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Baby Zhang TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Baby Zhang Works 9 ,And Romance 4 ,Ancient legend 3 ,Costume Drama 2 ,Martial Arts 2 ,Feature 2 ,Motivational film 1 ,Urban drama 1 ,Youth drama 1 ,Modern 1 ,legend 1 。

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Baby Zhang Filmography(9)


zhong er 传奇 (TV)[2019]


Zhong Er 传奇》又名《 Zhong Er 传》讲述了春秋五霸之一的晋文公 Zhong Er ( Longhua Wang 饰)自幼饱读诗书,谦虚而好学,爱护身边的人,很多有才华的人士都愿意跟随着他。 Zhong Er 一心爱国,才华横溢,治理国家有很多的办法,但却被朝中奸党们排斥陷害。 Li Ji ( Madina Memet 饰)预谋要立奚齐为太子,便陷害现太子 Shen Sheng ( Purba Rgyal 饰),太子 Shen Sheng 上吊自尽后, Li Ji 又诬陷 Zhong Er 和 Yi Wu ( Zhang Yishan 饰), Zhong Er 和 Yi Wu 不得已逃跑。 Jin XianGong ( Kai Tan 饰)因两位公子不辞而别,认为他们有阴谋,就派公使 Bo Di 讨伐。 Zhong Er 被迫流亡,长达十余载。流亡期间, Zhong Er 曾多次被追杀,迫使他不断奔走于各诸侯国之间;这期间他饱尝人间冷暖,但同时也深刻体察民情,以至于 Zhong Er 掌权后注重民生,坚持秉持仁政,对其他诸侯国以诚相待,恩威并施。最终 Zhong Er 得以返国。 Zhong Er 当政后励志强国,精心图治,福祉于民;百姓安居乐业,天下安定太平;文治武功,昭明后世,显达千秋,最终称霸了中原 。


Notes from the south smoke room (TV)[2018]


Introduction to the plot of the TV series "notes of the nanyanzhai" : it tells the story of urban white-collar workersTang ManWhen he returned to his hometown to take a vacation to heal his wounds after suffering heavy losses in both career and love, he found a tattered manuscript named "notes of nanyanzhai". The book describes the late qing dynasty and the early republic of China, patriotic youthYe ShenAnd the owner of the aroma shop zinan smoke roomLu ManShengBecause of the misunderstanding of the end of the predestination, the final breaking down of the difficult dependent on each other.Lu ManShengin the manuscript has a wonderful power and unique mission, which can remove the entanglements of those chi men and bitches who are hurt and trapped by love, so that every sad and beautiful love experience, whether the outcome is happy or not, can fill the heart with regret. Lu ManSheng, on the other hand, not only helps others out of difficulties and difficulties, but also goes through difficulties and misunderstandings with Ye Shen. Finally, with the help of relatives and friends around him,Lu ManShengnot only finds the value of his own life, but also gets the sublimation of the spiritual level. The love story of the republic of China in the novel notes of nanyanzhai is just a novel, but it encourages the reader donman to face life bravely, discover the truth, kindness and beauty, cherish all the people around, and finally find the truth of life.


Chong Ers Preach (TV)[2017]

Feature: Jin Er Gong, one of the five hegemonists of the Spring and Autumn Period, Er Zhong Er (Longhua Wang), who was full of poetry and writing since childhood, is humble, studious, loves the people around him, and many talented individuals are willing to follow him. Zhong Er patriotic and talented, there are many ways to govern the country, but it was rejected by the Chinese party. Li Ji also framed Zhong Er and Yi Wu (Zhang Yishan ornaments), Li Ji (Madina Memet ornaments) premeditated to Xi Xi as the prince, framed She Sheng Shen (Purba Rgyal ornaments), Prince Shen Sheng hanging himself, Li Ji Er and Yi Wu had to escape. Jin XianGong (Kai Tan) Because of the two son's farewell, they think they have a conspiracy to send an ambassador to fight. Zhong Er was forced to exile for up to ten years. During the exile, Zhong Er had been hunted down many times to force him to keep running between the vassal states. During this period, he had enjoyed the warmth of humankind, but at the same time, he deeply understood his own feelings so that Zhong Er paid attention to people's livelihood after he took power. He persisted in his benevolent rule, Other princes treat each other sincerely, and apply it. Zhong Er eventually returned. Zhong Er was a powerful nation after his administration. He worked diligently and well for the well-being of the people. People lived and worked in peace and contentment in peace and contentment in the world. Wen dynasty and Ming dynasty succeeded Ming dynasty and eventually dominated the Central Plains.

New Xiao ShiYiLang (TV)[2016]

Feature: Famous move Shenhuo gold needle Shen Guangfa hero posts, for the Shen family daughter, the world Xiao ShiYiLang stills the first beauty Shen BiJun contestant to move relatives, dowry was actually a long-lost "cutting deer knife." Feng SiNiang coerced the "thief" Xiao ShiYiLang together to steal a knife, but did not steal a counterfeit article, but was also kidnapped and captured Shen BiJun. In order to erase injustice, Xiao ShiYiLang embarked on a journey to find Shen BiJun. Lian ChengBi, the winner of the contest, vowed to find a cutting knife and recover his fiancee, but Xiao ShiYiLang was the first to arrive. Shen BiJun, who returned from the competition, fell in love with Xiao ShiYiLang in life and death. Jealous of Lian ChengBi do everything possible to fraudulent Xiao ShiYiLang, and even set Shenjiazhuang fire. These are in fact trapped by the founding father Xiao YaoHou. Seeing the black and white upside down, martial arts facing a catastrophe, abercrombie and fitch (http://www.abercrombieandfitchfrance.com), abercrombie and fitch

Lan Ling Princess (TV)[2016]

Feature: Eastern Jin Dynasty, the dynasty turmoil, vassal separatist. According to legend, only the left to hold the Green Mirror, the right grip from the sword, before the unity of the world. Green 鸾 mirror and leave 殇 sword for the dragon teach treasures, but because of the loss of war. Dragon taught saint Zi Mei because of practicing magic, was his own inner strength bite, life hanging line. Before Zi Mei died, he taught him the only generation named Yuan QingSuo, telling her about the secrets of a bronze mirror and a sword. Zi Mei finally told Yuan QingSuo, these two treasures must not fall into the hands of a rascal, only the true emperor son is equipped with, otherwise the world chaos. In order to find the treasures, Yuan QingSuo pretends to be the nephew woman Li E-zi, who is the wife of Mrs. Sikong in the Northern Zhou Dynasty. In the meantime, Yuan QingSuo met respectively with Gao ZhangGong of Lanling and Wu Wen Yu of North Zhou. Yuan QingSuo eventually helped Yu WenYong achieve imperial tyranny, while leaving the Northern Zhou Dynasty to co-exist with Gao ZhangGong.

SingingWhenWeAreYoung (Movie)[2013]

Feature: In 1997, the senior school class Dong JiuJiu (Baby Zhang) look good obedient girl, but rebellious perverse inside. Her good sibling, Han Xia, likes fashion design very much. She usually has quick, quick courage and courage in daily life but is often ridiculed by the boys around her because of her burly body, her ordinary looks, and her personality. Melancholy Xia JingHan (Xu Ran), school Luo Luo (Dai Xu ornaments), as well as eating fat Xiaoqiang (Zhang Zheng ornaments), sports juvenile Da Wei (Li Xian ornaments) is the school recognized partner. In the face of the coming college entrance examination, they each yearn for the future life. Tweeted father suddenly passed away on her eighteenth birthday, but her birthday gift has become her permanent spiritual sustenance. Gentle cold as generous, as a result of the divorce of young parents, he and grandma depend on each other. Luo Fan is the best buddies Han children, they appreciate each other's chivalrous temperament, but the cold and tweeted love has led to brothers and vice versa. Han Xia, who looks ordinary, has always lived in the shadow of good sisters tweeted, and the great contrast between her and his classmates in their usual tumultuous attitude led to a tremendous crisis in their friendship ...

because love is so beautiful (TV)[2013]

Feature: "Because of the beauty of love," tells of Lin DuoMei, who grew up in a happy family. She is pure and kind and has a happy marriage with her husband, Chen Xiaofei. Lin DuoMei and Wen Xin's brother Wen Jie met abroad. After returning to China, Wen Xin married Lin Hsia-fei and unexpectedly discovered that Lin DuoMei's husband, Chen Xiaofei, was her unforgettable first love ever since. Chen Xiaofei as a fall-in-door son-in-law, Lin has been working hard but did not get enough recognition, coupled with his body carrying the grudges of the previous generation, so Chen Xiaofei inner conflicts suppressed. And Wen Xin because of lies derived from the happiness is not solid, after marriage was found by Lin DuoJun truth and questioned, into a crisis of confidence. A series of accidents pushed Chen Xiaofei and Wen Xin to the wrong path as they pushed off their mistakes and put Lin DuoMei and his family in crisis. Lin DuoMei, after a series of blows but instead of reborn, with the help of Ye NanDi and girlfriend Du RuoNan, self-improvement and painstakingly track down the truth of his father's death and bankruptcy of B company, and ultimately the culprit should be punished. Lin DuoMei also finally gain true love, and Ye NanDi finally get married.

Patrick (TV)[2006]

Feature: Patrick, stage name Li Junfeng, born on June 17, 1977 in Beijing, Mainland actor and businessman. Graduated from the Central Academy of Drama School. In 2000, starring in the drama "national player", in the play table tennis player "Lin Yifeng". In 2002, due to starred in the TV series "Gold" in the corners of Ouyang attention. In 2003, due to the historical drama "Han Wu Great" as a corner of Huo Qiu disease known to the audience. April 2005, starring in love costume drama "The Three Kingdoms", "Li Shimin" corner. In 2006, starring in the drama "waves hit the horizon." Since 2011, Lee gradually fade film and television, began operating advertising agencies.

ξ AO shi Y i Lang (TV)[2001]

Feature: Xiao ShiYiLang (Nicky Wu ornaments) Inadvertently found the legend has been missing for many years the cutting knife, from not only involved in the thrilling struggle between rivers and lakes, but also get acquainted with "the best beauty in the world," said the wonderful woman Shen BiJun (Athena Chu). Shen BiJun was an affiliate with Lian Cheng Bao (Lian Bo), the first martian of the "Wulin family" since her childhood, although her fate met her and Xiao ShiYiLang, knowing each other and falling in love with each other. However, in order to be more trustworthy and more family-friendly , Shen BiJun buried his feelings on the Xiao ShiYiLang, really sincerely married even with his wife. As Shen BiJun's dowry, cut the deer knife has been sent to even home by Shen. However, Lian ChengBi's self-reliant paranoia made him and Shen BiJun both tormented, thus contributing to Shen BiJun's chance with Xiao ShiYiLang. Because of jealousy, because of fear, Xiao ShiYiLang became the crux of both. Xiao YaoHou taking advantage of Lian ChengBi is bent on dealing with Xiao ShiYiLang opportunities ruined Lianjiabao, seized the cutting knife. Shen BiJun See Lian ChengBi After the castle was destroyed, the heart was intolerable, so he went back to Lianjiapu without exception and helped him to revive the company. For the peace and tranquility of the martial arts, Xiao ShiYiLang also put aside his personal grudges and secretly supported Lian ChengBi. After Xiao ShiYiLang cracked the secret of cutting the deer knife, and Lian ChengBi together to eradicate Xiao YaoHou. Lian Jiabao fortified again, and Lian ChengBi again spearhead rival Xiao ShiYiLang. In order to be better than Xiao ShiYiLang, he even did not hesitate to learn Xiao YaoHou's evil and martial arts, so that he step by step into the Magic. Was forced to desperate Xiao ShiYiLang, with the support of Shen BiJun brave and true love, and Lian ChengBi showdown, two lover lovers get married.

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