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Bo Feng TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Bo Feng Works 20 ,And Feature 7 ,Urban drama 6 ,Suspense 5 ,Love 4 ,Romance 4 ,Idol drama 3 ,Youth drama 2 ,Modern opera 2 ,Comedy 2 ,Ancient 1 ,Palace 1 ,权谋1 ,当代涉案1 ,话题1 ,Contemporary 1 ,Historical play 1 ,Costume Drama 1 ,Thriller 1 ,Adventure 1 ,Crime 1 。

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Bo Feng Filmography(20)


彼岸花 (TV)[2020]


《彼岸花》讲述了和平、卓扬、许榛生和艾森是大学里的好哥们。乔曼与南生( Lin Yun 饰)则是一对在年幼时因父母离婚而被迫分开生活的孪生姐妹。相爱的和平与南生就读于同一所大学,而作为交换生的乔曼也与南生重逢。乔曼对和平一见钟情,却只能埋藏心中。南生与和平矛盾多多,分手后,和平在卓氏集团工作,与乔曼成为同事。乔曼一直希望和平与南生重修旧好,可南生却接受了暗恋她的许榛生。岂料,结婚前夕,南生查出患有绝症,成了落跑的准新娘。南生既不愿再回到和平身边,也不想耽误许榛生的青春。和平知道自己念念不忘与南生相伴相守的成长岁月,乔曼的柔情和善解人意正是他心里南生的样子。最终,和平既没有跟南生走到一起,也没跟乔曼牵手,就如同花叶永不能相见的盛开的彼岸花,他们在各自的领域努力打拼,把美好的青春留给了记忆,拥抱太阳,大步迎接更灿烂辉煌的美好明天。


流淌的美好时光 (TV)[2019]


电视剧《悲伤逆流成河》剧情介绍:讲述了 Qi Ming Yi Yao 是住在一条弄堂里的邻居。 Qi Ming 作为哥哥,一直帮助和保护着 Yi Yao 。 Qi Ming 在弄堂的后院为 Yi Yao 种下一棵树,许愿将来能给 Yi Yao 一个理想中的家,给 Yi Yao 温暖。随着岁月变迁, Qi Ming 帮着 Yi Yao 渡过了误判病情、手术救急等风波,也不可避免的迎来了爱情的烦恼和职场的困惑。大学毕业和弄堂拆迁搬家之际, Qi Ming 、 Yi Yao 终于突破心防走到一起。职场浮沉又令二人不得不选择分开。青春有美好,也有遗憾, Qi Ming 、 Yi Yao 、森西、森湘,各自追逐自己的青春梦想,也都得到各自成长的体悟,大家努力过上更好的生活。

《悲伤逆流成河》是由上海辛迪加影视有限公司出品的青春励志剧,由林红光执导, Tianyu Ma 、郑爽领衔主演, Chai Biyun 、朱颜曼滋、 Zhou Cheng Austria 、 Chi Zhang Yi 、 Zhang Zomiko 联合主演, Wuya Jun 、 Feng Bo 、 Sphinx Ting 特别主演。

鹤唳华亭 (TV)[2019]


电视剧《鹤唳华亭》剧情介绍:讲述了 Xiao DingQuan 被南齐立为储君后,被皇帝 Xiao Ze 所忌惮打压,使定权在朝中逐渐举步维艰。定权为家国天下孤身犯险,收复顾家兵权交于皇帝,自己背负千秋骂名而死的故事。建元四年, Xiao DingQuan 被南齐立为储君。外有一代名将的母舅 Gu SiLin 力撑,内有清流领袖的太傅 Lu ShiYu 支持,因而被皇帝 Xiao Ze 所忌惮打压。深受儒家传统教育的定权渴慕父爱,谨守臣子与儿子的责任, Xiao Jian 却对其一再疏远,并纵容庶长子齐王对储君之位的觊觎。齐王步步紧逼,先破坏太子冠礼,再逼文官死谏,使定权在朝中逐渐举步维艰。齐王设计,害死文官 Lu Ying 并嫁祸于定权, Lu Ying 之女文昔为复仇化名"阿宝"潜入东宫,与定权的相互试探间逐渐产生不一般的情感,并最终反戈助定权险胜。 Gu SiLin 被害,顾家愤而起兵,定权为家国天下孤身犯险,收复顾家兵权交于皇帝,自己背负千秋骂名而死。多年之后,皇帝看着阿宝留下的孩子承欢膝下,终于老泪纵横 。


Ode to Joy 2 (TV)[2017]

Feature: New Year has come, happy floor, every one of the new problems also ensued: An Di (Tamia Liu) Bao YiFan (Yang Shuo ornaments) ushered in the new possibilities of emotion, but also from the life experience and the internal package Fan ShengMei (Xin Jiang ornaments) try to start a new life, but still difficult to escape from the mud of the family, Wang BaiChuan (Luyi Zhang ornaments) everywhere rely on every pressing; Qu XiaoXiao (Wang Ziwen ornaments) and Dr. Zhao ( Kai Wang) There is still a gap between the scores and the numbers. However, the seemingly stable family relations between Qu Jia and the artist seem to be in perilous situations. Qiu YingYing (Zi Yang) is unlucky and infatuated with Ying Qin (Hao Chen Wu) ; Guan JuEr (Bridgette Qiao ornaments) encounter rock youth Xie Tong (Deng Lun ornaments) fell in love, but was fierce parents opposition & nbsp ;. Five girls in the bump each other with care before, eventually, An Di and Bao YiFan come together to face and resolve the An Di life experience and package problems; Fan ShengMei gradually face up to me, family problems can be resolved and decided with Wang BaiChuan Shared the wind and rain; Qu XiaoXiao and Dr. Zhao learn to live in harmony and successfully save the brink of collapse of family relations; Qiu YingYing impressed by the truth Ying Qin, the two entered the marriage hall; Guan JuEr determined to uphold themselves and brave pursuit of love. Five girls work together to face life sharpen, further growth & nbsp ;.

Summer of foxes (TV)[2017]

Feature: "The Summer of Foxes" Gu ChengZe is the president of Gu's department store group and the adoptive son of Gu Gu Tai Tai. Gu TaiTai hopes to have Gu JinYun as his grandson while Gu JinYun is careless. So Gu TaiTai arranged Gu ChengZe task: guide Gu JinYun office. During this time, Gu ChengZe met fashion designer Li Yan Shu and unexpectedly learned that she had had an affair with Gu JinYun and had a profound influence on Gu JinYun. Gu ChengZe will Li YanShu as a breakthrough, hiring her into the company, the two in the process of getting along with each other's feelings. Gu JinYun See Li YanShu induction, determined to pursue Li YanShu again, but Li YanShu has no feelings for him. Gu TaiTai was strongly opposed to the incident and asked Gu ChengZe to separate two people, bringing Gu ChengZe and Li YanShu together. Finally, accompanied by Li YanShu, Gu ChengZe spent all her life and found her own biological mother. At the same time, Gu JinYun also grew up after going through many things and successfully took over.

Tracing the Master (TV)[2017]

Feature: Lin YuanSu, who was alone in the market, got acquainted with four people of different abilities, including Qiu Chi, Xia GuDuo and Zhou Qi, after a lucky coincidence that they participated in the "Looking for Dogs Program" launched online. Through this cooperation, , They got together to set up a caring charity tracing organization to help people in need free of charge in spare time. At the beginning, everyone looked at each other's eyes, but time and time again with their counterparts so that they gradually establish a profound friendship, amazement in the twists and turns in the recovery of helping others move - to help veterans find their comrades wife and son's movement, looking for school first love bring Sentimental throbbing. They are also in the process of tracing the healing of their own scars, face their own heart, to find the true self, to understand the true meaning of tracing. After seeing too many loved ones together, Lin YuanSu finally admitted what he was longing for and bravely offered it to all people, hoping to find a father who had disappeared for 22 years in his own life and decided to work together to help him find Father, find his own consummate & nbsp ;.

SentenceMeGuilty (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Feng XueHui, a melancholy female doctor, is a deadly attraction to men. Her husband, Fang WenNan, treated her with cold violence. There seemed to be a deep secret between them. They were both enemies and accomplices. Suddenly there was a brutal death of a hospital in the hospital, hurling shady money and desires, as if the whirlpool was destined to change everyone. Zhang Yue, an unlucky and decadent criminal police officer, pursued the case as the last chance to turn over his career and was used by Feng Xuehui to direct her. Kang FuRong, vice-president of the ill-gotten man behind the scenes, designed snare early Feng XueHui as a scapegoat; crush on Feng XueHui's handsome and honest Jiang LiHang is actually holding the core evidence, but he was deeply hurt by love and personally put Feng XueHui into jail. She is a glamorous woman in the whirlpool center, what she really wants, and she defeats the men who she is willing to pay any price and vowed to stand in the way, and her weapon has a beautiful body, .

Girls in police uniforms (TV)[2016]

Feature: Police Tao XiaoRan, Mounted Police Orioles and Sun MuXia, SWAT Ling MaiSui, Police Superintendent Zhou Bing, Internet Police Ding FangCao has officially joined the ranks of Lianhai Police after the end of the new police training. Police Tao XiaoRan On the first day of work, she caught up with "unexpected events" to surprise her. The Mounted Police Orioles and Sun MuXia were rigorously trained in the police force and successfully cooperated with other police to catch the thieves. The special police Ling MaiSui was faced with a series of missions Life test, and ultimately are saved. Supervision of police Zhou Bing because of work suffering from "psychological vomiting", once wanted to step back from frustration Zhou Bing with the help of a good sister to become a qualified supervisory police, timid Internet police Ding FangCao Gang Into the police went to perform the hunt task, because of work and her boyfriend broke up, and eventually because of work and her boyfriend a better marriage. The six girls agreed that they should get married on the same day the same day of the same year in the same year and did not expect that at the last moment, the police, Tao XiaoRan, sacrificed for protecting the lives of the people in a civil dispute case.

Sentence Me Guilty (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Feng XueHui (Li Xiaofeng), a melancholic female doctor, has a fatal appeal to men. Her husband, Fang WenNan (Francis Ng), treated her with cold violence. There seemed to be a deep secret between the two, They are both enemies and accomplices. Suddenly there was a violent fall in the hospital with a murder case, which led to a shady place around money and desire, as if the whirlwind destined to change everyone - indelible decadent Criminal Police Zhang Yue (Xiaojie Tian ornaments) as the case turn over the cause Feng XueHui used to lead her purpose; self-afflicted behind the scenes Vice black-handed Kang FuRong (Leon Dai ornaments) early design trap trap Feng XueHui scapegoat; crush on Feng XueHui's handsome The upright Jiang LiHang (Chris Lee (Taiwanese actor)) is actually the person holding the core evidence, but he was deeply hurt by love and personally put Feng XueHui in jail - whirlpool center in the beauty of this woman, she wants what? She conceals a mysterious secret, she is willing to pay any price, and vowed to defeat the men who beat the road, her weapons in addition to scheming still beautiful body.

Royal sister return (TV)[2015]

Feature: When EMT Group chairman forced Ai MiEr, his daughter, and He YiKun, son of chairman of Long Branch Group to engage in business marriage, Ai MiEr refused to marry and run away from home to find out the lost boyfriend Peter. Ai MiEr walked out of the house but went to he KaiXin home as a nanny. She found Pete with the help of He KaiXin but learned that his father had given Peter a peet and she broke up with her. Italian cold agreed to marriage. However, on the day of the engagement, the man who had announced engagement with He Yi Kun was the beloved woman Xia QingQing, He YiKun and Xia QingQing, but Ai MiEr was expelled from his home by his father. Ai MiEr worked hard with the encouragement of He KaiXin, founded her own clothing company, achieved success and reaped the love of He KaiXin with the blessings of her father and everyone.

I really want to hear you say I love you (TV)[2015]

Feature: Wang FengFan, president of Wang Zi, who rescues a tea king, has unexpectedly discovered that Ye's tea "Sparrow" is exactly what he was looking for. Ye ZiXuan boyfriend Xia Lie returned from studying with her break up, leaves sad. Wang FengFan's ex-wife eyeing the group of Wang, Wang FengFan want to keep the king and get back "Longtan" tea tree, marry him. Xia Lie left Zixuan to take revenge for the stills of Wang FengFan Ye ZiXuan (played by Huang Shengyi). He pursues Wang FengFan daughter, get the king's appreciation into the king's group. Xia Lie and Wang Feng Fan's ex-wife and commercial rivals joined forces in an attempt to seize the king, Wang FengFan in trouble. In fact, Wang FengFan is not the enemy of Xia Lie, he has been looking for Xia Lie, to return the industry to him. Misunderstanding solved, everyone working together to defeat, finally resolved the king's crisis. Wang FengFan hand over the king to Xia Lie, Ye ZiXuan and Xia Lie rebuild old. All people are profoundly aware that wealth should not only be material, but more importantly, spirituality, human nature and love should be inherited from future generations and should be based on love as the core spiritual wealth.

Divorce Lawyers (TV)[2014]

Feature: "Divorce Lawyer" tells the story of Chi HaiDong (Wu Xiubo's posters), a well-articulated lawyer who turns his hands in the lawyers for the rain, has a breeze in his career but has not yet won his wife Jiao YanYan (Alina Zhang) Not wearing a green hat, two of their divorce case one of their own lawyers lost to his wife's attorney Luo Li (Yao Chen ornaments). From the opposite of a divorce two people just "tired do not love," a traumatized, do not believe in love, but they always under the same mistaken identity agent of the same divorce cases and even become neighbors in life. As divorce lawyers, they help both parties to the divorce divorce their spirits and encourage them to start a new life. Sometimes they even advise couples who want to divorce. They also help the family and friends around them to solve various crises. After working together for a long time, the relationship between Luo Li and Chi HaiDong also subtly changed from that of a pure competitor. Both were gradually attracted to each other's talent and character, Believe love divorce lawyer, eventually is still in full swing, slowly come together. The above information source

FallofMing (Movie)[2013]

Feature: For 15 years, Ming Dynasty Zhen Zhen and foreign countrymen and foreign generals, Sun ChuanTing (Leon Dai), were immediately ordered to come to Tongguan to resist Li Zicheng's army with his wife Feng Shi (Feng Bo). In the meantime, Wu YouKe (Feng Yuanzheng ornaments) came to Tongguan to visit the master with the aid of the world to save people - the pharmacy lifted Zhao Chuan (Qian Xuege). At present, the soldiers in the Sun ChuanTing army are contracted with strange diseases. At the same time, they are also required to face the selfish enrichment of Chong Zhen Emperor (Shao-Qun Yu) and their troops and the genocide of GuqingYuan (Jingwu Ma). Zhao Chuan died in an accidental rescue and Wu YouKe stepped forward at a time of distress, relying on unusual treatment with Sun ChuanTing. Finally, the plague was finally brought under control, but the country's illness can be cured by the war Wu YouKe and Sun ChuanTing are unpredictable. The theme song by BossaNova Queen Ono Lisa, this is the first time in the world Lisa Inoue perform their own songs.

Victory Costs 2 (TV)[2013]

Feature: "Costs of Winning Women 2" Mother Xia Ping was unable to afford medical expenses for her daughter suffering from congenital heart disease. She transferred her daughter into her home party to save her daughter and lost contact with her daughter. Mrs. Fang Shu YuXi raised the girl as a fraternal twin sister of Fang YiFei. Fang YiFei was born in an ordinary Hua TianQi. Shu YuXi mind days Qi origin account for the two to break up, change the Philippine and populace Kang Jie set a marriage contract, and Kang Jie love is Yixuan. In the Yifei decided to fly away with the days of Qi actually unexpected death. At this point Shu YuXi found Mu XiaoYan and Fang YiFei looks the same, then Xiaoyan mother Xia Ping's medical fee for the transaction conditions to Mu XiaoYan Fang FangFei Fang to inherit their own business. The unwitting Hua TianQi thought Yifei betrayed her for the benefit of her decision to revenge her, but unforgettable old love, fell in love with her again. Sick daughter, Xia Ping, thought of the transfer of the year, and the arrogant Fang YiXuan became so self-sensitive that Kang Jie silently guarded her. Also Xuan met the sick mother and recognize her, Shu YuXi also reluctantly nurturing feelings. Mu XiaoYan and Fang YiXuan started living with two mums. Xia Ping recovered with the care of two daughters, and both daughters each gained their own love.

CrisisManagement (Movie)[2012]

Feature: By the famous screenwriter Xie Xiaodong screenwriter and producer, Feng Bo, Wang Jinsong starring in the comedy movie "Crisis PR" shortlisted in December 2011 the Berlin International Comedy Film Festival, it is learned that this is the world's only for a comedy film festival, "Crisis PR" is also the only Chinese comedy shortlisted. The film tells the story of a film about a psychiatric hospital has a new way to treat diseases with singing, the president would like to take the psychiatric hospital bigger and stronger. To this end, an idea king to the dean to find a vagabond singer to do undercover, calculating the future through the draft what the magic of singing therapy throughout the country, so as to achieve the purpose of financing. However, the development of things completely out of their control, one after another crisis came one after another. Feng Bo, a young actor who won the Lily Prize for his movie "I am a Vegetative," said: "This film is a graduation project of the 2008 master's program of art at the Film Academy. The famous comedian Wang Jinsong, as their teacher, Person Li, she himself starred in female actress Zhang Jieyu mental hospital. "It is reported that this is known as the first comedy movie going abroad will be held during the Golden Rooster Awards media viewers will ...

GuanGuanJuJiu (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Jiangnan discovered an ancient tomb. In order to crack the weird words and figures on the walls of the ancient tombs, the archeological team invited Liu Xiaogu (Feng Bo), an archeologist, and painter Zhuang Mengchen (Zhang Lei) to participate in the deciphering. As the work unfolds, A deeply buried love story 2000 years has been deciphered, and this ancient love story ..

Run (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Ma Nan (Xiao Xiao Sun) and Xiao Yu (Chu Wu) on the site were a couple who fell in love for many years. Ma Nan soon bought a home in the suburbs just in time for Xiao Yu's birthday. So he called his colleagues and friends Zhang Bo (Wu Chao), Wu Xiao (Feng Bo ornaments), Long Mei (Si Si Wang ornaments), planned a birthday party for Xiao Yu and planned to propose to Xiao Yu. Apart from Zhang Bo, who had had dew with Xiao Yu, all night long parties were held in a cheerful atmosphere. Ma Nan next door to live in a pair of often quarrel couples, the exceptionally noisy noise caused by Wu Xiao and other gossip woman curiosity, they came to the next door to find out, but unexpectedly found the terrorist bloody murder scene. Originally on the sparsely populated apartment, at this time seems to become a huge haunted house. Flashing lights, shrill screams, and fiery killers. A virus like a plague spreads indiscriminately in an apartment ...

TheSummit (Movie)[2010]

Feature: All climbers face a cruel alpine rule: Once the elevation of more than 8 km, the face of the crashed his team-mate or relatives can only "save their lives", the resulting human collision and ethical contradictions of thought-provoking. In the mountaineering activities of the Tibet climbers that conquered 14 peaks of 8,000 meters or more in the world, Alpine photographer Jen Young was trapped in an ice crack on Mount Everest. His wife Deji and Captain Bansang, captain of the fraternal life and death brothers, resigned their rescue. However, they fell into remorse and tangled after descending the mountain, and they could not face the benevolent son's post. Gang was a new generation of climbers. He was tracing the death of his father. When he learned that his father's body was being reproduced on Mount Everest, he decided to take Everest, but his mother Didi tried his best to stop him climbing. Kong hot girlfriend Zhuoga sold sweet teahouse, and post heat involved in a commercial mountaineering, in Mount Everest, they also encountered the mountain rules, the same dilemma also placed in front of them ... ...

InvisibleKiller (Movie)[2009]

Feature: In a capture operation, Captain Zhang Yao of the island Interpol unexpectedly captured Gao Fei, a suspect man who used his fake ID card. According to his confession, Gao Fei, a former World of Warcraft player met Lin Yan, a beautiful young woman at a party of friends, and they started dating online. Cheng Yan, Lin Yan's husband, inadvertently found a hot online conversation between his wife and Gao Fei one night. In anger, he published an anonymous letter online, unexpected is that this matter of concern, users began to him "human search." As a result, the personal information of Gao Fei and Lin Yan were all disclosed online, and Gao Fei and Lin Yan were given the online edition order, leaving their normal life out of control. In order to protect his family and their own safety, Gao Fei was forced to use fake ID hiding on the island. After Gao Fei left the police station, Zhang Yao received a report of the alarm and a body of dead woman was found on the pier. Afterwards, he began to investigate the identity and murderer of the woman. As the story unfolds, Lin Yan and Lin Yan's husband, netizens involved in human flesh search, enter the perspective of police officer Zhang Yao.

YeZhuZouMingQu (Movie)[2008]

Feature: "Sonata by the owners," directed by Liu Zi Xuan, starring Li Yi-xiang mainland drama.

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