XiaoFan, have also all grown into a new generation of entrepreneurs in Wenzhou and have become the new forces for rejuvenating Wenzhou's enterprises.


Feature: "Good guy" is a name for himself by a group of revolutionary men who borrowed their name from unknown fighters because they also dubbed the enemy a "bad guy." Stills In 1940, after the Southern Anhwei Incident, these determined and determined good guys were ordered to cover an important comrade in Shanghai, but they did not know which important comrade was one of them. From the northwest to the greater Shanghai, along the way encounter bandits, Kuomintang, traitors, Japanese, and so bad guys of all kinds of attacks. And good guys this time not only escort their comrades with life, wisdom, dreams and remorse, but they are also protecting and saving the country's hope - the anti-Japanese united front. On the way to escort, the bad guys intercepted from the desert in the northwest to the bustling Shanghai. They intercepted in the Tia Wai Mountain, intercepted in the Yellow Sands, intercepted in the Guotong District, intercepted in the Zhan Zhan area, and intercepted in the boat gang and intercepted in the Tianmu Mountain. Some of the good guys have been sacrificed. They use their wisdom to eliminate all kinds of difficulties and complete the tasks entrusted to them by the party organizations. At the same time, good guys used their own actions to educate their diehards and made the utmost of their national cause, and they all unanimously opposed the Japanese aggressors.

Battle of Changsha (TV)[2014]

Feature: In 1938 October, the Japanese army captured Wuhan all the way south, Changsha at stake. The face of sudden war, the city panic, many people bring their families to take the South to flee the West ran. Xue JunShan, the son of the grandchildren of the tea garden in the city, cooperated with his family to make every effort to arrange a retreat for Xiang family and Xiaoman, the most favored family of Hu family. Xue JunShan Xiangyang first introduced to the returned foreign troops to guard Changsha military personnel Gu Qingming, but regrettably vigorous Xiang Hunan and arrogant Gu Qingming a meeting with the flood of water, Xue JunShan had to choose another family. In the family's efforts, finally to the city of Changsha before the fire burned Xiangxiang set to be considered a piece of heart disease. At this time, Chiang Kai-shek secretly burning Changsha City, due to improper command, Changsha fire burned three days and nights, causing a huge disaster, the thriving Millennium City was destroyed, millions of people in their sleep, the fire, including Xiang Xiang's fiance one. On such a scorched earth, heroes and children came all over the place. They wanted to use flesh and blood to defend this ancient city and work hard with Hunan people to stop the enemies. The Hu family also played a scene in this disaster Behind the scenes joys and sorrows story.

FuChen (TV)[2012]

Feature: A large list of 700 million opened the curtain of state-owned enterprise reform and capital operation. Wang GuiLin, Director of State-owned Factory and Director Wang Zhenli, Inspired by Technological Innovation, and Director of Factory Dep. Wang GuiLin Seek Different Opinions on Deconstruction of the TV Series, Wang GuiLin Seeks Funds for Factory Development and Employee Benefits with 700 Million Funds Balance, Yu ZhiDe would like to market through light means to re-plan the development prospects. Under the pressure of the global financial crisis, Global 500 Strong and SC two companies that are in urgent need of China's order growth are urgently required to offer various exchange chips to Wang GuiLin and Yu ZhiDe for fighting this single contract. Qiao Li, a new salesman from Seth China, was pushed to the forefront. In this life-and-death fight, she was challenged by Wang GuiLin repeatedly by her superiors Lu Fan and He ChengFeng as checkers, facing a career bottom line Conscience and love test. Lu Fan, who is a professional, and Wang GuiLin, big-minded and ambitious, have finally decided on her career and love choice. Yu Dezhi embarked on a personal return because of personal desires, imprisoned, Wang GuiLin shoulder the responsibility of reform. Everyone's destiny is with this 700 million single-heavy sink.

OutofBlackandWhite (Movie)[2009]

Feature: Married woman Hung Huan was killed, the police investigation, the husband Ding Zhitao and the statement of small and medium-sized home does not match. Police through the call records of the deceased, find a word. Then the deceased cell phone users are found now, but the cell phone is someone else to pay back the collateral. The case is complicated and confusing. In that case, with the cooperation of the boss, the police found the person who contacted the deceased often before the incident. This person was a reporter who was unannounced inside the hospital for shady evidence. After that, the evidence was found by a small nanny, but the police were hijacked. The original Ding Zhoutao crime leaks, hired wife to kill. After the tireless efforts of the police, criminals were finally brought to justice.

Floating (TV)[1989]

Feature: Gu Tiancheng has a lot of emotional experience, with different women have a son, with Lin FuQuan went to Vietnam to find Vietnamese lover, resulting in Fukuda was killed when a United States soldier was saved. Gu TianCheng and Li Ah sent to catch the high seas by Indonesia arrested and jailed, returned three years later, Gu TianCheng looking for Jiang ZhenXing loan is not agreed. Fortunately, however, the United States soldiers rescued by Vietnam reunited. The United States soldier was rich and helped him to make a comeback. He gradually made a fortune and became a rich man. His favorite son, Gu YongQiang, loves Chou Mei-fang, a close friend of another friend, fisherman Zhou GuoDong. Yongqiang time with Mei Fang had a relationship, although Yongqiang seems to be a playboy, the United States Fang is still very serious love. After graduating from Guodong University, Jiang HuiYun, a wealthy girl who is playing a banker at tennis, entrusted Yong Xiong's sister Gu XiuZhen to show her friend Huiyun. Gu XiuZhen had buried the love of Guodong in my heart. Huiyun from Xiuzhen learned Guodong like her, but also that Guodong is a talented, honest loyal and handsome ideal boyfriend, so Guodong agreed courtship, the two began their contacts. Huiyun parents divorced, my mother went to American life. Hui Yun's mother hates Huiyun's father, except for his previous efforts to marry Hui Yun's mother and occupy the property, but also abnormal, is a ghost. However, both of them love their daughter Huiyun, both of whom are very satisfied with their future son-in-law Guodong. However Guodong's dad seems to like Xiuzhen not like Missy Huiyun. Guodong is very pleased to introduce Yongqiang back in the United States studying abroad to his girlfriend, I hope they also become good friends. However, as the rich tycoon of the first meeting of the Hui on the rich man self-righteous, ambitious ambitious Yongqiang disdain, or even disgusted with sunglasses, then believe that their own choice Huiyun Guodong is correct, perhaps Huiyun Arrogant at first sight fancy but isolated seduction. Hui Yun Guodong and Guodong before going to the United States to visit her mother, Guodong entrusted in the United States Yongqiang care Huiyun. Hui Yun and Yongqiang riding together, the two usually joke with each other to Guodong video, Guodong feel good friends and girlfriend get along very happily. Once, Huiyun and Yongqiang take a private plane to play, Huiyun filming the beauty of the window, the plane flash, Huiyun Huang Yong in the body was clinging to the two found only to be attracted to each other, suddenly awkward separation. Hui Yun and Yongqiang at this time only to find that they are suitable together, they are more in love. Mei-fang pregnant Yongqiang children, to the United States to visit Yongqiang, Yongqiang United States Fang is still very emotional, and immediately with Mei Fang very affectionate. Huiyun, Yongqiang and Mei Fang eat together, Huiyun and Yongqiang is not a couple more like a couple, it is a tacit understanding of the boxing, the United States on the side of a very embarrassed. Hui Yun Wing temper tantrum has been completely ignored beauty is her boyfriend's sister. Yongqiang to coax beauty, while the pursuit of Huiyun. Hui Yun's mother to Hui Yun think clearly selected Guodong is a good husband, Yongqiang election will play, will be very happy. Two people her mother feel good, a bit biased Yongqiang. Yong-fang Yongqiang hostel to find him, the result also encountered Huiyun, the United States to stimulate the beauty of suicide in the hotel.Exasperated Hui Yun without leaving the car left the United States, not with the beautiful Fangqiang clearly Yong and follow the tail of the car to stop Huiyun married, Huiyun looked out the window to catch up Yongqiang afraid of their own determination, anxiously called the driver to speed up . Mei Fang was Yongqiang abandoned very sad. After returning to Singapore, Huiyun volunteered to marry Guodong. Yongqiang heard a show that Huiyun Xiu Yun and Guodong to get married, not willing to lose beauty, Huiyun and ignore him, Yongqiang to prevent Huiyun get married back home. Huiyun wherever encountered Yongqiang, decided to travel abroad to get married. The wedding was the day of wine, was announced the bride and groom travel to marry Yongqiang distraught distraction to Jiang ZhenXing wedding bride and groom to send the wedding picture, Hui Yun's father think he is very strange, do not like this person. Yongqiang metamorphosis to eat the bride's picture of the cake is very out of whack Huiyun name. Yongqiang kept in front of Huiyun, made a poor illusion, Huiyun afraid of his hard to resist his attractive and obsessed, unhappy life. Yongqiang made a variety of poor people to use the United States Fang Fang Fang Mei beautiful together, but at the same time do not give up to catch Hui Yun. Guodong recommended Yong to Jiang ZhenXing company to work, but Jiang ZhenXing do not want, but later Bar met Yongqiang, thought to get beautiful and therefore volunteered Yongqiang to work. Yongqiang speculation in gold, the stock market, the Hang Seng index, made a lot of money, but also to take a false account of his father fish line Jiang ZhenXing company to apply for a loan to stocks. Later, want to get the company secret to stocks, to steal Jiang ZhenXing computer data, guess the number of Huiyun's necklace or Huiyun's birthday is the password, so successfully made what he wanted, but eventually was Huiyun's father caught Live, Huiyun father to do business with him, to give him drunk beauty sent to him. Yongqiang prison jail photo do, the result of harm Mei Fang disappointed head, run away from home, to be a dancer, waiting for opportunities to find Jiang ZhenXing. Hui Yun Guodong with his adoptive father had a conflict, Yongqiang seized the opportunity to seduce Huiyun derailed, there are times Mei Fang called Yongqiang, Xiuzhen received a phone call, Xiuzhen immediately told Guodong, Guodong immediately go home , Really see Yongqiang and Huiyun together. Yongqiang friends absolutely no shame, just think of myself. Hui Yun and Guodong sign separation procedures. Huiyun insisted to be with Yongqiang along, Jiang YongXing therefore advised Yongqiang to do a false account, Yongqiang do not want to go to jail, reduced to Taiwan was blackmail assault, called Huiyun to help him, Huiyun angrily was the use of his phone fell . Hui Yun's father still likes Guodong, do not like Yongqiang, think Yongqiang very motivated, but Guo Dong heart death, do not agree to go back to work, but also will not be combined with Huiyun. Yongqiang's father was sentenced for Yongqiang's falsified accounts. The assets were sealed by the finance company and could not be remitted to Yongqiang. Yongqiang was attacked by the Taiwanese police station because he was beaten by the underworld. On the way to Singapore, where the extradition was returned, Newspapers reported that his father and himself were suspected of fraud. They consciously killed his father and his family and wanted to commit suicide in the toilet. At the Singapore hospital, he was immediately sentenced to remorse by Yongsheng and Guodong. Huiyun very regrettable, but Guo Dong do not want to go back, Huiyun went to the United States. Guodong waiting for him into a botanical Xiuzhen, Xiuzhen Xiuzhen for a few times read the diary, Xiuzhen know the heart.Took a recording of foreign workers interviewed every day to listen to Xiuzhen, finally Xiuzhen a response. Mei Fong in the nightclub finally met Hui Yun's father, renamed rose pretending to do not know Jiang ZhenXing, Jiang ZhenXing buy bell with the United States, Jiang ZhenXing in the car did not give up to the United States Fang to be his mistress, to maintain her, Meifang go with him, twist the steering wheel The car crashed into the roadside sinking to the sea, all the grudges on the end, should be ups and downs of the film title. Comments: It is also a rich man to the poor lead the poor murder of the rich tragedy. In fact, the real villain is not Yongqiang, but Huiyun's father. He forced Yongqiang to use criminal means to avenge him. Huiyun and Yongqiang's love is not wrong, but in the opposite family love will not be a good result. In order to prevent Hui Yun and Yongqiang together, told the police Yongqiang false accounts. So Yongqiang and his father were accused of fraud by the police, the assets were seized, at the same time as the stock market crash, Yongqiang was too late to sell their stocks by Jiang ZhenXing shares, a big loss of money. With Huiyun father accumulation of heart to get beauty Fang and design Yongqiang, there Yongqiang betrayed the beauty and the use of Huiyun retaliation crime, and ultimately Huiyun father also beauty retaliation. In fact, Huiyun Guodong select some far-fetched, but also felt that Guodong was good, but the family background is far apart, in fact, Hui Yun's father should like forever, Yeonjung's family is not bad, this will be successful The outcome. Ever since Huiyun chose Yongqiang, no tragedy happened. Mei Fong can find a better man, Guodong can also be with Xiuzhen together.

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