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Chun Li TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Chun Li Works 17 ,And Costume Drama 5 ,Feature 5 ,Romance 5 ,Suspense 2 ,Urban drama 2 ,Military 1 ,空战1 ,现实题材1 ,都市爱情励志喜剧1 ,Martial Arts 1 ,Contemporary film 1 ,Love 1 ,Sci-Fi 1 ,权谋1 ,Motivational film 1 ,Idol drama 1 ,Struggling Play 1 ,Action 1 ,Crime 1 ,Fantasy 1 ,Historical play 1 。

Works Index

Chun Li Filmography(17)


新世界 (TV)[2020]


《新世界》是由徐兵编剧及执导, Honglei Sun 、 Zhang Luyi 、 Fang Yin 、 Qian Wan 、 Chun Li 、 Jing Hu 、 Chin Han 、 Zhao Zheng 主演的现实题材电视剧。

该剧借由 Jin Hai 、 Tie Lin 、 Xu Tian 三兄弟的命运转变,及 Xu Tian 和共产党员 Tian Dan 的相识相知,讲述了1949年建国前夕北平城的22天里发生的时代洪流变迁 。


庆余年 (TV)[2019]


某大学文学史专业的学生张庆熟读古典名著,但他用现代观念剖析古代文学史的论文命题不被 Ye JiaoShou 所认可。为了让 Ye JiaoShou 成为自己的研究生导师,张庆决定通过写小说的方式,进一步阐述自己想要表达的观点。 在他的小说中,身世神秘的少年—— Fan Xian ,自小跟随奶奶生活在海边小城澹州,随着一位老师的突然造访,他看似平静的生活开始直面重重的危机与考验。在神秘老师和一位蒙眼守护者的指点下, Fan Xian 熟识药性药理,修炼霸道真气并精进武艺,而后接连化解了诸多危局。因对身世之谜的好奇, Fan Xian 离开澹州,前赴京都。 在京都, Fan Xian 饱尝人间冷暖并坚守对正义、良善的坚持,书写了一段光彩的人生传奇。

空降利刃 (TV)[2019]


在改革强军大背景下,以 Zhang Qi 、 Qi XiaoTian 等空降特种兵为代表,讲述了剧照在战斗力生成模式改革探索中,为培育空军官兵全球化视野、信息化能力和实战化水平,进一步激发研究强敌、战胜强敌的血性忧患,将组建一支全新的、全要素、体系化专职蓝军“锅盖头”。经过一段时间的适应和磨合,“锅盖头”开始了征战南北、挑战四方的魔鬼生涯。历经一系列的战斗演习、行动,“锅盖头”部队的战士再次被分配到各部队,他们成为王牌部队的骨干教员,星星之火已成燎原之势,在坎坷中前行,在磨练中成熟的战士们开始了新的任务 。


Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace (TV)[2018]

Feature: "Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace" tells the story of Qianlong (Wallace Huo) ascended the throne in 1735 AD. Since then, the two in the court interpretation of a period of love and acquaintance to lost lost marriage process. New Emperor ascended the throne, such as Yi and Qianlong childhood sweetheart became Xian Fei, which was crowded by the crowd, and Empress Dowager (Vivian Wu ornaments) and the Yi family have feuds, such as Yi crisis. At this time, Qianlong also faced the same problem of Empress Dowager in power and the veteran's domination of the government. In the process of power change, Qianlong and Lu Yi supported each other and jointly tide over the storm until the two cleared out the obstacles. After many years of hard work, Emperor Qianlong also made her wish to push her to Queen's position, sharing the world with him. However, as the queen did Yi found that Qianlong had grown from a young man to a mature emperors, his misgivings and fickleness and self-esteem constantly revealed, the emotional trust between the two gradually shattered. However, such as Yi still stick to good memories, abide by the Queen's duties, until death .

Once Upon a Time (Movie)[2017]

Feature: Heavenly God Ares Mo Yuan suppression of the ghost Jun Qing Cang in the sea without any soul, soul scattered, frozen celestial body Qiyan Cave. Qing Qiu Ji Di white light with the same day the crown prince Ye Hua had a marriage contract, the two have never met each other. Until the feast in the East China Sea, Ye Hua found that even with pale and pale, the same appearance as the deceased wife, the potential into the pale green hills, put down Prince figure, in order to solve the mystery of pale and prime. Ye Jin, Princess Fei, is jealous and secretly assists the ghost queen Xuan Nv in taking away Mo Yuan Xian. White shallow fury bloody ghost clan big purple palace, seriously wounded, and finally was saved by Ye Hua. White Hua followed Ye Hua to Jiuliantian, and restored the memory through the clan lantern of the heavenly clan, recalling that she was hurt when she was the prime of life and could not forgive Ye Hua. Su Jin was fraudulently punished and sent to sea without any hate, hate from jealousy, finally crazy, use the little devout blood of Ye Hua to release Qing Cang, a monster sealed by Mo Yuan. In order to safeguard the whole world from time to time, Ye Hua will sacrifice Emperor Dongsheng to the Qing Cang Seal.

Guilty of Mind (Movie)[2017]

Feature: Why does a cup of blood milk cause fatal temptations to people? What kind of distorted psychology will be crazy, even after another, serial kill? Unusual killer, beyond common sense crime, requires a different kind of detective. Young and prosperous criminal psychology top students Fang Mu shot help, but was involved; extraordinary beast Penalty captain jealous, but it is difficult to get out of his heart. The two together, but into a wonderful partner. A skill contest, mental competition, followed by.

The Tibet Code (TV)[2016]

Feature: Zhuo MuQiangBa (Peter Ho), a Tibetan Mastiff expert in Pennsylvania, USA, suddenly received an envelope from a stranger carrying two pictures of the ancient animal that came to light, prompting Zhuo MuQiangBa and his supervisor, Professor Fang Xin, a world dog specialist, went to Tibet and found that the animals on the photograph were related to the temple of Barabara. Shortly afterwards, a mysterious expeditionary team composed of various special forces, archeologists, biologists and secret meeting masters began a journey of adventure through the world's life and death ban. They wanted to trace the mystery of the Millennium of Tibetan Buddhism The truth of history.

my dream man (TV)[2016]

Feature: "My Goddess" tells the story of Wang Wei shore - handsome, romantic, but unruly character, like a wild horse, unconstrained. However, this wild horse happens to meet a maiden. Yang HaiYi Wang Wang shore twins brother - Wang Rui, love at first sight, as the god of men, at all active pursuit. Unexpectedly, overcast mistakes, Wang Wei shore was mistaken for Yang HaiYi Wang Rui, all kinds of ridiculous, one after another. Meanwhile, Wang Rui's fiancee, He LianNa, was also rolled in. Beautiful and noble He LianNa and reeling level of Yang HaiYi, from the beginning of each other disobedient Wang Weijian, and finally to Wang Wei shore as the god of the gods, display their own housekeeping skills, for love, staged ironic joys and sorrows . Zhang WenHe - He LianNa's ex-boyfriend, Wang Rui rival, inserted into their disputes. Zhang WenHe fell in love with Yang HaiYi, in order to get Yang HaiYi, at Wang Wei shore, Wang Rui enemy. Finally, through twists and turns, hardships, Yang HaiYi and Wang Wei shore, knot knot.

Bad guys 2 (TV)[2016]

Feature: Li XingYun struggled to find Ji RuXue, while continuing to trace the whereabouts of the Longquan treasure. Rivers and lakes factions seize the ghost of possession of the treasure, respectively, to send personal implicated trace calculations Li XingYun, Zhang ZiFan, Lu LinXuan et al. Lu LinXuan Accidental poisoning caused amnesia, Zhang ZiFan heartache, decided to Lu LinXuan married. On the day of his marriage, Zhang ZiFan suffered another plot, and Lu LinXuan was poisoned again and was taken to a magic square treatment. Lu LinXuan was nurtured by Nv Di to revise his memory and become a killer. Injured Zhang ZiFan was wounded by Uncle Jiu Shu and stunned again. At the moment, Ji RuXue that mysterious life experience, Li XingYun away from the Longquan treasure nears, just as the heroes build Longquan treasure, another shocking secret to deter people & nbsp ;.

TheJourneyofFlower (TV)[2015]

Feature: Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, the constant war between nations, the disintegration of the regime and the weakening of the state power of Shu and the frequent encroachment by all countries in the Western Regions, the people are in dire straits and people are in dire straits. Hua QianGu, an ordinary orphan after Shu, happened to be the only disciple of Bai ZiHua, the youngest head of the first martial arts school in China. The teachers and students both have similar ages and are both teachers and friends, and Hua QianGu, like Master, has taken justice as its own duty. Since the long worship Bai ZiHua as a teacher, Hua QianGu followed Master to the Shu state travel, help widowed, hoe strong and weak, repeated breaking odd cases. How the material has been Baizhu Bai ZiHua appearance blue purple smoked toxic poisoning, Bai ZiHua save Hua QianGu, his body highly toxic. Hua QianGu know, in order to save the Master did not hesitate to steal the anteversion handed down anti-drug weapons. Unexpectedly, Weaponry was born and led to various factions in the martial arts struggle, but also led to various countries in the Western Regions to launch a war on Shu. In order to prevent it from happening and not to want Master Qing Yu to be destroyed, Hua QianGu sacrificed his life to destroy the weapons and stop the war, so as to make peace for Shu Shu. Plot source

Moon hugging the stars (TV)[2015]

Feature: The moon embracing the stars tells the story of a man who is upright and rebellious. When her family met with an accident in high school, her father died unexpectedly and her mother was seriously ill and could not walk, she co-authored the book and took care of her mother and rebellious siblings Heavy responsibility. Xia MingYue chose to keep her secret and continue to take care of her family when she learned that she was not a native of Xia Family, but a daughter of Liu's family who was fostered when young. Ming Yue dropped out on the eve of college entrance examination, support for food stalls make money to support their families. His classmate, Xu Chong, was attracted by this optimistic, strong and gallant girl who had been silently helping her. When they were together, they were forced to part with two parents' grievances. Moon sister's rebellious stars, provoke a lot of trouble for their own singer dream. Tomorrow, my brother was timid, as a result of an accidental left leg disability, so that the moon broke the heart. Years later, the moon has become better and better for its continuing hard work, providing a wealthy life for siblings and helping them find their own happiness. Just as everything was on track, girlfriend Ding Yun jealous of the feelings of Xu Chong and the moon set the trap, moon exposure almost in jail. In the end, the moon broke through the storm with the support of his family and Xu Chong, a family reunion.

ComingHome (Movie)[2014]

Feature: In the early 1970s, Lu Yan Shi (Daoming Chen), a reformattor who had never been isolated from his family's voice for many years, escaped on his way home on a farm relocation. This put tremendous pressure on Candy Chang, daughter of ballet dreams, to stop her mother, Feng WanYu, from meeting her father. So the couple is close at hand but separated by the horizon. After the Cultural Revolution, Lu Yan Shi finally returned home, but he found that her daughter had long since abandoned her ballet dream as a factory worker, and her beloved wife did not know herself because of illness. Deep feelings, changes in life, forcing Lu YanShi made the most absurd but most reasonable for him life choice ... ... The film is the director Zhang Yimou joined the music video after the first works, was screenwriter Zou Jingzhi as Painstaking work.

Tiny Times (TV)[2014]

Feature: The drama "The Little Era" was adapted from the novel of the same name by Guo Jingming. The story is based on Shanghai's famed and stylish city with the rapid economic development. It tells the story of four young children, Lin Xiao, Nan Xiang, Gu Li and Tang Wanru , Girls with different values ​​and outlook on life, the great changes in friendship, love and even affection they have gone through, are a vivid portrayal of the current youth life. The story begins. Like the high school, they continue their profound friendship. Later, after being in contact with each other's real life, traces of transformation and growth have taken place in some places. Her boyfriend also had various complex relationships and stories with others, leading to many misunderstandings and jealousies and continuing to live without understanding, quarrels and good life. But everything is changing, changes in the surrounding environment are also changing their values ​​of life. This is a dream shining era, which is also an ideal cooling era; this is the worst time, this is the best time, this is our childhood.

Metropolis small love (TV)[2014]

Feature: "Metropolis Little Love" recounts Su Jin is a post 80s "North drift" girl, she has a white-collar work dwelling in dozens of flat rental house, there is a fall in love for many years has not been married to Beijing boyfriend Zhang Zhenghe. Masamune many Qingqing many finicky, always look at this foreign girl is not pleasing to the eye, but stubborn son, however, can only agree with the two stills wedding. And positive childhood sweetheart girl Nana suddenly broke into Zhenghe and Qingcheng calm life, provoked a lot of turmoil. Qingcheng and Zhenghe marriage lit up the red light, and girlfriends Sisi and her boyfriend Feng Chao love also appeared crisis. At this point my sister Qing Ning came to Beijing, planning to drift north with my sister. Qingcheng sister introduced to his company to work, but the boss Lu Ruifeng fancy. In the end, Masahiro impressed Qingcheng with sincerity, and the two went well. Several young people struggling in the metropolis experienced the baptism of emotion and life, harvest their own happiness.

Avalokitesvara (Movie)[2013]

Feature: Tang, Mei Cen Shan secret porcelain entertainer Yu XiuFeng for frail Guanggu Li Yi burning a Buddism godness Guanyin treasure enshrined in Mount Wutai. When the statue was made, he picked up a baby girl, so he took it home and named it Lian Mei. People say that the coming of the baby girl and a Buddism godness Guanyin treasure is an act of God and a manifestation of the Goddess of Mercy. Twenty years later, Lian Mei grows into a very touching young girl who is kindhearted and compassionate, because her adoptive father told her that all passers-by may be her biological parents. People also say that Lian Mei's kind character is as full of compassion as Guanyin Bodhisattva. Tang Wuzong awarded the decree to destroy Buddhism, Mount Wutai abbot commissioned Lian Mei a Buddism godness Guanyin seat back to Meisen mountain dust. At this time Japan's domestic war, Ju HuangHou anxious, so that Tang Hui Hui monk went to Tang to apply for the statue of Guanyin Dongdu Japan worship. Hui E came to Wutaishan learned that treasure has been down, they will follow the way away. Tang Wusong ordered Yu Chi generals to kill Guangwang, Lian Mei compassionate rescue, disguise Wang Guang, Li Yi escape danger, Yu XiuFeng was killed. Hui E hugs Guanyin treasure, Lian Mei, Hai Sheng. Lian Mei and Hai Sheng came to Ming Zhou to protect the mysterious porcelain of Guanyin. They were hunted down by Song adults, who were purged to defeat Buddhism. Yu Chi design beheaded Lian Mei, evoked the king of light in the asylum. When critical, coincides with the sudden death of Tang Wukong, Li Yi ascended the throne. Lian Mei finally able to send mysterious porcelain portrait of Guanyin sent back to Mount Wutai. Hui E once again into the Tang, with the help of Lian Mei, the rain once again ask the secret porcelain Guanyin seat, and finally do so. Hui E boarded the ship sailing back to Japan, passing through the Mount Cenzen, the sea suddenly stormy, secret porcelain Guanyin like falling into the sea. Lian Mei plunges into the sea and picks up the treasure, but he disappears into the storm. Hui E Great compassion, but see the blossoming lotus came down, the sea surrounded by boats, paved a sea of ​​lotus. Hui E saw the summit of Mescen, standing in the white lotus goddess of mercy, that is Lian Mei. Hui E came to realize that Guanyin instructed him that he should not only be a dense porcelain of the Guanyin treasure when brought back to Japan but should be the great compassionate spirit of the Goddess of Mercy. Only this Japan can be peaceful. So he resolutely decided to sacrifice this mysterious porcelain seat of Guanyin Mount Meuse. Since then, Mount Putuo mountains, and gradually become the world-famous temple of a Buddism godness Guanyin.

AiYiMiao (Movie)[2012]

Feature: "Love for a second" is a youth idol-based campus idol film, mainly about the love of a cast aside by the world, "Cherish" is Jiang Yu Fei want to express the emotion through the film. The love of young people nowadays often can not be sustained, and sometimes two people do not know how to cherish it. As time goes, the wind like to be able to leave like a wind. Maybe it will not be optimistic, but give up, may regret it. So please cherish the "every second" together.

MeiHaoShiGuang (Movie)[2011]

Feature: Cloisonne dance center an interview with all of them, so Shen Tianxi met with teachers out of the same door and later became their class guide director Zhu graduated drama. Shen Tianxi lamenting his bad fortune, the embarrassment of the interview so that she always keep making excuses to avoid Zhu Chen, I did not expect Zhuchen why not interested, always take the initiative to stick up, Shen Tian Xi Zhu Chen deliberately happy to find her, the two seem to Back to meet all pinch frame, but all this seems Renfei, but it has another meaning. Zhu Chen is the object of love for many girls, even the proud proud of any Philippine can not conceal his affection, so jealous she gave birth to revenge. Ren Fei was strongly jealous about the use of teacher's preference, won the position of leading dancers, the same is the use of teacher's prejudices, arranged for Shen Tianxi an optional role. There is unfair competition for Shen Tianxi announced his withdrawal from graduation drama, Shen Tianxi no choice into a bar, she just want to drink to vent a sense of sultry, but she was the bar on the stage attracted three dancing girls in their dance, Shen Tianxi saw a force after the bar was empty, could not help but jump up for a while, all this is preparing to leave Wu Nianchen crashed into, Wu Nienchen brought her to the warehouse. Shen Tianxi saw a new world, which is the practice of three girls room, also has the dream of love and dance, Shen Tianxi followed them a jump up, she felt unprecedented ease and happiness, she felt that this warehouse is simply A dance paradise, Shen Tianxi dance bar from the beginning of life, but was Renfei accidentally hit. In retaliation for Shen Tianxi, informed of this situation wish Chen, Zhu Chen since then disappointed Shen Tianxiu. In order to have feelings with Zhu Chen, Shen Tianxi returned to school once again, as a substitute for Ren Fei, nor complain. Just before the last rehearsal, Ren Fei's family members changed their lives and rehearsed the rehearsals. Shen Tianxi replaced the position of the lead dancer. However, Shen Tianxi gave Renfei an unselfish friendship at this time and rewarded the love with Zhu Chen. When the official performance, Shen Tianxi unexpectedly went to the world, inviting Renfei together, this time the audience sounded a round of applause. . .

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