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Yuefeng Song TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Yuefeng Song Works 4 ,And Animation 3 ,Adventure 1 ,Romance 1 ,Feature 1 ,Music 1 ,Action 1 ,Family drama 1 。

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Yuefeng Song Filmography(4)


THE MAD SHEEP (Movie)[2016]

Feature: "Crazy sheep" adapted from the famous writer Shen Shixi's best-selling novel "crazy sheep blood top children." In 2015, "Mad Sheep" won the 68th Cannes Film Festival New Film Fund Forum Jury Special Award. Beautiful Tianshan, living with a group of argali, blood top children is one of the other. Blood top child was born, suffered a black wolf attack, his mother sacrificed himself to protect him. This tragedy cast him a shadow of vengeance. Since then, the bloodshed has turned his angle into a rocky peak and gradually turned it into a weapon capable of attacking. This weird behavior, considered by elders to be crazy performance. However, one day, the black wolf with two cubs appeared again. Bloodshed revenge flames to burn them, two small wolves beaten horns, and beaten in one fell swoop into the pain of the wolf mother. In companion stunned gaze, the top children from mad to become a hero. Since then, the lambs have followed the example of the top of the blood, put their horns straight, blood top has become a cult spiritual leader. The sheep started to fight back and succeeded in defeating countless prey under the leadership of blood-capped children. The history of jungle seems to be gone. They did not expect that the power of nature could be changed by the passion of a generation of sheep. The spouse season, which was full of gentle neighing and buzzing ewe, had become a bloody catastrophe and the flock was panic. However, at this moment, the wolf came to seek revenge. On the soft grass beneath the snow line, she traced and ambushed her, killing one by one the slaughtered lambs. Argali fleeing everywhere and faced disaster. The blood-capped children also turned from heroes to sinners . Blood Top never thought that his own revenge turned out to be a challenge to the laws of nature and survival. He decided to fight the wolf and ended his mad revenge at his own expense. Aries return to normal since then. Blood-capped children seem to have been forgotten, but his fate to resist the posture, but as a legend, deeply branded in the blood of this population, continue to multiply, endless.

Dragon Nest Warriorsdawn (Movie)[2016]

Feature: The otherwise quiet Alterrian mainland was swept by the forces of Black Dragon and its monster followers. Under the chaos, the people are boring. The nicknamed fish, Lan BoTe, is an ordinary boy living in the town of Kendra on the border of the human kingdom. In order to protect the town, he joined the Dragon Squad established as a tribute to the Black Dragon in his mistake. This temporary alliance of elves, sorcerers, priests, rangers and legendary fighters embarks on the long-forgotten path of the lost, crossing the weird jungle, the fantastic snow-capped mountains and the mysterious time-forgotten ruins of the Black Dragon Nests, can be in front of, but there are unexpected crises waiting for their arrival. The hardships and bizarre circumstances of the journey have led to the rapid growth of Lan BoTe and the deepening understanding of the word "battle". Can he finally find the meaning of his own battle?

龙之谷:破晓奇兵 (Movie)[2014]


原本宁静的阿尔特里亚大陆,被黑龙及其魔物追随者的势力所席卷。乱世下,民不聊生。绰号小鱼的 Lan BoTe ,是生活在人类王国边境凯德拉镇里的普通少年,为了保护小镇,在误打误撞中作为小跟班加入了为讨伐黑龙而建立的屠龙联盟。这支由精灵、魔法师、牧师、游侠和传奇战士组成的临时杂牌联盟,踏上了失落已久的迷失古道,翻越诡异的丛林、奇幻的雪山和神秘的被时间遗忘的废墟去寻觅黑龙的巢穴,可前方,却有意想不到的危机在等待着他们的到来。旅程的艰辛和奇异的境遇让 Lan BoTe 迅速成长起来,对于“战斗”二字的理解逐渐加深,他最终能找到属于自己的战斗的意义吗?


ChaoJiCai (Movie)[2012]

Feature: The story is about winning the 11 consecutive table tennis champion rabbit community, ushered in the Rabbit Super Bowl held. As a host, the entire Rabbit is determined to complete a 12-year Grand Slam feat. Love the invention of green vegetables is the only rabbit in rabbits is not good at ping pong. His special liking, botched inventions made him a name.

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