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Yiyi Jiang TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Yiyi Jiang Works 48 ,And Romance 14 ,Costume Drama 12 ,Feature 9 ,Comedy 7 ,Motivational film 4 ,Martial Arts 4 ,Historical play 4 ,Suspense 4 ,legend 3 ,Youth drama 3 ,Action 3 ,Love 2 ,Palace 2 ,Year 2 ,竞技2 ,Biopic 2 ,Crime 2 ,Child 2 ,Fantasy film 1 ,Urban drama 1 ,Family drama 1 ,题材1 ,Modern 1 ,Ethical play 1 ,Republic of China 1 ,Modern legend 1 ,Diamond solo theater ancient martial arts drama. 1 ,古装偶像剧1 ,大型古装神话剧1 ,年代传奇1 ,中国首部家庭疗伤剧1 ,Adventure 1 ,War 1 ,Ancient 1 ,黑色1 ,邪典1 ,Sci-Fi 1 ,Romantic drama 1 ,Myth play 1 ,Ancient mythology 1 。

Works Index

Yiyi Jiang Filmography(49)


三千鸦杀 (TV)[2020]


上古时期,大燕国重臣 Zuo Xiang 暗通敌国天元国,导致大燕国灭亡。 Fu JiuYun 救下了公主覃川。目睹了天下苍生被天原国奴役的痛苦,为解救天下百姓,覃川发誓找寻上古灵灯。覃川与 Fu JiuYun 相识相爱,携手找到灵灯,却获知 Fu JiuYun 真实身份是灵灯灯芯,灵灯开启 Fu JiuYun 会消失,开启灵灯者也会牺牲。当两人抱定牺牲的决心,拯救苍生于水火,危急关头覃川表姐替她开启灵灯, Fu JiuYun 因此消失,思念 Fu JiuYun 的覃川再次触摸灵灯,他们牺牲小我的家国精神和伟大爱情感动了上苍,两人终于重逢 。


大泼猴 (TV)[2019]


电视剧《大泼猴》剧情介绍:讲述了天道变数 Hou Zi 提前三百年破石而出,他不甘心既定命运的安排,执意要改变未来,与命运抗争的故事。故事总在改变,命运却惊人的相似天道变数, Hou Zi ( Raymond Lam 饰)提前三百年破石而出,生存堪忧的 Hou Zi 踏上了寻仙之路。他在求仙路上九死一生,幸得金丝雀( Angelina Jiang 饰)舍命相救, Hou Zi 因此许下了复活金丝雀的诺言。为了实现诺言, Hou Zi 一路拜师修行,其间与天真烂漫的 Feng Ling ( Cheng Yanqiu 饰)和孤傲高冷的 Yang Chan ( Jiang Mengjie 饰)分别暗生情愫,还卷入了众妖与天庭的对抗之中,并与 Xu PuTi 祖师、 Tai ShangLaoJun 二人展开博弈。与天庭的浴血奋战使他最终成为天下无敌的齐天大圣,然而却再一次眼睁睁看着 Que Er 的转世 Feng Ling 在自己面前灰飞烟灭,他携带着满腔忿恨,抡起金箍棒直指天庭 。

《大泼猴》是上海世像文化传媒有限公司、唐德影视、优酷联合出品的古装剧,由黄俊文等执导, Raymond Lam 、 Jiang Mengjie 领衔主演, Kenji Wu 、 Jin Akanishi 、 Cheng Yanqiu 、 Wang Ziyun 、 Yue Yueli 、 Xiongyuting 、 Angelina Jiang 、 Zheng Tong Yuan 、 Chi Shuai 、 Cheryl Yang 等主演。

带着爸爸去留学 (TV)[2019]


电视剧《带着爸爸去留学》剧情介绍:讲述了 Huang XiaoDong 是 Huang ChengDong 的儿子,但两人并没有一点血缘关系, Huang XiaoDong 在宫中毕业之后赴美读书,之后又升入洛杉矶大学念书,不而作为他父亲的 Huang ChengDong 不放心 Huang XiaoDong 独自一人去美国,便陪儿子出国读书,两人一直相依为命。但不想 Huang XiaoDong 被环境所迫,越来越适应美式教育,在国外也越来越如鱼得水,并萌生了不想回国的念头,但 Huang ChengDong 一直对家乡念念不忘,两人的关系也逐渐有了隔阂,但最后经过两人的交流最终关系如初。


Cyclone Girls Season Three (TV)[2018]

Feature: Tornado Q3 tells the story of a group of young boys and girls adhering to struggle, fair competition and mutual encouragement for their dreams, moving towards friendship and love. "Cyclones Girls Season 3" is a modern youth inspirational drama based on the novel of the same name by Ming Xiaoxi, co-produced by Mango Film and Television Culture Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Gundai Film and Television Co., Ltd., directed by Cheng Zhichao and Ming Xiaoxi by Yue Xi An, Yang Yang (actor), Chen Xiang, Tan Songyun, Lei Wu, Guo Junchen, Bai Jingting, Yuanyuan Zhao, Yu TingEr, Zhang Xueying, Angelina Jiang, Prince Xuan, Zhang Ruoyun and others.

Eagles And Youngster (TV)[2018]


Introduction to the plot of the TV series "Eagles And Youngster" : tells the story of Beijing teenagers in the late 1980sZhang BaoQingAlone to the northeast falconstun, with the falcon sister brotherCai Gua,Er BiZiNo fights, no acquaintances. The city youth felt the wonder of nature for the first time. At the same time, from the behavior ofCai Guasister and brother, they understood the reason that people and nature take youdao and fear life. Three warm-blooded teenagers became good friends and went to xueyuan to search for the clue of antidote for their beloved teacher.Cai Guaand his brother and sister faced many dangers, but they did not give up on Zhang BaoQing. The accident not only taughtZhang BaoQingto be a team player, he also accidentally picked up an eagle egg and hatched a unique white eagle.Cai Guataught others the contract with the eagle, and when the white eagle learned to hunt it was released to nature. But how could a greedy man give up this rare treasure, and the secrets of the maharaja king of the northeast, sparked by the white eagle, have surfaced. Teenagers are brave enough to resist the forces of greed and danger. In the process of deeply understanding human excessive greed will eventually destroy the balance of nature;Zhang BaoQinghas also grown from an ignorant boy to a responsible teenager & NBSP; .

Na Zha drop demon remember (TV)[2018]

Feature: "Na Zha Di Yao Ji" based on the classic myths and legends tells the story of Na Zha, son of General Chen Tongguan and the drama of the East China Sea Princess Xiao LongNv together to demon demons, the mystical adventure to crack the evil forces.

Anna (TV)[2017]

Feature: During the reign of Shang and Dynasties, Emperor B moved to the dynasty song (now Henan Hebi) and hoped that the city thrived like a brilliant song in the morning. Time flies, the throne passed to Di Xin, he was very happy, four crusade, conquered many countries around, expanding the territory of China, Shang Dynasty reached its heyday. Shang Dynasty expedition parties, confused people not livelihood. Fortunately Xi Ji Ji Chang's son Ji test, the son of Di Xin Yin sub-juvenile hero, hoping to use modest means to save the people in the water and fire. Ji test was framed into the slave camp, Yin suburbs life saved. In the fugitive road Ji Kyu met Jiang Ziya, which 吒, Yang 戬 and other people, and escaped Xiqi with their help. In 1048 BC, Ji Ka changed its name to Ji Fa, collaborating with 800 princes in organizing a mass protest against Di Xin, finally annihilating Shang. Do not want in the process, Yin suburbs mistakenly

End Brain (TV)[2017]

Feature: -family: arial, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; text-indent: 28px; background-color: rgb (255, 255, 255); "> The telencephalon tells Xia Chi was born in an ordinary Family, hobby reasoning, after entering college, Xia Chi was enthusiastically introduced into the basketball club by his roommate Meng Qin, and both became good brothers. With the help of Meng Qin, Xia Chi started a fierce pursuit of Qing Zhi at love at first sight , And later because of the love of Chun XuXiang to Xia Chi, allowing Qing Zhi to misunderstand and make the two separate again. Qing Zhi left the city and feelings of Xia Chi and Chun XuXiang kept warming. A few years later, the seemingly calm life was attacked by Qing Zhi's return to break, and the change of friend Meng Qin and the sudden death also makes Xia Chi has a new perception and understanding of life, Xia Chi is no longer that love for the sake of sacrificing everything young, and finally and Qing Zhi A plain and happy life.

Trouble Killer (TV)[2017]

Feature: In the context of modern metropolis, "Mystery · Way" tells the story of the fate of three people of different ages, different groups and different personalities, the choice of life and inner beliefs. Desire and humanity, redemption and light, under the dark suspense is actually the pursuit of warmth in human nature.

Chu Chuan Biography (TV)[2017]

Feature: In the westerly years chaos chaos, a large number of civilians in the war reduced to the official stills work according to slaves, life as rushes. The slave girl Liying Zhao was sent to a hunting ground for aristocratic entertainment and was fortunate to have been rescued by Yan Xun Yanchuan. She was then taken into custody in the ruling U-door. Witnessed one after another brother and sister tragic death, vowed to take my sister out of prison. Chouchu, being open-minded by Yu Wenyue, was forced to undergo severe training and at the same time, formed a profound friendship with Yan Xun. In the battle of West Wei Dynasty, Yan Xun's family was exterminated and in despair, Chu Qiu lives with him and helps him escape the dilemma. However, after returning to Xiliang, Yan Xun ambitious expansion at the cost of Manchu people's lives at the expense of domination. Chu Qiao desperately parted ways with Yan Xun, Yan Xun designed to trap Yu WenYue on the frozen lake, Chu Qiao and Yu WenYue fall into the frozen lake - dead or alive & nbsp ;.

Snowy forest (TV)[2017]

Feature: In the winter of 1946, the Kuomintang set up a "Central Pre-war Cell" composed of puppet officials, landowners, bullies and bandits in the northeast region. These gangs of Uzbekistan continued to carry out military harassment of our army. Among them, bandits Xu DaMaBang (Weidong Qin), Zuo ShanDiao (Ni Dahong) and Ma XiShan (YongDai Ding) and others gathered in the mountains and forests, Long-term assassination and destruction, the means cruel. For a time, banditry in the northeast region caused great threats to the work and life of local people and severely damaged the achievements of the land reform. In order to clear the banditry, the leaders of the military region decided to change tactics and organized a detachment of 36 personnel. Under the leadership of chief of staff Shao JianBo (Ray Chang), Yang ZiRong (Guangjie Li), Sun DaDe (Solution Teng) and Gao Bo (Zhang late Italian) Wisdom Take Tiger Hill, encirclement large pot helmet, and these "shark sex, mahjong-style" brutal enemy wits, desperate struggle. After timeless and arduous fierce battles, the criminals were eventually wiped out and the unit made the full victory of banditry.

Little handsome (TV)[2016]

Feature: The legendary life of Zhang XueLiang's autobiography tells the story of the vicissitudes of the elderly vicissitudes of life and drama "Marshal" bumpy life. Zhang XueLiang was born in the warlord era, the young mother, is the eldest son of Zhang ZuoLin, the warlord. The romantic son of a father aura, since entering his father founded the Army Cadet Corps, embarked on a military road: from the initial troops to war several baptisms by the war, has been a friend Guo SongLing Anti-bingbing , Enduring the shame that his father was murdered by the Japanese and ultimately shouldering the heavy responsibility of his family and growing up as the leader of the three northeastern provinces. Zhang XueLiang romantic life, but love two singular women, and the first wife Yu FengZhi, loved Zhao Si accompanied his life. He was addicted to drugs and eventually rehabilitated by foreign doctors. He had a solemn heart, and for the sake of reunification of China, practiced "Banner of Northeast China" and absolutely obeyed Jiang Jie Shi. However, as a result, the Japanese occupied Shenyang during the September 18th Incident. At the age of 36, he finally planned the Xi'an Incident with General Yang HuCheng at the age of 36, ended the civil war, facilitated the KMT-CPC cooperation and unanimously resisted Japan, and he himself was therefore under house arrest for more than half a century.

Begonia still (TV)[2016]

Feature: According to Zhou Enlai, Zhou Enlai's niece, Zhou BingDe, "My Uncle Zhou EnLai," an adaptation of Zhou BingDe, who grew up at the prime minister's age and witnessed and heard many little-known and touching things about Zhou Enlai, including early Into the Zhongnanhai, West Flower Hall of the brothers and sisters, respect for the elderly is Zhou EnLai's family style, occupation selection criteria is to look at the needs of the country and other stories. Looking at Zhou EnLai from an ordinary perspective, Zhou EnLai saw Zhou EnLai's mission of "the rise of China" all his life. What he saw was that Zhou EnLai "spared no efforts and died" for the Chinese nation. It saw Zhou EnLai's lofty but Great "no-self" spirit; looking at Zhou EnLai from a family perspective will reveal his noble charisma. Si people passed away, Begonia still.

旋风少女第二季 (TV)[2016]


历经重重洗礼, Qi BaiCao ( Yue Xi An 饰)正式踏上元武道的征程,进入了元武道界观众的眼中,她用独创的绝招旋风三连踢,双重旋风三连踢,旋风下劈等一路制霸日本、新加坡等各类积分赛,终于取得市青赛资格,更因为世青赛错手将故友劲敌 Fang TingYi ( Yuanyuan Zhao 饰)踢成了植物人而练习寸止,让她对元武道又有了深刻的新领悟。然而不幸的是若白因病离开了她。面对失去若白的元武道,百草不知道再有什么理由继续,她想用训练来麻痹自己,可是她却不知道失去若白的元武道重点该在何处。就在这时,百草遇见冷峻神秘、天赋异禀的 Chang An ( Ji Chang-wook 饰)。 Chang An 受初原嘱托代替训练百草,帮松柏渡过难关,在外人看来 Chang An 用残酷的方法训练百草,但其实只是想最大限度地开发她的极限,但他却渐渐被这个看似坚强努力,实则脆弱倔强的女孩打动了。在 Chang An 带领下,她重新感受到松柏的温暖和元武道精神。从小一起长大的兄弟三人最后只剩 Fang TingHao ( Chen Xiang 饰)一人,他想戒掉爱百草,却始终无能为力,直到疼爱的妹妹婷宜发生意外,让廷皓固守的世界观崩塌,他却靠着自己从绝望里爬了起来。廷皓变了,但他对百草,却依旧是以前那个温柔的为她排忧解难的骑士。


QingDaoMemories (TV)[2015]

Feature: The young full-born warehouse in Weixian fainted while begging and rescued by Jiang ShaZi. During the rescue of Jiang ShaZi and her daughters Da Man and Xiao Man, the past of Qingdao made the acquaintance of Xia DeFa, who was willing to embrace injustice. Together, the three teenagers won the first pot of gold from the German Flickr, and co-opened the business of "De You Poly", opening up the path of struggle in the mall. The three also became brothers and sisters living in trouble. The turmoil of the current situation, the fate of the three brothers also will ups and downs. After all the years of separation of families and fraternal conflicts, the brothers and the brothers were frozen in the background of the country's fate and finally took a heavy blow to the Japanese merchants represented by Ji Cun in the mall. The war of resistance against Japan started, and the three brothers went their separate ways. Manchura decided to stay in Qingdao, along with his wife Xiao Man and her husband's wife Jiang ShaZi, no matter how tough they would smile and live.

BanShuLegend (TV)[2015]

Feature: Ban Shu (Jing Tian), daughter of the super-guarding class in the Eastern Han Dynasty, grew up alone in the grasslands after he was young and separated from his parents. In the eve of recognition of father and daughter, Ban Chao died of illness. Ban Shu tried to get into the palace in recognition of the Bancai tribe, and successively worked as a woman's master in the school of the aristocracy and the palace school of the boys' school founded by the Empress Dowager. Open her chivalrous heart, but the Central Plains poetry unreasonable, a lot of jokes inside the school, but she did not follow the conventional, ingenuity in reform but let the original dull school atmosphere as a new one. During the teaching process, Ban Shu fell in love with the vicissitude of Wei Ying (Zhe-han Zhang), a man of palace who can not forget the tragic death of fiancee with a passionate and bold heart. While their feelings were getting stronger, Ban Shu's sister returned unexpectedly, and Ban Shu and Wei Ying fell into tangles. In the end, Ban Shu joined hands with the students to make the magnificent culture of the Han people deeply rooted in the hearts of people with his own intelligence. Ban Shu eventually grew up in the dual experiences of business and emotion.

Beggars big shopkeeper (TV)[2015]

Feature: The story occurred in the Republic of China in 1919, from Beijing to Beijing beggars beggar Luan XueTang, because the boss saved the daughter fortunate enough to be denied the shopkeeper, because the shopkeeper secrets were expelled, but get your granny shop to become Feng Zeyuan founder. Luan XueTang retained the business backbone of the wind floor, composed of Fortress Park's team, was the landlord Wang DeFu of the wind floor and brother-in-law Lvqiuchen hatred. Led by the warlord Wu PeiFu, Luan XueTang marry Guan YaLi, the sweetheart who had gone through the autumn. And Luan XueTang childhood sweetheart Yao ZhenZhen learned that Luan XueTang decided to join the anti-Japanese after he married. Qiuqiu Chen took over after the wind floor, conscience traitors, will be changed to the Japanese-style restaurant wind floor, homeopathic overhead Luan XueTang Restaurant Association, the emperor issued a surrender edict, Feng Zuiyuan desperate to return to the hands of Luan XueTang . Yao ZhenZhen came back to perform the assassination of traitors, Guan Liya Yao ZhenZhen blocked shot and the children and Luan XueTang entrusted to Yao ZhenZhen. Qiuqiu Chen was killed in the escaped by agents, Luan XueTang led Feng Zeyuan in New China was reborn.

Tornado girl (TV)[2015]

Feature: Whirlwind girls posters in the birthplace of Yuan Wu Road shore Yang, Qu XiangNan Road Museum of Syria ten years ago in the international competition because it won but was framed to use doping disqualification, champion admired from thousands reduced to sinners, Yen Yen Yuan Budokan since then also sluggish. Qi BaiCao (Hu Bingqing), an orphan who was deceased at the age of 6 and was adopted by Qu XiangNan, has always believed in her innocence as a teacher of moral principles. She will never be able to cheat and will not leave southward , Even if it can not participate in the training and competition Road Museum. Girl Qi BaiCao At the age of 16, this year's International Competition was about to begin, and Hercules was rescued by her friend Fan XiaoYing (Tan Songyun) during her reigning as an injustice Master Qu XiangNan (Vincent Chiao) Pine Road Museum practice. Among the young players, Ruo Bai (Yang Yang (actor)) at Songbai Road Hall, Yu ChuYuan (Bai Jingting) and Hu YiFeng (Lei Wu), long-awaited remembrance partners with Fang TingHao (Chen Xiang ornaments), Fang TingYi (Yuanyuan Zhao ornaments), common growth, competition, competition, in order to friendship and love to the segment of a different course. Jin MinZhu (Angelina Jiang) from Chang Ha Road, South Korea Visited Song Park, Jin kicked down and re-cited the doping incident Insult to Akihito, Kansai kicked out under anger Jin MinZhu became famous. Qu XiangNan Guiqiu cypress asked the curator to accept herbs and excuse Hercules persist in dreams. Baicao determined to impact the peak of Yuan Wu Road, to realize their dreams and to name Master, which embarked on a difficult road to struggle. Hundreds of grass injuries, fantastic healing warm men initially care for her, for the first time in her life, some people listen to her heart Baicao heartbeat, but it attracted the enchantment and attack of Fang TingYi, The appropriate brother Ting Hao is a hegemonic son, favored by grace show was attracted by the uniqueness of Herbalism, the full pursuit of repeated being frustrated more frustrated Yong; pine and elder brother Ruo Bai cold training Bai Baicao, often conflict with him Baicao But gradually found Ruo Bai hidden deep love and love; caught in the three-love network is difficult to choose. The seemingly tit-for-tat trio was once the best brother, similar to five years ago to stand on the podium of the International Competition, but an unexpected Tyrant haughty anger or even holding the game life attitude , The original inexplicable withdrawal of yuan martial arts practitioners, admitted that the poorest qualifications of Ruo Bai dumb training since then. Torn girl poster

Legendary treasurer (TV)[2015]

Feature: The story occurred in the Republic of China in 1919, from Beijing to Beijing beggars beggar Luan XueTang, because the boss saved the daughter fortunate enough to be denied the shopkeeper, because the shopkeeper secrets were expelled, but get your granny shop to become Feng Zeyuan founder. Luan XueTang retained the business backbone of the wind floor, composed of Fortress Park's team, was the landlord Wang DeFu of the wind floor and brother-in-law Lvqiuchen hatred. Led by the warlord Wu PeiFu, Luan XueTang marry Guan YaLi, the sweetheart who had gone through the autumn. And Luan XueTang childhood sweetheart Yao ZhenZhen learned that Luan XueTang decided to join the anti-Japanese after he married. Qiuqiu Chen took over after the wind floor, conscience traitors, will be changed to the Japanese-style restaurant wind floor, homeopathic overhead Luan XueTang Restaurant Association, the emperor issued a surrender edict, Feng Zuiyuan desperate to return to the hands of Luan XueTang . Yao ZhenZhen came back to perform the assassination of traitors, Guan Liya Yao ZhenZhen blocked shot and the children and Luan XueTang entrusted to Yao ZhenZhen. Qiuqiu Chen was killed in the escaped by agents, Luan XueTang led Fengzeyuan in New China won a freshman & nbsp ;.

Hans love in the song cloud (TV)[2015]

Feature: In the Western Han Dynasty, the 8-year-old Liu FuLing concealed his identity and traveled to the desert with endless despair. Yun Ge, a green-jersey girl riding a Tuscan mountaineering as a snow-covered camel, took it out of the air desert. Liu FuLing, indifferent to ice, was finally moved by Yun Ge's lovely Yun Ge, who met Chang'an about ten years after giving each other gifts. Ten years later, Yun Ge came to Chang'an looking for Liu FuLing with his childhood promise. However, he did not think that Liu had mistakenly thought that he was a childhood elder brother and thought he not only did not remember the promise of childhood in his childhood, A virtuous beautiful woman Xu PingJun. The sad Yun Ge is about to return to the West Desert, but encounters the elegant son Meng Jue. Meng Jue meets again and again to solve the problem of Yun Ge, seems indifferent, but silently waits for Yun Ge in a unique way. It turned out that Yun Ge, eight-year-old inadvertently sent two pearl embroidered shoes, one with Liu FuLing pull her hook, the other is the beggar Meng Jue. Yun Ge painstakingly looking for Liu FuLing, but by coincidence, fell in love with Meng Jue. Pearl embroidered shoes pull out two love affair, seemingly good fortune, but it is God Yun Ge best gift. Yun Ge from a carefree girl to experience the joys and sorrows of life, but she is still the desert riding the Tianshan snow camel willing to help people give hope of good girl, hard and persist in true love, make the most delicious Food, under the blue sky and white clouds, singing the most beautiful song.

Male matchmaker (TV)[2014]

Feature: Stills Ding Side is a keen to talk about the media matchmaker, he wanted to find a mother to his mother children, Ding mother jointly with his grandson Ding Jiaming and daughter-in-law Li Xuefei strongly opposed, as a doctor Li Xuefei lost because of medical errors, coincidence when the community Hospital president's first love, Sun Xuguang. His son Ding Jiaming like Sun Yuan, daughter of Sun Xuguang, Ding Deside tried to break up the two. Ding Si De mother to find his wife children, the mother brought a stubborn old man Chen Qingtang do protector, Chen Qingtang's move almost broken Ding Si many years of cumulative reputation. Ding Yi De decided to match Luo and his son, to squeeze away Sun Yuan, while preventing his wife and Sun Xuguang's contacts, but the departure of Sun Yuan let his son lost his happiness . He decided to save his son's love, get back Sun Yuan, while Chen Qingtang deep affection for his mother touched. A Happy Future Waving to a pair of lovers who are about to get a happy marriage, Ding Ding and his wife, Chen Qingtang, Sun Yuan and Ding Jiaming, Long Haihong and Sun Xuguang held their wedding at the same time. "The name of the United States.

Condor Heroes (TV)[2014]

Feature: The Legend of the Condor Heroes paired Yang Guo's son Yang Guo, who had been in his childhood and was taken over by Guo Jing and sent to Quanzhen for training. Rebellious Yang Guo could not stand the torture, escaped from Quanzhen teaching into the tomb faction, was retained by Xiao LongNv, with martial arts. After Li MoChou scored the tomb of life and death, the two from the mentoring of friendship developed into an unforgettable love. As Mongolian cavalry is about to go south and Guo Jing et al. Are unmatchable, at a crucial moment, Xiao LongNv and Yang Guo are inadvertently involved in the fight to defeat Jin LunGuoShi. However, there were many good things and many bad things. As Yang Guo and Xiao Long Nv gathered again and again, after experiencing the perilous conditions such as the Wulin General Assembly, the Xiangyang soldier, the unforgettable valley and so on, they left their lives for more than 16 years. Yang Guo, who possessed the posters of the Condor Heroes for 16 years, finally found Xiao LongNv in the fiery valley and returned to the world. At that moment, Mongolia was mobbing Mengli and attacking Xiangyang. Yang Guo defeated Jin LunFaWang and killed the Mongolian Emperor Meng Ge with a flystone to set the first victory for the victory of Xiangyang Battle. The war ended. Guo Guo et al. People, with God carving, leisurely far away nbsp ;.

Lantern Festival City (TV)[2014]

Feature: "The City of Lanterns" tells the story of a new life in the 1920s when new ideas have spread throughout the land of China, including the feudal Chen Family in the corner of the southern part of the Xianan Mountains and the eventual disintegration of Song Yong (Hairong Tian). In order to repay his father's debt, Songlian was married to Chen to do four aunt too. Songlian, who pursues new ideas, runs counter to the heavy, repressive and feudal Chen family. The struggle between a new woman and the old feudal family began. In the struggle against the old feudal family, Songlian not only tried his best to save himself, but also used his actions to influence and influence other young people and other aunties in Chen Family. Eventually the feudal family was blown away by the torrent of the times. After all others have found their own homeland and happiness, Song Lian has completely shaken off the shackles of the feudal family and honored his once promised. The war is approaching, Song Lian hesitate to devote themselves to the revolution to save the country and save the country, after a rough Ching Lin finally got his desire for a new life. & nbsp; Horizontal version poster

Lady (TV)[2014]


The sentimental drama “The Adopted Girl” tells the family emotional stories of the two generations of adoptive daughters in Xi’an in the ancient city from the 1990s to the present. By portraying a group of honest and kind Xi’an citizens, it reflects the tremendous changes in Xi’an after the reform and opening up, and at the same time shows the customs of Xi’an. The play will show the national audience the unique charm of the ancient city of Xi’an and the honest and optimistic attitude of the Shaanxi people. In addition, the show featured Xi'an attractions such as Daming Palace, Xi'an City Wall, and Qujiang. At the same time, a large number of folk customs embodying Xian's unique culture were interspersed in the plot.


OnceUponATimeInShanghai (Movie)[2013]

Feature: Ma YongZhen, who has been practicing kung fu since childhood, came to live in Shanghai on the shores of the Yangtze River. Here, he met the rise of the rise of the new Long Beach Beach (Shanghai), the two dreaming young people at a loss, after suffering into brothers and sisters. From then on, the two brothers worked hard to break the enemy countlessly, in one fell swoop to the largest gang at the time - step on foot, Megatron on the beach. In the meantime, Ma YongZhen also got the help of the retired kung fu master Tie ZhangMen (), to jointly fight the enemy. Ax help and its behind-the-scenes forces are not willing to fail, for Ma YongZhen and Long Qi has been emboldened, the idea tries to eradicate them. Long Qi was sacked by the killer and his life was in jeopardy. Ma YongZhen decided to embark on the road with his own eyes watching the loss of his brother.

OneNightSurprise (Movie)[2013]

Feature: Mi Xue (Bingbing Fan) is an excellent life-planning artist, and now she is the director of a large advertising planning company. But just after a big birthday party more than a month ago, Mi Xue unexpectedly found herself pregnant. Everything points to the previous birthday party with spree, drunkenness and fragmentation. Among the more than 50 men who have been divorced, Zhou BiAn (Daniel Heine), a divorced diamond man boss, a youth loving Mi Xue Subordinates include Zhang Tongyu (Aarif Rahman), handsome and handsome son Lin ZhiBo (Jiang Jinfu), and Lu DaHu (Leon Lai), the upstart rich seafood seller. Under the mentorship of girlfriend Lin WeiWei (Pace Wu), Mi Xue is at a loss for the most ups and downs in life ...

The Palace (Movie)[2013]

Feature: In the Qing Dynasty, Zhao Jia ChenXiang entered the palace and met his same age, Gong Nv Liu Li, and became friends. Liu Li bent on trying to figure out in an attempt to encounter Elder change the Phoenix, at the betrayal of framed incense; and incense is then coincidentally with the Kangxi Xi Kangxi Emperor thirteenth son () Aixinjueluo Yinxiang love, after twists and turns ups and downs, the two finally go away, love each other .

Lan Ling Wang (TV)[2013]

Feature: More than 1,400 years ago, the Northern War of Constant Attack and the Northern Expedition with the Xianbei Blood Veins repeatedly infested the border and vowed to become the overlord of the Northern Dynasty. Under the leadership of Lanling County Prince of Xuzhou in the Northern Qi Dynasty, he resisted the enemy and built up A solid wall. In a battle with the North Zhou Dynasty, Lanling Wang accidentally broke into the village of the Wuxian with secular foreknowledge hidden in the frontiers of the two countries. The Hakusan descendants Yang XueWu was forced into the conflict of the two armies and was called " Goddess. " Snow dance in troubled times to get acquainted with the Northern Qi Xuzhou Lanling County King and the Northern Zhou Dynasty emperor Yu WenYong, snow dance regardless of grandmother opposition and Lanling Wang feelings; ambitious gradually Yu WenYong to dominate one side, the other side bent on getting snow Dance, get the help of the white mountain descendants; Yang XueWu and Lan Ling Wang suffered many trials and hardships, eventually breaking through the obstacles to co-junction. Snow dance think of my grandmother's prophecy, the king of Lanling gongzhengzhu was sacrificed, determined to guard the Lanling Wang, both in the fief to make every effort, won the hearts and minds. When Gao Zhan, the Northern Qi Emperor, heard the story of Gao Wei, he aroused the envy of Prince Gao Wei. Gao Wei accidentally collected Zheng Er, Following the throne, after the emperor called Zheng Er to Feng XiaoLian identity as the Queen, the two jointly designed Lan Ling Wang and Yang XueWu, making the Lanling Wang into the internal and external problems, Snow determined to co-exist with Lanling Wang . Snow finally died in the arms of the Lanling King, Lan Ling Wang and their son seclusion.

Yue Zhong loyalty (TV)[2013]

Feature: The end of the Northern Song Dynasty, Liao massive invasion of the Central Plains, people live in trouble. Tong Guan is a general guarding the country, and Liankin is anti - Liao. Tong Guan not only failed to pass the strategic, more desires, and even successive defeat, General Liu Ge daredevil warrior captain Yue Fei with Zhang Xian, Niu Gao, Xu Qing, Wang Gui only eight hundred warriors, Prove the song dare warrior is not tired eggs. After the defeat of Liao Tian Huang Emperor Qin Emperor pro-levy, hundreds of thousands of troops flocked to. Yue Fei is outnumbered to Liao. Find out the yawn trickery, Yue Fei escape danger, go quickly. Halfway, Liu Ge was injured and dropped the cliff. Shortly afterwards, Jin WuShu drove his troops southwards and drove him to a siege of Beijing. Urgency, North and South mobilization, Yue Fei went to the state left behind coach Zong Ze's. Yue Fei, his mother, Yao's determination and ambition to encourage his son's entry into the battlefield, used a golden needle to puncture Yue Fei with four characters "serving the country loyally." Kinbyon southward invasion, Hui Zong self-aware empty national strength, no longer another large-scale anti-gold war, they panic to promote Zen, to give up their own responsibility. Prince Zhao Huan has always been cowardly. Its brother Kang Wang Zhao Gou both civil and military, welcomed, but Zhao Huan obedience, Zhao Gou everywhere objection, because no one can control Zhao Gou, Zhao Huan won the big place, known as Qin Zong. After the siege of the Jin army in Beijing, the situation was dying. Zhao Gou went to Delhi and negotiated with Wan Yan Zong-han. After arriving in Germany, I learned that the Jin army had scored a goal in Beijing and no negotiations were necessary. The Jin people intend to form a separate new DPRK and rule Zai with Zhang BangChang, the same negotiator, as Zhao Gou is killed. Zong Ze desperately to protect Zhao Gou returned to Beijing, I discovered that Beijing Emperor has been trapped gold hand, the royal family was forced to relocate, all reduced to subjugation. Zong Ze persuaded Zhao Gou to join the throne, and Zhao Gou ascended the throne on Tianfu. Jin army retreat, Zong Ze transferred to Beijing stay, Yue Fei and other built under the command of the handsome. Yue Fei sympathizes with Zong Ze and discusses each other's strategies and tactics. The guerrilla war criminals in Caen, Cairo, have won the war repeatedly. Zong Ze strongly against the gold, the court could not offend Prince Jin WuShu Prince Edward, gold medal to withdraw troops, Yue Fei not from the rate of troops to move forward and regain the state. Yue Fei's decision was dismissed by Wang Yan, who withdrew his troops. Yue Fei asked his men to join the guerrillas freely, and with the exception of the few who followed him, the rest were covering Wang Yan's withdrawal and fighting against the 50,000-strong wizardry of the martial arts. The guerrillas were able to help each other and the soldiers hungering for "hunger for food and drink for hunger and hunger for blood." Fortunately Yue Fei and Li Wa contacted Liang Xing and transported Yue Fei up the mountain via him Safely retreat south. Although Yue Fei unfavorable, but Zong Ze knew Yue Fei, Zong Ze still dominate the north, and personally go into battle, and Wu Wushu tribute in Tancheng, iron buoy cavalry large array unpredictable, overwhelming, Song Army not support Zong Ze in the number of arrows, three across the river, generous martyrdom. The Jin repeatedly commits, plot Central Plains, to save the day, Yue Fei had to re-mountain. After Kinbyan captured Jiankang, the royal mausoleum was robbed. Yue Fei and eldest son Yue Yun, father and son with the heart, are interested in protecting the country. Yue Jiajun defeated the wushu and reconstructed the ancient capital Jiankang, so that the multi-level secret mobilization raised by Gao Fei on Yue Fei was different.Qin Gui secretly contact Wushu, awarded Huangtuang waterway plans, the Golden Army flew overnight overnight. The court traces the source of waterway plans, Qin Gui fears guilty and murderous. Jing Yue Yue Fei Stills Six counties re-map, Yue Jiajun should be fully rehabilitated and rest, but the imperial edict and the imperial mission frequently alluded to Yue Fei to eliminate the lake in Dongting Lake out of ideas, the emperor asked Yue Fei how long it takes to complete In the campaign, Yue Fei answered eight days enough. The emperor flies nonsense, smile set. Yue Fei's battle against the lakes and maids has long been planned in the heart of her. She captured Yang and killed her, leaving only seven days and a half. Zhao Gou got a good news and called Yuejiajun a magician. Shaoxing and the agreement reached, what cast Cao Xun Chong grateful to make Zhao Gou vows table in the gold master's palindrome, although a few words, but vicious very, the text reads: "kill the fly, before and." Gave Qin Gui a valid excuse for the timely operation. Qin Gui first set the word "do not make plans for breaking it" Zhang Xian Yue Yun Two torture custodians. Yue Jiajun called New Year's Eve robbery, cypress known, uneasy, is New Year's Eve on New Year's Eve will pay Yue Yue Wang warehousing, temporary punishment, just call 'Zhao Zhao day', spin generous righteousness, 嗟 almost! White Aya neck around, serve the country loyal! Fledgling thirty-nine, the afternoon afternoon cut Zhang Xian Yue Yun, Yaoyue Yueyin bottles cast their own martyrdom, wife Li Wa with the family hundreds of exile in the wild belt of Yunnan more than ten years, a huge pain deep, struggling to survive. Shaoxing twenty-five years in December. Qin Gui father and son across the bridge, to the square, Liang Xing gave an assassination, Qin Xuan desperate father break out, bloody deep lane, embarrassed exit. Back to the House, the night half-dreams, see Silver Bottle female dangling life, cypress surprise, hematemesis and death.

Rage (TV)[2013]

Feature: In 1927, the Kuomintang reactionaries created the "May 15 coup" in Guangzhou. Cheng YiHai (Jackie Lui), the poster for maritime transportation in Guangzhou, the poster of Guangzhou's largest shipping company, was attacked by Xiang GuoQiang, a Kuomintang officer (Zhenhai Kou) Decorated with the name of "clean party" kill, Xiang GuoQiang frenzied pursuit Cheng three brother and sister brother Cheng Tao (Jie Li ornaments), brother Cheng Yi (Hoắc Chính Ngạn ornaments), Sanye Cheng Yun (Chae Yeon ornaments), three A lonely child fled. Brother Cheng Tao determined to vote Whampoa Military Academy, pending later find revenge Xiang GuoQiang. Cheng Yi, a younger brother of the second brother, took the dock and joined the underground party organization of the CCP and entered another shipping company, Miles Shipping. Sanmei Cheng Yun was entertained by a solo artist on his way to escape, living on the street and selling music for a living. A few years later, Cheng three brothers and sisters were launched avenge the road & nbsp ;.

WeAreFamily (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Father Zhao PengFei is the first to get rich after the reform and opening up. He is the founder and manager of this business. His wife Lin MeiHui is a full-time housewife, outside Zhao PengFei is the boss, at home Lin MeiHui is undisputed leader. They have four children - eldest daughter Zhao Hong, eldest son Zhao Tao, daughter Zhao Qing, the younger son Zhao Lei. Four children have their own ideas and ideals, they encountered in life a variety of family problems, emotional problems, moral issues. But as long as there is no fear at home, in the family's warmth, the family finally lived a quiet and happy life.

TheMagicBlade (TV)[2012]

Feature: "End of the World moon knife" poster 24 years ago, the martial arts leader Yang ChangFeng mysteriously killed, becoming a martial arts a big case. Twenty-four years later, Fu HongXue, known as the only orphan of Yang Chang-Feng, suddenly emerged and launched revenge. Yang ChangFeng, a son of a concubine, Ye Kai, who changed his identity with Fu HongXue, allowed Zhou Ting to win Fu HongXue's feelings. However, Zhou Ting really fell in love with Fu HongXue. In order to help the superior Yan NanFei win the title of martial arts lord, Ming YueXin, one of the top four in the sky, managed to remove Fu HongXue, but he also became emotionally charged to him. Fu HongXue has suffered numerous crises and tribulations on the road to revenge, has withstood numerous tests of good and evil, love and hate, loyalty and betrayal. With the help of Ye Kai, Zhou Ting and Ming YueXin, Fu HongXue exposes and smashes Yan NanFei , Xiang YingTian, ​​Gong ZiYu, Mrs. Yang and others, unveiled the mystery of Yang ChangFeng's murder and his own life experience, awakening the love hidden in the heart and returning to the quiet. End of the World moon knife

We are a family (TV)[2012]

Feature: Father Zhao PengFei is the first to get rich after the reform and opening up. He is the founding chief and executive of this enterprise. His wife Lin MeiHui is a full-time housewife, outside Zhao PengFei is the boss, at home Lin MeiHui is undisputed leader. They have four children - eldest daughter Zhao Hong, eldest son Zhao Tao, daughter Zhao Qing, the younger son Zhao Lei. Four children have their own ideas and ideals, they encountered in life a variety of family problems, emotional problems, moral issues. But as long as there is no fear at home, in the family's warmth, the family finally lived a quiet and happy life.

My name is Wang TuDi (TV)[2012]

Feature: "My name is Wang TuDi." Taking the history of modern development of the Loop as the main line, it reflects the legendary life of Wang TuDi (Wang Tongchun), the most influential water conservancy expert in the Hetao area during the period from the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic to the War of Resistance Against Japan. The way the Yellow River irrigated reclamation Loop land, creating a "plug outside the South" affluent scenery of the Hetao, known as the "river god." A self-made Wang TuDi became the rich businessman in the Fu Jiahe Loop and did not forget to relieve the world and rejected the temptation of foreign hostile forces. While the Japanese invaded Hetao's crisis, he did not hesitate to cut off the fields and destroy the fields, His influence in the modern history of China. Opening Wang TuDi and his uncle walked through the desert came to the back cover, said the first sentence is "Uncle, arrived, after the set of", then smell the soil with his nose, the soil and the soil that his grandfather brought back a year Taste, came from Hebei after the set is a kind of ground, watching so much land so that Wang TuDi very excited, the bones loving the land share of the spirit has been supporting the ideal of the hearts of farmers. Wang TuDi later found Huang JinXiu a water source by his wise intelligence and proposed the conditions of thirty hectares. His claim violated the bottom line of Huang JinXiu. He was thrown into the Yellow River when he was put into a sack and Wang TuDi became a big man In order to subdue Yang DaYi, Yang DaYi wanted to sacrifice Yang DaYi through "silt drains." In order to rescue Yang DaYi, Wang TuDi desperately risked his life and lit the guide of the canals At the end of the rescue, Wang TuDi got the land given to him by Yang DaYi. Wang TuDi, after receiving the land, is even more courageous and has always adhered to his ideal in the struggle for life. Wang TuDi, a self-made landowner who became a wealthy businessman in the FuJiahe Loop, did not forget to save the world. The awakening of national consciousness allowed Wang TuDi to start to sublimate his understanding of the land and reject the temptation of foreign hostile forces. When the Japanese invaded the Hetu Sheikh's crisis, In the interest of the nation, Wang TuDi destroyed all the embankments built with his life-long efforts, drew the surging waters of the Yellow River, inundated the land, defeated the aggressors, defend the country, shaped the real image of peasant heroes and made achievements High national ethics & nbsp;

LoveonCredit (Movie)[2011]

Feature: Xiao Qing and Xiao Hong are two twin sisters of different styles. Their sister Xiao Qing believes in true love and her sister Xiao Hong advocates worship. Personalized identity of Xiao Qing and ten year boyfriend Jiang Cheng save money to buy a house ready to get married, but because Jiang Cheng was kidnapped savings and real estate, broke up angrily, overnight love completely disappointed; and Xiaohong has been for With his supervisor's three, ten years of waiting, in exchange for being deceived and frustrated. Determined to credit the credit card to judge a man Xiaohong, met a perfect object, with unlimited card of the second generation Zhang Quan, and Xiao Qing Xiaohong stimulated do dozens of credit cards began to dress up as a ladies, want Marry newly-arrived young entrepreneur Shen Tao before his credit card expires. Interested in Xiao Qing between Shen Tao and Jiang Cheng, and Xiaohong, who is reluctant to give Zhang Quan Quanzhen, who can really enjoy happiness? True love is priceless? Gold is still innocent?

LoveYouYou (Movie)[2011]

Feature: In Malaysia there is a beautiful island, where clear water and white sand, beautiful scenery, is an excellent holiday destination. You LeLe, a young island owner on the island, runs the only hotel in the island and at the same time has developed a variety of highly creative tourism projects that run the business with excitement until one day, The arrival of the girl changed everything. Xia Mi is a very strange girl, she does not matter where and when with headphones, seems to be a little girl immersed in her music world all day long. One day, Xia Mi suddenly came to the island and asked You LeLe to take her for a waitress. You LeLe despite the confusion, but still accept her. The first night, You LeLe discovered a terrible secret to Xia Mi. A pair of married couples on the island Hao Chang () and Su FeiYa () You LeLe excite unusual, but because of the emergence of Xia Mi, You LeLe a total loss of a large business, its relationship with Xia Mi also change An unprecedented tension. Xia Mi guilty of determination to make atonement. You LeLe and Xia Mi encountered an accident during a trip to the sea. As a result, they saw an old friend familiar with both of them. At this time, You LeLe and Xia Mi discovered that their relationship was not as simple as they originally thought. A group of well-dressed elite came to the island, opened the secret of You LeLe life experience. You LeLe This discovery had already been set up by the people around them. At the most critical time, Xia Mi, who was preparing to leave the island, bravely announced a surprising secret to all.

Abandoned secret (TV)[2011]

Feature: Abandoned Secrets tells the story of Zhou Yujian female jade piano can not stand her sister An Qiao's unruly waywardness, taking advantage of Lantern Festival will throw her away, a direct result of the mother Ruolan crazy. Ten years later, when Qiuqin propped up the whole family, An Qiao, renamed Liu Liu, came back. She not only won the love of her family but also destroyed Yuqin's eyes. At the same time, Tianyi also love at first sight of this sister. Yu Liu found Liu Liu different, launched a survey and found that the real An Qiao is dead, then Liu Liu who is who. With the extermination they gradually found out that everything was the same with the Zhou family fellow Shih-hsiung a mystery of the year, jade piano for the mother's tolerance of all this, or for the family to expose these conspiracies. At this moment, she found that the whole family did not believe her, and poor Liu Liu always thought she was going to retaliate. Also found himself already dead, suddenly know what to do, then mysterious woman Shen Rou surfaced, revealing the shaking of the secret, Jiangnan family apricot and temple suddenly into crisis & nbsp ;.

Harem (TV)[2011]

Feature: "The Harem Palace" tells the story of Ming YingZong In the last year of the Ming Dynasty, Prince Zhu JianShen enriched the harem, procuratorate girl, and 13-year-old girl Li Ziyun. Their parents died young and did not hesitate to remain unyielding and optimistic. In order to help sick beggars, was the eldest child when the street hit, Fortunately wealthy businessman Shao Zhong siege, collection. Ziyun for gratitude, impostor, on behalf of her daughter Shao ChunHua into the palace as a girl, met the father of prisoners, was not included in the Hospitality Bureau, the weak personality of Bai HanXiang, the two made friends, at the same time into the palace. Changes in the soil Fort, Prince Edward Zhu JianShen was sent to the South Gate, palace daughter Wan ZhenEr take good care of. Zhu JianShen succession, sealed Wan ZhenEr for the chaise. Ling QiQiao Struggle aunt to become a princess around the Reds. Chunhua and Aroma become a musician, at the same time, fell in love with the impending opportunity. Hong, Qing Zi was closed concubine, pregnant, by the Royal Concubine jealous. Chunhua to protect the two, was deliberately provoked by Qiqiao, so Chunhua and Ching-chi, the relationship between the rupture, Wan Fei want to kill Chunhua. Wang Zhi, who had been favored by Chunghwa Eunuch, sought courtesy from Emperor, and became a friend of Chunhua. Helpless Chunhua and Yang Yong's early love story series, Wang Zhi to kill Yang Yong. Qing Zi was Princess Framed, to Chunhua help. Chunhua offer, Qing Zi gave birth to a child, the two ice-cold release. Xiang Hong weight, Chunhua arrangement with her Yang Yong meet, was sentenced to death after being discovered Princess. Wang Zhi burning cell, Chunhua out of the palace. Xian Zong read incense, pardon Yang Yong. Yang Yong and Chunhua finally get married.

WuDaoXi (Movie)[2010]

Feature: The film is from the Northeast Normal University School of music original dance "Chinese mother" adapted. Tells the story of a group of dance students born in 1980s and even after 90s, who experienced a series of puzzled, contradictory, lusty and painstaking pursuits and thoughts while creating the works of Chinese mothers adopting orphans in Japan in the late Anti-Japanese War. The broad feelings of the Chinese mom understood the significance of peace to itself, to the country and to the world and understood the true meaning of dance art. It is reported that the film "Dance Department" is the first adaptation of the original students by the students dance film, is also a full participation by students in the creation, performance, shooting, production of youth inspirational films. The film producer Duan Qing said that for the first time to see the dance "Chinese mom" was held early on this year at the China Education Television Station for the 2009 Spring Festival Gala when he and the scene staff and audience were deeply shocked And almost all of them watched this dance with tears, and decided to make a movie on the basis of this dance. All the actors in "China Moms" will interpret their own real stories in the movie and show the unknown concerts of contemporary dance students in their study and life.

Wife and mother (TV)[2010]

Feature: "Good Wife and Mother" tells the story of Zhu YuFang, a man of good and simple, who lives with his father, Zhu YaoZong and her husband, Chen Dahai, and who has three children. The family lives happily together. But an accident changed everyone's destiny. Snow married a ghost sea sister, often rely on Yufang day, Yufang did not have the heart to watch the heavy snow a gamble, refused to lend money to her, the result led to snow suicide, Yufang her mother heavy snow The mother of the United States does not understand her cloud, but forcing the sea and her divorce, the family split from now on. The eldest son built a nation from childhood, irresponsible, indifferent to feelings. Yufang in order to change his attitude, accompanied him to school every day, after school, teach him how to love, how to pay is how to be happy. Jianguo became a responsible person under the guidance of his mother. Kenji Shibuya, who is very emotional, loved Mom very much. When he learned that head teacher Li Liang loved his mother, he became very fierce after pursuing his mother and also hurt his teacher. Yufang know that children are afraid to lose her, in order to let the children feel at ease, she decided to give up the love, chose to be a single mom, independent raising children. Three children's state is a rebellious child, arrogant and inferiority, he always felt useless, and then give up on themselves. Yu-fang in his son's long-term get along with the process, found that he has a special plant preferences and observations, so develop his interest, so that his career with the hobby completely integrated.

Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber (TV)[2010]

Feature: "Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber" tells the story of the late Yuan Dynasty, Wudang disciple Zhang CuiShan and Yin Ying Su Yin Yin, the leader of the Falun Dafa, was involved in the scramble for a dragon knife and drifted into the desert island with Xie Xun. Zhang CuiShan and Yin SuSu combine two children, named Wuji. Ten years later, Zhang CuiShan and his wife returned to Turkey, but because of their connection with Tulong Dao, both were forced into self-sufficiency, leaving only an orphan Zhang WuJi. By chance, Zhang WuJi practiced masterpiece martial arts, and saved Christianity in peril, was elected as the leader. After several rounds of confrontation with Christianity, Yuan Min, Zhao Min, fell in love with Zhang WuJi and broke off with his father and sister in the name of eventually abandoning him. In addition to Zhao Min, Zhang WuJi is inextricably linked with Zhou ZhiRuo, cousin Yin Li and Xiao Zhao, the holy daughter of Persia. Zhou ZhiRuo first of all know the secret Heaven Sword and Dragon Sword knife hidden inside the sword, but martial arts Cheats map. She steals her sword, kills Yin Li and blames Zhao Min. Zhang WuJi unknown truth, hate hearts. Zhao Min was unable to refute his argument and could only watch Zhang WuJi marrying Zhou ZhiRuo. However, the news about Xie Xun interrupted the wedding between Zhang WuJi and Zhou ZhiRuo. Zhang WuJi has finally confirmed that Zhao Min is the beloved of his life. Zhang WuJi, who deeply understood the true meaning of martial arts, rescued the place of the leader of the Confucianism and rescued Zhao Min from her reincarnation after her siege on the Shaolin Temple.

MarsBaby (Movie)[2009]

Feature: Luo BingWen adopted a boy named Mei Shi to complete his wife's last wish. Mei Shi was a weird boy when he was a child. When he was five, he suddenly said he was a Martian, making Luo BingWen dumbfounding. Luo BingWen at home with Mei Shi dealt with, to the company had to fight with Tina. Tina is a colleague of Luo BingWen, always liked him. But Luo BingWen did not feel to her, it touches Luo BingWen's boss, but also made a small Lu XiaoFeng dedication to her. Five years after the death of Luo BingWen's wife, the only person who tempted him was Mei Yu's kindergarten teacher Chen Yu. May Shi Mei kindergarten heaven and earth to stir up trouble, not with the classmates disappeared collectively, is to use magic prank, making Chen Yu, Luo BingWen battered. After a few rounds, not only did Luo BingWen believe Mei Shi was a Martian, and even Chen Yu, Lu XiaoFeng and Tina both knew the secret. A man nicknamed Cai Shen wanted to buy Lu XiaoFeng shares, and everyone hit it off. However, at a crucial time, Cai Shen revealed stuffing. The original acquisition was a one-handed plot of his plan, because the stock market crash, Cai Shen want to cheat 100,000 emergency. Mei Shi chaos super powers, and Luo BingWen trouble contradictions, away from home. In the meantime, Luo BingWen fires on Tina and runs Tina away. Lu XiaoFeng finds Tina and looks for Mei Shi with her. Unexpectedly, when the two had just found Mei Shi, they were kidnapped by a group of Cai Shen members. Cai Shen did not mean to know that Mei Shi was a Martian when he tried to reveal the plot. He let Mei Shi flop himself and Mei Shi does not cooperate at all. Lu XiaoFeng under coercion, say Mei Shi super ability comes from a milk powder jar, and the jar is Luo BingWen hands. Luo BingWen and Chen Yu rescued Mei Shi with a milk powder jar, but were arrested together. Cai Shen ordered Mei Shi to use spells to get the stock market's money into his account. At the critical juncture, Luo BingWen four concerted efforts to subdue Cai Shen. Mei Shi's milk powder can be mixed in the milk powder pile, can not find it. Everyone looks at the money flowing into Cai Shen's account. There is no solution. Luo BingWen four people finally ready to get rid of Cai Shen's men, but found Cai Shen took a water gun. Luo Shen BingWen spit water to the computer, causing the computer to crash, Cai Shen failed again. When everyone cheered, suddenly, Mei Shi felt something, Mei Shi came to the rooftop. A flying saucer slowly landed in the sky, Mei Shi slowly toward the UFO. Mei Shi feels that he will not bother you when he returns to Mars. Luo BingWen hugs Mei Shi and the two are in full swing. Cai Shen and his men were taken to a police car. Mei Shi holds the hand of both of them between Luo BingWen and Chen Yu. Lu XiaoFeng and Tina affectionate look. UFO fade away, came the Martian voice: understand, and then send the Earth to send 21 children.

Mars Baby (Movie)[2009]

Feature: Luo BingWen adopted a boy named Mei Shi to complete his wife's last wish. Mei Shi was a weird boy when he was a child. When he was five, he suddenly said he was a Martian, making Luo BingWen dumbfounding. Luo BingWen at home with Mei Shi dealt with, to the company had to fight with Tina. Tina is a colleague of Luo BingWen, always liked him. But Luo BingWen did not feel to her, it touches Luo BingWen's boss, but also made a small Lu XiaoFeng dedication to her. Five years after the death of Luo BingWen's wife, the only person who tempted him was Mei Yu's kindergarten teacher Chen Yu. May Shi Mei kindergarten heaven and earth to stir up trouble, not with the classmates disappeared collectively, is to use magic prank, making Chen Yu, Luo BingWen battered. After a few rounds, not only did Luo BingWen believe Mei Shi was a Martian, and even Chen Yu, Lu XiaoFeng and Tina both knew the secret. A man nicknamed Cai Shen wanted to buy Lu XiaoFeng shares, and everyone hit it off. However, at a crucial time, Cai Shen revealed stuffing. The original acquisition was a one-handed plot of his plan, because the stock market crash, Cai Shen want to cheat 100,000 emergency. Mei Shi chaos super powers, and Luo BingWen trouble contradictions, away from home. In the meantime, Luo BingWen fires on Tina and runs Tina away. Lu XiaoFeng finds Tina and looks for Mei Shi with her. Unexpectedly, when the two had just found Mei Shi, they were kidnapped by a group of Cai Shen members. Cai Shen did not mean to know that Mei Shi was a Martian when he tried to reveal the plot. He let Mei Shi flop himself and Mei Shi does not cooperate at all. Lu XiaoFeng under coercion, say Mei Shi super ability comes from a milk powder jar, and the jar is Luo BingWen hands. Luo BingWen and Chen Yu rescued Mei Shi with a milk powder jar, but were arrested together. Cai Shen ordered Mei Shi to use spells to get the stock market's money into his account. At the critical juncture, Luo BingWen four concerted efforts to subdue Cai Shen. Mei Shi's milk powder can be mixed in the milk powder pile, can not find it. Everyone looks at the money flowing into Cai Shen's account. There is no solution. Luo BingWen four people finally ready to get rid of Cai Shen's men, but found Cai Shen took a water gun. Luo Shen BingWen spit water to the computer, causing the computer to crash, Cai Shen failed again. When everyone cheered, suddenly, Mei Shi felt something, Mei Shi came to the rooftop. A flying saucer slowly landed in the sky, Mei Shi slowly toward the UFO. Mei Shi feels that he will not bother you when he returns to Mars. Luo BingWen hugs Mei Shi and the two are in full swing. Cai Shen and his men were taken to a police car. Mei Shi holds the hand of both of them between Luo BingWen and Chen Yu. Lu XiaoFeng and Tina affectionate look. UFO fade away, came the Martian voice: understand, and then send the Earth to send 21 children.

Mother of the world (TV)[2008]

Feature: The Story of the Mother World The story of the world is based on the court of the Western Han Dynasty. With Wang ZhengJun as the longest queen in the history of the Seven Dynasties and the feminine character Zhao FeiYan as the vice-line, describing the harem of feudal society during the Western Han Dynasty life. Mainly around the high-definition stills - the image of the Western Han Dynasty from the Han Emperor Xuan Emperor Han Cheng Di after the collapse of Liu Ao. In this period of harem, there are many disturbances. The Western Han Dynasty palace called Wei Yang Palace, Wei Yang Temple's harem called Yong Lane, "Mother of the world" is Yong Lane's "flowers" open "flowers" fall story, "flower" refers to the Yong Lane Women, and Wang ZhengJun is one of the most proud of them. Wang ZhengJun from the tragic life experience to infighting the harem fight, all the way up, let people marvel. Court musician Xiao Yu, he Yushu Linfen, handsome, won the palace ladies love, in the court, but indifferent to power. There are many different opinions about Wang ZhengJun in history, this play and history will be a little friction, but not very different. The play intercepts the history of the second year of the Western Han Dynasty (72 BC), the late Han Xuan Emperor, the second year (the first 7 years) to the second year of the Sui Dynasty, Emphasize the depiction of Wang ZhengJun and Fu Yao at different stages of the character growth process and power-induced contest, using a unique female perspective, just to say that the history of the realistic approach, in the strict respect of history under the premise of bold mining and play Imagination, depicting a group of feudal autocratic imperial (patriarchal) supremacy of the social form, there is a dream, there is the pursuit of the queen, the empress dowager - the image of the chief and Fu Yao (female protagonist) sacrifice in the feudal system Under the Chinese women express a touching elegy. The gentleman kindhearted, alert. Because of a bad fortune she first received the favor of God - become a princess, pregnant. Fu Yao, a young man who had tried her hardest in a tumbling environment, practiced voraciousness and strength, was willing to go head to head at all means, unwilling to go after her and quickly won prince favor and gave birth to her children. However, according to the ancestral rule of the Han Dynasty, Prince Edward's first male heir would be set as a great-grandchild. When Fu Cairen looked at the still-sons son, she lamented that it was not the time. She knew that from now on, And the government has not only just pet, but also to win. In love and power, love, affection are weapons, husband and son are tools. In December of the first year of Huanglong, Emperor Xuan drove in Weiyang Palace. Kwai has, Prince Edward ascended the throne, is Emperor Yuan. Legislative Grandchildren for the Prince, Yuan emperor at the same time Feng Zhengjun and Fu Yao Jieyu. Fu Yao understands that Wang ZhengJun was originally a mother and a son, as long as his son Liu Kang pushed the photo - the supporting role of Prince Edward on the female, he will naturally climb the dream throne. The Yuan emperor became the most important weight of this battle, so she stepped up confusion for the Yuan emperor, and always in front of Yuan emperor praised his son Liu Kang's clever and clever, and create opportunities for the emperor Liu Ao rift, so that the emperor Emotion balance completely tilted to their own side.At the same time, Fu Zhaoyi at his own expense and Xiao Yu bet, let him seduce Queen Wang ZhengJun, she wants to get rid of this thorn. Xiao Yu, who has always been invincible on the romantic scene, is very much interested in this gambling contract. In this connection, a conspiracy will start. However, Xiao Yu lost his true silence and quietly ended the game. In the end, the governor expensive for the Queen, Yuan emperor ingeniously set aside for the Fu Yao Fu Zai instrument title. Yong Lane, such as against the march, do not go back. One step away, is the distance that life can not match. Even in May of the first year in May, Han Yuan emperor died, Liu Ao hitherto emptied on the throne, is a Han emperor. Into the throne into the throne, the Western Han dynasty opened a new prelude. Mother to your son, the governor has been expensive for the Empress Dowager, long letter Palace. Fu Zhaoyi furious, lost his mind. She did not hesitate to stand alone in the long letter house of Wang ZhengJun and the Weiyang Palace where Cheng Di lived, in an attempt to put an end to it ... The open flame was extinguished and the dark fire was even more fierce. Fu Zhaoyi, who is far away from Changan, stills on the way back to Tingtao - the male characters adopted the Zhao sisters (later Zhao FeiYan and Zhao HeDe) and dedicated themselves to becoming pawns. The alley, so that the political king worried about the concubine into imperial concubine Frequent abortion, but also her well-intentioned. Fu Zhaoyi examined the situation, waiting in the wings and using his son and Cheng Di brotherhood back to Changan, and Zhao sisters who had been sent into the side of Cheng emperor already alike in Yong alley. The death of son Liu Kang was a big blow to Fu Zhaoyi. She gave promises to Liu Xin, a grandson of 嗷 嗷 学 語, and must send him to the Wei Yang Palace in the future. The bloody wind still opens from Yong Lane. Cheng Imperial Palace petition to abolish, Li Fei, seal Germany ended. Caesarean pregnancy led Zhao's sister finally know the truth of their own can not be pregnant, but also understand their own destiny. Sisters and two killed Cao Gong and baby together. Feiyan unwilling fate, visiting doctors, in an attempt to rejuvenate but not successful. When the emperor saw that his son had become a prime minister instead of having children, he was completely controlled by Zhao's sister, such as a lost lamb, and managed to find beautiful people to be sent to his son and obtained the imperial chance of becoming Emperor. Into the Emperor Stills - Zhao sisters: Swallow and Hop Tak and Banjie Jie a banquet, Lantian species of jade. Pregnancy in October, once childbirth. Unexpectedly, Cheng Di has been the United States lost virtue of virtue, seeing to personally kill their own baby, the king arrived. Seeing the near-fateful year of Cheng Di, there are still no children under his knees. Fu Zhaoyi realized that the crucial moment has come. In order to support her grandson, Liu Xin, she began to spare no effort in helping her. All her ministers and eunuchs, who were able to talk to Cheng Di toward North Korea, were well-invested and wantonly bought. In the face of the once-embarrassed Zhao sisters, she even said that since they have no hope of having their own children, it is better for them to do so sooner rather than later. Liu Xin pays much support to pave the way for the future. Because of the visible common interests, Zhao sisters and Fu Zhaoyi began to use each other and rely on each other's relationship. When the leader learned that Emperor Cheng has decreed that Liu Xin and Feng Yuan's son Liu Xing, two princes from Chang Feng to Chang'an, she secretly asked Xiao adults to leave the palace to give birth to Xu Mei, who almost died in Chengdi and Hede's children, That is the only blood back into the palace Emperor Cheng.However, this body frail juvenile even had a strange disease halfway, died ... ... political commissar of the plan to endure life, what it is just to bring the grandson smoothly, do not want to come to an end empty. Cheng Di finally died in Hede's bed. Fu Zhaoyi made several plans and finally sent his grandson Liu Xin to God. He himself had no alternative but to say goodbye to Chang.

elope at night (TV)[2007]

Feature: TV drama Night Ben poster story took place in the western town of West - Los Angeles. On the first day, Lin Chong reported to Los Angeles Criminal Police Team several successive accidents. First, the cell phone was taken away by Speedman in the street; then, the police force that was about to work was dwelling in a Guandi temple; then Luo JiaShan, an old criminal officer who had to retire a month ago, was appointed under the charge of the Kwong team His master; in particular, he did not think that the first day of work in Los Angeles, a major incident occurred - Liu Hua Su, the daughter of Hua Tian Group Chairman Liu Huan-nan was actually kidnapped at her own wedding . In this way, a seemingly ordinary kidnapping case pushed Luo JiaShan mentor and teacher to the anti-triad front. According to clues, Luo JiaShan and Kwong team and others rushed to a rental housing roundabout. As a result, not only failed to see the hostage Liu SuSu, Luo JiaShan instead killed a suspect in the operation called "toilet." Kwong team found a fuzzy photo at the scene, with the Criminal Police unit handed over to the technical department. Liu SuSu's fiance, Chai Nan, provided important intelligence - kidnappers may be at the Phoenix nightclub. Lin Chong rushed to Phoenix, did not find the kidnappers, but found his cell phone in the hands of the kind of boss Xia TianChi. Mr. Kwong and Luo JiaShan heard the news that the tattooed woman was found accidentally on the roof of the nightclub. According to the tattoo on the corpse, Shen Liu, the suspect, was locked. Tie Zui, an accomplice of wanted person Shen Liu, was captured, interrogated indoors and "Tie Zui" confessed: "The toilet" is his companion. The clues to the case were broken. Luo JiaShan told Lin Chong that Los Angeles discovered the priceless gold mine a few years ago. Los Angeles gold mining rights owned by China Day Group, and the Quartet is likely to get part of the mining rights of the mining, kidnapping Liu Huanan daughter Liu SuSu, in order to aggravate the weight Huatian Group negotiations. Los Angeles is also very likely because of Huatian, the fire of the Quartet, into a river. And all this is for gold. Xia TianChi will Lin Chong's cell phone back to Lin Chong's love Jing KaiXuan, the two get to know. Luo JiaShan With many years of criminal investigation experience that "Tie Zui" has a problem, alone to find the residence of Tie Zui, where actually found the tied Liu SuSu. Luo JiaShan tells Liu SuSu that she is a police officer, called Luo JiaShan. I realized that Liu SuSu took advantage of his unintentional insecticide spray into his eyes and took the opportunity to run away. Shen Liu just got out of the grasp and quickly away from the scene. Night drama (2) Luo JiaShan woke up and found that he had a bath in the hands of the key. Luo JiaShan came to the bath to open the cupboard and actually found a card for her. Lin Chong got anonymous clues, arrived at the bathing center, found Luo JiaShan and saw the note left by the cupboard for Luo JiaShan - the password is your birthday. Lin Chong thinks Master has a problem. However, Luo JiaShan explained. Someone must have given himself up and the situation is extremely sinister. The identity of the police will be very unfavorable. He will have to retire early. Farewell to the reception, apprentice division, "a day for the teacher as a lifelong father," mentoring two frequent drinking, but because of the bank card thing, Lin Chong has been in psychological conflict. Kwong team got the recovery photos from the "toilet", impressively Luo JiaShan and Tie Zui drink together. Kwong team sent Xiao Jia brought Luo JiaShan back to Interpol team.Luo JiaShan received a phone call, his face heavy. He asked Lin Chong if I got out of business, it must be wronged, you must find out the truth for me. At this time, knocking on the door outside, Luo JiaShan ordered Lin Chong at the door, escape the window himself. The door was knocked open, and Lin Chong found himself rushing into a team of Interpol. Lin Chong was let go by Luo JiaShan because he had been let go. He was reproached by the Kwong team and was in a bad mood. He explained everything to his superiors and vowed to bring Luo JiaShan to justice. Luo JiaShan traced the clues to Shen Liu, and found the special tools for tattoos. After many twists and turns, he finally found the order form of special tools and found the traces of Shen Liu. Luo arrived at the temporary residence of Shen Liu, sneaked into dark checks confirmed Lin Chong call. Old Luo and Shen Liu encounter, martial arts Shen Shen stunned Luo JiaShan. In a coma, Luo JiaShan vaguely heard Shen Liu mentioning a place name cross slope in the call. Shen Liu walked out of the temporary shelter and met Lin Chong. She fought and saw Lin Chong prevail. Lin Chong was attacked by a masked electric baton, stunned and Shen Liu escaped. Lin Chong ran into Shen Liu's residence where the old taboo was no longer available. The old man decided that Shen Liu had to flee to the cross slope, so he informed the Kwong team to round off the entrance to the crossroad and capture Shen Liu and rescue Liu SuSu. Although Kwong team did not believe the old Luo, but still accused of. Under the control of masked men, hooligans hurled police at the highway and drew police officers. Shen Liu led Liu SuSu through the barrier and fled to the cross. Old Luo Jian see Shen Liu's trick, drove alone. Cui appointed Lin Chong as head of the action team to take charge of arresting suspects at Crossroads. Lin Chong Follow Master Luo JiaShan stepped into a dangerous and secretive cross slope. Master and apprentice together with the evil forces of life and death contest opened the curtain. In the end, the mentor and the teacher jointly unveiled the conspiracy behind the kidnapping case. The kidnapper Shen Liu was arrested and brought to justice. Undercover actor Chai Nan was also brought to justice. Luo JiaShan and Lin Chong mentoring two people with unlimited loyalty to the party and the people and the persistent love of public security, with practical actions to practice the dignity of the law, experiencing the test of blood and fire, written with youth and blood Criminal life without complaint.

Live with a smile (TV)[2007]

Feature: "Laughing and living" tells of the destiny of Yan Yang, a 5-year-old who was destined to suffer when her 5-year-old Yan Yang was abandoned by her mother in front of the welfare home. When Yan Yang, 7, saw that her mother had long since forgotten to form a family with others, she told herself not to cry again. When her grown-up Yan Yang was eventually recognized by her mother and learned that she had actually donated a kidney to her sister, her misery was already widespread. Family became slim, the future has become bleak, God and the most pro-people are not allowed to shine a little light on the poor girl's body. But she is Yan Yang. She smiled and ignited the suffering she had suffered, and brightened the darkness surrounding her ... Yan Yang brought a beautiful life to the deceased sister, who gave her sweetheart Xu JianFeng the initiative to her sister. Yan Yang brought the warmth of home to the family who would split, and the family separated by lies and unforgivableness was taught by Yan Yang to enjoy the affection and warmth. Yan Yang brought a ray of love to her husband, Yang WenBang, so that a courageous man of five kinds can feel the tenderness and sacrifice of a woman. The resentment in everyone's mind was taken away by Yan Yang, and hate of human beings was invisible due to the arrival of Yan Yang. The self-employed husband finally forgave his wife who had deceived her for 20 years. The selfish mother ultimately saved Yang Yan at the expense of her own life. The timid-minded son eventually learned to contribute his own kidney to the dedication of her family, and saddened himself Bitter sister smiled away, only to love and loved ones leave a good memory. Suffering is the beauty of Yan Yang, who is the embodiment of sunshine and the goddess of smile for each of us. Yan Yang At each of us, Yan Yang is in the heart of each of us.

Condor heroes (TV)[2001]


The royal couple matched Yang kang's son Yang Guo From childhood to the lake, by the deceased Guo Jing After receiving and sent to the quanzhen teaching training. Rebellious Yang Guo can't bear the torture, escape from the whole truth into the tomb faction, by Xiao LongNv Take in and teach kung fu. after Li MoChou Entering the tomb and facing life and death, two people from the friendship developed into a deep love. Because the Mongolian steed is about to go south, Guo Jing and others are hard to match. At the critical moment, Xiao LongNv and Yang Guo are unwittingly involved in the dispute and defeated Jin LunGuoShi . However, the good things are always going on. Yang Guo and Xiao LongNv have met and separated for many times. After the wulin conference, xiangyang's fierce battle and dangerous situation, he was separated for 16 years. After 16 years, the infatuated Yang Guo finally found the doomed Xiao LongNv at the bottom of the desperate situation, the two returned to the world. At this time, Mongolia is mobilizing troops, xiangyang, Yang Guo defeated the king of the golden wheel, and killed the Mongol emperor with flying rocks Meng Ge Yang Guo Xiao LongNv said goodbye to Guo Jing and so on. With the divine carvings, it is a long way to go & NBSP; .


Condor heroes (TV)[1998]


It is a martial-arts drama produced by Taiwan television, directed by Raymond Lee, lai shuiqing, and starring Richie Jen and Jacklyn Wu.

该剧根据金庸的同名武侠小说改编,主要讲述了南宋末年, Yang Kang 之子 Yang Guo 和其师父 Xiao LongNv 经历了一番江湖恩怨,终成眷属的凄美爱情故事。

The show premiered on August 25, 1998 at 8 p.m.

Condor heroes (TV)[1998]


The condor heroes is an ancient martial arts drama produced by Singapore new media production private limited. It is directed by ma yuhui and zhang longmin, and starred by Christopher Lee (flight actor) and Fann Wong. Based on jin yong's novel of the same name, the play mainly tells the story of Yang Guo and Xiao LongNv experienced a sad and beautiful love and vendetta in the late southern song dynasty. It was broadcast on channel 8 of new media on 2 June 1998.

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