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Yang Xiao TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Yang Xiao Works 25 ,And Comedy 13 ,Feature 9 ,Action 6 ,Romance 5 ,Suspense 4 ,Short 2 ,推理1 ,Crime 1 ,系列单元剧1 ,Family drama 1 ,轻喜1 ,古代职场喜剧1 ,Sci-Fi 1 ,Solve crimes 1 ,War 1 ,Costume Drama 1 ,Music 1 。

Works Index

Yang Xiao Filmography(25)


唐人街探案3 (Movie)[2021]


继曼谷、纽约之后,东京再出大案。唐人街神探 Tang Ren 、 Qin Feng 受侦探 Ye TianHao 的邀请前往破案。“CRIMASTER世界侦探排行榜”中的侦探们闻讯后也齐聚东京,加入挑战,而排名第一Q的现身,让这个大案更加扑朔迷离,一场亚洲最强神探之间的较量即将爆笑展开。


唐人街探案 (TV)[2020]


光怪陆离的泰国,接连发生多起奇异的案件,“唐人街第一神探” Tang Ren 的徒弟 Lin Mo ,野田昊的弟弟 Ye TianHaoEr ,纷纷陷入探案的谜团之中。死者妻子IVY、酒吧歌手 A Wen 、五大灵童战队成员 Lu JingJing 、初出茅庐的女警 Sa Sha 也悉数登场,错综复杂的线索背后,藏于黑暗的真相正慢慢浮出水面 。


情圣2 (Movie)[2019]


Tian Xin 和 Fang Yuan 一身复古装扮梦回民国,面对公司日益下滑的业绩,总部决定派 Fang Yuan 以单身的身份打入竞争对手内部。要求看似荒诞,却正中饱受恋爱之苦的 Fang Yuan 的下怀。但乐极生悲的 Fang Yuan 从睡梦中笑醒,发现自己只是做了一场白日梦,于是不甘心地另辟蹊径,找来业余“情圣” Xiao Yao ,布下“重获自由”的特殊任务。一场关于单身与恋爱,自由与束缚的对战由此悄然展开,而业余情圣 Xiao Yao 又误打误撞地引发了多少啼笑皆非的囧事。

Sheep Without a Shepherd (Movie)[2019]


Li WeiJie 与妻子 A Yu 来泰打拼17年,膝下育有两个女儿,年届四十的他靠开设网络公司为生,为人也颇得小镇居民的好感,而这一切美好却被突如其来的不速之客打破。这个充斥走私,贩毒活动的边陲小镇,各种权力交织碾压公平正义。 Li WeiJie 的大女儿被督察长的儿子强暴,因反抗误杀对方。 Li WeiJie 曾亲眼目睹督察长滥用私刑,深知法律无用,为了维护女儿,捍卫家人, Li WeiJie 埋尸掩盖一切证据,在时间与空间的交错缝隙中,与警方在身心层面,展开了殊死一搏的较量。

《误杀》是由陈思诚监制,、柯汶利执导,由 Yang Xiao 、 Zhuo Tan 、 Joan Chen 、 Philip Keung 领衔主演, Paul Chun 特邀演出的剧情犯罪片。该电影改编翻拍自印度电影《误杀瞒天记》,讲述了父亲为了维护女儿,用电影里学来的反侦察手法和警察斗智斗勇的故事。



Feature: Qin Feng received an invitation from Tang Ren to come to New York for her wedding with A Xiang. Tang Ren welcome the welcome of the Qin Feng Qin Feng, swaggering. Unexpectedly, "Wedding" is Tang Ren for a huge bonus to participate in the "World Famous Detective Competition", the content of the game is looking for the grandson of Chinatown Godfather. Deceived Qin Feng desperately sought after, but was attracted by the message sent by NYPD agent Chen Ying. Seven uncle grandson's death bizarre, looking for a person to rise as a formate. "Detectives" who were each "its can", chicken, "Chinatown first detective," the sign at risk. At the same time as everyone investigated, another case took place and the modus operandi was extremely similar. Originally locked murderer unexpectedly had not proved, Qin Feng can not help doubting his reasoning. The third case occurred in a series of cases! Qin and Tang dangled again, get rid of entanglement, downtown New York, a few want to close to the truth. Fourth, with the murderer missed, scheming ready. Relentless volt, motivation is chilling. Seemingly perfect behind the scenes but also hidden another thought-provoking puzzle.

Pacific Rim: Uprising (Movie)[2018]

Feature: "Pacific Rim: The Thunder Comeback" is a sequel to the film "Pacific Rim", authored by Steven D. Dienet, Emily Carmichael, TS Norrin, Kira Snyder, and Gilmore Del Toro , John Boyega, Cailee Spaeny, Scott Eastwood starring. The film continues the story of a giant monster-controlled monster that was previously controlled by humans and will showcase a larger mech world in its new work. & nbsp; The movie archive was released in China on February 24, 2018 and was released in the United States on February 23, 2018.

Lover (Movie)[2018]


Xiao han (xiao Yang), whose life is stable, begins to lament the short life of his friend's sudden death. Liu xia-hui's self-identity, because by chance meets the sexy beauty model yoyo (Clara), has regained the heart beat of the feeling, so he wants to work to close to the goddess, try again first love of the stimulation. However, several times, xiao hanhao's advances were interrupted either by his partner shen hong (Dai Lele) 's vigilance or by the misunderstanding of his boss, ma Lilian (yan ni). Xiao han, who is often troubled and unwilling by foreign appearances, has to turn to his good brothers, aimu (Allen), tong huai (qiao shan), liu lei (xiao shenyang), and chang jian (chang yuan), a colleague of "god assist". Under their advice, Mr. Xiao went through a series of hilarious adventures

天气预爆 (Movie)[2018]





Feature: Super courier Horsepower (Chen He ornaments) on the way in the dispatch, accidentally involved in the idol contests. He never dreamed he met a mysterious sexy girl (Song Ji-hyo) but opposed to each other's coercion, against the international thief Gary (David Belle David Bailey ornaments). Xiao Ma by virtue of usual delivery courier to the line of familiarity, and the mission will reach the axis of strength, finally succeeded in obtaining the idol, but the event suddenly became confusing ...

My father-in-laws martial arts (TV)[2016]

Feature: "My father-in-law's martial arts" tells her that the issue of children's marital affairs has always caused her concern after her retirement from the police station. After his first marriage, Ding ManYi, the son of horsemaster, suddenly found his wife divorced, leaving him alone to support Ding Dang. Five years later, Ding ManYi met Bai Yan, a well-informed man. However, Cheng DaJi, the ex-wife's father, was released after being released from prison and claimed to defended the family for her daughter and her grandson. She gave Ding ManYi and Bai Yan Remarry created a lot of obstacles. In the meantime, Ding RuYi, the daughter of director Ma, was so enraged by Cheng DaJi's nephew Cheng Gong that he was distracted by director Ma. Just as the director of a horse was tossed by Cheng DaJi, Cheng Lu was unexpectedly sent a message of death. Cheng DaJi was greatly stimulated to live in the hospital and was given good care by both Mr. Ma and Bai Yan. After he was healed, Cheng DaJi personally married Ding ManYi and Bai Yan, and Ding RuYi and Cheng Gong were on the right track. At this moment, Cheng Lu came back unexpectedly. She explained that her father forced her to marry him and gave up her love to marry him. She came back this time to pick up Ding Dang and find her happiness. Ding forgave her, and realized the value of love and tolerance & nbsp ;.

DragonBlade (Movie)[2015]

Feature: The story took place in the distant Western Han Dynasty. During the reign of Emperor Han Yuan, the Han's territory had long been extended to the depths of the Western Regions under the successive conquests of Han Emperor, his great-grandfather. At this moment, Jackie Chan, who sits in the Western Regions, does not consider itself as an astronomical nation. He acts in a friendly and equal manner with other countries in the Western Regions to treat each other as equals, and in a unique way resolves the differences among all ethnic groups Contradictions and achieved a peaceful vista that could not be reached by force alone. Who knows Huo An was framed, was assigned to Yanmenguan repair city. Just then, he encountered Lu KuiSi (John Cusack John Cusak), the little prince who escaped from the distant Roman Empire, and his guard, after the initial misunderstanding, Huo An was friends with Lu KuiSi, two heroic enemies. However, in the crisis, Ti BiSi (Adrien Brody Adrien Brody), the Roman Empire prince who tried to take the throne, led the torch of 100,000 troops and the impending collision between the two empires, the East and the West ...

DetectiveChinTang (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Talented dizziness boy "" police school to be the list, was grandmother sent to Thailand to find a distant house uncle - known as "Chinatown first detective", but in fact "wretched" Uncle "" casual. Do not want to spend the night after drinking wine, Tang Ren became a bizarre murderer, and Qin Feng desperate End of the World, the chase after the detective --- "crazy dog" Huang LanDeng; invincible lucky police - "grass bag" Kun Tai; The "gangster trio" is a vicious and vicious "gangster trio"; the enigmatic "godfather of the Chinatown"; "glamorous wife" and so on all debut. For seven days, Tang Ren and Qin Feng must find out about "lost friends" and "natural match" in the course of "seven days" while avoiding the pursuit of police, bandit gangs and gangsters. Gold "to identify" murderers "for their" cleanse charges "of these" Guards "task.

OldBoys: TheWayofTheDragon (Movie)[2014]

Feature: Two unforgettable "brothers" chopsticks will usher in the cause of "second spring" in the film, the two adventurers carrying desperate dreams multinational desperate adventure, on the other side of the october performed a series of hilarious inspirational farce. Xiao DaBao leans on the beach singing to support his livelihood, his life gives him too much helplessness. In the eyes of Xiao DaBao, his dream is only a reminder of the memories. On the other hand, Wang XiaoShuai, as the in-law son, Male ", together with a wife who slept a bed did not understand him, repeatedly advised him to give up his dream to return to real life. Finally, under a mysterious chance, New York tossed the two reticles with olive branches, and the "old boy" who was struggling to get over their dreams was finally going to dream. This will "live treasure combination" will regain confidence together again, decided to go to the United States to join the talent show. The two brothers came to New York with all their hard work, but they were involved in the gang warfare.

FakeFiction (Movie)[2013]

Feature: The little-known little magician Ou DaWei (Xu Zheng (actor) ornaments), with a limited hand to trick tricks cheat, not only did not make any money, and occasionally also been crowded with old punches, mix and die every day. In the introduction of his brother Li WenXue (Wang Taili), David met Mao Na (Xuan Yu Wang), director of culture and the arts of Poseidon, and promised to stage a loss of "Mother of Poseidon", a huge statue standing beside the beach Magic magic. Although blown to its delight, but it is only with Li WenXue he made a fraudulent use of the scam. Who knows halfway to the name of an eight-year-old child Diu Diu (Zhang Zifeng ornaments) without any preconcentration of David as his father; was caught in the hands of David finally arrived at the airport, only to find Li WenXue has long been running with money Off One is the "daughter" of unknown origin, one is a magic that can not be accomplished at all, and David has plunged into an unprecedented dilemma ...

Dragon Gate Escort (TV)[2013]

Feature: Dragon Gate Escort was the largest Central Plains Baizhang Escort. Later, with the changing times, Dragon Escort is declining. Dragon Gate Escort less dart head Korean received a dart, lucrative, but was attacked by bandits midway, the army annihilated. Escort was huge claims, facing bankruptcy. Lu SanJin, the less-than-owner of the Beijing Ping An Bank Draft, stepped forward to pay off the huge debts for the Escort, and acquired Escort to become the new owner. However, only after the acquisition found that we are all mixed. Sheng QiuYue look at the eyes of the boss, anxious in my heart, because I do not know how to operate, she can not speak of the Escort, and three gold concept and the original business ideas have a serious conflict, escort contradictions have intensified. Just three gold decided to give up, Sheng QiuYue share their shares to everyone, aroused everyone's confidence in the Escort. Subsequently, Lu SanJin personally led the dart bureau, etc., with practical action to revive the glory of Escort & nbsp ;.

Gray machine gray machine (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Ah Qiang, who lives on a remote control plane, has been living a pure house man's life until one day he meets Miss Miyashita, a neighbor's salesman. Life is lit by love. A small US hangover, so that Ah Qiang began to use a remote control plane with a camera peeping over the relationship between the United States and the same house strange men, also learned that the United States in urgent need of large sums of money. Fake tycoon Lee Adams want to take the opportunity to occupy the United States, but was kidnapped by a strange man, followed by Aqiang also participated in the abduction case. Who is a strange boy? Urgently in the end huge amount of money can get? Ah Qiang is not able to hold the goddess it?

Refresh 3 + 7 (TV)[2012]

Feature: "Refresh 3 + 7" tells the story of Chen Jie, who said "Good Our Store" because her girlfriend was thrown into dismay when Zhang Ying, a downstairs neighbor, also decorated the tea shop because of her ex-boyfriend. The two of them were acquainted with the birds that Chen Jie released, and the two who were vindictive gradually became good friends who never talked about. Finally, the two help each other, each out of the shadow of the feelings of failure. "My Neighborhood Committee Aunt," a young YemenMing young man who opened Blackmoor to dream of becoming a Compass driver and a girl Lin Jia who works for the residents with a Beijing account, waged wits. Wen Ting, a veteran and capable gallery veteran of the "artist", is angry with her boyfriend Luo Xi: she can make him a contemporary artist as well as an ordinary farmer if the packaging is properly modeled. So in a series of well-planned speculation offensive, that ordinary farmers really become the art scene Reds, the work shoot astronomical, famous sought after. Under all these glitzish dexterity, peasants, with their simplicity and uncompromisingness, gave the brokers a fresh lesson and the truth of so-called art under layers of bubbles. "Color Friday" painter Shen Dong was invited by her soon-to-be divorced young woman Yu Jing to come to her home to paint the wall. Yu Jing suffered a series of misunderstandings due to emotional trauma, do not trust strangers, but in the end Yu Jing found Shen Dong to do for it. "Little town story" Chen Nian, director of metropolitan Wen Qing, met Xiao Miao, a small town girl, in a beautiful water village. Xiao Miao's simple but intelligent, story of her childhood and sweetheart with Li ShaoGuang has led the once-fatigued youth director who has undergone a self-refurbishment. "Terracotta Warriors and Lucky Cats," a young girl just graduated from performing arts Jiang Li, after repeated auditions, in order to survive in the restaurant can only play a mascot "Lucky Cat." And He TianZe happens to be in the door of the mascot "Terracotta Warriors", the two thus get to know, and a series of interesting stories. However, Jiang Li did not know that Tianze was in fact a rich second generation with well-to-do families, so they encountered obstacles in their search for love. Outside the wall, a well-dressed, step-by-step civil servant, Sun JiaHua, was led to solve the wall graffiti by Ai MiLi, a maverick individual girl, with a dedicated tug of war pulling two romantic "graffiti" . "Can not fool" Refresh 3 + 7 A Yong is a lonely, psychologically gloomy and autistic liar; Wang Lu is a woman who loves Aaron and blindly loves him. They lie to earn a living, living unexamined life, everywhere trouble. In the end, A Yong and Wang Lu finally got rid of the fate of "deceiving their people" and turned out to be a pair of lonely grandchildren. "Light of the city" Yang Guang, an actor who dreams of completing a new product experiment for living as a blind person, often encounters misunderstandings with Xiao Mei, a pickpocket, triggering a series of witty and touching stories. "Wedding Banquet" Xia Tian's cousin is getting married. In order not to let her mother lose aunt in front of her, she has to return to her hometown "acting" with her ex-boyfriend Luo YueRan.However, this wedding has been able to allow people to put aside the secular constraints, brave their own life.

The bright eleven (Movie)[2011]

Feature: The 11-year-old youth series film action film brings together 11 young cutting-edge directors directed a series of new media clips on topics ranging from romance, fantasy, suspense, through, love, friendship, life, joy, anger, tragedy and other rich content, The theme of "youth, struggle". After being broadcast on the video website in August 2010, the series of "Eleven-degree Youth" series titled "New Media Films" has brought a new whirlwind of youth drama in the film and the Internet industry. Fans praise.

TheUltimateWinner (Movie)[2011]

Feature: Wang DaLi (Wang Taili), Project Director of Juyuan Culture, made a small achievement in his middle age. His wife, Huo XiaoYan (Huo Siyan), is beautiful, gentle and daughter is cute and cute. However, he still can not avoid the middle-aged crisis. The love between China and Xiaoyan seems to come to an end. The couple are either cold-blooded or have a heated argument. After a night of quarrels, a sudden accident was taking place in Italy, in a trance, his soul seemed to have been knocked out of the body. In the following short period of time, the time in his head began to flow back and, at a time when it was of great significance to him, the passing of his mother, his wife's death, his wife's production, the age of senile middle school ... What did love do? problem? What is the problem of life? Wang DaLi seemingly bright, is life's winner or loser?

SleeplessFashion (Movie)[2011]

Feature: Fashion magazine editor Zhou XiaoHui (Vic Chou ornaments) talent, three years after entering the position of an associate editor, but lead to a hand to raise and promote his magazine editor in chief, Alex (Alan Tam ornaments) jealous. Alex tried to force Zhou XiaoHui to resign. Zhou XiaoHui, unwilling to attempt to lead his elite to establish a separate portal, however, had only one unscrupulous editorial assistant and all-day sportswear. Ying Hong (Vivian Hsu ornaments) willing to follow. Zhou XiaoHui convinced her friend Wu Yang (Qiao Renliang), the son of the coal boss, to finance the project. She also convened a new team of rural turtle photographers (Wang Taili) and other filmmakers to create a new magazine to rival the old club . However, these crowds formed a team that neither professional nor fly, as the elite Zhou XiaoHui no matter how hard, it is difficult to gain a foothold in the circle. Just as Zhou XiaoHui despair, Ying Hong's unexpected performance has aroused his inspiration for the magazine's position to find the right direction. With the joint efforts of team members, Zhou XiaoHui's ideal is achieved little by little in the process of pursuing their dreams ...

TheUltimateWinner (Movie)[2011]

Feature: Wang DaLi, project director of Giant Yuan Culture, made a small achievement in his middle age. His wife, Huo XiaoYan, is beautiful and gentle, her daughter is cute and clever. However, he still can not avoid the middle-aged crisis. The love between China and Xiaoyan seems to come to an end. The couple are either cold-blooded or have a heated argument. After a night of quarrels, a sudden accident was taking place in Italy, in a trance, his soul seemed to have been knocked out of the body. In the following short period of time, the time in his head began to flow back and, at a time, a point of time of great importance to him, the death of his mother, his wife's production, and his youthful middle school.

FuQin (Movie)[2011]

Feature: France 2011 Alain Cavalier directed the movie "Father", (JAP / text) Vincent · Linton and Alain · Cavalier is love with his son's year-end pay, they meet regularly to meet together to the bar Drink, by the way to discuss someday can shoot a movie; they occasionally suits and disguises, create their own point of trouble, but also to add some joke to life. In this movie, they will tell the audience all kinds of incredible stories, some of them are their own real experience, some are simply superficial bragging. But in fact, on the movie, there is always a question that can not be answered: Is this all true or false?

TheRythemOfChopsticks (Movie)[2010]

Feature: Xiao DaBao, one of the film's protagonists, was a gangster in the school days and had bullied many people, including Wang XiaoShuai and Bao XiaoBai. But because Xiao DaBao and Wang XiaoShuai have the same musical dream, they become friends in the future. In their student days, they loved Michael Jackson and became "idols" for being all-time on campus because of the imitation of Michael Jackson. In the meantime, the emotional life of Wang Xiao Shuai, another protagonist, has undergone some twists and turns. A fat girl named Hao Fang has always been in love with Wang XiaoShuai, but Wang XiaoShuai is deeply fond of Xiao Hua. Time is like running water, a blink of an eye more than 20 years later. Xiao DaBao at this time to become a crappy wedding host, and Wang XiaoShuai became a barber shop owner, and married the fat girl Hao Fang. They lived a plain life like this. One day, when Xiao DaBao drove down the street, she was blinded to someone else's car because of her inattention. The owner's bodyguard is going to find Xiao DaBao trouble. By coincidence, when the owner of this car appeared, he was Xiao DaBao's high school classmate Bao XiaoBai. Bao XiaoBai at this time has been extraordinary, is no longer the bully bullied by Xiao DaBao that year, and became a television producer, also married Xiao Hua of the year. So I will not pursue the responsibility of Xiao DaBao. I will also give Xiao DaBao a business card and tell Xiao DaBao that if he wants to continue his musical dream, he can go to his show "Happy Boys." When Xiao DaBao suggested eating at Wang XiaoShuai's home, the result was rejected by Wang XiaoShuai and Hao Fang. However, in the following period of time, some of their work is not smooth, it is life's unsightly desire for their dreams. So they decided to go to Bao XiaoBai Recommended "Happy Boys" draft event. Hao Fang, wife of Wang XiaoShuai, initially disagreed, but finally decided to support them after seeing her husband practice dancing late at night and saw their dedication to their dreams. At the time of competition, although only one person in the audience furthered "the combination of chopsticks", Wang XiaoShuai and Xiao DaBao still diligently danced their familiar Michael Jackson's dance. Fortunately, both efforts have not been wasted, they entered the semi-finals. As mentioned earlier, Xiao DaBao and Bao XiaoBai used to have festivals, and they still do not forget. Therefore, as a producer, he implied that the judges should eliminate the "chopstick combinations" that are too young and not in keeping with the trend in the next round of competition. The semi-finals require players to sing their own original songs, so a description of youth movie title song "Old Boy" came into being. The song, which appeared at the very end of the movie, was transferred to their high school classmates as the song sounded. Now they are in the Quartet, doing all kinds of different jobs, living vastly different lives. Similarly, when the song sounded, they all left tears, including the audience, Hao Hua, Xiao Hua, including Bao Xiao Bai.Although they strive to achieve their dreams, but such a dream was broken by Bao XiaoBai, as expected, they were finally eliminated. Although they have to return to the original track of life, Xiao DaBao is still doing his lame host, Wang XiaoShuai is still doing a small barber shop, but their lives, some subtle changes have taken place .

OldBoy (Movie)[2010]

Feature: 11 degrees youth series is directed by the current 11 young directors in the series of short films directed by the China Film Group co-produced Youku together, bringing together the most energetic youth struggle. The film narrates a pair of friends Xiao DaBao (Yang Xiao ornaments) and Wang XiaoShuai (Wang Taili ornaments) to re-stage in mid-life to regain their dreams story. In the 1980s they did everything they experienced as a rebellious teenager of any age. They fought in trouble, became obsessed with Michael Jackson and became infatuated with school girls (Yu Bei Bei). It turned out to be non-human. After more than 20 years, Xiao DaBao, a rogue leader, became a crappy wedding host. Wang XiaoShuai, the imitation king of that year, became the boss of a barber shop. By chance, the two met in the past with the class now TV producer Bao Xiaobai (Han Qiuchi ornaments), encouraged two to participate in the "happy boys" talent show. The two decided to compete in order to regain their dreams of the year. A song of their own "old boy" let them return to youth, back in the past, but also touched all the audience all year round.

MeetinMe (Movie)[2010]

Feature: The 11-year-old youth series film action film brings together 11 young cutting-edge directors directed a series of new media clips on topics ranging from romance, fantasy, suspense, through, love, friendship, life, joy, anger, tragedy and other rich content, The theme of "youth, struggle". After being broadcast on the video website in August 2010, the series of "Eleven-degree Youth" series titled "New Media Films" has brought a new whirlwind of youth drama in the film and the Internet industry. Fans praise.

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