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Chong Wang TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Chong Wang Works 15 ,And Feature 5 ,Suspense 4 ,Costume Drama 4 ,Comedy 4 ,Republic of China 2 ,Love 2 ,Thriller 2 ,War 2 ,Historical play 1 ,Myth play 1 ,Urban drama 1 ,轻喜1 ,Youth drama 1 ,Motivational film 1 ,Idol drama 1 ,Romance 1 ,Terror 1 。

Works Index

Chong Wang Filmography(15)


Mothers Revenge (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Legend has it that the cat face old lady was black cat posed after death, half human half cats, very cruel. However, no one has really seen this person, and perhaps, those who have seen her are no longer in this world. Xiao Chun (Wu Xi (footballer)), Xiao Qiu (Chong Wang), Xiao Xia (Miao Tien) and Xiao Dong (Jun Wang) are the four brothers and sisters of the Chou family whose mothers freeze on a winter night The dead, flying snow and the dark cat brought a very ominous foreboding. Among the ancient towns, the rumors about the old face of the cat face resurgence, secluded house, followed by a creepy science can not explain the supernatural event. The curse of death shrouded in the weeks around the four siblings, there is no way for the four escape only! escape! escape! However, they can temporarily escape the entanglement of death, but can they escape the condemnation of conscience and the reincarnation of causation?

Fall in love with black angel (TV)[2015]

Feature: The play depicts a young man composed of creative studio from scratch, undergo a severe test, and finally realize their ideal and love story. Faced with the harsh destruction of traditional cultural landscape will be developers, young people to give up the upcoming millions of marketing contracts, wrestle with bad business photos Yong, in the setbacks continue to grow and mature. The hero of the play Ma Liang talented but cynical. The beautiful and proud "White Fu Mei" Ye ManLing has a feeling of the youth, making the real estate elite who has been admired Ye ManLing Bai Gang unluckily. He selected Ma Liang's friend Du QingYan to be an undercover agent, constantly setting up obstacles and putting blackjack at blackjack, and Ma Liang also suffered jail terms such as jail terms and disfigurement. In order to make Ma Liang and 21 o'clock out of the woods, and to expose Bai Gang's conspiracy, Ye ManLing decided to marry Bai Gang. People do not understand this. Ma Liang was so sad that she began to address Ye Man-ling's feelings about her. Eventually Ye ManLing saved blackjack with Bai Gang's money. The struggle of young people to make the ancient three Lane Qiliang glow youth. Ma Liang and Ye ManLing finally came together.

you are my eye (TV)[2015]

Feature: "You are my eyes" tells Zhang SanJin is a happy migrant worker. Ten years ago, Zhang SanJin came to Shenzhen to take gold with her mother in order to save money for blind old mothers. Although the photo day constraints, but both mother and child are full of enthusiasm for life. In a coincidence, Zhang SanJin, a member of the family of Qiu YueJin, a veteran, signed an amputation agreement in the hospital to save his life. Results old man looking at Brokeback anxious to tell Zhang SanJin! Qiu YueJin's adopted daughter, a beautiful blind woman, helped Zhang SanJin to take care of her mother. Flowers have become a big star singer, but also the eyes of flowers with bright hope. One by one good news, like a hammer beat Zhang SanJin nerves, Zhang SanJin depressed. Flowers and Zhang SanJin, this is like a flower inserted in the fertilizer, now the success of flowers let Zhang SanJin more inferiority. Zhang SanJin was caught in the choice between humanity and morality to let the flowers see the world afresh. Ultimately, true love and affection overcome all kinds of difficulties, their happy lives continue to move forward & nbsp ;.

天涯女人心 (TV)[2015]


《天涯女人心》讲述了民初福州, Lu YaQing 被表哥 Zhao TianLai 卖与赌场,后转至酒楼,因缘遇到佟家公子佟绍伟。在绍纬和青梅竹马的 Wang ChangRong 帮助下,雅卿得保清白。绍伟不顾 Tong Mu 阻挠迎娶雅卿。管家 Yang KaiTai 勾结绍伟指腹为婚的对象 Li NianZhen 加害照片雅卿。 Tong Mu 听信谗言,在雅卿诞下一女后将母女二人赶出佟府。尔后绍伟迎娶怀有 Yang KaiTai 孩子的念珍。雅卿被 Zhao JiuMa 收留,发现自己又怀了绍伟的骨肉。念珍产下一女, Yang KaiTai 为了自己女儿的地位派人追杀雅卿。雅卿逃至厦门避难,一躲就是五年。长荣发迹后在厦门遇到雅卿。两人重返福州时,发现开泰已经夺得佟家财产,并赶走佟氏母子。雅卿不计前嫌,照顾绍纬和 Tong Mu ,并开始对抗开泰。念珍良心发现,交出开泰犯罪证据。开泰伏法。雅卿帮佟家争回财产与地位,无悔地报答绍纬曾经的恩情,最后在 Tong Mu 的祝福下,正式成为绍伟的妻子 。

Liao Zhai new series (TV)[2015]

Feature: "Liao Zhai New Edition" is based on Pu Songling's short story collection "Strange Tales from Liao Zhai", composed of six separate articles, "Lu Judge" Tao YueMing love over death and death to engage in marriage, "heaven and earth" in the Xie LingEr and Xi Fangping break the devil's domain. Heng Niang, who is demon-bewitched in Heng Niang's love for hate, Lian Suo, a gossip in Lian Suo, loves Hong Kong, and cats and queens in Ye Sheng Passionate love blood, "green women" Yu Jing fell in love with beauty mantis Lv Zhu & nbsp ;.

My Top Secret career (TV)[2014]

Feature: My Top Secret career tells the story of the assassination attempt made by the Soviet envoy to visit Northeast China in early 1931, which led to the assassination of Japan's spy agencies and the Kuomintang Blue Dress Club. The young businessman Guan Yu Da happens to be a student of the Soviet envoy who inadvertently got involved and was assassinated by Lan Kun agency spy Fang Kun. Tan ZiJun, the newlywed and pregnant wife, mistook her husband for death. After the September 18 Incident, she took all the elders and children in the new Manchurian capital of the puppet Manchuria to settle down. She gave birth to her son and opened a photo gallery with Fang Rinzai Adjacent to living. Eight years later, the mysteriously rescued Guan Yu Da broke into the new Beijing Japanese secret service, providing secret information to our party. In an unexpected encounter with Tan ZiJun, this encounter not only disrupted Hansan's plan, but also placed him in a dangerous position of suspicion. Out of consideration for the safety of Tan ZiJun Han Shan can not be recognized, this time in the face of Tan Zijun dead but unknown husband, my heart full of suspicion. Han Shan's work in the secret service, such as walking on the tip of a knife, did not know that another secret agent was hidden inside the organ. This person's design trap leaked the true identity of Han Shan and implicated Tan ZiJun. At this time, Han Shan also cleverly detected the true identity of the person and the crimes and exposed them in a chain. This not only gained further Japanese trust and successfully rescued Tan ZiJun. However, the misunderstanding between him and Tan ZiJun not only failed to resolve, but deepened it. Tan Zijun firmly believe that the rebirth of Han Shan has become a dead-end for the Japanese people's lives lackeys. In a secret joint operation, Han Shan's only contact was accidental death; Han Shan from the organization lost contact, no one can confirm his identity, only to fight alone. Fang Kun, who has been living next to Tan Zijun, peeked at all the activities of Han Shan. Han Shan had a hard time marrying Hui Zi, who had crush on her, while stealing the battle information of the Halaha River. Tan ZiJun this matter has been a huge blow, Tanzi Jun's desperation prompted her and Fang Kun changed from a friend to a lover. Under the circumstance of being abusively and consubstantively, Han Shan still completed such tasks as bombing Japan's arsenal, rescuing pneumonic plague, and assisting the prisoners of the Comintern. Han Shan learned that senior Soviet generals had defected to the new capital. This person holds important secrets of our party and, once it is leaked, will bring immeasurable losses to our party. When Soviet traitors arrived in Shanghai on the way from the new capital, Hanshan took a mortal determination and forced her to expose her identity. They killed the Soviet traitors at the Shanghai Railway Station and fell into the No. 76 Magic Cave. Seventy-six special agent is the same year Han Shan in the Soviet Union classmate Li LianSheng, this time he has become a speculative politics Wang pseudo-traitor. Li LianSheng attempted to persuade Hanshan to compromise both hardware and software, but Han Shan was accidentally rescued by Japan's Consul General Bai Chuan and valued Bai-Yuan as a commercial conspiracy. She searched for Bai Chuan's anointing grease and grease to consolidate her position in Japan's military and political circles. Bai Chuan was unaware of Han's return, forcing him to take his son to Shanghai in disguise as a hostage. The matter is undoubtedly a thunderbolt to Tan ZiJun. At this time, Han Shan-ming, working for the Japanese, secretly delivered food and military supplies to the New Fourth Army and transferred the huge amount of gold that Bai Chuan has accumulated for years to the liberated areas.Han Shan endured the misunderstanding of compatriots and loved ones, with astonishing perseverance and wisdom and the Japanese invaders, Wang pseudo, the military campaign conducted a secret fight. On the eve of victory, Han Shan exchanged his blood for the understanding of his relatives and made tremendous contributions to the war of resistance finally.

MysteriousFace (Movie)[2013]

Feature: On a dark and stormy night of the stormy night, Liu Ling (Hui Tao ornaments) found three suspected dead bodies in a small house. She was terrified that she wanted to run away. Unexpectedly, a black phantom of the eye slowly crawled up. Liu Ling Screamed screams. Years later, Liu Tian (王舯 舯), Fang WenQing (Qijiang Wu) and Ye Zi (Jenny Chao) went to the village again to find out where Liu Ling was from. There is an unnamed monument in the entrance to the village. After a nightfall, a series of horrible things happened. The next day, everyone saw Liu Tian in front of the monument, so he suspected that the monument was buried with his sister. Liu Tian came to her sister's accidental haunted house and found her sister's bones. Liu Tian nightmare kept going that night and his spirit collapsed. Since then, every night in the dead of silence, they pillow there will be a head and face without a body ghost, they can still leave here ......

Epoch-making (TV)[2011]

Feature: "Brilliant World" tells the story of the May Fourth Movement that spread to Moscow. Lenin appointed Marin as the representative of the Comintern to China to help establish the epic drama branch in China. Li DaZhao helped Chen DuXiu avoid military police raids and made a party-building agreement in Ruixue. Mao ZeDong directed people to burn Japanese goods, ignition of Nissan matches caused him deep thought. Zhou EnLai adapted the drama for the attack on the traitors and decorated the female corner, arrested by the reactionary authorities. Deng YingChao asks to replace jail. Sun ZhongShan was wanted to secretly leave for Shanghai and decided to reorganize the Kuomintang for another revolution. Mao sent new people learn to be friends, and go to France to study Zhou EnLai hand over. Chen DuXiu asked Chen Wangdao to translate the "Communist Manifesto" and hosted Mao ZeDong who came to seek advice. After many weeks of discussions, Marin met with South Chen North Lee and decided to convene a "big one." As a representative of Hunan, Mao ZeDong walked into the gate of No. 106 Wangzhi Road in Shanghai. Sun ZhongShan formally established a government in Guangzhou to host the Northern Expedition, and Jiang JieShi as the chief of staff of the Second Army. Chen JiongMing Unfortunately, Chiang Kai-shek betrayed the revolution. Sun ZhongShan evacuated to Bao Bi ship under the cover of Ye Ting, and Wang Jing Wei called Jiang Jie Shi to escort Guangzhou. Zhou EnLai and Deng Xiaoping held a "refusal conference" in Paris. Chen Yi and others were forcibly returned to China. Mao ZeDong organized workers strike and Huang Ai et al. Were killed. Zhu De attacked the rebels. Zhu De stated that there is nowhere between this and Chen DuXiu's request to join the party. However, after his arrival in France, Zhou EnLai introduced the party. Sun ZhongShan took great pains and the Chinese Communist Party offered him a helping hand. The transformation of the KMT meeting was held in Shanghai. Sun ZhongShan invited Marin and Chen DuXiu to the meeting, but Jiang JieShi was turned away. Chiang was saddened to become a monk. Mao ZeDong angrily shouted Zhao HengTi from Anyuan, and Zhao covered the streets with advertisements of reward for hunting hair. For the first time, Mao ZeDong has entered the party's core leadership. Jiang JieShi desolate to attend the KMT "big one", and Mao ZeDong, Zhou EnLai situation. Whampoa "school army" levy, the battlefield tribute to Sun ZhongShan, defeated with a white blade Chen JiongMing. Liao Zhongkai assassination, Chiang, Wang has become the biggest beneficiary. Mao ZeDong and Zhou EnLai met Chen DuXiu and proposed that they should be prepared for Jiang's defense. Chen DuXiu thought it was neurotic. Jiang suddenly launched the "Zhongshan ship incident" and arrested Communists. While Zhou Enlai was accused of being Chiang, he was put under house arrest. Mao Zendong saved his life and proposed to fight Chiang. However, Chen still adopted a compromise. Wang JingWei was forced to go to Hong Kong sadly by chance and met Hu HanMin, who was only away from Guangdong. Faced with Chiang's case of "Organizing Party Affairs", Mao Zendong started the case. Mao, Zhou lights night talk, with the same worry. Suddenly visit, Xu high-ranking officials, coat, Zhou categorically rejected Mao ZeDong rain mobilization on the ground, so that agricultural students graduated early to participate in the Northern Expedition. Jiang JieShi suddenly appeared, as chief commander in chief speech. Zhou EnLai to Ye Ting Independence Mission Zhuang line, opened the curtain of the Northern Expedition. Zhu De and Deng Xiaoping were all sent back to mobilize Yang Sen and Feng Yu Xiang to participate in the Northern Expedition. Mao ZeDong proposed the basic issues of the two Chinese revolutions in land and armed groups, and Chen DuXiu dismissed it. Mao ZeDong traveled for thousands of miles and wrote the Report on the Investigation of Hunan Peasant Movement, using facts to disprove Chen's erroneous views.Song QingLing moved to Wuhan and other passing Jiangxi, Jiang suddenly agreed to change the capital of Nanchang, Song was dismissed. With the efforts of Song QingLing and Mao ZeDong, Wuhan National Government was established. Chiang stepped up the establishment of an authoritarian regime under the imperialist fiscal lure and ordered the cessation of the offensive on Shanghai. Under the leadership of Zhou EnLai, the third armed uprising in Shanghai won a big victory. Jiang Jie-Shih retained the exiled Wang JingWei, but Wang persuaded Zhou EnLai to go to Wuhan. Chiang Kai-shek shifted the tiger from the mountains and disarmed its workers. Zhou organized thousands of people to march, was Jiang Jun massacre, Li DaZhao, Zhao ShiYan and a large number of Communist Party members also fell into a pool of blood. Mao ZeDong sent a telegram to Chiang Kai-shek and Wang JingWei dismissed Chiang Kai-shek from the Kuomintang party. Chiang Kai-shek in Nanjing another set of national government, and actually chairman Chiang Hu HanMin away. Zhou EnLai Tiger exits, Mao ZeDong to the dock to greet, they proposed the only way out armed insurrection, Chen DuXiu still hope put Wang JingWei body. Eleven days later, Wang JingWei publicly announced a break with the CCP. Deng Xiaoping dived out of Xi'an to Hankou to make an emergency in Zhou EnLai and Zhou decided in time to hold the Nanchang Uprising. On August 1, 1927, Zhou EnLai and Zhu De launched the first shots against Jiang Jie Shi reactionaries. On August 7, Mao ZeDong attended the central emergency meeting and put forward the famous assertion that "there was a power out of the gun." September 9, the Autumn Harvest Uprising broke out, Mao ZeDong personally designed the first time hit the banner of the Chinese Communist Party.

TaiHangMaMa (Movie)[2010]

Feature: "Taihang Mum" is a theme commemorating the 65th anniversary of the victory of the anti-fascist war and reflecting the selfless dedication of the Taihang Old Quarter in supporting the Eighth Route Army and the Japanese in a bloody fight. The movie recounts: In 1942, the Japanese aggressors carried out a frenzied raid on my base in the Taihang Mountains, targeting the Eighth Route Army stationed at the scene. When the troops are busy fighting the Japanese invaders, they hand the head of several young children to the local people's homes. Liu TianXi, life officer of the Army Logistics Department, handed over his two children, Jun Sheng and his sister, to his wife, Jiang Gui-Fang. After the enemy got the news, sent traitors spy on Liu secretly surveillance. Lu YiGui opened the restaurant drunk, inadvertently leaked Liu cover the Eighth Route Army child to the traitor Guo Liu children. A tortuous touching story that struggled with the enemy and made many changes in danger took place ......

YiMengLiuJieMei (Movie)[2009]

Feature: Wei Yimeng towering monument of selfless dedication, surging Yi River unlimited water Yisheng children's loyalty to the party. On the eve of the Battle of Mengliangk in 1947, Yimeng Mountain's Tobacco Factory held a special wedding ceremony. Women's orphans' longing Orchid led the only women and the elderly in the village to work on an arduous task ahead of them, sharing five thousand pounds of pancakes in two or three days and receiving five thousand pounds of horse grasses and two hundred pairs of army shoes. Chun Ying a boil for the pancake boil all night; child-care daughter Hei Yan suffered a mother-in-law to fight the fight; Xiuxiu soldier in the six vertical strong leave to visit the sick mother, the results of the father's meter was Locked in the cellar. Hei Yan called Xiao He, Xiu Xiu, Yue Fen to ignite their own courthouse, with "Tiaoluishan" save big strong. Tight war and tight, the new mission before the mission sent down, but the public grain less than a moment, so the folks around the grain. Finch spent thousands of miles to go back to her parents to borrow grain, just go to the front and never met her husband pass, became lifelong regret. Mengliang 崮, orchid led sisters led the team to the front line. They risked their bullets to rescue the wounded; they braved the enemy's artillery fire with weak shoulders in the icy river to set up "FireWire bridge" so troops flew to the battlefield in time. Yimeng red-bao who use their courage, perseverance, selfless dedication, interpretation of the Yimeng touched China's spirit.

Iron teeth copper teeth Ji XiaoLan 4 (TV)[2009]

Feature: "Ji XiaoLan 4" tells Du XiaoYue to turn over his husband He Wenyuan, aka Ke Yun in the troupe singing some stills, and returned to the capital. At the beginning, Ji XiaoLan and Qian Long who were kept in the dark also gradually saw some clues. He Shen was afraid that things in Gansu came to light and managed to get rid of Ke Yun. When he assailed Ke Yun, Qian Long suddenly shot Save, but also Keyun received the palace, the last Ke Yun also been recognized as Queen Wong daughter dry. In order to find evidence, Ke Yun lived in Hefu and the result was misleading He Shen's assailant, revealing his identity and being locked in prison by Qian Long. Ji XiaoLan to allow Qian Long to release Du XiaoYue, Satsuki was instructed by Ji XiaoLan to go to Gansu province ...

Jigong new biography (TV)[2007]

Feature: Dragon down Lohan is a disciple of the Buddha, Mana Boundless, to help Buddha Zuolong Fu demon, made a lot of wonderful work. "Jiugong Xinzhuan" stills dragons practiced for hundreds of years, but they never succeeded in turning a blind eye to Guan Yin. When they learned that seven generations of Buddhism were gone, they would end their lives in Purdue and end their fate. Southern Song Dynasty, military attache Li Maochun late child, Guo Qing Temple Hui Yuan named for its repair. More than a decade later, the cultivation of love grows, kind-hearted but uninhibited, and the door of the daughter of Qian Ying wedding, and marry the same day, because of the road encounter three strange things: unruntled monk, the blind monk As well as a strange face to do their own Dragons Luo Han, so that Epitaph acquaintance of their own Buddhism. On the wedding night, he left Qian Ying, who had just worshiped at the temple, leaving his home to escape from home and met Master Hui Yuan. After being baptized in the Buddha's heart, he went to Lingyin Temple in good faith and followed Hui Yuan. He was monk, Ji. Road economy into the spiritual temple, people are at the door, "self-cultivation is not self-cultivation," and its insane behavior is incompatible with the rules and regulations of the mountain gate. Zen meditation does not like sitting, hit the clock not to hit the bell, and drink good meat, was jokingly called "epilepsy." Chih-hsien loyal to save the weak, punish the wicked, punish the wicked, after many tests, get from the Guan Yin Baiyi Yi, breaking the palm fan, the three pieces of broken monk treasures, making him strong, thus beginning his man Chi Chi, mercy of people's legend.

Dragon non-phoenix and phoenix (TV)[2007]

Feature: Stills Wang Gong Shi Duo (Guoli Zhang ornaments) hate bream, his son busy downtown, drag pedestrian. Yi Wu (Yongjian Lin ornaments) in the early, resulting in his son died in prison. Coincided with the draft of the palace, Guang Xu (Zhang Mo (actor)) marries her niece to the Queen under the intervention of Ci Xi (Deng Jie). Wedding is approaching, but the palace suddenly a big fire, burning too harmony door. Shi Duo pushed all this responsibility to Yi Wu Ye and falsely accused him of stealing the four treasures of the Chinese family house; Fortunately, Guang Xu excused himself. On the occasion of the wedding, Yi Wu, a craftsman, found a paper too-too-too-a piece of paper to forget it. Yi Wu Ye took this move to the South City yard, so singer artist Zhu LianXiu (Carol Cheng) is near. In Nancheng, Pigeon first with the local ruffian butterfly hatred, and then teach the king to play big sword. By aunt Shu Mei (Hsiao Shu-shen), Yoo Yeh met Wen HaiCheng (Jian Xu), a reformed thinker, and recommended it to Guang Xu for her deep appreciation and commitment. Under Shu Mei's foolhardy, Qiong Ye actually made a farce with Zhu LianXiu "runaway attempt". Due to face, 玝 Ye only Tongzhou, but fell into the trap set by Shi Duo, was framed as a dart man, went to the execution ground and cut. The ultimate release of innocent God, Haicheng therefore lost official position. Yi Wu, who was eager to serve the country, saw Ci Xi over Guang Xu and vowed to help the emperor to be pro-politic. Guang Xu Mingxiao Ye sent paintings to the south of Kang Liang, although Shi Duo destruction, and ultimately fulfill their mission.玝 终 finally found Zhu LianXiu father's death because he knew Ci Xi is not a banner person, 玝 以 to force Ci Xi support Guang Xu pro-politic, Ci Xi had agreed. Reform Revolutionary Party to Beijing, began to reform and reform; eventually Ci Xi launched a coup, failed to change the method. Haicheng, but because of saving God will be a cavity of blood sprinkled to the earth.

The new strange stories (TV)[2005]

Feature: The Strange Tales of Liao Zhai consists of the six most representative stories, including "Xiao Cui", "Lu Xiu", "Xiao Xie" and "Qiu Rong" and "Xiaoqian" of Qiu Rong, each with different characteristics and styles . Lu Pan replaced the storm, the scholar told the world to celestial officials, for justice. Ke Ke plays Xiao Man and Huang Xiaoming's scholar and doctor Bai Yang started a period of life and death, even if Xiao Man died into a ghost, Bai Yang also chased into the prefectural to meet with them. Painted Skin This is a story about the revenge of ghosts: Mei SanNiang and Chen ChuHui were killed by their beloved. On the evening of the marriage of her husband Wang AnXu and Ming XiaGongZhu, they became ghosts and came to life. Xiao Cui Ling fox gratitude, playfulness to defuse the crisis, crazy children, make laughter every day. The mother of Xiao Cui, a fox girl, repayed a benefactor Wang YuanZhi and married Xiao Cui with Wang YuanZhi, a silly boy, and a silly son, Wang YuanFeng, to deduce a funny and playful story. A Bao sincerely, stone open. About infatuated celebrities Sun ZiChu (Yuan Hong ornaments) love talented A Bao (Rainie Yang ornaments), the embodiment of the spirit of the birds convey love, finally got his wish story. Sun ZiChu, a veterinarian with six fingers in her left hand, treated Miss Zhao's A Bao's parrot and fell in love with A Bao at first sight. A Bao refused to petite Chai ShaoAn's relatives, evil looking for someone to A Bao curse so that it was "amnesia", depending on Chu as a stranger. Zi Chu touched A Bao with his true feelings every day, but was killed. A Bao died in love and Yan Wang let them return to earth. The final son Chu test to fame, a lover eventually get married. Xiao Xie Shusheng Chuang haunted house, coincidentally encountered two mischievous ghosts, experienced many ups and downs of life and death, took a romantic love story: TAE scholar Tao WangSan lived in a haunted house, met Huo Siyan played Qiu Rong, Hong Kong actor Downing plays Xiao Xie and other gangs of ghosts, but she and her become friends after being shocked. These ghosts helped Tao WangSan defeat the literary champion at the petitioning ceremony. Seeing Tao WangSan can marry Miss Fu, Xiao Xie fell in love with Tao WangSan. Xiaoqian takes you into a fantastic world and experiences a memorable love story: Nie XiaoQian wants to seduce Ning CaiChen's soul and unconsciously becomes a prisoner of love, but the Millennium Tree demon will not let them easily escape.

Iron teeth copper Ji Ji XiaoLan (TV)[2001]

Feature: The first story took place during the reign of Emperor Qian Long in the Qing Dynasty, when the surface of society showed a peaceful and prosperous scene and was claimed by the Manchus as the so-called Kang and Qian Dynasties. However, the superficial peace and prosperity of the people can not hide any deep-seated contradictions intensified day by day. How to clear those who misrepresent themselves and balance the problems of monarch and minister are all put before Qian Long, the ruler of the ruling party. Qian Long is a dictatorial ruler of middle age who is good at lawsuit, good at great powers, and who knows very well the techniques of power. He quite can take advantage of the bachelor Ji XiaoLan just stick to justice, impartiality and law enforcement of selfless character for their own work, but also especially appreciate the Minister of military, household Shang He begging for mercy, but life is flattering art. Ji XiaoLan and He Shen, on the other hand, are the enemies who have been out of step with each other for years and who are diametrically opposed to each other and who oppose each other as political opponents. So around these three people, it produced a scenes of people can not help but laugh, or long sigh of tragedy and comedy. The second piece, "Ji XiaoLan 2" consists of five unit stories, "Department Roads Odd Case," "Book Soul," "Yuan Bao Traced," "Inside and outside the Court," and "Love and Affair." In this drama, the confrontation between Ji XiaoLan and He Shen intensified. "Bureau odd cases" about He Shen imaginary in the name of recruitment, but in fact gathered money, Ji XiaoLan exposed the scandal ills. In Qian Shu, Qian Long (Zhang Tielin) is going to revise Sikuquanshu and appoint Ji XiaoLan as chief comprador. As a result, He Shen is jealous and secretly implicates Yan RuYu (Yili Ma) in his side, waiting for revenge. "Ingot mystery" around the home to swallow the Treasury silver two. The struggle between good and evil, both inside and outside the hospital, and the sorrows and sorrows of the heroines of "Love and Affair" are even more impressive. The third part of the capital is not calm, because the arrival of Jiangnan girl Lu became more not calm. This woman won the favor of Qian Long, temporary residence in Ji House. A fear of the harem to know about this matter, and secondly, I feel this person is not simple, so Ji XiaoLan heartbroken day by day. He Shen had known this person is the Han official Lu Runtai's daughter, his father framed by the uncle, injustice died, the conspirator is He Shen himself. In order to exterminate the roots, designed to trap land girl. Queen also secretly stalled. Unexpectedly, the murder of He Shen cousin Chang Si, alerted Qian Long. Empress Paul Guogu, caught Lu family threatened Qian Long. But do not want to be Ji XiaoLan accidentally discovered and rescued. At the same time he gradually cracked Lu family grievances. No country retreat has committed suicide, Guo Shen Shen dangerous danger. Tai Hou met Lu Piniang, recognized her as the dry daughter, instead of Satsuki, living in Ji House. Part IV "Ji XiaoLan" The fourth part is divided into five units, each unit is unique. Comic figures, humorous dialogue, hilarious bridges, exciting plots and thought-provoking stories will not only allow the audience to regain memories of "Ji XiaoLan," but also give everyone a To different past surprises.

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