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Songyun Tan TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Songyun Tan Works 30 ,And Romance 10 ,Youth drama 6 ,Feature 6 ,Love 4 ,Urban drama 4 ,Motivational film 3 ,竞技3 ,Suspense 3 ,Campus drama 2 ,Family drama 2 ,Action 2 ,Year 1 ,现代轻喜剧1 ,Sitcom 1 ,Contemporary film 1 ,美食1 ,轻喜1 ,年代励志传奇剧1 ,Comedy 1 ,Idol drama 1 ,Qing Dynasty 1 ,Palace 1 ,Costume Drama 1 ,Modern city 1 ,都市家庭伦理1 ,Crime 1 ,Short 1 ,Martial Arts 1 ,Adventure 1 。

Works Index

Songyun Tan Filmography(30)


亲爱的麻洋街 (TV)[2020]


1984年,十八岁的 Yi DongDong 跟着父母从湖南转业回广州老家, Yi DongDong 对邻居 Ma XiaoXiao 一见钟情。但谁料 Ma XiaoXiao 早已喜欢上与自己一起长大的 Ou XiaoJian ,平凡的 Yi DongDong 只好压抑住自己的感情,选择在一旁默默守护。但 Ma XiaoXiao 却因 Ou XiaoJian 与社会青年厮混而忧心不已。不久, Ma XiaoXiao 父亲重病,压在 Ma XiaoXiao 身上的压力骤然增大。 Yi DongDong 一直陪在她身边,而此时 Ou XiaoJian 却仍与混混不清不楚。心力交瘁的 Ma XiaoXiao 在与 Ou XiaoJian 经历种种波折后最终选择分道扬镳。大学毕业后的 Ma XiaoXiao 当了律师,逐渐承担起了家庭的重任。 Yi DongDong 也考取了广州当地的公务员,始终守护在 Ma XiaoXiao 身旁,也一直默默在马家做事。 Ma XiaoXiao 将 Yi DongDong 的心意看在眼中。终于,经历了十年暗恋的 Yi DongDong 打动了 Ma XiaoXiao ,二人最终走进了婚姻的殿堂,过上了幸福的生活 。


锦衣之下 (TV)[2019]


电视剧《锦衣之下》剧情介绍:讲述了天赋异禀的六扇门女捕快 Yuan JinXia ( Tan Songyun 饰)因为一桩案件和性情狠辣的锦衣卫 Lu Yi ( Jia Lun Ren 饰)结下梁子,今夏本以为此生与他再无交集,奈何冤家路窄。朝廷十万两修河款不翼而飞,今夏奉命协助 Lu Yi 一起下扬州查案,替朝廷找回丢失的官银。本是道不同不相为谋,却因惊天密案联手。两人从势同水火到刮目相看再到情难自已,命运的齿轮从此旋转在一起。然而事与愿违,今夏竟是当年夏言案的遗孤,背负家族血仇的她与 Lu Yi 之间横生了无法跨越的鸿沟。最后,两个有情人历经苦难,为救百姓、抗倭寇、锄奸佞,放下家族仇怨,联手对敌,冲破世俗枷锁,勇敢地走到了一起 。


Cyclone Girls Season Three (TV)[2018]

Feature: Tornado Q3 tells the story of a group of young boys and girls adhering to struggle, fair competition and mutual encouragement for their dreams, moving towards friendship and love. "Cyclones Girls Season 3" is a modern youth inspirational drama based on the novel of the same name by Ming Xiaoxi, co-produced by Mango Film and Television Culture Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Gundai Film and Television Co., Ltd., directed by Cheng Zhichao and Ming Xiaoxi by Yue Xi An, Yang Yang (actor), Chen Xiang, Tan Songyun, Lei Wu, Guo Junchen, Bai Jingting, Yuanyuan Zhao, Yu TingEr, Zhang Xueying, Angelina Jiang, Prince Xuan, Zhang Ruoyun and others.

Outside eight lines (TV)[2018]


The TV series “Outside Eight Lines” introduces the story of ordinary college student Hua MinChu who was involved in the struggle between “outside eight elements” of the rivers and lakes due to an accident. During the continuous exploration of the secrets of the outer eight lines, Hua MinChu constantly Approaching the truth about his life experience and striving to complete the story of saving the country and protecting the people in troubled times. The so-called “outside eight lines” refers to eight lines that are outside the “three hundred and sixty lines” mainstream of traditional Chinese society. In the "Outer Eight Elements" world, rivers and lakes masters with extraordinary skills are lurking in these lines. When there is peace in the world, they will be safe. Once the general trend changes, they will emerge from the shadows and protect the right path and the common people of Limin. .


Specialist (TV)[2017]

Feature: Chen Zhen (Tan Songyun ornaments) as an individual since childhood, personality is really, is a cosmetics sales. At a fashion show, she accidentally caused her to meet Wang Yi (Danfeng Zhang), a leader in the field of special effects cosmetics, opening her endless desire for special effects make-up career. Wang Yi, vowing to find her own mother, was unwilling to run a family business after returning home and was forced into emotional and commercial competition with her stepfather younger brother Wang Xiao. Zhiren help Chen Zhen in the special effects make-up industry continue to grow, completed a special case of romantic warmth, the two gradual affection, and Chen Zhen Song QianJin, heart Wang Yi Shen Yun, admire Wang Xiao's Sha Tian et al. Set up a road trip for both of them. Finally, Wang Yi recovered her mother and solved her career crisis with the help of his first girlfriend, Hideyuki, special effects stylist friend Lei ZiFan and Chen Zhen. Wang Xiao, who was jealous and hated, was desperation, Wang Yi with generous heart to forgive his brother to complete the redemption. A warm wedding held in the ancient chapel, belonging to the happiness of two people finally arrived.

Spray one by one (TV)[2017]

Feature: College swimmers league is about to begin, the South Grand Prize winner Qi RuiFeng and the North Grand Prize Ou YangHeng for the duel showdown. At the moment, Tang YiBai, a member of the South Massif, will return to the arena in this league after four years of dormancy. Friend Qi RuiFeng and his team-mate, coach put great hopes on him, and Tang YiBai also worked hard to regain their dreams. Just before the contest, Tang YiBai met intern reporter Yun Duo. Yun Duo learned Tang YiBai's past and dreams, unreservedly encouraged Tang YiBai and justified him. Yun Duo rented a room rented by Tang YiBai's mother, and she and she were both white. Occasionally found each other's identity, the two contacts more frequently, dark love situation. However, intensive training and preparation require Tang YiBai to make a choice between love and dream. Tang YiBai eventually chose to face all the difficulties and obstacles with Yun Duo. Finally, with Yun Duo's encouragement, with the help of his team-mates and coaches, Tang YiBai finally achieved his dream of moving towards a higher level of competition.

Summer of foxes (TV)[2017]

Feature: "The Summer of Foxes" Gu ChengZe is the president of Gu's department store group and the adoptive son of Gu Gu Tai Tai. Gu TaiTai hopes to have Gu JinYun as his grandson while Gu JinYun is careless. So Gu TaiTai arranged Gu ChengZe task: guide Gu JinYun office. During this time, Gu ChengZe met fashion designer Li Yan Shu and unexpectedly learned that she had had an affair with Gu JinYun and had a profound influence on Gu JinYun. Gu ChengZe will Li YanShu as a breakthrough, hiring her into the company, the two in the process of getting along with each other's feelings. Gu JinYun See Li YanShu induction, determined to pursue Li YanShu again, but Li YanShu has no feelings for him. Gu TaiTai was strongly opposed to the incident and asked Gu ChengZe to separate two people, bringing Gu ChengZe and Li YanShu together. Finally, accompanied by Li YanShu, Gu ChengZe spent all her life and found her own biological mother. At the same time, Gu JinYun also grew up after going through many things and successfully took over.

The Foxs Summer Season 3 (TV)[2017]


"Fox's Summer Season Three" was adapted from the youth love novel "When the President Loves," a youthful love idol drama produced by penguin film and television, Sinotrans, and Kangye Film, etc., as directed by China, Tan Songyun and Jiang Chao. Zhang Xin and Wang Xizhi starred together. The drama was broadcast on Tencent video in 2018.

The "Fox's Summer Second Season" starring Tan Songyun and Jiang Chao has officially come to an end. As a drama with a broadcast volume of over 500 million yuan, this is a very remarkable result, and it once again proves that Tan Songyun and Jiang Chao's Popularity, of course, the performance skills of the two are also unquestionable, then "Fox's Summer" there is the third quarter? Is it the original team? It is reported that this news has not yet received an official response. We have the latest information on the third quarter of "Fox's Summer" and we will also inform you as soon as possible.

If the "Fox's Summer" has the third quarter, then the story of the third season must be about the various twists and misunderstandings experienced by Han Junyao and Gu Kai together. Of course, the contradiction between the two will be very large, and even possible. It will slap to break up, but in the end of the third quarter, the two have finally solved their misunderstanding. Once again, they may hold hands. It is also possible that they will get married in the third quarter. The specific story can only wait until the third quarter. Got it.

Are you looking forward to the third quarter of "Fox's Summer"? I very much hope to see the update of the third season a little faster, and I hope that the feelings of the men and women will really come together in the third quarter.


Love O2O (Movie)[2016]

Feature: The film tells the story of a pair of college giants Chennai (Jing Boran ornaments) and Pui Wei (Yang Ying ornaments) in virtual games and real world acquaintance love story. The Department of Computer Science and Technology spent a small amount of time loving online games and highly skilled. She was the only female player on the game charts, but she was abandoned as a "demon" in the game because she did not burst the photos. In the "ex-husband" wedding scene, she ran into the game's first master "smile", even more unexpected to her, the god actually even proposed to her. Game master "Smile" What is the reality of the famous computer Xiao Shennai. In a chance encounter, he inadvertently see Tony slightly skilled game operation, which gave her a different kind of emotion, and Tony slightly did not realize the advent of love God. Known for the campus of Xiao Nai God, began online and offline, virtual and reality in all directions to hunt beauty. A period of fantasy online games began in the second love, quietly began ... ... The film adapted from the novel of the same title of the novel.

Best of us (TV)[2016]

Feature: Geng Geng, an ordinary student, was admitted to Zhenhua High School while he was in high school. He met with Yu Huai on occasional chances. During the military training, Geng Geng met girlfriends Jian Dan and Jiang NianNian, then became the same table with Yu Huai. The life after entering Zhenhua was just as crisp as Geng Geng had expected, a heavy blow to thoroughly examinations, unable to understand in class and so on. At the time of her return home, she suddenly became unacceptable for her new mother and new brother. However, all this became different because Yu Huai at the same table, accompanied by a group of good friends, gave my friend Geng Geng's high school life no longer alone. During the three years at the same table, Geng Geng and Yu Huai grew up from ordinary trivial matters. They farewell with their youthful sensibilities and youthfulness. After the college entrance examination, Geng Geng's most special boy actually disappeared. After a few years of hardship and reunion, I still remember that Geng Geng, which was agreed at the time, was stimulated and had to make a choice between Yu Huai, who had always kept in his memory, and Lu XingHe, who pursued her own fierce pursuit.

旋风少女第二季 (TV)[2016]


历经重重洗礼, Qi BaiCao ( Yue Xi An 饰)正式踏上元武道的征程,进入了元武道界观众的眼中,她用独创的绝招旋风三连踢,双重旋风三连踢,旋风下劈等一路制霸日本、新加坡等各类积分赛,终于取得市青赛资格,更因为世青赛错手将故友劲敌 Fang TingYi ( Yuanyuan Zhao 饰)踢成了植物人而练习寸止,让她对元武道又有了深刻的新领悟。然而不幸的是若白因病离开了她。面对失去若白的元武道,百草不知道再有什么理由继续,她想用训练来麻痹自己,可是她却不知道失去若白的元武道重点该在何处。就在这时,百草遇见冷峻神秘、天赋异禀的 Chang An ( Ji Chang-wook 饰)。 Chang An 受初原嘱托代替训练百草,帮松柏渡过难关,在外人看来 Chang An 用残酷的方法训练百草,但其实只是想最大限度地开发她的极限,但他却渐渐被这个看似坚强努力,实则脆弱倔强的女孩打动了。在 Chang An 带领下,她重新感受到松柏的温暖和元武道精神。从小一起长大的兄弟三人最后只剩 Fang TingHao ( Chen Xiang 饰)一人,他想戒掉爱百草,却始终无能为力,直到疼爱的妹妹婷宜发生意外,让廷皓固守的世界观崩塌,他却靠着自己从绝望里爬了起来。廷皓变了,但他对百草,却依旧是以前那个温柔的为她排忧解难的骑士。

Meet the best of us (TV)[2016]


Meeting the Best of Us, also known as “The Best of Us”, described Geng Geng, an average student, accidentally entering Zhenhua High School during the entrance exam and met with Yu Huai, who had “accused to learn”, by chance. At the time of military training, Geng Geng met her girlfriend Jian Dan and Jiang NianNian, and later became the same table with Yu Huai. The life after entering Zhenhua was as cruel as Geng Geng expected, and the heavy blow to the exam and the class could not understand. When returning home, the sudden appearance of a new mother and a younger brother also made her unacceptable. However, because Yu Huai at the same table and the company of a group of good friends accompany him, all this has become different. Friends have made Geng Geng’s high school life no longer alone. During the same period of high school three years, Geng Geng and Yu Huai grew up together from ordinary trifles. They said goodbye and youthful farewell. After the college entrance examination, the most special boy in Geng Geng’s heart disappeared. One year after another, when they met again, they also remembered that Geng Geng agreed to be stimulated. It is necessary to choose between Yu Huai, who has always been oblivious, and Lu XingHe, who is fiercely pursuing himself.


Im North drift when my children and grandchildren (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Coincides with the upsurge of career and the struggle for life, Tian BeiLei () and Guo YiMing () both took the second child accidentally in Beijing and both parents ran everywhere and the four elderly men and women Children as "North drift." Under one roof, two, three generations and seven people staged a family love story. To be strong Tian BeiLei for the future desperate to lose his job, inventive and superficial; Guo YiMing kind of home at home and abroad under the pressure of the two pillars, the two went to the best of divorce and warm return. Four old people love "fighting the law", twice return to Beijing, and respectively based on. A series of realistic problems such as the promotion of children, the admission of grandchildren, the choice of second child, the emotion of the elderly, etc., have repeatedly tested the protagonist in the play. Through their respective perseverance and understanding, strive and compromise, separation and return, in exchange for reciprocal move and the play praised the unity of values, life, young people eventually realized that as long as their relatives, as long as the truth forever, as long as confidence Optimistic, tomorrow must be beautiful.

Tornado girl (TV)[2015]

Feature: Whirlwind girls posters in the birthplace of Yuan Wu Road shore Yang, Qu XiangNan Road Museum of Syria ten years ago in the international competition because it won but was framed to use doping disqualification, champion admired from thousands reduced to sinners, Yen Yen Yuan Budokan since then also sluggish. Qi BaiCao (Hu Bingqing), an orphan who was deceased at the age of 6 and was adopted by Qu XiangNan, has always believed in her innocence as a teacher of moral principles. She will never be able to cheat and will not leave southward , Even if it can not participate in the training and competition Road Museum. Girl Qi BaiCao At the age of 16, this year's International Competition was about to begin, and Hercules was rescued by her friend Fan XiaoYing (Tan Songyun) during her reigning as an injustice Master Qu XiangNan (Vincent Chiao) Pine Road Museum practice. Among the young players, Ruo Bai (Yang Yang (actor)) at Songbai Road Hall, Yu ChuYuan (Bai Jingting) and Hu YiFeng (Lei Wu), long-awaited remembrance partners with Fang TingHao (Chen Xiang ornaments), Fang TingYi (Yuanyuan Zhao ornaments), common growth, competition, competition, in order to friendship and love to the segment of a different course. Jin MinZhu (Angelina Jiang) from Chang Ha Road, South Korea Visited Song Park, Jin kicked down and re-cited the doping incident Insult to Akihito, Kansai kicked out under anger Jin MinZhu became famous. Qu XiangNan Guiqiu cypress asked the curator to accept herbs and excuse Hercules persist in dreams. Baicao determined to impact the peak of Yuan Wu Road, to realize their dreams and to name Master, which embarked on a difficult road to struggle. Hundreds of grass injuries, fantastic healing warm men initially care for her, for the first time in her life, some people listen to her heart Baicao heartbeat, but it attracted the enchantment and attack of Fang TingYi, The appropriate brother Ting Hao is a hegemonic son, favored by grace show was attracted by the uniqueness of Herbalism, the full pursuit of repeated being frustrated more frustrated Yong; pine and elder brother Ruo Bai cold training Bai Baicao, often conflict with him Baicao But gradually found Ruo Bai hidden deep love and love; caught in the three-love network is difficult to choose. The seemingly tit-for-tat trio was once the best brother, similar to five years ago to stand on the podium of the International Competition, but an unexpected Tyrant haughty anger or even holding the game life attitude , The original inexplicable withdrawal of yuan martial arts practitioners, admitted that the poorest qualifications of Ruo Bai dumb training since then. Torn girl poster

Im North drift when my children and grandchildren (TV)[2015]

Feature: This coincides with the ups and downs of life and the struggles of life. Tian BeiLei (Yin Tao) and Guo YiMing (Tu Songyan) are accidentally pregnant with a second child in Beijing. Both parents run around and the four elderly Paijia homes industry determined to be offspring when "North drift." Under one roof, two, three generations and seven people staged a family love story. To be strong Tian BeiLei for the future desperate to lose his job, inventive and superficial; Guo YiMing kind of home at home and abroad under the pressure of the two pillars, the two went to the best of divorce and warm return. Four old people love "fighting the law", twice return to Beijing, and respectively based on. A series of realistic problems such as the promotion of children, the admission of grandchildren, the choice of second child, the emotion of the elderly, etc., have repeatedly tested the protagonist in the play. Through their respective perseverance and understanding, strive and compromise, separation and return, in exchange for reciprocal move and the play praised the unity of values, life, young people eventually realized that as long as their relatives, as long as the truth forever, as long as confidence Optimistic, tomorrow must be beautiful & nbsp ;.

Sun LaoJues happiness (TV)[2015]

Feature: Sun LaoJue's Happiness tells the story of Sun LaoJue, a veteran retired worker who, despite having reached the age of her elbows, is able to stay on top of her stubbornness at that time. He could not understand a brother-in-law a niece's marriage indifference, so encouraged his wife to do the main niece for the wedding. When her old man was proud, her granddaughter brought a black male photo friend to shock the whole family. Sun LaoJue said she did not agree with this foreign marriage and started to eat food. Fortunately, daughter suddenly pregnant, distracted distracted attention. Old stubborn for the convenience of taking care of daughter-in-law, proposed to move his son back to a courtyard, which led to the pro-mother Jin LiHong's strong opposition, the two so stumped, and ultimately, stubborn won. The thought of the end of this trouble, daughter stock quilt, son-in-law laid-off and other troubles and let the old die hard to eat. The husband Ye ShuXian's first love suddenly turned into a dead old man's biggest worry, this moment, dead and stubborn, and he made his wife, divorce. May the true confession of his wife, but let the old stubborn tears moved vertically and vertically, the family more enjoyable & nbsp;

XingFuQingNiDengDengWo (TV)[2014]

Feature: Publicity According to Wang CaiHong, a capable barber shop owner, she lives thrifty on weekdays, plan carefully. Originally living in accordance with her track orbit design smooth, do not want to, her husband suddenly disappeared into the rainbow into endless panic and confusion. Niu YiYi, a capable company white-collar worker, married Wang CaiHong's brother Wang ChaoHui and resided at the door of Wang CaiHong before divorcing Wang Zhaohui. After the divorce, Wang CaiHong and Niu YiYi continue to live in the door, do not want to deal with are immune, not to mention they also have their own troubles and troubles, involuntarily, two different personality women had to start mutual support and mutual assistance Life, face the difficulties of life together. The experience of the past so that they find that love and marriage how important to them, so they decided to rekindling their heads, starting again, looking for a happy life, a beautiful love and marriage. Those who sincerely treat life must be blessed. After multiple sharpening, Wang CaiHong finally got the return of life, the kind of real life and sincere love. Finally Niu YiYi also increased her experience of this period of life, found her own flaw, she with a new look and body and mind, pack up, set foot on the road to happiness. The above information source

Big boss (TV)[2014]

Feature: "Big Bangdang" tells about Tang's accidental rescue of Cheng Yue Liang, who has since become the friend of his mother, and made the acquaintance with Liu ChuanYi, a banker and owner, and Cheng YiFei, a banker. In 1937, the war of resistance against Japan broke out in an all-round way. Tang Lan and Cheng Yue Liang were involved in Gui HuaXiang's Japanese life-threatening case. Cheng YueLiang, an emerging buddy, was seen by Cheng YiXiang as a stumbling block to his property and wanted to get rid of it. In the meantime, Tang Lan was arrested by the Japanese army for donations, Liu ChuanYi was killed in flight, Cheng YiFei was deadly and Cheng was at risk. At the turn of the century, Tang Lan and Cheng YiFei fake married protégés, but I do not know that her husband Liu ChuanYi actually returned in a mysterious status. In the wake of the national crisis, Cheng YueLiang saved thousands of refugees from escaping the Japanese in large-scale raids and penetrating into enemy intelligence agencies Adventure to save the dying father. In this crisis of national hardship, everyone is trying hard to grow and change.

Warm men love and war (TV)[2014]

Feature: "Warm men's love and war" tells the story of Guo DongSheng, who returned to work overseas for 10 years. His daughter, who is rebellious and rebellious, is full of divorce from his parents and his incompetence abroad. Ex-wife was cheated in the United States to borrow money back, the merger album Qing Zi Dou Guo Guo ZhengSheng all the way, the daughter of her parents had a greater resentment and misunderstanding. Guo DongSheng guilty of guilt, want to compensate for his father's negligence. In her daughter's heart, Shen Lian, who had taken care of her more than 10 years as a dearest relative, Shen Lian used warm selfless love and tolerance to warm up both father and daughter and help them to weather the storm. That his father was not a boss but a wage earner overseas, and her daughter was completely disappointed with her lying father and signed a non-interference contract. Shen Lian was found terminally ill, only to know Shen Lian in order not to drag his father and daughter, has been concealed the disease, Guo DongSheng has slowly fallen in love with this woman. Shen Lian died, daughter comprehend the beauty of life, to middle-aged Guo DongSheng also completed the transformation as a father. Father and daughter tearing up the contract, eliminating grudges, hugged & nbsp ;.

Switch (Movie)[2013]

Feature: Yuan Dynasty painter Huang Gongwang masterpiece "Fuchun mountain map", known as "China's top ten famous paintings" one. Due to various reasons, this book of "useless teacher volume" and "left mountain map" points across the Taiwan Strait, across the sea. In 2011, "Fuchun Mountain Residence" is expected to be on display. Who knows this insured amount of billions of masterpieces has attracted the criminals in all countries? Earlier, the "Missed book" was stolen in Taiwan. The first Japanese-owned artillery smuggler Toshio Yamamoto (Tong Dawei), who lost his identity in Taiwan, later targeted the "Left Mountain Map" in Hangzhou. In the meantime, domestic Lao FoYe (Siqin Gaowa ornaments) and cultural dealers in Europe and the United States and other countries have gathered here, just around the corner. In the midst of spirits and speculations, Xiao JinHan (Andy Lau), an overseas anti-smuggling unit of Hong Kong Police Station and smuggler Wang Chih-Ching (Lin Chi-ling) joined hands with smugglers led by Mr. Yamamoto, Corner, one after another move, life hanging line. Close to the date of the exhibition, the fate of national treasure is difficult to explore ......

SilentWitness (Movie)[2013]

Feature: Lin Tai (Honglei Sun), a local name-behind rich, has recently been preparing another major event in his life to marry his beloved girlfriend for many years. Unexpectedly, bad news came from this time and the bride was killed in the apartment's underground parking lot, where Lin Tai heard the news. Police sneaked their suspicions at his only daughter, Lin MengMeng (Jiajia Deng). After prosecutors filed a lawsuit, Lin Tai spent heavily to hire prominent lawyer Zhou Li (Yu Nan) to defend his daughter. Zhou Li has worked for many Well-known cases as agents, full of confidence in winning this case, before the trial, did a lot of desk work. The public prosecutor sent the famous prosecutor Tong Tao (Aaron Kwok ornaments), his prosecution sharp sharp, in the phrase. After the trial started, both the prosecutor and the prosecutor drew on Zhang Jian and the gunpowder tasted full. However, as the trial progressed further, the crimes were more complicated and confusing and seemed to enter into a margin of incompatibility.

Moms Mood for Love (TV)[2013]

Feature: "Mom's Mood for Love" stills Wen Ying, a 69-year-old elementary teacher, has finally retired, and his retirement life is not as relaxing as she thought. Four children have their own life troubles, and Wen Ying was told in a hospital examination that only the last six months of life left. She lists her own list of behests and decides to hide from her children and begin to follow her list to experience something she had never experienced before. In the process, she gradually found that her children still had many worries that she could not give up. She had to plan her own wishes one by one and put her on the issue of children. When the sons and daughters learned of their mother's illness, they found a list of behests, decided not to expose the truth to their mothers, and tried their best to help them complete their own wishes. Mother gradually realized that her children are already aware of their condition. When both parties have to face the reality of dying, both mother and children have renewed their understanding of each other. This understanding has also led other people around him to further understand the importance of affection and the worthiness of life.

CaughtintheWeb (Movie)[2012]

Feature: The "human flesh" technology of the Internet age is usually a weapon to entertain the public, but unfortunately it can also become a killing tool. Ye LanQiu (Gao Yuanyuan), chairman of the board of listed companies, was depressed after learning of her own cancer. She got into a bus and was immersed in astonishment and fear. She refused to give her seat to the grandfather of the car, causing The public meeting, this process by the television intern reporter Yang JiaQi (Luodan Wang ornaments) with a cell phone shot positive. Jia Qi promptly handed the news on the bus to Chen RuoXi (Yao Chen), a prospective sister-in-law. With the keen sense of smell of the chief editor, if Xi scorned this news maliciously, it triggered a mass search and massacre of Ye LanQiu Moral bankruptcy. In the midst of public accusations and illness, Ye LanQiu completely lost its play with the $ 1 million lent to her by owner Shen LiuShu (Wang Xueqi). Unexpectedly, it even made her the title of "little three". If Xi photographer boyfriend accidentally been involved in the world of Ye LanQiu, in order to get a high salary, he was hired to accompany the leaves around. And he never imagined that this was the last time in the lives of this accusated woman. Ye LanQiu's suicide, completely subvert the love and life of Chen RuoXi, ...

Master Lin in Seoul (TV)[2012]

Feature: "Master Lin in Seoul" tells about Seoul, South Korea, Furong Church boss Park passed away. Furong Hall, a famous restaurant of Chinese Sichuan cuisine, was in danger of becoming bankrupt. Pu ShanJi was very worried about her family's situation. She had no alternative but to look for Jin ShengShi, hoping to extend her lease term. Do not want, the old landlord not only avoided, but also to push Pu ShanJi Jin GaoLi to deal with. Jin GaoLi, the other small landlord, went to funeral home and fell in love with Pu ShanJi at first sight. Pu ShanJi learned from her mother that Jin GaoLi turned out to be her dear brother and her mother asked Pu ShanJi to continue to keep this secret. Pu ShanJi sought Jin GaoLi and Jin GaoLi for a month to help Gyeonggi from his father, provided that Furong-tang, a month later, could make the Sichuan dishes he was satisfied with And Pu ShanJi signed a new contract. Pu ShanJi Chef, who rescued Hurray Hall, resolutely quit his job and turned to a Chinese restaurant previously working with her father, told Pu ShanJi that there is a chef in China called Lin Fei There is hope for his hotel. Pu ShanJi flew to Chengdu, China immediately. Lin Fei's escaped marriage partner Yu JiaNing made a move to call Lin Fei into South Korea. Lin Fei Tired of staying in the Park home. In order to prevent Park from finding out that Lin Fei is the chef Pu ShanJi was looking for, Carin asked Lin Fei to hide her true identity and skill. Pu ShanJi's former manager called Goodheart and told her she wanted to bring her staff to dinner together. Because most of my former colleagues were members of some important eating and drinking clubs, their evaluation would have a huge impact on Furong Hall. Unfortunately, chef Li YongYu just diarrhea, there is no way to cook, Yu JiaNing asked Master Lin to help. In the face of his fiancee's request, Master Lin agreed without hesitation. With the exception of Yu JiaNing and chef Li YongYu, others simply did not realize that the dishes of Sichuan cuisine were virtually from Master Lin, but in any event the dinner was a great success and received great appreciation from guests. Let Pu ShanJi, who knows no truth, and hotel employees, excited. Later, in the face of complaints from customers who came here on the dishes, Pu ShanJi was confused and confused. Helpless Pu ShanJi cried to Yu JiaNing his own difficulties, Yu JiaNing learned the truth was shocked, the original, Furong Tang has reached a critical moment. The day was agreed upon with the landlord. The landlord asked to eat that non-spicy Sichuan best. The key moment, Lin master into the kitchen to complete the taste of the landlord can meet the food. At the same time, Yu JiaNing also explained the truth to Pu ShanJi. Lin is a good chef looking for the chef. Pu ShanJi surprised and delighted. Lin master superb craftsmanship conquered the old landlord critical taste, save the Park and Furong Hall, but also has been worried Ji Huan saw hope. In the face of insisting that Lin Jia, who is going to bring back to Chengdu, insists on doing everything, Yu JiaNing and Pu ShanJi finally agreed to allow Master Lin to stay and help. Through this crisis, Pu ShanJi had an inexplicable love and dependence on Master Lin.Reluctant Miyamoto in Furongtang signed a contract on the banquet on the extra thought of a dish to cook hard, and asked this dish to do all the food to congratulate those who are satisfied. Lin master with a magic bean curd, and with a wide variety of professional ingredients to meet the tastes of all, and conquered all the guests. With his wit and ability, not only to help Furong Tang was renewed, but also won the respect of all gourmet. Good Ji unwittingly, more worship and reliance on Master Lin, and gradually fell in love with Master Lin. Master Chef Lin reputation came out, since then Furongtang began reputation among the food far, turnover also will increase. Furong Hall temporarily out of the crisis. Fellow landlord Jin GaoLi puzzled Pu ShanJi, want her to marry himself. He did not know that he was actually a child adopted by the old landlord and was Pu ShanJi's elder brother. Good Ji's mother helpless, only to find the old owner get the idea. If both parties can not let Koryo know the truth, Pu ShanJi must marry as soon as possible. In the face of the desperation of Pu Jia and Lao Chengdu, Yu JiaNing, who saw Pu ShanJi's intentions, came forward and felled Lin Master and Pu ShanJi to save another crisis in the family. At the moment of the crisis, Master Lam promised Good Hime fake marriage request. In this semi-true and false marriage, Lin and Pu ShanJi's hearts are getting closer and closer. Jin GaoLi discovered the truth, at the same time, learned his true identity. As a patriarch, he did not allow fake marriage, Master Lin out of the home. Master Lin had to break up with Pu ShanJi, desperate to return to China. Just as Master Lin's plane was about to take off, Pu ShanJi suddenly found herself in love with Master Lin and could no longer leave him. In order to save his love, Pu ShanJi runs madly to the airport.

The golden wolf's happy life (TV)[2012]


The TV series "Happy Life of the Golden Wolf" Introduction to the Plot: There is always someone who will eventually let you die with her. There is always a kind of happiness that requires you to devote all efforts to maintenance. On the road leading to happiness, have you found the embarrassment of maintaining family happiness? Xiaomi, who was an entertainment reporter at the newspaper, married his mother Wang ShuHua and stole his account and married Jin Liang from a doctor at the Beijing Jiayuan Hospital. Because Wang ShuHua gave Xiaomi death orders, non-Beijing boys did not marry! Jin Liang was a drifter in the north. Xiaomi knew the results of telling his mom. Therefore, she remembered Wang ShuHua and Jin Liang and he cooked the rice. Wang ShuHua has been divorced for many years. She has taken Xiaomi with her and treated her as an eyeball. She learned that a daughter with a big urine belt had secretly registered to marry carrying her. The other person was actually a drifter in the north, still a woman in obstetrics and gynecology. The doctor, Wang ShuHua had committed a heart attack. Already registered, can you divorce prostitutes? Under the persuasion of her ex-husband Mi Fan, under the strong offensive of Xiaomi and Jin Liang, Wang ShuHua could not accept the reality. After marriage, Xiaomi and the father-in-law live together. Jin Liang likes the big wolf and loves her. But life is not as beautiful as they imagined. Millet and the father and father don’t need to talk about contradictions. The splint was angered by the conflict between Wang ShuHua and her father-in-law. Jin Liang Dad’s wife has passed away. His ancestor surnamed Ai Xinjue Luo, Zheng Huangqi. Jin Liang Dad lived in a large house in DiAnMen when he was young. It is said that Jin Liang's grandmother had stepped out of the Forbidden City to push forward. There is a street in Shenyang that is the happy life of his family, Kintaro. Jin Liang is a typical descendant of aristocrats, descendants of Wang Ye. Dare to say that it is not Beijing. Not only is it still pure. However, these are useless at Wang ShuHua. What did you say of your ancestors? Is it interesting to say that you are ancestors? To say that the ancestors, millet's ancestor Zuzu or Erpin officials. What is also the name of Aixinjuro, too revolutionary. Millet and Jin Liang This couple thinks the marriage is really tiring. Jin Liang's work was also influenced by the family and it lit red. Under the command of Wang ShuHua, Xiaomi decided to go out alone with Jin Liang, but at this time, Xiaomi accidentally became pregnant, but she suddenly lost consciousness. Wang ShuHua thus hit the golden door. My daughter is young and inexperienced. What does Jin Liang do? As a doctor of obstetrics and gynecology, his wife is not pregnant. Jin Liang extremely awkward. He admitted that his responsibility was that he neglected the physical changes of Xiaomi, not only did he not care about Xiaomi, and therefore he quarreled with Xiaomi and was even more miserable to lose the child. The pregnancy event had been fooled, but it was inevitable that it was separated. Jin DaZhu sold his house to Jin Liang. When the down payment loan bought a two-bedroom, two-room house, she also naturally moved into the new house of Xiaomi and Jin Liang. This made Jin Liang's dad particularly annoyed. He felt deceived by Wang ShuHua. He hadn't waited for two people to discuss how to deal with Wang ShuHua. Jin Liang's sister had an accident. Jin Liang's eldest sister, Jin Ming, borrowed a lot of money to do business outside. The business lost money, and she dealt a heavy blow to Jin Liang's dad. Under the care of Jin Liang and Xiaomi, the eldest sister first made a decision to make money to pay debts.Jin Liang and Xiaomi returned to life, but Jin Liang’s father did not get up and didn’t have the ability to take care of himself. The whole person was in poor condition. Xiaomi was dissatisfied with his older sister. Jin Liang felt bad about his father and planned to bring his father home. , but this matter must be discussed with Wang ShuHua, because both of them are old rivals. Wang ShuHua heard that Jin Liang and Xiaomi wanted to take Jin Liang’s dad to live. Although he was not very happy, he also felt that Jin Liang’s dad was miserable and agreed. Jin Liang also went to his friend Hua Mao’s private hospital from the original hospital. In this way, Jin Liang Dad moved into Jin Liang's home and settled down with Wang ShuHua and lived in a housing estate. Above sources


MengHuiLuDingJi (Movie)[2011]

Feature: The vast downtown night sky, but the atmosphere weird, Wei Wei, a white-collar workers sitting in his office, in front of boring stocks, gold, fuel, futures, online games, Wei Wei's heart eager to find an exciting way of life. Suddenly, a "" book appeared on the screen of the computer and was involved in the online games world. In Kang Xi's years, "Ao Bai, who knows the secrets of the Qing dynasty and knows nothing but secretly died after another unknown secret, learned that a battle to save the Qing dynasty and the entire earth was triggered at a glance. During this crisis, Suo FeiYa, the emperor of Lohas, also came to help out. This time, Kang Xi Emperor and Andy together with Sophia's assistance can catch Ao Bai, and Wei XiaoBao's seven sisters will also follow him Through the side by side, fighting together, when the light of peace once again shine on the territory of the dragon dug, the two brothers, loyalty, but they also like Sophia. Whether the two will parted ways because of Sofia, all choices, are so difficult.

Empresses in the Palace (TV)[2011]

Feature: In the first year of the Yongzheng reign, 17-year-old Betty Sun and Fan Zhang and Tao Xinran took part in the draft, Jianbin ornaments) in the partiality of her wisdom, grace and dignity, the last three together. However, because of Hua Fei (Xin Jiang ornaments) arrogant, pressing harder and harder, eyebrow Zhuang injustice, mausoleum change, naive Zhen Huan slowly become harem shrewd woman. Emperor found Nian GengYao (Ning Sun ornaments) ambitions, so that the rejection of Nian's family, Chen Huan finally won over Hua Fei. However, it was shortly afterwards that his father, Baoping Shen, was also imprisoned by a prison sentence. After giving birth to her daughter, the frustrated Zhen Huan chose to practice the palace. In the extraterritorial fortune Seventeen (Dong-xue Li ornaments) take good care of the two blind date, only have the opportunity to go fly. After the accidental death of 17 news, Zhen Huan in order to ensure the flesh and blood, designed to meet with the emperor, return to the palace. Because of giving birth to twins, her father's injustice was rehabilitated and re-used by the emperor, and her family reemerged. Zhen Huan repeatedly escaped the Queen's (Ada Choi ornaments) framed, eventually overthrow the Queen. Can make people get good, enjoy the honor of Zhen Huan, but in the end only look at his sweetheart seventeen God died in his arms. After the death of the emperor, Hong calendar ascended the throne, Zhen Huan was honored as Queen Mother & nbsp ;. Zhen Huan Chuan

Funny family (TV)[2011]

Feature: "Funny family" based on the adaptation of Korean drama of the same name, well-known editors in the story by adding more rich elements, adding emotional, detective, family conflicts and other storyline. Most noteworthy is the play's very light pace, almost every episode has a very funny story. The sports teacher Kai Hou is even more attractive in the play. The young men who are hovering in the family, love and friendship are worth a look at how they choose their own arrangements.

Out (Movie)[2010]

Feature: Out of In or OUt Production unit: Yunnan Longzhi Culture Co., Ltd. Film and television production unit: Yunnan longitudinal film and television culture Communication Co., Ltd., Jin Hailong film culture studio Date of adoption: March 20, 2010 License number: Electricity audit number [201 No. 076 sound system: 51 different: l: 1 78 Length: 131 minutes Screenwriter: Wenjun Director: Wenjun Photography: Sea Major actors: Wenjun Liu Jianzhou Tang Si Yang Luo Qinfang Yang Mingfen Main content: K and Z are students from Theater Academy who worked hard in Beijing for many years after graduation, both of whom had feelings. K returned home to prepare to divorce his wife, but learned that his wife had agreed to a divorce because he was terminally ill and returned to Beijing, After finishing the drama that is being staged, I decided to go home and take care of my wife.

5.12wen C ring b u X Ian GX in ya NL EI (Movie)[2008]

Feature: In the May 12 earthquake in Sichuan Province, a town center in northern Sichuan was destroyed by the earthquake and countless teachers sacrificed themselves to protect their students. In addition to the drums brought by the headmaster to the game, only a few of the remaining hundreds of students ran out, while others waited for help in the rubble. But the road barrier, rescue teams can not get in, self-help people can only use the hand plane, until the hands bloody no good results. The aftershocks continue to bring more pain to children. The children's cry for help is endless, and their relatives try their best to help. However, large-sized equipment can not get in, and the premier is crying out of tears. The local armed police cried out ... ... The chief of staff of an armed Armed Forces stationed in Sichuan personally led 300 strong and powerful generals and forced marching into the disaster-stricken areas ... At this moment, the children in the ruins did not cry and they encouraged each other to read poems, sing songs, chat, name each name All students who have a heavy weight can not hold, but the living children are still insisting. At this time, the headmaster came back with a drum team and the drums of life swirled around the rubble ... The children who escaped as if they had grown up a lot and they set fire to the dead students. At a time when all the people can not do anything about it, the People's Liberation Army came as an act of God, and it aroused everyone's new hope. At the same time, air rescue arrived, airdropped rescue supplies, rescue teams also came with advanced equipment and reporters. In rescue of a relatively safe girl, she considered everyone's safety, decided to wait, the girl's mother looked at her not far, she is proud of having such a daughter. When this scene appeared on the screen, the audience was shocked all over the country, at the same time we shouted "China! Come on!" The child was finally rescued ... Ruins, experienced the earthquake in the center of the school held a flag-raising ceremony to mourn death Children, teachers. The flag is up again, and the injured children stand on the playground, bandaged and sworn in the national anthem.

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