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Yijie Zhang TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Yijie Zhang Works 26 ,And Costume Drama 11 ,Romance 10 ,Motivational film 3 ,Comedy 2 ,Martial Arts 2 ,Contemporary film 1 ,青春爆笑喜剧1 ,Diamond solo theater ancient martial arts drama. 1 ,少儿爱情网络1 ,Xian xia 1 ,Year 1 ,Magic 1 ,War 1 ,legend 1 ,Crime 1 ,Suspense 1 ,Contemporary 1 ,其它1 ,Net play 1 ,Feature 1 ,轻喜1 ,近代革命1 ,Fantasy 1 ,Ancient legend 1 ,Romantic drama 1 ,Action 1 ,Youth drama 1 ,Action movie 1 。

Works Index

Yijie Zhang Filmography(27)


奋斗吧,少年! (TV)[2019]


电视剧《网球少年》剧情介绍:讲述了中国网球事业的蓬勃发展,在高中校园里掀起了网球热潮,横跨南北的校园网球联赛建立起来。其中由资深教练 Qi Na 担任主教练的青学中学网球队屡创佳绩,培养了一大批优秀的网球人才。然而,网球联赛走到20个年头,青学中学却面临无法打进全国大赛的危机。小龙作为 Qi Na 的秘密武器,从美国回到国内,加入了青学中学网球队。小龙拥有出类拔萃的实力一心要打出最强网球,战胜他心中真正的对手。加入青学中学网球队之后,小龙遇到了各种网球高手,见识了更多可能性,在大家的帮助下,不但从一个ABC成长为精通中国文化的小百科,也在 Qi Na 的引导下体会到了网球真正的乐趣。在征战全国联赛的过程中他感受到团队生活的快乐,并从集体中得到力量。到最后依靠要为团体拼搏的信念,突破自己,战胜强大对手,领悟到了网球的真谛并带领球队朝着既定的目标,奋勇向前。


Fate comes because of you (TV)[2018]

Feature: "Comes Because of You" tells the story of famous fashion designer Shen MiYan (Linda Liao ornaments) and Ning HaoYu (Liu Sihan ornaments) about to get engaged. As Ya-Yan Group and Yu Yi Group heir, their fairy tale combination but because of an unexpected fire had a variable. Mi Yan lost loved ones, Ya Yan Group also suffered a blow. Ning HaoYu's mother, Liu MeiLian (Xu Yi Fei), was going to cancel her engagement but could not bear but Haoyu resolutely took Miyam home. Liu MeiLian's cold attitude was seen in the eyes of Xia QingHan, the chief designer of Yuyi Group, who has always crush Ning HaoYu on her decision to seize the opportunity to fight for her happiness. However, the feelings of Mi Yan and Hao Yu continued to sublimate in the competition between the two companies. Mi Yan also rekindled the confidence and courage in life under the guidance of his friend Xia QingXuan (Yijie Zhang). On the day that Hao Yu formally proposed to Miyam, Mi Yan and his adopted daughter, Shen QinQin (Wendy Ji), had a sudden accident at home on the eighth birthday. Heartbreaking Mi Yan with her daughter far away Yunshan rural support, and have been silently taking care of their Xia QingXuan maintain a pure friendship. Hao Yu experienced hardships, with the help of Xia QingHan repentance finally returned to Mi Yan mother and daughter. Shen MiYan and Ning HaoYu recovered their love and regained their initial heart and dream. Xia QingHan also entered into the marriage hall with Mi Yan's brother Shen Zhenyan (Han Zeyu).

Extraordinary talent (TV)[2018]

Feature: "Extraordinary talent" tells the story of several super-ability boys and girls, played by Zhang Nan Cong Le-hee has the super-ability to move instantly when feeling passionate, so Cong Le-hee has been dedicated to the pursuit of true love. After meeting Wang Yat-sen with Wang Yibo, the two exchanged their feelings, and Cong Le-hee changed his previous rebellion and extreme for him. Cong Ju-hee in the play is a dare to love and hate, the appearance is very strong, the mouth a little poison, but the heart is fragile and sensitive, very contradictory people, but the girlfriends very generous, very persistent love.

li lei 和 han meimei (Movie)[2017]


运动全能的中学女汉子 Han MeiMei ,各项成绩尚可,但一提起英语就头疼得要命。在结束了快乐的初中生活后, Han MeiMei 和 Wei Hua Lin Tao 等一起升上了高中,同时还有 Li Lei 。如今的 Li Lei 已是脱胎换骨,从一个不起眼的小男生变成了又高又帅的男神,还有一口英伦范的纯正英语。 Han MeiMei 也是不知不觉地喜欢上了 Li Lei ,却迟迟不敢开口,于是古灵精怪的她制定出各种作战计划,意图攻陷 Li Lei 。

Huang Feng prison (TV)[2017]

Feature: "Phoenix prison phoenix" tells the story of AD 464, Liu ZiYe ascended the throne, brutal brutal violence, with her sister Shan Chu Liu Chu Yu, no relevant sex pictures, innumerable. Rivers and lakes first gang secret building, to overthrow the tyranny of Liu ZiYe. Chu Yu came to the princess house, began to cultivate confidants, and met Rong Rong Zhi face, in the face of Rong Zhi, Chu Yu secret love affair. In the end, the help of Tian Xiu helped Liu Xie win the title, Liu ZiYe was killed, Chu Yu also "died" in the rebellion. Rong Zhi shot his hand, Chu Chu came to neighboring countries. Chu Yu in neighboring China knew that Rong Zhi turned out to be a crony of the Empress Dowager in the Northern Wei Dynasty. In order to seize power in the Southern Dynasties, it lurked the burden at the princess house. Chu Yu expressed his love to Rong Zhi, Rong Zhi chose the country, and Chu Yu was sad to leave. In fact, Chu Yu Chu Yong affection deep, in the face of Chu Yu resolutely left, and ultimately choose Chu Yu, posing as the sea view, two neighborhood.

火王之破晓之战 (TV)[2017]


电视剧《火王之破晓之战》剧情介绍:讲述了千年以前,宇宙中有一星域,那里山川秀美,景色宜人。火神 Zhong Tian 、风神千湄、山神 Di Yun 等六位神明在众神之首尚轩的带领下共同维护星域的和平。在一次与黑暗势力的对抗中,众神遭受重创,千湄为救爱人 Zhong Tian 生死未卜,星域面临灭顶之灾。 Zhong Tian 为了寻找拯救家园的能量,在尚轩指引下,寻找新的生机。几经跋涉, Zhong Tian 来到遥远的东域,并在此 Zhong Tian 遇到了与爱人千湄长相一样的司徒奉剑。两人经历一次次磨难后相爱,却又因此陷入了更大的生死危机中。而此时,黑暗势力也跟随至此,原来这一切幕后黑手竟然就是 Zhong Tian 曾经的好兄弟 Di Yun 。在历经亲情、友情、爱情的种种抗衡后,善念终于战胜邪恶, Zhong Tian 和 Di Yun 也重新携手,共同找寻拯救星域的希望,重建美好家园。

火王之千里同风 (TV)[2017]


《火王之千里同风》讲述了主人公 Lin Ye 是位年轻有为的科学家,因受到“火王”传说的启发,他集合 Lei Hao 等一帮年轻人创办了绿创生态集团,一心研究让地球免于污染和灾难的环保新能源。女记者诺风因新闻采访与 Lin Ye 结识,在经历一系列误会后,两人互生情愫,正准备携手一道从事环保科研和宣传工作时, Lin Ye 故友 Di Yun 出现,用卑劣的商业手段频繁阻挠,并窃取了 Lin Ye 的科研成果。 Lin Ye 和诺风为了保护新能源与其斗智斗勇,也一再陷入险境,最终,在众多科学家的联手帮助下,科研成果得以保全, Di Yun 的诡计以失败告终。经历这一切的 Di Yun 也终于醒悟,与 Lin Ye 重归于好,两兄弟共同致力于环保事。诺风和 Lin Ye 则终于实现了自身理想,同时收获了美好爱情。

King is not easy (TV)[2017]

Feature: Da Xi (Tatsuuma-Honke Brewing) The elves are weirdly beautiful and have the greatest desire in life to marry beautiful men and women. So when she pays homage to the palace's bodyguard Shao Yong (Zhao Yi Qin) By chance coincidentally with Ji Man (Yijie Zhang) soul exchange has created a fetter, changes in status bring about constant. "King" for the palace personally cook, offer a kiss confession guards, Chaotilehoo passionate dance and other extraordinary behavior frequently, "the palace woman" is uncharacteristically, look cold work gross, mistakes. It is more convenient to have Da Xi close to Shao Yong, but it is also awkward for each time he shows off his love for Shao Yong. Da Xi and Ji Man are deadlocked after Shao Yong. They are wronged and wronged. They do not hesitate to hurt each other but also understand each other and enjoy each other in the process of getting along with each other. Finally, they are beginning to love Ai & nbsp ;.

Beauty is stuffing (TV)[2016]

Feature: "Beauty is stuffing" is produced by Beijing AiQiYi Science and Technology Co., Ltd., and is a crime suspense network drama under the supervision of Li Yuchao and Liang Xinquan. Yang Rong (actress), Yu Bai, Geng Li, Merxat, Tropical Storm Cindy, Starring Ji Qi and other stars, Chen Hao special starring, Zheng Guolin friendship starred. Based on the novel of the same name, the play is based on the adaptation of Ding Mo's novel of the same name, recounting the relationship between police officer Jin Jin and former boyfriend Han Chen, who met again in the past few years. The two men, shaken by horrifying conspiracies, uncovered various pending cases and finally reached a high IQ Crime suspense love story. The play is divided into three seasons. The first season on October 24, 2016 IK IK to premiere. The second and third quarters were on Ikea on November 14, 2016 and December 12, 2016, respectively. In the first quarter of a task mistakenly hit, so that the policewoman Bai Jinxi and the mysterious man Han Chen do not know each other. Later, when investigating a rape case, the two met again, and Han Chen turned out to be a senior criminal police officer. The two men together to solve the case, Han Chen on the application of traditional means of criminal investigation so that Bai Jinxi its admiration. In the process, the two lifted their misunderstandings and gradually gained a good impression of each other. Han Chen lost some memories because of an accident five years ago. He always remembered having a very important fiancee for himself. In search of the woman, he searched everywhere and at the same time refused to open the channel of emotion to others. When Han Chen and Bai Jinxi met and had a good impression on her, this obsession allowed Han Chen to constantly evade feelings with Bai Jinxi. Later, Bai Jinxi was transferred to the provincial team, joined the "Black Shield Group" work with Han Chen. In a bizarre CS case investigation, the two men finally sacrificed their lives to protect each other. This move finally broke the barrier, and Han Chen promised to give an account of Bai Jinxi after ascertaining the truth before the amnesiac. In the second quarter, he pursued Han Chen with perseverance and found that Bai Jinxi was actually the fiancée, Hsun Meng, whom he had always been looking for. The accidental memory loss involved a case committed by a serial killer five years ago. The members of this serial killer organization are all letters of the alphabet codenamed, they act treacherously, enjoy the fun of murder, when the police banned the creation of an explosion, so abducting Sue and faking her identity so that she survived. And then the two experienced by the case, even with the letter killer organization has inextricably linked. As Han Chen and Sue Mian recalled their memories little by little, going hand in hand with the letter killer, they found that the alphabetic perverted killers had infiltrated them. The mysterious third quarter of the killer organization gradually surfaced in the Han Chen and Su sleeplessly tracked under the letters of the group unexpected surprise attack, issued a letter of declaration, a time of crisis in the city, Square bomb vest case, the chemical plant System out of control casualties, Botanical Garden poisoning humanoid sculpture, a variety of cases one after another. The letter killer organization seems to be preparing a large network, quietly Han Chen and Sue will lead to the trap. Han Chen and Sue Mian join forces to fight the alphabet killer organization, at the same time a little bit of memory is recovered, and finally one by one to identify the identities of the letter killers.Unexpectedly, the leader of the killer organization S actually was Xu SiBai, a friend who has always been around in Su-ming. It turned out that the father of Xu Mian was killed by Xu SiBai's father. Xu SiBai secretly peeked at Sue for years, Root deep species. Five years ago, the letter killer planned a grandstanding case in which Sui Mian, a cousin similar in appearance to Su Chun, replaced Su Jin, while Su Mian became Bai Jin Xi and planned to have Han Chen, Ssu Mian, and Xu Si Bai together for amnesia, Only to allow Xu SiBai to stay with her as a new identity in the vicinity of the Soviet Union, the police officially began to arrest the letter killer organization, the two sides experienced a war, and ultimately won the victory, the Black Shield group all had a happy ending. After the case was over, the Black Shields were gathered in similar gatherings. Someone not far away left a portrait.

Female doctor Ming Fei Biography (TV)[2016]

Feature: The prosperity of the Ming dynasty, but it is harsh ethical education, low status of women, not from the doctor, hidden disease refractory. Tan family medical family, generations of ancestral physician, because of being framed by the treacherous victims, leaving ancestral training, future generations can not practice medicine. But bright Tan YunXian from childhood, secretly learning Chinese medicine with grandmother knowledge, not only Xuanhujijian, skilled hand benevolence, has been praised and supported by ordinary people, and gradually save the world's women's heart. As a result, Yun Yin not only faces numerous difficulties and obstacles in the path of medical study, but also faces the impact of feudal ethics and secular ideas. However, Yin Yin overcomes all kinds of difficulties with his obsession and love of medical science. He not only absorbs and integrates medicine in his own way, but also breaks through the harsh legal and religious restraint. He has created and established a system of female doctors, The body to save the soul, and then by saving people to save the country, spread and carry forward the medical culture of the motherland, eventually becoming a generation of women's medicine, famous world.

My mother and I long march (TV)[2016]

Feature: In 1934, on the eve of the strategic transfer of the Soviet Red Army, Shui Cong's visit to Nanchang came as a result of a conspiracy to massacre Nanchang underground party. In the killing, Shui Cong was rescued by investigator Chen ZiMing while her husband, Xu GuangXuan, was sheltered by the same gay people and became the survivor of this conspiracy. Returning to the Central Soviet Area, Pan XiuShan, who specialized in the case, insisted that Xu GuangXuan was a traitor who was afraid of death. Fortunately, Chen ZiMing brought back the ironclad evidence and rescued Xu GuangXuan from the muzzle, so that Pan XiuShan was the true traitor. The Fifth Counter-encirclement Campaign Starts With The Red Army Quickly Transferred. Xu GuangXuan Is Commanding, To Rush To The Xiangjiang River Battlefield, Couples Do not Leave. Shui Cong and Chen ZiMing left the team decided to chase large forces. Along the way, they mistreated into bandits and fought local warlords, and Shui Cong's daughter was arrested and endangered. At the close of the moment, Xu GuangXuan led the Sichu Chishui army to the city and confronted the warlord Guo XiaoFeng. After some fierce contest, Xu GuangXuan rescued his wife and daughter and reunited with one army and finally led the army to overcome countless difficulties and obstacles and finally reached Wuqi in northern Shaanxi. .

Half demons Allure 2 (TV)[2016]

Feature: Allure (Li Yitong ornaments) vowed to fulfill the responsibility of the king of million demon, in charge of the order of the demon world, experience their own skill, a strong aura to demon obedience. The memory of Ming Xia (Zhe-hanZhangDecoration) because of the reason of a brother determined to become a catacombs, ruthless killing of the demon, the opposite of the two meet again because of the identity of the relationship between love and kill. At the same time, Ming Xia vaguely remember once loved a girl, but can not remember her look, Yao BiTao (Qingzi Kan ornaments) took the opportunity to pursue the pursuit of Ming Xia, so that the trick for Ming Xia that the two had a love, Allure and Ming Xia's relationship is therefore even more tense.

BanShuLegend (TV)[2015]

Feature: Ban Shu (Jing Tian), daughter of the super-guarding class in the Eastern Han Dynasty, grew up alone in the grasslands after he was young and separated from his parents. In the eve of recognition of father and daughter, Ban Chao died of illness. Ban Shu tried to get into the palace in recognition of the Bancai tribe, and successively worked as a woman's master in the school of the aristocracy and the palace school of the boys' school founded by the Empress Dowager. Open her chivalrous heart, but the Central Plains poetry unreasonable, a lot of jokes inside the school, but she did not follow the conventional, ingenuity in reform but let the original dull school atmosphere as a new one. During the teaching process, Ban Shu fell in love with the vicissitude of Wei Ying (Zhe-han Zhang), a man of palace who can not forget the tragic death of fiancee with a passionate and bold heart. While their feelings were getting stronger, Ban Shu's sister returned unexpectedly, and Ban Shu and Wei Ying fell into tangles. In the end, Ban Shu joined hands with the students to make the magnificent culture of the Han people deeply rooted in the hearts of people with his own intelligence. Ban Shu eventually grew up in the dual experiences of business and emotion.

My wife is 80 after adults (TV)[2015]

Feature: However, by accident, Wang XiaoLu discovered the "shameful secrets" of Lv BuFan and ex-girlfriend Tang Yuan. Formerly happy marriage was found in Wang XiaoLu Lv BuFan love affair to slide into the abyss, the two eventually divorced under the impulse. However, because of the family's accident, had to re-pretend husband and wife. One of the girlfriends, Wu Yu, has innumerable unreliable parents who should set an example for Wang Xiao Lu to set an example. However, just as Wu Yu is determined to sacrifice himself, Fang Xiaoyu, the blind date, showed his true face. The battered Wu Yu and Wang XiaoLu's uncle, Yu ZhiHeng, had a curious taste of hangover, causing the "great friendship" of both men to turn sharply down. Bai SuXian, a girlfriend, is married to Dong JingHui, a 60-year-old wealthy. Behind the seeming success is to endure empty loneliness and wrestle with her 16-year-old stepdaughter until she regains her dream of dancing Self, but triggered a crisis of marriage. Three girlfriends, uphold their completely different view of love and marriage, after experienced ups and downs and ridiculous understanding of life.

The Backlight of Love (TV)[2015]

Feature: Stills A rich girl Jiang Li (Dilraba Dilmurat ornaments) the death of kicked off, she had a very enviable love, but after the wedding day escaped marriage bizarre death. After death Jiang Li became a ghost and met an angel at the scene of death Kong Kong (Yijie Zhang ornaments). Under Kong Kong's guidance, Jiang Li returned home as a ghost to investigate his death cause, so one by one Buried for a long time the secret was slowly opened.

GuJianQiTan (TV)[2014]

Feature: During the Tang Dynasty, Zi YinZhenRen disciple of Barry Tu Su body has a mysterious evil spirits, by burning silent sword ancient sword Qi Tan stills suppression. He met Ou Yang ShaoGong and Fang Lansheng when they turned bandits to kill bandits. Less Gong is a saint jade altar disciples, elders Lei Yan usurped the throne, less Christine fled to find "Yu Heng" whereabouts. Due to less Christine refining refining immortality immortality, Tu Su feel hopeful rescued mother, easy to Gong Gong colleagues. On the way to find Yuheng, Tu Qingxu fled to Feng Qingxue and fox Xing Ling. Hong Yu was sent by Zi YinZhenRen, secretly protecting TuSu and resolving the crisis many times. Less Gongming into immortality, Tu Su's mother also woke up, so Tu Su learned that the mother was OuyangShaoGong harm. Lei Yan sent people to take less Gong, and instigated its complicity. Less Gong used Lei Yan's trust to kill Lei Yan, while secretly planning to use the Yukon uniform Tuzhu to restore Penglai career. Fang Lansheng found Christine's conspiracy, Tu Su lift the seal, and less people to Penglai and Christine duel, less Christine was killed. Finally, Fang Lan-sheng and Hong Yu et al. Found their own places of destination. Tu Su also formed a connection with Feng QingXue.

Battle of Changsha (TV)[2014]

Feature: In 1938 October, the Japanese army captured Wuhan all the way south, Changsha at stake. The face of sudden war, the city panic, many people bring their families to take the South to flee the West ran. Xue JunShan, the son of the grandchildren of the tea garden in the city, cooperated with his family to make every effort to arrange a retreat for Xiang family and Xiaoman, the most favored family of Hu family. Xue JunShan Xiangyang first introduced to the returned foreign troops to guard Changsha military personnel Gu Qingming, but regrettably vigorous Xiang Hunan and arrogant Gu Qingming a meeting with the flood of water, Xue JunShan had to choose another family. In the family's efforts, finally to the city of Changsha before the fire burned Xiangxiang set to be considered a piece of heart disease. At this time, Chiang Kai-shek secretly burning Changsha City, due to improper command, Changsha fire burned three days and nights, causing a huge disaster, the thriving Millennium City was destroyed, millions of people in their sleep, the fire, including Xiang Xiang's fiance one. On such a scorched earth, heroes and children came all over the place. They wanted to use flesh and blood to defend this ancient city and work hard with Hunan people to stop the enemies. The Hu family also played a scene in this disaster Behind the scenes joys and sorrows story.

Best bride (TV)[2014]

Feature: "Tofu Shih Tzu" Dou Dou Dou never married, she firmly believes that only know she knows she loves her Pinang Jun official posters worth the love. A sudden lawsuit almost let the Tang family broken, fortunately Kongjiazhuangzhuangzhu shot saved. Mrs. Gu XiangPing fancy Tang DouDou, for the eldest son Bai Nanti pro. Bai Nan prodigy childhood reputation, character talent is superb. Did not expect bridal chamber of the night, prodigy actually become only a fool of eight years old IQ. Tang DouDou exploded, wedding night lioness angry, ran back to the Tang family. The face of the spot on the spot of the father of the Tang, the mother and the bride price will lose the light, Peasantry desperation and Xiangping set a contract for about a year. Parkinson on Peas repeatedly infatuated with laughter, love affair between dark laughter. Peas found another disease of Parkinson's brain disease, decided to find out the truth. Her mother-in-law Ping-an abnormal, secretly manipulated, Peas caught a crisis of life and death after another. Weird Beidou and Parkinson, Wanquan breakthrough heavy and dangerous, cured Park South. Did not think of a fire, so Bai Nan completely forgotten with Peas and everything experienced. Peas dissolved heavy crisis, recall Parker's memory, regain their own goods Langjun.

Condor Heroes (TV)[2014]

Feature: The Legend of the Condor Heroes paired Yang Guo's son Yang Guo, who had been in his childhood and was taken over by Guo Jing and sent to Quanzhen for training. Rebellious Yang Guo could not stand the torture, escaped from Quanzhen teaching into the tomb faction, was retained by Xiao LongNv, with martial arts. After Li MoChou scored the tomb of life and death, the two from the mentoring of friendship developed into an unforgettable love. As Mongolian cavalry is about to go south and Guo Jing et al. Are unmatchable, at a crucial moment, Xiao LongNv and Yang Guo are inadvertently involved in the fight to defeat Jin LunGuoShi. However, there were many good things and many bad things. As Yang Guo and Xiao Long Nv gathered again and again, after experiencing the perilous conditions such as the Wulin General Assembly, the Xiangyang soldier, the unforgettable valley and so on, they left their lives for more than 16 years. Yang Guo, who possessed the posters of the Condor Heroes for 16 years, finally found Xiao LongNv in the fiery valley and returned to the world. At that moment, Mongolia was mobbing Mengli and attacking Xiangyang. Yang Guo defeated Jin LunFaWang and killed the Mongolian Emperor Meng Ge with a flystone to set the first victory for the victory of Xiangyang Battle. The war ended. Guo Guo et al. People, with God carving, leisurely far away nbsp ;.

The woman of the king (TV)[2013]

Feature: The "King's Woman" overhead history, dreaming of the Warring States Period, with Xue Shu contestation as a historical background, highlighting the theme of troubled times the heroes, heroic beauty, the heroic beauty of the hero. Different from the "harem" theme of "palace" series and "beauty" series mostly based on prosperity, "The Woman of the King" places characters, emotions, fates and battles in the chaos of the times. The character's character is cursed by the chaos of the chaos and the emotional cues Uneasy things and turmoil. The "Queen's Woman" posters Two men's I love each other, the two women's beauty plan, at any time by the ups and downs of the times pulled, plot ups and downs, ups and downs. Two women, the war of life, that an unclear, unknown love and sorrow, the man conquered the world to conquer the woman, the woman conquered the man to conquer the world. Tell everyone what is a woman conquered the world, for the audience a complete interpretation of what is the hero does not love the country, leaving the world only for the beloved woman's story.

Xuanyuanjian day marks (TV)[2012]

Feature: "The Day of the Xuanyuanjian" Chen JingChou is Chen's last prince, carrying the life of the republic, he has not done a decent job for eighteen years. Chen Fu, who has been painstakingly educating him in Chen Ching, who has been mourning for the enemy, heard that the quickest way to recover from the success of the nation was to assemble the five artifacts of the ancient past. Chen JingChou, at the urging of Chen Fu, began to search for artifacts. However, at the beginning of the road to recovery, he encountered the most powerful opponent, Yu WenTa, a descendant of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, and a prince who was also a national enemy, hating each other, both of whom had the mission of republication and whose means and character were completely absent different. In the relationship between their friends and their enemies, they also encountered three special girls like Erh, Xiao Xue and Ning Ke, which involved complicated feelings. In the end, the conviction of safeguarding world peace defeated the desires. Chen JingChou and Yu WenTa sacrificed their little love to make their own love. They jointly sealed the marks of Heaven and saved the land of China.

HappyAdventure (Movie)[2011]

Feature: A jewel theft sensation throughout the city! Valuable gems are missing! Behind the scenes black hands actually a group of non-Touched Oolong Thieves. In order to deceive the sea, they will be hidden gemstones in an ordinary toy bear body. It can be considered as artificial, this "expensive" teddy bear in the wrong place was sent to the toy factory, in the face of tens of thousands of exactly the same teddy bear, the needle is too haystack also too Xing Xing mobilize it? In the meantime, the sales manager at the toy factory exchanged identities with his son in an accident. Since then, the 38-year-old father had to go back to school bags on the back of his sophomore examination of primary school; playful 10-year-old son dressed in a suit turned Office Boy, the office into their own new "battlefield". The development of events far beyond their imagination, interesting story of farce kicked off. Even more surprising is that the father and son were actually lucky coincidence with the jewels jewels! Seeing his son was hijacked, of course, can not stand idly by his father, can face his only "10-year-old" head, what is hard Chuangzhi or Zhi-pu? Absurd misplaced life when it can end? When the Oolong encounter misplaced father and son, when "Wife Daddy" turned "Martial arts master", a thrilling Zhiyong pass through the gate is about to ring!

East three Xiaoxia (Movie)[2010]

Feature: "East three Xiaoxia" is starring. "Three Heroes of the East" was filmed by Shenzhen Image Star Culture Communication Co., Ltd. and tells the story of three young heroes who used their wisdom and goodness to resist bad guys and did not bow to evil forces during the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China. It is understood that the film "The Three Xiaoxia" invited many stars starred in three places, one of the Kung Fu King Liu Jiahui, Stephen Chow Queen's gold medal supporting actor Liang Jiaren will play an important role in the film, but like Zhang Yi Jie martial arts and comedy, Can also steal some. Zhang Yi Jie said, "I believe this cooperation can make my performance a higher level." In this event come to the fore a pair of sisters, they are little children's stars Chen Yue Fei and Chen Xingrui. Sister two practiced a unique temperament since childhood, a little star Rui began practicing art since childhood, so the form is very good, and small Yi Fei grew up to learn to walk the model, and participated in many models show, so the temperament is better. Two sisters also participated in many performances on different occasions, no doubt also "gold partner portfolio." The event, which amazing performance and unique temperament of the sisters, Hong Kong actress Fan Yimin and Hong Kong star Tian Qiwen and many other stars praise and affirmed by the Hong Kong gold medalist Mr. Tian Qiwen their appreciation. Tian said the sister flowers will likely surpass Twins, become a new generation of movie stars. At the same time, the sisters flowers are also expected to become "Happy Childhood" "Oriental Three Xiaoxia" and other CCTV film preselected actor.

Phoenix seeking Phoenix (TV)[2004]

Feature: "Feng Qiao Phoenix" tells the story of Lingerie Dong, and welcomes Zhuo Wenjun, daughter of Zhuo WangSun, to the second son of an ill person. Unexpectedly, Dong Erzi did not know the parlor will swallow. Si MaXiangRu Dong LaoTaiYe rescued from home and resurrected on the road, just sent to the door, Dong XiaoXian will be overcast and wrong, the Si MaXiangRu dressed as groom and Wen Jun worship hall. Si MaXiangRu after the truth to know the endless regret, vowed to save Wenjun Dong home. Si MaXiangRu's righteous remarks forced Dong to promise that Si Wen-Jun should be sent back to her family by Lin Si. The Si MaXiangRu drinking accident did not make it. Wenjun had no alternative but to dress up with the maid Yaya Yu Tong alone. Si MaXiangRu chase Linzi and Wenjun dress "Du Gongzi" live in the same guesthouse, together with Cheng YiFei Cheng YiFei involvement of another tycoon rich businessman Zheng Cheng, and Wen Jun master servant two and Si MaXiangRu and There were many stories between several of his servant Sang Pu. "Phoenix phoenix" during this time, Si MaXiangRu and "Du Gongzi" together talk about poetry Fu hearty, sympathetic. By chance coincides with the two ancient music "phoenix phoenix." Five people go out to travel, went to Mengjiazhai, learned that Wang Ji was captured by Tang Meng, all camps rescued. Wenjun raise money for Wang Ji Tang Meng, forced to return to her family Zhuo Fu. Dong XiaoXian In order to please the emperor, lie to Zhuo WangSun painter for daughter Wenjun portrait, the process of portrait, Wenjun in exchange for daughter loaded. Si MaXiangRu and Wenjun mutually confession of love, Wenjun finally resolutely with Si MaXiangRu elope back to Chengdu Sima Prefecture. Dong XiaoXian harmed them to even sell the house, forced to go back to Lin Wenjun opened a wine shop when 垆 sell liquor for their livelihood. When Zhuo WangSun and Dong XiaoXian were forcibly competing for wine establishments, Grand Ouyang brought the intention of Han WuDi to declare Si MaXiangRu to visit Changan. Han WuDi Appreciate Si MaXiangRu literary talent, let it be given in the palace. However, Si MaXiangRu was banished because of petitions and was not allowed to leave Changan. Emperor Chen wanted to borrow Si MaXiangRu Wen re-won the Emperor's favor, but self-defeating to make Emperor Wu furious. Wenjun was dragged away by the Dong family's "Fengqiu Phoenix" stills, Si MaXiangRu got the message to write Emperor Wu Lin's "Shanglin Fu" for the Savior Wenjun, and hurried back to Linli to get the news that Wenjun was dead. Si MaXiangRu to save Mengjiazhai people wrote the queen of Chen's "long door Fu." Si MaXiangRu was recalled to Changan, due to once again clashed with the Emperor Wudi was almost cut in the execution ground, fortunate enough to be saved by Dong FangShuo and Ping YangGongZhu, and lived in the Ping YangGongZhu house, Ping YangGongZhu Si MaXiangRu Siwen Wenjun also touched by the truth . Si MaXiangRu served as a textbook order. Since then, daily poetry wine as a companion, even the stunning Wei ZiFu also failed to impress Si MaXiangRu heart. Although Emperor Wudi loved Wenjun, Wenjun was touched by the truth of Si MaXiangRu. Decided to let Si MaXiangRu and Weiqing expedition, the successor returned personally to Si MaXiangRu get married. Si MaXiangRu, who was married, heard the bridegroom playing the phoenix qing phoenix in the bridal chamber. He braved the courage to unveil the bride's red head.

Condor heroes (TV)[2001]


The royal couple matched Yang kang's son Yang Guo From childhood to the lake, by the deceased Guo Jing After receiving and sent to the quanzhen teaching training. Rebellious Yang Guo can't bear the torture, escape from the whole truth into the tomb faction, by Xiao LongNv Take in and teach kung fu. after Li MoChou Entering the tomb and facing life and death, two people from the friendship developed into a deep love. Because the Mongolian steed is about to go south, Guo Jing and others are hard to match. At the critical moment, Xiao LongNv and Yang Guo are unwittingly involved in the dispute and defeated Jin LunGuoShi . However, the good things are always going on. Yang Guo and Xiao LongNv have met and separated for many times. After the wulin conference, xiangyang's fierce battle and dangerous situation, he was separated for 16 years. After 16 years, the infatuated Yang Guo finally found the doomed Xiao LongNv at the bottom of the desperate situation, the two returned to the world. At this time, Mongolia is mobilizing troops, xiangyang, Yang Guo defeated the king of the golden wheel, and killed the Mongol emperor with flying rocks Meng Ge Yang Guo Xiao LongNv said goodbye to Guo Jing and so on. With the divine carvings, it is a long way to go & NBSP; .


Condor heroes (TV)[1998]


It is a martial-arts drama produced by Taiwan television, directed by Raymond Lee, lai shuiqing, and starring Richie Jen and Jacklyn Wu.

该剧根据金庸的同名武侠小说改编,主要讲述了南宋末年, Yang Kang 之子 Yang Guo 和其师父 Xiao LongNv 经历了一番江湖恩怨,终成眷属的凄美爱情故事。

The show premiered on August 25, 1998 at 8 p.m.

Condor heroes (TV)[1998]


The condor heroes is an ancient martial arts drama produced by Singapore new media production private limited. It is directed by ma yuhui and zhang longmin, and starred by Christopher Lee (flight actor) and Fann Wong. Based on jin yong's novel of the same name, the play mainly tells the story of Yang Guo and Xiao LongNv experienced a sad and beautiful love and vendetta in the late southern song dynasty. It was broadcast on channel 8 of new media on 2 June 1998.

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