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Hong-liang Hou TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Hong-liang Hou Works 26 ,And Feature 6 ,Urban drama 4 ,Suspense 4 ,Ancient legend 3 ,Romance 3 ,Love 3 ,Modern opera 2 ,Action 2 ,Countryside 2 ,Motivational film 2 ,Family drama 2 ,War 1 ,当代都市医疗1 ,军旅题材1 ,推理1 ,Crime 1 ,Contemporary film 1 ,医疗1 ,Contemporary 1 ,Ancient 1 ,社会1 ,年代剧1 ,近代革命1 ,Costume Drama 1 。

Works Index

Hong-liang Hou Filmography(26)


我是 yu huanshui (TV)[2020]


Yu HuanShui 是公司里业绩最差的员工,退让隐忍、得过且过是他的生存法则,直到嫌他窝囊的妻子提出离婚, Yu HuanShui 仍未做出改变。某日借酒浇愁后, Yu HuanShui 身体不适查出癌症,万念俱灰的他破罐子破摔,性情大变,还在阴差阳错之下,成了见义勇为的英雄,到达人生巅峰。但阴差阳错的命运仍在继续,危机和挑战接踵而至,直到 Yu HuanShui 找到真正的尊严与幸福 。

清平乐 (TV)[2020]


北宋皇帝赵祯得知将自己养大的当朝太后 Liu E 并非亲生母亲,而自己的生母乃是太后当年的婢女李兰惠,深感愧疚。为了报答李家,赵祯将自己最心爱的女儿徽柔嫁给了李家的子孙 Li Wei 。朝堂之上,庆历新政大臣和老派权臣之间针锋相对,斗争风起云涌,赵祯治国如执秤,权衡各方势力,为国事殚精竭虑。徽柔与陪伴自己长大的内侍怀吉建立了深厚的感情,对志趣不和又木讷平庸的 Li Wei 万般排斥,终于与婆家起了冲突,不顾一切地夜扣宫门,打破帝国最严苛的规矩,引发滔天非议, Si MaGuang 甚至要在大殿之上“碎首进谏”。赵祯一生悉心呵护的“言路通畅”、“监督国君”的风气,使得他在爱女之情和维护治国理念之间挣扎得遍体鳞伤。最终,公主以半疯狂的抗争,始终未屈服于“成为 Li Wei 真正妻子”的命运,却与怀吉永生不得相见 。


知否知否应是绿肥红瘦 (TV)[2018]


电视剧《知否知否应是绿肥红瘦》剧情介绍:讲述了盛家六姑娘明兰( Zhao Liying 饰)从小聪颖貌美,却遭遇嫡母不慈,姐妹难缠,父亲不重视,生母被害去世的困境。她藏起聪慧,掩埋锋芒,忍辱负重逆境成长,在万般打压之下依然自立自强,终历尽艰难为母报仇。在这一过程中,明兰结识了宁远侯府二公子 Gu TingYe ( Feng Shaofeng 饰)。 Gu TingYe 帮过明兰,也刻薄过明兰,他见过明兰软糯表皮下的聪慧锐利,也见过她刚强性格中的脆弱孤单,对她早已倾心。朝廷风云变幻,在 Gu TingYe 的拥戴下,赵家旁支宗室子弟被立为太子, Gu TingYe 拿着勤王诏书,大破反贼,而后拥立新帝,成为新朝第一功臣,略施巧计娶了明兰为妻。明兰婚后管家业、整侯府、铲奸佞、除宵小,夫妻二人解除误会建立了深厚的感情,最终明兰与丈夫一同协助明君巩固政权,二人也收获了美满的人生 。

都挺好 (TV)[2018]


《都挺好》讲述了表面上无限风光的苏家,随着 Su Mu 的突然离世,瞬间分崩离析。意想不到的隐患层层显露,对毫无主见却又自私、小气的苏父的安置和后续生活问题,打破了远在国外的大哥与本城的二哥、小妹三家的平静生活。父亲 Su DaQiang 终于摆脱了妻子的铁腕,对几个孩子变本加厉,不断提出过分要求。在美国工作的老大 Su MingZhe 回到国内,一心要挑起家庭重担,却力不能及不堪重负,致使妻子孩子与其不断疏远。一直啃老的老二 Su MingCheng 毫无悔改之心,贪慕虚荣一心发财,从而导致事业和家庭的双重惨败。最不受父母待见,十八岁起就和家里断绝经济往来的老小 Su MingYu ,曾发誓与这个家庭划清界限,却因亲情牵绊,再次搅进了苏家的泥潭之中,在苏家的一次次危机中出手相助。最终,苏家人明白到,虽然有血脉相连,但是一家人彼此间的沟通也不能忽视,终于实现了亲情的回归 。

大江大河 (TV)[2018]


《大江大河》讲述了 Song YunHui ( Kai Wang 饰)天资聪颖,却出身不好,一直倍受歧视,但是他把握住了1978年恢复高考的机会,抓住机遇,勤学苦干,当上了国企的技术人员,一步步晋升,奠定了成功人生的基础,但也在新时代的变革中逐渐迷失。与 Song YunHui 不同的是他的姐夫 Lei DongBao ( Yang Shuo 饰)。他出身贫寒、属于苗正根红的“大老粗”,行动力十足。在乡村改革的浪潮中带领村民紧跟政策,一直走在时代的前沿。但由于自身文化水平不高,眼界不够开阔,最终绊倒在新事物脚下。如果说 Song YunHui 和 Lei DongBao 的经历是国营经济和集体经济的缩影。那么个体户 Yang Xun 无疑就是个体经济的典型代表,在翻滚向前的时代中,他手忙脚乱抓住过商机,也踩踏过陷阱,生意场上几经波折,最终拥有了自己的产业,成为了那个时代个体经济的典型代表 。

Wei officer is young (TV)[2018]

Feature: "Wei Wei is young," tells the recruit recruits, male Xu XiaoBin and female soldiers Xu Xiaobing because of the name of similar, always together in answer to the name "to", attracted the team roar, come and go, the two formed Liangzi, Xu Soldiers angrily put the name into Xu Bing. Later, both Xu Bing and Xu XiaoBin were admitted to the university, and the company posted a big red joke congratulating them both. Not enemies do not gather, many years after the two "rivals" really married, or Xu XiaoBin was Xu Bing bullying, but the fear of his wife's performance because of love. Captain Meng YongGan and Xu XiaoBin are sleeping on the bunk of the brothers, after a good brother married, often can not understand that he is always a pair of afraid of his wife. In order for Meng YongGan to lead such a loving life as soon as possible, Xu XiaoBin and Xu Bing started to match up with the ladylike Ni ShuangYing whom he transferred from the team. Faced with the pursuit of a good Ni ShuangYing family background, Meng YongGan did not mind, but Xu Bing's cousin Chang DongFang love at first sight, after various twists and turns, finally with Chang DongFang Qin come together & nbsp ;.

Nirvana in fire in langya bang (TV)[2017]


Daliang's reign was stable, but the border war was continuous, and chang Lin who guarded the northern part of daliang achieved military merits Liang Di (Jun Liu) with a weak heart and a young prince, Xun HuangHou (Ting Mei) and his brother Xun BaiShui (Yanjun Bi) afraid that the head of the palace of the king of the state of Lin gong gaoge, the pseudo-infiltration into the palace to the night qin people Pu YangYing (Jingfei Guo) using, frame long Lin wang Xiao TingSheng (Chun Sun) father and son, not only in a northern war cut off supplies, chang Lin shizi Xiao PingZhang (Xiaoming Huang) suffered serious injuries and even created a large-scale epidemic in Beijing. When tracing the process, ping zhang and his brother Xiao PingJing The poison (Haoran Liu) is poisoned. At this time, the north of the country is in danger. Ping jing was on the peaceful border of the country. After Liang Di died, ting sheng assisted the government, Xun BaiShui supported the planting Xiao YuanQi Hao Chen Wu (Hao Chen Wu) holds the military power to resist the imperial palace of changlin. Under their wiles, ping jing wins the accusation of resisting the imperial court for the common people.Yuan-kai secretly and has become the east sea Lord's uncle Mo ZiHou (Chen Taisheng) colludes with the traitors. After years of seclusion, Xiao YuanQi successfully foiled Xiao YuanQi's plot by starting his army in a desperate situation. After the completion of the daliang border rectification, ping jing left jinling and returned to private. .

Surgical Storm (TV)[2017]

Feature: The story originated in a medical incident that caused murder many years ago. A successful car accident victim died of an outbreak of drug allergy. Zhang ShuMei, the responsible nurse, was questioned on the mistake of using the wrong drug to cause the patient to die and was forced to leave his post. Zhang ShuMei, an 8-year-old son, was fined for detaining a 4-year-old sister home after he failed to believe the death of another patient caused by his mother's negligence. As a result, his sister was abducted by traffickers. Zhang ShuMei was accused of missing her daughter and "causing death due to medication errors" and gradually became suspicious and committed suicide. Her son's whereabouts in the outskirts of the city were still unknown & nbsp ;. Chinese-American surgeon Zhuang Shu (Dong Jin) came to Metro Renhe Hospital to trace the truth of the accident that happened to her mother Zhang ShuMei 30 years ago. The deceased daughter, Lu ChenXi (Bai Baihe) and chef Shaohua Ma, became the primary thoracic surgeon and was transferred to the emergency department because of repeated offenses to chief director Yang Fan (Yijun Liu). And Zhuang Shu repeatedly reinstated the superfluous Lu ChenXi back to the chest operating table. Day and night get along, Zhuang Shu's surgery to Lu ChenXi amazing, thoughtful consideration of the patient also let Lu ChenXi reflection, two gradual affection, eventually, Zhuang Shu recovered his sister, but also with the help of Lu Chenxi to restore the mother's accident The truth & nbsp ;.

Ode to Joy 2 (TV)[2017]

Feature: New Year has come, happy floor, every one of the new problems also ensued: An Di (Tamia Liu) Bao YiFan (Yang Shuo ornaments) ushered in the new possibilities of emotion, but also from the life experience and the internal package Fan ShengMei (Xin Jiang ornaments) try to start a new life, but still difficult to escape from the mud of the family, Wang BaiChuan (Luyi Zhang ornaments) everywhere rely on every pressing; Qu XiaoXiao (Wang Ziwen ornaments) and Dr. Zhao ( Kai Wang) There is still a gap between the scores and the numbers. However, the seemingly stable family relations between Qu Jia and the artist seem to be in perilous situations. Qiu YingYing (Zi Yang) is unlucky and infatuated with Ying Qin (Hao Chen Wu) ; Guan JuEr (Bridgette Qiao ornaments) encounter rock youth Xie Tong (Deng Lun ornaments) fell in love, but was fierce parents opposition & nbsp ;. Five girls in the bump each other with care before, eventually, An Di and Bao YiFan come together to face and resolve the An Di life experience and package problems; Fan ShengMei gradually face up to me, family problems can be resolved and decided with Wang BaiChuan Shared the wind and rain; Qu XiaoXiao and Dr. Zhao learn to live in harmony and successfully save the brink of collapse of family relations; Qiu YingYing impressed by the truth Ying Qin, the two entered the marriage hall; Guan JuEr determined to uphold themselves and brave pursuit of love. Five girls work together to face life sharpen, further growth & nbsp ;.

Ghost Blow the lamp is absolutely ancient city (TV)[2016]

Feature: Hu BaYi (Dong Jin ornaments) went to the Gangguo border Ganggang Gangzi, with the only remaining a book - "Sixteen words Yin and Yang Feng Shui," nothing to book Chinese The word back pass melon. After joining the army to Tibet, Avava collapse encountered a huge trench which, Hu BaYi use their own tomb mystery escaped undead. After the demobilization, Hu BaYi and her buddy Wang Fat (Da Zhao) joined an archeological team that went to archeology in Xinjiang. A pedestrian traveled to the fine ancient city ruins in the Taklamakan Desert after experiencing 10,000 dangers and entered the underground "ghost hole." The organs of the cave are numerous and the pitfalls are constant. This mysterious ghost hole seems to be under the control of a prophet.

琅琊榜2 (TV)[2016]


大梁朝局安稳,但边境战火不断,守护大梁北境的长林军屡获军功,因 Liang Di ( Jun Liu 饰)心慈体弱而太子年幼, Xun HuangHou ( Ting Mei 饰)与其胞兄 Xun BaiShui ( Yanjun Bi 饰)恐长林王府功高盖主,被伪潜入宫廷来大梁的夜秦人 Pu YangYing ( Jingfei Guo 饰)利用,陷害长林王 Xiao TingSheng ( Chun Sun 饰)父子三人,不仅在一次北境交战中断掉前线补给,致长林世子 Xiao PingZhang ( Xiaoming Huang 饰)身受重伤,更在京城制造大规模疫情。追查过程时,平章与其弟 Xiao PingJing ( Haoran Liu 饰)先后中毒,此时北境急危,平章放弃救治,奔赴前线支援后毒发而亡。平旌为国境安宁,在长兄牺牲后即刻驻守边疆。 Liang Di 死后令庭生辅政, Xun BaiShui 扶植 Xiao YuanQi ( Hao Chen Wu 饰)掌握兵权以对抗长林王府,在他们的诡计之下,平旌为了百姓反落得抗旨的罪名,庭生逝世长林府封府,长林军编制被撤。元启暗地里与已成为东海国主的舅舅 Mo ZiHou ( Chen Taisheng 饰)勾结,卖国谋逆。隐居多年的平旌危急之中起兵勤王,成功挫败 Xiao YuanQi 的阴谋。待到大梁边境整顿完毕,平旌再次离开金陵归隐 。

Ode to Joy (TV)[2016]

Feature: Fan ShengMei (Xin Jiang ornaments), Guan JuEr (Bridgette Qiao ornaments) and Qiu YingYing (Zi Yang ornaments) come together from Shanghai to work in Shanghai. The three girls share an apartment with An Di (Tamia Liu) Qu XiaoXiao (Wang Ziwen), a super-rich rich girl, lives on the 22nd floor of a medium-sized district called "Ode to Joy." The five women, each with a different personality, each carrying difficulties and disappointments from work, love and family because of the neighbors' relationship and mutual acquaintance. They conceived each other to gradually accept each other and open each other's hearts. In the process, they worked together to solve each other's problems All sorts of problems and confusion in life, and witness each other in Shanghai, the magic of growth and transformation & nbsp ;.

If the snail has love (TV)[2016]

Feature: Ji Bai (Kai Wang ornaments) and Xu Xu (Wang Ziwen ornaments) is a seemingly cold-blooded mentor, but it is a life-and-death comrades, but also a mutual admiration for the lover. Ji Bai is a deep and cold senior detective, Xu Xu is a genius and newcomer to criminal psychology. After the two men jointly broke a major case, Ji Bai admired this simple and wise adoring soul. No matter how he pursued the darkness, the girl like "snail" was the signal of not receiving love . In the two "talk about the case," the occasion is also a section of the ultimate sweet, but also extremely hard and dangerous pursuit of chaos & nbsp ;.

Nirvana in Fire (TV)[2015]

Feature: Mei ZhangSu (Hugh ornaments) Mei ZhangSu (Hugh ornaments) far in the arena, but the name emperor. Rivers and lakes rumors: "Jiang left the Mei Lang, unicorn only, have access to the world." As the world's largest gang "Jiang Zuomeng" leader, Mei ZhangSu "Mel Lang" reputation. However, Mei Zhang Su, who has the highest status in all corners of the country, is a frail young man. Despite the treacherous grudges and bloodshed brought to us a dozen years ago, even the hidden secrets behind his lifetimes are hidden. It turned out that twelve years ago, Nan Liang Chase years, the Northern Wei Xing soldiers south, Chiyan Marshal Marshal Lin Shu expedition, the rate of 70,000 officers and men to fight the enemy, unexpectedly, seventy thousand soldiers due to misconduct buried bone Meiling. Lin Shu picked up his life from the door of hell, after the loss of pro-pro-loss, cut the pain of easy-dressing, incarnate the world's largest gang Jiang Zonghui leader. Twelve years later, Mei ZhangSu relied on the opportunity of recuperation to return to the imperial capital with a whitish coat of arms and set foot on the path of vengeance, sorrow and contempt. In the face of the engagement of Ni HuangJunZhu (Tamia Liu ornaments), the old friend Jing Wang Xiao Jingyan (Kai Wang ornaments) and all the familiar in the past, he can only quietly endure everything, in the seemingly casual, with the weak body Hands off the wave of blood stunned, assisting Ming Wang Jing Wang ascend the throne, for the seventy flames loyal soul wash snow stigma. However, due to the dynastic rule of Emperor Liangdi in his later years, the territory in the south was full of chaos. The Eastern Wei Dynasty, which stood on its own in the Northern Wei Dynasty, took the opportunity to start its army southward. In order to resolve the national crisis, Mei ZhangSu decided to arm her armor in defiance of its physical weakness. In only three months, the military led the arm and beam to calm down the northern border and set the beam at peace and stability. Mei ZhangSu at this time, also suffered a last-ditch effort, finished his life on the battlefield.

QingDaoMemories (TV)[2015]

Feature: The young full-born warehouse in Weixian fainted while begging and rescued by Jiang ShaZi. During the rescue of Jiang ShaZi and her daughters Da Man and Xiao Man, the past of Qingdao made the acquaintance of Xia DeFa, who was willing to embrace injustice. Together, the three teenagers won the first pot of gold from the German Flickr, and co-opened the business of "De You Poly", opening up the path of struggle in the mall. The three also became brothers and sisters living in trouble. The turmoil of the current situation, the fate of the three brothers also will ups and downs. After all the years of separation of families and fraternal conflicts, the brothers and the brothers were frozen in the background of the country's fate and finally took a heavy blow to the Japanese merchants represented by Ji Cun in the mall. The war of resistance against Japan started, and the three brothers went their separate ways. Manchura decided to stay in Qingdao, along with his wife Xiao Man and her husband's wife Jiang ShaZi, no matter how tough they would smile and live.

pretender (TV)[2015]

Feature: Ming Tai (Hugh ornaments) During the Anti-Japanese War Wang puppet regime was established, rich young master Ming Tai went to study in Hong Kong on the way, was the senior military official Wang TianFeng fancy and kidnapped to the military training class, after training hard to become an outstanding Military agents. After Ming Tai and life partner Yu ManLi went to Shanghai, launched a series of secret activities. In the "Crush Program," Ming Tai and Cheng JinYun, a member of the Chinese Communist Party, joined hands to successfully blast the special train of the puppet government transporting Japanese senior officials. Both of them had feelings during the fighting. Later, Ming Tai assassinated Wang Pseudo-officials, assassinated Japanese spies, repeatedly made outstanding achievements. However, in a series of actions, Ming Tai was gradually discouraged by the Kuomintang's move to issue "national treasuries" and Cheng JinYun developed him as a latent worker of the underground party of the Chinese Communist Party. In order to gain the final victory ahead of the front battlefield, Ming Tai, in unison with Ming Brother, an elder brother of complicated identities, started the "Kung-bells ringing" campaign and successfully confused the Japanese with fake intelligence and won a turn for the ultimate victory of the war.

He came, please close your eyes. (TV)[2015]

Feature: The mysterious criminal psychologist Wallace Huo, recruiting senior student Ma Sichun to make his comeback, please close your eyes, is a translator and life helper who, on the one hand, uses his high IQ and professional knowledge to teach Jane Yao, her training as a probationary aide, the two work together to detect young people disappeared and other thorny cases of homicide; on the other hand, in the morning and evening in the thin Jin Yan Jane Yao on the rise, and his high IQ low The huge contrast of EQ also added a lot of twists and turns to this situation. The two feelings gradually warming, the danger is quietly coming. A few years ago, as the youngest professor of criminal psychology at the University of Maryland, Thin Jin Yan chased a sensational "ogre" case in the United States and became a victim in prison for six months in prison to protect the hostages Tortured In order to get out, he masquerades as a criminal-loving second personality and gains criminal trust. As Xie Han (Zhang Luyi) left a message in the first case that he cracked after he returned to China, he set a trap in the second case and almost caught it, annoying Xie Han and using his side Man's weakness, Jane Yao hijacking, but all this is just to force out of thin Jin Yan so-called second personality. With the help of his friends Li XunRan (Kai Wang), Fu ZiYu (Zheng Yin ornaments), and others, Thin Jin Yan worked hand in glove with Xie Han, pretending to expose "Second Personality" Han trust, finally saved Jane Yao, also punished the pervert murderer.

Wenzhou two families (TV)[2015]

Feature: After China's accession to the WTO, Hou SanShou of Wenzhou Garment Factory and Huang RuiCheng of Shoe Manufacturing Co., Ltd. are facing the dilemma of the enterprises that must be transformed and upgraded to be bigger and stronger. Huang RuiCheng has always admired Hou SanShou, a flexible-minded man who has repeatedly proposed cooperation. However, Hou SanShou did not look down upon him. The two fiercely contested the invitation of the former president to purchase hotels and develop the Xichuan River Industrial Park. Hou SanShou is growing fast, blindly developing and expanding blindly. As a result, in the severe impact of the financial crisis, the capital chain broke down and was severely hit by bankruptcy. While Huang RuiCheng seized the opportunity of development, expanded its business and expanded its market share, Keep vigilant at all times, seek steady and truth-seeking, smooth response to hedging when the financial crisis comes. Hou SanShou, who is in an adversity, has still not forgotten to turn over its debts and after twists and turns. Finally, with the help of Huang RuiCheng, the failed enterprises were brought back to life and began to repay debts and reshape the spirit of "integrity". Their descendants, Huang XiaoWei and Hou XiaoFan, have also all grown into a new generation of entrepreneurs in Wenzhou and have become the new forces for rejuvenating Wenzhou's enterprises.

Battle of Changsha (TV)[2014]

Feature: In 1938 October, the Japanese army captured Wuhan all the way south, Changsha at stake. The face of sudden war, the city panic, many people bring their families to take the South to flee the West ran. Xue JunShan, the son of the grandchildren of the tea garden in the city, cooperated with his family to make every effort to arrange a retreat for Xiang family and Xiaoman, the most favored family of Hu family. Xue JunShan Xiangyang first introduced to the returned foreign troops to guard Changsha military personnel Gu Qingming, but regrettably vigorous Xiang Hunan and arrogant Gu Qingming a meeting with the flood of water, Xue JunShan had to choose another family. In the family's efforts, finally to the city of Changsha before the fire burned Xiangxiang set to be considered a piece of heart disease. At this time, Chiang Kai-shek secretly burning Changsha City, due to improper command, Changsha fire burned three days and nights, causing a huge disaster, the thriving Millennium City was destroyed, millions of people in their sleep, the fire, including Xiang Xiang's fiance one. On such a scorched earth, heroes and children came all over the place. They wanted to use flesh and blood to defend this ancient city and work hard with Hunan people to stop the enemies. The Hu family also played a scene in this disaster Behind the scenes joys and sorrows story.

Parents love (TV)[2014]

Feature: Cong XiaoZhang, a naval military region of Qingdao and naval gun colony Cong XiaoZhang, and his wife Yang Tao held a marriage ceremony for officers. Both of them wanted to solve the issue of personal marriage for senior military officers. Jiang DeFu, a naval officer, was greatly valued by Cong Xiao Zhang. At the recommendation of Cong XiaoZhang, Jiang DeFu met the young and beautiful An Jie at the ball and loved her heartily. In the face of the big rough Jiang DeFu, An Jie but did not feel at all. Due to the poor family composition of An Jie and the help of Jiang DeFu on many occasions, An Jie gradually discovered that the seemingly rugged Jiang DeFu is actually a witty and lovely man who has gradually accepted the feelings of Jiang DeFu and they are married. Together, Jiang DeFu and An Jie overcome the differences in origin, the disparities in educational level, the harsh living environment and the predicament of survival in special times. They raised five children and jointly passed the ups and downs for decades. The children grow up, into the elderly Jiang DeFu and An Jie look back, feel hand in hand this life is a very happy thing.

TheChineseFarmers (TV)[2014]

Feature: As the new China was founded, poor peasants led by Niu DaDan were assigned to the land, while Ma Ren Li, the landowner son returned from Peiping, left nothing overnight. Niu DaDan and Ma RenLi, a daring, culturally benevolent and partner, led the villagers in Mai Xiang Village to overcome natural disasters with diligence and wisdom and achieve a great harvest of food. A new generation of farmers, represented by Gou Er, not only did township and village enterprises run in full swing, but also led villagers to rent land in Russia and truly realized the peasants' fortune. The abolition of the "Agricultural Tax Regulations" in 2006, the complete abolition of agricultural taxes and the further liberation and freedom enjoyed by peasants. Niu DaDan looked McCormick green fields, eyes burst into tears, my heart full of hope.

Distance to love (TV)[2013]

Feature: The distance to love tells the story of Li Rui (Li Chen), a professional surgeon in the background of the hospital. Ling Yuan (Dong Jin), a dean of youths who resorts to new ways of administration, Su Ning, a calm and rational but over-repressive restraint medical student, relentlessly pursues the ideal of occupation and tries his best to get closer to love under the constraints of reality.

Wenzhou family (TV)[2012]

Feature: The Wenzhou Family tells the story of an ordinary peasant family leaving their hometown in Wenzhou in the early 1980s to work hard in various parts of China and Europe. Described in Wenzhou, Wenzhou, a family drama still weeks Zhou shun, his wife Zhao YinHua, his son, dog and daughter A rain, borrow money battles, daughter was sent to Italy, Zhou Laoshun and his wife scavenged from picking, salesman, son, the dog Selling glasses began, step by step to dig wells, buttons, experienced numerous failures and all kinds of ups and downs, the final transformation into a modern enterprise process. His daughter, Ayu, also started her studies and work as a 13-year-old girl and eventually became the boss of multinational corporations and became the representative of Chinese overseas businessmen in Italy. This is the history of the struggle of Chinese businessmen in the past generation and the result of 30 years of China's reform and opening up The show.

Educated youth (TV)[2012]

Feature: The "educated youth" tells the story of a rainy night in the woodland in the northern great wild in 1969. The train laden with knowledgeable young people from major cities across the country. Yang BingKui, head of the birch railway station, looked at a tender and youthful face and preconceived that the arrival of these people would bring about a radical change to the Great Belards & nbsp ;.

RevivingofBeikhuan (Movie)[2011]

Feature: A bus driving on the rugged mountain road in Kitagawa, people at noon drowsiness, Song Geng hurried back to his daughter's birthday desperate, and her daughter suddenly landslides, just flat road Instantly into a cliff, the bus hovering over the cliff, Song Geng jumped and flew, the phone has no sound, behind the bus crashed into the cliff. A rare Richter 7.8 earthquake struck, Beichuan and other places into ruins. With the recovery of live television signals, the tragic scenes and relief images of the beichuan plague area are presented in front of tens of millions of viewers. The work of aiding and building aid to counterparts across the country started soon. Li ZhenHe, a city cadre in the north, did not have time to bid farewell to his mother and set foot on the reconstruction aid project in Beichuan. Wang Jing's violation of regulations that did not allow lesbians to participate in the reconstruction was also on the team of his counterparts. The hardest hit Xianggui Township is the counterpart of a city to aid the construction of township, township head Han Hui led cadres at the airport to meet the crowd, the Song Lei ran to the airport store bought a Barbie doll, Li ZhenHe puzzled. On the way to Xianggui Township, Li ZhenHe met Cheng Liang, a township secretary who is organizing villagers to go home and rebuild their homeland. We are busy claiming relief supplies, but an old grandmother indifferent, just staring at the ruins trance. The old man was Jim, all the family members were killed in the quake. Li ZhenHe promised to carry out the filial piety of the children. Aid cadres Sun Xvwen in the process of bringing people to build board room encountered again in the earthquake lost their spouses and other siblings four siblings, for ease of care, put their boarding house next to their tent, the children kindly called He aided his uncle. Li ZhenHe accompanied the experts to examine and reconstruct the new site of Beichuan County and saw that the Qiang compatriots were very optimistic and cheerful despite the death of their loved ones. To help people in the village, Li ZhenHe transferred Wang Jing to set up a temporary clinic in the township resident. Encounter aftershocks on the way to the site, Li ZhenHe and other people finally escaped, but found that the township resident has been destroyed by the dammed lake. When everyone thought that Wang Jing was in distress and desperation, Wang Jing was dressed in a Qiang costume and turned out to be a local young man named Lin Qun who burst into the water to save her. Sun Xuewen treats his spouse like a splendid sibling like his own child. Ronghua sang the song of Qiang with his younger brother and sister and gave the only piece of bacon to Sun Xuewen. Sun Xuewen understood that it was a heart of the Qiang people. Li ZhenHe and Cheng Liang disagreed on the aid construction plan. It turned out that local cadres insisted on building an embankment on the basis of the original one, but the funds for construction are far from sufficient. After reading the terrain, Li ZhenHe understood the insistence of local cadres and decided to go home and get married. Seeing the more old mother with more eyes, Li ZhenHe used the media to tell the citizens about everything in Beichuan. The citizens fought for donations and soon filled the vacancies. Once again, the disaster stricken areas encountered mudslides. When the masses were mobilized, they found that Jim Mum had not escaped. Li ZhenHe struggled to find Jim Mum who had died together with his relatives. In order to complete preparations for reporting to the State Council as soon as possible, Li ZhenHe demanded that all cadres give up overtime on weekends and holidays. Song Lei did not buy it and insisted on returning home to see her daughter.Li ZhenHe furious, blame Song Lei, but provoked Cheng Liang's strong opposition. Cheng Liang Li ZhenHe rushed to the house where Song Lei lived, but found that Song Lei is about to commit suicide, the original his beloved daughter was killed in the earthquake as long ago. Li ZhenHe understand why Song Lei always buy new clothes for her daughter to buy toys, my heart suffered a great impact. Li ZhenHe persuaded Song Lei wife to regenerate a child. Cheng Liang has been a strong guy finally could not help but burst into tears, he had lost in the earthquake seven loved ones. The construction of the new county approved the program down, on the big screen in the area showcase the Metro animated renderings, fascinated by watching countless people, his face full of hope. As soon as possible to complete the quality and quantity of construction tasks, so that the masses live in a new house as soon as possible, life returned to normal, aided cadres and masses to forget the work of forgetfulness, Mid-Autumn Festival can only use television cameras to greet their loved ones peace. Han Hui is the university's son David has been unwilling to forgive his father did not go to save him first, Han Hui heart very bitter, after the earthquake disaster everyone has a variety of psychological shadows, the northern aid to build a city invited to fight in the reconstruction of the front line The disaster area cadres came to the north to recuperate. Han and his mother and son found Li ZhenHe's home, catching up with Li ZhenHe's mother for 80 years. Han Hui's mother and son lovingly presented a song of Qiang. David has also been touched. After the reconstruction project of Xianggui Township was over, Li ZhenHe handed over the caddy's key to the new life to the local cadres who assisted them and declined the local request to support the construction of the new building. New county aiding task. It is already the third year. Li ZhenHe has always felt sorry for not giving her mother the 80th birthday. After everyone's persuasion, she decided to take two days to return to her mother to leave her life. Upon her arrival on the plane, she received the mother's death Bad news. Li ZhenHe into deep self-blame and suffering among the unable to extricate themselves. Jim's mother told Li ZhenHe that his mother, like her own children, did not go away and looked in heaven and lived a good life. Li ZhenHe rekindled. Aid to build cadres Sun Xuewen rehabilitate old diseases, fell on the construction site, and Song Geng's second son accompanied by loud crying was born into this new world. The completion ceremony of the new county invites the aid workers and their families to join together to witness the moment of history. In the province, they sent a plane to pick up the mercenaries and went home. Li ZhenHe asked everyone not to tell the local cadres to leave quietly. Wang Jing chose to stay because she found her true love during the reconstruction. Before going to the plane, when Li ZhenHe and everyone finally looked back at this beloved land affectionately, Cheng Liang and local cadres came and reluctantly farewell.

Life and death line (TV)[2009]

Feature: "Life and death line" tells the story of the late 1938 Xuzhou Battle, the Japanese surprise attack on Qu Ning Port, the move was lurking for many years underground members of Europe forever Si DaoFeng Yang Shanchuan insight, but unfortunately he could not be deterred alone, Finally occupied. Under the leadership of Si DaoFeng, a proletarian proletariat with a special status, Ouyang ShanChuan formed the anti-Japanese organization "Si DaoFeng." This highly personalized anti-Japanese organization of romantic and romantic feelings embraces the various forces in all walks of life. After the Pacific war broke out in 1941, Gunin experienced the two most difficult years of armed hostilities during the Sino-Japanese War. "Si Dao Feng" was ordered to send Atomic Physics physicist He MoXiu to the U.S. navigating ship at all costs. During the long break-up war, Si DaoFeng led the guerrillas to eliminate Li LiuYe, a traitor from the city of Gulin and his elder brother. He MoXiu, who was swallowed but full of blood, was eventually infected and decided to stay and become a member of "Si DaoFeng." The sky of the four men In the end of the war of resistance against Japan in 1945, the defeated Japanese army built the airport in Gurin and left half of Gurin's people as human resources in the work site. He MoXiu, who has always been regarded as a coward Occasionally, Ouyang dignified the backbone, directing the resistance movement both inside and outside the site. Under the guidance of the guerrillas, the national army captured the most threatening airport. For the first time, the Chinese gathered outside of Putin without a partisan class. All-round victory in the war, Ouyang will be the most brilliant time of his life and his most precious things are left in the Gunning. The anti-Japanese organization "Si DaoFeng" has always had only one or two dozen people. However, over 600 people were sacrificed as members of the "Si DaoFeng" throughout the war.

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