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Jin Luo TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Jin Luo Works 39 ,And Romance 12 ,Costume Drama 9 ,Feature 8 ,Motivational film 5 ,Urban drama 4 ,War 4 ,近代革命3 ,Palace 3 ,Workplace film 2 ,Ancient mythology 2 ,Comedy 2 ,Love 2 ,Family drama 2 ,权谋2 ,Action 2 ,Spy war 2 ,Historical play 2 ,Myth play 1 ,Republic of China 1 ,Suspense 1 ,Adventure film 1 ,Historical legend 1 ,Romantic drama 1 ,Ancient 1 ,Fantasy film 1 ,Year 1 ,Family ethics 1 ,Youth drama 1 ,Martial Arts 1 ,Fantasy 1 。

Works Index

Jin Luo Filmography(39)


安家 (TV)[2020]


房似锦年纪轻轻已经是安家天下中介公司的金字招牌,她在上司翟云霄的授意之下,空降静宜门店担任双店长。门店原生店长徐文昌是个“高贵的人”,他推崇“人性流”管理方式,也不屑对付手段卑鄙的对手。到任后房似锦施展雷霆手段坚壁清野,对外辣手反击,对内冷血整肃。虽然在房似锦的铁血管理下众人苦不堪言,但是业绩的提升的确振奋了门店士气。房似锦的管理方式和处事之道与徐文昌截然相反,而业务员们也在两位“神仙”的较劲中左右为难。身为房产中介的他们不仅要帮助客户买房卖房租房,还时常被裹挟着卷入他们的人生,见证他们生活中的歌舞升平与一地鸡毛 。


幕后之王 (TV)[2019]


《幕后之王》讲述了传媒学院学生 Bu XiaoGu 心怀梦想,立志成为优秀的节目制作人。她的榜样是顶级制作人 Chun YuQiao ,供职于星天制作公司, Bu XiaoGu 因此选择进入该公司实习。 Chun YuQiao 貌似不近人情的性格令 Bu XiaoGu 大失所望。在希望破灭的打击下, Bu XiaoGu 不慎卷入一起节目直播事故,丢掉工作又错过提交硕士毕业论文的时间。 Chun YuQiao 独自承担起直播事故的责任,挽救了 Bu XiaoGu 的职业生涯。 Bu XiaoGu 认识到 Chun YuQiao 的优秀人格,两人开始在工作中并肩战斗,也在感情上互相吸引。 Chun YuQiao 立志开发中国本土原创的综艺节目,这与 Bu XiaoGu 的梦想不谋而合。两人克服种种困难,携手奋斗。在 Chun YuQiao 的影响和自己的努力下, Bu XiaoGu 成长为独当一面的优秀制作人。两个年轻的职场人士彼此信任,互相支持,收获了事业、爱情,也为他们所热爱的传媒行业探索出更美好的未来 。

鹤唳华亭 (TV)[2019]


电视剧《鹤唳华亭》剧情介绍:讲述了 Xiao DingQuan 被南齐立为储君后,被皇帝 Xiao Ze 所忌惮打压,使定权在朝中逐渐举步维艰。定权为家国天下孤身犯险,收复顾家兵权交于皇帝,自己背负千秋骂名而死的故事。建元四年, Xiao DingQuan 被南齐立为储君。外有一代名将的母舅 Gu SiLin 力撑,内有清流领袖的太傅 Lu ShiYu 支持,因而被皇帝 Xiao Ze 所忌惮打压。深受儒家传统教育的定权渴慕父爱,谨守臣子与儿子的责任, Xiao Jian 却对其一再疏远,并纵容庶长子齐王对储君之位的觊觎。齐王步步紧逼,先破坏太子冠礼,再逼文官死谏,使定权在朝中逐渐举步维艰。齐王设计,害死文官 Lu Ying 并嫁祸于定权, Lu Ying 之女文昔为复仇化名"阿宝"潜入东宫,与定权的相互试探间逐渐产生不一般的情感,并最终反戈助定权险胜。 Gu SiLin 被害,顾家愤而起兵,定权为家国天下孤身犯险,收复顾家兵权交于皇帝,自己背负千秋骂名而死。多年之后,皇帝看着阿宝留下的孩子承欢膝下,终于老泪纵横 。

封神演义 (TV)[2019]


殷商末年, Zhou Wang 无道,荒淫度日,听信奸佞费仲谗言,欲将冀州侯苏护之女 Su DaJi 占为己有,遂派大军压境,讨伐冀州以夺取妲己,不想妲己已被 Hu Yao 所附,丧失心智,助纣为虐。在妲己的煽动下, Zhou Wang 杀文害武,斩妻杀子,聚敛民财,苦害生灵,与此同时,西伯侯姬昌勤于政事,善施仁德,西岐国力日渐强大。元始天尊见朝歌城已被妖孽所控,断定殷商气数已尽,决定派遣 Jiang ZiYa 下山辅佐姬昌伐纣。 Jiang ZiYa 垂钓磻溪,得文王相聘,后又听闻 Yang Jian 生来带有蕴藏神力之天眼, Jiang ZiYa 深知此人一念成佛,一念成魔,故收 Yang Jian 为徒,启发他的善良和正义,并引导 Yang Jian 加入伐商大军。在文王驾崩后,其子 Ji Fa 继位,成为周武王。武王拜 Jiang ZiYa 为相父, Jiang ZiYa 正式辅助武王,起兵讨伐商纣。面对 Zhou Wang 、妲己、 Shen GongBao 组成的邪恶力量, Jiang ZiYa 、 Yang Jian 与雷震子、哪吒等五行上将团结一致,联手与妖邪势力作战。最终,西岐战胜朝歌,商纣江山倾覆,武王登基, Jiang ZiYa 自此位列仙班。


track (Movie)[2018]


"Chasing" This is a hunt for more than a decade. In order to treat two seemingly unrelated criminals Xu Feng and Wang Dong brought to justice, police Chen WeiKun made a full 10-year effort. The cost of this fatal tracking is not only the lives of these three people, but also their families and relatives.


Once Upon a Time (Movie)[2017]

Feature: Heavenly God Ares Mo Yuan suppression of the ghost Jun Qing Cang in the sea without any soul, soul scattered, frozen celestial body Qiyan Cave. Qing Qiu Ji Di white light with the same day the crown prince Ye Hua had a marriage contract, the two have never met each other. Until the feast in the East China Sea, Ye Hua found that even with pale and pale, the same appearance as the deceased wife, the potential into the pale green hills, put down Prince figure, in order to solve the mystery of pale and prime. Ye Jin, Princess Fei, is jealous and secretly assists the ghost queen Xuan Nv in taking away Mo Yuan Xian. White shallow fury bloody ghost clan big purple palace, seriously wounded, and finally was saved by Ye Hua. White Hua followed Ye Hua to Jiuliantian, and restored the memory through the clan lantern of the heavenly clan, recalling that she was hurt when she was the prime of life and could not forgive Ye Hua. Su Jin was fraudulently punished and sent to sea without any hate, hate from jealousy, finally crazy, use the little devout blood of Ye Hua to release Qing Cang, a monster sealed by Mo Yuan. In order to safeguard the whole world from time to time, Ye Hua will sacrifice Emperor Dongsheng to the Qing Cang Seal.

My Story For You (TV)[2017]

Feature: "For You I Want To Love The Whole World" recounts that Zhang ZhangGong, who works for IT company in the late 1990s, had a taste for success in Internet business with his outstanding professional ability. While the cause is thriving, love also gradually sprouts - longbow and excellent female university student Li MuZi know each other love each other. In the meantime, good brother Han Dong went abroad for further study. Wei XiaoShan was ready to read the book and also set foot on the track of their own life. However, the good news is not long. In the early 21st century, the bubble burst in the internet industry and gave a big blow to the three brothers. The longbow fell from everyone's envy in the industry to the desolate genius of soliloquy. Han Dong and Wei XiaoShan also faced major life choices . The pressure of life, the expectations of my lover allowed the Longbow to quickly adjust her attitude and regain her momentum. After experiencing multiple attempts, she was once again exerting her force. With her excellent writing and rich experience, she became a well-known online writer. His feelings with Muzi have also been severely tested. Build a positive result. Han Dong and Wei XiaoShan are also looking for ways to grow in the increasingly sophisticated Internet industry & nbsp ;.

Go back (TV)[2017]

Feature: Shu Che, Xiao Qing, Mou Ying, Ning Ming, gathered in the United States for various reasons such as family, seeking knowledge and pursuing love, became the elite in Fujianese school of overseas students. Shu Che and Mou Ying were both lovers. They did not expect the two fathers to have any interest in seeing each other out. They forced the two to part ways to avoid their suspicions. Xiao Qing is an alternative to a few people. She is proud of her honest father and insists on enjoying only her own labor. In the face of all the people around the question, and the pressure of life caused by the mother accident, no flinching. Her character has finally won the respect of people around, and love with Shu Che. The book, the father of two fatal crimes finally revealed, and Xiao Qing has become a key public prosecution witness. Between love and justice, Xiao Qing struggled to make the right choice. Under the auspicious signs of Xiao Qing, Shu Wang and Cheng Wei finally paid a heavy price for their crimes. Several young people who have experienced the baptism have harvested their growth and their understanding of life and value has returned to the right track.

The Icebreaker of True Love (TV)[2017]

Feature: The Icebreakers of True Love tells the story of an icebound courier that breaks the quiet life of urban white-collar Tan Dou Dou, who was Jin Yuan, a boyfriend who escaped marriage seven years ago. Tease on the way to the police escaped on his way straight to the city parcel sent to find Jin Yuan. Jin Yuan, a suspect in surveillance by police such as Qiao Liang, allegedly used an auction transaction to launder money for drug trafficking syndicates. Tease can not make this relationship, make up his mind to take him out of the darkness re-man. In fact, the true identity of Jin Yuan is the undercover police officer Liu Bing sent to inside the drug trafficking group Cai BingKun. In the face of teasers' enthusiasm, he had to be cold-hearted in the hope that she would soon give up her own danger and at the same time, he had to deal with the provocations and tests of drug traffickers. And Qiao Liang also found his girlfriend Huang XinYue father yellow team is the ghost. In the end, Jin Yuan and the Narcotics Brigade won the battle with the blood, smashed the criminal syndicate & nbsp ;.

God come back (TV)[2017]

Feature: "Apocalypse" tells the story of business Zhou Wang era, the gods vacancies, the world goblin miscellaneous office, chaos. Yang Jian mortal teenager, in an encounter with the fox demon eyes open unexpectedly. Ten thousand years fox demon possessed in the name of the Savior's maid Xiao E, created a generation of demon Fei "Su DaJi." Since then, Zhou Wang has set up a gun torture system to kill the ministers and lead the Shang dynasty to a collapse quickly. Yuan Shizun decided to make a divine plan by war with Shang and Zhou Dynasties. His three disciples - Jiang ZiYa, Shen GongBao and Jade Ding live down to the mountains. Jiang ZiYa after suffering, finally to the boundless world, adjuvant Zhou Wang Road. Shen GongBao became demon world leaders, in order to fight for the gods and Jiang ZiYa launched a long struggle. Yudding Real Human Rescues Humanity Cultivation Yang Jian, Yang Jian But when the heart is stubborn, eventually accomplishes the mission unexpectedly by dedication to Da Ji love. When the King of War defeat, demon immortal World II battle, the two eventually go. Yuan Shizun said the truth of the two gods list, Shen GongBao refused to accept, cast his own sea. Jiang ZiYa eventually become the god of the people, the two will be one, equitable distribution of the God of Heaven, and the world belongs to human control & nbsp ;. "Gods Come Back" is a costume fairy tale drama jointly produced by Mango Television, China Media Group (Beijing) Co., Ltd., CCTV, Sanshang Media and China TV Drama Production Center, and is produced by Luo Jin, Likun Wang, Bo Zhang, Deng Lun, Collin Chou, Dujuan He, Yitian Hai, Hewei Yu, Jing Hu starring.

XuanZang (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Datang Zhenguan prosperity, the young Master Xuan Zang Dharma Dharma really want to run through the embezzlement, along the way encounter difficulties, natural disasters, but also won the civil suffering. Officers and soldiers contain and block, apprentice betrayal, buried in the sea of ​​sand, water and cut off grain, Xuan Zang perseverance, one mind to the Buddha, toward the heart of the holy place - Nalanda Temple forward. He not only brought a large amount of Buddhist scriptures back to China from India, but also spread the civilization of the Tang Dynasty to all countries along the way. The eventual arrival in India, the promotion of good intentions and meditation in India, and the successful return to the hands of the No-Cover Congress have already reached over 50 years.

TheGods (TV)[2016]

Feature: Shang Wang era, heaven and earth god vacancies, the world Simon monster, chaos. Yang Jian mortal teenager, in an encounter with the fox demon eyes open unexpectedly. Ten thousand years fox demon possessed in the name of the Savior's maid Xiao E, created a generation of demon Fei "Su DaJi." TV drama "God" role picture King since then set the gun torture torture, kill ministers, making the rapid ruled Shang Dynasty collapse. Yuan Shizun decided to make a divine plan by war with Shang and Zhou Dynasties. His three disciples - Jiang ZiYa, Shen GongBao and Jade Ding live down to the mountains. Jiang ZiYa after suffering, finally to the boundless world, adjuvant Zhou Wang Road. Shen GongBao became demon world leaders, in order to fight for the gods and Jiang ZiYa launched a long struggle. Yudding Real Human Rescues Humanity Cultivation Yang Jian, Yang Jian However, when the heart is stubborn, she finally accomplished her mission accidentally with the attachment of her own love. When the King of War defeat, demon immortal World II battle, the two eventually go. Yuan Shizun said the truth of the two gods list, Shen GongBao refused to accept, cast his own sea. Jiang ZiYa eventually become the god of the people, the two will be one, fair distribution of the god of heaven, and the world belongs to human control.

Fairview is not central (TV)[2016]

Feature: During the Northern and Southern Dynasties, the crowds, beings everywhere, fighting constantly controversy. Originally born in the North Liang's little drama as the heart of children, this is a naive and kind-hearted princess, a million people love, wantonly casual happy day. The great general Wei Yun of the Northern Wei Dynasty framed for his own ambitions, and deception led him to send troops without authorization, causing the blood to flow from north to south night and day, and the arrogant women of heaven were forced to land in a strange land. Li WeiYang, an ordinary woman abandoned by Shang Shufu in the Northern Wei Dynasty, accidentally saved her heart and was later killed by a hunter in search of her heart. Heart child had to live in the name of Li WeiYang bravely, one person bear the fate and suffering of two girls. Back to the Book House, the pseudonym Li WeiYang's heart not only with the enemy 叱 Yun's clan wits, but also accidentally involved with the Northern Wei Dynasty son's entanglements. But her misery and frustration did not overthrow her. On the contrary, she gave her supreme wisdom and heart. She experienced numerous difficulties and hardships, eventually becoming a patriarchal clan, and at the same time reaping the beautiful and touching love. null

Diamond Lover (TV)[2015]

Feature: Mi Duo fell in love with the diamond company president Xiao Liang, the conditions of the poor Mi Duo discouraged, did not dare to confess. However, a car accident completely changed her fate. Mi Duo, a car accident cosmetic, became slim and beautiful. She applied to work as a diamond designer and became a designer assistant. After a double blow of romance and joblessness, Mi Duo realizes that beauty is not a passport for love. She is no longer plagued by beauty and ugliness. She wants to become a qualified jewelry designer. Mi Duo experienced various setbacks in the workplace, she repeated defeats, never give up. Mi Duo optimistic positive attracted Xiao Liang, she finally harvested the dream and love. In the meantime, friend Lei YiMing has always been guarding Mi Duo as a friend and can not help but love Mi Duo's dreams, Mi Duo faces the choice between friend and lover. In the end, Mi Duo walked away from Belgium to complete the designer's dream & nbsp ;.

Six doors (TV)[2015]

Feature: The middle of the Ming dynasty, the old Huang Di unconscious, the establishment of the matter pending, Huang Zi and Qi Wang 觊 觎 throne, infighting. At this time the capital Jing Xian serial murder case, instructed the capital six cases to handle the case, six giants with Shen ZiMu (Howie Huang ornaments) and mud, but did not want his son Shen LiXing (Lin Feng ornaments) could not bear to be buried, Gifted and talented, he opened the door to the struggle of the court by opening up the heavy fog to the individual, but after the case was solved, he was drawn into the struggle for greater power.

my three fathers (TV)[2015]

Feature: In the early years of the Republic of China, three men buried their common beloved woman on the prairie and vowed to raise her son as a natural son and raise their children to be their father, father, and father respectively. Thirty years later, on the eve of the victory over the war of resistance against Japan, the boy named Ning WuYuan has become a photo-warrior of our party and is steered to Tianjin to carry out his mission. My father, Ning BaoLin, is a successful businessman in the community. His father, Su MingYuan, was originally a member of the newspaper after joining the KMT, while his father, Li BaYi, was a communist. Three people who are enemies, who are allies, confusing for a time. In order to fulfill his task, Ning WuYuan touches on the three adoptive fathers and looks for the truth. In the process, he also discovered the secrets of his own life experience, and found the biological father. And this biological father, but it is Tianjin police chief - Ji MingYu. On the eve of the Japanese surrender, Ning WuYuan had to fulfill his task both in the cracks and in the grudges between his father and his four fathers.

Narrow road (TV)[2015]

Feature: "Narrow road" tells the battle of Jinzhou, PLA military officer Ma Long rescued a young female college student Mo Li on the battlefield, but he did not know that Mo Li's fiancé Lin Wu photo Yang, in fact, is bent on looking for the revenge of the KMT "Devil Lieutenant Colonels." Mo Li stayed in Shenyang after liberation and finally waited for Lin WuYang to appear. Unexpectedly, he still paranoidly believed that the Kuomintang troops would fight back and again and again use Mo Li's love to cover himself. Intense contrast with Ma Long's enthusiasm and Lin WuYang's darkness and darkness, Mo Li struggled between reason and emotion. On the one hand, he could not let go of many years of emotion with Lin WuYang, Ma Long is infused and attracted by his energetic spirit. Under the care and infection of the organization and Ma Long, Mo Li finally realized the nature of the reactionary remnants of Lin WuYang. At the crucial moment, he gave up the blame and assisted Ma Long in shattering Lin WuYang's arrogant plan. At the same time, he also completed his own salvation and frankly Face Ma Long's love & nbsp ;.

GoodWife101 (TV)[2014]

Feature: After the 80 Shanghai girl Li WenYu (Jiao Junyan ornaments) love persistent, longing for happiness, naked married Qingdao, but met the powerful character of her mother Yuan Si Feng (Xuejing Yan ornaments), and Tong XiaoQi (Luo Jin ornaments) pure love encounter reality Dilemma. Wedding night bathing, honeymoon blocked, work was suppressed, but also forced to have children. Mother and daughter staged a wonderful roundabout. Mother Li Feng (Kelly Niu Tien ornaments) north to help out to retreat into trying to help improve the relationship between mother-in-law, but make the situation more complicated; Xiao Qi ex-girlfriend Gu Nian with her son Tong Tong returned, full of heart to repay Sifeng The original bat Yuanyang and recapture Qi. Small Qi and Wen Yu's marriage ensued a crisis. In the twists and turns, Li WenYu comprehends the happiness and wisdom of "winning with love" and friends with Yuan Sifeng, a former painful marriage victim, and wins the return of Xiao Qi. It even made Gu Nian deeply moved and regretted excuse me. In the end, everyone has realized the true meaning of a happy marriage.

Gunman (TV)[2014]

Feature: Tang YuJin, a shotgun who was a shooting champion, was a general practitioner returning from Germany. He opened a clinic stills in Shanghai while secretly searching for the murderer who assassinated his father and abiding by the guidelines of not gunshot wounds. On the eve of the Songhu Shanghai World War, all sectors in Shanghai unite to fight the Japanese. Tang YuJin was originally out of the incident, but after experiencing his painful fiasco with his fiancee and his family one after another, he decided to head for the New Fourth Army and joined the extermination of the Japanese invaders, organizing and participating in a thrilling anti-Japanese war struggle. In the baptism of the war of resistance against Japan, Tang YuJin completed the glorious journey of ordinary people growing into anti-Japanese warriors and became the anti-Japanese heroes on the battlefield in the northern Jiangsu.

Ten to send the Red Army (TV)[2014]

Feature: Ten Grades of the Red Army tells the story of ten Red Army fighters of different ages, genders, and arms, and the stories of growth, transformation, resistance and sacrifice during the Long March. These people of all ages, genders, and branches have one common aspiration to guard and pass on the red star fire: Zhong ShiFa was ordered to stay at Zhong and forced to go to the battlefield with his four sons; "Shen Gunslinger" Zhang ErGuang Help disability comrades to rekindling, but lost their finger pull the trigger; political and military cadres He Jian are not afraid of assault stalker, his girlfriend peach but dodge; cooking soldiers He LaoHan not dead, to raise children with low stamina; character theme poster female artiste Dai Lan was disguised as a man to protect large forces crossing the river, destroying flowers and singing under the muzzle of comrade Li FuSheng; Wu Bing, Duo MeiZi (Yang Long) and Sha Kui fought side by side, Autumn Health Luzhou wounded, wake up accident has become a model Deng Qiusheng; Guo mother in the squad under the persuasion of Jia XueHui son to participate in the Red Army, but faced with the suffering of a bereavement in Liupanshan; Gao FuXing completed the last comrades friend's final Sacrificed outside Yan'an. Ten stories are independent and ten characters are interrelated. With the plot development of "Ten Red Army," the audience will revisit the Changzheng Road and learn more about the achievements made during the missions of Ruijin, Xiangjiang Campaign, Zunyi Meeting, Si Du Chishui, Over the snow-capped mountains, trekking pastures, Wu and other major historical events will be ordinary soldiers behind bit by bit.

Beauty made (TV)[2014]

Feature: Beauty Made in the Tang Dynasty Empress Wu ZeTian period as the background, the Tang Dynasty beauty man male doctor He LanJun (Jin Shijia ornaments) in the hospital too to make all the ladies in the palace for the pleasures of the moon. He LanJun Outstanding medical treatment was bitch jealous jealous, framed, leaks every night, He LanJun found that their children are not born, but his wife Xue Ji and children of other children. He LanJun abandoned by his wife, desperation, on the streets. Su LianYi (Yang Rong (actress)), who is loving and righteous to get him a lifelong target. He LanJun, a man of abjection, did not degenerate because of this series of changes. He uses his wisdom and medicine to make a lot of lovers get married. He LanJun also possesses the slightest pretense to help Pei YunTian, ​​who has always been a vicious person, get his real life daughter and bring him to justice. After experiencing many thrills, He LanJun realizes that the beauty of the mind is really beautiful, and that kindness loves Su LianYi, who has been with her sincerely, is the incarnation of the true, the good and the beautiful, and finally the two are married. & Nbsp ;.

I and my legend Nai Nai (TV)[2014]

Feature: "My Legend and My Nai Nai" tells the story of the villagers in Hujiazhuang in southern Shaanxi in the 1920s fighting anti-tax and rent-resisting and being exterminated by officers and soldiers and forced to flee to Gou Wa Mountain in Ziyun County, western Henan Province for their independence. , Against the government. Guys male partner Da HeiLuo treasurer, valiant actress known as "Nai Nai." On the way up Nai Nai picked up a starving boy, named Gou Wa. Ten years later (1935), a severe drought in Ziyun County caused the local tyrant Chi RenZei to rescue Zhangjiapu villagers with Zhang Gou Wa mountain massacre because Zhangjiabao villagers failed to pay their rent. Li DongQing, the son of Chi RenZei, returned to Japan for a day, forcing the security team to attack Gou Wa Mountain, killing Da HeiLuo. In order to find a way out for everyone, Gou Wa led a public war Ziyun County, destroyed the security regiment; World War II Li Zhaizhai, captured the Li DongQing; three war Niu Tou Shan, beat the rogue bull elder brother; Wa Mountain; Central Army in World War II, to rescue the Red Army Zhang Gan. After the war of resistance against Japan broke out, Gou Wa followed Nai Nai to jointly fight against Japan. Under the leadership of the party, they went through lots of hardships, defeated Li DongQing and disrupted the plot of Japanese attack on the Eighth Route Army.

X Female Agent (Movie)[2013]

Feature: The play tells the story of a skilled girl with a dream of justice born from a series of brutal training, fighting or brave and even life and death and gaining love and friendship, growing into a stubborn, capable and glamorous elite female agent story.

I and my legend Nai Nai (Movie)[2013]

Feature: The villagers of Hujiazhuang in southern Shaanxi in the 1920s resisted tax-service and anti-rent anti-donations and were exterminated by officers and soldiers. They were forced to flee to Gou Wa Mountain in Ziyun County, western Henan Province, and set themselves on their own to fight against the government. Guys male partner Da HeiLuo treasurer, valiant actress known as "Nai Nai." On the way up Nai Nai picked up a starving boy, named Gou Wa. Ten years later (1935), a severe drought in Ziyun County caused local villager Zhang RenZei to bail out Zhang Jiabao because Zhangjiabao villagers failed to pay their rent. Nai Nai brought Gou Wa Mountain Rescueers to Zhangjiabu villagers. Li DongQing, the son of Chi RenZei, returned to Japan for a day, forcing the security team to attack Gou Wa Mountain, killing Da HeiLuo. In order to find a way out for everyone, Gou Wa led a public war Ziyun County, destroyed the security regiment; World War II Li Zhaizhai, captured the Li DongQing; three war Niu Tou Shan, beat the rogue bull elder brother; Wa Mountain; Central Army in World War II, to rescue the Red Army Zhang Gan. After the war of resistance against Japan broke out, Gou Wa followed Nai Nai and jointly defeated Japan. Under the leadership of the party, they experienced various hardships, defeated Li DongQing and attacked the Eighth Route Army.

X Female Agent (TV)[2013]

Feature: "X female agent" story occurred in 1925, the progressive girl Zhong Li (Tiffany Tang decoration) in the revitalization of the nation's patriotic enthusiasm, enrolled in the first cooperation during the KMT special classes, and Luo YiFei (Di Wang ornaments ), Tan RuiLing (Coco Hjardemaal) The two girls were assigned to a group to forge deep friendship during the cruel training and execution of the mission. After entering the special operations group, Luo YiFei and Zhong Li opposed each other because of an assignment, while weak Tan RuiLing was used by Gao YiShan, the supreme conductor of the special training class. Subsequently, the three girls entered successively the special operations team led by Gao YiShan (Xilin Zhang ornaments), making a significant contribution to the Northern Expedition. Unexpectedly, the Kuomintang quickly departed from its original intention and began to eliminate its dissidents. Zhong Li was suspicious of the team's justice. Boss He Yun (Hong Jing Jing) In order to protect Zhong Li from sacrificing, Zhong Li was greatly shocked and educated. In the most difficult environment, fighting alone and protecting a large number of progressive people, and repeatedly saving Luo YiFei and Tan RuiLing, Uncover the reactionary side of Gao YiShan to help them find the right direction in life. In the process, Zhong Li degenerated into a determined, passionate, progressive youth. During an operation, Zhong Li met unexpectedly with boss elite agent He Jun Feng (Luo Jin). Two people with different personalities burst out the fateful spark of love. They were lovers of joy, and there was no reason for their daily life to pinch ; They are also life and death mate, the key moment do not ask the reason of mutual aid, life and death to complete the task again & nbsp ;.

The woman of the king (TV)[2013]

Feature: The "King's Woman" overhead history, dreaming of the Warring States Period, with Xue Shu contestation as a historical background, highlighting the theme of troubled times the heroes, heroic beauty, the heroic beauty of the hero. Different from the "harem" theme of "palace" series and "beauty" series mostly based on prosperity, "The Woman of the King" places characters, emotions, fates and battles in the chaos of the times. The character's character is cursed by the chaos of the chaos and the emotional cues Uneasy things and turmoil. The "Queen's Woman" posters Two men's I love each other, the two women's beauty plan, at any time by the ups and downs of the times pulled, plot ups and downs, ups and downs. Two women, the war of life, that an unclear, unknown love and sorrow, the man conquered the world to conquer the woman, the woman conquered the man to conquer the world. Tell everyone what is a woman conquered the world, for the audience a complete interpretation of what is the hero does not love the country, leaving the world only for the beloved woman's story.

Weaned (TV)[2013]

Feature: Weaning tells the story of Shanghai, a thriving fashion capital; a couple of 80s after being born without "weaning"; two parents who bowed their heads for their children, and a strong woman who is both a stepmother and a mother-in-law, Our story today. Although both parents complain about the lack of self-care ability of their children, they are still generous in their children's life and make a big package (especially after the young couple have children), which naturally includes the problem of marriage and love. Do not want to, both parents are antagonists, in the past there are disputes, but also unpleasant, but finally was touched by the true feelings between the small lovers, the two parents for children's happiness, resolutely shake hands and become kinsman. However, An Qi (Liya Tong ornaments) and Li Jun Peng (Jiayin Lei ornaments) break through the barriers, set up after the family, waiting for them but it is a pile of real and helpless life trivial, family conflicts, marriage problems, parenting problems, extra-marital affairs , Demolition disputes and other tests of the young people, young couple in the ups and downs of life also truly learned an independent life, and completely bid farewell to the material and spiritual habits of parents to obtain, began a real sense of " Weaning "& nbsp ;.

Mu GuiYing hangs (TV)[2012]

Feature: "Mu GuiYing command" tells the Northern Song Dynasty, Song and Liao expedition, Yang will be led by Song Jun protect the country. Yang LiuLang, the only child of Chai JunZhu, Yang ZongBao, is a treasure trove of blue dragons going to Mu Kezhai to meet with Mu GuiYing, the wife of his generation. Guiying Zongbao at first sight, she wits and braves, deliberately make things difficult in all aspects, so that Zongbao big headache. However, after several rounds, Mu GuiYing, who is brave, innocent and kind-hearted, dared to love and hate, gradually entered the heart of Zao Bao. After the hardships and dangers, the two finally married. Frontier war is tight, Liu Lang was trapped in the enemy camp, thanks to Mu GuiYing saved by the use of analogy. In order to make Mu GuiYing, a pregnant woman, command the armed forces, the generals disagreed. At this time, She TaiJun saw the shadow of her youth from her daughter-in-law and she decided to support her. She TaiJun large account Mu GuiYing Song generals to start the contest, Guiying forced to fight, and defeated the generals, in charge of Marshal Da Yin. Mu GuiYing rate Song Jun big Tianmen array, defeated the Liao Jun, won the peace for the people of both countries.

Tang Palace beauty world (TV)[2011]

Feature: The drama in the years of Emperor Dazong years Daming Palace large-scale escaped escaped official version of a drama as a backdrop, tells the story of a family, love, friendship story. Actress He LanXinEr fell in love with the Danfeng gate guard Pei ShaoQing, do not want to but found on the wedding day, once the queen of her grace for the princess was killed and was beaten to death, in order to give thanks, give up the wedding heart Resolutely broke into the deep palace and began to investigate the whole story, but did not want to get involved in the court struggle headed by Wu MeiNiang. In the face of love and righteousness, right and wrong, she is constantly tested and faced with choices. Finally, she is touched by the charm of Wu MeiNiang and decided to stay with her. In the long years, these two women worked hand in hand with each other and broke through difficulties one after another, and finally achieved their desired goal and realized their perfect life.

Abandoned secret (TV)[2011]

Feature: Abandoned Secrets tells the story of Zhou Yujian female jade piano can not stand her sister An Qiao's unruly waywardness, taking advantage of Lantern Festival will throw her away, a direct result of the mother Ruolan crazy. Ten years later, when Qiuqin propped up the whole family, An Qiao, renamed Liu Liu, came back. She not only won the love of her family but also destroyed Yuqin's eyes. At the same time, Tianyi also love at first sight of this sister. Yu Liu found Liu Liu different, launched a survey and found that the real An Qiao is dead, then Liu Liu who is who. With the extermination they gradually found out that everything was the same with the Zhou family fellow Shih-hsiung a mystery of the year, jade piano for the mother's tolerance of all this, or for the family to expose these conspiracies. At this moment, she found that the whole family did not believe her, and poor Liu Liu always thought she was going to retaliate. Also found himself already dead, suddenly know what to do, then mysterious woman Shen Rou surfaced, revealing the shaking of the secret, Jiangnan family apricot and temple suddenly into crisis & nbsp ;.

A Cheng (TV)[2011]

Feature: "A Cheng" tells about ten years ago, a few days ago, treasured Jiang HaiSheng fiercely pursued Miss Cheng Yu Miss Cheng Yu, in order to annex Qing Yu tea. For the sake of preserving the ancestral home, Wang Yanrong, an imperative for the death before stepping aside, laid off his pregnant wife and made his wife realize the blood of Cheng Xue's belly. Ups and downs of grudges, the splendid sons Zi Cheng (A Cheng) and Cheng Xue's son Cheng Da Bao were born at the same time. A Cheng lives hungry and humiliated from childhood. In order to change his son's fate, Rong Cheng, who suffered a terminal illness, made a deal with Cheng Xue and started A Cheng into the Qingyu Tea House, embarking on a tormented apprenticeship career. Twenty years later, the teenage generation grew up. Da Cheng Cheng Da Weilao absurd hard to bear the heavy responsibility, Cheng Cheng Cheng Cheng, inherited from his father loyal support, but often marginalized. A Cheng and Shao QingLing love each other, but due to the responsibility of celebration and Da Bao entangled. A Cheng was evicted from the celebration of the Qing dynasty tea house due to Da Bao facing catastrophe. Cheng Xue alone difficult, please A Cheng back to help, A Cheng start again, to meet the challenges of the future & nbsp ;.

Genesis of the Genesis (TV)[2011]

Feature: "A Century of Genesis" tells about ten years ago, Jiang HaiSheng, a day-long treasurer, pursued a fierce pursuit of Miss Cheng Yu, a grandchild in the Qing Dynasty. For the sake of preserving the ancestral home, Wang Yanrong, an imperative for the death before stepping aside, laid off his pregnant wife and made his wife realize the blood of Cheng Xue's belly. Ups and downs of grudges, the splendid sons Zi Cheng (A Cheng) and Cheng Xue's son Cheng Dabao born at the same time. A Cheng lives hungry and humiliated from childhood. In order to change his son's fate, Rong Cheng, who suffered a terminal illness, made a deal with Cheng Xue and started A Cheng into the Qingyu Tea House, embarking on a tormented apprenticeship career. Twenty years later, the teenage generation grew up. Cheng Dabao 羸 weak absurd hard to bear the heavy responsibility, A Cheng inherited his father loyal assistant Cheng Xue, but repeatedly marginalized. A Cheng and Shao QingLing love each other, but due to the responsibility of Qing Yu and Tai Po entangled. A Cheng was driven out of Qing Yu, Tea House due to darling face catastrophe. Cheng Xue alone difficult, please A Cheng back to help, A Cheng re-start to meet the challenges of the future.

Biutiful (Movie)[2010]

Feature: Javier Bardem Javier Barden is a professional psychic, he can communicate with the dead to soothe the grief of his loved ones, but can communicate life and death, he also suffered from cancer, only two months remaining life, at home There are two children to be cared for while the mother of the child and his ex-wife Maramba Bata (Maricel Álvarez) are perennial drunken and drug-dependent women who can hardly rely on. The messy Ushabaar also struggled with a group of illegal immigrants and stowaways to help them find a job, evade the police, and paid for the warmth of the factories as they bought some heat but did not want a good gas Twenty-five illegal immigrants stole overnight and the naked tragedy made Ushibal unbearable. As a result of his physical and mental torment, a filthy Barcelona destroyed its curtain ...

BuKeFuZhiDeLianRen (Movie)[2010]

Feature: At the time of the harvest, there was a carnival in the town. Suddenly, as soon as the sound of the piano came out from the highest point of the bell tower, the girl began to sing again. Her song tells the most absurd love story ... The opening phrase of the film "The Irreplaceable Lovers" is also a passage from the blind pupil "The Hitomi in the Darkness", a blind writer aired on the 1068th night flight of the radio, which tells the story of the film - absurd love! It is absurd, because this love did not start, there is no end, or even no process, but it is real, exists in the hearts of the masters, poignant and obscure. Film around the radio and black pupil program began, development, the end, the six masters were also linked by this main line, involved, reactionary. The story is mainly based on the psychological and details of the description of the way, there is no excessive storyline, no fascinating dialogue, but through the eyes of the masters, action, a simple words, to express his inner world and show their differences Experience and complex psychological environment. Film based on the Hong Kong Baptist University enrolled graduate students, young film and television playwright Shi Wei Ping's adaptation of the first masterpiece, from the Jintan municipal propaganda ...

Three Kingdoms (TV)[2010]

Feature: Eastern Han Dynasty, North Korea chaos. There Dong Zhuo (Xiaohe Lu ornaments) adulterer right and wrong, dominance; domineering outside the Yellow Turban, shake the boat. Sometimes Cao Cao (Chen Jianbin ornaments) hiding a low profile, want to harm the country. After he escaped from the capital, Cao Cao and Dongzhao, together with local giants such as Yuan Shao (Wenguang Xu), Liu Bei (Hewei Yu) and Sun Jian (Yulin Fan), fought against Dong Zhuo. After several campaigns, Dong Zhuo finally died in the hands of Lv Bu (Peter Ho). At this point the number of big man approaching, the heroic hero is all over the world, so staged a crowded hegemony theater. Zhou Yu (Weide Huang ornaments), Xia HouYuan (Li Qin Long ornaments), Lu Xun (Feng Shaofeng ornaments), Zhang Fei (Kai Kang ornaments), Zhu GeLiang (Lu Yi ), Jiang Wei (Peng Ye ornaments), Si MaYi (Ni Dahong ornaments) and other influential people have joined the WTO, Wei, Shu, Wu one-third of the world, the legend of the ages so far.

Beauties (TV)[2010]

Feature: "Beauties" tells the story of the early Western Han Dynasty, Changan singer Dou Yi room on the eve of the wedding met Lu was forced to persecute the prince Liu Heng, she fiancee fiance used to save him out of the city, leading to his husband Manchu copied cut, he was sent to the palace In the slave. She designed to give Wang's life's son to Lu's granddaughter - Wang Yan, who admired her talents and sent her to surrogate Liu Heng for surrogacy. For the common people no longer suffer, but also for her more trust in her, Yi Fang proposed Liu Heng to repair the secret palace in the name of training, so that everyone thinks she is a calamity. Only Liu Heng has always believed her and sealed, the couple passed one after another difficult, and finally accomplish great things. The mother of the world, she found that the power at the same time the feelings are gradually gone, and her efforts to restore her husband's heart, to prevent sons from killing each other, use of women's unique approach to resolve the crisis again and again, and for the Western Han Dynasty founded the history On the famous Wenjingzhi. Her name is also included in the annals of history, for future generations to be praised.

Dream Paradise (TV)[2008]

Feature: Known as the prodigy, the fisherman's son Zhou JiChun met with rich girl Kong LingYi at the seaside, and each went to Shanghai to study for further studies. The first meeting, counting spring will be instrumental in making everything difficult. In the university entrance exams, Ji Chun's design made his name fall from the mountains and made the instrument feel resentful to him and decided to retaliate. The instrument's boyfriend Chen ZiBu and her buddy Yuan PeiZhu formed a new love, hole, Yuan two against each other. The instrument map to the simple meter spring training into a heroine to revenge Chen ZiBu empathy, then Yuan PeiZhu bet. Dream paradise stills In the instrument under the guidance of Ji Chun really entered the Shanghai world of flowers. Ji Chun with its mathematical talent, began to emerge in the casino. Chen JianTing, a Taiwanese stock tycoon, learned that Pearl will introduce Ji-Chun into the surging securities stock market and intend to cultivate him as his successor. Ji Chun and the relationship between the meter at this time also changed from hate to love, and then out of pairs. Ji Chun's fiancee Ju Fen and Ji Chun's father went to Shanghai to find out. Hole, Yuan two "package" Ji Chun's plan revealed. Ji Chun learned that he was just a bet on others, angrily left the instrument. Ju Fen has taken care of Ji Chun, but has become familiar with Ji Chun's friend Feng JianSheng. Peizhu manipulate the yellow tabloid in injury order. In order to save facets and make every effort, it is necessary to catch up with Ji Chun and even set an example in spring. Ji Chun had to go home early to marry Ju Fen. Guess the meter suddenly came, parade wedding. Ju Fen's attempt to commit minor abortions on the same night failed to explain his mother's pain and said that Ju Fen was the secret of his siblings. Ju Fen extremely sad, alone came to Shanghai as a nurse, vowed to fight the happiness of the. Ji Chun returned to Shanghai, dropped out of the Chen JianTing securities firm to work, impressive performance, from the top of the sky, Japan into gold. Kong home was thieves framed, the instrument down imposing, run into trouble, had to take care of the sick father, while taking over the bankruptcy of Kong's business. Chen JianTing took the opportunity to annex Kong Enterprises. The meter to find spring help, counting spring remember old love, the use of the stock market to help the instrument successfully boycott the annexation case, Chen JianTing therefore counter-account with spring, become rivals. A few rounds down, every spring is counted out. Encounter frequent blows, Chen JianTing hardworking, suffering from liver cancer admitted to the hospital. Ju Fen is the only nurse who is willing to take care of him. Chen Jian Ting was inspired by Ju Fen's love and suddenly proposed to Ju Fen. Ju Fen and Chen JianTing became husband and wife, living a fine life, but still remember counting spring. Ji Chun comply with the order before the death of his father exhort, promised to take care of instrument. Chen JianTing unwilling to hand over the throne of the boss of the altar, secretly trader operation, within one day to make Ji-chun full dish are lost, suffered heavy losses. Countless spring back to power, ready to jump suicide. Ju Fen accidentally saved Ji Chun, and defection to help count the spring, so that he can stabilize and rejuvenate. Chen JianTing's death, Ju Fen won the entire legacy. Unfairly, Chen ZiBu made a fuss about his father's funeral and sued Ju Fen for making money by marriage. Ju Fen invested to allow spring to continue in the stock market tide. In order to complete Ju Fen and count the spring, he ordered his betrothal to engage with others and will move to Peiping. Ji Chun in order to gratitude, decided to marry Ju Fen. Regardless of the "She can not be remarried" in her husband's will, Ju Fen decided to give up her inheritance and marry him.

FujianBlue (Movie)[2007]

Feature: The protagonist of the story is a group of idle "little boys." They drink, fight, dance, drug addicts and make trouble every day. Their way of making money is to track down candid photos and extort money from their husbands to work abroad. This trick repeatedly tried many times, small bully their "underground work" as much as the consequences. One of the "bastards" is "Mei GuoZai," because his dad started working in the United States. Their family is rich, his mother unwilling to lonely, all day and different men dealings. "Mei GuoZai" is very angry, decided to teach her mother, he instructed his accomplices to track and extortion his mom, and you're done. With these money, small hooligans go on vacation, sightseeing. Everyone sings together and plays together. The youth at this time is sunshine and splendid - in stark contrast to what they did before. Mei GuoZai 's mum was apparently frightened and, absurdly, she went to church and prayed for repentance. She told the church administrator, "I can make donations anytime you need it." And just then, A Long's mother turned to her for help, hoping she would lend money to her son and help him do it When she was a small business, she refused. However, she said she could act as a guarantor and allow her to loan her loan to help his son smuggle abroad. This is actually a trap. Borrowing usury is like getting into trouble. In fact, the mother of "Mei GuoZai" is good friend and loaned out. After A Long's mother borrowed money, A Long went to the United Kingdom, but was soon repatriated to work at the Pingtan Freezer. His monthly salary was less than 800 and his 200,000 debts were forcing the family to pay off debts again and prepare to go abroad again.

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