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Haoming Yu TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Haoming Yu Works 20 ,And Feature 7 ,Romance 7 ,Suspense 4 ,Costume Drama 4 ,Year 2 ,Republic of China 2 ,Criminal investigation 2 ,Anti-corruption 2 ,Action 2 ,Family drama 2 ,Crime 1 ,War 1 ,Historical play 1 ,Modern opera 1 ,Comedy 1 ,Urban drama 1 ,Business War 1 ,Magic 1 ,权谋1 ,Musical Drama 1 。

Works Index

Haoming Yu Filmography(20)


八佰 (Movie)[2020]


《八佰》是由华谊兄弟电影有限公司和北京七印象文化传媒有限公司出品,腾讯影业文化传播有限公司、北京光线影业有限公司和阿里巴巴影业(北京)有限公司联合出品,导演管虎执导, Huang Zhizhong 、 Tony Robbins 、 Oho Ou 、 Cheng Zhang 、 Qianyuan Wang 、 Jiang Wu 、 Yi Zhang 、 Du Chun 、陆思宇、 Youhao Zhang 、 Vision Wei 、 Li Chen 、白恩、 Ailei Yu 、 Haoming Yu 、 Ryan 等主演的战争题材影片。



古董局中局之鉴墨寻瓷 (TV)[2020]


五脉传人许愿替爷爷洗刷了汉奸之耻后,秉遗训,追查古董造假集团老朝奉,而情同手足的药不然却投靠老朝奉,许愿孤身调查,幸有女友黄烟烟帮助。追查中他得知故宫收藏的清明上河图为假,这是意图垄断国内古董真假市场的香港拍卖公司百瑞莲所设圈套。许愿险些中计,不得已和老朝奉联手,与药不然一起,几经曲折终于证明了故宫所藏为真品,然而,老朝奉老奸巨猾,并没有如约露面。许愿和黄烟烟历尽艰险,与老朝奉争夺青花瓷五罐,在卧底老朝奉集团的药不然帮助下揭开五罐之谜,借公海打捞沉船之机,揭露老朝奉正是潜伏在五脉中的沈云琛。至此,这个和五脉一并传承了千年的造假集团覆灭。许愿报了自家世仇,更为古董业铲除了毒瘤 。


大明风华 (TV)[2019]


明永乐元年,靖难之役,建文帝削发入山,行踪遂成千古之谜。建文旧臣,尽遭屠杀,御史大夫 Jing Qing ,夫妻罹难,长女若微,被 Fu Jiang Sun Yu 所救,次女蔓茵,为太子 Zhu GaoChi 所救。骨肉同胞,一在宫中,一在江湖,同时长大。十年之后,若微图谋刺杀 Zhu Di ,妹妹蔓茵嫁入宫中,若微在刺杀中,遭遇皇太孙 Zhu ZhanJi ,目睹了金陵城波云诡谲的政治叛乱,苍茫暮色中,曲折隐微的帝王心事,国家正在从乱象中恢复,平关外,迁首都,通运河, Zheng He 下西洋,扬威海外,编撰《永乐大典》,盛世将成。最终若微决心放弃个人仇恨,辅佐登上皇位的丈夫,为天下人谋取最大的幸福和安宁,她历经了五帝六朝,以自己的气度和智慧,数度救大明王朝于危难,在历史洪流中,孤身一人,溯流而上,见证了一个伟大时代的诞生 。


外滩钟声 (TV)[2018]


电视剧《外滩钟声》剧情介绍:讲述了 Du XinSheng 和俞佩佩是同学,两个人感情深厚。俞佩佩的外婆何音是音乐学院的教授被红卫兵当成反动学术权威剧照给揪出来,经常被拉去批斗。 Du XinSheng 和弟弟杜心根对俞佩佩十分关爱。为保护俞佩佩家里的那把珍贵的意大利大提琴不被红卫兵抄走。 Du XinSheng 去找在海关钟楼工作的父亲帮忙,杜父将大提琴藏在钟楼里面。梧桐里迎来知青上山下乡的高潮,大妹妹杜心芳决意报名去安徽泾县插队, Lao HuZaoYeYe 收养的孙子阿大是独子不用下乡,但为了心芳,他也准备离开。胖嫂送走了大女儿曼娟,她要远赴云南。杜夫因病去世, Du XinSheng 顶替父亲成了海关大钟的守钟人。这样他就不用下乡了。苗师傅带领着这个徒弟每天维护大钟,讲解海关大钟的来历以及大钟的各个部件的构造和原理。心生每天和大钟为伍,深深地爱上大钟,擦拭大钟,维护大钟,以致到了痴迷的地步。心芳和阿大在农村劳作,相爱,偷尝禁果。心生接到泾县的电报,立即赶去乡下。原来心芳怀孕了,阿大因流氓罪被发配到原始森林去当护林员了。心生把妹妹带回了上海。毛阿大向心生发誓,争取好好表现早日回上海与心芳团圆。回到梧桐里的心芳因为未婚先孕遭到邻里议论。毛阿大在林中遭遇盗林匪徒不幸遇害。全家都瞒着心芳,心芳得知真相后绝食,在家人的安慰下决心平安生下孩子。心芳难产身亡,生下个女儿取名安安。杜家人陷入悲伤。 Du XinSheng 一直为妹妹的命运自责,她是顶替自己才下乡的。心生收养了安安当成亲生女儿来照顾 。


Nothing gold can stay (TV)[2017]

Feature: In 1884, Zhou Ying, along with his adoptive father Zhou LaoSi, came to Guanzhong. Zhou Laoshi, who lost his money, sold Zhou Ying to Shen Jiandang. Zhou Ying escaped to hide Wu Jia Dongyuan Grand Master Wu Pin's sedan, quite commercial Zhou Ying has been Wu WeiWen's appreciation, was allowed to stay in Wu. Shen XingYi Suspected Shen young master was assassinated by Wu Pin, shot to be wounded. Wu Pin to save unconscious, Zhou Ying married Wu Chong-hi. Wu Pin was killed, Wu home embarrassed, Zhou Ying decided to revive Wu Jiandong hospital. Zhou Ying shares in Shaanxi weaving layout, but suffered the imperialist opposition to the Westernization Movement forces crackdown, Shaanxi machinery weaving layout is facing reconstruction. In order to save the prisoners Zhou Ying, Wu Jia hand over all the shares of Shaanxi Machine Weaving Board and the exchange contract with the foreign exchange business Zhou Ying a life. Zhou Ying after the release of fighting spirit to build Jingyang cloth factory,

Tribes and Empires:Storm of Prophecy (TV)[2017]

Feature: End toward the end of the year, Mu Yun royal family and Mu Ru family three hundred years of ice because of a prophecy split. The prophecy says that the emperor Huang Xuan, the emperor of the six princes, is in chaos and the Shawn Dou is the emperor of the future. Local forces, represented by Mu YunLuan (Qianyuan Wang) and Mu YunDe (Xiaochen Zhang), conspired to seize the opportunity and took the opportunity to cooperate with the evil forces. Prince Mu YunSheng do not love Jiangshan do not believe in heaven and earth, prefer to sacrifice the power of status for the pursuit of true love. Mu RuHanJiang Born parents in the marketplace, like freedom, but also want to protect the order, after hardships and difficulties, and finally return to the family. Sisterhood and leaf (Yiwei Zhou ornaments) lost their loved ones and clan in the battle with the Mu Ru cavalry, after a baptism of blood and fire, farewell of life and death, human warmth, the collision of power, from a vengeance Who grew up to be the king of Tieqin & nbsp ;.

The time you and i spent together (TV)[2017]


"You and me" tells the story of the family business encountered difficulties in business, Li ZhiCheng In the face of crisis, I was ordered to be the person in charge of an enterprise. As a result, I met the urban white-collar workers who had just left school and started their own businesses Lin Qian (Zhao Liying). Li ZhiCheng has no business experience at all, so both inside and outside the company are not optimistic about the President. Lin Qian is a very honest and kind woman who gives Li ZhiCheng a lot of help by virtue of her career experience and pursuit of ideals. Li ZhiCheng will use his wisdom and unique methods to the actual operation of the enterprise, has made the enterprise back to life, and step by step towards glory; In this process, Lin Qian and he also know each other and fall in love with each other. However, at this time, international foreign enterprises also saw the company's fat profits and development prospects, put forward a high bid. Li ZhiCheng,


Fathers identity (TV)[2016]

Feature: Stills In 1948, there was a case of assassination of the U.S. forces in Qingcheng. Special Commissioner Yu BeiPing was sent to Qingcheng to investigate the case. He was well aware of the deep-seated purpose of the commission's own investigation of the case in order to identify himself. Deep in crisis, Yu BeiPing saw his lost biological daughter in Qingcheng for years. My daughter is mysterious and is investigating myself. Yu BeiPing and current wife's daughter Xu DanNi in Qingcheng University, left-thinking, scornful of his father's spy identity, is in love with a family professor, Yu BeiPing very distressed. Yu BeiPing on the one hand to complete the organization's highest task, on the one hand and carefully protect their two daughters. In the end, the eldest daughter sacrificed to protect him, the little daughter until separated from his father, came to understand: his father is a true communist. But since then the two never stop horizon.

Happy Mi Tan (TV)[2016]

Feature: Shun Zhi years, Niu DaBao bent on founding a family with sweetheart Yuan YuE, during the course of the pursuit of error and error became a member of the Imperial City post Huang Hua station, and Yuan YuE is a member of Hong Bang. In order to protect his sweetheart Yuan YuE, Niu DaBao won the trust of post director Long DingHai with wisdom, and secretly made efforts to resolve the contradiction between Hong Bang and the Qing court. In a series of events, while protecting Chun Hua, a kind-hearted brothel woman with his own knotty misunderstanding, and rescuing the simple and honest gunner Tie QianJin, he also made full use of his resourcefulness to undermine the series of intrigues of HuangHuaYi and get rid of Guilty sinister cunning Sun ZhiLan, Mao Gang, Yi KouNiao, etc. Mi Tan. After a bout of trials and hardships, Niu DaBao finally grew up from a common market man to a resourceful, courageous and righteous righteous. With his efforts, Niu DaBao prevented ordinary people from suffering from a war.

How much love can come back (TV)[2016]

Feature: Mom has two sons and one daughter. The eldest son, Qin Yong and his wife, Wu Mei, finally broke up due to neglect of mutual respect and communication between husband and wife. Wu Mei confidently thought that her daughter, Qin Xiaoyue, was in the middle and they would surely remarry. Do not want to Qin Yong but fell in love with the young girl Wang JiaoJiao. Although Wu Mei tried her best to save, she finally found that they had not been able to get back. Wu Mei hired Wen Hui, a young designer from France. Wen Hui young handsome, talented. Wen Hui gradually fell in love with Wu Mei in the studio's stills. When Wu Mei decided to accept Wen Hui's love, she found her daughter Qin Xiaoyue secretly in love with Wen Hui, who decided to quit. And Qin Xiaoyue after resolving the truth resolutely gave up his immature crush, and wish my mother boldly to meet the belated love. Wen Hui but suddenly no news. Wu Mei thought Wen Hui was sad and wanted to forget completely. Then Wen Hui's uncle suddenly found Wu Mei and told Wu Mei that Wen Hui was blind due to a car accident. Wu Mei was shocked to let him fly to France to find out his love. Back Wang JiaoJiao and Qin Yong Marriage life is not as beautiful as Qin Yong's imagination. Wang JiaoJiao thinks Qin Yong still remembers his ex-wife, and the two have become more contradictory and eventually break up. Qin Xue and her daughter, Feng Hai, live in a house in Qin MaMa. Qin Xue is naturally cowardly and often bullied by Feng Hai, who will forgive him every time. Their daughter, Feng JiaHui, is a lesser-known female singer. Feng JiaHui tries to find her favorite friend, Lin Fan, but finds Lin Fan like the other girl. Feng JiaHui finally understand that fame and fortune is not able to bring a woman's happiness, and some feelings once cherished missed it will never come back. Year after year, everything is changing, and no one has stopped the pursuit of happiness. Life is so, as long as you are motivated to operate, will always be beautiful & nbsp ;.

Detective Huntezan (TV)[2015]

Feature: "Detective Hunter Chan" tells the story of the Shanghai Huayang mixed in the 1920s, full of legend. Zhan TianYuan, Liu WeiYi co-founded a private detective agency. Two friends are sweethearted friends. A case of Rong ShaoJuan for Zhan TianYuan was killed in a car accident. Zhan TianYuan, Liu WeiYi Therefore misunderstood, Liu WeiYi left the detective agency, joined the police hunting room. It is also missing from Jinglung, a car accident. In search of her mother, Zhang ZiQing, the daughter of Jing Rong, came back from abroad and joined the detective agency by chance. A series of complicated and seemingly unrelated cases triggered by Zhang ZiQing's investigation led Zhan TianYuan to lead a dark force headed by Mr. Bai. At the same time, Liu WeiYi also used the advantages of his own patrol room to trace the truth of the accident. By the same reason, in the end, by virtue of their wisdom, the people successfully disintegrated the forces and shattered Mr. Bai's conspiracy. And they each also usher in a new beginning of their feelings and life.

breaking Dawn (TV)[2015]

Feature: "Dawn" story happened in 1930 in the rampant forces of Shanghai beach. Merry Ji Tian JiYe accidentally involved in a hooligan murder, and the suspect was actually his first love girlfriend He RuShi abandoned. During the course of the investigation, Tian Jianye gradually uncovered a huge political conspiracy and corruption hidden behind the case. Li BingJun, the brother-in-law of his life and death, and now chief secret agent, was actually involved. The whirlpool of emotion and the dark road made him Invaded. At the moment of his life, he was supported by the revolutionaries and determined to find out the source of the evil - a snuff bottle possessing a list of Japanese spies. After he bid farewell to He RuShi, Tian Jiye prepares to greet the torrential rain with the blood, scrubs the darkness before dawn & nbsp ;.

The storm is coming (TV)[2015]


The story of "The Rainstorm is Coming" took place in 1930 when the black forces marched across the beach. Detective Tian JiYe inadvertently involved in a homicide by a prostitute while the suspect was still The first girlfriend he abandoned was He RuShi . In the course of the investigation, Tian Jiye gradually discovered the huge political conspiracy hidden behind the case and the dark side of corruption. His former brother-in-law and today's spy leader was Li BingJun was involved, and the emotional vortex and dark roads left him in desperation. At the moment of his death, he was supported by revolutionaries and determined to find the root cause of evil, a snuff bottle with a list of Japanese spies. After he bid farewell to He RuShi, Tian Jiye prepares to welcome the heavy rain with blood and wash the darkness before dawn. 


OnceUponATimeInTheOldBridge (Movie)[2014]

Feature: The story took place in the late Northern Song Dynasty, Chaoyang city was divided into two oysters, should be a strip of water, pro-brothers local people, but due to various contradictions and misunderstandings rather deep, more gradual evolution to the fiercest point. A generation of monk Dafeng (ornaments) can not bear to see beings killing each other, entangled endlessly, do not know cause and effect reincarnation was unhappy, in order to save sentient beings, he made a fund-raising in oishiang build an 18-hole stone bridge to resolve the contradictions between the two sides. Who knows shortly after rumors spread out, saying that the monk in abundance is replete with pockets of money and corruption. In order to investigate the truth, the government sent a just and passionate Xiao BuKuaiXiaoLi (ornaments) went to investigate the truth. There was no rumor that Ogilvy took no pains to do anything, and he was deeply infected by the deeds of the monk. Who knows shortly after, the mysterious characters, Korean curious behavior, the case of the ancient mirror alternately, it seems that any conspiracy is being implemented in secret.

Love In Spring (TV)[2013]

Feature: The middle of the twentieth century, four love singing girls Kocho, Lulu, Lily, Feng Ping composition "pattern girls" combination. Yao XiaoDie was abandoned since childhood, bent on finding revenge for Lu Han, the culprit. In a bus, Kochina met music lovers, saxophone young hero, but for revenge, Kocho chose to give up this feeling. After years of wind and rain, Kocho misunderstood Lu Han and finally joined forces to fight Japan and work together to kill his real enemy, recognizing her own mother with Lu Han's help. Feng Ping fell in love with Gao Zuoyuan and subsequently became infected with gambling addiction musician, gave birth to a boy named hope, the last two were dead; Lien Xi met the revolutionary youth Yat-day, and finally became a revolutionary youth; Lu exposed terminally ill, suicide Rescued by Lu DaSheng, only to find that it was not a terminal illness, eventually married wealthy. Eight years of victory in the war. Kocho visit Shanghai, return to the old stage for the righteous vocals, in order to raise funds to support the suffering compatriots. Singing the last love of the old lover Hao wrote the last one, "I have a date with the spring," the two eventually reconvening the old good. Qu Songren scattered. Kocho and Jia Hao decided to stay with hope in the arms of the motherland and witness the beginning of new China.

Bring love back home (TV)[2013]

Feature: 29-year-old Jin YuanMan (Shen Mengchen ornaments) suffered boyfriend abandon, abortion, father was debt collection, go without poster road accidentally found that he was wrongly hugged at birth, she seized the opportunity to reverse the fate, back to the summer home , That is, biological parents around, and into the publishing house. Summer daughter Xia Yi (Sookie ornaments) love the publishing industry, and the new editor He An (Haoming Yu ornaments) do not know each other, the two fell in love. Jin YuanMan also loves He An, who secretly replaced Xia YiMo's new book cover with a loss to the publisher, thereby removing Xia YiMo from the publishing house. Returning to his biological parents, Jin Yi, Xia YiMo remains optimistic and does not give up his ideal of being an excellent editor and gradually integrates into this civilian family. Jin YuanMan received approval from He An's mother and designed a play that was wounded to protect He An's mother, wanting to break up Moo and He An. Finally, what Jin YuanMan did was the truth. Xia YiMo back to the press. Jin YuanMan often do bad things self-condemnation, unable to endure the torment of heart, without distinction. A year later Xia YiMo and He An found Jin YuanMan, who is working as a village teacher. Jin YuanMan finally find himself, return to simplicity.

Withtheviewofmeteorshower (TV)[2010]

Feature: Amnesia's Mu RongYunHai restored the previous memory, but forgot to "see the meteor shower together" poster Chu YuXun. But he could feel less of a very important thing to himself. He is determined to find the lost past. During the process, the sea of ​​clouds met Jiang Yuan, the two wiped out the sparks. After twists and turns, the sea of ​​clouds will finally rain and his net that bit by bit vaguely pieced together, only to find Jiang Yuan love for themselves has been so deep that they can not extricate themselves. Clouds and rain Xun feelings met a new crisis. In the meantime, the newly appointed headmaster of the school started to implement a comprehensive militarized management. Irish College turmoil again, H4, rain Xun, Jiang Yuan and others staged a series of interesting scenes filled with youthful atmosphere. Eventually, these kind and pure young people gradually become mature and steady after experiencing all kinds of joys and sorrows, and they are ready to meet the new challenges in life.

ChinaIdolBoys (Movie)[2009]

Feature: Zhong ZiJie, a college graduate with a group of classmates who carry their dreams as their own, started the company. Because they are young and have no source of income, they can only rent the company's basement. Here not only the harsh environment, more love of music Xiao Liang, Chen Qian neighbors dislike each other noisy and eventually quarrel. The boys are not discouraged, working hard under the leadership of their children. Six months after the establishment of the company, the minutes were not recorded. In the sub-Jie Juguangbuqian, his girlfriend Chen Xi also broke up with him. When he broke up with Chen Xi, he occasionally heard that companies are inviting song and dance competitions in order to sell their products. Zijie thought that the opportunity came and he volunteered for the presence of a diamond company owner and received an order. However, Chen Xi was negatively exited. Just as the boys celebrated for the chance, the check was taken away by the landlord to pay rent. Eventually, no money for the song and dance group of boys decided to pull a few friends to participate in the competition. Porter Michael, rocker Wai Gui basketball player A Guai and designer Qin Yong joined the team, singing and dancing, and everyone shook his head. Chen Xi is a professional dancer who can not play under the cover of his brother Chen Nuo. Xiao Lie said that Zi Jie was in danger, pulling away Chen Xi who was also preparing for the match, and even more aroused dissatisfaction with Chen Nuo, who originally opposed the sisterhood. To learn that Zi Jie was not at risk, Chen Xi was angry and suddenly saw the boys jump in hula. Zi Jie told Chen Xi that she had not forgotten her promise and would definitely take her to Hawaii. Chen Xi touched, decided to help children. Chen Xi brought two companions to help boys practice dancing, boys worked diligently, and Chen Qian and Xiao Liang helped arrange the arrangement. The contradictions between Chen Qian and Xiao Liang were also resolved. The boys danced and performed in a big way Under the ugly fight with people in the bar, what bitter eat finally wait until the game.

Withtheviewofmeteorshower (TV)[2009]

Feature: Chu YuXun, a grass-roots origin, is a high school girl with good academic performance and her dream of becoming the largest HD stills is to enter the famous Aristocratic College of Aristocracy. Rain Xun's uncle Xuecun borrow money, the rain Xun into Iriston. Sea of ​​clouds, Duan MuLei, Shang GuanRuiQian and Ye Shuo are the four aristocratic children of Elliston, all the handsome sun, became the school's girls touted idol. The four teenagers, unwilling to stay with their parents for a living, were reluctant to attend Elliston and bent on dismissing their headmaster. They conspired with all kinds of joke and became the F4 combination that made headmaster headaches. Rain Xun and F4 meet inevitably, rain Xun as a result of the fight against injustice and become F4 Tricky object, in the contest and competition become mutual appreciation become friends, F4 also for the strong self-defense Yu Xun shock eventually became the school's four Great students, but also grow to know how to love, know how to be responsible boys. In a series of twists and turns and suffering, rain Xun and F4 are growing up in the campus, they grasp their own lives, choose their own future, to achieve their dreams self-reliance.

Ihaveadatewithspring (TV)[1995]

Feature: The middle of the twentieth century, four love singing girls Kocho, Lulu, Lily, Feng Ping composition "pattern girls" combination. Yao XiaoDie was abandoned since childhood, bent on finding revenge for Lu Han, the culprit. In a bus, Kochina met music lovers, saxophone young hero, but for revenge, Kocho chose to give up this feeling. After years of wind and rain, Kocho misunderstood Lu Han and finally joined forces to fight Japan and work together to kill his real enemy, recognizing her own mother with Lu Han's help. Feng Ping fell in love with Gao Zuoyuan and subsequently became infected with gambling addiction musician, gave birth to a boy named hope, the last two were dead; Lien Xi met the revolutionary youth Yat-day, and finally became a revolutionary youth; Lu exposed terminally ill, suicide Rescued by Lu DaSheng, only to find that it was not a terminal illness, eventually married wealthy. Eight years of victory in the war. Kocho visit Shanghai, return to the old stage for the righteous vocals, in order to raise funds to support the suffering compatriots. Singing the last love of the old lover Hao wrote the last one, "I have a date with the spring," the two eventually reconvening the old good. Qu Songren scattered. Kocho and Jia Hao decided to stay with hope in the arms of the motherland and witness the beginning of new China.

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