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Hongmei Mai TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Hongmei Mai Works 23 ,And Comedy 8 ,Romance 6 ,Feature 3 ,Urban drama 2 ,Family ethics 2 ,婚姻2 ,Family drama 2 ,生活2 ,Ancient legend 2 ,Spy war 1 ,军事1 ,War 1 ,当代情感1 ,当代农村1 ,Contemporary film 1 ,Modern drama 1 ,Fantasy 1 ,Suspense 1 ,Crime 1 ,Action 1 。

Works Index

Hongmei Mai Filmography(23)


zhong er 传奇 (TV)[2019]


Zhong Er 传奇》又名《 Zhong Er 传》讲述了春秋五霸之一的晋文公 Zhong Er ( Longhua Wang 饰)自幼饱读诗书,谦虚而好学,爱护身边的人,很多有才华的人士都愿意跟随着他。 Zhong Er 一心爱国,才华横溢,治理国家有很多的办法,但却被朝中奸党们排斥陷害。 Li Ji ( Madina Memet 饰)预谋要立奚齐为太子,便陷害现太子 Shen Sheng ( Purba Rgyal 饰),太子 Shen Sheng 上吊自尽后, Li Ji 又诬陷 Zhong Er 和 Yi Wu ( Zhang Yishan 饰), Zhong Er 和 Yi Wu 不得已逃跑。 Jin XianGong ( Kai Tan 饰)因两位公子不辞而别,认为他们有阴谋,就派公使 Bo Di 讨伐。 Zhong Er 被迫流亡,长达十余载。流亡期间, Zhong Er 曾多次被追杀,迫使他不断奔走于各诸侯国之间;这期间他饱尝人间冷暖,但同时也深刻体察民情,以至于 Zhong Er 掌权后注重民生,坚持秉持仁政,对其他诸侯国以诚相待,恩威并施。最终 Zhong Er 得以返国。 Zhong Er 当政后励志强国,精心图治,福祉于民;百姓安居乐业,天下安定太平;文治武功,昭明后世,显达千秋,最终称霸了中原 。


Beijing meets Seattle (TV)[2018]

Feature: 29-year-old female doctor Zhu YiRan derailed her husband, came to Seattle to be produced. At the month-long center opened by Taiwanese Zong Jie, Zhu YiRan witnessed the life experiences of a whole generation of pregnant women and gradually began to feel frustrated and frustrated, starting to think about their own future. In the meantime, Lin NuoYan, the son of Zong Jie, the boss of Mochizuki Center, a top student in MIT, was attracted to Zhu YiRan. Seattle Monthly Center staged a curtain every day tragedy comedy: puppy love pregnancy boss daughter Lin NuoYa endless headache for parents; patriarchal mother abroad to the second child of Han Bingjie in foreign countries played custody lawsuit; Sun XiaoXi accidentally discovered that the foreign maids who went to the center of the month with her father-in-law, derailed her husband, the Huang Hailang family who had a hard time conceiving a child and the small star couple who was born abroad had different personalities and encounters Came to Seattle, to add a lot of stories to the month center. Zhu YiRan tasted here, witness the ups and downs of exotic children, but also struggling, reflection, harvest their true feelings & nbsp ;.

我的亲爹和后爸 (TV)[2018]


《我的亲爹和后爸》又名《亲爹后爸》讲述了大学教授 Li Liang ( Yi Zhang 饰)的新书签售会上,消失多年的亲爹 Li YiSheng ( Guoli Zhang 饰)突然出现打乱了 Li Liang 一家原本平静的生活, Li Liang 和妹妹 Li Nan ( Chen Pan 饰)视养父 Li DongShan ( Jianyi Li 饰)为亲爹,并不承认眼前这个没有参与过他们成长的 Li YiSheng , Li YiSheng 自觉对 Li Liang 兄妹亏欠太多却并不介意,他努力渴望参与到子女的家庭和生活中却频频捅娄子,子女还要为他处理后事。 Li YiSheng 打年轻就女人缘极好,甚至连 Li DongShan 家的保姆也莫名其妙地爱上了他,还闹出了一段夕阳红三角恋。就在此时, Li YiSheng 另外的一个儿子 Li Zhuang ( Zhenjia Guo 饰)刑满释放,他为救身患尿毒症的女友小慧而四处筹钱,甚至花样频出地去找 Li Liang 要钱以至招来 Li DongShan 全家对这对父子更深的误解,当真相大白,所有人都原谅了 Li YiSheng , Li YiSheng 也因病住院,回想往昔种种画面, Li Liang 终认亲爹 。

Daddy daddy (TV)[2018]

Feature: "Daddy daddy" tells a series of interesting stories that happened when one son faced two daddy whose personality was different. Sudden appearance of Li Yi Sheng (Guoli Zhang), a longtime disappearing professor at university professor Li Liang (Yi Zhang), disturbed Li Liang's original quiet life. Li Liang and sister Li Nan (Chen Pan Li YiSheng (Jianyi Li ornaments) as his dear father, do not recognize that this did not participate in their growth Li YiSheng, Li YiSheng consciously owe too much to Li Liang brother and sister do not mind, he is eager to participate in their children The family and life are frequently poke Louzi, children still have to deal with the funeral for him. Li YiSheng playing young women on the edge of the very good, and even nanny Li DongShan home also inexplicably fell in love with him, but also downtown for some red triangle love. Just then, another son of Li YiSheng, Li Zhuang (Zhenjia Guo), was released from prison. He raised money for Xiao Hui, a girlfriend who saved uremia, and even frequently went to Li Liang for money and even Li DongShan attracted a deeper misunderstanding of the father and son, when the truth, everyone forgave Li YiSheng, Li YiSheng also hospitalized due to illness, recalling the past all kinds of pictures, Li Liang eventually recognized his father? & Nbsp ;. "Daddy Daddy" is produced by Zhejiang Changsheng Film and Television Production Co., Ltd., Beijing Changsheng Film and Television Communication Co., Ltd., Shandong Film and Television Production Co., Ltd. and Beijing Anrui Film and Television Culture Co., Ltd., directed by Chen Guoxing and screenwriter Zhao Dongling, Yi Zhang, Guoli Zhang, Jianyi Li starring, Mai Hongmei, Sophie, Yuan Yao, Zhenjia Guo, Chen Pan, Haozhen Li starred in the family drama.

Time cage (Movie)[2017]

Feature: Guan DaWei (王宁 饰) is a young man living in a village in the city. After graduating, he went to the big cities to work hard, but in the end he chose to stay in his hometown to earn the most extraordinary living rent. And with his childhood sweetheart girlfriend Tang ZiRan (Yufei Shi ornaments) by virtue of their beautiful appearance as an enviable stewardess, so the intersection of the two tracks of life less and less ... One Sunday In the early morning, Guan DaWei woke up and found herself in the magical space-time loop. In this fantastic cycle, Guan DaWei got a huge fortune, completely over a pot of earthly addiction. And in his "chic life," while his first girlfriend Tang ZiRan was caught in a sudden crisis of air crash. Guan DaWei suddenly found that only entering the space-time cycle can help Tang ZiRan get out of crisis while saving the lives of all people on board. Is to choose "chic" "continue to enjoy" or sacrifice self, save the people. For the upcoming tomorrow, Guan DaWei at this time to go from here?

Chong Ers Preach (TV)[2017]

Feature: Jin Er Gong, one of the five hegemonists of the Spring and Autumn Period, Er Zhong Er (Longhua Wang), who was full of poetry and writing since childhood, is humble, studious, loves the people around him, and many talented individuals are willing to follow him. Zhong Er patriotic and talented, there are many ways to govern the country, but it was rejected by the Chinese party. Li Ji also framed Zhong Er and Yi Wu (Zhang Yishan ornaments), Li Ji (Madina Memet ornaments) premeditated to Xi Xi as the prince, framed She Sheng Shen (Purba Rgyal ornaments), Prince Shen Sheng hanging himself, Li Ji Er and Yi Wu had to escape. Jin XianGong (Kai Tan) Because of the two son's farewell, they think they have a conspiracy to send an ambassador to fight. Zhong Er was forced to exile for up to ten years. During the exile, Zhong Er had been hunted down many times to force him to keep running between the vassal states. During this period, he had enjoyed the warmth of humankind, but at the same time, he deeply understood his own feelings so that Zhong Er paid attention to people's livelihood after he took power. He persisted in his benevolent rule, Other princes treat each other sincerely, and apply it. Zhong Er eventually returned. Zhong Er was a powerful nation after his administration. He worked diligently and well for the well-being of the people. People lived and worked in peace and contentment in peace and contentment in the world. Wen dynasty and Ming dynasty succeeded Ming dynasty and eventually dominated the Central Plains.

Double happiness door (TV)[2017]

Feature: Zheng HeShi hugged her long-awaited Fang MeiLan proposal with her flowers. Unexpectedly, Zheng HeShi did not get married and was kicked open by wrench by Cao TianFeng, a former little brother of Fang MeiLan. That year, Master Fang QingPing "too rich and poor", he knew apprentice Zheng HeShi and Fang MeiLan phase good, stunned is playing ducks forced her daughter to marry Cao. Zheng HeShi furious with Fang QingPing severed mentoring relationship, and a separate portal to open "suitable residence", and the master sang to Taiwan. Coincides with the village plans to develop the Phoenix Mountain tourism, Fang Heping, Ming Heping, Ming and Qing dynasties Ming Domingaiming rivalry, deduced a wonderful dragon and tiger fighting. Zheng HeShi, selfless Zheng HeShi's efforts for the development of Fenghuang Village was finally recognized by Fang QingPing. He began to gradually change his attitude towards Zheng HeShi. Master and apprentice from the confrontation to go hand in hand, from disagreement to unity, and ultimately Zheng HeShi do so to reap the love, apprentice release the hatchet. Driven by their lead, Fenghuang Village Tourism Project has enjoyed a good momentum of development. The construction of spiritual civilization in Fenghuang Village has gained a great deal of fruits.

TheNewYearsEveofOldLee (Movie)[2016]

Feature: The film talks about the generation gap between three generations of grandparents and grandchildren. After 14-year-old daughter of North drift heard of the precursor of Alzheimer's disease in Fu Qin, her granddaughter returning to study in the United States returned to her hometown and went to Beijing to live with her students who heard the news. Only elderly people living alone can see the daughter of "North drift" and their granddaughters studying abroad in the United States. Hope the stars hope the moon looking forward to a reunion, but also looking forward to the granddaughter's ABC Peng Peng You did not expect ridiculous story also started from this reunion.

FightAgainstLandlords (Movie)[2015]

Feature: The film Landlords tells a mysterious story of a hundred years of dusty weather, revealing the origin of landlords and the philosophy of life implied by landlords.

Cannot Prove (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Prosecutor Guo JingYuan (刘 笑 饰) knew from the memo that the mother (Mai Hongmei) found a "wild man" outside. When his father was alive, the young soul sowed the seeds of hatred. Twenty years after the ghost, once the enemy (Jason Chu ornaments) due to another murder into suspects, both in public or privately determined to convict the criminal suspects. However, the ups and downs of forensic processes, the difficulties, but also facing the dual pressures of affection and love, where he should go ...

Guys With Kids (TV)[2015]

Feature: "Daddy Daddy" tells the story of Gao Han, a loyal and kind-hearted man who failed in his war with his ex-wife for daughter custody. At this time, the son of Guan Lingling, the first girlfriend killed in a car accident, was taken to his home. In desperation, Gao Han and his two occupants, Wang DongYang and Yu Bo, each worked hard to become three unique dad because of a car accident that was irrelevant to their own affairs. They not only had to take care of their children Little trouble, but also to take care of Du Du's sister Auntie Shanshan this big trouble. Together with raising their children, the three also strive to find the mystery of Du Du's life experience. After experiencing a series of embarrassing events such as the loss of children, the return of Liu Min's ex-wife, the bankruptcy of Guan ShanShan, the fight for custody and so on, Gao Han and Guan Shansheng became sentimental, while Yu Bo also had a soft spot for Shanshan. One side is a gentle uncle, the other side is a nagging god, eventually Gao Han and Shanshan come together & nbsp ;.

Divorce Lawyers (TV)[2014]

Feature: "Divorce Lawyer" tells the story of Chi HaiDong (Wu Xiubo's posters), a well-articulated lawyer who turns his hands in the lawyers for the rain, has a breeze in his career but has not yet won his wife Jiao YanYan (Alina Zhang) Not wearing a green hat, two of their divorce case one of their own lawyers lost to his wife's attorney Luo Li (Yao Chen ornaments). From the opposite of a divorce two people just "tired do not love," a traumatized, do not believe in love, but they always under the same mistaken identity agent of the same divorce cases and even become neighbors in life. As divorce lawyers, they help both parties to the divorce divorce their spirits and encourage them to start a new life. Sometimes they even advise couples who want to divorce. They also help the family and friends around them to solve various crises. After working together for a long time, the relationship between Luo Li and Chi HaiDong also subtly changed from that of a pure competitor. Both were gradually attracted to each other's talent and character, Believe love divorce lawyer, eventually is still in full swing, slowly come together. The above information source

Wonderful family (TV)[2014]

Feature: Posters Lao Tang pursuit of "lifelike" lifelong, because of fund-raisings cheated, but also co-criminals. The day he was released from prison, his father lived a long life and his third brother returned home. His father died, all the heritage handed to the hands of the soup, let him be the head of the soup, but there are two conditions, can not be completed, heritage donated to society. Lao Tang's son Tang Jiang to get married, the object family is better. Old soup unconvinced, to earn a sum of money to his son. Do not want to, Lao Tang billiards get money to be exposed, he can only stand by his son when someone's in-door son-in. Lao Tang, who owes his debt to the poor, rewrites the borrowed notes to prepare his debts, but he has no money unless he uses his father's estate. Old soup at the water station work is very hard to complete the two conditions of his father is also very difficult. Slowly, he used the cleverness and wisdom wasted on the "elegant" to the down to business, but also began to understand his father let him be the head of the soup intentions. Eventually, he unite and help the whole family to regain their life and make the most appropriate arrangement for this legacy. Lao Tang has finally become a community and family benefit people.

The most beautiful love (TV)[2014]

Feature: "The Most Beautiful Love" tells the story of Guimi Kui, a sports teacher who has been constantly dating her middle-aged couple, and her graceful female boss Niu Mei-li (Wenli Jiang), a rival, whose "daughter" Ma XiaoCan Between nephews Niu XiaoBei unexpectedly came together, with the closer couple grew closer, the two family relations have been narrowed down, two hidden behind the family gradually emerged the secret, Ma JinKui's The ex-wife's "resurrection" exposes the fact that Ma XiaoCan is not the daughter of Ma JinKui, and the fact that "nephew" Niu XiaoBei found him a Niu MeiLi's pro-son when making a wedding photo shoot is not true Girl raised, one is a pro-mother, but can not recognize family barriers. After a series of ups and downs, the young people fear the family obstruction finally came together, and their previous generation, a middle-aged man blind date blindly Ma JinKui, an unsympathetic woman strongwoman Niu MeiLi, eventually because of my heart to the child Their sincere love and melt each other, come together.

Do not force me to get married (TV)[2014]

Feature: "Do not force me to get married," tells the story of the unemployed youth Dongfeng Feng to attend the cousin Jindewang wedding, met the old classmate Jiang Niangao. At the wedding, bride Huang ShangShang was very picky to the groom, and Kim Dewang was always gentle and modest. Wedding march sounded, an accident occurred, Huang ShangShang was admitted to the hospital, on the way, the East China Sea peak read high common understanding of the yellow girlfriend He XiaoHe. The story of the three old boys in the East China Sea Feng Jin read high Jinde Wang kicked off. Dongfeng Feng and Bian FengMei originally prepared to get married, but because work has been outside hard work failed. Bian FengMei began to sympathize comfort misunderstood complain complacent, too rich and poor, let her into the arms of wealthy. Jiang read high but inexplicable, did not wake up until his father Jiang DeCai bribed. He XiaoHe of Civil Affairs Bureau was unlucky by the environmental impact. With the help of Donghai Peak, her cold heart gradually melted. Values ​​of different strata of life The concept of life is intertwined and collide. The young people in the Mood for Love make their own choices and choose to understand and tolerate.

old boys (TV)[2014]

Feature: "Old Boy" tells the story of unemployed young East Sea Peak to attend the cousin Jindewang wedding, met the old classmate Jiang Niangao. At the wedding, bride Huang ShangShang was very picky to the groom, and Kim Dewang was always gentle and modest. Wedding march sounded, an accident occurred, Huang ShangShang was admitted to the hospital, on the way, the East China Sea peak read high common understanding of the yellow girlfriend He XiaoHe. The story of the three old boys in the East China Sea Feng Jin read high Jinde Wang kicked off. Dongfeng Feng and Bian FengMei originally prepared to get married, but because work has been outside hard work failed. Bian FengMei began to sympathize comfort misunderstood complain complacent, too rich and poor, let her into the arms of wealthy. Jiang read high but inexplicable, did not wake up until his father Jiang DeCai bribed. He XiaoHe of Civil Affairs Bureau was unlucky by the environmental impact. With the help of Donghai Peak, her cold heart gradually melted. Values ​​of different strata of life The concept of life is intertwined and collide. The young people in the Mood for Love make their own choices and choose to understand and tolerate.

FindingMr.Right (Movie)[2013]

Feature: Wen JiaJia, a former gourmet food editor, is full of romantic fantasies like the movie "Sleepless Seattle". In reality, because there is no way to issue a birth certificate at home, she traveled alone to the center of the moon in Seattle to be born. In the center of the month, Wen JiaJia style of show off the rich triggered aversion of the landlord and other pregnant women, feeling lonely she can only talk to the driver FranK voices. FranK is not a mediocre man looking honest, however, and was once a first-rate doctor of cardiovascular disease in China. In getting along, FranK's thoughtful tolerance gradually melted Wen JiaJia's unruly self-willed. When Wen JiaJia's wealthy boyfriend suddenly disappeared, overnight became Wen JiaJia poor people with FranK meticulous care, with FranK and his daughter live together, so that Wen JiaJia find the warmth of the home. Day and night get along, had a delicate feeling. Wen JiaJia's child was born, rich boyfriend appeared again and returned to China and marry him. Although life as luxurious as ever, Wen JiaJia often miss Frank. At this moment, she found out what love she really pursued. Leaving Seattle does not mean ending, leaving is the beginning of the next encounter.

2013FirstYoungFilmFestival (Movie)[2013]

Feature: Wen JiaJia, a former gourmet food editor, is full of romantic fantasies like the movie "Sleepless Seattle". In reality, because there is no way to issue a birth certificate at home, she traveled alone to the center of the moon in Seattle to be born. In the center of the month, Wen JiaJia style of show off the rich triggered aversion of the landlord and other pregnant women, feeling lonely she can only talk to the driver FranK voices. FranK is not a mediocre man looking honest, however, and was once a first-rate doctor of cardiovascular disease in China. In getting along, FranK's thoughtful tolerance gradually melted Wen JiaJia's unruly self-willed. When Wen JiaJia's wealthy boyfriend suddenly disappeared, overnight became Wen JiaJia poor people with FranK meticulous care, with FranK and his daughter live together, so that Wen JiaJia find the warmth of the home. Day and night get along, had a delicate feeling. Wen JiaJia's child was born, rich boyfriend appeared again and returned to China and marry him. Although life as luxurious as ever, Wen JiaJia often miss Frank. At this moment, she found out what love she really pursued. Leaving Seattle does not mean ending, leaving is the beginning of the next encounter.

HongHuoDeDuJuanHua (Movie)[2012]

Feature: According to the real story of Cheng Jianyu adaptation. Describes the general female prosecutor Cheng XinYang, who unfortunately suffered from lupus in one job. In order to achieve her life values ​​of working hard to increase her life's thickness, she has received several notices of hospital critics for over 20 years. Resolutely decided to take the disease persist in the work, all the heat of life are dedication.

Hometown (TV)[2012]

Feature: Stills The mainland, Taiwan, Hong Kong has a group of veterans in a foreign land, day and night missing their loved ones and their hometown, at the same time, veterans' families also suffer the same suffering. In particular, the veterans in Taiwan are not only subjected to unfair treatment but are also threatened and intimidated by the political situation in Taiwan. Instead of retreating and retreating, they bravely face and fight with courage. At the same time, the Taiwan police chief has also taken more actions and the situation has become more and more critical. The veterans are united with their determination and are not put under the pressure of police chiefs' despotic forces. On the contrary, this reinforces the belief that the veterans return home. After the efforts of the veterans, the community started to pay attention to them and the people ran with each other. The "absolute obedience, loyalty to the party and the patriotic" veterans finally broke their spiritual shackles and boldly made their own voices. Hard work pays off, in their years of unremitting efforts, the veterans finally round their own "home" dream.

Sword (TV)[2010]

Feature: "Sword" tells the story of Wu KeFeng, a high-ranking general of the Kuomintang, during the war of resistance against Japan, feeling the great cause of the Chinese Communist Party, joining the revolutionary camp and hiding himself in the enemy's internal work and becoming a glorious "undercover general." Ji ShaoKang, fellow military officer of Wu KeFeng, fell in love with and gave birth to maid Wang HanMei in his hometown. Ji Han mastermind Wang HanMei forcibly married to his cousin Wu KeFeng. Wu's parents opened and are willing to accept mercy. Wu KeFeng is deeply aware that Wang HanMei has something to do with Ji ShaoKang. Its politics are vague and dilemma. Coincides with the fall of the mountains and rivers, Wu KeFeng pain do not home, resolutely embarked on the journey of war, since then do not ask family members. On the eve of the fall of the dangerous city, her mother and mother died and Han Mei found himself in a funeral. When her daughter lost her life, her only child died and she was fortunate enough to be rescued by the New Fourth Army in distress. Under the education of the party, Wang HanMei joined the revolutionary work and was dispatched into the enemy's Central Committee to become an excellent party agent. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Jiang Fangquan attacked the liberated areas. The party launched Wu KeFeng, codenamed "Mi-1", and ordered him to carry out counterrevolutionary tasks and disintegrate the enemy forces. For work, Wang HanMei, code-named "Miyazaki II," also went to the military to help Wu KeFeng. Ji ShaoKang, who became the agent of the Central Government, was sent to the army to carry out an anti-espionage mission. Three fellow villagers with deep grudges and entanglements gathered in battlefields to exert their energies at the time when the rainstorm came and did not forget to stay in the trap of complex emotions for a long period of time. Wu KeFeng Zhi Tiefi city plans, secretly destroyed the city defense facilities, lobbying commander Ma HuaiAn. The successful disintegration of the enemy step by step and the retaliation of the majority of the progressives have repeatedly taken risks and taken risks as exposure to the brink of encirclement by Ji Shao-Kang and the military commissioner Lin Shuang Mu. For the sake of single contact, Wang HanMei has long been unaware of Wu KeFeng's identity. However, Wu KeFeng knew Wang HanMei owed a great deal of money, but he could not apologize face to face. When the victory was finally seen, the opportunity to talk about the heart and soul is at hand, but it has already passed away, numerous comrades, including Wang HanMei, traded the success of the task with tragic sacrifices. Wu KeFeng bereaved his comrades in arms, went to Nanjing alone, ready to accept a more difficult test. The victory of the war of resistance against Japan, the people of the whole country look forward to the peaceful establishment of the nation, and Chiang Kai-shek tore the "peace agreement" and issue the suppression bandits order. China's fate of the great war kicked off. In order to win the Kuomintang Northwest Army uprising, the CPC Central Committee decided to activate "Wu KeFeng" and sent "Hanami II" Wang HanMei to the Northwest Army to assist in the work. Ji ShaoKang, KMT chief of staff, went to the Northwest for inventory of Communist spies. Wu, Wang, Ji three people met to cause a forefront of the past. Wang HanMei, a beautiful and pure poor woman living on the shores of the Huai River, was forced by her parents to work as a maid for a large family and Ji ShaoKang, a Ji young master returning from studying in Japan. Ji ShaoKang and her life, began a gel-like love. After Wang HanMei's pregnancy, Ji ShaoKang, under pressure from her family, ran counter to the promise to marry Wang HanMei, who was expelled from Ji family. Wang HanMei, who was unmarried and pregnant, was taken home as a shame and hastily married Wu KeFeng at Langzui Village. Who knows that Wu KeFeng learned that Wang HanMei was unmarried and had an illicit son and he ran away from home?Wang HanMei, who did her daughters-in-law in Wu's home, gave birth to her son and thought she could steal her life temporarily. However, the Japanese artillery raged and destroyed the entire Wu family and took the sons of Wang HanMei and Ji ShaoKang. Wang HanMei, the survivor, and Wu KeLing, younger brother of Wu KeFeng, joined the New Fourth Army one after another, hoping to humiliate their hatred. Wu KeFeng, who ran away from home, was admitted to Baoding Military Academy. After graduation, he joined forces of Feng Yuxiang and was sent to Sun Yat-sen University in Moscow for study with Jiang JingGuo. He joined the Communist Party of China with honor. After returning to China, he did not return to work in the Soviet area, but returned to Feng Yuxiang's Northwest Army with an organized secret. At the moment, Ji ShaoKang also graduated from the military academy and took part in military training. He became a military special agent and was later assigned to the intelligence officer of the 68th Army. Behind the Scenes Wang HanMei, who joined the New Fourth Army, was also sent a secret squad to the Kuomintang military academy for radio reporting and was successfully beaten into the 68th Army's military unit where Wu KeFeng was an inspector. Wu KeLing's younger brother Wu KeLing was renamed Wu Hui and became an excellent spyman of the Communist Party. Ji YaQi, Ji ShaoKang's younger sister, was a young man with progressive ideology. However, he was instructed by the Central Secretaries and eventually became a pawn inside the People's Liberation Army. He used the intimate relationship with Wu Hui to send large amounts of intelligence to the enemy. Ma MengLan, the daughter of Ma HuaiAn, commander of the 68th Army, returned to England. Crazy fell in love with Wu KeFeng, Wu KeFeng hopes to develop Ma MengLan and thus affect Ma HuaiAn achieve the opposite, but can not accept Ma MengLan's love, Ma MengLan by love and hate Ji ShaoKang embrace.

Police stations story (TV)[2009]

Feature: "The story of the police station" tells the story of a newly arrived Hong Shugang who has just taken office and has to turn the police station into an advanced police station. Police station Canglongwohu, all with great skill. Always want to be director of the "negotiators" Fan police officers; always want to be the police's father, "anti-Pao" anti-Paopai Mao police officer; watched the wombats but superior memory, the legendary sixth sense ginger Police officer; police officer graduated from the excellent sand police officer; there are director of his girlfriend Liu instructor. Governor Hung mobilized these people, each in charge, through unremitting efforts, we finally put the police station into a municipal excellent police station.

Cooking class story (TV)[2002]

Feature: Taking the air force grassroots company as a cooking class as a typical environment, it tells the story of several young cooks and gives them a lively and colorful life experience. The plot involves all aspects of the grassroots units of the army today. It is both a passionate song of the contemporary spirit of advancing with the times in the military barracks, and a witty irony of personal growth and weaknesses and problems in grassroots work. It is an "entertaining encyclopedia" for the healthy growth of ordinary soldiers. .

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