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Zitong Xia TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Zitong Xia Works 11 ,And Feature 4 ,Romance 3 ,Action 3 ,Animation 2 ,Costume Drama 2 ,Martial Arts 2 ,Adventure 1 ,Family drama 1 ,Urban drama 1 ,Romantic drama 1 ,Modern opera 1 ,Youth drama 1 ,Sports 1 ,Sci-Fi 1 ,Thriller 1 ,Disaster 1 ,Fantasy 1 。

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Zitong Xia Filmography(11)


冠军的心 (Movie)[2019]


在拳台上, Tan Kai 可以被打倒,但绝不会认输。一次意外,拳台夺走了 Tan Kai 相识多年的兄弟,打击之下他选择退役离场;一次偶然,他得知兄弟的心脏移植到了女孩 Li Chuan 的体内,为了救赎这份生命的延续,他再一次拾起拳套。没有优异的体能,没有先进的战术,甚至没有为他喝彩的观众。但从来习惯孤独迎战的 Tan Kai ,冠军的心是他最强大的意志,足够支撑他不倒下。 Tan Kai 在台上不断用生命向对手挥出重拳,而下一个他要战胜的,正是他自己。

我的 mo geli 男孩 (TV)[2019]


电视剧《我的 Mo GeLi 男孩》剧情介绍:讲述了 Mo GeLi 是在森林里被守林爷爷抚养长大的男孩,从小便与森林中的动物嬉戏成长。身为独立创业女性的凌煕误将 Mo GeLi 带回城市,本想尽快送其回森林,不料因工作室的营销需求不得不留下 Mo GeLi 。 Ling Xi 与 Mo GeLi 住在了同一屋檐下,两人渐渐建立起了不一样的感情, Mo GeLi 作为人类和自然的桥梁,在凌煕的帮助下,逐渐学习与融入到现代社会生活,知道做人的道理;而凌煕在 Mo GeLi 身上学到了大自然的哲学,并加入生态保护行列,拯救环境,两人互相学习,一起成长。 

第二次也很美 (TV)[2019]


一毕业就结婚、一结婚就生子的“毕婚族”90后萌妈 An An ,在儿子5岁的时候被迫终结全职太太的清闲生活。她没能逃脱“毕婚族”大多失婚的诅咒,成了单身妈妈,被打入谷底。一场车祸,把还没结过婚的律政界翘楚 Xu Lang 变成了80后单身爸爸,他本想一辈子守住车祸的秘密,带着5岁的女儿过平静的生活,却意外结识了 An An 母子,曾波澜不惊的生活变得鸡飞狗跳。截然不同的两个家庭在误会和和解之间互相治愈, An An 实现了成为漫画家的梦想、成为了儿子的榜样。 Xu Lang 建起了属于自己的律师楼,成为了女儿心中满分的爸爸。最终,两家人变成了一家人,收获了全新意义上的幸福人生。他们经历过许多次第一次挫折后,爬起后,成长后,才发现第二次也很美。


Summer solstice yet to come (TV)[2017]

Feature: Li Xia (Cheng Shuang (actress, born 1991)) and Cheng QiQi (Chai Biyun) were admitted to Asakawa and met the legendary Fu XiaoSi (Chen Xuedong) and Lu ZhiAng (Bai Jingting) With the addition of Yu Jian (Xia Zitong) and others, they officially opened their youthful and beautiful high school life. After graduation, the doors of the adult world are open to them, and everyone has a vastly different life. Fu XiaoSi published an album, popular in all over China. Li Xia became Fu XiaoSi's assistant and the other half. July 7 to participate in the singing competition won the all-China youth idol. Yu Jian north drift in order to become a singer, still in the dream to persist. As each one gets hit by the rapidly approaching world, the greater adversity comes one after the other, which almost completely reverses and affects everyone's life: the ups and downs of Fu XiaoSi, the departure of Li Xia, Lu ZhiAng's Imprisonment, Cheng QiQi's betrayal, Yu Jian boyfriend's death. Ten years away from the furthest summer, nothing can be permanent except for memories, but they all learned to love and grow.

Eagle Shooting Heroes (TV)[2017]

Feature: During the Southern Song Dynasty, Guo Jing and Yang Kang, who suffered tragically, were adults under the guidance of Qiu ChuJi, a teacher from the south of the Yangtze River. Eighteen years later, Guo Jing went down with his life. Yang Kang is greedy of wealth, thieves father. At a glance, Guo Jing and Huang Rong saw each other heartily. However, due to many factors such as Hua Zheng's marriage contract and the opposition from the south of the Yangtze River, the feelings of both were mixed. Five Master were killed in Peach Blossom Island, Guo Jing angrily left. This young man, who enjoys mutual aspirations, has experienced hardships before he turns into a positive one. Yang Kang, who is evil and evil, can not escape the fate of being killed in the Jiaxing Iron Gun Temple. Guo Jing traveled all over the country with Huang Rong and traveled to all over the world to ascend to martial arts day by day. Finally, he was able to report his revenge on his father and revenge and eliminate grudges against his own. , On Huashan swords, save Xiangyang national disaster. The original simplicity simple and honest, stiff dull Eagle Shepherd, become a country for the people, compassion for the great man who & nbsp ;.

Brothers (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Two brothers each dependent, but fate get people, one night, the fate of two people were rewritten, one joined the Red Army, one to join the Kuomintang army. Since then each other that the other is not in this world. Hexi Corridor, the long-lost brother once again meet again, on the one hand is brave and fierce fighting, faith firm Red Army commander Chen TieJin, one side is a bohemian dare to hate Ma Jiajun steel company commander Wang BingSheng, former brothers, now irreversible . The story stems from a special task as Chen's captive prisoner was dragged out of the containment room and thought he was on the verge of his death but was escorted by the head of a group of dozens of female performers who returned to Europe for more security High-profile mission. In the bulletproof battlefield bravely forward, but encountered brothers and sisters of the flesh and blood, the face of religious entanglement intricacies, humanity and love bloody, two tough guys in love and hate you live in death, cruel death After parting together, a special task is completed, actually unexpectedly bloody Gobi.

Dragon Nest Warriorsdawn (Movie)[2016]

Feature: The otherwise quiet Alterrian mainland was swept by the forces of Black Dragon and its monster followers. Under the chaos, the people are boring. The nicknamed fish, Lan BoTe, is an ordinary boy living in the town of Kendra on the border of the human kingdom. In order to protect the town, he joined the Dragon Squad established as a tribute to the Black Dragon in his mistake. This temporary alliance of elves, sorcerers, priests, rangers and legendary fighters embarks on the long-forgotten path of the lost, crossing the weird jungle, the fantastic snow-capped mountains and the mysterious time-forgotten ruins of the Black Dragon Nests, can be in front of, but there are unexpected crises waiting for their arrival. The hardships and bizarre circumstances of the journey have led to the rapid growth of Lan BoTe and the deepening understanding of the word "battle". Can he finally find the meaning of his own battle?

TheMonkeyKing (Movie)[2014]

Feature: Sun WuKong (formerly known as Pu TiZuShi) made a seventy-two change and is determined to become a god. However, Jiu WeiHu (), a friend of two, has been killed and has mistaken Niu MoWang (king of the Devil) as the enemy of heaven. On the other hand, Niu MoWang instigated Sun WuKong to join forces to sow the heaven in order to return his beloved wife, Tie ShanGongZhu (), and her 300-year-old Ai Zihong boy to heaven again, eventually forcing Emperor Yu (led by Er Lang Shen ) And other cents against, start ghost war. Since the Pan-Pian epoch, the two clans of the gentry and democrats have vied for the rights to command the Three Realms. In a protracted campaign, the spiritual world led by Yu HuangDaDi once again repulsed the Mozu led by Niu MoWang. Nv Wa In order to avoid regenerating battle spasm, Nantianmen defend the heaven, and one of the spar collars, the mortal world of the mortal world, turned into a monkey monkey, Sun WuKong. Sun WuKong into Pu TiZuShi door, quickly gifted but unfettered, he was expelled from the door, the Dragon Palace to take the gold hoop bars based Huaguo Shan Zhan Shan Wang. On the other hand, Niu MoWang pretended to give up fighting to pacify Tie ShanGongZhu, the sister of Jade Emperor, and conspiratorially plotted a more devastating offensive to heaven. Sun WuKong to save Jiu WeiHu and heaven, Niu MoWang value Sun WuKong ability to pretend to call his brother secretly use Jiu WeiHu design to deceive Sun WuKong and heaven, a shaking conspiracy and love and hatred of the war imminent.

Bugs (Movie)[2014]

Feature: The future era, the huge human demand for protein, resulting in the rapid development of artificial protein into the global period. Jams, a fanatical foreign genetic scientist, is working on a "super insect" that provides a large amount of high-quality, low-cost nutritional protein. However, the greedy and arrogant human mind led to the uncontrolled reproduction of female insects, numerous insects broke through the tube unlimited propagation, super-insect phagocytosis scientists and then evolved into a giant monster. Diverted by monsters numerous Shi RenChong sneaked into the sea, thus being high-protein insects swallowed by humans set off a war of revenge against mankind revenge, catastrophic catastrophes. On the other side, Haitian feast-like brand conference held in full swing, the type of Spice Girl hunting Yan carnival, extreme temptation to staged Fairy. Shi RenChong, a mankind who knew nothing about revenge, approached them with death near their eyes. Shi RenChong blame constant breeding, swallowing swallows and swarms in the sea finally led to a huge tsunami. The last minute immersed in the temptation of the spice of babes immediately bite the worm, engulfed the pool of meat Lin into blood sea corpse, the swarm of revenge swept the entire area of ​​the sea, the sea a messy image. At the same time, several pairs of adventurous handsome and beauties jump from the cruise ship to the experimental worm birth. Insect boss and the ultimate human killings kicked off, on the other hand, embarked on the ship of death also realized that if you do not destroy Shi RenChong strange, human beings will face drowsiness, a war of insects battle Start here.

龙之谷:破晓奇兵 (Movie)[2014]


原本宁静的阿尔特里亚大陆,被黑龙及其魔物追随者的势力所席卷。乱世下,民不聊生。绰号小鱼的 Lan BoTe ,是生活在人类王国边境凯德拉镇里的普通少年,为了保护小镇,在误打误撞中作为小跟班加入了为讨伐黑龙而建立的屠龙联盟。这支由精灵、魔法师、牧师、游侠和传奇战士组成的临时杂牌联盟,踏上了失落已久的迷失古道,翻越诡异的丛林、奇幻的雪山和神秘的被时间遗忘的废墟去寻觅黑龙的巢穴,可前方,却有意想不到的危机在等待着他们的到来。旅程的艰辛和奇异的境遇让 Lan BoTe 迅速成长起来,对于“战斗”二字的理解逐渐加深,他最终能找到属于自己的战斗的意义吗?


TheLegendoftheCondorHeroes (TV)[1983]

Feature: Snow night, the Southern Song Dynasty officer Duan TianDe at the command of Dai Jin Guo Zhao Wang Wan YanHongLie, led his troops raided the Niujiacun outside Linan suburbs, fleeing from Shandong Guo XiaoTian (Tiwo Ju ornaments), Yang TieXin (Patrick Tse Decorated) two tragic accident, the family was killed, pregnant pregnant Guo, Yang two ladies, one fled to the desert in Mongolia, one was hijacked to the Royal Palace, from day to day. Quanzhen Taoist Qiu ChuJi (Xia Yu ornaments) and the southern seven strange agreement, separately looking for and teaching the two descendants Guo Jing, Yang Kang, eighteen years later in Jiaxing drunk Xian floor. After that, the south of the Yangtze River tracked thousands of miles away and went deep into the desert. After six years, Guo Jing and her mother who had settled in the grassland finally found Guo Jing, who was stupid. Eighteen years later, Guo Jing (Felix Wong) flies to the south. Witnessed the protracted Yang TieXin a rehearsal stills, but Yang Kang (Michael Miu ornaments) refused to recognize the father, Yang TieXin and his wife barely escaped from the palace, eventually forced to both beaten on the streets. Yang Kang, who suffered a tremendous change in her life, has also had a heart-stirring and swaying motion. However, she still loathes her wealth when she finds herself suffering. At last she pleaded that the thief was the father, and Jing and Kang brothers had to part ways. Later, Yang Kang kept playing tricks and hurting people, but Yang TieXin's adoptive daughter, Mu NianCi (Sharon Yeung), was still bent on following him until Yang Kang was overwhelmed by fantastic fortunes and died in Jiaxing Iron gun in the temple. Guo Jing and Huang Rong (Barbara Yung ornaments) saw at home in Zhangjiakou, good-hearted in all. But Hua Zheng, the daughter of Genghis Khan, married earlier, Qiu ChuJi was Mu NianCi, and Guo Jing was hard pressed to make a difference between morality and emotion. OuyangKe's uneasy endless struggle with Huang Rong brought endless troubles to Guo Jing and Huang Rong. And then seven strange exclusion of the East evil daughter, Huang YaoShi (Kenneth Tsang ornaments) but can not look stupid Guo Jing, between the two close to the horizon. Five masters were killed on Peach Blossom Island, forcing Guo Jing and Huang Rong to turn their backs. The appearance of Hua Zheng in Samaihan and the desperation of Huang Rong, the consequent youth of two sentiments, finally went through a series of ups and downs of ups and downs and ups and downs in frustration. Guo Jing With Huang Rong's hometown of thousands of miles, the mountains, rivers and lakes, pro-China culture, influenced by culture, and then all over the world martial arts expert; worship North Beggar (Liu Dan ornaments) as a teacher, and the old urchin (Wong Chun ornaments) To seize righteousness and listen to the evil voice of the evil deities of the East, see the kung fu (Siu-Ming Lau ornaments) to save lives and to death, and countless times and West poison (Chak Lam Yeung ornaments) desperate fight, making Guo Jing's martial arts, mind, people Products keep pace with the times. In addition, they reported that they had taken revenge on their father and taken revenge on their own. They had taken the "Wushi Mu" and led the army to march westward. The simple simple and honest, stiff dull Eagle sculpture hero has finally become a country for the people, the compassionate great man.

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